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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


This workbook belongs to ______________________________________ from class ________

Tu Workbook ha sido preparado por tus profesores para ayudarte a superar la
asignatura de ingls con xito. Revsalo con frecuencia, trelo siempre a clase, lee los
consejos que aparecen en l cudalo! y no olvides que hay que trabajar desde el
primer da.

Contiene las siguientes secciones:

Gua para el alumno ............................................................................. 1

Consejos para mejorar tu ingls ............................................................... 3
Cmo aprender vocabulario? .................................................................. 4
Classroom language ............................................................................. 5
Nmeros ........................................................................................... 8
Verbos irregulares ................................................................................ 9
Reglas de ortografa ............................................................................. 11
Cmo hacer una buena presentacin ......................................................... 12
Diario de lectura ................................................................................. 13
Fichas para las lecturas ........................................................................ 17
Vocabulario por unidades ....................................................................... 18
Fichas para mejorar la destreza oral ......................................................... 28
Explicaciones gramaticales y ejercicios ...................................................... 38
Mi Portfolio ........................................................................................ 55

Buen curso 2013-14!

The English Department

IES Pedro Espinosa
Se realizarn 2 exmenes trimestrales, para los que se establecer hora y da, y todos los controles de vocabulario, verbos,
frasessin previo aviso que el profesor/a considere oportunos. No olvides que la EVALUACIN ES CONTINUA, lo que implica que
cada examen engloba todo lo estudiado desde el comienzo de curso hasta el momento del examen y cada examen sirve de
recuperacin del anterior. Puesto que la nota de exmenes es slo el 70% de la calificacin trimestral, ningn alumno podr
aprobar la asignatura SLO Y EXCLUSIVAMENTE CON EL LTIMO EXAMEN. Hay que trabajar desde el primer da!
Los exmenes constarn de las siguientes partes:
Gramtica y Vocabulario (Use of English)
Comprensin del texto (Reading)
Comprensin auditiva (Listening)
Redaccin (Writing)
Expresin oral (Speaking)
asignatura ser necesario:
Realizar Tarea en casa. Se revisar diariamente.
Trabajo de clase. Se supervisar diariamente.
Participar en clase y en las actividades propuestas por el departamento.
Realizar trabajos obligatorios y optativos.
Tener buen comportamiento y mostrar inters por la asignatura.
Realizar exmenes orales y escritos.
Tambin podrs leer libros en ingls para mejorar tu nota.
El alumnado que no supere el curso en la convocatoria de junio, deber presentarse a la convocatoria de septiembre.


En caso de que el alumno no supere la convocatoria de septiembre, deber recuperar la asignatura en el curso siguiente realizando
las actividades propuestas y presentndose a los exmenes establecidos por el Departamento de Ingls. La entrega del
cuadernillo de actividades ser OBLIGATORIA para poder optar al examen. Esto te ayudar a repasar los contenidos
estudiados durante el curso anterior. Debers realizarlas con atencin. Para repasar tienes el cuaderno del ao anterior y
puedes preguntar cualquier duda a tu profesor/a. Debers entregar las actividades antes del 8 de noviembre. Cuando las tengas
terminadas, entrgaselas a tu profesor/a. No lo dejes para el final.
El da 18 de febrero (martes) a las 18,00 tendr lugar un examen con los mismos ejercicios que has realizado en las fichas.
El 13 de mayo (martes) habr un nuevo examen para los alumnos que no hayan aprobado el del 18 de febrero.
En caso de NO superar ninguna de estas pruebas, el/la alumno/a deber presentarse a la prueba extraordinaria de septiembre.

Interface ESO2, Students Book. Editorial Macmillan (Lo recibirs en el Centro)
Cuadernillo del Alumno realizado por el Departamento (fotocopiadora del Centro o pgina web del centro en formato
*pdf desde donde los alumnos podrn descargrselo)
Diccionario de bolsillo (8x12cm aproximadamente) Se recomienda traerlo a clase TODOS LOS DAS Editoriales
recomendadas: Collins Gem, Oxford, Larousse, Longman. Precio orientativo: 9,00
Cuaderno a eleccin del alumno. Deber estar perfectamente ordenado y presentable con nombre, apellidos y curso en la
Fundas folio para guardar las fotocopias que se entreguen o que se recomienden para su compra. Cada hoja deber
llevar la fecha, el nombre y estar numerada.
Libros de lectura a determinar a lo largo del curso. (Para ello usaremos libros del Departamento de Ingls o de la

NO SE PUEDE ESCRIBIR en el Students Book porque NO es nuestro.
Cada da se escribe la fecha en el cuaderno. IN ENGLISH, OF COURSE!!!

Cuando el/la profesor/a llega, todos/as tenemos preparado nuestro material y estamos listos/as para empezar la

V. RECURSOS ONLINE (diccionario) 2eso.html (gramtica, audicin) (vocabulario) (gramtica, vocabulario, x?PageID=1567 (listening)
expresin escrita) (Grammar, Vocabulary) x?PageID=1273&zoneIndex=3 (audiobooks)


Wordreference (diccionario)
LearnEnglish British Council (audio)
British Council Audio and video (audio y video)


Para APROBAR esta asignatura y as ir por buen Para entender las series de televisin que nos
camino para obtener mi graduado. gustan
Para navegar por internet. Para conseguir un trabajo.
Para escuchar y entender mis canciones Para ligar, viajar
Para saber qu dicen nuestros deportistas


Aprovechar al mximo las clases en el instituto: Uso de CD ROMs y DVDs.
prestando atencin, participando. Uso responsable de smartphones
Clases de conversacin con un hablante nativo. Cambio del idioma en la televisin.
Charlas con turistas. Or la radio en ingls (aunque no la entendamos)
Prctica con compaeros fuera de clase. Concentracin en la prctica oral.
Audicin de podcasts. Concentracin en los ejercicios de gramtica.
Lectura de peridicos, revistas y libros
(adaptados u originales).
Uso de Internet.


No faltara a clase a no ser por extrema necesidad y, en caso de faltar, comunicara al profesor el motivo de la
falta y adems me informara de lo que se ha tratado en clase el da en que yo he faltado y recuperara los apuntes.
Recuerda que debes ensear el justificante de tus faltas. Las FALTAS y RETRASOS injustificados bajarn tu
Por lo menos una vez por semana dedicara un tiempo a estudiar la materia de esa semana.
Estudiara el vocabulario y los verbos a diario y NO la noche antes del examen.
Preparara los exmenes intentando comprender todo, practicando con ejercicios, repasando el vocabulario.
Escuchara todo el ingls que pudiera: en casa, de camino al colegio o a clase
Participara en clase:
o corrigiendo la tarea.
o preguntando lo que no entendiera.
o hablando en ingls
o respetando el trabajo de los dems
o participando en los dilogos y teatrillos
o me dirigira al profesor con respeto
o ira completando mi cuaderno poco a poco y ste estara limpio y claro.
o controlara mis ganas de broma y de juego en clase

Descarga en tu MP3 o smartphone los
listenings recomendados, audiolibros o
cualquier cosa que te guste. Aprovecha
cualquier momento! No importa que al
principio no entiendas. ESCUCHA,

