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El Secreto Slo cuenta parte de "El Secreto" por Mabel Katz

Hooponopono va ms all de El secreto. Eso dijo Joe Vitale, uno de los autores de El secreto, en enero del 2007, en un seminario presentado con el Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, en Texas.

Hooponopono es El secreto
Decid escribir mi libro, El Camino Ms Fcil, porque saba que haba descubierto un secreto, y no poda guardrmelo. Cuando era una nia, las personas de mi familia se negaban a compartir sus secretos conmigo porque saban que yo correra a contrselo a todo el mundo. Ahora, desde que descubr este secreto, he estado corriendo por todas partes contndoles a todas las personas posibles. En mi opinin, El Secreto es en realidad el poder increble que tenemos todos para cambiar nuestras vidas sin depender de nadie ni de nada fuera de nosotros mismos. He estado en entrenamiento con el Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, un shamn hawaiano, durante los ltimos 10 aos. Durante gran parte de este tiempo, pens que no era fcil hacerme 100% responsable, tal como lo exige el Hooponopono. Pero persever. Con el tiempo, entend que hacerme 100% responsable es el camino ms fcil. Pinsenlo bien. Si nosotros creamos una situacin, nosotros podemos cambiarla! S que la gente ha estado probando algunos de los conceptos que se comparten en El Secreto , como el pensamiento positivo, y se siente desesperanzada. Cuando no ocurre el resultado esperado, las personas sienten que hay algo de malo en ellas, o pierden la esperanza. En mi opinin, esto es porque El secreto presenta slo una parte del Secreto completo, y lo hace de manera simplista. Tal como lo indic Joe Vitale, el Hooponopono verdaderamente va ms all de estos conceptos, y deseo ardientemente que esto se sepa. Ms abajo he incluido unas pocas selecciones de El secreto con el propsito de aclarar algunas de las dificultades de la Ley de la atraccin segn se expone en dicho libro.

El Secreto indica que :

La mente puede manifestar cualquier cosa que puede imaginar. Esto suena fabuloso, pero no somos conscientes de los millones de pensamientos que se repiten en el trasfondo de nuestra mente, en nuestra mente inconsciente. Desgraciadamente, no podemos controlar estos pensamientos porque no estamos conscientes de ellos. En realidad, mientras imaginamos, visualizamos y controlamos el 2% de nuestros pensamientos, el otro 98% se repite en el trasfondo y posiblemente socava el enfoque positivo que estamos tratando de crear

conscientemente. Esto puede llevarnos a perder la esperanza cuando no entendemos por qu las cosas no salen como nosotros esperamos que salgan. Somos el resultado de nuestros pensamientos. Por supuesto! Pero una vez ms qu pensamientos? El 2% del cual estamos conscientes o el 98% que est en nuestro inconsciente? Podemos pensar que controlamos la situacin, pero a menos que nos entreguemos y le demos permiso a la parte nuestra que sabe lo que es perfecto y correcto para nosotros para que nos lo traiga, seremos completamente controlados por los pensamientos inconscientes que el Hooponopono llama recuerdos o viejos programas. Incluso cuando creemos que el proceso de manifestar situaciones mentalmente est funcionando porque obtenemos fcilmente algo que imaginamos o visualizamos, en realidad sta es meramente una manipulacin de la realidad y, si no es correcto para nosotros, desaparecer tan rpido como apareci. Es cierto que nuestro poder no tiene lmites. Somos creadores, y creamos con nuestros pensamientos. Es muy importante saber esto. Sin embargo, tambin es importante saber que no sabemos plenamente quines somos. En realidad no sabemos todo lo que estamos pensando, y lo que es peor an, no sabemos que no lo sabemos. Todo lo que viene a nuestra vida (lo bueno y lo malo) ha sido creado por nosotros, atrado por nosotros. Estoy de acuerdo en que es ABSOLUTAMENTE NECESARIO hacerse 100% responsable. No hay nada ms all de nosotros. Slo existimos nosotros y nuestros pensamientos. Si queremos que algo cambie, nosotros debemos cambiar. Todos los seres humanos son influenciados por las mismas fuerzas y leyes. Usamos la misma energa y usamos el mismo oxgeno para respirar. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con esta declaracin. No importa si uno tiene dinero o no, si es profesional o no. No importa cuntos ttulos de universidad pueda uno tener. Sin embargo, creo que la ley bsica que nos afecta a todos es que debemos hacernos 100% responsables y saber que todo depende de las elecciones que hacemos. Siempre estamos eligiendo, y debemos elegir si preferimos entregarnos y dejar que el universo (Dios) nos traiga lo que es perfecto para nosotros, o continuar creyendo que sabemos todo y podemos resolverlo todo solos. No dejes ir a tus deseos. Haz todo lo que sea necesario para sentir que tus deseos ya existen. Esta declaracin es parcialmente el resultado de pensar que lo sabemos todo. Como creemos que sabemos, tendemos a dar rdenes. Le decimos a DIOS qu queremos, y cmo y cundo lo queremos. Tratamos a Dios como si fuera un conserje. Cmo sabemos lo que es correcto y perfecto para nosotros? La verdad es que slo es necesario darle permiso a Dios, y luego permitirle a l que haga todo el trabajo. Les prometo que quedarn sorprendidos por los resultados.

