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Todo nio es especial

1. Describe el personaje principal:

Ishaan Awasthi nio hind de 8 aos, cabello negro, delgado, piel
morena, dientes grandes y sobresalientes, es juguetn con los animales, de
gran imaginacin que no lograba relacionarse con otros nios y adultos, le
gustaban los animales, especial los peces, responda a las agresiones con
agresin y evada las preguntas y reclamos que le hacan. Tena problemas de
dislexia (dificultad para leer y escribir), se distrae con facilidad en el colegio,
adems de dificultad para correr y realizar movimientos finos, relacionados con
los juegos y las actividades escolares. Era inteligente, excelente pintor.
2. Cul es la trama de la pelcula
Gira sobre un nio con problemas de dislexia, que nadie ha notado y recibe
maltrato de los adultos y nios, lo califican de mala conducta. Esta situacin
provoca en el nio un cuadro de depresin hasta que su maestro de dibujo Ram
Shankar Nikumbh, detecta el problema pues l lo padeci de nio y adems es
docente en una escuela de nios especiales; ayuda al nio hacerle entender
que su problema tiene solucin, y que grandes personajes de la historia,
padecieron su misma patologa, y aun as cambiaron al mundo que estaba en
su contra. Adems hace entender a los profesores y a sus padres que el nio
tiene un problema pero con amor, paciencia y dedicacin el los superara. Fue
as como demostr que el amor, la comprensin y el esfuerzo, rinden frutos, en
vez de violencia e incomprensin.
3. Ambiente donde vive el nio
Vive en una ciudad de apartamentos, es limpio y con espacios amplios, con un
portn daado. Su apartamento es pequeo, limpio y ordenado, duerme en una
habitacin que comparte con su hermano mayor y el cual tiene pintada sus
paredes con obra del nio, y maquetas.
4. Por qu el nio vive esta situacin
Padece de dislexia, enfermedad que no han detectado sus padres, hermano y
familiares y docentes. Es vctima de maltrato fsico y mental. l quiere a sus
familiares, el padre es autoritario y exigente, ama a su hijo pero no lo
comprende, y toma la decisin de enviarlo a un internado alejado, y su esposa
y hermano sufre por las decisiones del padre pero son sumisos y no
contradicen al padre.
5. Que actitud mantiene los padres
El padre no comprende el problema del nio, lo maltrata fsica y mentalmente,
hasta el punto que lo enva a un internado. La madre tampoco comprende el
problema del nio y se mantiene sumisa las decisiones del padre.
6. Por que actan de esa manera

No comprende el problema del nio, su actitud los problemas en el estudio y lo

comparan con su hijo mayor que es el n1 en su escuela, y el orgullo de sus
7. En qu momento fue trasladado el nio
Cuando a los padres lo renen los maestros del colegio donde cursa por 2da
vez tercer grado y el rendimiento actual es malo, y sugieren que lo enven a un
colegio espacial, pero el padre no capta el problema del nio y decide enviarlo
a un internado.
8. Qu opinin le da usted a esta situacin y por que
Es triste que ni los padres y docentes comprendan al nio, aun cuando expresa
y manifiesta las dificultades para leer, escribir, y jugar con otros nios.
9. En qu momento el nio cambia y por qu justifique
En el internado el maestro de arte Ram Shankar Nikumbh se da cuenta que el
nio tiene dislexia, y se propone a ayudarlo, hablando con los docentes y los
padres, y dedicndose a hacerle entender al nio que su problema lo han
tenido personajes famosos y genios de la historia, incluso el profesor, y han
salido adelante y cambiado el mundo con sus ideas. El profesor con paciencia,
amor y dedicacin hace posible el cambio.
Desde el punto de vista social actualmente como
enfrentara usted esta situacin
Debemos comprender a nuestros compaeros, y todos no somos iguales, y que
tenemos limitaciones y destrezas, y que ningn momento hay que maltratar
aun compaero. Al contrario averiguar e investigar sobre el problema que tiene
y de cmo poder ayudarlo.

