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Ediciones de Longino:
De sublimitate
Peri hypsous : [Libellus de sublimitate Dionysio Longino Fere
Adscriptus] / [edizione curata da D.A. Russell]
PseudoLong!" s. #
[s.l.] : [s.n.]" [$%%&']
( )ni*ersitat Aut+noma de
Ms detalls
Descripci- ./ p.0 $1 cm
2ota Reproducci- de l3edici- a cura de D.A. Russell" editada per 456ord )ni*ersity Press el $%17
Autor addicional Russell" D. A.
8D) 7/&
)ni*ersitat de ,arcelona Lletres 9 8a:Lon;456ord
4n the sublime / Longinus 0 edited <ith introduction
and commentary by D.A. Russell
PseudoLong!" s. #
456ord : At the 8larendon Press" cop. $%1.
( )ni*ersitat de
Ms detalls
Descripci- #=" >?7 p.0 >? cm
,ibliogra6ia 2otes. ,ibliogra6ia. @nde5s
#dioma Ae5t en grec" introducci- i comentaris en anglBs
Autor addicional Russell" D. A." ed.
)ni*ersitat de ,arcelona Lletres 9 8a:Lon;
La edicin definitiva.
Herder: Marsh, J., The Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, Burlington, Vt.,
1833. Ltras
Lletres 177/7/33
Franois Trmolires, Fnelon et le sublime. Littrature,
anthropologie, spiritualit, Paris : Honor Champion, coll. Lumire
classique , 200, !2! p., "#$ !%2!&'(2020.
#l C*oDue en particulier lEou*rage pionnier de Famuel G. HonI :The
Sublime" $%J&; et les Ku*res dEA. Litman :Le Sublime en France, $%/$;
et de F. Gache :La Langue du ciel, >???;
Dr. Cynthia Freeland, University of Houston
Negative Aesthetics
Seminar in Philosophy of Art, Spring !!"

The Sublime: Selected Bibliography

#mmanuel $ant, The Critique of Judgement, %&'!, trans. (ames
Creed )eredith, on*line at

Donald Cra-ford, Kants Aesthetic Theory 1)adison+ University
of 2isconsin Press, %'&34.
Paul Cro-ther, The Kantian Sublime: From Morality to Art
15/ford+ Clarendon Press, %'6'4.
Ahe Lantian Aesthetic: From Lno<ledge to the
Paul 8ro<ther
This book explains the perceptual knowledge involved in aesthetic
judgements. It does so by linking Kant's aesthetics to a critically upgraded
account of his theory of knowledge. This upgraded theory emphasizes
conceptual and imaginative structures which Kant terms respectively
!categories" and !schemata". #y describing examples of aesthetic
judgement it is shown that these judgements must involve categories and
fundamental schemata $even though Kant himself and most other
commentators have not fully appreciated the fact%. It is argued in turn
that this shows the aesthetic to be not jus ... More
Ley<ords: aesthetic Mudgement" perceptual" categories" schemata" uni*ersal *alidity"
art" aesthetic ideas" genius" comparati*e" a*antgarde
Print publication date: >?$? Print #F,2$J: %/7?$%%&/%%/1
Published to 456ord Fcholarship 4nline: Hay >?$? D4#:$?.$?%J/acpro6:oso/%/7?$%%&/%%/1.??$.???$
(ac7ues Derrida, The Truth in Painting, trans. 8eoff 9ennington
and #an )c:eod 1Chicago+ University of Chicago Press, %'6&4,
esp. %3*%3&, ;<he Parergon.=
Ferguson, Frances Solitude and the sublime : romanticism and
the aesthetics of indi!iduation 1Ne- >or. + ?outledge, %''4.
<imothy 8ould, ;#ntensity and its Audiences+ <o-ard a Feminist
Perspective on the $antian Su@lime,= in Feminism and Tradition
in Aesthetics, ed. Peggy Aeglin 9rand and Carolyn $orsmeyer
1University Par.+ Penn State University Press, %''B4, pp. CC*6&.
Paul 8uyer, ;$antDs Distinction @et-een the 9eautiful and the
Su@lime,= "e!ie# of Meta$hysics "B 1%'64+ &B"*6".
*****$ant and the E/perience of Freedom 1Cam@ridge+ Cam@ridge
University Press, %''"4.
(ean*Francois :yotard, %essons on the Analytic of the Sublime
&Kants Critique of Judgement sections '()'*4, trans. EliFa@eth
?otten@erg 1Stanford+ Stanford University Press, %''34.
$ir. Pillo-, Sublime understanding : aesthetic reflection in Kant
and +egel (Cam@ridge, )ass.+ )#< Press, !!!4.
Eva Schaper, ;<aste, su@limity, and genius+ <he aesthetics of
nature and art,= in The Cambridge Com$anion to Kant ed. Paul
8uyer 1Cam@ridge, Ne- >or., and )el@ourne+ Cam@ridge
University Press, %''4, pp. "C&*"'".
(ohn H. Aammito, The ,enesis of Kants -Critique of Judgment.
1Chicago+ University of Chicago Press, %''4.

Tom Furniss, Edmund Burke's aesthetic ideology : language,
gender, and political economy in revolution (Cambridge ; Ne
!ork : Cambridge "ni#ersity $ress, %&&'() Fotocoiado
)ni*ersitat Pompeu Fabra D#FP42#,LN
Poblenou :Planta $" soterrani DA&?1.,% F7/ $%%J
Samuel *) +onk, The Sublime: A Study of Critical Theories in
EighteenthCentury England (Ne !ork: +odern ,anguage
-ssociation, %&'.(, &/01)
2st3 pedido en $4
#ntroducciGn a la En7uiry de Adam Philpps 1Ne- >o., %''!4,
Hdem de 9oulton
Peg 9rand and )yles 9rand, The /eautiful and the Sublime,
course sylla@us -ith reading lists from #ndiana University, %''&,
on*line at
Elmer H. Duncan, Syllabus for Aesthetics course at /aylor
0ni!ersityI helpful tips on aesthetics @i@liographies,
Cynthia A. Freeland, ;<he Su@lime in Cinema,= in Passionate
1ie#s: Film Cognition and 2motion, ed. Carl Plantinga and
8reg ). Smith 19altimore and :ondon+ <he (ohns Hop.ins
University Press, %'''4, pp. CB*6".