Haz lo que sea necesario para sentir que tu deseo ya existe. Mientras uno hace todo este esfuerzo por sentir y corregir (forzando, manipulando) las cosas a nivel consciente, el inconsciente est en otra parte. Debemos tratar a nuestro inconsciente con amor, y pedirle que se entregue. ste es el verdadero significado del axioma Ama a tus enemigos. El ser feliz es el atajo para llegar ms rpido al lugar donde quieres llegar. Yo sola decirles a mis hijos: Su deber es ser feliz. Alguna vez han notado que, cuando estamos felices las cosas buenas ocurren y vienen a nosotros milagrosamente? Esto es posible porque, cuando estamos felices, en general no pensamos ni nos preocupamos! En este estado de nimo, estamos abiertos y somos flexibles. As dejamos de ser un obstculo en nuestro propio camino, y permitimos que nos llegue lo que es correcto y perfecto para nosotros. Cuando te sientes bien, atraes cosas buenas. Cuando te sientes mal, atraes cosas malas. Yo he descubierto que a veces puedo estar sintindome bien, e igualmente no s por qu no atraigo cosas buenas a mi vida. Yo creo que esto puede ser causado ya sea por el milln de pensamientos inconscientes que se repiten en mi cabeza o el hecho de que estoy pidiendo algo que yo considero bueno, pero que en realidad no es correcto para m.

Ms sobre el Hooponopono
El Hooponopono es la mejilla del amor. Pon la otra mejilla. El Hooponopono es pedir. Golpea, y la puerta se abrir. El Hooponopono es volver a ser un nio. Debemos ser nios para ingresar al reino del Seor. El Hooponopono es entregarse y dejar a Dios que acte. Lo que uno resiste, persiste. El Hooponopono es dar permiso. Pide, que se te otorgar. El Hooponopono es amar a nuestros enemigos. Gracias a todos mis recuerdos y viejos programas. Uno es el nico que puede cambiar su vida. Uno siempre tiene razn. Si dice que s puede, entonces puede, y si dice que no puede, entonces no puede. El universo siempre est escuchando. Pide y recibirs. Dios slo est esperando que t des el primer paso. Para mas informacion sobre Mabel katz

Photos, Exerpts, MP3s, Etc.


Classes and Seminars

Hooponopono Teleseminar with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len & Mabel Katz July 15, 2008 You are cordially invited to attend a Hooponopono Tele-seminar with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len & Mabel Katz Date: July 15, 2008 Time: 5 6:30 pm Pacific (8 9:30 pm Eastern) See for your time and ours This call will be recorded and an audio link sent to all who attend. Questions are welcome and answers given. Click here for more information
Would you like to know more about Hooponopono? Do you have questions? Mabel has Answers!

No need to worry if you missed the last private small group teleclass, there is always another one around the corner! See below for further details. In the mean time, you can listen to two full samples of past free teleclasses to hold you over. Click the links bellow to hear everything Mabel had to say! Free! Click here to listen in on Mabels Teleclass from 11-06-07 Free! Click here to listen in on Mabels Teleclass from 6-21-07

Benefits for joining a live class:

More opportunity to ask questions.

