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Epidemiology and risk factors for IBD

Ashwin N. Ananthakrishnan
Abstract | IBD, comprising Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, is a chronic immunologically mediated
disease at the intersection of complex interactions between genetics, environment and gut microbiota.
Established high-prevalence populations of IBD in North America and Europe experienced the steepest
increase in incidence towards the second half of the twentieth century. Furthermore, populations previously
considered ‘low risk’ (such as in Japan and India) are witnessing an increase in incidence. Potentially
relevant environmental influences span the spectrum of life from mode of childbirth and early-life exposures
(including breastfeeding and antibiotic exposure in infancy) to exposures later on in adulthood (including
smoking, major life stressors, diet and lifestyle). Data support an association between smoking and Crohn’s
disease whereas smoking cessation, but not current smoking, is associated with an increased risk of
ulcerative colitis. Dietary fibre (particularly fruits and vegetables), saturated fats, depression and impaired
sleep, and low vitamin D levels have all been associated with incident IBD. Interventional studies assessing
the effects of modifying these risk factors on natural history and patient outcomes are an important
unmet need. In this Review, the changing epidemiology of IBD, mechanisms behind various environmental
associations and interventional studies to modify risk factors and disease course are discussed.
Ananthakrishnan, A. N. Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 12, 205–217 (2015); published online 3 March 2015;

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are chronic, pro- prevalence of IBD in established and emerging popu-
gressive immunologically mediated diseases that often lations, and how environmental factors might affect
have an onset during young adulthood and a course incidence and natural history of IBD, their potential
characterized by remission and relapse.1–3 IBD affects mechanisms of effect and how they might be intervened
an estimated 1.5 million Americans, 2.2 million people upon to improve patient outcomes.
in Europe, and several hundred thousands more world-
wide.1,4 The protracted nature of these diseases exerts a Epidemiology
major toll on patients in burden of therapy, hospitaliza- Established populations
tions, surgery, health-related quality of life, economic The annual incidence of ulcerative colitis varies from
productivity and social functioning. The past three 0–19.2 per 100,000 in North America and 0.6–24.3 per
decades have witnessed notable progress towards unrav- 100,000 in Europe, corresponding to a prevalence of
elling the mystery of IBD. The familial nature of these 37.5–248.6 per 100,000 and 4.9–505 per 100,000, respec-
diseases has been recognized: the first Crohn’s-disease- tively.4 The incidence of Crohn’s disease is similar (0–20.2
associated gene was described in 20015,6 and subsequent per 100,000 in North America; 0.3–12.7 per 100,000 in
studies identified 163 distinct risk alleles in white popu- Europe). However, this incidence has changed substan-
lations.7 This progress has been paralleled by an increase tially in the past several decades. In a population-based
in our understanding of the functional consequences study from Olmsted County, MN, USA, the incidence
of these loci. In addition, there is recognition that the of ulcerative colitis rose substantially from 0.6 per
genetic risk factors do not act in isolation but in synergy 100,000 person-years in 1940–1943 to 8.3 per 100,000
with the external environment as well as the internal person years in 1984–1993, with the steepest increase in
‘environment’, namely the gut microbiota. The devel- the 1970s.8 A similar pattern was observed for Crohn’s
opment of IBD is governed by a series of interactions disease;9 however, the rate of increase might now have
between these three spheres, which simultaneously not slowed for both diseases.10 A systematic review summa-
only increase the complexity of disease pathogenesis, but rizing population trends identified an increase in inci-
also offer several avenues for intervention and improve- dence in three-quarters of studies of Crohn’s disease, and
General Hospital ment of patient outcomes (Figure 1). This Review sum- nearly two-thirds of studies of ulcerative colitis confirmed
Crohn’s and Colitis marizes the epidemiological trends in the incidence and this trend to be a general phenomenon.4 No studies have
Centre, 165 Cambridge
Street, 9th Floor, suggested a consistent decline in incidence rates. Within
Boston, MA 02114, a defined geographical area, incidence rates and pat-
USA. Competing interests
aananthakrishnan@ A.N.A. has served on the scientific advisory boards for Abbvie terns of change are heterogeneous. Incidence is higher and Cubist pharmaceuticals. in urban than in rural populations, and the increase in

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Key points Within countries considered to have a high incidence of

IBD, some populations have a markedly reduced inci-
■■ Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are complex immunologically mediated
dence when compared with the general population, such
diseases that arise due to a dysregulated immune response to commensal
flora in a genetically susceptible host
as the First Nations population in Canada14 or the Arab
■■ The incidence of IBD has traditionally been highest in North America and Bedouin population in Israel.15
Western Europe with many cohorts suggesting a substantial secular increase In most studies, the peak incidence of IBD is in the
over the second half of the twentieth century second to fourth decade of life and has remained so over
■■ However, incidence of IBD is increasing in emerging populations such as Asia, several decades. Some cohorts have suggested a bimodal
suggesting that changing environmental factors play an important part incidence rate with a modest second peak in the sixth
■■ Smoking and appendectomy were initially described to increase the risk of and seventh decades of life.1,2,4 Incidence in established
Crohn’s disease and confer protection from ulcerative colitis; however, this
populations is similar in men and women, but is influ-
relationship seems more complex and could be mediated by genetics
■■ Diet, lifestyle and behaviour, as well as perturbations of the gut
enced by race and ethnicity. The risk of IBD is three-
microbiota through use of antibiotics, might also have important roles fold higher in the Jewish population than in non-Jewish
in disease pathogenesis populations.16 Furthermore, risk of IBD is higher par-
■■ Modification of IBD risk factors offer avenues of intervention for disease ticularly among Ashkenazi populations (compared with
prevention and improvement of natural history Sephardim populations) and American and European
Jewish populations compared with those residing in Israel.
Although initial estimates suggested a markedly lower
prevalence of IBD in those who were African-American
or of Hispanic ethnicity than white populations, studies
Vitamin D
UV exposure
Diet suggest that the gap in incidence between white and non-
white populations is n­arrower than first thought, with
comparable phenotypes.17,18