:onginus, 3n the Sublime 2. ?hys ?o@erts translation on*line at
Peter 8. Platt, ed., 4onders mar!els and monsters in early
modern culture 1Ne-ar. + University of Dela-are Press I
:ondon + Associated University Presses, c%'''4. C9"C%.2CC
Slavo0 AiFe., The Sublime 3b5ect of 6deology 1:ondon+ Lerso,

Pedro Aulln de Haro: La sublimidad y lo sublime
Ediin: =erbum" Hadrid
A!o: >??1
Abrams" Heyer Go<ard. Ahe Hirror and the Lamp: Romantic Aheory and
the 8ritical Aradition. 2e< OorI: 456ord )P" $%&J.
PPPPP. 2atural Fupernaturalism: Aradition and Re*olution in Romantic
Literature. 2e< OorI: 2orton" $%/J.
Albrecht" Qilliam Price. Ahe Fublime Pleasures o6 Aragedy: A Ftudy o6
8ritical Aheory 6rom Dennis to Leats. La<rence: )P Lansas" $%/&.
Altieri" 8harles. RPlato3s Per6ormati*e Fublime and the Nnds o6 Reading.R
2e< Literary Gistory $1.> :$%7&;: >&$/J.
Arac" Sonathan. RAhe Hedia o6 Fublimity: Sohnson and Lamb on Ling
Lear.R Ftudies in Romanticism >1.> :$%7/;: >?%>?.
Armstrong" Heg. R3Ahe N66ects o6 ,lacIness:3 9ender" Race" and the
Fublime in Aesthetic Aheories o6 ,urIe and Lant.R Ahe Sournal o6
Aesthetics and Art 8riticism &..J :$%%1;: >$JJ1.
As"#ield$ Andre%$ and Peter de Bolla$ eds& T"e Su'li(e: A Reader in
Britis" Ei)"teent"*Centur+ Aest"eti T"eor+& Ca('rid)e:
Ca('rid)e ,P$ -../&
)ni*ersitat Aut+noma de ,arcelona Gumanitats >a planta
)ni*ersitat PolitBcnica de 8atalunya ,iblioteca NAFA,
)ni*ersitat PolitBcnica de 8atalunya ,iblioteca NAFA,
)ni*ersitat Pompeu Fabra 8iutadella
,al6e" Sudith Guggins. RFociology and the Fublime.R 2e< Literary Gistory
$1.> :$%7&;: >J/.%.
,araIorisIa" Liliana" and Ha gorzata 2ilIa. RA Reading o6 Distance in the
Lantian Fublime.R RAhe Host Fublime Act:R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd.
Aadeusz Rach<al and Aadeusz Fta<eI. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%..
,arnou<" Se66rey. RAhe Horality o6 the Fublime: Ao Sohn Dennis.R
8omparati*e Literature J&.$ :$%7J;: >$.>.
,atchelor" Ftephen. =erses 6rom the 8enter: A ,uddhist =ision o6 the
Fublime. 2e< OorI: Ri*erhead" >???.
,eidler" Paul 9. RAhe Postmodern Fublime: Lant and Aony Fmith3s
Anecdote o6 the 8ube.R Ahe Sournal o6 Aesthetics and Art 8riticism &J.>
:$%%&;: $//71.
,ernstein" Ftephen. R3Libra3 and the Gistorical Fublime.R Postmodern
8ulture: An Nlectronic Sournal o6 #nterdisciplinary 8riticism ..> :$%%.;
,ialas" Vbignie<. RHultitude o6 Ncstatic ,utter6lies: A 9limpse o6 the
Fublime in Litsch.R RAhe Host Fublime Act:R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd.
Aadeusz Rach<al and Aadeusz Fla<eI. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%.. $$$$%.
,loom" Garold. An5iety o6 #n6luence: A Aheory o6 Poetry. London: 456ord
)P" $%/J.
PPPPP. RFreud and the Poetic Fublime: A 8atastrophe Aheory o6
8reati*ity.R 8ontemporary 8ritical Aheory. Nd. D. Latimer. Fan Diego:
Garcourt ,race So*ano*itch" $%7%.
PPPPP. Freud: A 8ollection o6 8ritical Nssays. Nd. P. Heisel" Nngle<ood
8li66s: PrenticeGall $%7$.
PPPPP. Poetry and Repression. 2e< Ga*en: Oale )P" $%/1.
PPPPP. Ruin the Facred Aruths. 8ambridge: Gar*ard )P" $%7%.
,oileau :Despreau5;" 2icolas. RAraite du Fublime ou du Her*eilleu5 dans
le Discours Araduit du 9rec de Longin.R 4eu*res completes. #ntroduction
par Antoine Adam. Ae5tes etablis et annotes par Francoise Nscal"
Nditions 9allimard" $%11.
,oitani" Piero. Ahe Aragic and the Fublime in Hedie*al Literature.
8ambridge: 8ambridge )P" $%7%.
,oulton" S. A. #ntroduction. A Philosophical NnDuiry into the 4rigin o6 our
#deas o6 the Fublime and ,eauti6ul. ,y N. ,urIe. Nd. S. A. ,oulton.
London: Routledge and Legan Paul" $%&7. 5*c5.
,rennan" Hatthe<. Qords<orth" Aurner" and Romantic Landscape: A
Ftudy o6 the Araditions o6 the PicturesDue and the Fublime. 8olumbia.:
8amden Gouse" $%7/.
,rody" Sules. ,oileau and Longinus. 9enc*e: Librairie N. Droz" $%&7.
