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Peridico Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 06, 20 de Abril de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 6, April 20, 2012



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Crisis en la Escuela Lewis / Lewis Elementary Crisis

20 de Abril 2012 Vol 07 No.06

El Cuidado de su Salud Dental en el Condado de New Castle

Dr.Taura , DDS nce N. Bishop
Estoy orgulloso de prestar a mis pacientes la mejor tecnologa en cuidado dental, opciones de tratamiento y confort del paciente. Es un placer poder responder a todas sus dudas y preguntas.

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I am proud to provide my patients with the best in dental technology, treatment options and patient comfort. It is my pleasure to address all your questions and concerns.
DR.Taurence N. Bishop, DDS

Taurance N. Bishop, DDS

Oficina 1

Hablamos Espaol!

302-838-8306, fax 302-838-8308

300 Biddle Ave, Suite 204 Newark, DE 19702

302- 838-8306

302-384-8448, fax 302-384-8183

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Muy pronto

Peridico Bilingue Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware 20 de Abril 2012, Vol. VII No.06 Delaware Statewide Bi-Weekly Bilingual Newspaper April 20 2012, Vol.VII No.06

El Tiempo Hispano es una Publicacin de Hola Delaware LLC 123 Rosmary Court, Bear, Delaware,19701

302-832 3620 fax 302- 832 3620

El Tiempo Hispano is published by

>Gabriel pilonieta-Blanco

editorial editorial

Alguno que otro lector se preguntar porqu el peridico no fue publicado el da viernes tal como es la costumbre desde hace ya seis aos, y tienen razn, pero esta vez la causa es que estbamos en el concierto de Paul McCartney en Bogot junto a otros 30.000 amantes de la buena msica y seguidores de la estela fabulosa de los Beatles. Qu concierto! Generaciones de ms de 30 aos de diferencia evocaron y soaron un mundo en paz. Muy bien lo dijo el cantante: la gente quiere paz. La verdad es que han sido unos maravillosos y enriquecedores das en Colombia, pas donde ya empieza a ser realidad el slogan que dice el riesgo es que te quieras quedar y cunta razn contiene esta corta frase, porque al menos en lo que a nosotros se refiere, de verdad que estuvimos en riesgo de quedarnos por tantas cosas buenas que vimos y aprendimos, por la gentileza y hospitalidad de su gente y por la variedad de sonidos, olores y sabores que nos fuimos encontrando, cada da algo nuevo, cada da una nueva sorpresa, una aventura que conjuga sabiamente el pasado y el presente. Por si fuera poco, durante nuestra permanencia, Colombia fue sede de la sexta cumbre de Las Amricas; conmemor un nuevo aniversario del asesinato de Jorge Eliecer Gaitn (que cambi la historia del pas) con una marcha multitudinaria contra la violencia, y pocos das ms tarde celebraron el aniversario nmero 80 del mayor artista latinoamericano con vida, el maestro Fernando Botero; inauguraron la Feria del Libro con Brasil como pas invitado y el pueblo sencillo se entretuvo bastante con la metida de pata de los agentes del servicio secreto responsables de la seguridad del Presidente Obama que se fueron de juerga con prostitutas, alcohol y desenfreno. No debe faltar mucho para que el guion est listo para la prxima temporada de Hollywood. Un viaje memorable lleno de msica, cmaras y accin donde fuimos tratados a cuerpo de rey y del que volvimos agradecidos sobremanera por la calidez con que nos recibieron: a todos muchas, muchas gracias. Hace cerca de 20 aos que no visitaba Colombia, nacin donde vi la luz hace ms de 5 dcadas y debo dejar constancia de que el pas es otro. Al menos a m me lo parece. Gracias a las conversaciones que mantuve con taxistas, vendedores en los mercados, amigos, familiares, tengo la sensacin de que ya la salida democrtica y pacfica es una posibilidad cierta. Que viva Colombia, que viva la PAZ!!
General Manager Mara Vera Rodrguez

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Gabriel Pilonieta-Blanco 302- 588 9584

