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Presidencia de la Nación I
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What's up? Extra Practice 1 / adaptado por Silvia Carolina Tiberio y

María Alicia Maldonado
1" ed. - Buenos Aires: Pearson Education S.A., 2007.
32 p. ; 30x21 cm.
ISBN 978-987-1147-95-3
1. Inglés-Enseñanza. 1.Tiberio, Silvia Carolina 11.Maldonado, María Alicia,
adapt. 111.Título

CDD 420.7

Pearson Education S.A.

Av. Belgrano 615 piso 11 0

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© Pearson Educación, S.A. 2006

© Pearson Education, S.A. 2007

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ISBN-lO: 987-1147-95-3
ISBN-I3: 978-987-1147-95-3

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Pearson Education Río de la Plata, 2007

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Extra Practice
Unit 1: A new start
Grammar Reference 2
Grammar Practice 3
Vocabulary 5

Unit 2: People
Grammar Reference 6
Grammar Practice 8
Vocabulary 9

Unit 3: Special days

Grammar Reference 10
Grammar Practice 11
Vocabulary 13

Unit 4: Animals
Grammar Reference 14
. Ministeriode
Grammar Practice 15
Presidencia de la Nación I Vocabulary 17

Unit 5: About town

Grammar Reference 18
Grammar Practice 20
Vocabulary 21

Unit 6: Holidays
Grammar Reference 22
Grammar Practice ., 23
Longman Vocabulary .' 25
1 Grammar refaren
> Verb to be > Prepositions of time

on + days of the week (on Monday)

I'm Argentinian. I'm not English. dates (on 24th April)
You're old. You aren't old. in + months (in July)
He's thirteen. He isn't thirteen. seasons (in summer)
She's pretty. She isn't pretty. years (in 2008)
It's cold. It isn't cold. themorning
the afternoon
We're in year 9. We aren't in year 9.
the evening
They're in History. They aren't in History.
at + time (at 9 o'clock)

. .
AmI ... ? Ves, I amo / No, I'm not. -

Are you ... ? Ves, you are. / No, you aren't.

Is he ? Ves, he is. / No, he isn't.
Is she ? Ves, she is. / No, she isn't. > Demonstrative pronouns
Is it ... ? Ves, it is. / No, it isn't.
Are we
Are they
Ves, we are. / No, we aren't.
Ves, they are. / No, they aren't.

--¿ •

--¿ ••


> Wh- Questions
> Possessive adjectives
What is that? A history book.
Who is he? My friend Max. I am Brenda. My favourite subject is Art.
When is your birthday? On 10 August.
What about you? What is your favourite
What time is the Maths subject?
class? At 10.30. He is my best friendo His birthday is in June.
Where is Victoria? Atschool. She is my Maths teacher. Her birthday is in March.
How old are you? Thirteen. We are in first year. This is our classroom.
They are in second year. That is their classroom.

> Indefinite article

a + consonantsound
ª ~anteen
an + vowel sound
an ªrt room

Extra Practice 0 © Pearson Education

Grarnrnar ractice 1
[I] Complete the sentences with a correct form [!] Write the questions.
of to be.
1 ? At 12.30.
1 J.lIL a student.
2 ? He's twelve.
2 They __ teachers. 3 ? On 9th
3 She __ in the science lab. November.
4 It __ on the first floor. 4 ? A history book.
S __ she a new student? S ? In the computer
6 We __ from Brazil. room.
7 __ he our new Maths teacher? 6 ? My friend Maria.
a __ Marcos and Teo in the classroom?
~ Complete with in, on or ate

[!] Turn sentences 1-4 into the negative.

1 .oii.: Wednesday
1 /'m not a student. 2 night

2 3 ten o' clock

3 _ 4 August
4 _ S winter
6 the morning
[!] Complete the questions and short answers. 7 Saturday
Use contractions where possible.
a the evening
1 ~ the lunch break at 12.00? No, ~ 9 midday
isiü. I1's at 12.30.
10 February
2 __ you new in this school? Ves, __
[!] Write a or ano
3 __ French your favourite subject? Ves,
1 -"'a'----- blackboard
4 __ 1late? No, o 2 eraser

S __ she your PE teacher? Ves, o 3 pencil

6 __ these your books? No, o 4 desk
7 __ you from Chile? No, oI'm S umbrella
from Uruguay. 6 envelope
a __ your father Bolivian? Ves, o 7 apple
a bag
[!] Complete the questions. Use Who, What,
9 exercise book
When, What time, Where or How o/d.
10 dictionary
1 Howold is she? She's fourteen.
2 is Tom? In the science lab.
3 is this? A musical instrumento
4 is the break? At 10.00.
S is he? Our Art teacher.
6 is your birthday? On 6th April.

Extra Practice 0 © Pearson Education

1 Gral11l11ar
[!] Complete the table. [!] What are the questions for these answers?
Use the words in the box.
Possessive adjectives When What Whattime Is
I my Where Who Howold How
he 1 Whois he?

she He's my friend, Tony.

we 2

Her name's Gillian.
Ves, she is English.
~ Complete the sentences with possessive
adjectives or a correct form of to be. Use
contractions where possible. I'm fram Newcastle.