Stress Sleep Emerging populations and migration

Traditionally, IBD has been considered a disease of the
West and infrequent in the East, a premise compounded
by the scarcity of incidence data from non-Western popu-
lations. However, data suggest that both Crohn’s disease
Smoking Medications
and ulcerative colitis are no longer rare in these emerg-
ing populations and such epidemiological trends can
provide informative clues towards disease epidemiol-
ogy (Figure 2). Japan, Hong Kong and Korea all demon-
strated an increasing incidence of disease between 1980
and 2003.19 Interestingly, in most of these populations,
Microbiome the incidence of ulcerative colitis is greater than and often
precedes the rising incidence of Crohn’s disease by one
decade. In the population-based Asia–Pacific Crohn’s
and Colitis study, the incidences of ulcerative colitis and
activity Genetic Crohn’s disease were 0.76 and 0.54 per 100,000, respec-
tively, which is considerably lower than for Western coun-
tries.20 IBD remains rare in Africa and South America,
but case series suggest an increasing frequency of occur-
rence.21,22 An increasing incidence of IBD in Saudi Arabia
has also been observed with a disease course similar to
that observed in the West.23 The peak age of onset in
emerging populations seems similar to that reported from
Figure 1 | The interaction between genetics, immunology, environment and Western countries.20
Nature Reviews
microbiome. IBD develops at the intersection | Gastroenterology
of genetic & Hepatology
predisposition (leading to The distinct genetic background of these emerging pop-
immunological abnormalities), dysbiosis of the gut microbiota and environmental ulations in contrast to IBD in white populations, the lack
influences. None of the risk factors alone are sufficient for development of disease
of replication of some of the risk loci identified in white
and complex interactions between each factor occurs, leading to development of IBD.
individuals,24 and the rapid rise in incidence paralleling
changing lifestyle and behaviour emphasize a key role of
incidence in urban populations preceded that in rural the environment in disease pathogenesis. Added empha-
populations by one decade.8,9 A north–south gradient in sis comes from studies of immigrants. An initial report
terms of latitudes of residence exists, demonstrating a by Probert et al.25 identified the incidence of ulcerative
higher incidence of Crohn’s disease in northern latitudes colitis in first-generation and second-generation Indian
than in southern latitudes.11,12 A similar inverse relation- migrants to the UK to be similar to the native UK popu-
ship might exist in the Southern hemisphere, as a high lation, and higher than the incidence in the countries of
incidence of IBD has been reported in New Zealand.13 origin, whilst the incidence of Crohn’s disease was lower.26

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High incidence of Low incidence Increased risk of IBD Rising incidence in

paediatric IBD in in First Nation in second-generation Asia paralleling
South-Asian population populations14 immigrants from ‘Westernization’
in BC, Canada. Asia in the UK25–27 (1980–2003)19
Male predominance;
more colonic disease28 Rising incidence
from 1940 to 1993 Greater incidence Higher incidence of No association
Similar rates of in Northern IBD in Israeli Jewish with NOD2
ulcerative colitis latitudes12 individuals than CARD15 or
and Crohn’s Arab individuals15 IL-23R variants24
disease8,9 Uncommon
occurrence, although Increasing Incidence in Asia
small studies incidence in lower than in white
Older age of Saudi Arabia individuals
onset and milder suggest a
disease in foreign- rising incidence Similar morbidity Ulcerative colitis
born Hispanics in Africa21,22 as in the West23 more common than
in the USA30 Crohn’s disease
Milder natural
history of disease20

High incidence of
IBD in Canterbury,
New Zealand13

Figure 2 | Global map of IBD in established and emerging populations. Patterns | Gastroenterology
changing & Hepatology
incidence of IBD worldwide
provide important clues to potential environmental factors, timing of exposure and genetic predisposition to the
development of IBD.

