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Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps naci el 30 de junio de 1985 en Baltimore, Maryland. Despus

de practicar desde muy pequeo algunos deportes bisbol y ftbol americano,
comenz a nadar a los siete aos, incentivado por sus hermanas, Hilary y
Whitney. A los once aos el tcnico Bow Bowman, quien pronto se percat de
sus cualidades innatas para la natacin. Con l empez a entrenar en el North
Baltimore Aquatic Club. En 2001 gan su primer ttulo absoluto: la medalla de
oro de los 200 metros mariposa en el Mundial de Fukuoka en Japn.
En 2003 bati ocho rcords mundiales, aquel ao, en el Mundial de Barcelona
con apenas dieciocho aos y a ttulo individual, tres medallas de oro. A partir de
entonces el mundo lo conoci como El Tiburn de Baltimore. En la olimpiada
Atenas 2004 gano 6 medallas de oro y 8 en total. Pero su consagracin como
la mayor figura en la historia mundial de la natacin y como el deportista
olmpico al ganar 8 medallas de oro en los Juegos Olmpicos de Pekn del
En las olimpiadas de Londres le faltaba un ltimo reto en convertirse en el
deportista ms laureado de la historia de los juegos olmpicos, ttulo en poder
de la gimnasta sovitica Larisa Latynina, que guardaba en sus vitrinas las
dieciocho medallas obtenidas. En aquella olimpiada coron la que tericamente
haba de ser su ltima actuacin olmpica y profesional con otras 4 medallas de
oro y en total 6 nuevas medallas.
De forma inesperada, su retiro dur dos aos y en abril de 2014 anunci su
regreso a las competiciones participando en las olimpiadas de Rio de Janeiro
2016 en el cual gano 4 medallas de oro y 6 en total.
Es importante resaltar su gran logro como deportista, 28 medallas en cuatro
olimpiadas de las cuales 23 de ellas de oro. Y como deportista resulta
admirables su extraordinaria fuerza de voluntad y su espritu competitivo, nadie
dentro de su especialidad puede disputarle el ttulo de mejor nadador de todos
los tiempos.
Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps was born on June 30, 1985 in Baltimore, Maryland. After
practicing from a very young age some baseball and American football, he
started swimming at age seven, encouraged by his sisters, Hilary and Whitney.
At age eleven, Bow Bowman, who soon realized his innate qualities for
swimming. With him he started training at the North Baltimore Aquatic Club. In
2001 he won his first absolute title: the gold medal of the 200 meter butterfly at
the Fukuoka World Cup in Japan.
In 2003 he broke eight world records, that year, at the World Cup in Barcelona
with only eighteen years and individually, three gold medals. From then on the
world knew him as '' The Baltimore Shark ''. In the Athens 2004 Olympiad he
won 6 gold medals and 8 in total. But his consecration as the greatest figure in
the world history of swimming and as the Olympic athlete by winning 8 gold
medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
At the London Olympics, he lacked a final challenge in becoming the most
successful sportsman in the history of the Olympic Games, a title held by the
Soviet gymnast Larisa Latynina, who kept the eighteen medals in his windows.
In that Olympiad he crowned the one that theoretically had to be his last
Olympic and professional performance with other 4 gold medals and in total 6
new medals.
Unexpectedly, his retirement lasted two years and in April 2014 he announced
his return to competitions participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympics in
which he won 4 gold medals and 6 in total.
It is important to highlight his great achievement as an athlete, 28 medals in four
Olympics of which 23 of them gold. And as an athlete, his extraordinary strength
of will and competitive spirit are admirable, no one within his specialty can
dispute the title of best swimmer of all time.

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