1 1 1m Clara. 1live in Argentina but 1 1mnot 5

(not) Argentinian. 1 1m Peruvian, My favourite sports are skiing and tennis.
2 My best friends __ Kate and Christian. 6
They __ [not] fram Peru. They __ They're fine.
fram Argentina. 1
3 We __ in year 1 ESB. __ classraom They're fram Austria.
__ on the second floor.
4 Christian __ new in the school. __ I'm 13.
favourite subject is Science.
5 Kate __ (not)new in the school. __
Her favourite actor is Brad Pitt.
favourite place in the school __ the
playgraund. 10
Dinner is at 7.30.
[!g Now write similar sentences about yourself.

1 ~ _ No, he's not a singer.

The party is tomorrow.
2 _

~ Find the questions for the following answers.

3 _
Wherel What time Who is
are ll, you is subject? Daniel?
4 _
When I/from? P.E.? favourite your
is your birthday? teacher? is
5 _
Who is your Maths What

1 Where are you from? I'm fram Japan.

2 On 1st October.
3 It's at 10.30.
4 Ms Williams.
5 History.
6 He is my friendo

Extra Practice 0 © Pearson Education

Vocabulary 1

[!] Write the following dates. [!] Put the letters in order and write the places.
1 1/7 ¡sr Ju/y 1 encisce bla -"-sc"-'-ie=n-'-'=c-"-e=/a=.b _
2 3/6 _ 2 oorsmlcas
3 4/2 _ 3 ryIbiar
4 9/10 _ 4 tnacene
5 5/3 _ 5 myg
6 2/5 _ 6 pmcurtoe orom _


[!] FiII in the letters to make the days of the [!] Find ten more school subjects and write
week. them in your notebook -7 ~ t ~J¡t ~.
1 SA I 11B. O ~.r
2 --- N --- A T H Y B P A R G O E G
3 - R - D -- U E I W V G M A I O A

4 - O --- Y S X e H E M I S T R Y
s - U -----
6 -- U -----
e F R E N e H G O I O
7 S -----
U e U W N H O O S O I
[I] Write the name of the month.
p) I
Cs e I S Y H G G H
1 After February: March y
2 Before June: e y H P A R G O E G N
3 After October:
4 Between JuIy and September:
5 Before February:
6 After August:
7 Between March and May:
[!] Write the times.
8 Before July:
1 8.00 eight o'dock
9 After November:
2 4.45
10 Between January and March:
3 18.30
11 Before August:
4 00.00
12 After September:
5 11.15

Extra Practice 0 © Pearson Education

2 Grammar reference
> Possessíve's
Mylather's mother is my grandmother.
NOT: fue mother of my father

> Verb have got


I've got a big family. I haven't got a pet. Have they Ves, they have.
You've got a big family. You haven't got a pet. got a dog? No, they haven't.
He's got a big family. He hasn't got a pet.
She's got a big family. She hasn't got a pet.
It's got a long tail. It hasn't got big ears. Has he got Ves, he has.
We've got a big family. We haven't got a pet. a cat? No, he hasn't.
They've got a big family. They haven't got a pet.

I've got = 1have got He's got = He has got

> There is / There are


There is / There's a school in my street. Is there a school in your Ves, there is.
There isn't a school in my street. street? No, there isn't.
There are a lot of flats in my block. Are there a lot of flats in Ves, there are.
There aren't many flats in my block. your block? No, there aren't.

Pay attention!
Words we often use before singular nouns Words we often use before plural nouns
He hasn't got a cat. Have they got three dogs? [numbers]
There is a school in my town. There aren't many people in my town.
Is there an elephant in the zoo? Are there a lot 01 flats in your block?

> Questions with How many

How many brothers or sisters have you got?
How many people are there in your family?

Extra Practice ~ © Pearson Education

Gral11l11arreference 2
> Prepositions of place 1 > Prepositions of place 11

in + a house / house
a city / town
the suburbs / countryside
the street / rny street
the block / rny block

on + a farrn
the comer
the first floor

at + 78 Main Street
A is nexl lo B.
Bis belween A and C.
A is opposile D.
E is near C and D.

> Forming plural nouns


Nouns ending in a vowel apple apples

Nouns ending in a consonant that is not -y
-1 =S, -Z, -x, -sh or -ch flat flats
Nouns ending in a consonant + -y baby babies
Nouns ending in a vowel + -y boy boys
Nouns ending in -f [sound] wife wives
Nouns ending in =S, -Z, -x, -sh or -ch kiss kisses
Nouns with irregular plurals child children

> Conjunctions
_____-- and _----¡,.--_ -----r-- bul ____.-- beca use

T fact

Extra Practice 0 © Pearson Education

2 Grammar ra , /¿,,,,::' - ~
":1.,'fr~"~ -
-:¡" ~
",' -

Use a noun with the possesslves to Use plural nouns to complete the sentences.
complete each sentence. More than one
1 There are two babies (baby] in my
answer is possible.
1 My son is my cousin. 2 My (sister] are very generous.
2 My daughter is my mother. 3 My grandfather has got seven _
3 My sister is my aunt. (qrandchíld].
4 There are a lot of (person] in
Write the missing sentences. the city centre,
1 Affirmative - She's got a computer. 5 In autumn, [leaf] fall from trees.
Negative - _ 6 There are two [bus] at the bus
Question - -------------

2 Affirmative - ----------- [!] Pay attention to the conjunctions and

Negative - They haven't got a video. complete the sentences with your own ideas.

