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At, in, on – Preposiciones de tiempo

• At se utiliza con las horas, algunos periodos festivos y otras expresiones:

at half past six. at the weekend / at weekends at night

at three o´clock at Easter at the end of (June...)
at midday at Christmas at the beginning of ....
at midnight at the moment
at present

• In acompaña a las partes del día (excepto night), meses, estaciones, años y siglos:

in the morning in summer/spring.... in 5 minutes/one hour

in the afternoon in July/May.....
in the evening in 1965
in the 21st century

• On precede a los días de la semana y fechas concretas:

on Monday/Tuesday.... on Saturday night

on 20 May on Wednesday afternoon
on Christmas Day on Monday morning
on New Year´s Eve on Thursday evening
on St. Patrick´s Day

• Cuando la expresión de tiempo va precedida de last, next o every, no se usa

ninguna preposición:

Last week I went to the cinema

I´ll see you next Monday.
I visit him every Sunday.

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