,rooIs" Linda Harie. Ahe Henace o6 the Fublime to the #ndi*idual Fel6:
Lant" Fchiller" 8oleridge" and the Disintegration o6 Romantic #dentity.
Le<iston: Nd<in Hellen" $%%&.
,urIe" Ndmund. A Philosophical NnDuiry into the 4rigin o6 our #deas o6
the Fublime and ,eauti6ul. Nd. S. A. ,oulton. London: Routledge and
Legan Paul" $%&7.
,urIe" Lenneth. Rhetoric o6 Hoti*es. ,erIeley: ) o6 8ali6ornia P" $%1%.
8archia" 9ianni. Retorica del Fublime. Roma,ari: Laterza" $%%?.
8ascardi" Anthony S. RFrom the Fublime to the 2atural: Romantic
Responses to Lant.R Literature and the Wuestion o6 Philosophy. Nd. A. S.
8ascardi. ,altimore: Sohns GopIins )P" $%7/. $?$>%.
8iesliIo<scy" Fla<omir" and Aeresa 8iesliIo<scy. RLa langage indirect:
comprehension et incomprehension.R Nd. Fla<omir 8iesliIo<sc and
Aeresa 8iesliIo<scy. Q Iregu genologii i teorii sugestii. Lodz: )L P"
$%%&. %7$?&.
PPPPP. RFacrum i masIa czyli o <ypo<iadaniu nie<ypo<iedzianego.R
Fla<omir 8iesliIo<scy and Aeresa 8iesliIIo<scy. Q Iregu genologii i
teorii sugestii. Lodz: )L P" $%%&. $?1>&.
8oates" Paul. RAhe LooI in the FIy: 2otes on Fublimity" Film and
9ender.R RAhe Host Fublime Act:R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd. Aadeusz
Rach<al and Fla<eI Aadeusz. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%.. $J1.7.
8ohn" Sohn" and Ahomas G. Hiles. RAhe Fublime: #n Alchemy" Aesthetics
and Psychoanalysis.R Hodern Philology /..J :$%//: February;: >7%J?..
8ourtine" SeanFrancois. RAragedy and Fublimity: Ahe Fpeculati*e
#nterpretation o6 4edipus Re5 on the Ahreshold o6 9erman #dealism.R 46
the Fublime: Presence in Wuestion. Arans. Se66rey F. Librett. Nd. Sean
Francois 8ourtine" et al. Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P" $%%J. $&//..
8rocIett" 8layton. A Aheology o6 the Fublime. London: Routledge" >??$.
8ro<ther" Paul. 8ritical Aesthetics and Postmodernism. 456ord:
8larendon" $%%J.
PPPPP. RLes immateriau5 and the Postmodern Fublime.R Sudging Lyotard.
Nd. Andre< ,enMamin. London: Routledge" $%%>. $%>>?&.
PPPPP. Ahe Lantian Fublime: From Horality to Art. 456ord: 8larendon"
8ruse" D.A. Le5ical Femantics. 8ambridge: 8ambridge )P" $%%&.
Dainotto" Raimondo H. RAhe N5cremental Fublime: Ahe Postmodern
Literature o6 ,locIage and Release.R Postmodern 8ulture: An Nlectronic
Sournal o6 #nterdisciplinary 8riticism J.J :$%%J;
De ,olla" Peter. Ahe Discourse o6 the Fublime: Readings in Gistory"
Aesthetics and the FubMect. 456ord: ,lacI<ell" $%7%.
Deguy" Hichel. RAhe Discourse o6 N5altation: 8ontribution to a Rereading
o6 PseudoLonginus.R 46 the Fublime: Presence in Wuestion. Arans.
Se66rey F. Librett. Nd. SeanFrancois 8ourtine" et al. Albany: Ftate ) o6
2e< OorI P" $%%J. &>..
De Luca" =incent Arthur. Qords o6 Nternity: ,laIe and the Poetics o6 the
Fublime. Princeton: Princeton )P" $%%$.
De Han" Paul. RPhenomenality and Hateriality in Lant.R Germeneutics.
Wuestions and Prospects. Nd. 9ary Fhapiro and Alan Fica. Amherst: )
Hass P" $%7.. $>$...
Derrida" SacDues. RAhe Parergon.R Ahe Aruth in Painting. Arans. 9eo66
,ennington and #an HacLeod. 8hicago: ) o6 8hicago P" $%7/. $1$./.
Ndelman" Lee. RAt RisI in the Fublime: the Politics o6 9ender and
Aheory.R 9ender and Aheory: Dialogues on Feminist 8riticism. Nd. Linda
Lau66man. 456ord: ,lacI<ell" $%7%. >$$>..
NrMa*ec" Ales. RQznioslosc i aura.R Rdrobne rysy < ciagleM Iatastro6ie...:R
4becnosc Qaltera ,enMamina < Iulturze <spolczesneM. Arans. San
Larlo<sIi. Nd. Anna VeidlerSanisze<sIa. Qarsza<a: #nstytut Lultury"
$%%J. $?%$%.
Nscoubas" Nliane. RLant or the Fimplicity o6 the Fublime.R 46 the Fublime:
Presence in Wuestion. Arans. Se66rey F. Librett. Nd. SeanFrancois
8ourtine" et al. Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P" $%%J. &&/?.
Ferguson" Frances. RA 8ommentary on Fuzanne 9uerlac3s 3Longinus and
the FubMect o6 the Fublime.R3 2e< Literary Gistory $1.> :$%7&;: >%$%/.
PPPPP. RAhe 2uclear Fublime.R Diacritics :$%7.;: .$?.
PPPPP. Folitude and the Fublime: Romanticism and the Aesthetics o6
#ndi*iduation. 2e< OorI: Routledge" $%%>.
Freeman" ,arbara 8laire. Ahe Feminine Fublime: 9ender and N5cess in
Qomen3s Fiction. ,erIeley: ) o6 8ali6ornia P" $%%&.