Sabes por qu es difcil aprender palabras en ingls?
1) Para un hispanohablante, la gran mayora de las palabras en ingls son sonidos ininteligibles que no
significan absolutamente nada. Si la palabra nueva te resulta familiar solo se puede deber a dos motivos: es
una palabra de origen latino o la has escuchado en los medios de comunicacin.
Recuerda: Dado que el ingls es un idioma de origen germnico, muy alejado del espaol, no se asimila un
nuevo sonido hasta que no se repite unas diez, a veinte veces, hablando. Algunas palabras incluso tienen
que llegar a repetirse unas cien veces para que se queden grabadas en la memoria.
2) Hay, al menos, dos tipos de vocabularios. El vocabulario del ingls hablado y el del ingls escrito. Esto
quiere decir que hay palabras que lees pero que no se suelen usar en ingls hablado y palabras que escuchas
pero que no se suelen escribir. Las palabras de ingls hablado son las ms difciles de aprender porque una
gran mayora no son de origen latino; son "phrasal verbs", o palabras de origen germnico.
Recuerda: Es mejor empezar aprendiendo el vocabulario del ingls hablado ya que ser el que ms vas a
necesitar en el da a da.
3) El nmero de palabras que hay que aprender para hablar con cierta fluidez ronda las tres mil. Aprender
tres mil palabras es difcil y toma tiempo, por tanto, necesitaremos determinacin a prueba de fuego.
Recuerda: Para incrementar tu vocabulario, determinacin a prueba de fuego; esto significa planificacin y
4) Por cada palabra, hay que aprender "pronunciacin" y "deletreo" (spelling). Si no sabes escribir una
palabra, no importa demasiado porque siempre puedes buscarla en un diccionario, pero si no sabes
pronunciarla realmente no sabes esa palabra.
Recuerda: Solo puedes decir que sabes una palabra si puedes pronunciarla y colocarla correctamente en una
frase. Consejo: Bscate ahora mismo alguien para hablar.
Cmo superaremos todas estas barreras?
Slo hay una manera: con mucha determinacin y un buen mtodo. Suponiendo que ya tenemos la
determinacin, veamos los mtodos.
Una de las mejores maneras de aprender vocabulario es viendo pelculas en ingls con subttulos. Ves la
imagen, escuchas cmo suena y ves cmo se escribe.
Ni que decir tiene que otra fantstica manera de aprender vocabulario es cantando.
Otra buena frmula es hablando. Cuando no sabes cmo decir algo, la necesidad de comunicarte te lleva a
buscar las palabras que necesitas para expresarte. As que piensa durante el da frases en espaol y piensa
cmo las diras en ingls. Si tienes dudas pregunta a un profesor.
Otra forma eficaz de incrementar tu vocabulario es leyendo. La gran ventaja de la lectura es que
aprendes las nuevas palabras en un contexto determinado. La desventaja es que no sabes cmo suena la
palabra. Por ello, la lectura debe combinarse siempre con prcticas de conversacin. Tambin son buenos
los audio-books para leer y escuchar al mismo tiempo.
Por ltimo, se aprende vocabulario estudiando y echando mano de todos los recursos que tenemos a
mano: diccionarios, internet,trucos para memorizar, juegos, crucigramas (crosswords), el ahorcado
(hangman), leyendo las noticias en ingls, etc
Cmo recordar vocabulario nuevo?
1. Traduciendo la palabra a tu idioma. Por ejemplo: coche car (ingls).
2. Describindola en espaol. Por ejemplo: vehculo con motor y de cuatro ruedas para transportar
3. Haciendo un dibujo.
4. Ponindola en contexto. Por ejemplo: Mi coche se ha estropeado y tengo que llevarlo al taller.
5. Colocndola dentro de un grupo lxico. Por ejemplo: coche, camin, moto, etc.

Cosas que podras decir a tu profesor/a Things you might say to your teacher
Lo siento, no lo entiendo Im sorry, I dont understand.
Perdn? Pardon? Sorry?
Qu quiere decir chair? What does chair mean?
Cmo se dice X en ingls? How do you say X in English?
Cmo se deletrea eso? How do you spell that?
Es esto correcto? Is this correct?
Cul es el pasado de go? What is the past of go?
Cmo se pronuncia esta palabra? How do you pronounce this word?
Qu tenemos que hacer exactamente? What exactly do we have to do?
Perdone, puedo pasar? Excuse me. May I come in?
Podra hablar ms despacio, por favor? Could you speak more slowly, please?
Perdone. Lo siento, llego tarde. Excuse me. Im sorry, Im late.
Puedo ir al bao, por favor? May I go to the toilet, please?
Puedo sacar punta al lpiz, por favor? Can I sharpen my pencil, please?
Dgalo otra vez, por favor. Say that again, please.
Puede ayudarme, por favor? Can you help me, please?
Es esto correcto / incorrecto? Is this right / wrong?
Lo siento, he olvidado mi cuaderno. Im sorry, I forgot my notebook.
Lo siento, no hice mi tarea. Im sorry, I didnt do my homework.

Cosas que tu profesor podra decirte. Things your teacher might say to you.
Abrid vuestro libro por la pgina 25. Open your book at page 25.
Responde las preguntas. Answer the questions.
Escribe las respuestas. Write the answers.
Trabajad solos / en parejas / en grupos. Work alone / in pairs / in groups.
Haz estas preguntas a tu compaero. Ask your partner these questions ...
Responde las preguntas de tu compaero. Answer your partners questions ...
Escucha y repite otra vez Listen and repeat again
Haz la pregunta. Make the question.
Escucha el CD y esponde las preguntas. Listen to the CD to answer these questions.
Lee el texto. Read the text.
Escribe una redaccin sobre Write a composition about
Copiad esto en vuestras libretas. Copy this into your notebooks.
La tarea es ejercicio 5, pgina 11 The homework is ...exercise 5, page 11
Bien hecho! Well done!
Habis terminado? Have you finished?
Dnde est Pedro hoy? Wheres Pedro today?
Quin falta hoy? Who is absent / missing today?

Habis hecho la tarea? Have you done your homework?
Nos vemos la prxima clase. See you next lesson.
Que tengis un buen fin de semana! Have a nice weekend!
Cmo ests? How are you?
Estaos quietos! Be quiet!
Ven a la pizarra. Come to the board.
Sintate. Sit down.
Levntate. Stand up.
Cierra el libro. Close your book.
Abre el libro. Open your book.
Ensame tu libreta. Show me your notebook.
Vamos a empezar con la clase ahora. Lets start with the lesson now.
Est todo el mundo listo para empezar? Is everybody ready to start?
Voy a pasar lista. Im going to take attendance.
A quin le gustara tener un positivo hoy? Who would like to get extra marks today?
Coge uno y psalos. Take one and pass them on.

Cosas que podras leer en tu libro o en Things you might read in your book or in an
un examen. exam.
Completa las frases con las palabras de Complete the sentences with the words below.
Completa las frases con la forma correcta Complete the sentences with the correct form of
de los verbos entre parntesis. the verbs in brackets.
Escribe las frases en negative e Write the sentences in the negative and
interrogative. interrogative.
Elige / Subraya / Rodea Choose / Underline / Circle the correct
Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto. Write the words in the correct order.
Lee el texto y responde las preguntas. Read the text and answer the questions.
Escribe cinco frases sobre Write five sentences about
Traduce las siguientes frases a ingls. Translate the following sentences into English.
Escribe los contrarios. Write the opposites.

Cosas que podras decir a tu compaero. Things you might say to your classmate.
Podra coger prestado tu? Can I borrow your, please?
Puedes dejarme un? Can you lend me a ?
Lo siento, no recuerdo tu nombre. Sorry, I cant remember your name.
Podemos compartir el libro? Can I share your book with you?
En qu pgina estamos? What page is it on?
Me puedes pasar esas hoja, por favor? Can you pass me that piece of paper, please?
Perdona, ese es mi libro. Excuse me, thats my book.
Quin va a empezar? Who is going to start?
A quin le toca? Whose turn is it?
Me toca a mi ahora. Its my turn now.

go to school ...................... ir al colegio term ................................trimestre
study .............................. estudiar timetable..........................horario
learn (by heart) ................. aprender (de memoria) subject.............................asignatura
do homework .................... hacer la tarea lesson ..............................leccin
ask ................................. preguntar period ..............................hora de clase
answer ............................ responder free period ........................hora libre
know .............................. saber french class .......................clase de francs
revise.............................. repasar vocabulary ........................vocabulario
take an exam .................... hacer un grammar ...........................gramtica
pass an exam..................... aprobar
playground ........................patio
fail an exam...................... suspender
repeat a year .................... repetir
assembly hall .....................saln de actos
leave school...................... dejar el
language lab ......................laboratorio de idiomas
canteen ............................cafetera
take the register
reception ..........................recepcin
attendance ....................... pasar lista
staffroom ..........................sala de profesores
expel .............................. expulsar
registration room ................secretara
punish ............................. castigar
laboratory .........................laboratorio
punishment....................... castigo
skip classes*...................... saltarse las clases
headteachers office ............despacho del director
absent............................. ausente
present............................ presente IN THE CLASSROOM
hard-working..................... trabajador classmate .........................compaero
inattentive ....................... distraido chair................................silla
undisciplined..................... indisciplinado cupboard ..........................armario
high / secondary school ........ instituto locker ..............................taquilla
state school ...................... colegio pblico stapler ............................grapadora
private school.................... colegio privado hole punch .......................taladradora
AT SCHOOL schoolbag .........................mochila
class ............................... clase
notice board .....................tabln
classroom......................... clase
dictionary .........................diccionario
headmaster ...................... director
notebook ..........................libreta
deputy ............................ vicedirector
sheet ..............................hoja
director of studies .............. jefe de estudios
pen ................................bolgrafo
counsellor ........................ orientador
pencil .............................lpiz
teacher ........................... profesor
marker ............................subrayador
tutor............................... tutor
boardpen ..........................rotulador pizarra
caretaker ......................... conserje
chalk ..............................tiza
secretary ......................... secretario
crayons ............................ceras
language assistant .............. asistente lingstico
coloured pencils .................lpices de colores
cleaner............................ limpiador
correction fluid ..................lquido corrector
desk ............................... pupitre
spelling ............................ortografa
table .............................. mesa
essay ...............................redaccin, trabajo
ruler .............................. regla
translation ........................traduccin
glue ............................... pegamento
exam ...............................examen
scissors ........................... tijeras
mistake ............................fallo
stick .............................. pegar
good mark .........................buena nota
calculator......................... calculadora
bad mark ..........................mala nota
brush .............................. cepillo
pass mark..........................aprobado
computer ........................ ordenador
school report......................boletn
keyboard ......................... teclado
mouse ............................ ratn
GCSE ...............................graduado de
headphones ..................... auriculares
loudspeakers ..................... altavoces
laptop ............................. porttil
netbook ........................... miniportatil SUBJECTS
map................................ mapa computer studies ................informtica
drawing pin ...................... chincheta maths ..............................matemticas
duster, eraser.................... borrador history .............................historia
rubber............................. goma geography .........................geografa
sharpener......................... sacapuntas science.............................ciencias
schoolbag ......................... mochila biology .............................biologa
pencilcase ........................ estuche chemistry..........................qumica
exam .............................. examen physics .............................fsica
break .............................. recreo languages..........................idiomas
bell ................................ campana English .............................ingles
chair............................... silla physical education ..............E.F.
religion ............................religin
French .............................Francs