EDITOR 302- 494 3133


Cecilia Cardesa Lusardi Karyl Thomas Rattay Carlos Dipres Margaret Reyes Peter Gonzales Keyla Rivero-Rodrguez Annette Merino Miguel Acosta Laura Poppiti Tabatha Castro Lastenia Narvaez Greer Firestone Eric Doroshow Mara Picazo + Samuel Blanco Arizpe Eric Soberanis Mara Velsquez Naranjo Ismael Santos Wanda Lopez Elizabeth Cordeiro-Rowe Allison Burris Christopher Posh Ronaldo Tello Alfredo Lascoutx Vivian L. Rapposelli Nelly Arevalo Jason Keller Alma Villalobos Rafael Guerrero Javier Moreno Antonia Donato Ricardo Diaz Eli Ramos Margie King Michelle Acosta Pierre Smythe Luis Alejandro Vera Antonio Droz Zuleika Cervantes Brenda Palomo Jaime Rivera Nina Qureshi-Ibqal Melissa Skolnick Lilia Estrada Roxanna Valdes Antonio Droz Amy Libonate Tamara Romero Jennifer L. Cohan Jose R. Pacheco

Someone or other reader might ask themselves why wasnt the paper published on Friday, as customary for six years now, and they are right, but this time the cause is that we were in Paul McCartneys concert in Bogota along with other 30,000 lovers of good music and followers of the fabulous Beatles trail. What a concert! Generations more than 30 years apart evoked and dreamt a world in peace. Very well put by the singer: the people want peace. To tell you the truth, they were marvelous and enriching the days in Colombia, country where it is starting to become a reality the slogan the risk is you wanting to stay, and how truthful is that short sentence, because at least as far as we are concern, we were really at risk of staying due to the many good things that we saw and learnt, the kindness and hospitality of its people and the variety of sounds, smells and flavors that we encountered, something new every day, a new surprise each day, an adventure that wisely combines past and present. To top it all, during our stay Colombia hosted the Sixth Summit of the Americas; commemorated a new anniversary of the death of Jorge Eliecer Gaitn (that changed the history of the country) with a mass march against violence; and a few days later, celebrated the 80th birthday of the greatest Latin American artist alive, master Fernando Botero; inaugurated the Book Fair with Brazil as invited country; and the simple people were very amused with the secret service in charge of President Obama safetys big time screw up when they went partying with prostitutes, alcohol and debauchery. We should be very close for the script from Hollywoods new season to come up. A memorable trip full of music, cameras and action where we were treated like kings and from which we returned exceedingly thankful for the warmness with which we were received: to everyone thank you, thank you very much. I hadnt been in Colombia for over nearly 20 years, country were I first saw the light more than 5 decades ago, and for the record, this country is something else. At least it seems to me. Thanks to the conversations I had with cab drivers, street market vendors, friends and family, I have the feeling that now the democratic and pacific way out is a true possibility. Hurray Colombia, long live PEACE!!

DISEO GRAFICO / GRAphIC DESIGN Michael Lovett/ William Galindo

Esteban M.P Vera/ Gabriel Pilonieta - Blanco . Magdalena Sierra / Wanda Lopez Jonathan Galindo/ Eli Ramos Nelson Gonzlez / Adrin Abonce. Fernando Hernndez / Pedro Escrcega


Leyes / Laws: Lanzan campaa para motivar y educar a los votantes latinos /Undocumented youth launch campaign to motivate and educate Latino voters Locales/ Local: Nueva Sede de La Red / New Head Office for La Red

Valentina P Rodrguez . Mara Picazo + Gabriela Montilva P / Marianella Vera . Michelle Acosta

The opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors. Any published material might be used or reprinted as long as the source is cited.

123 Rosemary Court, Bear, DE 19701 302-588 9584 email:

Estado / State: El 25 de abril el proyecto del Dream Act en el Senado / Dream Act, will be heard before a Senate Education committee hearing on April 25. Y mucho ms / And much more

Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06



informacin information

Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

Sobre el Dream Act

Dadme a vuestros rendidos, a vuestros pobres, vuestras masas hacinadas
>Perry J. Mitchell