Describe el ambiente escolar

Primera escuela:
Est en una ciudad, tiene varios niveles, los salones son pequeos y repletos
de alumnos. Los maestros lo maltratan verbalmente y sus compaeros se
burlan de l. Lo obligan a permanecer en los pasillos.
Segunda escuela o internado:
Est en las montaas lejos de la civilizacin es muy amplia y un hermoso
paisaje, tiene gran patio, una plaza, un estanque, All se hunde en un estado de
miedo y depresin.
Llego a tener amigos? Descrbelos cual fue su actitud
frente al nio?
En el internado Rajan el nio que era minusvlido, hijo del director usaba
muletas, apreciaba al nio, y era solidario con l, era el ms inteligente del

saln, es moreno, pelo rizado, adems reconoca su inteligencia al decirle el

significado del poema era correcto y no la opinin del profesor.

Qu relacin tiene el titulo con el contenido

Es adecuado, pues todos los nios son nicos, con habilidades destreza y
limitaciones particulares, pero todos con el derecho a ser felices y tener una


Cul es la posicin que tiene los maestros

Soberbia, autoritaria, intolerancia incomprensiva, excepto Ram Shankar

Nikumbh quien si demostr ser el maestro y amigo que necesitaba el nio.

Como resolvera tu esta situacin

El maestro debe individualizar a cada alumno y se identifica algo anormal

notificar a los padres y autoridades para que lo analicen y den un diagnstico
adecuado, y coloque un tratamiento y recomendaciones a todos de como
poder ayudarlo.

Le gusto la pelcula s o no justifique

Si me gusto pues me enriqueci tanto en conocimiento como en

sentimentalmente, y me ense a que entender, respetar y ayudar a todo
aquel que tenga un problema fsico o mental, sin maltrato.

Actualmente vives esta situacin

En el curso pasado, con nuestro compaero habrn Duran quien tiene dficit de
atencin, quien alumnos lo rechazaron, y desde entonces lo trate de mejor
Desde el punto de vista legal y segn tus conocimientos
como debe actuar la ley
La ley debe hacer valer los derechos de todos los nios a tener una educacin
adecuada, y en los casos donde los padres o docentes no brinden la atencin,
trato y cuidado adecuado, la ley a travs de la lopna y sus instituciones, hacer
vales los derechos del nio.

Describe el hermano del protagonista y explica su posicin.

Yohaan es mayor que Ishaan Awasthi, amable, pelo negro, relleno, alto,
aplicado en sus estudios, amoroso y respetuoso. Ama a su hermanito y es
cmplice de el al falsificar justificativos de las ausencias a la escuela, y lo
aconseja que se cuide y que no salga del colegio pues se pone en situaciones
de riesgo, sufre mucho con la decisin del padre de internar al hermano.

Every child is special

1. Describe the main character:
Ishaan Awasthi Hindu boy of 8 years old, black hair, thin, brown skin, large and
protruding teeth, is playful, great imagination that could not interact with other
children and adults, liked animals, especially fish, responding to attacks with
aggression and dodged the questions and complaints that made him. Had
dyslexia (difficulty reading and writing), it is easily distracted in school, besides
difficulty running and performing fine movements related to the games and
school activities. Esinteligente, excellent painter.
2. What is the plot of the film
Rotates on a child with dyslexia, no one has noticed and receives abuse of
adults and children, qualify misconduct. This situation results in children with
symptoms of depression until his teacher Ram Shankar Nikumbh drawing,
detects the problem as he suffered as a child and also teaches at a school for
special children; helps the child make him understand that his problem has a
solution, and that great characters of history, suffered from the same
pathology, and yet changed the world was against him. It also makes
understanding their teachers and parents that the child has a problem but with
love, patience and dedication on the cut. It was haci showed that love,
understanding and effort pay off, instead of violence and misunderstanding.