Subsequent studies from the UK and Sweden suggested Genetic epidemiology and genetics
that the increase in risk was most apparent in the second Support for a role for genetics in the pathogenesis of IBD
generation whereas the first-generation immigrants from was initially derived from familial aggregation studies
low incidence countries continued to have lower risk and twin studies, which suggested an important heredi-
than those from the country migrated to.27 This change in tary component.3,31–38 Between 2% and 14% of patients
disease risk is more prominent in migrants from West or with Crohn’s disease report a family history of the con-
South Asia to the West, and less so within areas of similar dition whereas a small proportion of these patients will
socioeconomic status.27 In BC, Canada, the incidence of have a family history of ulcerative colitis. A similar pro-
paediatric IBD among immigrant South Asians was even portion, 8–14%, of patients with ulcerative colitis will
higher than in the native white population.28 In one of the have a family history of IBD, more commonly ulcerative
largest studies examining the effect of immigration on colitis. Consequently, the relative risk of developing IBD
disease risk, Benchimol et al.29 found a markedly lower for first-degree relatives of a patient with Crohn’s disease
risk of IBD in immigrants, particularly from East Asia, is estimated to be around 5% in non-Jewish and 8% in
than in the general population of ON, Canada. Older age Jewish patients, with the corresponding risk of ulcera-
at immigration was associated with a greater reduction in tive colitis being 1.6% and 5.2%, respectively.38 If both
risk of IBD and the attenuation in risk persisted in children parents were affected, the risk of the offspring developing
from East Asia, Central Asia and Latin America but not IBD before the age of 30 years is estimated to be as high
the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, or Western Europe. as one-in-three.31 Twin studies have also suggested a key
The phenotype of IBD in emerging populations and heritable component for both Crohn’s disease and ulcera­
with migration also seems distinct and milder than in tive colitis. For Crohn’s disease, concordance rates in
established Western populations, though to what extent monozygotic twins is 20–50% whereas that for dizygotic
this phenomenon is a reflection of the natural history twins is 10%. The corresponding figures for ulcerative
of disease compared with differences in health-seekin­g colitis are lower and are estimated at 16% for mono­
behaviour, and patient and provider preferences is zygotic and 4% for dizygotic twins, suggesting a weaker
unclear. The immigrant Indian population in the UK and heritable component for this disease. Within twin pairs,
native population in India and rest of Asia have mark- there might be discordance both in the type of IBD as
edly lower rates of surgery than rates from Western coun- well as natural history of disease, influenced in part by
tries.25,26 Foreign-born Hispanic individuals in the USA the environment; for example, a twin who smokes might
had lower rates of surgery or need for biologic therapy develop Crohn’s disease whereas the nonsmoking twin
than non-Hispanic white individuals.30 might develop ulcerative colitis.31,34–36,39

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Genetic loci associated with IBD were initially identi- and case–control analyses have demonstrated larger
fied using linkage studies, which first demonstrated an family size, early life exposure to pets and farm animals,
association with a locus on chromosome 16.40 This locus and greater number of siblings to be inversely associated
was subsequently characterized as the NOD2 locus in with risk of IBD, whereas breastfeeding seems to be pro-
2001 with three common variants that influence suscep- tective.50–52 All these early life parameters are known to be
tibility to Crohn’s disease.5,6 Homozygosity at the NOD2 important determinants of the gut microbiota in adult-
locus is associated with a 20–40 fold increase in disease hood, lending plausibility to the role of the gut microbiota
risk whereas heterozygosity confers a more modest (yet in disease pathogenesis. Patients with IBD demonstrate
strongest among the loci identified so far) 2–4 fold eleva- a dysbiosis in their luminal microbiota, most consist-
tion in disease risk.5,6 A subsequent international collab- ently characterized by a reduction in diversity of this
orative effort identified 163 distinct risk loci mapping to microbial community compared with healthy individu-
a much larger number of potentially associated genes.41 als.45–49 This difference in microbial diversity is greater for
The vast majority of loci are shared between both dis- Crohn’s disease than ulcerative colitis, which resembles
eases with similar directions of effect, although some loci the microbiota of healthy individuals to a greater degree.
(such as NOD2 and ATG16L1) are specifically associated Additionally, twin studies also suggest that the micro-
with Crohn’s disease alone and others only with ulcera- biota is different between healthy siblings and discord-
tive colitis.7 Despite the divergence in their effects on ant twins.53 Mucosal transcripts (showing mucosal gene
the immune system, many of the putative genes can be expression) from healthy siblings show greater correlation
broadly divided into those influencing innate immune with bacterial genera than in those with ulcerative colitis
responses, autophagy, maintenance of the integrity of the or their healthy twins, suggesting a disordered interaction
epithelial barrier, adaptive immune responses, restitu- between the mucosa and microbiota in IBD.54
tion and injury repair, response to oxidative stress and Although pathogenic microorganisms have not been
microbial defence and antimicrobial activity.32 Several identified in all scenarios, specific phenotypes might be
risk loci might influence immunological function within associated with certain microbial triggers. A more prom-
a single pathway; for example, ATG16L1, NOD2, IRGM, ising pathogen as a potential causative agent in IBD is
LRRK2 all exert an influence on autophagy. Genetic adherent–invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC). Darfeuille-
polymorphisms might also act in synergy and influence Michaud et al. 55 identified AIEC strains in 22% of
cellular phenotypes such as Paneth cell function.42 A full patients with Crohn’s disease compared with only 6.2%
discussion of the genetics of these diseases is beyond the of healthy controls, with localization in the ileum. AIEC
scope of this Review and the reader is directed to several might have a role in Crohn’s disease because of its ability
e­xcellent articles on the topic.3,32,43 to invade the epithelium and persist within macro­
Extreme phenotypes, such as very-early-onset disease phages. By contrast, certain microbial subpopulations
characterized by treatment refractoriness and severe peri- might confer protection from disease. Bacteria belong-
anal fistulization, might have distinct monogenic origins ing to the Firmicutes phylum are often less commonly
(for example, IL‑10 receptor mutations). In contrast to the found in those with Crohn’s disease.46,49 In particular,
polygenic pathogenesis of idiopathic IBD, these pheno­ Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, a butyrate-producing bac-
types might respond durably to stem cell transplanta- teria belonging to the Firmicutes phylum, occurs less fre-
tion.44 In spite of the advances in the field, the known risk quently in patients with IBD than healthy controls and
loci account for less than one-quarter of the heritability inversely correlates with severity of endoscopic recur-
of these diseases, suggesting a strong role for the envi- rence after resection. In addition, this bacteria amelio-
ronment (discussed later).7,32 Furthermore, genetics also rates colitis in mice when administered intragastrically
highlight the key part played by the interaction between via an anti-inflammatory effect mediated by an increase
the internal microenvironment in the form of gut micro- in IL‑10 and suppression of IL‑17.56–58
bial dysbiosis and associated immunological response, The external environment is a strong determinant
both processes influenced by the external environment. of the gut microbiota, as might be host genetics. Both
In addition, the sharing of risk loci between those influ- long-term and short-term diets affect the intestinal
encing risk of IBD and also response to infections (such microbiota and these changes in microbial composition
as leprosy or tuberculosis) also further highlights the could mediate the influence of diet on risk of incident
complex interplay.7,32 disease. 59,60 Long-term diet clusters the gut micro­
biome into two enterotypes: enterotype 1 is enriched in
Microbiota Bacteroides spp. and correlates with a Western-style diet
The key pathways associated with microbial response with high intake of animal proteins and saturated fat;
and innate immunity highlighted by the latest advances enterotype 2 is enriched in Prevotella spp. and is seen in
in genetic analysis has led to a resurgence in the inter- individuals with a carbohydrate and fibre-predominan­t
est in the gut microbiota in IBD.45–49 Detailed reviews diet. 59 In addition, short-term dietary changes alter
have been published on this topic highlighting asso- diversity and composition of the gut microbiota and offer
ciations between microbiota and disease, but a few key plausible mechanisms of the effect of diet on IBD.60 The
findings merit being highlighted in relation to the envi- effect of the gut microbiota on IBD is not restricted to
ronment.46,49 Several epidemiological clues point towards bacterial dysbiosis and there might be important roles
the role of altered host microbiota in IBD. Cohort studies for viruses, Archaea and fungi. Both Crohn’s disease