About the Dream Act

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses
>Perry J. Mitchell Yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door. This inscription can be found at the base of the Statue of Liberty. I had always taught about immigration issues in my American Politics classes, but two real world experiences gave me special insight into the Hispanic community and their issues. One experience was the opportunity to co-teach a citizenship course for mostly Hispanics. Our visit to the Immigration and Naturalization Service to determine their testing requirements for citizenship was a walk back into history for me. The other experience was that a Hispanic student came to me about 12 years ago, and told me that he was being deported. He asked whether I could testify for him in his deportation hearing. So, I found myself on a cold winter day sitting a courtroom waiting to tell the court that my friend was a talented person with a great deal of potential, who at the same time was supporting his mother and other siblings. He said that I won the case for him, but I am sure there were other factors. Nevertheless, it warmed my heart that I could make a contribution. Delaware Senate Bill 169, otherwise known as the Dream Act, allowing for instate tuition at our state universities and colleges for qualified youths, will be heard before a Senate Education committee hearing on April 25. Eli Ramos, a retired Cape teacher and member of the Delaware Hispanic Commission, hopes to attend the Dream Act hearing and bring with him some of his youthful supporters. I asked why he is supporting the Dream Act. He said, It gives those future citizens a chance to enter higher education and compete for jobs. Opponents argue that these instate tuition benefits are already available. However, in the case of UD who opposes the Dream Act, these benefits depend upon private donations and those donations could dry up. Del Tech could revoke its own policy next year. Delaware State University does not offer any benefits to undocumented youths. The Dream Act benefits are too important to rest on policies which could change at the drop of a hat. Another argument used by opponents is that the proposed law would violate a federal immigration law passed in 1996. Twelve states including Texas already have passed similar state Dream Acts and decided that this federal law does not apply to them. In 2010, the California Supreme Court sustained their state Dream Act that granted in-state tuition benefits to undocumented immigrants. While Congress had prohibited states from granting postsecondary education benefits to undocumented students, the California court held that the federal law was not a residence requirement and was not preempted by federal law. Regarding their undocumented status, Ramos argues that the first step is to complete their education increasing their opportunities at citizenship. When they apply for citizenship, they can include this (education) in their application, which is considered a plus. These youths have had no choice in the matter and are forced to live in the shadows as it were. The Dream Act would give hope to those who might feel hopeless. For the Hispanic community, college educated youth will give them leaders and role models. For Delaware and the nation, college educated youth will give us higher paying jobs, higher productivity and more tax revenue with lower social costs. Its a win- win situation for Delaware. Perry J. Mitchell is a retired political science professor living in Ocean View. He can be contacted at

Anhelando respirar en libertad, el desamparado desecho de vuestras rebosantes playas. Enviadme a estos, los desamparados, sacudidos por las tempestades a m, yo elevo mi faro detrs de la puerta dorada. Esta inscripcin se encuentra en la base de la Estatua de La Libertad. Siempre he enseado sobre asuntos de inmigracin en mis clases de Poltica Americana, pero dos experiencias de la vida real me dieron una perspectiva especial de la comunidad hispana y sus problemas. Una de estas experiencias fue la oportunidad de dar, en cooperacin con otro profesor, un curso sobre ciudadana para una clase mayoritariamente hispana. Nuestra visita al Departamento de Servicios de Inmigracin y Naturalizacin para determinar los requisitos para tomar el examen para la ciudadana fue como un viaje de vuelta a la historia para m. La otra experiencia fue que un estudiante hispano vino a m hace como 12 aos y me cont que estaba siendo deportado. Me pregunt si yo poda atestiguar en su favor en su audiencia de deportacin. As que all estaba yo, en un fro da de invierno sentado en una sala judicial esperando para decirle a la corte que mi amigo era una persona talentosa con un gran potencial, quien al mismo tiempo estaba manteniendo a su madre y a otros hermanos. l me dijo que gracias a m gan su caso, pero estoy seguro que hubo otros factores. Sin embargo, me conmovi el haber podido contribuir a que eso sucediera. El proyecto de ley del Senado 169 de Delaware, tambin conocido como el Dream Act, el cual concede pago de matrcula a tasas del estado en universidades e institutos tcnicos estatales a jvenes calificados, ser presentado en una audiencia del Comit de Educacin del Senado el 25 de abril. Eli Ramos, un maestro retirado de Cape y miembro de la Comisin Hispana de Delaware, espera poder asistir a la audiencia del Dream Act y llevar con l a algunos de sus jvenes partidarios. Le pregunt por qu estaba apoyando al Dream Act. Dijo, le da a esos futuros ciudadanos la oportunidad de ingresar en educacin superior y competir por puestos de trabajo. Los opositores a la ley argumentan que los beneficios de esas tasas de pago de matrcula ya se encuentran disponibles. Sin embargo, en el caso de Delaware University que se opone al Dream Act, estos beneficios dependen de donaciones privadas y esas donaciones podran desaparecer. Del Tech podra revocar su propia poltica el ao que viene. Delaware State University no ofrece ningn beneficio a jvenes indocumentados. Los beneficios del Dream Act son demasiado importantes para sustentarse en polticas que podran cambiar en cualquier momento. Otro argumento utilizado por lo opositores es que la ley propuesta podra violar una ley federal de inmigracin aprobada en 1996. Doce estados, incluyendo Texas, ya han aprobado leyes similares al Dream Act y han decidido que esta ley federal no aplica a ellos. En 2010, la Corte Suprema de California mantuvo su versin estatal del Dream Act que otorga beneficios de matrcula estatal a inmigrantes indocumentados. Mientras que el Congreso ha prohibido a los estados otorgar beneficios de educacin post-secundaria a estudiantes indocumentados, la corte de California sostuvo que la ley federal no era un requisito de residencia y no fue remplazada por la ley federal. En relacin a su estatus de indocumentados, Ramos argumenta que el primer paso es completar su educacin para aumentar sus oportunidades para la ciudadana. Cuando ellos solicitan la ciudadana, pueden incluir esto (educacin) en su peticin, lo cual se considera un punto favorable. Estos jvenes no han tenido ninguna alternativa en este asunto y se ven forzados a vivir en las sombras por as decirlo. El Dream Act le brindara esperanza a aquellos que pueden sentirse desesperados. Para la comunidad hispana, jvenes con educacin universitaria les proporcionarn lderes y ejemplos a seguir. Para Delaware y para la nacin, jvenes con educacin universitaria nos dar trabajos con mejores sueldos, mayor productividad y ms ingreso fiscal con costos sociales ms bajos. Es una situacin ganar-ganar en Delaware. Perry J. Mitchell es un profesor de ciencias polticas retirado que vive en Ocean View. Se le puede contactar por el correo electrnico

