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FACILITADORA: MSc. Judith Mata Foucault.

Estimados Participantes,
A continuación se presenta, una selección de textos escritos en Ingles con el
propósito de ejercitar sus competencias para comprensión y traducción de
materiales escritos en dicho idioma. Estas competencias requieren el dominio de
diferentes partes del idioma como son: vocabulario, comprensión y reconocimiento
de ideas, opiniones, etc. utilizadas en el discurso escrito del idioma.
El material aquí presentado también servirá de contenido para elaborar la prueba
de suficiencia para los estudiantes que cursan maestrías.
De tal manera, al revisar cada lectura recuerde:
1. Leer cuidadosamente cada Párrafo y seleccione algunas oraciones y subraye
palabras del contenido como: verbos principales, sustantivos/nombres, adjetivos,
adverbios, artículos, verbos auxiliares, etc.
2. Realice las lecturas en parejas o en pequeños grupos de trabajo y formule
preguntas y expresa argumentos sobre lo leído.
3. Ubique conectores como: por lo tanto, sin embargo, pero, próximo, etc que
puedan servirle para relacionar una oración con otra.
4. Identificar palabras claves dentro del contexto, busque definiciones, significados
de las palabras que usted no conoce.
5. Si usted no conoce el significado de una palabra trate de comprender su
significado a partir del contexto del texto o lectura que realice.
6. Trate de identificar antónimos, sinónimos de palabras, use thesaurus pues
generalmente sus significados están relacionados (unhappy - happy, misinformation
- information, etc.)
A continuación se le presentan una serie de textos para que usted, pueda
ejercitar sus habilidades y destrezas para comprensión y traducción de materiales
de lectura escritos en el idioma Ingles.
Reading N° 1.

Education sciences (traditionally often called pedagogy) and education

theory seek to describe, understand, and prescribe educational policy and practice.
Education sciences include many topics, such
as pedagogy, andragogy, curriculum, learning, and education policy, organization
and leadership. Educational thought is informed by many disciplines, such
as history, philosophy, sociology, and psychology.
Faculties, departments, degree programs, and degrees on educational sciences
are often called simply Faculty of Education etc. It is likewise common, especially in
North America, to say she is studying education, which is generally called studying
educational science(s) nowadays and was traditionally called studying pedagogy (in
English) in most European countries.
For example, a cultural theory of education considers how education occurs
through the totality of culture, including prisons, households, and religious
institutions as well as schools. Other examples are the behaviorist theory of
education that comes from educational psychology and the functionalist theory of
education that comes from sociology of education.
The earliest known attempts to understand education in Europe were by classical
Greek philosophers and sophists, but there is also evidence of contemporary (or
even preceding) discussions among Arabic, Indian, and Chinese scholars.
Considers, seek, are

Reading N° 2.

Making a difference in science education today, requires an interdisciplinary

perspective to address such complex issues as promoting academic achievement
among linguistically and culturally diverse students, investigating the impact of
science inquiry on teaching and learning, and bridging formal and informal science
learning. The doctoral course in science education at the ULAC University prepares
scholars and researchers to bring interdisciplinary thinking and problem solving to
bear on these and other important science education issues.
There is a tremendous need in science education for research and scholarship in
diverse preschool, elementary, and middle school classrooms, as well as in informal
education contexts and of course at university level.
The doctoral course in science education is designed to prepare students for
leadership roles in academic and non-academic settings. A central focus of our
program is on developing leaders who can contribute in a significant way to solving
practical problems facing science education.
Coursework in the doctoral specialization involves study on a variety of topics in
science education, with particular focus on in-depth understanding of issues around
science teaching and learning, educational access for students of diverse
backgrounds and abilities, and connections between formal and informal science


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