Question - ------------ 1 She's got a dog, but _

3 Affirmative - ----------- 2 I don't like my neighbours because __

Negative - _
3 He's got three sisters, but _
Question - Has he got a radio?

4 We like our town because _

!1J Complete the sentences with the affirmative,
negative or interrogative form of there is and
thereare. 5 He's got a small family and _
1 There are six people in my family.
2 11'svery quiet. many people
around. [!] Help Peter to complete his composition. FiII
3 ____ a restaurant opposite our in the blanks with words from the box.
and are at beca use but has got
4 My street isn't noisy. a lot of havegot irt near next on (x2)
traffic. in Thereare there is
5 ____ a lot of tourists in the
summer? 1live 1 ia.: a block of flats 2 43
Gowen St. My flat is 3 rd
the 3 floor.
6 many pensioners in my block.
4 lots of nice people where 1live,
1 How many rooms in your 5 my neighbour next door is horrible.
house? He is mean 6 unfriendly.
My friend Fred lives 7 a house
[!J Use a preposition to complete each opposite my block. He 8 __ two sisters.
sentence. His parents 9 very nice 10 _

1 There are two flats on the fifth floor. they give us sweets. They 11 a kiosk.
2 There are some good neighbours __ my Our school is 12 home. 11's 13 _

street. the comer of Gowen St. and George St. And

14 a bookstore 15 to it. My
3 There is a supermarket __ the comer.
neighbourhood is wonderful!
4 Her house is __ 29 Kingston Avenue.
5 1live the suburbs.

Extra Practice ~ © Pearson Education

Vocabulary 2

[I] Take a letter from each box to write the [I] Match to form adjectives.
names of eight more family members.
1 ha a nd happy
KM) F B 5 5 D G G el 2 beauti b in
lA R R R A ® O 01 3 th e ous
4 sa d nny
15 ® U T N O A U Al
5 seri e tul
IN 5 N H ® T T 'G TI
6 un f ppy
IH ® H D E E D I 1 qui gd
1M R E ® F R N T I 8 u h friendly
lA O R E I 9 ki i et
10 tu j gly
IH H I Now complete the sentences about yourself
lE E I using the words above.

IR R I 1 I'm happy but I'm not funny.

2 I'm but I'm not
1 mother 6
2 1 3 I'm and I'm
3 8
4 I'rn not and I'm not
4 9

Find seven more family members using the

rn Write the opposite of the adjectives.
~ 1 happy sad
words in the box. Look up the meaning in a
dictionary ~ t t ~. 2 friendly
3 ugly
granddaughter wife grandson uncle
4 noisy
husband n iece nephew attttt
5 mean
6 fat
1 young
R H W J H X L Y U F V L 5
8 short
A J N E P H E W W G K e M
9 unkind
10 tunny
D P E P W Q w N H K F U F
5 O e I F U U T R O E E T
O I E L E A Z X e V B N A
N F P M I H U 5 B A N D Q

Extra Practice ~ © Pearson Education

3 Grammar reference
> Present simple Present simple - use
• Use the present simple for things you do
every day. 1get up at Z OO.
1play tennis. 1don't play football.
• Use the present simple for things you do on
You play tennis. You don't play football. special occasions. On my birthday, 1 invite
He plays football. He doesn't play tennis. friends home.
She plays tennis. She doesn't play football.
• Use the present simple with adverbs
It plays with a ball. It doesn't play with a shoe.
of frequency to say how often you do
We play tennis. We don't play football. something. 1 always have lunch at school.
They play tennis. They don't play football.


1 don't work. = 1 do not work.

He doesn't work. = He does not work.
He doesn't work. NOT:He doesn't workX.

> Spelling rule for the third person singular (he, siie, it)

verb +-s verb + -es verb + -es change -yto -i + -es

play plays kiss kisses do does carry carries
want wants fix fixes go goes marry marries
give gives brush brushes hurry hurries
clean cleans watch watches

> Before and alter

1have a shower belore 1have breakfast. 1have breakfast alter 1have a shower.
1 2 2 1

> Adverbs of frequency Position of adverbs of frequency

• Verb to be + adverb of frequency
1 am sometimes late for school.
• Adverb of frequency + other verbs
1 sometimes study on Saturdays.