informacin information
Guatemala en Delaware
Un Sacerdote y una monja de Guatemala visitan la dicesis de Wilmington
Dos representantes de la dicesis de San Marcos de Guatemala visitarn la dicesis de Wilmington del 20 al 29 de abril. Fr. Silverio Chun, pastor de la parroquia San Jos en El Rodeo que est integrada por 40 comunidades pequeas. Sr. Bernarda Rojas, directora del Ministerio Social Diocesano, y quien trabaja de cerca con el obispo lvaro Ramazzani, defensor de los derechos humanos y cuya vida ha sido amenazada. Fr. Silverio y Sr. Bernarda visitarn St. Margaret of Scotland, Glasgow; St. John the Beloved, Wilmington; St. Michael the Archangel, Georgetown, y muchas otras parroquias y escuelas en la dicesis. La lista de actividades se detalla a continuacin. Para mayor informacin, contacte al hermano Chris Posch al (302) 655-0518. Puntos importantes del itinerario de la delegacin / Delegation Schedule Highlights: Fr. Silverio Chun & Sr. Bernarda Rojas Sbado, Abril/21: 11AM: Fiesta en St. Ann School, Wilmington 5 PM: Holy Family, Newark 5 PM: St. Margaret of Scotland, Glasgow Domingo, Abril/22: 8AM, 10AM, & 12N: Holy Family, Newark 8:30 AM& 10:30 AM: St. Margaret of Scotland, Glasgow Lunes, Abril/23: 9 AM: Visita Obispo Malooly 1 PM: Academia Ursulina, Wilmington 6 PM: St. John the Beloved, Milford Martes, Abril/24: 8:30 AM: St. Ann, Bethany Beach 9AM: Most Blessed Sacrament School, Berlin, MD 7 PM: St. Michael the Archangel, Georgetown, DE Mircoles, Abril/25: AM: St. Mark High School, Wilmington 1 PM: Colegio Salesiano, Wilmington 7 PM: St. John the Beloved, Wilmington 7 PM: Inmaculada Concepcin, Marydel Jueves, Abril/26: 9 AM: Christ the Teacher School, Glasgow 10 AM: Academia Padua, Wilmington 1 PM: Escuela Nuestra Seora de Ftima, New Castle Viernes, Abril/27: 9 AM: Academia Aquinas, Wilmington 9 AM: St. John the Beloved School, Wilmington Domingo, Abr/29: Parish of the Resurrection, Wilmington *8:30 AM: Misa *10:30 AM: Misa, encuentro transformador & reunin de despedida *8:30 AM: Mass *10:30 AM: Mass, Transforming Encounter, & Farewell Gathering


