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No s como decir esto sin que suene melodramtico,
por lo tanto djame ser melodramtico. Lo que tienes
en tus manos en este momento tiene el poder de
transformar tu vida de una manera hermosa,
maravillosa y espiritual. Este libro no es largo, pero es
esencial. Contiene 101 claves para que se manifieste la
prosperidad en tu vida, de verdad!
Como vas a descubrir, la pobreza, la escasez y las
limitaciones no son la ausencia de cosas u
oportunidades. La pobreza, como su opuesto, la
prosperidad, es simplemente un estado de la mente. Es
con ese pensamiento que yo entrego estas 101 claves
para tu atencin.
Creo que has nacido para ser rico. Y creo que la
manera de manifestarlo es expandiendo tu conciencia y
aceptando lo que es legtimamente tuyo. Tambin
debes saber que digo esto no porque sea una tendencia
new age, o porque me fue revelado por visitantes de
otros planetas. Soy una persona muy racional y lgica,
que ha pasado la mejor parte de 15 aos estudiando las
leyes universales sobre las que se basa la prosperidad.
Cuando vives tu vida de acuerdo con estas leyes,
manifiestas prosperidad y abundancia en tu vida.
Cuando se rompen las leyes, debes repetir la leccin.
Escrib este libro para que puedas reclamar tu derecho
de nacimiento y aceptes la abundancia que te
corresponde. El prximo paso es tuyo
Randy Gage
Marzo de 2003
Hollywood, Florida
1) Cree en tu bien antes de verlo.
2) Deja de tomar consejos financieros de gente que
est en la quiebra.

3) Visualiza vvidamente la imagen de lo que t deseas

en tu mente.
4) Tu riqueza crecer tan rpido como t lo hagas.
5) Busca mentores que hayan hecho lo que t deseas
6) Busca mentores que se hayan convertido en lo que
t deseas ser.
7) Planta semillas para tu futura prosperidad.
8) Si tienes viejas deudas, nunca las pagues hacia
atrs, pgalas hacia delante.
9) Retribuye ese 5 por ciento extra.
10) Nunca afirmes la escasez.
11) La salud, el amor, la felicidad y el dinero son
12) Opera tu vida con la filosofa de intercambiar valor
por valor.
13) Compra flores frescas para alguien especial. Como
14) Debes crear una aspiradora para el bien.
15) El universo no puede poner el bien en tu mano
hasta que dejes ir lo que ests sosteniendo con ella.
16) Pide lo que piensas que quieres, pero ten seguro
que obtendrs slo lo que realmente quieres.
17) La forma ms rpida de volverse rico es encontrar
la forma de proveer valor a los otros.
18) La herramienta ms poderosa para la prosperidad
es la sabidura.
19) Las palabras que pronuncias reflejan la conciencia
de prosperidad que posees.

20) La verdadera prosperidad slo llega a aquellos que

la buscan.
21) La sabidura es ms importante que el dinero las
joyas y los metales preciosos, porque la sabidura te
har obtener todas esas cosas.
22) Incrementa tu sabidura y siempre se manifestar
un incremento correspondiente en tu riqueza.
23) La verdadera salud proviene de sentirte confortable
en tu propia piel.
24) La prosperidad es tu derecho de nacimiento y tu
condicin natural.
25) La prosperidad est en el ter, a tu alrededor. No
hay lugar sobre la tierra en el que no est la
26) El hombre puede manifestar prosperidad a partir
del ter, a travs del poder de las ideas, la visin y la
Cuando descubras
encontrar la prosperidad.





28) Cuando ests dispuesto a dejar de ser una vctima,

abres el camino a convertirte en victorioso.
29) Si quieres que la gente sienta lstima por ti,
continuamente manifestars situaciones que alimenten
ese sentimiento.
30) Una vez que tienes una visin clara, atraes el
universo hacia tu voluntad.
31) Cuando abandones la venganza, llegar el amor.
32) Los milagros no son accidentes. Y ellos ocurren
33) Tu ingreso y prosperidad sern el promedio de tus
cinco amigos ms cercanos.

