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Valores morales para nios / Moral Values for Children

The dictionary defines tact as "the

ability to say and do the right things;
skill in handling difficult situations or
dealing with difficult people without
giving offense.

El diccionario define tacto como

habilidad para hablar u obrar con
acierto en asuntos delicados o para
tratar con personas susceptibles sin

So the art of having tact and

saying the right things to
people at the right time is
really just to be sensitive to
the way they feel, to have
that personal touch that
helps us to be aware of what
might hurt their feelings and
to avoid doing so.

As pues, hablar con tacto y

decir lo que conviene en el
momento oportuno no es ms
que ser sensible a los
sentimientos ajenos y dar un
toque personal a nuestras
comunicaciones con los
dems, es decir, reconocer lo
que puede resultarles
ofensivo y evitarlo.

It's important to be honest,

but it's also important to be
loving and considerate in
your presentation. If others
see that you are motivated
by love and concern, little
problems or
misunderstandings are less
likely to become big ones.

Aunque es imperativo ser

sincero, tambin es
importante expresarse con
gentileza y consideracin.
Puede que no hagamos ni
digamos todo a la
perfeccin; pero si los dems
ven que estamos motivados
por el amor, los enredos o
malentendidos de poca
monta no pasan a mayores.

You have to know what to

say, how to say it, when to
say it, and even whether to
say it. A gentle spirit can
make all the difference in
how open others are to
our opinions and ideas.

Hay que saber qu decir,

cmo y cundo decirlo, y si
amerita hacerlo siquiera.
Un espritu afable puede ser
determinante para que los
dems se muestren abiertos
a nuestras opiniones e

Art TFI. Text courtesy of Activated magazine. Created by

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