3. environment where the child lives

Lives in a city apartment is clean and spacious, with a damaged gate. Her
apartment is small, clean and tidy, sleeping in a room he shares with his older
and which has its walls painted with child play, and models brother.
4. Why the child lives this situation
He suffers from dyslexia, a disease that have not detected her parents, brother
and family and teachers. He is a victim of physical and mental abuse. He loves
his family, the father is authoritarian and demanding, loves his son but does
not understand it, and take the decision to send him to a remote boarding
school, and his wife and brother suffers from the decisions of the father but are
submissive and do not contradict to the father.
5. That attitude keeps parents
The father does not understand the problem of the child, physically and
mentally abused to the point that sent him to boarding school. The mother did
not understand the child's problem and remains submissive father decisions.
6. By acting in this way
It does not understand the problem of the child, his attitude problems in the
study and compare it to his eldest son who is in school n1, and the pride of
their parents.
7. At what time the child was transferred
When the parents meet the teachers of the school where he studied for the 2nd
time third grade and actual performance is bad, and suggest that it sent to a
space school, but the father does not capture the child's problem and decided
to send him to boarding school.
8. What opinion you give this and that
It is sad that neither parents and teachers to understand the child, even if
expresses and manifests the difficulties to read, write, and play with other
9. At what time the child changes and why justifies
At boarding school art teacher Ram Shankar Nikumbh realizes that the child
has dyslexia, and intends to help, talking with teachers and parents, and
devoting himself to make him understand the child that his problem have been
celebrities and geniuses history, even the teacher, and have gone ahead and
changed the world with their ideas. The teacher with patience, love and
dedication makes change possible.
10. From the social point of view today as you face this situation

We must understand our colleagues, and all are not equal, and we have
limitations and skills, and that no time must be mistreating even companion.
Contrary find and investigate the problem you have and how we can help.
11. Describe the school environment
First school:
It is in a city, has several levels, the halls are small and full of students.
Teachers mistreat verbally and his colleagues tease him. Oblige him to stay in
the hallways.
Second boarding school:
It is in the mountains far from civilization is vast and beautiful scenery, has
large patio, a square, a pond, there sinks into a state of fear and depression.
12. I get to have friends? Describe them what was their attitude towards the
At boarding Rajan child who she was handicapped, son of the director was
using crutches, appreciated the child, and was united with him was the
smartest room is dark, curly hair, also recognized his intelligence by telling the
meaning of the poem was right and not the teacher's opinion.
13. What is the relationship with the content title
It is appropriate, because all children are unique, with dexterity skills and
constraints, but all with the right to be happy and have an education.

14. What is the position having teachers

Haughtiness, authoritarian, uncomprehending intolerance, Ram Shankar except
if Nikumbh who proved to be the teacher and friend who needed the child.
15. As you solve this situation
The teacher should be individualized to each student and identify abnormal
notify parents and authorities for analysis and give a proper diagnosis, and
treatment and recommendations put all how to help you.
16. He liked the film does not justify or
If I liked it enriched me both knowledge and sentimentally, and taught me to
understand, respect and help everyone who has a physical or mental problem,
without abuse.
17. Currently you live this situation

In the past year, our partner will have Duran who has attention deficit students
who rejected it, until we realized we had problems and since then treat it
18. From the legal point of view and according to your knowledge how to act
the law
The law must enforce the rights of all children to adequate education, and in
cases where parents or teachers do not provide care, treatment and proper
care, the law through LOPNA and its institutions, make vouchers the Children's
19. Describe the brother of the protagonist and explains his position.
Yohaan is greater than Ishaan Awasthi, friendly, black hair, filling, high, diligent
in his studies, loving and respectful. She loves her brother and accomplice of
the falsifying supporting absences to school, and advised to take care and not
to leave the school because it puts at risk, suffers badly from the parent's
decision to intern brother .

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