Freud" Figmund. R2iesamo<ite.R Pisma psychologiczne. Arans. Ryszard
ReszIe. Qarsza<a: Qyda<nict<o LR" $%%/. >J&1>.
Fry" Paul G. RLonginus at 8olonus: Ahe 9rounding o6 Fublimity.R Ahe Rich
o6 8riticism: Hethod and Perception in Literary Aheory. 2e< Ga*en: Oale
)P" $%7J. ./71.
PPPPP. RAhe Possesion o6 the Fublime.R Ftudies in Romanticism >1.>
:$%7/;: $7/>?/.
9olasze<sIa Haria. RQznioslosc.R Flo<niI literatury polsIieM Y#Y <ieIu.
Nd. Soze6 ,achorz and Alina Lo<alczyIo<a. Qrocla<: VaIlad 2arodo<y
#mienia 4ssolinsIich Qyda<nict<o" $%%$. $?J&J/.
9ray" 2oel. R9eometry and the Fublime: #magination and the 8losure o6
8reati*ity.R RAhe Host Fublime Act:R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd. Rach<al
Aadeusz and Fla<eI Aadeusz. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%.. $$$%.
9uerlac" Fuzanne. Ahe #mpersonal Fublime: Gugo" ,audelaire"
Lautremont. Ftan6ord: Ftan6ord )P" $%%?.
PPPPP. RLonginus and the FubMect o6 the Fublime.R 2e< Literary Gistory
$1.>:$%7&;: >/&7%.
PPPPP. RAhe Fublime in Aheory.R Hodern Language 2otes $?1.& :$%%$;:
9uyer" Paul. R,eauty" Fublimity and N5Pion: Reply to QicIs and
8antricI.R Ahe Sournal o6 Aesthetics and Art 8riticism &J.>:$%%&;:$%.%&.
Gegel" 9eorg Qilhelm Friedrich. QyIlady o estetyce. Arans. Sanusz
9rabo<sIi and Adam Landman. Qarsza<a: PQ2" $%1..
Gertz" 2eil. RAhe 2otion o6 ,locIage in the Literature o6 the Fublime.R Ahe
Nnd o6 the Line: Nssays on Psychoanalysis and the Fublime. 2e< OorI:
8olumbia )P" $%7&. .?1?.
PPPPP. RA Reading o6 Longinus.R Ahe Nnd o6 the Line: Nssays on
Psychoanalysis and the Fublime. 2e< OorI: 8olumbia )P" $%7&. $>?.
Hi00le$ 1alter 2o"n& T"e Beauti#ul$ t"e Su'li(e and t"e Pitures3ue
in Ei)"teent" Centur+ Britis" Aest"eti T"eor+& Car'ondale:
Sout"ern Illinois ,P$ -.45&
Lo ten)o
Gobbs" 8laire. RQilliam ,laIe and Qalter ,enMamin: )nder the Fign o6 the
Fublime.R RAhe Host Fublime Act:R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd. Aadeusz
Rach<al and Aadeusz Fla<eI. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%.. .J.%.
GolmD*ist" Lenneth" and Sarosla< PlucienniI. RAhe Gebraic and #ndian
Fublime 6rom the Rhetoric Point o6 =ie<.R Sournal o6 #ndian Philosophy
and Religion 1:>??$;:J/&>.
PPPPP. R#mage and #magination in the Aheory o6 the Fublime"R Literary
Ae5ts and the Arts. #nterdisciplinary Perspecti*es. Nd. 8orrado Federici.
2e< OorI: Peter Lang" 6orthcoming.
PPPPP. R#n6inity in Language. 8onceptualization o6 the N5perience o6 the
Fublime"R 6orthcoming.
PPPPP. RHetaphor in the Aheory o6 the Fublime"R 6orthcoming.
Guhn" Ahomas. RAhe Lantian Fublime and the 2ostalgia 6or =iolence.R
Ahe Sournal o6 Aesthetics and Art 8riticism &J.J :$%%&;: >1%/&.
#rlam" Fhaun. Ahe Poetics o6 Nnthusiasm in Nighteenth8entury ,ritain.
Ftan6ord: Ftan6ord )P" $%%%.
SaIobson" Roman" and Linda Qaugh. RAhe Fpell o6 Fpeech Founds.R Ahe
Found Fhape o6 Language. London: ,loomington" $%/%. Arans. Haria
Renata Hayeno<a 6rom RHagia dz<ieIo< mo<y.R. Q poszuIi<aniu istoty
MezyIa. *ol. $. Qarsza<a: PQ2" $%7%. >7>J.?.
Sarret" Da*id. RAhe Do<nmarIet =isionary 9leam: Popular Fiction and the
Fublime.R RAhe Host Fublime Act:R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd. Aadeusz
Rach<al and Aadeusz Fla<eI. Lato<ice: )F P. $%%.. %/$$?.
Lant" #mmanuel. Ahe 8ritiDue o6 Sudgement. Arans. Sames 8reed
Heredith. 456ord: 8larendon" $%&>.
PPPPP. 4bser*ations on the Feeling o6 the ,eauti6ul and the Fublime.
Arans. Sohn A. 9oldth<art. ,erIeley: ) o6 8ali6ornia P" $%1?.
Llinger" 8ornelia. RAhe 8oncepts o6 the Fublime and the ,eauti6ul in Lant
and Lyotard.R Feminist #nterpretations o6 #mmanuel Lant. Nd. Robin Hay
Fchott. )ni*ersity ParI: Pennsyl*ania Ftate )P" $%%/. $%$>$$.
Lnapp" Fte*en. Personi6ication and the Fublime: Hilton to 8oleridge.
8ambridge: Gar*ard )P" $%7&.
LostIie<iczo<a" Aeresa. R4dlegle zrodla re6leIsMi o <znioslosci: co sie
stalo miedzy ,oileau a ,urIe3em.R AeIsty Drugie J7J%.>J :$%%1;: &$J.