Extra Practice 10 © Pearson Education

............... G_r_a_rn_rn_a_r__ r_a_ctice 3
[I] Look at the chart and write sentences. Use [!] Order the words to make sentences.
the Present simple affirmative or negative.
1 gets / she / early / her / birthday / usually /
up / on
Tracy Tracy's
parents She usually gets up early on her birthday.

1 get up early X ./
2 often / home / invite / friends / 1
2 have a shower in the morning X ./

3 watch TV in the afternoon ./ X

4 have dinner at 9.00 ./ ./ 3 late / are / school / for / they / never
5 go to bed at 10.00 ./ X

1 a Traey doesn't get up early. 4 we / house / sometimes / the / decorate /

b Traey's parents get up early. Halloween / on

2a S~h~e _
5 happy / he / Christmas / always / Day / is / on
b They

3 a
[I] a) What do you do on your birthday? Tick (v)

the correct column .
4a ,\;; ~~l
::::: ~
~ /I /
1 behappy 1/

5a 2 get presents

b 3 havea party
4 makeacake
5 invite friends home
[!] Number the activities. Then write sentences
about yourself using before or after. 6 go out with friends
7 wear new clothes

1 get up rn have breakfast [2]

8 go to a restaurant

I have breakfast after I get up. b) Now write sentences based on the
information in the chart.
2 clean my teeth O go to bed O
1 /'m always happy on my birthday.
2 _
3 have dinner O . my homework O
3 _
4 _
4 watch TvD go to bed O 5 _
6 _

5 have lunch O go to school O
8 _

Extra Practice 11 © Pearson Education

3 Grammar radice
Choose information from columns A and B FiII in the blanks to complete Guadalupe's
to write eight sentences about yourself and email. Use the words in the box.
your family. You don't need to use al! the
information. After that a/ways an At beca use
Finally First in ~ it's /ike live
A B my takes Then to bed wear
buy new clothes in the morning
get presents in the kitchen
have a shower at 7.00
Send Chat Attach Address Fonts Colors SaveAs Draft
study for tests in the afternoon
go to bed on Sundays
have fun
Subject: I Carnival in Gualeguaychú
at parties
visit friends on the bus Hí. my name 1ls:.: Guadalupe and 1 2 __ in
stay at home in bed Gualeguaychú. I'm very happy 3__ next
week is Carnival. It is a traditional festival in
cook dinner with friends 4__ city. 1 5__ it because 6__
have a party at school great tun. 1 7__ get up at 1LOO
watch TV on Saturdays because we go 8__ after midnight. The
celebration is 9__ the evening.
do homework after school 10__ we have dinner. 11__ we go
to the 'corsodromo'. We always 12 __
1 My sister buys new clothes on Saturdays. beautíful costumes. 13__ 12.00 there
2 _ are fireworks. 14__ , there is 15__

important parade. People from different

3 _ 'comparsas' dance and sing. 16__ , there

4 _ is a drum band ('batucada'). Dad 17__

lots of photographs. It's really specia1!
S _
6 _
~ Find questions about Guadalupe's email in
7 _
the chart.
8 _
Where go? they do Where When
does What do they What is
~ Complete the sentences with information she What time does wear? is Carnival?
about yourself. live? Carnival? Guadalupe finally? there What
1 After school. I _ What is get up? take? Dad does

1 Where does she /ive? In Gualeguaychú.

2 Before I go to bed, I _
2 ? A traditional
3 My mother always _ 3 ? Next week.
4 ? At 1l.00.
4 My father never _ S ? Beautiful costumes.
6 ? To the
'corsodromo: .
S On Sundays we sometimes _
7 ? A drum band
6 My friends usually _ 8 ? Lots of

Extra Practice 12 © Pearson Education

Vocabulary 3
EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES AND ADVERBS Order the letters to form adverbs of frequency.
OF FREQUENCY 1 notef often
2 ervne
[]] Match the phrases below to the pictures.
3 lwsyaa
a f 4 toimesems
5 alusuly

[1J How often do you do the things in Exercise

1? Write a sentence.
1 I always have lunch.
b 9 2 _
3 _
4 _
5 _
6 _
1 _
8 _
9 _
10 _

d i


[!] Cross out the words or phrases that can't go

with the verbo

e j
1 go for a burger to the cinema to a friend
2 make sandwiches a party a cake
3 have the house fun a party
4 get presents special sweets
5 wear new clothes candles costumes
1 have lunch h
6 visit friends family parent
2 listen to music 1 eat special food burgers balloons
3 meet your friends after school 8 getup midnight late early
4 go to the cinema 9 invite grandparents friends restaurant
5 clean your teeth 10 go to a out at home
6 do sport restaurant
1 watch TV
8 have a shower
9 read a book
10 get up late

Extra Practice 13 © Pearson Education

4 Grammar referen
> Present simple

Do 1like snakes? Ves, 1 do. / No, 1 don't. What do you Iike?

