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De compras
Era lunes por la maana, Mary y John estaban Me gustara dar una vuelta en las
desayunando en su hotel en Nueva York. tiendas en la Quinta Avenida, si ests
de acuerdo, Laura.
El camarero se acerc a la mesa.
Seguro, eso ser divertido.
Disculpe, seor. Le llaman por
telfono. Entonces las dejaremos all. John y yo
tenemos que ir y encontrarnos con
Me pregunto quin podr ser. algunos socios comerciales para
Probablemente sea Paul, querido. Voy
a ir de compras con Laura. Nosotras almorzaremos en el
John se dirigi al telfono. Era Paul. John charl con Carnegie's con Anne.
Paul un rato y luego regres a la mesa. Bueno, entonces las dejaremos aqu.
Que se diviertan!
Quin era?
Mary y Laura cruzaron la calle y entraron a Eddie
Estabas en lo cierto. Era Paul. l y Bauer's, una tienda de modas de la Quinta Avenida.
Laura estarn aqu en veinte minutos. Ellas tomaron el ascensor al quinto piso.
Vendrn por nosotros en su auto.
Yo quiero comprar algunas camisas
Bueno, es mejor estar listos. para John y un suter para m.
Compremos el suter primero. La
A las nueve y media Paul y Laura estaban en la seccin de hombres est en la planta
puerta del hotel. Mary y John ya los estaban baja.
esperando all.
Te gusta este suter, Laura?
Buenos das, cmo estn ambos?
S, realmente me gusta. Te queda muy
Bien gracias, Paul. bien.

Cunto cuesta?
A dnde quieres ir, Mary?
Preguntmos a esa vendedora.

Unidad 11 De compras
Mary y Laura siguieron a la vendedora a otra parte
Puedo ayudarla, seora?
de la tienda. Ella les mostr diferentes modelos y
colores de suteres y faldas.
Deseo comprar este suter. Cunto
Me agrada ste en azul plido.
Exactamente noventa y cinco dlares,
seora. Quiere probrselo, seora?
Hay alguna falda que haga juego?
S, me lo probar. Es talla mediana?
No, temo que no hay, pero puedo
mostrarle otros modelos con faldas Mary se prob el suter y la falda. Ambos le iban
que hagan juego. Acompenme por bien y no eran demasiados caros. A Laura le pareci
favor. que Mary se vea muy bien con su nueva ropa. Mary
pag el suter y la falda y luego ella y Laura fueron a
la planta baja para buscar las camisas de John.

Unit 11 Out shopping
It was Monday morning, Mary and John were Mary and Laura walked across the street and
having breakfast in their hotel in New York. entered Eddie Bauer's, a fashionable store on Fifth
Avenue. They took the elevator to the fifth floor.
The waiter approached the table.
I want to buy some shirts for John,
Excuse me, sir. There's a telephone call and a sweater for myself.
for you.
Let's get the sweater first. The men's
I wonder who it could be. department is on the ground floor.

It's probably Paul, dear. I'm going Do you like this sweater, Laura?
shopping with Laura.
John went to the telephone. It was Paul. John Yes, I do. It really suits you, Mary!
chatted with Paul for a while and then returned to
the table. How much does it cost?

Who was it? Let's ask the saleswoman. Excuse me!

You were right. It was Paul. He and Can I help you, maam?
Laura will be here in twenty minutes.
They are coming to pick us up in their Yes, I would like to buy this sweater.
car. How much is it?

Right, we better get ready. Ninety five dollars exactly maam

At half past nine, Paul and Laura were at the door of Is there a skirt to match?
the hotel. Mary and John were already waiting
there. No, I'm afraid there isnt, but I can
show you other styles of matching
Good morning, how are you both? skirts. Please follow me maam.

Fine thanks, Paul. Mary and Laura followed the saleswoman to

another part of the store. She showed them
Where do you want to go, Mary? different styles and colors of sweaters and skirts.

Id like to look around the shops on I like this one in pale blue.
Fifth Avenue, if that's okay with you,
Laura. Would you like to try it on maam?
Sure, that would be fun.
Yes, I think so. Is it a medium?
We'll drop you off there then. John
and I have to go and meet some Mary tried on the sweater and skirt. Both fit her very
business associates for lunch. well and they were not too expensive. Laura
thought that Mary looked very good in her new
We're having lunch at Carnegie's clothes. Mary paid for the sweater and the skirt, and
with Anne. then she and Laura went down to the ground floor
Good, well leave you here then. to look for John's shirts.
Have a good time.

Unit 11 Out shopping
New Vocabulary

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs

-Clothes -Enter -Pay -Expensive -Already

-Saleswoman -Fit -Pick -Fun -Exactly
-Shirts -Get -Suit -Good -Really
-Shops -Have -Try -New
-Store -Look -Wait
-Sweater -Meet -Want
For a while

! Now, something important!

Simple past and past continuous

Simple past: Use the simple past to express the idea that an action started and
nished at a specic time in the past.

Past continuous: The progressive tenses give the idea that an action was in progress
during a particular time. The tenses say that an action begins before, is in progress
during, and continues after another time or action.


Simple past tense Past continuous

-John went to the telephone. -Mary and John were having breakfast.
-Mary and Laura walked across the -Mary and John were already waiting
street. there.
-Mary tried a sweater and skirt. -They were coming to pick us up.