Prstamos para Guatemala in Tiempos de Crisis Delaware

Si en un momento Priest and Sister from Guatemala Visit Wilmington Diocese de apuro usted se ve obligado a pedir un prstamo a corto plazo, no vaya a cualquier lugar, ahora Westside Neighborhood House ofrece pequeos Two representatives from the prstamos a bajos intereses.

comunidad community

Diocese of San Marcos, Guatemala will visit the Wilmington >El Tiempo Hispano Diocese from April 20-29. Fr. Silverio Chun, pastorpersonas Lisa Rodriguez es la nueva representante del programa de prstamos Loans Plus para of San Jos parish in El Rodeo, which has con problemas financieros que implement West End Neighborhood House. La idea fundamental del 40 small communities. Sr. Bernarda programa es que cuando una persona requiere una cierta cantidad de dinero para pagar renta, recibos de luz, reparar el carro etc., por lo general recurren a compaasRojas, Directress of Diocesan de prestamos rpidos que cobran unos intereses muy altos, 29 o 30%, explica Rodriguez, y al final pasan meses y meses Social Ministry, works closely pagando intereses sin nunca poder pagar el capital, eso es muy triste, agrega. with Bishop Alvaro Ramazzini, a champion for human rights Los prstamos que el Programa Loans Plus ofrece estn en un rango whoseal 15hasde inters, lo de 12 life % been threatened. cual representa la mitad de lo que las compaas cobran normalmente por pequeos prstamos de entre 200 y 500 dlares. El lmite de tiempo de pago es muy diferente tambin,Silverio and Cash Fr. las compaas Bernarda Advance piden el pago en dos semanas y el programa Loans Plus contemplabe pago enSt. Margaret of will el visiting tres meses, con la ventaja adicional de que mejora el crdito, en las otras compaas los pagos no cuentan John la Scotland, Glasgow; St. para the historia de crdito. Beloved, Wilmington; St. Michael the Archangel, Georgetown, Las personas que busquen un crdito del programa deben estar trabajando, tener los recibos de and and several other parishes agua, o gas, o cable, etc., a su nombre, tambin pude servir el contratoschools in the Diocese. Activity de alquiler con su nombre; una cuenta de cheques, con sus libros; la licencia de conducir o el pasaporte. Con estos papeles below. schedule is listed puede calificar para pedir el prstamo, el cual es directamente con el banco Wilmington Trust, y como se dijo antes, cuenta para la historia de crdito de la persona. For further information, contact Brother Chris Posch at (302) Rodriguez dice que al tener los papeles la persona que solicita el crdito tiene su dinero en dos horas, 655-0518. Cmo suena eso? Dentro de los propsitos del programa Loan Plus, estn el recuperar o establecer crdito de la persona que requiere los servicios; educacin financiera del cliente; planeamiento de presupuesto e intervencin en casos de crisis, explica Lisa Rodriguez. No se trata solo de un crdito, se trata, finalmente, de aprender a manejar sus cuentas, con alguien que hable su idioma, los invito a que mi visiten a mi o al seor Jose Varela, quien trabaja de 4.30 a 8 de la tarde finaliza Rodriguez. Para contactar a Lisa Rodriguez, puede llamar al 302- 658 4117


Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06




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Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

opinin opinion

Un Punto de Vista A Matter Of View

| Keyla I. Rivero-Rodriguez

Papel o plstico?... Ninguno!