More tools. Cleaning with each other (No accidents) who is in that call Many doors will open that would not have opened otherwise. Many doors will close that we dont have to go that way anymore. Built-in 24/7 cleaning between classes. Opportunity for networking. We never know where is going to come from. Going Deeply into the cleaning

Some of the comments about Mabels last teleclass: " Great Call, Thank you" - G. Patterson, United Kingdom " Wow, what a beautiful call" - M. McCalister, Ireland "I felt so loved and nurtured by Mabels beautiful voice, wisdom and energy." -Christi E., Dayton, Ohio, United States "When Mabel shared this, I felt something in my body and being immediately shift. I am so grateful for this awareness and healing." - C. Huynh, Los Angeles, California, United States "That was a great call. I think Mabel is great and would love to hear more. Thanks, I am so excited about this life changing stuff. Amazing!" - J. Landon, Australia " I feel very moved by the call, got answers to some nagging questions so I feel clear and able to leave them behind." - M. Suni, South Africa

Mark your Calendars!

More Mabel - NOW Weekly Private Hooponopono Teleclasses with Mabel As those of you who participated in our previous Private Teleclasses know, After ten years sharing Hooponopono, Mabel still loves questions and answers each with wisdom, caring, Love and specific cleaning tools for your specific life questions. So, bring your questions to the calls and Mabel will answer them for you. Dont have a question? Thats fine. As Jane Sullivan shared in our last Teleclass, when asked, if she had a question: "No, Im just here to CLEAN." Many feel this way and have come to see the value of being with a group, (whether in a teleclass, or a Foundation of I weekend workshop) where we can learn & CLEAN, because as Mabel & Ihaleakala have said

over and over, "what gets CLEANED in one gets CLEANED in all" and "there are no accidents who shows up on these calls." In these classes, Mabel has taken the Essence of Hooponopono added her own personal style of teaching through, story and personal experience, some new and specific cleaning tools, a lot of compassion and come up with a class that inspires all to begin taking 100% responsibility and be free. When you leave Mabels class, you KNOW, as she does: This works! This really works. And you also know and believe, as Mabel says, "It works for Everyone!" As always, in our classes, we have a lot of special cleaning assistance from Mabel and "others" CLEANING throughout the week on the questions and issues that come up in the Teleclasses. See you there! Go to to register If you woud like more information or would like to find out about the NEW The Easiest Way to Peaceful Relationships Wealth and Success telecoacing classes, please click here Thank you! I Love You. About The Easiest Way to Wealth and Success click here to listen to Mabel

Learn more about Hooponopono and upcoming Events Learn more about Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len Learn more about Mabel Katz and "The Easiest Way" For more information about Mabelkatz events and clasess click here:

Quotes and Endorsements for Mabel Katz and Hooponopono

Ceaseless cleansing is THE priority activity in my life. This process of repentance and forgiveness appeals to the Divinity in each of us to correct error memories in our Souls that replay spiritual, emotional, physical and financial problems in our lives. In her book The Easiest Way, Mabel shares awe inspiring experiences in her personal, family, and business life resulting from cleansing. What she discovers and