Luhn" Soseph Gans. Gypsos: Nine )ntersuchung zur
Nnt<icIlungsgeschichte des Au6sch<ungsgedanIens *on Platon bis
Poseidonios. Ftuttgart: Q. Lohlhammer =erlag" $%.$.
Luhns" Richard. RAhe ,eauti6ul and the Fublime.R 2e< Literary Gistory
$J.> :$%7>;: >7/J?/.
Lulisz" HareI. RFublime" the )nclear.R RAhe Host Fublime Act:R Nssays
on the Fublime. Nd. Aadeusz Rach<al and Aadeusz Fla<eI. Lato<ice:
)F P" $%%.. 17/J.
L<ieI" HareI. Rorty i Lyotard < labiryntach postmoderny. Poznan: Qyd.
2auI. #F )AH" $%%..
LacoueLabarthe" Philippe. RFublime Aruth.R 46 the Fublime: Presence in
Wuestion. Arans. Se66rey F. Librett. Nd. SeanFrancois 8ourtine" et al.
Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P" $%%J. /$$?7.
Le*ine" Fte*en V. RFeascapes o6 the Fublime.R 2e< Literary Gistory $1.>
:$%7&;: J//.??.
Librett" Se66rey F. RA6ter<ard. Positing the Fublime: Reading Geidegger
Reading Lant.R 46 the Fublime: Presence in Wuestion. Arans. Se66rey F.
Librett. Nd. SeanFrancois 8ourtine" et al. Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P"
$%%J. $%J>$%.
RLonginusR 4n the Fublime. Nd. D. A. Russell. 456ord: 8larendon" $%1..
LoIIe" Lari Nlise N. RAhe Role o6 Fublimity in the De*elopment o6
Hodernist Aesthetics.R Ahe Sournal o6 Aesthetics and Art 8riticism .?..
:$%7>;: .>$>%.
Lonnroth" Lars. RAhe 2ordic Fublime: Ahe Romantic Redisco*ery o6
#celandic Hyth and Legend as ,acIground 6or the Ring.R Qagner3s Ring
and #ts #celandic Fources. Nd. )l6ar ,ragason. ReyIMa*iI: Fto6nun
Figuroar 2ordals $%%&. [an electronic copy]
Lyotard" SeanFrancois. RAns<ering the Wuestion: Qhat is
Postmodernism.R Ahe Postmodern 8ondition: A Report on Lno<ledge.
Arans. 9. ,ennington and ,. Hassumi. Hanchester: Hanchester )P"
$%7.. Arans. Hichal Pa<el HarIo<sIi 6rom R4dpo<iedz na pytanie: co to
Mest postmodernizm'R Postmodernizm: Antologia przeIlado<. Nd.
Ryszard 2ycz. LraIo<: Qyda<nict<o ,aran i FuzczynsIi" $%%/. ./1$.
PPPPP. RAhe #nterest o6 the Fublime.R 46 the Fublime: Presence in
Wuestion. Arans. Se66rey F. Librett. Nd. SeanFrancois 8ourtine" et al.
Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P" $%%J. $?%J>.
PPPPP. Lessons on the Analytic o6 the Fublime. Arans. Nlizabeth
Rottenberg. Ftan6ord: Ftan6ord )P" $%%..
PPPPP. RPresenting the )npresentable: Ahe Fublime.R Arans. Lisa
Liebmann. Art6orum J :$%7>:April;: 1.1%.
PPPPP. RAhe Fign o6 Gistory.R Poststructuralism and the Wuestion o6
Gistory. Nd. DereI Attridge" et al. 8ambridge: 8ambridge )P" $%7/. $1>
PPPPP. RAhe Fublime and the A*antgarde.R ArtForum > :$%7>;. Arans.
HareI ,ienczyI 6rom RQznioslosc i a<angarda.R AeIsty Drugie. J7J%.>J
:$%%1;: $/J7%.
HacIsey" Richard. RLonginus Reconsidered.R Hodern Language 2otes
$?7.& :$%%J;: %$JJ..
Heager" R. RAhe Fublime and the 4bscene.R ,ritish Sournal o6 Aesthetics
..J :$%1.;: >$.>/.
Hishra" =iMay. De*otional Poetics and the #ndian Fublime. Albany: Ftate )
o6 2e< OorI P" $%%7.
PPPPP. Ahe 9othic Fublime. Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P" $%%..
Hodiano" Raimonda. RGumanism and the 8omic Fublime: From Lant to
Friedrich Aheodor =ischer.R Ftudies in Romanticism >1.> :$%7/;: >J$...
Mon6$ Sa(uel H& T"e Su'li(e: A Stud+ o# Critial T"eories in -/t"*
Centur+ En)land& Ne% 7or6: MLA$ -.84&
Hoore" Sared F. RAhe Fublime" and 4ther Fubordinate
Nsthetic 8oncepts.R Sournal o6 Philosophy .&.> :$%.7;: .>./.
Hora<sIi" Fte6an. Ftudia z historii mysli estetyczneM $1$$ i Y#Y <ieIu.
Qarsza<a: PQ2" $%1$.
Horris" Da*id ,. R9othic Fublimity.R 2e< Literary Gistory $1.> :$%7&;:
2ancy" SeanLuc. RAhe Fublime 466ering.R 46 the Fublime: Presence in
Wuestion. Arans. Se66rey F. Librett. Nd. SeanFrancois 8ourtine" et al.
Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P" $%%J. >&&J.
2esbitt" Late. RAhe Fublime and Hodern Architecture: )nmasIing :an
Aesthetic o6; Abstraction.R 2e< Literary Gistory >1.$:$%%&;: %&$$?.
2ietzsche" Friedrich. RAhe ,irth o6 Aragedy 6rom the Fpirit o6 Husic.R
Arans. Franciss 9ol66ing. 8ritical Aheory Fince Plato. Nd. Gazard Adams.