Do you like snakes? Ves, you do. / No, you don't. Where do 1 work?
Does he like snakes? Ves, he does. / No, he doesn't. When does he hunt?
Does she Iike snakes? Ves, she does. / No, she doesn't. How many birds does she want?
Does it Iike snakes? Ves, it does. / No, it doesn't. Where do es it hide?
Do we like snakes? Ves, we do. / No, we don't. What time do we start work?
Do they like snakes? Ves, they do. / No, they don't. Why do they bite?

Present simple - use Remember!

o To talk about facts. Tigers hunt lar lood. o Does she work in a zoo?
o To talk about likes. 1 tion't like spiders. NOT:Does she workX in a zoo?
o For other uses see Unit 3, page 10.
> Can

1 1
You you Ves, you can.
He can he he
She swim. Can she swim? she
It can't it No, it can't.
We we we
They they they

Can - use Remember!

o Can is a modal verbo It expresses ability. o They can swim. NOT: They can tQ swim.
We can play the guitar. o He can swim. NOT: He canX swim. or He can
o Can 't = cannol.
> Must

1 1
You you Ves, you must.
He must he he
She go. Must she go? she
It mustn't it No, it mustn't.
We we we
They they they

Must - use Remember!

o Must is a modal verbo It expresses obligation. o You must feed your dogo NOT:You must W feed
You must respect nature. your dogo
o He must feed his dogo NOT:He mustX feed his
dogo or He must feedX his dogo
o Mustn't = must noto

Extra Practice 14 © Pearson Education

Grammar ~ractice 4
[!] Write affirmative, negative and interrogative ~ Write short answers for the questions in
sentences. Use the pronoun given. Exercise 2.

1 a (+11 work in a zoo. 1 Yes,they do.

b (-1 _ 2 _
e (?I _ 3 _
4 _
2 a (+1 _
5 _
b (-1 You don't Jikezoos.
6 _
e (?I _ 7 _
3 a (+1 He feeds the lions. 8 _
b (-1 _ 9 _
10 _
e (?I _
4 a (+1 _
[I] Write questions about the animals for the
b (-1 _ answers given.

e (?I Does she start work earJy?
5 a (+1 _
b (-1 It doesn't bite.
e (?I _
6 a (+1 We like pandas.

b (-1 _ 5 6
e (?I _
7 a (+1 _
b (-1 _
e (?I Do they like snakes?
[I] Complete the questions with do or does.
1 Does a deer run a Jot?
1 Do tortoises eat lettuce? YesoIt runs a lot.
2 an elephant live for 200 years? 2
3 parrots talk? YesoSome live in trees.
4 kangaroos live in Spain? 3
5 a zebra have orange stripes? No. It doesn't eat meat.
6 dolphins communicate? 4

7 a crocodile eat meat? They live in Australia.

8 sharks live in rivers?
Yes, they often climb trees.
9 pandas eat potatoes?
10 you like animal s? It eats físh.

Extra Practice 15 © Pearson Education

4 Grammar ract
[]] What do you know about animal s? 4 birds / do / can / What
Complete the chart with,/= yes or X = no.
Then write sentences with can / can't.
5 do /sting / When / mosquitoes
Climb Sting Lay
trees animals eggs
Snakes ./ X ./ ./
[!J Jeff and Tom are at the zoo. Circle the correct
Scorpions option.
JEFF: Look! t]J}ere}$/There are a monkey on
Whales that tree!
TOM: Yeso2 It's/She's funny.
1 Snakes can c/imb trees, /ay eqqs and swim, but
JEFF: You 3 must / mustn't go near it. Monkeys
they can't stinq anima/s. 4 is / are friendly, 5 but/because they can

2 be aggressive, toa.
3 TOM: Oh! 6 There is/Ttiere are zebras 7 next to fin
4 _ the birds. 8 Do/Does they eat small animals?
JEFF: No, they 9 don't/ doesn't. They 10 eat/ eats
[]] Write the rules with must or mustn't and the
verbs given.
TOM: Who feeds them. Dad?
JEFF: The zoo keeper 11 feed/feeds them.
1 Price: $ 10 (pay]
TOM: 12 Do/Does the tiger hunt for its own food?
You must pay $ 7 O.
JEFF: No, it 13 don't/ aoesn'; Tom. 14 but/because
2 No walking on the grass. (walk] it 15live/lives in the zoo.
TOM: 1 161ike/likes the zoo. Dad.
3 Wash your hands. [wash]
FiII in the blanks with words from the box.
4 Be quiet during the exam. [talk]
and are because (x2) can can't
don't have got hunt live must
5 Use a peno [write] mustn't Their There are They

Elephants are in danger of extinction.

6 Do not give food to the animals in I There are two species: the Asian elephant
the zoo. [qíve] 2 the African elephant. They 3__
in the forest. They 4 mammals. They
5 enormous ears. a trunk and ivory
7 Walk in the corridors. [run]
tusks.6 legs are very strong. 7__
are quiet, but you 8 get near them.
They 9 be dangerous 10__ they are
very big. They can walk, but they 11__
[1J Put the words in order to form questions.
run. They 12 hibernate. They migrate
1 How many / got/tusks/ an/has/ elephant to find water. They eat leaves 13__ they
How many tusks has an e/ephant qot? are herbivorous. Some people 14__ them
for their ivory tusks. We 15 __ protect
2 What time / the zoo/ does / open them.