34) No puedes pedir prestado tu camino hacia la

35) Las deudas son una prisin, mejor dejarlas tan
pronto como sea posible.
36) Si no puedes perdonar a los otros, no puedes
aceptar la abundancia.
37) Si no puedes perdonarte a ti mismo, no puedes
aceptar la abundancia.
38) El Universo te dar tu prxima misin, cuando
ests sobrecalificado para sta.
39) Las dificultades son peldaos que te volvern la
persona que necesitas ser para obtener las cosas que
40) La fe es ms poderosa que los ladrillos, un mortero,
o el acero. Es lo que extrae tu prosperidad del desvn.
41) El universo slo puede hacer por ti, lo que puede
hacerse a travs de ti.
42) T cambias tus circunstancias cuando cambias tus
43) T cambias






44) T cambias tus creencias cuando te permites el lujo

del pensamiento crtico.
45) Las palabras son poderosas herramientas para la
46) Recetas, operaciones y muletas son para una
curacin temporaria. La verdadera salud proviene de
volver a tu estado natural.
47) Deberas estar altamente presionado por encontrar
alguien ms prspero que un nio de tres aos con una
gran caja de lpices de colores y un libro para pintar.

48) El universo tiene la luz disponible para t, pero t

debes mover la perilla para encenderla.
49) Si quieres abundancia en tu vida, debes vivir en
concordancia con las leyes espirituales.
50) Lanzar chismes sobre otros crea una deuda de
prosperidad negativa.
51) Dedica





52) Dona el 10% a la fuente de tu sustento espiritual.

53) Dona sobre el bruto no sobre el neto.
54) Entrega





siempre obtendr
Mejor entregarla desde tu propia decisin.



56) Debes estar dispuesto a entregar algo que posees

para recibir algo que deseas.
57) La lgica analizar, pero slo la fe tomar accin.
58) Debes estar dispuesto a luchar por tus sueos,
contra la negatividad de la multitud.
59) S el primer inversor en tu sueo.
60) Gasta ms en tu desarrollo que en la cafetera.
61) Construye tu propio sueo en lugar de pedir
prestado el de otros.
62) No tienes que hacer a un lado al dinero para dejar
entrar a Dios o al Universo.
63) El verdadero xito en un intento requiere una
64) La mejor manera de hacer crecer la confianza en
uno mismo es con una planificacin apropiada.

65) Reconoce tus limitaciones slo con el propsito de

66) No compartas tus problemas con personas que no
puedan hacer que desaparezcan.
67) Si tus sueos no son audaces, atrevidos e
imaginativos, son simplemente provisiones para ser
usadas por tus enemigos en tu contra.
68) Si tu no inviertes en ti por qu debera hacerlo
alguien ms?
69) Tu sueo necesita ser tan grande como t.
70) El anunciar tu sueo reclutar a la gente que te
ayudar, y expondr a tus enemigos.
71) Para alentarte, asciate con gente audaz.
72) Enva una ofrenda annima a alguien que la
73) T eres un ser espiritual teniendo una experiencia
humana, no al revs.
74) Ensea a la gente a pescar. Cuando lo que quieren
es "comer todo el pescado frito que puedan" envalos a
otra mesa.
75) Encuentra cinco personas que estuvieron en
una librera esta semana, y hazlos amigos cercanos.
76) La gente prspera maneja autos limpios, vive en
casas limpias y viste bien.
77) Lavar un auto alquilado, o hacer tu cama en la
habitacin de un hotel es slo afirmar el gran valor de
t mismo.
78) La pobreza lleva a la gente a mentir, engaar, robar
e incluso a matar. No hay nada espiritual en la pobreza.
79) Si ahora no pagas por un par de zapatos ms que lo
que solas gastar en un auto, tu conciencia de
prosperidad necesita ser trabajada.

