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COLEGIO Área: Asignatura: Grado: Curso(s):


Período Académico: Segundo De: Mayo 7 a: agosto 11 Año Lectivo: 2020
Docente(s) Titular(es): Jeniffer Cruz – Rocio Navarro
Estándar(es): Estándar(es): Participo en conversaciones en las que puedo explicar mis opiniones e ideas sobre temas generales, personales y abstractos.
Puedo iniciar un tema de conversación y mantener la atención de mis interlocutores; cuando hablo, mi discurso es sencillo y c oherente.
Mantengo una pronunciación clara y adecuada, aunque mi acento es extranjero.
Escribo textos que explican mis preferencias, decisiones y actuaciones.
Trato temas generales, aunque recurro a estrategias para hablar de hechos y objetos cuyo nombre desconozco.
Manejo aceptablemente normas lingüísticas, con algunas interferencias de mi lengua materna.
Comprendo textos de diferentes tipos y fuentes sobre temas de interés general y académico.
Selecciono y aplico estrategias de lectura apropiadas para el texto y la tarea.
Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
Can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.
Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
Can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions.
Can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
Can distinguish between main ideas and supporting details in standard lectures on familiar subjects, provided these are deliv ered in clearly articulated
standard speech.
Can understand straightforward personal letters, emails or postings giving a relatively detailed account of events and experiences
Can understand most factual information that he/she is likely to come across on familiar subjects of interest, provided he/sh e has sufficient time for re-reading
Competencia (s): Interpretativa, Argumentativa, Propositiva, Lingüística, Pragmática, Sociolingüística
Contenidos Desempeño(s) Indicadores de Desempeño Evaluación

What a story! 1. Understands the detail 1.1. Talks about different types Vocabulary quiz
- Relative pronouns. of an argument on a of stories and its elements (40%)
- Defining and non-defining relative growing range of general using relative pronouns and Speaking Activity
clauses. and curricular topics. clauses. (30%)
-Relative clauses with Which. (40%) 1.2. Uses active and passive Writing activity
How do they do it? forms with different tenses to (30%)
-Present and past passive review. talk about how things are done.
- Future and present perfect passive 1.3. Applies the vocabulary
acquired during the lessons to
express his/her ideas.
-Extreme adjectives and modifiers.
All the same? 2. Uses a range of 2.1 Discusses about how Grammar quiz
- Make/let and be allowed to reported speech forms for people try to avoid standard (40%)
- Be /get used to statements, questions ideas but at the end, we are all Workbook and Student’s
- Phrasal verbs and commands, including the same. book
It’s a crime indirect and embedded 2.2 Describes and talks about (30%)
- Reported speech review questions. person’s feeling and how to put Listening Activities
- Reported questions, requests and (35%) themselves in other person (30%)
imperatives. shoes.
2.3 Retells stories about what
other people say by using
reported speech
Reading comprehension 3. Analyses and 3.1 Argues his/her ideas about Reading project
Vocabulary review exposes the contents the facts developed in the (40%)
of the literary books. books. Reading task 1
(5%) 3.2 Contrasts ideas about facts (30%)
from the literary books and Reading task 2
ideas from real contexts. (30%)

Behaviour 4. Shows interest and 4.1 Presents class assignments

commitment to the on time and participates in class Self-Evaluation
English class activities. (100%)
(10%) 4.2 Demonstrates good
behaviour and respect for
his/her classmates and teacher.
4.3 Uses English inside/outside
classroom for interacting with
school community.

Use of language 5. Develops different 5.1 Applies English Language

English Language Skills strategies by applying Skills to properly solve the test. “Martes de Prueba”
his/her knowledge in (100%)
standardized tests
Second term topics 6. Identifies the specific Reinforcement
knowledge acquired Workshop
during the second term. (40%)
(100%) Term Exam
PUCHTA, Herbert; STRANKS, Jeff and LEWIS-JONES, Peter. Think Student’s book 3. UK, Cambridge press 2015
BLASS, Laurie; VARGO, Mari and YEATES, Eunice. 21st century 2. Creative thinking and reading with TED talks. Cengage,2015.

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