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and ulcerative colitis were associated with expansion mediated by oxidative stress. Bergeron et al.78 found that
of bacterio­phages belonging to the Caudovirales family mononuclear cells from smokers with Crohn’s disease
independent of bacterial dysbiosis.61 Moreover, in studies but not ulcerative colitis were less sensitive to anti-
in mice, altered immune responses to indigenous fungi inflammatory protection against oxidative free radical
in the gut mediated through the innate immune response stress because of reduced levels of synthesis of heat shock
receptor Dectin‑1 influenced susceptibility to chemically protein 70. Polymorphisms in genes contributing to nico­
induced colitis.62 tine metabolism and cellular oxidative response might
modify susceptibility to smoke.79 Smoking also exerts an
Environmental risk factors influence on the microbiota. Smoking cessation is asso-
Smoking ciated with an early change in the microbiome, and this
The association between smoking and ulcerative interaction with the immune response could underlie the
colitis was first described by Harries et al.63 who noted effect of smoking cessation on ulcerative colitis.80–82
a reduced frequency of smokers among patients with
ulcerative colitis compared with healthy controls. Appendectomy
A meta-analysis quantified the increase in risk associ- Similar to smoking, appendectomy demonstrates a
ated with smoking to be twofold for Crohn’s disease (OR divergent effect on Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
1.76, 95% CI 1.40–2.22).64 The same magnitude of asso- In a large cohort of 212,963 patients who underwent
ciation was seen between former smoking and ulcera­tive appendectomy before the age of 50 years, the incidence
colitis, but not for current smoking, which demon- of ulcerative colitis was markedly lower among those
strated a strong inverse association (OR 0.58, 95% CI who underwent appendectomy for perforated or non­
0.45–0.75). In a prospective cohort of female nurses, the perforated appendicitis and mesenteric lymphadenitis
risk of ulcerative colitis increased within 2–5 years after than for those with nonspecific abdominal pain, suggest-
smoking cessation and remained elevated for 20 years.65 ing that inflammation of the appendix rather than the
Early life exposure to smoke and passive smoking have mere removal of the organ might be responsible for this
similar effects.66 However, although smoking is one of protective association.83 This effect is limited to appen-
the most consistently replicated risk factors, gender dectomy before the age of 20 years. By contrast, the same
and ethnic variations in susceptibility suggest complex cohort found an increased risk of Crohn’s disease for up
gene–environment interactions. Not all cohorts have to 20 years after the appendectomy;84 however, when
uniformly identified an effect of smoking on IBD. In an patients were operated on below the age of 10 years, the
Israeli study, smoking cessation was associated with risk of Crohn’s disease was reduced.84 The association
an increased risk of ulcerative colitis, but not of Crohn’s between appendectomy and Crohn’s disease is more dif-
disease.67 In an elegant study by Cosnes et al.,68 current ficult to interpret as some of the inconsistency in find-
smoking was associated with later age of onset of ulcera- ings between the different studies could reflect surgery for
tive colitis and lower risk of need for immunosuppres- abdominal pain in Crohn’s disease before formal diagno-
sion in men but not women. By contrast, smoking was sis, thereby leading to a spurious association of increased
associated with early age of onset and more frequent risk.85 Several studies have also evaluated whether appen-
need for immunosuppression in Crohn’s disease among dectomy alters the natural history of these diseases.84,86–89
women, but not men.68 Consistent with the direction of For Crohn’s disease, one study suggested a later diagnosis
effect on incident disease, smoking is associated with a of Crohn’s disease in those who had undergone an appen-
more-aggressive disease course in Crohn’s disease.69–72 dectomy previously.88,89 As noted for incident disease,
Smokers are more likely to require immunosuppression the reason for appendectomy seems to be important in
and surgery, and have greater likelihood of recurrence determining outcomes. Appendectomy for perforating
after ileocecal resection. By contrast, in ulcerative colitis, appendicitis was associated with increased risk of sub-
smoking cessation is frequently a precipitant for disease sequent intestinal resection, whereas appendectomy for
flares within a year of cessation,69,73 and current smokers other causes was associated with a reduced risk of Crohn’s
have a milder disease course, fewer surgeries and less disease.84 For ulcerative colitis, prior appendectomy was
need for immunosuppression. associated with a greater risk of coexisting primary sclero­
Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain sing cholangitis and pancolitis distribution of disease, and
the association between smoking and IBD though none reduced need for immunosuppression, but had no clear
have demonstrated convincingly the reason behind effect on risk of colectomy.87–89
the divergent effect on Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
colitis.72,73 Nicotine was long-believed to be the trigger; Hygiene
however, trials of nicotine replacement therapy in ulcera- The hygiene hypothesis was first proposed by Strachan
tive colitis yielded equivocal results74 and no association et al.90 to explain the rising incidence of autoimmune
was observed between oral tobacco use and Crohn’s diseases in the developed world. Indeed, several studies
disease,75 suggesting that other components of tobacco provided support for this hypothesis in the context of
smoke might be important. Smoking could alter smooth IBD. Number of siblings, larger family size, drinking
muscle tone and influence endothelial function through un­p asteurized milk, living on a farm and exposures
nitric oxide production,76 or affect the integrity of the gut to pets (particularly early on in childhood) have been
mucous barrier.77 The effect of smoking could also be inversely associated with risk of Crohn’s disease or

