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Situacin en el salvador en los aos 80

La mayor parte de la poblacin en la poca previa a la guerra civil viva en condiciones de gran pobreza. Eso significa educacin de psima calidad, viviendas miserables, salarios bajos, desempleo crnico. El sistema educativo, si bien insuficiente e inadecuado, tambin creci en cobertura en el perodo 1950-1980, ampliando en cierta medida las capacidades cognitivas de la poblacin del pas y de anlisis crtico de la realidad nacional. Segn los datos de ANDES 21 de Junio, durante la guerra, alrededor de 376 maestros fueron asesinados, 106 desaparecidos y 500 sufrieron encarcelamiento. La represin se dej sentir tambin en el mbito universitario. En 1981 el director de la Universidad de San Salvador Flix Ulloa es asesinado y en 1989 sufren el mismo destino 6 jesuitas de la Universidad Centroamericana. En 1980 se cerraron la Escuela Normal "Alberto Masferrer", la Escuela de Trabajo Social y la Universidad Nacional , para 1978 la asignacin presupuestaria estatal al rubro educativo fue de 23.15% (el cual estaba dedicado principalmente a los niveles educativos ms altos y a pago de salarios), con la guerra el gasto de la educacin decay al 3.6% en 1980. Al finalizar el conflicto blico el presupuesto lleg a descender en 1992 al 1.5%. Esta poltica de ahorro se debi a que el gobierno asign ms del 40% de su presupuesto al Ministerio de Defensa y Seguridad Pblica. Con estas condiciones el sistema educativo sufri un fortsimo retroceso en todos los aspectos. El nmero de analfabetos fue ascendiendo por falta de infraestructura y de empleo. La guerra de la dcada de 1980 tambin represent

el fracaso del sistema educativo tradicional, Los maestros se vieron afectados, la percepcin de salarios era muy bajos y sus puestos de trabajo inestables. Adems no tenan prestaciones por lo que "los educadores se empobrecieron a tal grado que los obligaron a organizarse y a lanzarse a las calles. Se calcula que en 1980 se cerraron 877 escuelas. (ya sea por ser destruidas o abandonadas), se cerraron 3, 285 aulas lo cual signific que aproximadamente 1, 542 profesores y 107,000 educandos fueran afectados.

Situation in El Salvador in the 80s Most of the population in the days before the Civil War lived in great poverty. That means poor quality education, miserable housing, low wages, chronic unemployment. The education system, while insufficient and inadequate coverage also grew in the period 1950-1980, increasing to some extent the cognitive abilities of the country's population and critical analysis of the national situation. According to data from ANDES 21 June, during the war, about 376 teachers were killed, 106 missing and 500 were imprisoned. Repression was also felt in the university environment. In 1981 the director of the University of San Salvador Felix Ulloa is killed and in 1989 suffered the same fate six Jesuit Central American University. In 1980 the Normal School closed "Alberto Masferrer", School of Social Work and the National University for 1978 state budget allocation to education category was 23.15% (which was devoted mainly to higher educational levels and payment wages), with war education spending fell to 3.6% in 1980. At the end of the war the budget came down in 1992 to 1.5% 14. This saving policy was because the government allocated more than 40% of its budget to the Ministry of Defense and Public Security. Under these conditions the education system suffered a setback very strong in all aspects. The number of illiterates was ascending by lack of infrastructure and employment. The war of the 1980s also represented the failure of the traditional education system, teachers were affected, the perception was very low wages and unstable jobs. Also had no benefits what "educators were depleted to such an extent that forced them to organize and take to the streets. Estimated in 1980 that 877 schools were closed. (Either be destroyed or abandoned), closed in March, 285 classrooms which meant that about 1, 542 teachers and 107,000 students were affected.

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