Fort Qorth: Garcourt ,race So*ano*ich" $%%>. 1>%JJ.
2oel" Sustine. RFpace" Aime and the Fublime in Gume: A AreatiseR ,ritish
Sournal o6 Aesthetics J..J :$%%.;: >$7>&.
2oggle" Sames. RAhe Qittgensteinian Fublime.R 2e< Literary Gistory
>/..:$%%1;: 1?&$%.
2ycz" Ryszard. R3Qyrazanie nie<yrazalnego3 < literaturze no<oczesneM
:Qybrane zagadnienia;.R Literatura MaIo trop rzeczy<istosci . LraIo<:
)ni*ersitas" >??$. $/.%.
4lson" Nlder. RAhe Argument o6 Longinus3 4n the Fublime.R 8ritics and
8riticism: Ancient and Hodern. Nd. R. F. 8rane. 8hicago: ) o6 8hicago P"
$%&>. >J>&%.
45enhandler" 2eal. RAhe 8hanging 8oncept o6 Literary Nmotion: A
Felecti*e Gistory.R 2e< Literary Gistory >?.$ :$%77;: $?&>$.
Paulson" Ronald. R=ersions o6 a Guman Fublime.R 2e< Literary Gistory
$1.> :$%7&;: .>/J/.
PlucienniI" Sarosla<. RAhe A*antgarde Fublime in a Futurist QorI o6
Literature: 4n 32amopaniI bar<istanu3 by A. Qat.R Postscript &.$ :$%%%;:
PPPPP. Figury nie<yobrazalnego: 2otatIi z poetyIi <znioslosci <
literaturze polsIieM. LraIo<: )ni*ersitas" >??>.
PPPPP. RetoryIa <znioslosci < dziele literacIim. LraIo<: )ni*ersitas"
Pro<er" Nmanuel. RAhe Fublime and 8.F. Peirce3s 8ategory o6 Firstness.R
RAhe Host Fublime Act:R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd. Aadeusz Rach<al
and Aadeusz Fla<eI. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%.. &%1/.
Punter" Da*id. Ahe Literature o6 Aerror: A Gistory o6 9othic Fictions 6rom
$/1& to the Present Day. > *ols. London: Longman" $%%1.
Rach<al Aadeusz. Approaches o6 #n6inity: Ahe Fublime and the Focial
Ftudies in Nighteenth8entury Qritings. Lato<ice: )ni<ersyter FlasIi"
PPPPP. RAhe )nnameable: Representation:s; o6 the FublimeR RAhe Host
Fublime Act:R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd. Aadeusz Rach<al and
Aadeusz Fla<eI. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%.. &?&7.
Rach<al" Aadeusz" and Aadeusz Fla<eI. RAhe Host Fublime Act:R
Nssays on the Fublime. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%..
Ramazani" R. Sahan. ROeats: Aragic Soy and the Fublime.R HLA $?..>
:$%7%;: $1J//.
Red6ield" Harc Q. RPynchon3s Postmodern Fublime.R HLA
RogozinsIi" Sacob. RAhe 9i6t o6 the Qorld.R 46 the Fublime: Presence in
Wuestion. Arans. Se66rey F. Librett. Nd. SeanFrancois 8ourtine" et al.
Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P" $%%J. $JJ&1.
Fhapiro" 9ary. RFrom the Fublime to the Political: Fome Gistorical 2otes.R
2e< Literary Gistory $1.>:$%7&;: >$JJ&.
Fil*erman" Gugh S." and 9ary N. Ayles<orth" eds. Ahe Ae5tual Fublime:
Deconstruction and its Di66erences. Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P" $%%?.
Fimpson" Da*id. R8ommentary: )pdating the Fublime.R Ftudies in
Romanticism >1.> :$%7/;: >.&&7.
Fircello" 9uy. RGo< #s a Aheory o6 the Fublime Possible'R Ahe Sournal o6
Aesthetics and Art 8riticism &$.. :$%%J;: &.$.%.
FI<arczynsIa" Fte6ania. Qstep do nauIi o literaturze. *ol $. Qarsza<a:
Pa5" $%&..
Fla<eI" Aadeusz. R3Fublime Labours:3 ,laIe" 2ietzsche and the 2otion o6
the Fublime.R RAhe Host Fublime Act:R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd.
Aadeusz Rach<al and Aadeusz Fla<eI. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%.. >7.>.
Fobiera"M Serzy. RAo<ards )nity. Hel*ille3s Pictures o6 8i*il Qar.R RAhe
Host Fublime Act:R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd. Aadeusz Rach<al and
Aadeusz Fla<eI. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%." $>?>&.
Fou6as" 8. 8hristopher" Sr. RAhe Fublime" the ,eauti6ul" and the
#magination in Vorrilla3s Don Suan Aenorio.R Hodern Language 2otes
$$?.>:$%%&;: J?>$%.
Fussman" Genry. Psyche and Ae5t: Ahe Fublime and the 9randiose in
Literature" Psychopathology" and 8ulture. Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P"
Aarn" 2athaniel. RFresh Frozen Feni5: Random 2otes on the Fublime" the
,eauti6ul" and the )gly in the Postmodern Nra.R 2e< Literary Gistory $1.>
:$%7&;: .$/>&.
AatarIie<icz" Qladysla<. RQznioslosc.R DzieMe szesciu poMec. Qarsza<a:
PQ2" $%77. $%%>?$.
=alesio" Paolo. RDeclensions: D3Annunzio a6ter the Fublime.R 2e<
Literary Gistory $1.> :$%7&;: .?$$&.
=erstraete" 9inette. Fragments o6 the Feminine Fublime in Friedrich
Fchlegel and Sames Soyce. Albany: Ftate ) o6 2e< OorI P" $%%7.
=ischer" Friedrich Aheoclor. )ber das Nrhabene und Lomische. FranI6urt:
FuhrIamp =erlag" $%1/.