Cardinal Numbers
1.If a number is in the range 21 to 99, and
0 zero, oh, 26 twenty-six the second digit is not zero, we should write
the number as two words separated by a
nought, nil, 27 twenty-seven
love, nothing 28 twenty-eight
56 fifty-six 47 forty-seven
1 one 29 twenty-nine
2 two 30 thirty 2.Numbers over 100 are generally written in
3 three 40 forty (no "u") figures. If you say them aloud or want to
4 four 50 fifty write them in words rather than figures you
put 'and' in front of the number expressed by
5 five 60 sixty
the last two figures. For example:
6 six 70 seventy
Eg. 505 five hundred and five
7 seven 80 eighty
8 eight 90 ninety Note:
9 nine 100 a/one hundred The British use 'and' before tens and ones but
10 ten 101 a hundred and one the Americans usually leave the 'and' out.
11 eleven 110 a hundred and ten Eg. 602 six hundred and two
12 twelve 120 a hundred and twenty (AmE: six hundred two)
13 thirteen 200 two hundred
14 fourteen 1,000 a/one thousand 3. Numbers between 1000 and 1,000,000 is
usually said or written in words as:
15 fifteen 1,001 a thousand and one
16 sixteen 1,010 a thousand and ten 1,704 one thousand, seven hundred
17 seventeen 2,000 two thousand and four
(AmE: one thousand, seven hundred
18 eighteen 10,000 ten thousand
19 nineteen 11,000 eleven thousand
20 twenty 100,000 a/one hundred thousand 4,365 four thousand, three hundred
21 twenty-one 1,000,000 a/one million and sixty-five
(AmE: four thousand, three hundred
22 twenty-two 2,000,000 two million
23 twenty- 1,000,000,000 a/one billion
three From 4.Four-figure numbers ending in 00 can also
24 twenty-four cardinal-numbers.html be said or written as a number of hundreds.
25 twenty-five
Eg. 1900 nineteen hundred

Years We normally say a year in two parts. In the case of 5.Expressing millions.

years ending in "00", we say the second part in "hundred": Eg. 2,572,285 two million five
1978 nineteen seventy-eight hundred (and) seventy-two thousand

1706 seventeen hundred and six (or 'seventeen oh six') two hundred (and)eighty-five

1900 nineteen hundred Note:

There are two ways of saying years ending in "01" to "09" AmE: a thousand million = a billion
before 2000.
BrE: a thousand million = milliard.
1901 nineteen oh one or nineteen hundred and one
Note: no final S after dozen, hundred,
2000 two thousand
thousand, million and billion
2009 two thousand and nine (AmE: two thousand
nine). five hundred pounds
Post-2010 dates are often said as normal seventy thousand years
2010 would be twenty ten

Irregular Verbs 2 ESO

Irregular Verbs
1 be was, were been estar
2 beat beat beaten derrotar, golpear
3 become became become convertirse en, hacerse
4 begin began begun empezar
5 bend bent bent doblar
6 bite bit bitten morder
7 bleed bled bled sangrar
8 blow blew blown soplar
9 break broke broken romper(se)
10 breed bred bred criar
11 bring brought brought traer
12 build built built construer
13 buy bought bought comprar
14 catch caught caught coger, atrapar
15 choose chose chosen elegir
16 come came come venir, llegar
17 cost cost cost costar
18 cut cut cut cortar
19 do did done hacer
20 draw drew drawn dibujar
21 dream dreamt dreamt soar
22 drink drank drunk beber
23 drive drove driven conducir
24 eat ate eaten comer
25 fall fell fallen caerse
26 feed fed fed alimentar
27 feel felt felt sentir
28 fight fought fought luchar
29 find found found encontrar
30 fly flight flight volar
31 forbid forbade forbidden prohibir
32 foretell foretold foretold predecir
33 forget forgot forgotten olvidar
34 forgive forgave forgiven perdonar
35 freeze froze frozen congelar
36 get got got conseguir, recibir
37 give gave given dar
38 go went gone ir(se)
39 grow grew grown crecer, cultivar
40 have had had tener, tomar, haber
41 hear heard heard or
42 hide hid hidden esconder
43 hit hit hit golpear
44 hold held held sujetar
45 hurt hurt hurt doler, hacer dao
46 keep kept kept continuar, seguir
47 know knew known saber, conocer
48 lay laid laid poner, extender

Irregular Verbs 2 ESO
49 learn learnt learnt aprender, enterarse de
50 leave left left irse, dejar
51 lend lent lent prestar
52 let let let dejar (autorizar)
53 light lit lit encender
54 lose lost lost perder
55 make made made hacer, fabricar
56 mean meant meant significar, querer decir
57 meet met met conocer, reunirse,
quedar, encontrarse
con alguien
58 pay paid paid pagar
59 put put put poner
60 read read read leer
61 ride rode ridden montar (caballo, moto,
62 ring rang rung tocar (el timbre) sonar
(el telfono)
63 run ran run correr
64 say said said decir
65 see saw seen ver
66 sell sold sold vender
67 send sent sent enviar
68 shake shook shaken agitar, sacudir
69 shine shone shone brillar, relucir
70 shoot shot shot disparar
71 show showed shown mostrar
72 shut shut shut cerrar
73 sing sang sung cantar
74 sit sat sat sentarse
75 sleep slept slept dormir(se)
76 speak spoke spoken hablar
77 spell spelt spelt deletrear
78 spend spent spent gastar (dinero), pasar
79 spread spread spread extender
80 stand stood stood estar de pie
81 steal stole stolen robar
82 stick stuck stuck pegar, colgar
83 stink stank stunk apestar
84 sweep swept swept barrer
85 swim swam swum nadar
86 take took taken coger, llevarse
87 teach taught taught ensear
88 tell told told decir, contar
89 think thought thought pensar
90 throw threw thrown tirar, arrojar
91 understand understood understood entender
92 wake woke woken despertar(se)
93 wear wore worn ponerse, llevar puesto
94 win won won ganar
95 write wrote written escribir
Adding ing/ -ed to verbs

Plural of Nouns

Present simple: 3rd person singular

Good morning/afternoon everybody.
Plan your presentation. Organise your Right / Well / Ok. Lets start.
ideas, and write what you are going to
I plan to talk about
Introduce your presentation by explaining
Today Im going to talk about
what you are going to say.
Include some questions for the class.
Now let us turn to point one.
Do you know whats the name of this
There are three things we have to
animal? Let me tell you. consider: one
Then practise giving the presentation.
First of all
Write notes on note cards. When you are In the first place
speaking, use the note cards, but dont LINKING IDEAS
read the whole text. To give an example:
Make eye contact with the students in
For example
your class.
For instance
Stand at the front of the class, and try to
To rephrase:
keep your body still.
In other words
Ask your audience if they have any To summarize:
questions at the end of the presentation. To summarize
To sum up
In conclusion, I would like to say that
If there are any questions, please feel free
I mean to ask.
Well (you see) Any questions?
You know what I mean
Lets see
Now, let me think
Thats an interesting question

Use 5 8 slides for your presentation.

Dont put all the text from your presentation on the slides.
Write key words and phrases.
Dont put too much text on each slide.
This means that it is easier for your audience to read AND listen.
Use some colour and images, but not TOO MUCH!


I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.

I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.


I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.

I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.


I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.

I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.


I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.

I started to read..................................................... on the .............................

It was written by .................................................................... and published
by .............................................................. in the year .................................


st nd rd
1 session: 2 session: 3 session:
th th th
4 session: 5 session: 6 session:


I finished reading this book on the .................................

It was awful/ boring/ nice/ interesting/ great.