A medida que me hago mayor, y espero que un poco ms sabia, crece en m ms fuerte la necesidad de marcar una diferencia en la manera de vivir la vida como una consumidora ms consciente. Sabiendo lo que hoy da s con seguridad, y cmo lo que yo hago, y ms importante an, lo que conscientemente no hago, puede aadir negativamente al continuo impacto de la contaminacin de nuestro mundo. Adems, la nocin de que yo puedo ayudar al ambiente, aunque al principio senta que esos pequeos pasos de cambio parecan insignificantes para provocar ninguna ola que originara un cambio verdadero, ha demostrado que esto es posible. Me acabo de dar cuenta de que puede pasar, y los cambios estn ocurriendo en casa, porque como todo, se necesita de un paso y de una persona a la vez para hacer posibles los cambios. Hace un rato me enlist en un servicio de recogida de reciclaje en la acera. Me entregaron dos recipientes grandes para poner los diferentes artculos de desecho en el receptculo de reciclaje correcto. Con mi nuevo comportamiento cambiado concienzudamente, mi familia est aprendiendo a travs de m que tiene sentido poner latas de aluminio y recipientes de plstico, botellas y artculos de papel en los recipientes de los reciclables y cada dos semanas sern recogidos. Ellos tambin desenchufan los cargadores de los telfonos celulares y de los iPod cuando no los estn cargando. Apagan las luces cuando no estn en el cuarto sino cortando la grama, se lava y se seca la ropa temprano en la maana o entrada la tarde. Ninguno de los dos poda creer cuando se enteraron que hace algn tiempo en San Francisco, California, se prohibieron las bolsas de supermercado de papel y de plstico. Tambin, que el alcalde de la ciudad de San Francisco en cierto momento firm una orden donde prohiba el uso de fondos de la ciudad para la compra de botellas de agua de porcin individual. Esto ltimo gener una buena conversacin en casa porque uno de mis hijos cree que el gobierno no debera mandar sobre nuestra escogencia de tomar agua de una botella de porcin individual versus tomar agua del grifo. El otro de mis hijos cree que como tenemos demasiadas opciones, hacemos lo que queremos y no somos responsables de nuestras acciones en lo que respecta a la contaminacin de nuestro ambiente. Dems est decir que me siento muy orgullosa por ambos y su manera de pensar, porque ambos tienen razn. Nuestro prximo paso ser llevar nuestras bolsitas de lona cuando vayamos a hacer la compra en el supermercado, para que cuando nos pregunten plstico o papel? podamos decir ninguno de los dos. En Europa, esto es algo que se ha venido practicando ya por muchos aos. Es un reto cambiar aos de prcticas habituales de desperdicio y una vez que entras en el modo de reciclaje, nace un sentido de orgullo por lo que uno hace para ayudar a nuestro ambiente. Crear consciencia no es tarea fcil y a veces no es una postura popular, pero estoy feliz de estarnos convirtindonos en una familia verde.

Paper or Plastic? Neither!

As I grow older and hopefully a little wiser, the urge to make a difference in the way I live life as a conscious consumer grows stronger. Knowing what today I know for sure, and how what I do, and most importantly is what I consciously dont do, can negatively add to the continue impact to the polluting of our world. Also, the knowledge that I can help the environment, even though at first I felt that those little steps of changes seemed insignificant in order to make any wave for any real change to take place, has proven to be possible. I just realized it can happen and changes are happening at home, because like everything, it takes one step and one person at a time to make changes possible. A while ago, I signed up for curbside recycling service. Two big containers were provided for the placing of the different disposable items in the correct recyclable bin. With my new consciously changed behavior, my family is learning through me that it makes sense to put aluminum cans and plastic containers, bottles and paper items in the recyclables containers and every other week they will be collected. They also unplug cell phones and iPod chargers when not charging them. They turn off lights when not in the room and mowing the lawn, doing laundry and drying clothes is done early in the morning or late in the afternoon. They were both in disbelief to learn that sometime ago in San Francisco, California, grocery plastic bags and paper bags were banned. Also, that the Mayor of the City Of San Francisco at one point signed an order banning the use of City funds on the purchasing of single-serving bottled water. That last one created good conversation at home because one of my kids believes that government should not mandate our choice for drinking single-serving bottled water versus tap water. My other kid feels that because we have too many choices we do what we want and we are not held accountable for our actions in polluting our environment. Needless to say, I felt proud for both and their way of thinking, because they are both right. Our next step will be taking our canvas tote bags when going grocery shopping so when they ask plastic or paper, we can then say neither. In Europe, this is something that has been practiced for many years now. It is challenging changing years of habitual wasteful practice and once you begin the recycling mode, there is a sense of pride for what you do to help our environment. Creating consciousness is not an easy task and at times is not a popular position to take, but I am happy that we are becoming a green-family.