80) La disciplina provee libertad.

81) Escribe el guin de una pelcula de tu visin.
Involucra todos tus sentidos.
82) Las facturas son simplemente cuentas a pagar por
bendiciones que ya has recibido.
83) Crea una Pizarra
donde pasars cada da




84) No te enfoques en cupones, descuentos

negociaciones. Paga un precio justo con alegra.

publicaciones y pelculas a las que ests expuesto; por
la programacin subliminal que te dan.
86) Rodate con gente que suea ms grande que t.
87) Algunas personas ricas estn enfermas, amargadas
y solas. Ellas no son prsperas. De la misma forma, si
t eres sano, tienes fundamentos espirituales y un gran
matrimonio, pero con dificultades para pagar tu tarjeta
de crdito cada mes, ciertamente tampoco eres
prspero. La prosperidad lo incluye todo.
88) La gente exitosa comienza un proyecto esperando
el xito.
89) La prosperidad tiene poco que ver con
entrenamiento, educacin o destreza. Es tu conciencia
y creencias las que crean esas cosas.
90) Tu ests siendo programado todo el da cada da.
No puedes detener eso. Pero puedes determinar si la
programacin es positiva o negativa.
91) El miedo a ser exitoso detiene a ms gente que el
miedo a fracasar.
92) La pobreza no es una falta de cosas, es un estado
de la mente.

93) La prosperidad no es una abundancia de cosas, es

un estado de la mente.
94) El esclavo y el opresor son co-creadores en la
ignorancia y la escasez.
95) Tu mente es un instrumento para la pobreza o la
96) No puedes superar al Universo en lo que l te da.
97) Entender que el egosmo es una virtud es el primer
paso hacia la abundancia y la prosperidad.
98) Lo mejor que puedes hacer por los pobres,
hambrientos y oprimidos es no ser uno de ellos.
99) Da un pequeo paso hacia tu sueo cada da.
100) Cuando pones a la gente negativa fuera de tu vida,
dejan de sucederte cosas negativas
101) Tu sueo nunca ha estado ms cercano de lo que
est en este preciso instante.

Think and Grow Rich

in the New World
A Converstation with Randy Gage, author of Risky Is the
New Safe
By John David Mann
Randy Gage is certainly no stranger to these pages. We featured him as a lead story in our
May/June 2009 issue, talking about the state of the network marketing profession and his
outspoken online publication The MLM Revolution: A Manifesto, and again in September/October
2011 in our issue on writing as the new social currency. He is one of the most well-known
authors and creators of training materials in the networking world.
What prompted his return this issue is the publication of his latest book, a tour de force that
takes its readers on a wild journey into the bizarre, technologically mind-boggling future worthy
of a twenty-first-century Hieronymus Boscha future, Gage insists, that is very real indeed,
and coming to life over the next few years. We talked about his vision of a world with collapsed
currencies, cloned armies, and heart surgery by joystick, and what it all means to the future of
network marketing.
Fasten your seat belts. Its going to be a bumpy read. J.D.M.
You start your book by describing an incident where you meet a couple about to board
a plane who have this adorable puppy with themand then learn that the puppy is
literally a clone. What did that experience mean to you?
Meeting that puppy was one of the most shocking, mind-bending things I have experienced in
my fifty-three years. They had just picked him up in South Korea, where he had been cloned