2 ESO/ STARTER UNIT: clothes, family and subjects
belt ............................cinturn
blouse .........................blusa aunt ............................. ta
boots ..........................botas brother.......................... hermano
bracelet .......................pulsera child ............................. hijo o hija
cap.............................gorra/ gorro children ......................... hijos (hijos+hijas)
coat............................abrigo cousin ........................... primo/prima
dress ...........................vestido daughter in law................ nuera
glasses.........................gafas daughter ........................ hija
gloves .........................guantes father (dad) .................... padre (pap)
jacket .........................chaqueta father in law ................... suegro
jeans...........................(pantalones) vaqueros grandfather (granddad) ...... abuelo
jersey..........................jersey grandmother (grandmum) ... abuela
necklace ......................collar grandparents ................... abuelos
pyjamas .......................pijama (abuelo+abuela)
sandals ........................sandalias mother (Mum).................. madre (mam)
short ...........................camisa mother in law .................. suegra
shoes ..........................zapatos nephew ......................... sobrino
shorts..........................(pantalones) cortos niece ............................ sobrina
skirt............................falda parents......................... padres (padre+madre)
socks...........................calcetines sister ............................ hermana
sweater .......................sudadera son in law....................... yerno
track-suit .....................chndal son ............................... hijo
trainers........................zapatillas de deporte step-father ..................... padrastro
trousers .......................pantalones step-mother .................... madrastra
T-shirt .........................camiseta uncle ............................ to
underwear ....................ropa interior
art .............................plstica
drama .........................teatro
French ........................francs
English ........................ingls
geography ....................geografa
CLOTHES DESIGNS/ COLOURS literature .....................literature
ICT (information and communication technology)
black...................... negro
brown .................... marrn
checked .................. de cuadros
music ..........................msica
flowery ................... de flores
PE (physical education) ....educacin fsica
green ..................... verde
grey ....................... gris
orange.................... naranja
patterned ................ de dibujos
pink ....................... rosa ATTENTION! We write languages with a capital
plain ...................... liso letter: French
purple .................... morado
red ........................ rojo
spotted ................... de lunares
striped ................... de rayas
white ..................... blanco
yellow .................... amarillo

Interface 2 Vocabulary


FILM TYPES snacks ..................... aperitivos salados
survivor.................... superviviente
action ...................... de accin teenagers ................ adolescentes
adventure ................ de aventuras weather ................... el tiempo (meteorolgico)
animated ................. de animacin wedding ................... boda
comedy ................... comedia actress ..................... actrz
fantasy .................... de fantasa
horror ..................... de terror
musical ................... musical Film (BrE) = movie (AmE)
romantic comedy ....... comedia romntica cinema = theatre/ theater (AmE)
science-fiction ........... de ciencia ficcin
thriller .................... de suspense /un thriller
war ........................ de guerra/ blica ADJECTIVES
western ................... del Oeste/ un western English-speaking ......... de habla inglesa
gold ........................ de oro
TV PROGRAMMES popular .................... famoso
theatrical ................. teatral
cartoon ................... dibujos animados successful . de xito
chat show ................ programa de tertulia
comedy programme .... comedia
documentary ............. documental LINKERS
drama ..................... serie so........................... as que
game show ............... concurso
reality show .............. reality / telerrealidad OTHER EXPRESSIONS
soap opera ............... culebrn/ novela
sports programme ...... programa de deportes I cant stand ........... no aguanto
the news .................. informativo I dont mind ........... me da igual
Im great fan of ......... me encanta
It is about .............. trata de
Lets see .................. vamos a ver.
special effects ........... efectos especiales
stay up late quedarse levantado hasta
to be in love .............. estar enamorado
to fall in love ............ enamorarse
twice as much............ el doble
in the end ................. al final
Whats on? ................ Qu echan? (tele, cine)
get enough sleep......... dormir lo suficiente
hold ....................... celebrarse
look for ................... buscar
turn on/ off ............... encender/ apagar
hire ......................... alquilar, contratar

award ...................... premio
celebrities ................ los famosos
cinema complex.......... multicines
contestant ................ concursante
event....................... un acontecimiento
mask ....................... mscara
popcorn.................... palomitas
quiz (show) ............... juego de preguntas y
report...................... informe

Interface 2 Vocabulary

SURVIVAL SKILLS environment ..................... medio ambiente
leader ............................ lder
build .............................. construir resources ........................ recursos
camp ............................. acampar skills .............................. habilidades
chop .............................. cortar (lea) summer camp ................... campamento de verano
climb ............................. escalar survival ........................... supervivencia
cook ............................... cocinar tent ............................... tienda de campaa
find ............................... encontrar tool................................ herramienta
fish ................................ pescar tribe............................... tribu
hike................................ hacer senderismo ways............................... maneras
look for ........................... buscar wood .............................. lea
sleep ..............................dormir woodcrafts ....................... artesana en madera

angry .............................. enfadado
bored.............................. aburrido outdoors indoors
embarrassed ..................... avergonzado
excited............................ emocionado
jealous ............................ celoso VERBS
nervous ........................... nervioso find out ........................... averiguar
pleased ........................... contento hunt ............................... cazar
sad................................. triste join................................ apuntarse
scared ............................. asustado look after ........................ cuidar
surprised..........................sorprendido survive ............................ sobrevivir
tired ............................... cansado
worried ........................... preocupado OTHER WORDS
together .......................... juntos
whole ............................. entero

global issues temas de importancia global
in the wild ....................... en la naturaleza
life swap ......................... intercambio de vida
make friends..................... hacer amigos
of course. ....................... por supuesto
Are you free? .................. Ests libre?
Thats fine. Where shall we meet? Estupendo. Dnde
Sorry, Im busy. Lo siento, estoy ocupado.
What about? .................. Y si ? (para proponer)
How about + -ing? .............. Y si ? (para proponer)

brand new ........................ recin salido
nervous ........................... nervioso
safe................................ a salvo

however .......................... sin embargo,
while ............................. mientras

(in) isolation ..................... aislado
canoe.............................. canoa
course ............................. cursillo
outdoors ......................... al aire libre

Interface 2 Vocabulary

VERBS OF DISCOVERY hot-air balloon ........... globo aerosttico
mountaineer .............. montaero
arrive ............................. llegar paintings .................. pinturas
discover .......................... descubrir plane .......................avin
drive .............................. conducir sweets ..................... golosinas
explore ........................... explorar ship .........................barco
fly.................................. volar/ pilotar top ......................... cima
go ................................. ir trader ...................... comerciante
land................................ aterrizar
leave .............................. dejar, partir, irse
ride ................................ montar
sail ................................navegar biscuits (BrE) = cookies (AmE)
take off .......................... despegar
travel ............................. viajar
NATURAL DISASTERS appear ..................... aparecer
drought ........................... sequa bury ........................ enterrar
earthquake ....................... terremoto create...................... crear
famine ............................ hambruna erupt ....................... entrar en erupcin
fire ................................ incendio hide ........................ esconder
floods ............................. inundaciones invade ..................... invadir
hurricane ......................... huracn reach....................... alcanzar
landslide corrimiento de tierra, alud
tornado ........................... tornado OTHER WORDS
tsunami ........................... tsunami both ........................ los dos
volcanic eruption................erupcin volcnica several..................... varios

A long time ago .......... hace mucho tiempo
As we know it, ........... como lo conocemos
At the age of ........... con la edad de aos.
In fact, .................... De hecho,
Thanks to.................. gracias a
To be responsible for.... ser responsable de
Very little + N ............ muy poco + SUST
Can I help you? .......... En qu puedo ayudarle?
Im looking for information on Estoy buscando
informacin sobre
Id like to find out about Me gustara encontrar
algo sobre
OTHER VOCABULARY What type of information do you need? qu tipo
de informacin necesita?
ADJECTIVES Come and ask me if you need anything else. Venga y
wheat ...................... trigo pregnteme si necesita algo ms.
wide ........................ancho Thanks for your help. .. Gracias por su ayuda.

biscuits ....................galletas
century ....................siglo
descent ....................descenso
dessert .....................postre
environment ..............Medio Ambiente
explorer.................... explorador
flour ........................harina
guide .......................gua