shares is the wonder and joy of working directly with the Divinity moment to moment to solve problems of daily living. Who knows better than God what is right for Mabel, you, me, the bird in flight and the lilies in the field. Thank you Mabel for sharing your insights that we can give up problems for divine solutions from God! - Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D. Mabel gives everyone the absolute key to make ones life work and to wake up to ones full potential. If you get this, you can set yourself free! - Sondra Ray, author of Peles Wish and The loving Relationships Treasury This is the clearest explanation of Hooponopono Ive ever seen! - Dr. Joe Vitale, author of Zero Limits and The Attractor Factor Though Ive never met Mabel Katz, I Feel that Ive known her forever. Through her beautiful and Inspiring book, The Easiest Way I have come to embrace Self Identity through Hooponopono and understand, as she does, that Hooponopono is beyond The Secret Hooponopono IS The Secret. Through more than ten years, working closely with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph. D., coauthor of Zero Limits book and audio with Dr. Joe Vitale, and fascinating large audiences all over the world, including the Zero Limits Seminar in Austin, Texas, Mabel has learned to teach Hooponopono through story and personal experience, like no one else. Thank you Mabel from my heart for showing me The Easiest Way and convincing me that YES, Hooponopono works for Everyone. I love you. - Joanie Chappel Any of you that are feeling some skepticism. Trust me this works. Once I got some help cleaning I immediately saw huge relief on over 40 thousand in bills. They didnt go away but I was given some breathing room to pay some of them. I am still under a mountain but the pressure is less and I know that it was due to the cleaning. Three major bills including foreclosure on our mortgage and IRS debt have backed off. I cant thank Mabel, Joanie, and Jimmy and the rest of the class enough for helping me clean. I am a believer. Cassy Great Call, Thank you - G. Patterson, United Kingdom Wow, what a beautiful call - M. McCalister, Ireland I felt so loved and nurtured by Mabels beautiful voice, wisdom and energy. - Christi E., Dayton, Ohio, United States When Mabel shared this, I felt something in my body and being immediately shift. I am so grateful for this awareness and healing. - C. Huynh, Los Angeles, California, United States

That was a great call. I think Mabel is great and would love to hear more. Thanks, I am so excited about this life changing stuff. Amazing! - J. Landon, Australia I feel very moved by the call, got answers to some nagging questions so I feel clear and able to leave them behind. - M. Suni, South Africa "Self Identity Through Hooponopono Is Beyond The Secret" Dr. Joe Vitale, Author of "Zero Limits" and "The Attractor Factor"

Hooponopono is Beyond the Secret

One of many testimonies: Though Ive never met Mabel Katz, I Feel that Ive known her forever. Through her beautiful and Inspiring book, The Easiest Way I have come to embrace Self Identity through Hooponopono and understand, as she does, that Hooponopono is beyond The Secret Hooponopono IS The Secret. Through more than ten years, working closely with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph. D., coauthor of Zero Limits book and audio with Dr. Joe Vitale, and fascinating large audiences all over the world, including the Zero Limits Seminar in Austin, Texas, Mabel has learned to teach Hooponopono through story and personal experience, like no one else. Thank you Mabel from my heart for showing me The Easiest Way and convincing me that YES, Hooponopono works for Everyone. I love you. Joanie Chappel I AM MABEL KATZ, THE AUTHOR OF "THE EASIEST WAY" AND THE HOST OF THE TV SHOW "DESPERTAR" (AWAKENING) The Secret Tells Only Part of the Secret By Mabel Katz Hooponopono is beyond The Secret. Thats what Joe Vitale, one of the authors of The Secret, declared in January, 2007, at a seminar he presented with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, in Texas.

Hooponopono is The Secret

I decided to write my book The Easiest Way because I knew I had discovered a secret and I couldnt keep it to myself. When I was a little girl, the people in my family refused to share secrets with me because they knew I would run and tell everybody. Now, ever since I discovered this secret, I definitely have been running and telling everybody I can. In my opinion, The Secret is really the incredible power we all have to change our lives without depending on anybody or anything outside of ourselves. I have been in training with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a Hawaiian Shaman, for the last 10 years. For much of this time I thought that it was not easy to take 100% of the responsibility, as Hooponopono requires. But I persevered. In time, I came to know that taking 100% of the responsibility is The Easiest Way. Think about it. If we have created a situation, we can change it! I know people have been trying some of the concepts shared in the Secret, like thinking positively, and have become discouraged. When results are not forthcoming they feel there is something wrong with them, or lose hope. In my opinion, this is because The Secret sets forth only a portion of the whole Secret, and it does so in a simplistic way. As Joe Vitale pointed out, Hooponopono truly goes beyond these concepts, and I ardently wish to make this known. Below I have included a few excerpts in order to clarify some of the shortcomings of the Law of Attraction as exposed in The Secret.