[ cartas al editor / letters to the editor ]

The hAND is QUicker ThAN The eye The other day I was reading an article extolling the virtues of TARP. It went on to say that TARP is right on track reclaiming the loans made to troubled banks. Those government people must really be smart. Just think we are getting all that money back plus a little interest, just for vigorish. The next day I read that a new report by the Government Accounting Office showed that forty percent of the banks that paid off their TARP Capitol Purchase Program loans did so by borrowing the money from a separate government loan program called The Small Business Loan Fund. Isnt it wonderful how government watches out for us taxpayers? Something else that I think is wonderful is how those guys on the street corners can move that little pea from under one walnut shell to another so quickly. Chuck Griffiths, Ocean View DE The clOsUre Of U.s. Oil refiNeries I recently wrote a letter on exported fuels by U.S. oil companies who reap higher prices paid overseas. Another reason for our high gasoline prices is the closure of U.S. oil refineries and the movement of our oil overseas to foreign refineries, Sunoco is closing two refineries in July 2012 in Philadelphia and Marcus Hook, PA. Conoco Phillips announced the closing of two plants in Trainer, PA and Bayway, NJ, and is closing its facility in Alaska. Hess is closing the third largest U.S. oil refinery, laying off 2,000 workers and impacting 950 contractors. The oil companies, with profits of tens of billions of dollars each year, are closing U.S. refineries due to environmental and other government regulations and union demands. Refineries are being built in Columbia, Mexico and Brazil due to low construction and operating costs. Plus our government unconsciously promotes this construction by providing foreign aid to the countries. Hopefully, it isnt too late for our government and the unions to wake up and evaluate the impact of their policies and decisions on the oil refining industry. Otherwise we will continue to see rising fuel prices that could reach historic highs, including gasoline at or above $5.00 per gallon. Donald A. Moskowitz, Londonderry, NH WhOs reAlly BeNefiTiNg frOM PUBlic eNergy sUBsiDies? President Obama recently re-launched his crusade to wipe out the tax breaks afforded to American oil companies. This time, unleashing some of his most divisive and aggressive rhetoric on the subject yet, telling Congress it can stand with big oil companies, or... the American people. I think its time [oil companies] got by without more help from taxpayers, the President added. His words followed a measure introduced by Senate Democrats to dramatically raise the tax burden on oil companies while creating new credits for so-called renewables. Ultimately, the legislation narrowly missed the 60 votes needed to advance. But its now crystal clear that the Democratic Party, from the top down, is committed to turning anti-oil rhetoric into policy reality. The problem is their sales pitch to the American people rests on a lie. Yes, a lie. Over and over, Democrats talk about huge subsidies -- as if taxpayers are signing billion dollar checks to oil and gas companies. But oil companies dont get subsidies. Rather, like every other business, they are allowed to take tax deductions for the expenses they incur. A tax deduction and a government subsidy arent the same thing. When politicians use the terms interchangeably, many Americans are deeply misled. Oil company tax deductions arent the product of special favors. They are the kind of standard relief afforded manufacturers, mining companies, and other businesses to help defray the basic costs of operations. Oil companies can deduct their expenses for things like equipment purchases and rig-technicians salaries. The point of these deductions -- as for any other industry or individual -- is to ensure taxes are only levied on income after expenses. Oil companies can also deduct expenses related to exploration or development. The idea is to provide an incentive to take on the often substantial risk of trying to find new energy sources. When these efforts are successful, the energy market expands, prices go down, and America moves that much closer to true energy independence. But even these kinds of deductions arent unique to energy companies. There are many provisions in the tax code meant to encourage certain kinds of behavior. Mortgage deductions reward home ownership. There are special tax benefits for the money deposited into an individual retirement account or 401(k). Overall, the oil and natural gas industry benefits from about $2.8 billion in tax deductions. And thats actually a tiny price to pay for the massive benefits the sector generates for the rest of the economy. Over the past five years, through the thick of the recession, the oil and natural gas industry has added 160,000 new jobs. These firms now employ over 9 million people. And 2011 saw higher domestic oil production for the third year in a row. Now, there are players in the energy sector that do get federal subsidies, and they are massive. Theyre the alternative energy companies the White House is so fond of. The wind and solar sectors alone take in $12.5 billion annually in direct subsidies. Initially, this massive government support was justified on the grounds that clean tech was an infant industry that needed some help to start competing with traditional energy sources. But were now years and years into shelling out tens of billions in taxpayer dollars - in return for very little in the way of innovation or self-sustaining jobs. Today, each megawatt of solar energy is produced with a stunning $776 in investment and production tax credits. For wind power, its $56 per megawatt. Thats a huge public expenditure for not much energy production. Worse, despite the public largess, some of these clean tech companies have been based on business models so flawed they have already gone under. Solyndra, the solar panel manufacturer that went belly up last year, left American taxpayers on the hook for half a billion dollars in unpaid loans. Among other costly bankruptcies was Beacon Power, an electricity grid utility company that folded in October. Oil and natural gas companies arent getting subsidized -- theyre benefiting from the same, reasonable cost-of-operation deductions afforded to all kinds of industries. The real subsidies -- and the real scandal -- are to be found in renewable energy, which has taken in tens of billions in direct government payments over the past few years but still has little to show for it. Bernard L. Weinstein is associate director of the Maguire Energy Institute at Southern Methodist Universitys Cox School of Business and a Fellow with the George W. Bush Institute.