Interface 2 Vocabulary


CHARACTER ADJECTIVES cliff ........................ acantilado
fact ........................ hecho real
brave....................... valiente fiction ..................... hecho ficticio
cheerful .................. alegre ghost....................... fantasma
cruel ...................... cruel highwayman .............. bandolero
friendly ................... simptico, simptica iron ..........................hierro
funny ...................... divertido, divertida king ........................ rey
kind ....................... amable practical jokes ........... bromas
lazy ........................ vago, vaga queen ...................... reina
loyal ....................... leal ruler ........................ gobernante
selfish ..................... egosta sighting .................... avistamiento
shy ......................... tmido, tmida stone....................... piedra
stubborn .................. testarudo, testaruda sword ...................... espada
wise ....................... sabio, sabia witch....................... bruja
witty . Astuto, astuta wizard ..................... brujo

dangerous ................. peligroso, peligrosa
sure ........................ seguro, segura
merry ...................... feliz, alegre
carry ...................... transportar, llevar
cross .................... cruzar LINKERS
drop ....................... tirar, dejar caer while....................... mientras
fall ......................... caer when ....................... cuando
follow ..................... seguir
jump ...................... saltar
lead ....................... conducir, liderar OTHER EXPRESSIONS
lift ......................... levantar
move ...................... mover at that time ........... en ese tiempo
pull ......................... tirar in fact .................. de hecho
push ........................ empujar in the end ................. al final
sit .......................... sentarse later ....................... ms tarde
stand ...................... levantarse nearby ..................... cercano
one day.................... un da
suddenly .de repente
take around four hours . durar unas cuatro horas
then........................ despus, entonces

be afraid .................. tener miedo

conquer.................... conquistar
fight........................ pelear
invade ..................... invader
rule ........................ regir, gobernar

myth ....................... mito
legend ..................... leyenda

Interface 2 Vocabulary

borrow ..................... tomar prestado $ (dollar) .................. dolar
buy ........................ comprar (pound sterling)........ libra esterlina
earn ....................... ganar (sueldo) (euro).................... euro
lend ....................... prestar change..................... cambio
pay (for) .................. pagar charity..................... caridad, beneficencia
save ....................... ahorrar coin ........................ moneda
sell ........................ vender donations ................. donativos
spend (on)................. gastar (en) initiative .................. iniciativa
swap ....................... intercambio, trueque part-time job............. trabajo a tiempo parcial
win ........................ ganar (premio, lotera) pocket money.. paga que dan los padres a los hijos
tips ......................... consejos
website .................... sitio web en internet

cheap ...................... barato, barata
expensive ................. caro, cara
second hand .............. de segunda mano
smart ...................... inteligente
desktop ................... ordenador sobremesa
flash drive ................ memoria externa (lpiz)
keyboard ................. teclado LINKERS
laptop ..................... ordenador porttil
memory card ............. tarjeta de memoria either or ............... o o
mouse ..................... ratn
printer .................... impresora
scanner ................... escner, digitalizador
screen ..................... pantalla OTHER EXPRESSIONS
speakers ................... altavoces do the maths .......... hacer los clculos
webcam ................... cmara web piece of advice........... consejo
means of transport ...... medios de transporte
for sale .................... en venta
@ at

click........................ pulsar
go shopping ............... ir de compras
look after ................. cuidar
search...................... buscar
throw away ............... tirar, descartar
walk ....................... andar, sacar a pasear

Interface 4 Vocabulary


JOBS donate ..................... donar
lie down ................... tenderse
actor ....................... actor
architect ................. arquitecto
baker panadero NOUNS
butcher . carnicero equipment ................ equipamiento, equipacin
electrician ............... electricista exhaustion ................ cansancio extremo
engineer .................. ingeniero fire engine camin de bomberos
fireman .................... bombero first aid.................... primeros auxilios
lifeguard .................. socorrista helmet..................... casco
mechanic ................. mecnico partner .................... compaero, compaera
nurse ...................... enfermero, enfermera plaster ..................... escayola
police officer ............ oficial de polica queue ..................... cola de espera
politician .. poltico rescue ..................... rescate
sportsperson ............. deportista sanitation ................. condiciones de higiene
shop assistant .. dependiente (tienda) uniform.................... uniforme
surgeon ................... cirujano volunteer.................. voluntario, voluntaria
teacher .................... profesor, profesora
vet.......................... veterinario, veterinaria
waiter/ waitress . camarero/ camarera ADJECTIVES
boring...................... aburrido, aburrida
busy ........................ ocupado, ocupada
distinctive ................ distintivo, caracterstico
exciting.................... emocionante
healthy .................... sano, sana
professional............... professional

also ........................ tambin, adems
too ......................... tambin
broken arm ............... brazo roto OTHER EXPRESSIONS
cold ................... resfriado make a difference ....... hacer algo importante
cough ..................... tos developing countries .... pases en desarrollo
cut ......................... corte sentence stress........... acento en oracin
earache ................... dolor de odo in my opinion............. en mi opinin
headache ................. dolor de cabeza I think ..................... yo creo
insect bite ................ picadura de insecto I imagine .................. me imagino
sick ........................ enfermo, enferma (con I would prefer ............ yo preferira
necesidad de vomitar)
sore throat ............... dolor de garganta
stomach ache............. dolor de estmago
temperature .............. fiebre

design ..................... disear
install ...................... instalar
perform.................... actuar
play ........................ practicar
queue ...................... hacer cola
repair ...................... reparar
work........................ trabajar

Interface 2 Vocabulary

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS train to be ....................... formarse para ser
acoustic guitar .................. guitarra acstica
drums ............................. batera ADJECTIVES
electric guitar ................... guitarra elctrica
flute............................... flauta average............................medio, promedio
harmonica........................ armnica both................................ambos, los dos
keyboard ......................... teclado real................................ autntico, de verdad
percussion........................ percusin second-hand ..................... de segunda mano
piano .............................. piano similar to......................... parecido a
saxophone........................ saxofn successful ........................ de xito, exitoso
trumpet........................... trompeta teenage .......................... adolescente
violin .............................. violin nouns
aerobics .......................... aerobic
ambition ......................... ambicin
band .............................. grupo
choir .............................. coro
computer graphics.............. grficas por ordenador
contest ........................... concurso
demographics ................... estadstica de poblacin
economics........................ economa
folk music ........................ msica tradicional
LIFE EVENTS Gospel music .................... msica gospel
hymn.............................. himno
Anniversary..............aniversario mathematics .................... matemticas
birth............................... nacimiento orchestra......................... orquesta
christening ....................... bautizo physics............................ fsica
death.............................. muerte politics. .......................... poltica
divorce............................ divorcio pop. ............................... msica pop
engagement...................... compromiso scientist .......................... cientfico
first communion................. primera comunin statistics ......................... estadstica
funeral............................ entierro, funeral vet ................................ veterinario
retirement ....................... jubilacin vocalist ........................... cantante
wedding .......................... boda
adverbs a few.............................. algunos
nearly ............................. casi at least ........................... por lo menos
probably .......................... probablemente how long ......................... cunto tiempo
regularly.......................... con regularidad most .............................. la mayora de
soon ............................... pronto no problem ...................... no hay problema
until ............................... hasta per cent .......................... por ciento
verbs the same as...................... igual
be born ........................... nacer what kind of ..................... qu tipo de
compete .......................... competir
fail................................. suspender
pass ................................aprobar
get a job.......................... conseguir trabajo
get married ...................... casarse
get divorced ..................... divorciarse
go to university.................. ir a la universidad
have children .................... tener nios, hijos
learn to drive .................... aprender a conducir
leave home ...................... irse de casa de los padres
leave school ..................... terminar secundaria
live to............................. llegar a (vivir hasta)
start school ...................... empezar el colegio

Interface 2 Vocabulary


MATERIALS AND CONTAINERS African ............................africano
Indian .............................hind
aluminium........................ aluminio homeless..........................sin hogar
bag ................................ bolsa land................................terrestre
bottle ............................. botella marine ............................marino
box ................................ caja inusual ............................inslito, raro
can ................................ lata nouns
cardboard ........................ cartn cliff ................................acantilado
carton............................. brick coast ..............................costa
cotton............................. algodn bin lorry camin de la basura
glass............................... cristal desert .............................desierto
jar ................................. tarro forest..............................bosque
metal ............................. metal habitat ............................habitat
paper.............................. papel hill .................................colina
plastic ............................ plstico ice .................................hielo
wool ............................... lana ivory ...............................marfil
ENDANGERED ANIMALS litter ...............................basura del suelo
dolphin ........................... delfin mammal ..........................mamfero
elephant.......................... elefante mountain range..................cordillera
leopard ........................... leopardo neighbourhood...................barrio
orangutan ........................ orangutan pet .................................mascota
panda ............................. oso panda pond ...............................laguna
polar bear ........................ oso polar rainforest .........................selva tropical
rhinoceros........................ rinoceronte recycling bin .....................contenedor de reciclaje
snake.............................. serpiente rubbish ............................basura
tiger ............................... tigre savannah..........................sabana
turtle.............................. tortuga stream ............................arroyo
territory ..........................territorio
tusk ................................colmillo
OTHER VOCABULARY valley..............................valle
adverbs waterfall..........................catarata
before............................. antes
ever ............................... alguna vez OTHER EXPRESSIONS
fast ................................ rpido
a few...............................algunos
finally ............................. por ltimo
at least............................por lo menos
firstly ............................. en primer lugar
how long ..........................cunto tiempo
really.............................. de verdad
in danger of extinction .........en peligro de extincin
sometimes........................ algunas veces
most mayora de
soon ............................... pronto
no problem hay problema
then ............................... luego
per cent...........................por ciento
(not) yet .......................... todava (no)
the same as ......................igual que
what kind of......................qu tipo de
hunt ............................... cazar
rebuild ............................ reconstruir
recycle............................ reciclar
reduce ............................ reducir
refuse ............................. negarse/ rehusar
resend ............................ reenviar

restart ............................ reiniciar

reuse .............................. reutilizar
rewrite............................ reescribir
save ............................... salvar
survive ............................ sobrevivir
Asian .............................. asitico

