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Lesson 26: I was there.

Verbo to be – pasado simple afirmativo

Objetivo: conjugar correctamente el verbo TO BE, para hacer oraciones

afirmativas en pasado simple, aplicando el mentefacto respectivo.
Pasado simple afirmativo- Verbo to be

En inglés el verbo «to be» (ser o estar) tiene dos conjugaciones en el pasado simple, dependiendo
de la persona gramatical así:

Pronombre Verbo conjugado Pronombre Verbo conjugado

I We
She You
was were
He They
Pasado simple afirmativo- Verbo to be

Pronombre Verbo conjugado Traducción

I was Yo era/fui/estaba/estuve
You Were Usted era/fue / estaba/estuvo
She was Ella era/fue/estaba/estuvo
He was El era/fue/estaba/estuvo
It was El/ella era/fue/estaba/estuvo
We were Nosotros/éramos/fuimos/estábamos/estuvimos
You were Ustedes eran/fueron / estaban/estuvieron
They were Ellos (as) eran/fueron / estaban/estuvieron
Verbo conjugado
Sujeto complemento Traducción
I was slim Yo era delgado.

You were In Cali. Usted estaba en Cali.

She was my friend. Ella era mi amiga.

He was sad Él estaba triste.

It was healthy. Era saludable.

We were babies. Nosotros éramos bebés.

You were happy. Ustedes eran felices.

They were beautiful and intelligent Ellas fueron bonitas e inteligentes.

Vocabulary: Adjectives

Expensive Inexpensive/cheap Old young

Hot Cold Married Single
Big small Lazy hardworking
Quiet noisy Sick healthy
Beautiful ugly Friendly Shy
Dangerous safe Happy homesick
Clean dirty Wet dry
Hungry thirsty Easy Difficult
sleepy tired crowded Not crowded

The membership fee was cheap last year. Now, it is expensive.

The burritos were hot. Now they’re cold
My neighboors were noisy last night. Today they are quiet.
Last week, the car was dirty. This week is clean.
She was hungry. Then, she ate a sandwich.
He was tired after the game. He slept, and now he’s ok.
The shirt was wet this morning. Now, it is dry.
I was homesick last month. This month I feel happy.
You were sick yesterday. You look healthy today.
Let’s practice
Cambie las oraciones a pasado simple:

I am upset today.
You are in class today.

She is hungry and thirsty today.

He is rich today.

It is clean today.

We are happy today.

You are quiet today.

They are busy today.

Answer key
Cambie las oraciones a pasado simple:

I am upset today. I was upset yesterday

You are in class today. You were in class yesterday.

She is hungry and thirsty today. She was hungry and thirsty yesterday.

He is rich today. He was rich yesterday.

It is clean today. It was clean yesterday.

We are happy today. We were happy yesterday.

You are quiet today. You were quiet yesterday.

They are busy today. They were busy yesterday.

Let’s practice
Complete las oraciones con la forma correspondiente del verbo to be
en pasado simple.

a. She _______ happy.

b. The boys _______ angry.
c. She _______ in Miami last week.
d. Peter and I _______ on holiday.
e. It _______ cold yesterday.
f. We _______ at the park yesterday.
g. The children _______ at the cinema.
h. We _______ at home last Sunday.
i. The cat _______ on the sofa.
j. The frogs _______ in the garden.
Let’s practice
Complete las oraciones con la forma correspondiente del verbo to be
en pasado simple.

a. She ___was____ happy.

b. The boys ___were____ angry.
c. She ___was____ in Miami last week.
d. Peter and I ____were___ on holiday.
e. It ___was____ cold yesterday.
f. We ___were____ at the park yesterday.
g. The children ____were___ at the cinema.
h. We __were_____ at home last Sunday.
i. The cat ___was____ on the sofa.
j. The frogs ___were____ in the garden.

La combinación “PH” en inglés usualmente suena (f)

PHO-TO (foutou) Foto

PHRASE (freis) Frase
PHONE (foun) Teléfono
PHILIP (filip) Felipe
PHAN-TOM (fantom) Fantasma
PHO-NEME (founim) Fonema
PHO-NET-ICS (founetiks) Fonética
English is easy
You can do it!
Autor de la metodología: Francisco González Cifuentes
Supervisión académica: Mayra Teresa Hurtado Mendoza
Diseño y adaptación: Cristian Alfonso Duarte Rivera
Fotografía e imágenes: /

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