=oller" SacI. 9. Ahe Fupernatural Fublime. Ahe Hetaphysics o6 Aerror in
AngloAmerican Romanticism. DeLalb: 2orthern #llinois )P" $%%..
Qallis" Hieczysla<. R4 przedmiotach <znioslych.R Qiedza i Vycie. .&
:$%J/;: >7J%$.
Qalsh" 8atherine Genry. RAhe Fublime in the Gistorical 2o*el: Fcott and
9il y 8arasco.R 8omparati*e Literature .>.$:$%%?;: >%.7.
Qang" ,an. RAhe Fublime FubMect o6 Gistory and Desublimation in
8ontemporary 8hinese Fiction.R 8omparati*e Literature :$%%7;: JJ$&J.
Qare" Halcolm. Fublimity in the 2o*els o6 Ann Radcli66e: A Ftudy o6 the
#n6luence upon Ger 8ra6t o6 Ndmund ,urIe3s NnDuiry into the 4rigin o6
4ur #deas o6 the Fublime and ,eauti6ul. Lund: 8arl ,loms ,oItrycIeri"
Qecter" Di5on. R,urIe3s Aheory 8oncerning Qords" #mages" and
Nmotion.R HLA && :$%.?;: $1/7$.
QeisIel" Ahomas. Ahe Romantic Fublime: Ftudies in the Ftructure and
Psychology o6 Aranscendence. ,altimore: Sohns GopIins )P" $%/1.
Qicher" AndrzeM. Archeology o6 the Fublime: Ftudies in LateHedie*al
Nnglish Qritings. Lato<ice: Qyd. )F" $%%&.
PPPPP. RPiers Plo<man" the Fublime.R RAhe Host Fublime Act:R Nssays
on the Fublime. Nd. Aadeusz Rach<al and Aadeusz Fla<eI. Lato<ice:
)F P" $%%.. /.%1.
QicIs" Robert. RLant on Fine Art: Artistic Fublimity Fhaped by ,eauty.R
Ahe Sournal o6 Aesthetics and Art 8riticism &J.> :$%%&;: $7%%J.
Qilliams" Anne. Art o6 DarIness: A Poetics o6 9othic. 8hicago: ) o6
8hicago P" $%%&.
Qilson" Rob. American Fublime: Ahe 9enealogy o6 a Poetic 9enre.
Hadison: ) o6 Qisconsin P" $%%$.
Qilton" Andre<. RFublime or Ridiculous' Aurner and the Problem o6 the
Gistorical Figure.R 2e< Literary Gistory $1.> :$%7&;: J.J/1.
Qol6" ,ryan S. RA 9rammar o6 the Fublime" or #nterte5tuality Ariumphant
in 8hurch" Aurner" and 8ole.R 2e< Literary Gistory $1.> :$%7&;: J>$.$.
Qood" Aheodore N. ,. Ahe Qord 3Fublime3 and #ts 8onte5t $1&?$/1?.
Paris: Houton" $%/>.
Qorringer" Qilhelm. Abstraction and Nmpathy. A 8ontribution to the
Psychology o6 Ftyle. Arans. Hichael ,ullocI. 8hicago: #*an R. Dee" $%%/.
Oaeger" Patricia. RAo<ard a Female Fublime.R 9ender and Aheory.
Dialogues on Feminist 8riticism. Nd. Linda Lau66man. 456ord: ,lacI<ell"
$%7%. $%$>?%.
VaMac Harta. RQitIacy3s Pure Form and the 8oncept o6 the Fublime.R RAhe
Host Fublime Act.R Nssays on the Fublime. Nd. Aadeusz Rach<al and
Aadeusz Fla<eI. Lato<ice: )F P" $%%." $>1$J&.
VeidlerSanisze<sIa" Anna. RPostmodernistyczna Iariera Iategorii
<znioslosciR Przemiany <spolczesneM praItyIi artystyczneM. Proby
interpretacyMne. Nd. Anna VeidlerSanisze<sIa. Qarsza<a: #nstytut
Lultury" $%%$. $7?%$.
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. Sa(uel Holt Mon6 :$%J&;. The Sublime: A Study
of Critical Theories in Xviii-Century England 2e<
OorI" Hodern Language Association o6 America.Aesthetics
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Andre% As"#ield [ Peter Be Bolla :$%%1;. The Sublime: A Reader in British
Eighteenth-Century Aesthetic Theory. 8ambridge )ni*ersity Press.
Ahis collection o6 te5ts on the Fublime pro*ides the historical conte5t 6or the 6oundation
and discussion o6 one o6 the most important aesthetic debates o6 the Nnlightenment.
Ahe signi6icance o6 the Fublime in the eighteenth century ranged across a number o6
6ields literary criticism" empirical psychology" political economy" connoisseurship"
landscape design and aesthetics" painting and the 6ine arts" and moral philosophy and
has continued to animate aesthetic and theoretical debates to this day. Go<e*er" the
una*ailability o6 many o6 the crucial te5ts o6 the 6ounding tradition has resulted in a
conception o6 the Fublime o6ten limited to the de6initions o6 its most 6amous theorist
Ndmund ,urIe. Andre< Ash6ield and Peter de ,olla3s anthology" <hich includes an
introduction and notes to each entry" o66ers students and scholars ready access to a
much deeper and more comple5 tradition o6 <ritings on the Fublime" many o6 them
ne*er be6ore printed in modern editions.
$/th/$7th 8entury ,ritish Philosophy" Hisc in $/th/$7th 8entury PhilosophyNdmund
,urIe in $/th/$7th 8entury PhilosophyAhe Fublime in Aesthetics
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Peter Be Bolla :$%7%;. The !iscourse of the Sublime: "eadings in #istory, Aesthetics,
and the Sub$ect ,asil ,lacI<ell.
Ahe Fublime in Aesthetics
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TadeusE Ra"%al [ TadeusE Sla%e6 :$%%.;. The %ost Sublime Act: Essays on the
Sublime Qyda<nict<o )ni*ersytetu ]l^sIiego.
