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Past Participle

1. I have been okay lately, thank you for asking. (Afirmativo)

He estado bien ltimamente, gracias por preguntar.
I havent been okay lately, thank you for asking. (Negativo)
Yo no he estado bien ltimamente, gracias por preguntar.
Have I been okay lately? (Interrogativo)
He estado bien ltimamente?

2. I have become mass flour.

He convertido harina en masa.
I havent become mass flour.
No he convertido harina en masa.
Have I become mass flour?
Convert harina en masa?

3. I begun a class (Afirmativo)

Comenc una clase.
I did not begun a class (Negativo)
No he empezado una clase.
Begun I a class? (Interrogativo)
He Empezado una clase?
4. I have been bitten a snake.
Me ha mordido una serpiente
I havent been bitten a snake
No me ha mordido una serpiente.
Have I been bitten a snake?
Me ha mordido una serpiente?
5. He had bled.
El habia desangrado.
He not had bled.
l no haba desangrado.
Had he bled?
Se haba desangrado?
6. The pants was broken.

Los pantalones estaban rotos.

The pants not was broken.
Los pantalones no estn rotos.
Was the pants broken?
Se rompi los pantalones
7. He brought food
El trajo comida.
He not brought food.
El no trajo comida.
Brought he food?
Trajo el comida?
8. I built a house.
He construido una casa.
I not built a house.
No he construido una casa.
Buils I a house.
Construi una casa?
9- She bought a bed.
Ella compr una cama.
She not bought a bed.
Ella no compr una cama.
Bought she a bed?
A comprado una cama ella?
10- I chose an airplane.
Yo he elegido un avin.
I not chose an airplane.
No he elegido un avin.
Chose I an airplane?
Eleg yo un avin?

11- I coming here.

Venia para aca
I did not come to here.

No venia para aqu

Coming here ?
Venia para aca?

12- He had a high cost.

Tena un alto costo.
He had not a high cost.
No tena alto costo.
Had he a high cost?
Tena un alto costo?

13- He had a cut

l tena un corte.
He had not a cut.
l no tena un corte.
Had he a cut?
Tena el un corte?

14- He dug the keys out of his pocket.

Hundi las llaves de su bolsillo .
He dug not the keys out of his pocket.

No hundi las llaves de su bolsillo.

Dug he the keys out of this pocket?

Hundio las llaves de su bolsillo?

15- Much has been done

A hecho mucho.

Much not has been done.

Has much been done?
Mucho ha hecho?

16- I 'm drunk

Yo soy borracho.
Im not drunk.
Yo no soy borracho.

Drunk Im ?
Estoy borracho?

17- I've driven plane

He conducido avion.
Ive not driven plane.
No he conducido avion.
Driven Ive plane?
He conducido avion?
18- I have eaten.
He comido.
I havent eaten.
No he comido.

Eaten I haven?
He comido?

19- She had fallen.

Ella se habia caido
She had not fallen
Ella no se habia caido
Had She fallen?
Ella habia caido?
20- I fed my cat.
He alimentado a mi gato.
I fed not my cat.
No he alimentado a mi gato.
Fed I my cat?
He alimentado a mi gato?

21- They felt a tremor.

Sintieron un temblor.
They not felt a tremor.
Ellos no sintieron un temblor.
Felt they a tremor?
Ellos Sintieron un temblor?

22- I fought against a thief.

He luchado contra un ladron.
I not fought against a thief.
No he luchado con el ladron.
Fought I against a thief.?
Luch contra un ladron?

23- I found the keys.

He encontrado las llaves.
I not found the keys.
Yo no he encontrado las llaves.
Found I the keys?
Encontre las llaves?

24- I have forgotten the password.

He olvidado mi contrasea.
I havent forgotten the password.
No he olvidado la contrasea.
Forgotten I have the password?
Yo he olvidado mi contrasea?
25- I got a letter.
Recib una carta.
I got no a letter.
No tengo una carta.
Got I a letter?
Recib una carta?

26- I 've given money.

He regalado dinero.
Ive not given money.
Yo no he dado dinero.
Given I money?
He dado dinero?

27- I've gone.

Me he ido
Ive not gone
No me he ido.
Gone Ive?
Yo he ido?

28- I 've grown a lot

He crecido mucho.
I 've not grown a lot
No he crecido mucho.
Grown Ive a lot?
Yo he crecido mucho?
29. I hung clothes
Colgue ropa
I hung not clothes.
No he colgado ropa.
Hung I clothes?
Yo colgu ropa?