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ulcerative colitis.16,52,91,92 However, most such studies have triggers is Clostridium difficile.108 This infection is fre-
been case–control in design and could not rule out effect quently associated with relapses of disease, particularly
of recall bias or confounders. Other early life factors have in the hospitalized population, and is associated with a
been examined in the context of disease risk under the substantial burden of both mortality and morbidity with
hypothesis of an early influence of such factors on the gut an effect that might last for over a year after the initial
microbiota and development and maturation of immune infection.108 Systemic infections could also act as triggers
responses. Although several studies have demonstrated for relapse in those with established disease though the
a strong inverse association between a history of being supporting data are less robust.109
breastfed and IBD, this finding is not consistent across
all cohorts and is stronger for ulcerative colitis than for Antibiotics
Crohn’s disease.93 Although mode of childbirth also has The gut microbiota is diverse and unstable during
an important influence on the gut microbiota in infancy, early childhood.110 Perturbation of this microbiota in early
the association with risk of IBD is less robust.94 In devel- childhood could influence the gut immune response and
oping countries, measures of hygiene have not demon- alter susceptibility to IBD. In a nested case–control analy­
strated the inverse association reported in the West, and sis from the University of Manitoba IBD cohort, 58% of
have in fact been associated with an increased risk of paediatric patients with IBD received an antibiotic in
ulcerative colitis.95 their first year of life compared with only 39% of the
controls.111 The association is greater for Crohn’s disease
Infectious pathogens and antibiotics than ulcerative colitis,112 is observed with different classes
Infections of antibiotics113 and is stronger for exposure in the first
A putative association between infectious pathogens year of life compared with later use.114 A dose-response
and IBD has been of long-standing interest; generally relationship also exists with multiple courses of anti­
speaking, the lack of transmissibility, excellent response biotics contributing to a greater increase in disease risk
to immunosuppression and poor response to antibiotics than a single course.114 However, most of the association
argues against a direct causal association. However, the studies of antibiotics have been in Western populations
importance of innate and adaptive immune responses, who have low exposure to early life infectious pathogens
maintenance of barrier integrity, and host recognition or have good sanitation. In contrast to this prevailing data,
and response to pathogens in disease pathogenesis sug- antibiotic exposure demonstrated a protective association
gests a more complex interaction of disease susceptibil- with both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in a large
ity with potential infectious triggers. Among the various population-based study in Asia.45
pathogens, interest has been strongest for Mycobacterium
avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) responsible Medications
for Johne disease in cattle. A high frequency of MAP Other medications have been associated with IBD includ-
in patients with Crohn’s disease was found in some but ing aspirin,115 NSAIDs,116 oral contraceptives117,118 and
not other studies,96–99 and a randomized controlled trial postmenopausal hormone therapy.119 The association
demonstrated no clinical benefit with antimycobacterial with NSAIDs was stronger with higher doses and longer
treatment.99 Cohort studies from Denmark suggested an duration of NSAID use and was similar for Crohn’s disease
association of IBD with Salmonella or Campylobacter and ulcerative colitis.116 NSAIDs might trigger relapses
infection,100 whereas others using data from the US mili- in up to one-third of users. Their effect might be due to
tary population101 as well as the UK primary care data- the nonselective inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase (COX)
base102 have demonstrated an increase in risk of IBD enzymes, as selective COX‑2 inhibitors are associated with
after episodes of gastroenteritis without a firm bacterial a reduced rate of relapse.109 Oral contraceptive use confers
or viral aetiology. This increased risk is strongest in the an increased risk of Crohn’s disease but the magnitude of
year immediately after the diagnosis of infection, suggest- this effect decreases with cessation of use.117,118
ing that the reported association might at least in part be
due to a detection bias.103 Interest in the potential role Diet
of viruses initially centred on a direct pathogenic link Fibre
with the measles virus or vaccination, although rigorous Most epidemiological studies of diet and IBD have
studies refuted this link.104–106 Viruses could act as triggers focused on macronutrients and have relied on a case–
in the setting of genetic susceptibility. In animal models, control design susceptible to numerous limitations.120,121
norovirus infection in mice with autophagy defects led Despite heterogeneity in design, the most consistent
to Paneth cell abnormalities and a Crohn’s-disease-like macronutrient association has been an inverse associa-
inflammatory reaction.107 This effect was dependent on tion with dietary fibre.122,123 Newly diagnosed paediatric
TNF and IFN‑γ and was ameliorated by treatment with patients with Crohn’s disease had markedly lower intake
broad-spectrum antibiotics. The same result was not of fruits and vegetables than controls without IBD.122 In
seen in mice without an autophagy defect, suggesting a a prospective cohort study, women in the highest quin-
complex interaction between viruses, bacteria and host tile of long-term fibre intake had a 40% reduction in
genetics in disease pathogenesis. risk of Crohn’s disease (OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.39–0.90);123
Infections are frequently triggers of relapse in those this inverse association was stronger for fibre from
with established IBD. Of these, one of the most common fruits and vegetables and not seen with whole grains