from the cells of their beloved petwho had died years earlier. It was completely surreal.
I would have bet a million dollars that this was just an ordinary puppy. To me, cloning and DNA
sequencing was still just a concept, not a manifested reality. In fact, I didnt fully believe it until
we landed at the airport in Miami and all these reporters were at the airport waiting to see this
puppy. And the next day, there it was, on the front page of theMiami Herald. Thats when it
really sunk in.
I started thinking, Okay, what else is coming down the road?
We know at some point theyll be cloning humans, and then eventually some Third World
country will be cloning sex workers, and where does it end? Well be debating the moral and
ethical dilemmas this presents for decades, and it still wont put the genie back in the bottle.
Its going to disrupt families, the workforce, and society. Its probably the most cataclysmic
change that will happen in our lifetime. That doesnt make it right; it doesnt make it good; it
just is what it is. Its going to happen.
My first impulse is to want to go to my room, turn out the lights, curl up in a ball and
say, If I just ignore it, it will all go away. It seems too huge to grapple with. But
take us through it: what will the implications look like?
A father and a mother have two kids. One is a good kid and one is a bad kid. Are they going to
conceive a third child now, or are they going to say, Well, lets clone the good kid.
Or say they have a boy and a girl, and now the father wants to clone eight more boys because
he wants to have the perfect Little League baseball team. What does that do to a marriage?
What does that do to those nine kids? What does that do to the family?
In the book I give the example of Jones & Son Hardware. Why would Jones want to hire
employees if he can just clone some more sons? And if youre one of those sons, how do you
feel about that? People are going to have to do some serious soul searching. And the
psychologists and psychiatrists and family counseling services are going to be very busy.
And, as I say in the book, all these cataclysmic changes are also going to present amazingly
lucrative opportunities for those who choose to look at it that way.
Say more about how you see that also creating
new opportunities.
New problems always create new opportunities. When
something is keeping someone awake at night, there
is an opportunity for someone else to become
wealthy if they can make that problem go away. If
you get a flat tire on your way out to dinner, thats
bad for you, but for the guy who owns the tire store,
thats good. Hes got to send his daughter to college,
and the tire he sold you just put him that much closer
to the tuition deposit.
Make it go away or somehow shift it into a new
Some people have been shocked and upset about the
section in the book that talks about whats going to
happen when virtual-reality sex actually shows up
online. Thats going to be another incredibly
disruptive thing, in terms of family, society, culture,
ethics, everything.
My friends Hilde and rjan Sle are very passionate
about fighting against sex trafficking and slavery
thats happening the world right now. Well, what
happens when we have virtual-reality sex and sex
worker clones? Its going to be whats another
synonym for cataclysmic?

Earth-shattering? Calamitous? Tsunamological?

And heres the thing: people are shocked about itbut its going to happen. This isnt about
whether you like it or not. Im just reporting the facts here.
Im just saying, heres whats going to happen as this technology develops, so lets be ready for
it and start thinking about how were going to deal with it.
Look at contraception, say, or even stem cell research, which both flirt with some of
those same issues of the basic life process. They are pretty benign, compared with
what youre talking about, yet theyre both huge controversies. I cant even imagine
what the political dialogue will look like.
Weve been doing genetic engineering for years with plants and animals. Right now theyre
breeding certain types of insects to try to control things in the ecosystem. When you put
biogenetic engineering and cloning together, where does that lead? Whos going to be the first
Third-World country that decides to develop a super race and build an army out of it?
This stuff was nothing but fantasy and futuristic sci-fi a few years ago. All of a sudden, its all a
very real possibility in the very near future.
And were not talking about fifty or a hundred years from now. Richard Branson is going to be
putting tourists in space next year. Theres a hotel in the South Pacific right now that offers a
room on the ocean floor. Most of your readers who are reading these words will be able to
vacation on the moon or buy a home on the ocean floor in their lifetime. And cloning of human
beings will happen during their lifetime.
As terrifying as a lot of this sounds, as you point out, the bigger the challenge, the
bigger the opportunity.
Thats really what the book is about. Its not a gloom and doom book. I believe were living in
the greatest time in human history. There has never been more opportunity than whats
available right here, right now.
So lets talk economics. What is the old economic model, and why is it broken? And
what does the new economic world look like?
The Keynesian economic model so prevalent today has run amok.
Socialism is one of those things that sounds good and looks good on paper but just doesnt work
out here in the real world. The Keynesian model says, Hey, we can borrow our way out of this,
the government can finance everything, weve just got to tax the rich people a little more and
that will provide enough to solve everyones problems. And that model is broken.
As I say in the book, I believe the Euro will collapse within the next two years.
Its actually looking pretty shaky right now. [Our interview was conducted in late
Its funny, I wrote in my blog about four months ago that this was coming, and from the
responses I got, you would have thought that I was drowning puppies in front of little children.
[Laughs] Now my fear is that the Euro is going to collapse before the book comes out!
[Laughs] You were too conservative!
The Euro is a failed model, which the book goes into in some detail. At some point the countries
who have done a better job at managing their resources are going to say, Wait a minute. You
want me to raise taxes and reduce benefits for my population so I can give more money to
these other countries, because they promised their people that they could retire at age fortysevenand my people have to work until theyre sixty-seven?
Pretty soon their leaders wont be able to get re-elected. We already saw that happen in France.
I love Paris; its an amazing city, and I go there a lot. But the last few years you couldnt even
visit there, because the whole place is on strike. The Metros on strike, the airports on strike,
the garbage workers are on strike.
Why? Because the previous French government finally said, Okay, we know you were promised
this retirement money and these pensions, but the fact is, the moneys been spent already and
youre not getting it, so get used to it.