30- I had a computer.

Yo tena una computadora.
I had not a computer.
Yo no tena una computadora.
Had I a computer?
Yo tena una computadora?
31- I heard a lot of noise.
He oido mucho ruido.
I heard not a lot of noise.
Yo no o mucho ruido.
Heard I a lot of noise.?

He escuchado mucho ruido?

32- I have hidden folders.
Tengo carpetas ocultas.
I have not hidden folders.
Yo no tengo carpetas ocultas.
Hidden I have folders?
Ocultos tengo los folders?
33- He hit his brother in the stomach with his fist.
Golpe a su hermano en el estmago con el puo.
He hit not his brother in the stomach with his fist.
l no golpea a su hermano en el estmago con el puo.
hit he his brother in the stomach with his first?
golpe l a su hermano en el estmago con su puo ?
34- The police held him for forty-eight hours.
La polica lo detuvo durante cuarenta y ocho horas.
The police held not him for forty-eight hours.
La polica no lo detuvo durante cuarenta y ocho horas.
Police the held him forty-eigth hours?
La polica le tenan cuarenta y ocho horas?

35- He hurt his leg and had to leave the game.

Se lastim la pierna y tuvo que abandonar el juego.
He hurt not his leg and not had to leave the game.
No se lastim la pierna y no tuvo que abandonar el juego.
Hurt he his leg and had to leave the game?
Se da la pierna y tuvo que abandonar el juego?
36- I kept my parents
He mantenido a mis padres.
I kept not my parents.
No he mantenido a mis padres.
37- He is a known serial killer.
Es un conocido asesino en serie.
He is not a known serial killer.

No es un conocido asesino en serie.

Is he a known serial killer?
Es el un conocido asesino en serie?
38- He writes with his left hand.
l escribe con la mano izquierda.
He writes not with his left hand.
l no escribe con la mano izquierda.
Writes he with his left hand?
Escribe el con la mano izquierda?
39- I have lent.
He prestado.
I not have lent.
No he prestado
Have I lent?
He prestado?
40- My wife let me go out with the guys last night.
Mi esposa me dej salir con los muchachos anoche.
My wife not let me go out with the guys last night.
Mi esposa no me dej ir con los chicos anoche.
My wife let me go out with the guys last night?
Mi esposa me dejo ir con los chicos anoche?

41- I'm trying to find my lost keys.

Estoy tratando de encontrar mis llaves perdidas.
I'm not trying find my lost keys.
No estoy tratando de encontrar mis llaves perdidas.
Trying Im find my lost keys?
Trato de encontrar las llaves?
42- The label on this toy says "Made in Taiwan".
Prefiero la seda y el algodn a fibras hechas por el hombre.
The label on this toy not says "Made in Taiwan".

La etiqueta de este juguete no dice "Hecho en Taiwn".

Label the on this toy says "Made in Taiwan"?
La etiqueta de este juguete dice Hecho en Taiwan?
43- I met someone today who said he knew you.
Me he encontrado con alguien hoy que dijo que te conoca.
I not met someone today who not said he knew you.
No conoc a alguien hoy en da que no dijo que te conoca.
Met I someone today who said he knew you?
Yo conoc a alguien hoy en da que dije que te conoca?
44- I paid a lot
He pagado mucho.
I paid not a lot
Yo no he pagado mucho.
Paid I a lot?
He pagado un monton.
45- He put his glass on the edge of the table.
l puso su vaso en el borde de la mesa.
He put not his glass on the edge of the table.
l no dej el vaso en el borde de la mesa.
Put he his glass on the edge of the table?
l puso el vaso en el borde de la mesa?
46- I read the newspaper every day.
Yo leo el peridico todos los das.
I not read the newspaper every day.
Yo no leo el peridico todos los das.
Read I the newspaper every day?
Leo yo el periodico todos los dias?
47- I've ridden a donkey.
Me he montado en burro
I have not ridden a donkey.
No me he montado en burro.
Have I ridden a donkey?
He montado en burro?
48. Salaries are pretty low at this rung of the company.

Los salarios son bastante bajos en este escaln de la compaa.