3 wild animals / do / Where / live

Extra Practice 16 © Pearson Education

Vocabulary 4
I ANIMALS AND ANIMAL PARTS rn Draw in your notebook a picture of these
parts of animals.

[IJ Complete the words to form names of


1 t Q[tQÜ e
2 t r
3 b y
4 m y
5 e t
1 scales 6 a horn
6 1 n
2 a tail 7 wings
7 e e
3 claws 8 feathers
8 c
4 a beak 9 tongue
5 a trunk
l1J What are the names of these animals?

1 5

[IJ Answer the questions.

1 What do tortoises do in winter?

They hibernate.
2 2 What do insects do under stones?

3 What do some birds do in winter?

4 What do snakes do to get food?

5 What do scorpions do to kill insects?



¡ [IJ Complete the sentences with adjectives. The

first letter of each adjective is given.

1 Dogs are friendly; lions are a ggressive.

2 Cheetahs are fast; tortoises are s _
3 Some animal s are quiet; other animals are
1 dog 5 _
n. _
2 _ 6 _
4 Pigs are dirty; cats are e _
3 _ 7 _
5 Some snakes are dangerous because they
4 _ 8 _ arep _
6 Some animal s are s because
they don't like to be in groups.

Extra Practice 17 © Pearson Education

> Present continuous

I'm studying. 1'm not reading. Am 1working? Ves, 1amo / No, I'm not.
You're studying. Youaren't reading. Is he working? Ves, he is. / No, he isn't.
He's studying. He isn't reading. Are they working? Ves,they are./No, they aren't.
She's studying. She isn't reading.
It's playing. It isn't jumping. What are you doing?
They're studying. They aren't reading. What is he doing?
We're studying. We aren't reading. Why are they jumping?

Remember! Pay attention

Don't use contractions in affirmative short answers. There are two negative short forms oí the present
Yes. he is. NOT:Yes. heX;. continuous.

FuIl form Short forms

Present continuous - use
He is not reading. He isn't reading.
• To talk about activities that take place at the
He's not reading.
time oí speaking. I'm reading the grammar
notes. They are not reading. They aren't reading.
They're not reading.

> Spelling rule for present participles (words ending in -ing)

verb + -ing verb without -e + -ing verb with double consonant + -ing
play playing have having shop shopping
buy buying clase closing sit sitting
go going dance dancing chat chatting
watch watching write writing mn mnning
do doing make making get getting

Extra Practice 18 © Pearson Education

Grammar reference 5
> Countable and uncountable nouns

· Countable nouns: We can count them. They · Uncountable nouns: We can't count them.
have a singular and a plural formo An apple, They don't have a plural formo Bread, meat.
a sandwich, two pizzas. milk. NOT: ~ bread, ~o meatX- three milk'i

• Use some in affirmative sentences. • Use any in negative sentences and questions.
Ttiey're buying some sandwiches. We iiaveti't got any sweets.
Have you got any CDs?

> Some / any / a (n)

Singular countable nouns Plural countable nouns Uncountable nouns

a (n) some some
He's buying a book. He's got some sweets. There is some bread.
a (n) any any
He's not buying a book. He hasn't got any sweets. There isn't any bread.

a (n) any any

Is he buying a book? Has he got any sweets? Is there any bread?

Some / any / a [n] - roles Some other words we can use before nouns
• Use a and an with singular countable nouns • Use the with singular countable nouns,
in affirmative and negative sentences. plural countable nouns and uncountable
• Use some and any with plural countable nouns. The book, the books, the bread.
nouns and uncountable nouns. • Use a lat ot with plural countable nouns and
uncountable nouns. A tot ot books. a lat ot

> Use of ajan, the and subject pronouns

There is a woman in black. She is having a drink.

[first mentíon) (second mentíon]

A young man is dancing with a young woman. The man is wearing a blue jacket.
(fírst mentíon] [second mention]

Extra Practice 0 © Pearson Education

5 Grammar radice
[IJ Circle the correct option.
1 Alistair usually goes dancing, but he is
studyinq now.
There is @)I an party at Gwen's house. There are
2a / some teenagers in the living-room. Theyare 2
listening to music. There are +some / any CDs on 3
the table. but there aren't +some / any videos. 4 _
There is 5a / some juice and there are 6a / some 5 _
sandwiches on the table. but there ísn't 7 some /
6 _
any beer. Teenagers don't drink alcohol.