Interface 2 Vocabulary


PLAYING GAMES send. ..............................enviar
action ..................... accin take part..........................participar
brain game ............... juego de agilidad mental win.................................ganar (un premio)
beat ....................... vencer a un oponente adjectives
cheat...................... hacer trampas addicted ..........................adicto
chess ...................... ajedrez boring .............................aburrido
computer games ........ juegos de ordenador busy ...............................ajetreado
count...................... contar fair.................................justo
give up.................... rendirse favourite..........................preferido
guess ...................... adivinar, suponer fun .................................divertido
land ....................... caer (en una casilla) honest.............................honrado
life simulation ........... que imita la vida real peaceful ..........................tranquilo
lose........................ perder racing carreras
miss a turn ............... perder un turno sandy ..............................arenoso
move a counter ......... mover ficha wild................................salvaje
noughts and crosses .... tres en raya worried ...........................preocupado
platform .................. plataforma nouns
playing cards ............ jugar a las cartas board ..............................tablero
role-play.................. juego de rol century............................siglo
roll a dice ................ tirar un dado console............................consola
counter ...........................ficha
laptop .............................ordenador portatil
player .............................jugador
rules ...............................reglas
seaside ............................costa
strategy ...........................estrategia
PLACES TO VISIT surfer..............................surfista
aquarium ......................... acuario tournament.......................torneo
art gallery ........................ galera de arte tower..............................torre
campsite.......................... camping toy shop...........................juguetera
castle ............................. castillo war ................................guerra
cathedral ......................... catedral winner.............................ganador
fishing port....................... puerto de pesca
market ............................ mercado
monument........................ monumento
safari park........................ parque zoolgico donde
los animales estn en libertad
statue ............................. estatua
town square...................... plaza OTHER EXPRESSIONS
water park ....................... parque acutico at the beginning principio
how often.........................con qu frecuencia
I don't feel like tengo ganas
I don't fancy me apetece
I'd rather..........................preferira
adverbs in fact .............................en realidad
at the moment .................. en este momento on holiday vacaciones
at weekends ..................... los fines de semana there was once ..................haba una vez
last ................................ por ltima vez while ..............................mientras
later............................... ms tarde
never.............................. nunca
professionally.................... profesionalmente
right now ......................... ahora mismo
tonight ............................ esta noche
come true ........................ hacerse realidad
earn ............................... ganar (un sueldo)

ES IES Pedro Espinosa Academic Year 201.../ 201...
English Department Name:

Oral exam preparation: UNIT 1


Discussion Questions Model Answers

1. What's your favourite type of film? Why? 1. I like/ really like horror films because they are great
2. Do you like animated films? fun.
3. What do you think of romantic comedies? 2. Yes, I do. No, I don't.
4. Do you enjoy war films? 3. I like/ don't mind/ can't stand romantic comedies.
5. What/ how about science-fiction films? 4. Yes, I do. No, I don't.
6. Do you watch a lot of films? 5. I don't like them. They are awful/ boring
7. Where do you watch films: at home or at the 6. I don't usually watch films on weekdays but I often
cinema? Why? watch one or two at weekends.
8. Is there a good cinema/ cinema complex near 7. Yes, there is/ No, there isn't.
you? 8. I usually watch films at ... because it's cheaper/ because
9. When do you go to the cinema? the screen is bigger.
10. Who do you go to the cinema with? 9. I go to the cinema once a month.
11. Do you eat/drink at the cinema? 10. I always go to the cinema with my friends/ I ofen go to
12. What do you eat/drink at the cinema? the cinema with my parents/
13. Imagine you are at a cinema: ask for two tickets. 11. Yes, I do./ No, I don't. I prefer not to eat anything.
Act out a conversation. 12. I like eating popcorn/ sweets/ a snack/ an ice-cream.
14. Does (your father/ mother/ sister/ brother) like 13. Can I have two tickects for ... (film's name), please?
watching films? 14. Yes, he/she does. No, he/ she doesn't.
15. What's on at the local cinema this week? 15. (film's title).. is on.
16. What's your favourite TV programme? 16. My favourite TV programme is .......
17. How often do you watch it? 17. I watch it every day/ once a week.
18. How many hours a day do you watch TV? 18. I watch it three/ four hours a day.
19. Do you watch films on your computer? 19. Never/ sometimes/ hardly ever/ often/ every night

Useful vocabulary Useful verbs

Let's see ............... watch
Good idea. OK. Great. love/ enjoy
Characters/ actors/ director dislike/ hate
What about you? be on
TV programmes: cartoon, chat show, comedy programme, don't mind
documentary, drama, game show, reality show, soap prefer ..... to .......
opera, sports programme, the news. to be fan of
Film types: action, adventure, animated, comedy, fantasy, choose
horror, musical, romantic comedy, science-fiction, thriller, be nice/ interesting/ boring/ exciting/ funny/ fantastic
war, western.

Other expressions Essential classroom language

Helping you to explain ideas: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
What is more, ... Can you repeat please?
Actually, ... Can you speak more slowly, please?
As a matter of fact, ... Can you spell that word for me, please?
Opinion Let me think...
I think, ... That's a difficult question...
In my opinion, ... I'm not sure about this question...
If you ask me, ... I don't know...

ES Pedro Espinosa Academic Year 201.../ 201...
English Department Name:

Oral exam preparation: UNIT 2 "ADVENTURE"

Discussion Questions Model Answers

1. Have you got any survival skills? 1. Yes, I can fish and climb trees.
2. Do you like camping/ chopping wood/ sleeping 2. Yes, I do /No, I hate it.
outdoors? 3. I think it's exciting/ boring.
3. What do you think of hiking in the mountains? 4. Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
4. Do you enjoy adventure/ spending time in 5. Perfect! I'd love to./ Sorry, I can't.
nature? 6. Yes, I can/ No, I can't
5. What/ how about spending a few days/ a weekend 7. I'm camping with my family/ my friends.
in the wild? 8. Yes, I am./ No, I'm not.
6. Can you prepare food? 9. Let's meet at the school entrance.
7. What are you doing next weekend/ summer? 10. At half past seven.
8. Are you going on the school camping weekend? 11. I'm going fishing/ camping/ climbing mountains....
9. Where shall we meet? 12. I can eat a sadwhich or I can find food in the nature.
10. What time? 13.Never/ hardly ever/ once a month/ twice a year...
11. What are your plans for the weekend? 14. Let's go camping in the mountains.
12. What can you eat/drink at the country-side? 15. Yes, he/ she does./ No, he/she doesn't. He/ she prefers
13. How often do you go camping? sleeping at a hotel.
14. What can we do next weekend? 16. Yes, I love it./ No, I hate it because I always feel scared.
15. Does (your father/ mother/ sister/ brother) like 17. I feel excited and a bit nervous.
going camping? 18. Really tired./ I often feel very hungry!
16. Do you ever climb trees? Why? 19. Yes, Sunday is fine.
17. How do you feel before a day out?
18. How do you feel after a day out?
19. Are you free on Sunday?

Useful vocabulary Useful verbs

Let's buy .../ Let's go to ............... survive
Good idea./ OK./ Great. /All right. /Sounds good. love/ enjoy
Pleased/ excited/ happy/ worried/ angry/ bored/ nervous dislike/ hate
What about you? to have a good/ wonderful time
Survival skills: build a fire/ a shelter, camp, chop, climb, don't mind
cook, find, look for, hike, sleep, swim, sail, fish. prefer fishing to cooking.
Places: mountains, lake, beach, the wild, camping site. join a group
Equipment: sleeping bag, tent, lantern, rucksack, bait, make friends
torch, waterproof clothing, swimming wear, rod, hook, carry equipment
camera. take photos
Don't forget your torch! be an adventurer/ a group leader

Other expressions Essential classroom language

Helping you to explain ideas: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
What is more, ... Can you repeat please?
Actually, ... Can you speak more slowly, please?
As a matter of fact, ... Can you spell that word for me, please?
Opinion Let me think...
I think, ... That's a difficult question...
In my opinion, ... I'm not sure about this question...
If you ask me, ... I don't know...