Salaries are not pretty low at this rung of the company.
Los salarios no son bastante bajos en este escaln de la compaa.
Are salaries pretty low at this rung of the company?
Son los salarios bastante bajos en este escaln de la empresa?
49. They scored twelve runs in the first over.
Hicieron doce carreras en el primer nivel.
They not scored twelve runs in the first over.
No hicieron doce carreras en el primer nivel.
Scored they twelve runs in the first over?
Anot las doce carreras en el primer nivel?

50. The said person then tried to escape.

Dicha persona trat de escapar.
The said not person then tried to escape.
Dicha persona no intento de escapar.
Said the person then tried to escape?
Dicha persona intento de escapar?

51- I need to see a doctor.

Necesito ver a un mdico.
I not need to see a doctor.
No tengo que ver a un mdico.
Need I to see a doctor?
Necesito ver a un mdico?
52- I sold a car
Yo he vendido un carro.
I not sold a car.
Yo no he vendido un carro.

Sold I a car?
Vendi un carro?

53. The message was sent by courier.

El mensajero envi el mensaje.
The message not was sent by courier.
El mensajero no envi el mensaje.
Message was the sent by Courier?
El mensaje se envi por mensajero?

54. The stylist set the woman's hair beautifully.

El estilista arregl el pelo de la mujer maravillosamente.
The stylist not set the woman's hair beautifully.
El estilista no arreglo el pelo de la mujer maravillosamente.
Stylist set the womans hair beautifully?
El estilista arregl el pelo de la mujer maravillosamente?

55. I have shown a cell.

He mostrado un celular.
I not have shown a cell.
No he mostrado un celular.
Have I shown a cell?
He mostrado un celular?

56- The hummingbird sat on a branch.

El colibr se pos en una rama.
The hummingbird not sat on a branch.
El colibr no se sent en una rama.

Sat the hummingbird on a branch?

Salt el colibri en una rama?

57- I slept for nine hours last night.

Dorm nueve horas la anoche.
I slept not for nine hours last night.
Yo no dormi nueve horas en la noche.
Slept I for nine hours last noche?
Dorm yo por nueve horas la noche?

58- Her spoken French is better than her written.

Su francs oral es mejor que el escrito.
Her spoken French not is better than her written.
Su francs oral no es mejor que el escrito.
Her spoken French is better than her written?
Su frances es mejor que su escrito?
59- I spent a lot money.
He gastado mucho dinero.
I not spent a lot money.
Yo no he gastado dinero.
Spent I a lot money?
Gast yo mucho dinero?

60- He has swum much.

El ha nadado mucho.
He has not swum much.
El no ha nadado mucho.
Has he swum much?

Ha nadado mucho?

61- She has taken a dollar.

Ella ha tomado un dolar.
She has not taken a dollar.
Ella no ha tomado un dolar.
Has she taken a dollar?
Ha tomado un dolar ella?

62- I have taught a lot

Les he enseado mucho.
I havent taught a lot.
No he enseado mucho.
Have I taught a lot?
He enseado mucho?
63- I have told a story
He contado una historia.
I not have told a story
Yo no he contado una historia.
Have I told a story?
He contado una historia?

64- I have a big thought.

Yo tengo un pensamiento grande.
I have not a big thought.
Yo no tengo un pensamiento grande
Have I a big thought?

Tengo un pensamiento grande?

65- I've thrown a bridge.

Me he lanzado de un puente.
Ive not thrown a bridge.
Yo no me he lanzado de un Puente.
Have I Thrown a bridge?
Me lanzo de un Puente?

66- We have understood the class.

Nosotros hemos entendido la clase.
We have not understood the class.
Nosotros no hemos entendido la clase.
Have we understood the class?
Hemos entendido la clase?

67- The worn rock takes on unusual shapes after centuries.

Las rocas erosionadas adoptan formas muy raras a travs de los aos.
The worn rock takes not on unusual shapes after centuries.
Las rocas erosionadas no adoptan formas muy raras a travs de los aos.
The rock worn takes on unusual shapes after centuries?
Las rocas erosionadas adoptan formas muy raras a travs de los aos?

68- Our team won the game 3-2.

Nuestro equipo gan el partido 3-2.
Our team not won the game 3-2.

Nuestro equipo no gan el partido 3-2.

It won our team?
Gan nuestro equipo?

69- The teacher has written a poem

La maestra ha escrito una poesa.
The teacher has not written a poem
La maestra no ha escrito una poesa.
Has the teacher written a poem?
La maestro ha escrito una poesa?

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