Will: use as a willingness, often suggest that the speaker will do something
voluntarily. Often, we use will to respond to someone elses request for help.
Example: Good, well leave you here, then.

Would: used to express polite request

Example: Would you like to try it on maam?

Ref For better reference, see Finding Out About Grammar Book, Unit 3, page 34-54.


Una casa nueva
Paul y Laura se mudarn pronto a una nueva casa. Esta casa no ser fcil de vender,
Su actual vivienda es amplia y cmoda, y tiene un seora Smith. Es un poco grande,
gran patio, pero queda demasiado lejos del trabajo tiene un solo bao y demasiadas
de Paul. habitaciones.

Paul est cansado del largo viaje a Nueva York todos Cunto vale, entonces?
los das. Generalmente l sale de su casa a las siete
en punto de la maana para estar en su oficina a las Todava no puedo darle un valor
nueve. l nunca esta de regreso antes de las siete y estimado, pero se lo har saber
treinta en la noche. Por ese motivo, Paul y Laura dentro de una semana. Usted tendr
compraron una nueva casa en Hackensack, Nueva que venderla por menos de su valor
Jersey, que queda ms cerca de Nueva York. sta es real, si quiere venderla rpidamente.
tambin amplia y cmoda, pero el jardn es Tambin, cobramos una comisin del
pequeo. 5%.

La sala de la nueva casa es ms amplia que la de la Cuando Paul volvi a casa esa noche, Laura le cont
antigua casa, pero los dormitorios son ms lo que haba dicho el agente inmobiliario. Paul no
pequeos. La nueva casa tiene dos baos grandes y respondi, pero al da siguiente lleg a casa con un
una cocina muy moderna. Queda a solo veinticinco cartel en el bal de su auto que deca: EN VENTA.
millas de Nueva York, as que cuando se muden, Clav el cartel en la cerca al lado de la carretera.
Paul podr salir de casa una hora ms tarde por las
maanas y regresar una hora ms temprano por las Luego llam a Laura y le mostr el cartel.
Nosotros mismos venderemos nuestra
Sin embargo, la nueva casa todava no est casa. No le pagar al agente para que
terminada. Estar lista poco antes de Navidad. la venda por menos de lo que vale.
Despus de Navidad, Paul y Laura se mudarn a su
nueva casa. Mientras tanto estn tratando de
vender la vieja casa. Hace una semana un agente de
bienes races vino a verlos. Laura le mostr la casa y
l le hizo muchas preguntas. Midi las habitaciones
y luego elabor un plano.

Unit 12 A new house
Paul and Laura are moving into a new house soon. asked a lot of questions. He measured the rooms
Their present home is large and comfortable and and then made out a plan.
has a big backyard, but it is too far away from Paul's
work. This house will not be easy to sell,
Mrs. Smith. It's a little too large, and
Paul is tired of the long commute to New York only has one bathroom, and too
everyday. He usually leaves home at seven o'clock in many bedrooms.
the morning, to be at his office by nine. He's never
home before seven-thirty in the evening. Because of How much is it worth, then?
this, Paul and Laura bought a new house in
I can't give you an estimate right now,
Hackensack, New Jersey which is closer to New
but I will let you know in a week.
York. It is also big and comfortable, but the yard is
Youll have to sell it for less than its
small .
real value if you want a quick sale. We
also charge a five percent commission.
The living room in the new house is larger than the
living room in their old house but the bedrooms are
smaller. The new house has two big bathrooms and When Paul returned home that evening, Laura told
a very modern kitchen. It is only twenty-five miles him what the Realtor had said. Paul did not answer,
from New York, so when they move, Paul will be but the next day he arrived home with a FOR SALE
able to leave home an hour later in the mornings sign in the trunk of his car. He nailed the sign to the
and get home an hour earlier in the evenings. fence by the road. Then he called Laura and showed
her the sign.
However, the new house is not ready yet. It will be
ready just before Christmas. After Christmas, Paul We will sell our house on our own. I
and Laura will move into their new house. In the refuse to pay the Realtor to sell our
meantime, they are trying to sell their old one. A house for less than its worth.
week ago a real estate agent or "Realtor" came to
see them. Laura showed him the house and he

New Vocabulary

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs

-Backyard -Ask -Show -Big -Before

-Bathrooms -Buy -Tell -Close -Everyday
-Bedrooms -Call -Try -Comfortable -Later
-Commute -Charge -Large -Never
-Estimate -Give -Late -Soon
-Fence -Make -Long -Usually
-Home -Measure -Old
-Kitchen -Move -Quick
-Living room -Nail -Small
-Real value -Own -Tired
-Road -Pay
-Sign -Refuse
-Trunk -Say
-Work -See
-Yard -Sell

Unit 12 A new house

! Now, something important!

Will Vs. Going to

To express a prediction: use will or be going to:


-According to the weather report, it will be cloudy tomorrow.

-According to the weather report, it is going to be cloudy.
-It will be ready just before Christmas
-Paul and Laura will move into their house.
-This house will not be easy to sell.

To express a prior plan: use only be going to:


A: Why did you buy this paint?

B: I am going to paint my bedroom tomorrow.

To express willingness: use only will:


A: The phone is ringing

B: I will get it

-Youll have to sell it for less than its real value.

Ref For better reference, see Finding Out About Grammar Book, Unit 12, page 182 and 183.


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