So the people went on strike, voted out the old government, and voted in a new Socialist
So, yeah, the Euro is doomed. All this is going to disrupt the dollar, the pound, the Yen, and its
going to make precious metals skyrocket. So there will be people who make a fortune with gold
and platinum and silver. And then, when the Google boys start mining asteroids and it becomes
cheaper to bring gold and silver and platinum back to Earth than it is to take it out of the Earth,
the market will go down again.
The point is this: when everyone is zigging, you want to be zagging.
The Buffett Law: Be greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are
Some of the greatest fortunes in our time were created during the Great Depression. Fortunes
are created during every recession. Every time there is a challenge or a problem, the person
who can solve that problem has the opportunity to create wealth.
You say, Retail is dead. Why is that?
Two things are causing the death of retail: online marketing and network marketing.
In the United States, retail today operates on the same model as it did 230 years ago. When
products were created in the Old World, they came across the Atlantic on a boat, landed in East
coast ports, like New York and Boston, were transported by stage coach across the country, and
finally sold in a general store.
Well, the boats have switched to planes, and the stage coaches switched to trains, which have
switched to eighteen-wheelers, and general stores turned into department stores, which turned
into megamallsbut the basic model hasnt changed a bit.
Is it any wonder that Home Depot was in bankruptcy and that Macys in bankruptcy? All these
retail chains are in collapse because theyre trying to operate on a model from 230 years ago. In
fact, theyve made it more bloated and inefficient, by adding all these layers of wholesalers and
rack jobbers and warehousers.
On the other hand, look at this elegant model of network marketing: a company manufactures a
product and sends it directly to their distributors, who in many cases are the end consumer. Or
theyre conversationally marketing it to their friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and sphere of
influence, through Facebook and other social media.
Traditional retail is not literally deadbut its hastening its own irrelevance.
Is that pretty much a global phenomenon?
It is, but there are differences.
In the last five years, Ive done a lot of work in Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia,
Bulgaria, Russia, Kazakhstan, the Ukraine. Free enterprise is exploding in these formerly
socialist countries. Theres a very real potential for a new world order here, because they are
devouring opportunities for free enterprise, while in the West, people are getting lazy.
I sometimes get the impression that network marketing is more on fire in just about
every other part of the world but here.
Because here we take it for granted. You grew up with it, so its not a big deal. But if you grew
up in Macedonia, where for forty years you had a yoke over you, and now you get the
opportunity to open up something like a network marketing business or home-based business or
do some other kind of entrepreneurial thing, man, youd jump at it.
You see the same thing with universities, there and in Asia: theyre preparing people more for
the real world than our education system in the West does.
If youre a parent right now and youre trying to prepare your fourteen-year-old kid for the
future, you cantbecause the best jobs of 2020 havent even been invented yet.
But you can make some good assumptions. Flash Foresight, the book you coauthored with Dan
Burrus, is brilliant at this, the way it looks at cyclical trends versus linear trends and soft trends
versus hard trends. With those kinds of tools, you can foresee the future without a crystal ball.