Aesthetics Polish Philosophy in Nuropean Philosophy
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2a(es No))le :>??$;. The Skeptical Sublime: Aesthetics Ideology in ope and
the Tory Satirists. 4)P )FA.
Ahis booI e5amines the role o6 scepticism in initiating the idea o6 the sublime in early
modern ,ritish literature. Sames 2oggle dra<s on philosophy" intellectual history" and
critical theory to illuminate the aesthetic ideology o6 Pope" F<i6t" Dryden" and
Rochester among other important <riters o6 the period. Ahe FIeptical Fublime
compares the *ie< o6 sublimity presented by these authors <ith that o6 the dominant"
liberal tradition o6 eighteenthcentury criticism to o66er a ne< understanding o6 ho<
these <riters helped construct protoaesthetic categories that stabilized ,ritish culture
a6ter years o6 ci*il <ar and re*olution" <hile at the same time their scepticism allo<ed
them to e5press ambi*alence about the emerging social order.
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P"ili0 S"a% :>??1;. The Sublime. Routledge.
46ten labelled as Rindescribable"R the sublime is a term that has been debated 6or
centuries amongst <riters" artists" philosophers and theorists. )sually related to ideas
o6 the great" the a<einspiring and the o*erpo<ering" the sublime has become a
comple5 yet crucial concept in many disciplines. 466ering historical o*er*ie<s and
e5planations" Philip Fha< looIs at: _ Ahe legacy o6 the earliest" classical theories o6 the
sublime through the romantic to the postmodern and a*antgarde sublimity _ Ahe maMor
theorists o6 the sublime such as Lant" ,urIe" Lyotard" Derrida" Lacan and VizeI"
o66ering critical introductions to each _ Ahe signi6icance o6 the concept through a range
o6 literary readings including the 4ld and 2e< testaments" Gomer" Hilton and <riting
6rom the romantic era _ Go< the concept o6 the sublime has a66ected other art 6orms
such as painting and 6ilm" 6rom abstract e5pressionism to Da*id Lynch3s neonoir Ahis
remarIably clear study o6 <hat is" in essence" a term <hich e*ades de6inition" is
essential reading 6or students o6 literature" critical and cultural theory.
Ahe Fublime in Aesthetics
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Ti(ot"+ M& Costelloe :>?$>;. The Sublime: From Anti&uity to the 'resent 8ambridge
)ni*ersity Press.
Hachine generated contents note: 3Ahe sublime3. A short introduction to a long history
Aimothy H. 8ostelloe0 Part #. Philosophical Gistory o6 the Fublime: $. Longinus and the
ancient sublime Halcolm Geath0 >...And the beauti6ul' re*isiting Ndmund ,urIe3s
3double aesthetics3 Rodolphe 9asche0 J. Ahe moral source o6 the Lantian sublime
Helissa Heritt0 .. #magination and internal sense: the sublime in Fha6tesbury" Reid"
Addison" and Reynolds Aimothy H. 8ostelloe0 &. Ahe associati*e sublime: Lames"
9errard" Alison" and Fte<art Rachel VucIert0 1. Ahe 3prehistory3 o6 the sublime in early
modern France: an interdisciplinary perspecti*e a Hadeleine Hartin0 /. Ahe post
Lantian 9erman sublime Paul 9uyer0 7. Ahe postmodern sublime: presentation and its
limits Da*id ,. Sohnson0 Part ##. Disciplinary and 4ther Perspecti*es: %. Ahe 3subtler
sublime3: in modern Dutch aesthetics Sohn R. S. NycI0 $?. Ahe 6irst American sublime
8handos Hichael ,ro<n0 $$. Ahe en*ironmental sublime Nmily ,rady0 $>. Religion and
the sublime Andre< 8hignell and Hatthe< 8. Galteman0 $J. Ahe ,ritish romantic
sublime Adam PotIay0 $.. Ahe sublime and the 6ine arts Aheodore 9racyI0 $&.
Architecture and the sublime Richard Ntlin.
$/th/$7th 8entury ,ritish Philosophy" Hisc in $/th/$7th 8entury PhilosophyAhe Fublime
in Aesthetics
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1alter 2o"n Hi00le :$%&/;. The (eautiful, the Sublime, ) the 'ictures&ue in
Eighteenth-Century (ritish Aesthetic Theory 8arbondale" Fouthern #llinois )ni*ersity
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2a(es Fir%an :>??&;. Sublimity: The *on-"ational and the +rrational in the #istory of
Aesthetics Routledge.
#n the history o6 aesthetics" 6e< concepts ha*e been as po<er6ul and as elusi*e as the
idea o6 the sublime" the Renthusiastic terrorR that can possess us <hen <e behold a
mountain or a miracle. #n his ne< booI" Sames Lir<an traces the history o6 the sublime
6rom its emergence in the eighteenth century to its resurgence in contemporary
aesthetics. Fublimity addresses the nature o6 the sublime e5perience itsel6" and the
6unction that e5perience has played" and continues to play" <ithin aesthetic discourse.
Ahe booI both updates and re*ises e5isting treatments o6 the sublime in the eighteenth
century" e5amines its neglected role in the nineteenth century aesthetics" and analyzes
the signi6icance o6 the modi6ications the concept has undergone in order to ser*e the
interests o6 contemporary aesthetics. Ahe booI thus o66ers the most comprehensi*e
co*erage o6 the history o6 the sublime a*ailable. Qith its appeal 6or readers in
aesthetics" art history" religion" and literary theory" Fublimity <ill beo6 <ide use to
students and scholars.
Ahe Fublime in Aesthetics
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Sa(uel Holt Mon6 :$%1?;. The Sublime [Ann Arbor])ni*ersity o6 Hichigan Press.
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T"eodore E& B& 1ood :$%/>;. The ,ord -Sublime- and its Conte.t, /012 - /302 Ahe
Ahe Fublime in Aesthetics
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