[!] What are they doing? Ask questions and [!] Find questions for the following answers.
answers as in the example. Where, meetina friends? the bays singing?
1 Margaret is at the hairdresser's. is L.-JChris What are sandwiches?
daing at the baker's? making
borrow a book? Is she borrowing a book? yau are What Wha is
have a haircut No, she isn't. She's having fruit? buying Mum is Where
a haircut.
1 Where is Chris meeting friends? At the
2 The boys are at the cinema.
shopping centre.
buy T-shirt? _
2 Buying some bread.
watch a film _
3 Mother.
3 Grandfather is at the baker's.
4 A beautiful songo
send emails? _
5 At the supermarket.
buy bread _
4 We are at the shopping centre.
[!] FiII in the blanks with words from the box.
buy fruit? _
have a drink _ a any Can can't doing He's It's She's
5 I'm at the disco. reading some the there are Where

study? _
BENJAMIN: 1 Where is Mum?
dance _
ANNA: 2 in the living-room.
BENJAMIN: What's she 3 ?
[!] Write sentences using Present simple and
ANNA: She's 4 the newspaper.
Present continuous. Use the chart.
Usually Now ANNA: 5 doing the shopping.
1 Alistair go dancing study BENJAMIN: Is there 6 fruit to eat?
2 Jeff and chat with friends phone their ANNA: 1 don't know. Look in 7 __ fridge.
Joe in the Net friends BENJAMIN: Oh! There's 8 Coke. And
3 We meet friends at invite 9 some sandwiches! Good!
the shopping friends home ANNA: You 10 eat them. There is
centre 11 party this evening.
4 My cat eat fish drink milk BENJAMIN: 12 1 come?
5 Maggie borrow books rent a video ANNA: Ves, of course! 13 __ your birthday!
from the library
6 1 play video watch
games television

Extra Practice 20 © Pearsan Education

Vocabulary 5
I PLACES AND ACTIVITIES IN TOWN [!] Where are they? FiII in the blanks and use
the words to complete the answers.

[I] Write the words under the correct column. Bºkg['s

F __ i_s __ p
juice magazine CD bread egg pasta
apple ice cream meat ffiiff video food a k
1 -- e -- e - f
a an some B -- e --- 's
e mi 's
1 Maggie is buying croissants. She is at the
2 Brad and Joe are buying some bananas
[IJ Find places where you can: and pears. _
1 get money: ..!,b"-,,,a!.!..!n~k _ 3 Grandfather is getting some money.
2 rent a video: _
3 buyfood: _ 4 Mother is surfing the Net. _
4 have a haircut: _
5 buy some bread: _ 5 Father is buying some sausages.
6 have a drink: _
7 try on clothes: _ 6 Ann and Margaret need some aspirins.
8 see a film: _
9 borrow books: _
10 buy a magazine: _
[!] Put a tick (V) next to the acceptance and a
cross (X) next to the refusal.

1 Great! Let's go. ~

Look ~~.
2 No, thank you. 1don't like films. D
3 I'm sorry. I'm very tired. D
E G B U M P 1 e H S o N
W 1 o P E N D 1 B U L D
4 I'm not very hungry. D
e A F E F B F N X T 1 A 5 OK. What shall we drink? D
F R 1 M o P K M V G R V
00 Use the expressions in Exercise 4 to answer
the following suggestions.
F B T A N G 1 A B N A D
H A 1 R D R E S S E R S 1 Shall we go to the shopping centre?
Great! Lets go.
A N S K B U o S N W y H
2 Let's make some sandwiches.
1 K T E A V E N F H T o
e L o T H E S S H o P P
3 Why don't we go dancing?

4 Shall we meet at the bar?

5 Let' s rent a video

Extra Practice 21 © Pearson Education

6 Grammar reference
> Past simple - to be

1 was in Africa. 1 wasn't in China. Was 1there? Ves, 1 was. No, 1 wasn't.
You were in Africa. You weren't in China. Were you there? Ves, you were. No, you weren't.
He was in Africa. He wasn't in China. Was he there? Ves, he was. No, he wasn't.
She was in Africa. She wasn't in China. Was she there? Ves, she was. No, she wasn't.
It was in Africa. It wasn't in China. Was it there? Ves, it was. No, it wasn't.
We were in Africa. We weren't in China. Were we there? Ves, we were. No, we weren't.
They were in Africa. They weren't in China. Were they there? Ves, they were. No, they weren't.

Remember! Be careful!
• 1wasn'l there. = 1was nol there. Where were you?
/' \(
You weren'l there. = You were nol there. Iwh- word] (past of to bel

> Past simple - regular verbs

Affirmative Remember!

1/ He/ She/ You/ We/ They cooked burgers. • 1didn'l cook. = 1did nol cook.
Negative • He dídn't cook. NOT:He dídn't cook~.
I/ He/ She/ You/ We/ They didn'l cook chicken.
Note: the Past simple form is the same for all

> Spelling rule for the Past simple af regular verbs

verb with double consonant

cook cooked arrive arrived shop shopped play played study studied
walk walked hire hired chat chaHed enjoy enjoyed hurry hurried

> Past simple - irregular verbs

Affirmative Remember!
I/ He/ She/ You/ We/ They went to the cinema. • 1 didn't qo, = 1 did not gO .
Negative • He didn't go. NOT:He didn't ~
I/ He/ She/ You/ We/ They didn'l 90 to the zoo.
Note: the Past simple form is the same for all

