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CODIGO: 1862



El bullying es una problemtica que se viene presentando








exhaustivo estudio sobre la violencia escolar en Noruega entonces

el bullying se define como la violencia fsica, verbal o psicolgica
que ejerce el agresor, o bully, sobre una persona vulnerable y esta
problemtica ha influenciado a muchas personas.

El matoneo o bullying en nuestro pas tambin se ha incrementado

en los ltimos aos con un alto porcentaje de casos que aunque
son por diferentes razones como la homofobia, el bullying racial,
barrista, rechazo por discapacidad o aspecto fisico, etc. Se han
vuelto muy comunes en nuestro entorno social y esto ha
desembocado muchas tragedias escolares, sociales, culturales,
raciales, psicolgicas que han terminado en frustraciones para el
ser humano que es vctima de esta prctica degradante por parte
de muchos.

Es por esto que hoy en da se han unido esfuerzos por minimizar

esta problemtica del matoneo, y se ha llevado a concientizar
sobre todo en los colegios y dems instituciones sobre este tema,
y ya existen organizaciones que trabajan en beneficio de las
personas vctimas de esta prctica.

Nosotros como jvenes

estudiantes debemos ser capaces de promover valores como el

respeto, tolerancia, responsabilidad, aprecio y dignidad con los
cuales puede ser ms manejable esta situacin del bullying en
nuestro pas. Es muy fcil para nosotros mirar y burlarnos de los
defectos del prjimo, pero debemos pensar ms bien en nuestros
defectos y falta de amor hacia otros para poder tener un concepto
superior del otro que de m mismo.

Existen casos muy tristes en los cuales cuando las vctimas son








participativa que aquel acosador, puesto que no se nos da nada

saber el dolor que el otro est sufriendo, sino que muchas veces
participamos riendo e insultando a la persona agredida.

Hoy en

da por los medios de comunicacin podemos ver testimonios de

personas que afortunadamente tuvieron un final feliz pero tambin
de otros que sencillamente no soportaron y decidieron acabar con
su vida para siempre. Dentro de estos casos en los que tuvieron
un final feliz encontramos el testimonio del nio Casey Haynes que
en su video muestra cmo es que sufre un nio de estos al ser
amenazado por acoso escolar o bullying.

En este video se puede observar claramente el caso de un nio

que desde su infancia hasta la adolescencia, relata como sufri
maltrato por parte de sus compaeros del colegio en este caso fue
por su apariencia fsica ya que era gordito y esto hacia que los





llegaron al punto de agredirlo fsicamente. Esta situacin llevo a

Casey a una depresin profunda, no quera volver al colegio y a
tener pensamientos de suicidio. Todo esto lo llevo a guardar odio
y rencor que desato una reaccin violenta e instantnea en contra
de su agresor y desde ese da no lo molestaron ms y subi su

El bullying es una conducta muy peligrosa ya que atenta contra la

integridad de una persona que posee algn defecto en su parte
fsica o psicolgica, y esto hace que sea propensa a recibir
maltratos de sus compaeros de estudio, trabajo o cualquier lugar

donde se encuentre realizando sus labores diarias.

Es por esto

que debemos concientizarnos y aprender a aceptar a las dems

personas con sus virtudes y defectos, y no ser partcipes de
ninguna clase de maltrato fisico, verbal o psicolgico que ponga
en peligro la integridad de una persona.

Puedo concluir que el bullying en estos momentos est tomando

un gran impulso pero nos debemos oponer completamente a estas
situaciones tan lamentables que han llevado a la destruccin de
muchas personas hasta el punto de quitarse la vida; debemos
tener en cuenta que somos seres humanos muy valiosos y que no
debemos ser maltratados ni maltratar a otros.


Bullying is a problem that has been presented about since the

seventies. To conduct a comprehensive study on school violence
in Norway then the bullying is defined as physical, verbal or
psychological exercises aggressor, or bully on a vulnerable person
and this problem has influenced many people.

The bullying or bullying in our country also to increased in recent

years with a high percentage of cases although for different
reasons such as homophobia, racial bullying, barrister, rejection
disability or physical appearance, etc. They have become very
common in our social environment and this has led many school,
social, cultural, racial, psychological tragedies that have ended in
frustration for the human being who is a victim of this degrading
practice by many.

That is why today have joined efforts to minimize this problem of

bullying, and has led to awareness especially in schools and other
institutions on this issue, and there are organizations working for
the benefit of victims people of this practice. We as young
students should be able to promote values such as respect,
tolerance, responsibility, appreciation and dignity with which they
can be more manageable this situation of bullying in our country.
It is very easy for us to look at and make fun of the shortcomings
of others, but we should think rather in our shortcomings and lack
of love for others to have a superior concept other than myself.

There are very sad cases in which when the victims are attacked
with violence, our indifference is even more participatory than one
stalker, since we are not given anything to know the pain that the
other is suffering, but often participate laughing and insulting the
person assaulted. Today by the media we can see testimonials
from people who fortunately were happy but also others who
simply could not stand and decided to end his life forever an end.
In these cases where they had a happy ending are the child's
testimony Casey Haynes in his video it shows how a child is
suffering these being threatened by school bullying or harassment.

In this video you can clearly see the case of a child from infancy to








classmates in this case was for his physical appearance as it was

chubby and this to that peers do jokes, nasty comments and
reached the point of physically assaulting him. This led to a deep
depression Casey, did not want to return to school and to have
thoughts of suicide. All this led him to keep hatred and resentment
that unleashed a violent and instantaneous direction against her
attacker and from that day did not bother him more and uploaded
their self-esteem.

Bullying is a very dangerous behavior as it undermines the

integrity of a person who has a defect in their physical or
psychological part, and this makes it likely to receive abuse from
their classmates, work or wherever you are doing their daily work.
That is why we must become conscious and learn to accept others
with their strengths and weaknesses, and not participate in any
kind of psychological physical abuse, verbal or threatening the
integrity of a person.

I can conclude that bullying right now is taking a big boost but we
must fully oppose these as unfortunate situations that have led to
the destruction of many people to the point of taking his own life;
we must consider that we are valuable human beings and we
should not be mistreated or mistreat others.

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