Video Interview with Mabel Katz and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

The Secret states that:

The mind can manifest anything that man can imagine. This sounds great, but we are not conscious of the millions of thoughts playing in the background of our mind, in our unconscious mind. Unfortunately, we cannot control these because we are not aware of them. In reality, while we are imagining, visualizing, and controlling 2% of our thoughts, the other 98% is playing in the background possibly undermining the positive focus we are trying to create consciously. This might lead us to lose hope when we do not understand why things dont work out the way we expect. We are the result of our thoughts. Of course! But again, which thoughts? The 2% we are aware of or the 98% we are not? We may think we are in control, but unless we are letting go and giving permission to the part of us that knows what is perfect and right for us to bring it to us,

we are totally controlled by the unconscious thoughts Hooponopono, calls memories or old programs. Even when we think the process of mentally manifesting situations is working because we easily obtain something we imagined or visualized, in reality this is merely a manipulation of reality and, if it is not correct for us, it will disappear as quickly as it came. It is true that we are powerful beyond measure. We are creators, and we create with our thoughts. This is very important to know. However, it is also important to know that we do not fully know who we are. We really dont know everything we are thinking, and what is worse, we dont know that we dont know. Everything that comes to our lives (good and bad) we have created, we have attracted. I concur in that taking 100% of responsibility is a MUST. There is nothing outside ourselves. Its just us and our thoughts. If we want something to change, we need to change. All human beings are influenced by the same forces and laws. We use the same energy and we use the same oxygen to breathe. I fully agree with this statement. It doesnt matter if you have money or not, if you are a professional or not, or how many university degrees you possess. However, I believe that the basic law that affects us all is that we must take 100% of the responsibility and know everything depends on the choices we make. We are always choosing, and we must choose if we prefer to let go and let the universe (God) bring us what is perfect for us, or continue believing that we know it all and can solve everything by ourselves. Hold on to your desires. Do whatever is necessary to feel your desires are already here. This statement is partially the result of thinking we know it all. Because we think we know, we tend to give orders. We tell GOD what, how and when we want it. We treat Him as a concierge. How do we know what is right and perfect for us? The truth is we just need to give God permission, and then allow Him to do the work. I promise that you will be amazed by the results. Do whatever is necessary to feel your desire is already here. While you are making all this effort to feel, and make it right (forcing, manipulating) at the conscious level, your unconscious is somewhere else. We need to treat our unconscious with love, and ask it to let go. This is the true meaning behind the maxim Love your enemies. Being happy is the short cut to getting where you want to go faster. I used to tell my kids, Your job is to be happy. Have you ever noticed that, when you are happy, good things happen to you and come to you miraculously? This is possible because, when we are happy we usually are not thinking or worrying! In this state, we are open and flexible. We stop being an obstacle in our own way, and we allow for whatever is right and perfect for us to come. When you are feeling good, you attract good things. When you are feeling bad, you attract bad things. I have found that sometimes I

may be feeling fine, and still dont know why I am not attracting the good things in my life. I believe this might be caused either by the million unconscious thoughts running in my head or the fact that I am asking for something that I consider good but that is truly not correct for me.

More About Hooponopono

Hooponopono is the cheek of love. Show the other cheek. Hooponopono is to ask. Knock, and the door will open. Hooponopono is being kids again. We need to be children to enter the Lords kingdom. Hooponopono is to let go and let God. What you resist persists. Hooponopono is giving permission. Ask, and you shall receive. Hooponopono is about loving your enemies. Thank you to all my memories and old programs.

You are the only one who can change your life. You are always right, if you say you can, you can, and if you say you cant, you cant. The universe is always listening. Ask, and you shall receive. God is just waiting for you to take the first step. _______________________________________________________ To find out about Mabel Katz book "The Easiest Way", please visit or call 877-262-7470. Also visit www.Despertar.TV or to learn how Mabel is waking up the Latino Community of Southern California with her TV Show Despertar (Awakening) Contact Me Mabel Katz Visit My Web Site Mabel View Despertar Interviews and clips Information About Mabel Katz Book "The Easiest Way " TO VIEW A TEASER OF MABELS TV SHOW "DESPERTAR" (AWAKENING) YOU CAN CLICK THIS LINK YOUTUBE ENJOY! THIS INTERVIEW IS CONDUCTED IN ENGLISH AND TRANSLATED INTO SPANISH. Hooponopono Links: Mabel Katz & Ihaleakala Hew Len Teleclasses "The Easiest Way" by Mabel Katz Business By You Ceeport Products

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