ES IES Pedro Espinosa Academic Year 201.../ 201...
English Department Name:

Oral exam preparation: UNIT 3


Discussion Questions Model Answers

1. Can I help you? 1. Yes, please. I'm looking for information about/ on ....
2. What type of information do you need/ are you 2. I'd like to find some information on/ about ....
looking for?
3. There are some good/ great/ interesting books in 3. Thank you./ Thanks for your help./ That's great/ very
the History/ Fiction Section. useful.
4. Where are the computers? 4. Over there. /On the first/ second floor./ Near the door./
5. Do I need a password? On that wall.
6. Do I have to pay to use the computers? 5. No, you don't.
7. What time does the library close? 6. No, they are free.
8. Can I help you? 7. At half past seven/ eight o'clock. /In twenty minutes.
9. How long can I keep it/ them? 8. Yes, please. I'd like to borrow this book/ these books.
10. How often do you go to the library? 9. For two weeks.
11. Can you eat/drink at the library? 10. I go to the library once/twice a month/ a week.
12. What do you do at the library? 11. No, I can't.
13. Is there a good library in your town/ school? 12. I borrow books/ study ...
14. Which journey do you want to do? 13. Oh, yes! My local/ school library is really good.
15. What did Columbus discover? 14. I want to travel to France.
16. When did he discover America? 15. He discovered America.
17. Did you watch the news last night? 16. In 1492.
18. When did the earthquake happen? 17. Yes, and I heard about the earthquake.
18. Yesterday morning.

Useful vocabulary Useful verbs

Let's see ... love/ enjoy/ dislike/ hate
Let me see... choose
OK. Great. borrow
Sections at the library: Travel/ Bestsellers/ Cookery/ Art/ find/ look for
Poetry/ Geography/ Drama/ Foreign Languages/ Dictionaries/ need
Children's/ Geology/ Philosophy/ Classics Section. read the newspaper
There is/ are ... use the computer
On the left/ right. In front of the window. discovered
On the top/ bottom shelf. happened
heard about

Other expressions Essential classroom language

Helping you to explain ideas: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
What is more, ... Can you repeat please?
Actually, ... Can you speak more slowly, please?
As a matter of fact, ... Can you spell that word for me, please?
Opinion Let me think...
I think, ... That's a difficult question...
In my opinion, ... I'm not sure about this question...
If you ask me, ... I don't know...

ES IES Pedro Espinosa Academic Year 201.../ 201...
English Department Name:

Oral exam preparation: UNIT 4


Discussion Questions Model Answers

1. How was your weekend? 1. It was great/ awful.
2. Did you enjoy it? 2. Yes, I had a good/ brilliant/ great/ terrible time.
3. Did you go anywhere interesting? 3. Yes, we went to ..........
4. How did you get there? 4. I went by bus/ plane/ car/ on foot.
5. What did you do there? 5. I visited a museum.
6. Did you do anything interesting? 6. Yes, I saw an old Roman coin./ Not really!
7. Where did you have lunch? 7. At a restaurant/ caf/ pub.
8. Did you stay overnight? 8. Yes, we did./ No, we didn't.
9. Where did you stay? 9. In a hotel.
10. When did you come back? 10. On Sunday afternoon.
11. What time did you get home? 11.At half past four. /Just on time for dinner.

12. What was King Artur like? 12. He was very brave.
13. What happened while he was fighting in the war? 13. His brother ruled the country.
13. What famous legends have you got in your country? 14. We have the legend of the In Love Couple.

Useful vocabulary Useful verbs

Let's see ... loved/ enjoyed/ disliked/ hated
Wow! travelled/ didn't travel
Great. spent/ didn't spend
It was great fun/ boring/ exciting. have a good/ bad/ great/ awful/ fantastic/ terrible time
Places to go: to the mountains, the beach, a swimming-pool, a have lunch, dinner, coffee/ tea/ an ice-cream
theme park, another town/ village, another country, the country-
side, a disco...
There was/ were ...
Activities: go shopping/ skiing/ swimming/ fishing/
sightseeing; go to dance/ to play football/ basketball/ paddle/
tennis; go to visit relatives/ a museum/ a castle/ a cathedral; go
to the cinema/ the park; meet people.
Character adjectives: cheerful, funny, lazy, selfish, shy,
stubborn/ friendly, loyal, cruel, kind, wise.

Other expressions Essential classroom language

Helping you to explain ideas: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
What is more, ... Can you repeat please?
Actually, ... Can you speak more slowly, please?
As a matter of fact, ... Can you spell that word for me, please?
Opinion Let me think...
I think, ... That's a difficult question...
In my opinion, ... I'm not sure about this question...
If you ask me, ... I don't know...

ES IES Pedro Espinosa Academic Year 201.../ 201...
English Department Name:

Oral exam preparation: UNIT 5


Discussion Questions Model Answers

1. Excuse me, how much is the necklace? 1. It's .../ ......
2. Can I try it/ them on? 2. Yes, of course!
3. How much are the earrings? 3. They are .../ ......
4. What about the shirts? How much do they cost? 4. They are .../ ..... each or two for .../ ......
5. Do you like it/ them? 5. It's/ They are lovely/ nice. I'll take it/ them, please.
6. Are they your size? 6. Yes/ No, they are too small/ big for me.
7. How often do you go shopping? 7. Once a week/ twice a month/ three times a year.
8. Do you enjoy going shopping? 8. Yes, I do. It's fun/ No, I don't. It's boring.
9. Where do you buy your clothes? 9. At a shopping centre/ local shops/ in Mlaga.
10. Do you go shopping with your parents or with 10. I prefer to go with my friends/ my parents.
your friends? 11. I get 10 a week/ 30 a month.
11. How much pocket money do you get? 12. I buy CDs/ books/ cinema tickets.
12. What do you spend your pockect money on? 13. Yes, I do/ No, I don't.
13. Do you buy your own clothes with this money? 14. Yes, I walk my neighbour's dogs/ look after my sister./
14. Have you got a part-time job? No, my mother says I'm too young for it.
15. Is your mobile phone more expensive than your 15. Yes, it is/ No, it isn't.
friend's mobile? 16. My favourite possession is my laptop because I can
16. What's your favourite possession? Why? play games and chat with my friends. I use it a lot.

Useful vocabulary Useful verbs

Let me see ... love/ enjoy/ dislike/ hate buying things
Wow!/ Great. spend money on something
It is more expensive than/ less expensive than/ as expensive as. have a good/ bad/ great/ awful/ fantastic/ terrible time
Places to go: shopping centre/ local shops/ clothes shop/ sports try on
shop/ music shop. walk a dog/ look after someone/ help at home/ deliver
There is/ are ... newpapers/ work in a shop
Here's a mirrow. save money
Here's ten pounds/ ten euros. sell/ buy/ swap things
Thanks. Here is your change. lend/ borrow/ earn/ win/ lose money
Items to buy: T-shirt/ trainers/ skirt/ boots/ sweatshirt/ belt/ pay for something
necklace/ CDs/ books / sports bag...
Sizes: small/ medium/ large/ extra-large.

Other expressions Essential classroom language

Helping you to explain ideas: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
What is more, ... Can you repeat please?
Actually, ... Can you speak more slowly, please?
As a matter of fact, ... Can you spell that word for me, please?
Opinion Let me think...
I think, ... That's a difficult question...
In my opinion, ... I'm not sure about this question...
If you ask me, ... I don't know...

ES IES Pedro Espinosa Academic Year 201.../ 201...
English Department Name:

Oral exam preparation: UNIT 6


Discussion Questions Model Answers

1. I think it must be boring/ exciting./ In my opinion it's
1. What do you think about working as a fireman? too dangerous.
2. Why do you think it's boring? 2. They wait at the fire station a lot. I would prefer to be a
3. What do you think of mechanics? police officer/ pilot.
4. Do you want to be a doctor? 3. Mechanics always seem to be busy.
5. Why do you want to be a doctor? 4. Yes, I want to be a doctor. / Perhaps being a doctor is
6. Would you prefer to be a nurse or a doctor? very difficult.
7. Do you think police officers are brave? 5. Because they help people./ Because I like helping
8. Where would you like to work? people.
9. What does your father/ mother do? 6. I'd rather be a nurse.
10. Are you going to be/ become a singer? Why? 7. Yes, they are very brave.
11. What do we call someone who performs in films 8. I'd like to work in a factory.
and plays? 9. He's/ She's an engineer./ He/ She works as an engineer.
12. How are you feeling today? 10. Oh, No, I'm not. / Yes, I hope so! Because I want/
13. You look sick.What's the matter with you? don't want to be famous. / Because I want to earn a lot of
14. What should I do if I have a sore throat? money/ to be on TV/ to be successful.
11. An actor.
12. Not very well, I've got a terrible headache.
13. I've got a stomachache because I ate too much
chocolate last night. / I feel tired because I went to bed
too late yesterday.
14. You should have a sweet.