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or cereals. Several potential mechanisms could explain h­ospitalization and normalization of levels attenuated
an inverse association with fibre. Soluble fibre (from this risk.147
fruits and vegetables) is metabolized by the intestinal
bacteria to short-chain fatty acids that inhibit transcrip- Zinc and iron
tion of pro­inflammatory mediators.124 In addition, fibre Zinc has a panoply of effects on immune function and
helps maintain the integrity of the epithelial barrier and modulates the function of innate immune cells including
reduces translocation of E. coli across Peyer’s patches macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer T cells.148–150
in vitro.125 Finally, the indole‑3-carbinol present in fruits Zinc also inhibits transcription of inflammatory media-
and crucifer­ous vegetables activates the aryl hydrocarbon tors in the NF‑κB pathway and reduces myeloperodixase
receptor and attenuates colitis in animal models.123 activity. Specifically in the context of Crohn’s disease,
intracellular zinc is important for autophagy and bacte-
Dietary fat rial clearance, reduces intestinal permeability and, in a
Dietary fat, particularly saturated fats, might also have a small study, reduced likelihood of relapses.149–151 Dietary
role in pathogenesis.120–122,126–131 In mice, a high-saturated- iron might induce colonic inflammation through IL‑6–
fat diet promotes expansion of a sulphite-reducing patho- IL‑11–STAT3 signalling 152 and enhancement of oxida-
biont, Bilophila wadsworthia, and was associated with tive stress,153 although studies of oral iron replacement
an inflammatory response mediated by type 1 T helper in established disease do not lend clinical support to an
cells and colitis in IL‑10-knockout mice.132 In humans, adverse effect of dietary iron. A single epidemiological
although saturated fats have been associated with risk of study suggested an association between high iron content
IBD in small case–control studies, prospective cohorts in drinking water and increased risk of IBD.154
have not identified such an association, suggesting a
more complex effect.120,122,126,130,133 High consumption of Lifestyle—stress, sleep and exercise
n‑6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 PUFA) and low IBD has long been associated with certain personal-
consumption of n‑3 PUFA (or a high n‑6:n‑3 ratio) has ity types including neuroticism, obsessive–compulsive
been associated with an increased risk of both ulcera- behaviour, dependency and perfectionism, as well as
tive colitis and Crohn’s disease. This association might psychosocial stressors that are common patient-reported
be modified by polymorphisms in fatty acid metabo- triggers.155 Stress can influence gut inflammation through
lism, particularly in the CYP4F3 and FADS2 enzymes.134 various mechanisms via the hypothalamus–pituitary–
Inconsistent associations with IBD have been demon- adrenal axis and the autonomic nervous system, result-
strated with carbohydrate intake, refined sugars and ing in the production of proinflammatory cytokines,
animal protein.120,121,135,136 In contrast to the literature activation of macrophages, and alteration of intestinal
on diet and incident disease, few studies have examined permeability and the gut microbiota.156 In mice, expo-
the role of diet in established disease. Studies relying sure to a stressful stimulus reduced bacterial diversity and
on self-reported diet suggest heterogeneity in ‘protec- increased levels of IL‑6.157 Interestingly, this effect on IL‑6
tive’ and ‘harmful’ foods.137 The marked interindividual levels was ameliorated by antibiotics.157 Mice subjected to
variation in the gut microbiota confirms this expected intracerebroventricular injection of reserpine (mimick-
h­eterogeneity in response to dietary i­nterventions in IBD. ing depression) demonstrate severe colitis, which can be
attenuated by administration of desmethyl imipraime, an
Vitamin D antidepressant.158 Observational studies in large cohorts
Few studies have examined an association of IBD with support an association between major life stressors,
micronutrients but such a relationship is based on consid- anxiety and depression and increased risk of IBD.155,159–167
erable biological plausibility from supporting laboratory In those with established disease, depression or anxiety is
studies. Emerging data suggest that vitamin D might have associated with relapse, hospitalization, surgery, reduced
a role in the pathogenesis and course of IBD.138–140 In mice, responsiveness to immunosuppressive therapy and
deficiency of 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) impairment of quality of life, although it is challenging to
or knockout of vitamin D receptor is asso­ciated with an tease out the relative contribution of disease severity in
increased risk of colitis; administration of 1,25(OH)2D3 this bidirectional association.109,155,159–161,163,165,167–169
ameliorates this inflammation and suppresses expression The association between physical activity and IBD
of proinflammatory genes including TNF.141–144 Vitamin D was supported by an interesting study by Sonnenberg
might also suppress responsiveness of mononuclear et al.170 who identified sedentary occupations (including
cells to circulating antigens.138 Deficiency of vitamin D administration and office work, mechanics, blacksmiths
is common in patients with newly diagnosed IBD and and locksmiths) as being ‘high risk’ for the development
more common than in healthy individuals.145 In a pro- of IBD, whereas heavy manual labour (including build-
spective cohort assessing predicted vitamin D status using ing and construction, cleaning and maintenance) were
a validated regression model, women in the highest quar- associated with a low risk of IBD. In mice, forced tread-
tile of predicted vitamin D status (median 32.2 ng/ml) had mill exercise exacerbated inflammation and increased
a significantly lower risk of Crohn’s disease than those in proinflammatory gene expression whereas volun-
the lowest quartile (OR 0.54, 95% CI 0.30–0.99).146 Low tary wheel training alleviated symptoms of colitis and
levels of vitamin D (<20 ng/ml) were associated with reduced inflammatory gene expression.171 Supporting
increased risk of Crohn’s-disease-related surgery and this hypothesis, a prospective cohort study demonstrated