Extra Practice 22 © Pearson Education

............... G_r_a_I11_I11_a_r-""-_r_a_c_I
__ice 6
Past simple - use Complete the text with the verbs given in
• To talk about actions that started and ended in the pasto
the past. He went to Chile. Now he's back in When 11 was [be] seven 1
2 [líve] in Rome with my family.
• With past time expressions. 1 went to Chile last
month. We 3 (be] very happy there
because we a1l4 [líke] the city.
> Past time expressions Two years later we 5 [move]
to Lisbon because my dad 6 _

yesterday [chanqe] jobs and that 7 [be]

good, toa. Then. last year. my parents
yesterday rnorning
afternoon 8 ¡decide) to come back to
London because they 9 (want]
this rnorning
me to go to an English school. but 1
last year 10 (prefer) living in Italy and
Portugal. The weather 11 (be]
week [end]
much better!
Monday [!] Write the negative form of the verbs in
night Exercise 1.

1 wasn't 7
2 _ 8
> Prepositions 3 _ 9
4 _ 10
by + rneans of transport 5 _ 11
They never travelled by boat. 6 _

on + toot
~ Look at these answers and write the
1 go to the shops on toot.
to + place 1 How old were you?
(to indicate direction) 1was seven.
She goes to school by bus. 2 _
on + holiday We were very happy in Rome.
He went on holiday with some triends. 3 _
The city was wonderful.
4 _
Portugal and ltaly were good.
5 _
The weather was nice in London.

Extra Practice 23 © Pearson Education

;<"\< ••.•

Grarnrnar ractice t:~:'"


[!] FiII in the blanks with the past tense of the ~ Put the words in order to ask questions
verbs in brackets to know about Jenny's day. about Mariana's postcard.

Yesterday 1 was (be) my lucky day. Fírst. 1 is / staying / where / Mariana

Where is Mariana stayinq?
Dad 2 __ (take) me to school because the
2 her room / what / like / is
weather 3 __ (be) too hot. 1 4 __ (not
walk) to school as 1 usually do. The Chernistry
3 the people / are / what / like
teacher 5 __ (be) in a good mood. She
6 __ (make) a lot of jokes and we 7 __
4 the weather / what / was / like
(laugh) a lot. In class 1 8 __ (do)three
exercises and they 9 __ (be) excellent! 5 are / they / what / eating
The teacher la __ (see) them and 11 __

(congratulate) me! Then. 112 __ (have) lunch 6 the / was / concert / how
at the canteen. They 13 __ (cook)spaghetti,
my favourite dish! What a wonderful day! 1 Mariana's friends / in Viña / were

[!] Circle the correct option to read Mariana's

[!] Read the text again and answer the
postcard from Santiago.
We 1 is having I have Iq¡¡j} havIffg a
wonderful time here in Santiago. We
2 is arriving I arrived I arrives on Monday. 2
We 3 are staying I stays I stayed in a hotel
in Providencia. It 4 was lis I were a three-
star hotel. but the room 5 was I is I were 4 _
big and moderno The people here 6 is I are
I was very friendly. We 7 meets I meeting
I met some other tourists at the hotel. 6 _
Yesterday we 8 gol goes I went to Viña del 1 _
Mar because the weather 9 was I were I is
hot and sunny. We 10 swam I swimming I
swims in the sea and 11 plays I playing I
played beach volleyball. We 12 is eating I
are eating I eats lots of sea food. Last night
we 13 went I goes I go to the Viña Festival
Concert. It 14 be I were I was super! Wish
you 15 be I were I was here!
Hugs and kisses.

Extra Practice 24 © Pearson Education

Vocabulary 6
I HOLlDAY ACTIVITIES [!J FiII in the blanks with words from Exercise 2
(they can be in the singular or plural form).

What did Patrick and his sister Elizabeth do 1 Brazil is tamous tor its ..:::b~ea=.:c",-h:..:::.e=-s
on their holidays? Complete the list with the
past form of the verbs in the box. Then, write 2 We saw big boats in the _
affirmative (V) or negative (X) sentences.
3 The Paraná is a very important _
hire play stay hire take trove! 4 The Aconcagua is a high in
walk swim have go

1 travel by bus. ti' 5 The Big are between USA

and Canada.
They travelled by bus.
2 hire horses. )(
They didn't hire horses.
[!] Put the conversation in the correct order.

1 Excuse me, how much is a ticket to

3 mountain bikes. ti'
Florianopolis by coach? OJ
2 Return. D
4 camping. )(
3 On Friday. D
4 How long does it take to get to
5 in a hostel. ti'
Florianopolis? D
5 Thank you. D
6 board games. )( 6 It takes about 9 hours. D
7 You're welcome. D
7 in the lake. x
8 When do you want to travel? D
9 A return ticket is $ 90. D
8 around. ti'
10 Single or return? D
9 lots oí photographs. ti'

10 a barbecue. )(

[I] Label the map. Use the words from the box.

bettdt harbour lake mountain river

Extra Practice ~ © Pearson Education

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