Useful vocabulary Useful verbs

Wow!/ Great!/ Really? love/ enjoy/ dislike/ hate
It is great fun/ boring/ interesting/exciting. spend time working/ sitting/ walking
I agree./ I don't agree. have a good/ bad/ great/ awful/ fantastic/ terrible time
It must be nice to be a doctor. imagine
It's too dangerous/ boring for me! seem to be useful/ to spend long hours/ to be always busy
I'd prefer to be a teacher. earn money
Jobs: actor, architect, electrician, engineer, lifeguard, mechanic,be famous/ rich/ helpful
nurse, police officer, sportperson, surgeon, teacher, vet, waiter, work as a teacher/ be a teacher/ work for an important
singer/ actor. company
Places of work: department store, factory, garage, school,
leisure centre, office, hospital, police station, garage, hair- You should drink water/ lie down/ take an aspirine/ put on
dresser's, surgery, restaurant, theatre.
a plaster/ rest/ use a special cream/ stay at home/ go to
Health problems: headache, a cold, an insect bite, a sore the doctor.
throat, a broken arm, a cut, en earache, cough, temperature.
Poor you! I hope you get well soon!

Other expressions Essential classroom language

Helping you to explain ideas: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
What is more, ... Can you repeat please?
Actually, ... Can you speak more slowly, please?
As a matter of fact, ... Can you spell that word for me, please?
Opinion Let me think...
I think, ... That's a difficult question...
In my opinion, ... I'm not sure about this question...
If you ask me, ... I don't know...

ES IES Pedro Espinosa Academic Year 201.../ 201...
English Department Name:

Oral exam preparation: UNIT 7


Discussion Questions Model Answers

1. I want to buy a guitar. Which one should I buy? 1. I think you should buy that one/ a second hand one.
2. How much money have you got? 2. I've got 200/ 200.
3. What do you think of these two?/ What about this 3. They both look fine./ It looks great.
one here? 4. Pop/ rock/ classical/ dance/ jazz/ all kind of music.
4. What kind of music would you like to play? 5. I think you should get an electric guitar.
5. What should I do? 6. Because they are more expensive but you can join a
6. Why? band.
7. Can you play a musical instrument? 7. Yes, I play the drums.
8. Do you want to be in a band? 8. I'd love to./ Not really.
9. How often should you practise? 9. It's important to practise every day.
10. What's your favourite band? 10. It's ............
11. Do you like going to concerts? 11. I love it. I go to concerts if I have enough money.
12. How often do you go to concerts? 12. Not very often because there aren't any concert halls
13. When were you born? in Antequera/ I go to concerts if my parents take me to
14. What do you want to do in the future? Mlaga/ give me the money.
15. When will you leave home/ start university? 13. In 1999.
16. How many children will you have? 14. I want to train to be a nurse.
15. When I am 18.
16. I think I'll have two children/ one child.

Useful vocabulary Useful verbs

No problem! love/ enjoy/ dislike/ hate

Great/ Good idea! I'll do that. spend time practising/ training
It is great fun/ boring/ interesting/cool. have a good/ bad/ great/ awful/ fantastic/ terrible time
I agree./ I don't agree. seem to be/ to spend
Instruments: acoustic guitar, drums, electric guitar, flute, earn money/ be on TV/ become a celebrity
keyboard, percussion, piano, saxophone, trumpet, violin. practise
It must be exciting to join a band. learn to play
It's too stressful/ demanding for me!
I'd prefer to buy a second-hand one/ a new one. will get married/ leave school/ be a scientist/ get a job/ work as a
Thanks a lot/ so much. dentist/ live in another country
Not very often/ quite often/ once a month. want to study at university/ buy a house/ travel to India/ learn to

Other expressions Essential classroom language

Helping you to explain ideas: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
What is more, ... Can you repeat please?
Actually, ... Can you speak more slowly, please?
As a matter of fact, ... Can you spell that word for me, please?
Opinion Let me think...
I think, ... That's a difficult question...
In my opinion, ... I'm not sure about this question...
If you ask me, ... I don't know...

ES IES Pedro Espinosa Academic Year 201.../ 201...
English Department Name:

Oral exam preparation: UNIT 8


Discussion Questions Model Answers

1. Excuse me, how do we get to the music shop? 1. It's next to the post office.
2. Do you know where that is? 2. No, I don't/ Yes, I do.
3. Is it far? 3. No, not at all. You can walk from here./
4. How far is it? A little bit. You need to take a bus.
5. Where about is it? 4. It's about five minutes walk/ on foot/ away by bike/ by bus.
6. Which bus is for the university? 5. It's in the town centre.
7. How many stops for The Royal Albert Hall? 6. It's the 23.
8. How often does it come? 7. Three.
9. Can I help you? 8. Every 10 minutes/ 15 minutes.
10. Have you got a map? 9. Yes, please.
11. Can I see your map? 10. Yes, we have.
12. What do you recycle? 11. Certainly./ Of course. Here you are.
13. What do you do with old clothes/ plastic bags? 12. I recycle plastic bags/ cartons/ paper/ cardboard.
14. What bin is for plastic/ paper/ glass bottles? 13. I take them to charity shops or give them to my cousin.
15. Why are dolphins in danger of extinction? 14. The blue one is for paper and cardboard, the yellow one is
16. Have you seen a rhino? for cans and plastic bags and the green one is for glass.
15. Because thousands of them die in fishing nets every year.
16. Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

Useful vocabulary Useful verbs

Let me show you on the map. spend time waiting for the bus/ on the bus.
No problem! turn right/ left at the corner/ into Cross Street
Great/ Good idea! I'll do that. you will see
Thank you/ Thanks very much. cross
You are welcome! there is/are
You can't miss it! walk
Enjoy your visit! take a bus
Go straight on past the roundabout / Follow the street past get on the bus/ get off the bus at Cross Street.
two bookshops.
Useful landmarks: library, park, traffic lights, bus stop, Reuse/ refuse/ recycle/ reduce
square, roundabout, bridge, building, church, bank, shop,post save the planet
office, theatre, cinema, shopping centre. have a good/ bad effect on the environment
Prepositions:Behind, in front of, next to, opposite. be in danger of extinction
On your right/ left. In front of you. hunt/ save/ adopt/ survive
You are here. lose/ destroy their natural homes/ habitats
Rubbish/ packaging its/ their home is disappearing
Endangered animals: elephant, leopard, orangutan, panda, there are only 3,200 of them in the world
rhinoceros, tiger, turtle.

Other expressions Essential classroom language

Helping you to explain ideas: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
What is more, ... Can you repeat please?
Actually, ... Can you speak more slowly, please?
As a matter of fact, ... Can you spell that word for me, please?
Opinion Let me think...
I think, ... That's a difficult question...
In my opinion, ... I'm not sure about this question...
If you ask me, ... I don't know...

ES IES Pedro Espinosa Academic Year 201.../ 201...
English Department Name:

Oral exam preparation: UNIT 9


Discussion Questions Model Answers

1. We could try the swimming-pool.
1. What shall we do today/ tomorrow? 2. I'd rather/ prefer to visit the museum. I haven't been
2. What would you rather do? there before.
3. And what shall we do in the afternoon? 3. Let's go and see a film.
4. How about going to the disco? 4. Good idea. It will be fun./ To be honest, I don't really
5. What do you feel like doing today? fancy that.
5. What about having dinner at McDonalds?

6. Do you like board games? 6. Not much/ Yes, I love them.

7. What's your favourite board game? 7.My favourite is Trivial.
8. Does your family ever sit together and play games? 8. Not very often/ Sometimes/ Never.
9. Have you beaten your opponent many times? 9. Only some times/ Yes, I often win the game.
10. Is it a difficult game to play? 10. No, it's very easy/ simple.
11. How many players do you need to play chess? 11. You need only two.
12. Do you play games on line? 12. Yes, I'm quite into it/ I often do it/ Never.
13. Can you play chess? 13.Yes, I can/ No, I've never done it.
14. Have you entered a competition? 14. I entered a competition last year./ No, I haven't. I'm
15. How do you play Monopoly? Describe the rules. not very good at it.
15. This is game for 2 to 4 people. Each player has a
counter and a dice. They move the counters around the
board and buy buildings. The winner is the player who
gets most possessions and money.

Useful vocabulary Useful verbs

Places to visit: aquarium, art gallery, campsite, castle, like/ enjoy/ hate going/ playing
cathedral, fishing port, market, monument, safari park, statue, play computer games/ play chess
town centre, water park, island. beat an opponent/ win a game/ lose/ give up
I prefer beaches to water parks. compete against
Beaches are very popular with children. cheat
Let's go to.../ play a game/ visit a friend/ a museum. guess
count/ move a counter
You need a dice/ 4 counters/ cards/ a board/ two players. roll the dice
To start the game, you need to roll the dice and get a six. take all the pieces off the board
I don't know the answer. miss a turn
The player with most white pieces is first/ the winner. land
It's my/ your turn! have fun/ a good time/ a wonderful time
Nobody is eliminated.
Strategy/ competition.
At the beginning/ end.

Other expressions Essential classroom language

Helping you to explain ideas: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
Actually, ... Can you repeat please?
As a matter of fact, ... Can you speak more slowly, please?
Opinion Let me think...
I think, ... That's a difficult question...
In my opinion, ... I'm not sure about this question...
If you ask me, ... I don't know...


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