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Table 1 | Intervention studies examining effect of environmental modifications on disease activity in IBD
Factor Population Intervention Outcome
Smoking178 Crohn’s disease Counselling to stop smoking Over 29 months, risk of flares, need for
(n = 474) steroids and immunosuppressive therapy
was lower in quitters than those who
continued smoking
Diet—macronutrients and dietary patterns
Low microparticle Active Crohn’s Low microparticle diet or Progressive decrease in CDAI was noted with
diet199 disease (n = 20) control diet intervention diet compared to control diet
Low microparticle Active Crohn’s Low microparticle diet or No difference in Crohn’s disease activity
diet200 disease (n = 83) control diet between the two groups
Fish oil (Cochrane Quiescent Crohn’s n‑3 PUFA or placebo Slightly lower risk of relapse at 1 year with
review)188 disease (n = 1,039) fish oil than with placebo
Fish oil (Cochrane Quiescent ulcerative n‑3 PUFA or placebo No difference in risk of relapse between n‑3
review)201 colitis (n = 148) PUFA and placebo
Milk-free diet202 Active ulcerative Milk-free, low-fibre diet compared Fewer relapses on milk-free diet than on
colitis (n = 77) to dummy diet dummy diet
Fibre-rich diet203 Inactive or mildly Unrestricted sugar and low-fibre No difference in disease activity, outpatient
active Crohn’s diet compared to no sugar and treatment, surgery or hospitalizations
disease (n = 352) high unrefined carbohydrate
Highly restricted Active Crohn’s Restricted diet (based on bread Radiological and endoscopic improvement in 3
diet (bread and disease (n = 18) and red meat) compared with of 4 patients in active group and 1 of 9 patients
red meat)204 control diet (low fibre, low fat, in the control group (P = 0.027); no difference in
high carbohydrate) CDAI improvement between the two groups
Semi-vegetarian Quiescent Crohn’s Semi-vegetarian diet or Remission was maintained in 94% with
diet205 disease (n = 22) omnivorous diet semi-vegetarian diet compared with 33%
with omnivorous diet
Enteral nutrition Active Crohn’s Enteral nutrition or corticosteroids Enteral nutrition was less effective than
(Cochrane review)206 disease (n = 192) corticosteroids in induction of remission;
no difference between elemental and
nonelemental diets (n = 334 patients)
Diet—micronutrient supplementation
Vitamin D187 Quiescent Crohn’s Vitamin D3 1,200 IU daily Relapse rate was lower among patients
disease (n = 94) or placebo treated with vitamin D3 (13%) than placebo
(29%) (P = 0.06)
Lifestyle—stress, depression, and anxiety
Stress (Cochrane IBD (n = 1,745) Psychotherapy (multimodality) No difference in quality of life, proportion
Review)191 in remission or emotional status
Stress190 IBD (n = 24) Supportive outpatient Treated patients had fewer relapses and
psychotherapy from an outpatient attendances, steroid use
IBD counsellor and relapse-related use of IBD medications
Stress207 IBD with continuous Stress management No difference in disease activity or relapses
disease activity or psychotherapy with psychotherapy; IBD-related quality of
relapse over previous life improved in those with ulcerative colitis
18 months (n = 114)
Only studies with a control group in addition to the intervention arm were included. When Cochrane reviews included most relevant studies with that
intervention, the reviews were listed in lieu of each individual study. Abbreviations: CDAI, Crohn’s disease activity index; n‑3 PUFA, omega 3 polyunsaturated
fatty acid; n‑6 PUFA, omega‑6 polyunsaturated fatty acid.

rigorous physical activity to be associated with a 44% impaired sleep quality was associated with increased
reduction in risk of Crohn’s disease.172 Data regarding the h­istological activity 177 and risk of clinical relapse.173
beneficial effects of exercise on intestinal inflammation
or prevention of relapse are limited. Modification of environmental factors
Disturbed sleep quality is common in society, but is more A growing trove of literature describes the effect of the
frequent in patients with IBD and is associated with active environment on incident disease and natural history. Yet,
disease.173–175 This association might be bidirectional such few studies have examined whether these influences can
that whilst increased disease activity might disrupt sleep, be modified to improve patient outcomes (Table 1). In
poor sleep quality in turn might exacerbate inflammation. an elegant interventional study, counselling regarding
Both prolonged and reduced duration of sleep were asso- smoking cessation was administered to 474 patients
ciated with increased risk of ulcerative colitis,176 whereas with Crohn’s disease who were smokers.178 Patients who