The U.S. educational model is based on exploiting student athletes, building big campuses,
chasing after endowmentsa lot of physical structure. But the future is online learning. If you
put your fourteen-year-old through twelve years of college to become a heart surgeon, shes
going to be at a disadvantage, because in the future heart transplant surgery is going to be
done with a joystick, with the patient on the other side of the glass in the operating room or
4,000 miles away.
In 2019, the best heart surgeon is going to be the kid who today is good at playing Angry Birds.
There is also a lot of material in your book that reads like it was written a hundred
years ago. Harness your ego with self-discipline. Who writes thatanymore?
What I really wanted to do with this book is to write Think and Grow Rich, 2013 edition.
Seventy-five years ago, when Think and Grow Rich came out, it was a shocking book.Napoleon
Hill talked about faith visualization and auto-suggestion, all kinds of strange things. He had a
chapter in there called the mystery of sex transmutation! I mean, seventy-five years ago, you
did not talk about that stuff.
So heres what he did. He got people in the front door by saying, Here, Im going to show you
how Ford, Wanamaker, Carnegie, and Edison all made their money. And then, by the time you
were into the back of the book, he was talking about the real character issues that allow you to
become the kind of person who creates success and prosperity.
I modeled what Napoleon Hill did. Im getting people in the front door by saying, Heres what
Mark Cuban and Mark Zuckerberg think; heres what Steve Jobs and Richard Branson did. Heres
how these maverick entrepreneurs think and act differently than broke people think and act.
And once youre in the back of the book, were talking about how to channel the ego for
You also write about network marketing.
I believe we are about to enter the golden era of network marketing.
Its like a perfect storm. Were going to have millions of jobs eliminated, because of government
malfeasance, currency collapse, and technology. Were going to continue to see retail and
traditional marketing break down. Well see ten, fifteen, twenty million people a month looking
for work or having to retrain, like that heart surgeon who suddenly finds his skills are obsolete
because he cant use a joystick.
The whole landscape is changing. And there will be a point in the next few years when the entire
profession of network marketing is going to go into an exponential growth curve, with several
million people a month joining network marketing and direct selling companies.
Weve all seen how individual companies hit their momentum phase. At some point within the
next few years, the profession as a whole is going to hit that phase.
And youre not saying, If we do things in a certain way, that will to happen. Youre
saying, Thats going to happen, period.
Yes, and I believe it will help all network marketing companies, because a rising tide raises all
the ships. However, there are a few qualifications here.
Number one, your ship has to be in the water. If your boat is parked at dry dock, the rising tide
isnt going to touch it.
And number two, your ship has to be seaworthy. Younger, smaller, more nimble companies will
probably benefit more than some of the older, bigger ones, because they are more innovative
and can make change faster. When this onslaught happens, people who are still saying Heres
what you do: invite people over to dinner and just when theyre expecting you to bring out the
carrot cake you wheel out the white board and start drawing circles are not going to get the
biggest bounce from all this.
Im not saying there will never be meetings anymore. Its just that the companies who are good
at such innovations as social media and online video, companies who embrace change, are
going to benefit more from this surge of growth than companies who dont.

In Flash Foresight we have this principle called both/and, which says that when a
new technology comes along it doesnt necessarily supplant the old. The old and new
exist side by side. And the winners are the ones who learn how to integrate them.
Exactly. There will always be a place for conventions, rallies, and in-person events. But the
center of gravity is shifting toward online media. Youll see leaders in the network marketing
profession doing a lot more webcasts and streaming Internet presentations. And those who get
that will fare better.

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