212  |  APRIL 2015  |  VOLUME 12

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stopped smoking for >1 year were less likely to relapse Box 1 | Unanswered epidemiological questions in IBD
and require steroids or immunosuppressive therapy than When is the environmental exposure relevant to the
those who continued smoking. By contrast, nicotine sup- pathogenesis of IBD?
plementation in ulcerative colitis has yielded equivocal ■■ Early life and infancy?
results in clinical trials,74,179 although case reports suggest ■■ Recent exposure?
efficacy in small series with refractory colitis.180 Given ■■ Remote exposure?
the inverse association between appendectomy and inci- In whom are environmental exposures important?
dence of ulcerative colitis, therapeutic appendectomy for ■■ In those who are otherwise genetically susceptible
the management of refractory ulcerative colitis has been to IBD?
attempted. However, evidence is limited to a few case ■■ In those who have low genetic risk of IBD?
reports suggesting benefit.88,181,182 ■■ In those with variants in metabolizing enzymes or
Few studies have intervened with dietary modifications other pathways that makes them susceptible to an
environmental influence?
and most such studies have been in the form of uncon-
trolled case series (Table 1). An elemental diet can restore Are the environmental influences that affect
diversity of gut microbiota and has been shown to be effi- development of disease the same as those that
cacious in inducing remission in paediatric IBD.183,184 The influence natural history?
specific carbohydrate diet has also demonstrated limited What is the role of modifying environmental exposures
clinical benefit in paediatric Crohn’s disease, but rigor- in improving patient outcomes?
ous studies are lacking.185 Self-reported adherence to a ■■ Prevent disease in high-risk individuals?
gluten-free diet has been associated with clinical improve- ■■ Avoid need for existing therapies or supplement
existing agents?
ment, although it might not influence endoscopic activ-
■■ Induce remission in active disease?
ity.186 Jorgensen et al.187 randomly assigned 94 patients
■■ Maintain remission and prevent relapse in
with quiescent Crohn’s disease to 1,200 IU of vitamin D or quiescent disease?
placebo daily and found reduced relapse in the vitamin D
group (29% versus 13%, P = 0.06). In a small series, zinc
supplementation reduced intestinal permeability and rate lifetime exposure to infections.195 Quantification of expo-
of relapse.151 In contrast to the epidemiological data sup- sures encompassing various environmental factors could
porting an association between n‑3 and n‑6 PUFA intake be useful in patients with IBD to predict natural history
and IBD, randomized controlled trials of fish oil or n‑3 and might also be useful in those at risk (for example,
PUFA in patients with established Crohn’s disease have first-degree relatives). Such exposures (including peri­
been unsuccessful in inducing or maintaining remis- natal, early life and recent exposures) could be assessed
sion,188 whereas a small study of dietary modification in blood, stool or urine, each reflecting different routes of
to reduce n‑6:n‑3 PUFA intake in ulcerative colitis was exposure. Electronic applications and wearable devices
e­ffective in maintaining remission.189 offer another attractive modality to monitor expo-
Few intervention studies have been published that sure, including physical activity, sleep, diet and stress.
have examined the effect of modifying stress.163,168,169 Biological measures such as sequencing the gut micro­
Psychological counselling was associated with reduced biome or quantifying epigenetic changes can supplement
relapses in some, but not all, studies.190,191 In one small these passively collected or self-reported exposures and
study, antidepressant use was associated with reduced the genome can be used to determine susceptibility to the
rates of relapse in the year after initiation of therapy.192 As effect of various exposures. One could then intervene at
interventional studies are developed to evaluate the effect the onset of environmental perturbations (for example,
of environmental modifications, be it behavioural or increased stress, reduced sleep or change in diet) before
dietary changes, one also needs to recognize that under- the development of gut inflammation and relapse.
lying host genetics could influence susceptibility to the
effect of environmental modifications. Sex and ethnic- Conclusions
ity could also alter the likelihood of beneficial effect of IBD is a complex disease occurring at the intersection
smoking cessation (or nicotine replacement) in IBD,68 as of genetics, the environment and the gut microbiota.
might polymorphisms involved in nicotine and oxidative Neither factor in itself is sufficient for development of
free radical clearance.79 Similarly, FADS2 and CYP4F3 disease. Increasing incidence and emergence in previ-
mutations could influence any beneficial effect of an ously low-risk populations provide strong evidence sup-
alteration in the n3:n6 PUFA ratio by altering plasma porting the effect of the environment for both Crohn’s
levels of PUFA metabolites.134 disease and ulcerative colitis. Progress in genetic and
microbiome analysis has demonstrated the key role of
Exposome and continuous monitoring the interface between the immune response and the
The term ‘exposome’ was first coined in 2005 to include gut microbiota. Although a number of environmental
the entire life course of environmental exposures from the associations have been identified, high-quality interven-
perinatal period onwards,193 which could be further sub- tion studies are needed and several questions remain
divided into an ‘adductome’, encompassing chemical un­answered (Box 1). Existing and ongoing prospective
exposures leading to formation of DNA adducts contrib- cohorts such as the Genetics, Environmental, Microbial
uting to carcinogenesis,194 and an ‘infectome’, measuring (GEM) Project in Canada studying those with Crohn’s

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disease and their healthy siblings,196 as well as paediat- Review criteria

ric initiatives for patients with newly diagnosed Crohn’s
The MEDLINE database was searched for English-
disease and ulcerative colitis (RISK197 and PROTECT198)
language reports using the search terms: “Crohn’s
will provide important insights into the interplay between disease”; “ulcerative colitis”; “epidemiology”;
genetics, the environment and microbiota in disease “incidence”; “risk factors”; “smoking”; “environment”;
pathogenesis, natural history and response to treatment. “diet”; “stress”; “vitamin D”; and “lifestyle”. Nearly all
Comprehensive management of patients with IBD will the articles identified were within the past three decades,
need to not just resolve existing inflammation and achieve most within the past 10 years. The reference list of
mucosal healing, but also incorporate modification of review articles identified as part of this search strategy
the external environment to aid, achieve and maintain was further searched for relevant articles not identified
in the original search.
durable remission and improve patient outcomes.

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