Abogada de Inmigracin


No Esperes que haya una Reforma Migratoria para Realizar tu Sueo Americano Djame Ayudarte Hoy
Ciudadana Visas de Trabajo H 1B Y H2B Visas Especiales Visas para Matrimonio y Familias Cartas de Perdn

leyes laws

Your Voice My Vote

Undocumented youth launch campaign to motivate and educate Latino voters

Latino voters will be our voice in the polls in 2012!

DREAMers from AZ, NY, FL and MD, advocates and lawmakers gathered in the shade of the Capitol Building to celebrate the launching of DRM and iDREAMs newest campaign, Su Voz Mi Voto (Your Voice My Vote). This campaign will motivate and educate registered Latino voters, asking them to pledge to vote for their undocumented friends and family. I cannot vote because I am undocumented, but my whole family has promised me that they will vote in this elections because they want the best for me. They have pledge to vote for me, to listen to me, to let me inform them and educate them on candidates who are willing to support the DREAM Act. And I am not alone. Hundredths of youth in Arizona and across the country will come out, just like we did against Russell Pearce, to knock on doors and use social media to turn Arizona into the state we want said Erick Garcia. Watch his video here: Undocumented immigrants, such as Erick Garcia, came out to share their stories and show the pledge cards which their friends and families had signed. Lucy Allain, who confronted Mitt Romney in a NY fundraiser, went on to say that Mitt Romney has ignored the concerns of Latinos and has become an enemy to Latinos. Following Lucy, Jose Manuel, a DREAMer who graduated law school, talked about the Marco Rubio bill, asking that Rubio step up with action not just words. He expressed his concern about the possibility of the future bill becoming a Latino vote pandering attempt in an electoral year. Congressman Charles Gonzalez, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman, Representative Luis Gutierrez, Immigration Task Force Chairman, and 6 other members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus came out to show their support. Rep. Gutierrez supported an effort to bring real relief to undocumented youth with the DREAM Act and not empty rhetoric by Republicans. They stepped up to say they were elected by Latino voters, and how, considering the demographics, the Latino vote will ultimately decide the next President. We will be watching both parties, educating the Latino community and making sure that this issue is not used as a political football to gain votes. President Obama needs to show courage and show he cares about Latinos by stopping deportations. Further, Rubio must demonstrate that he can deliver the House to indicate that he is serious about his proposal, Cesar Vargas, himself an undocumented immigrant and founder of DRM, said in closing remarks.

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Jvenes indocumentados lanzan campaa para motivar y educar a los votantes latinos
Los votantes latinos sern nuestra voz en las urnas de votacin en 2012! Partidarios de la ley DREAM Act desde Arizona, Nueva York, Florida y Maryland, defensores y legisladores se reunieron a la sombra del Capitolio para celebrar el lanzamiento del DRM y la nueva campaa iDREAM, Su Voz Mi Voto. Esta campaa motivar y educar votantes latinos registrados, pidindoles que se comprometan a votar en pro de sus familiares y amigos indocumentados. Yo no puedo votar porque yo soy un indocumentado, pero mi familia entera me ha prometido que ellos votarn en estas elecciones porque ellos quieren lo mejor para m. Ellos me han prometido que votarn por m, que me escucharn, que me permitirn educarlos e informarlos sobre candidatos que estn dispuestos a apoyar la ley DREAM Act. No estoy solo. Cientos de jvenes en Arizona y en todo el pas saldrn a la luz pblica, igual que hicimos contra Russell Pearce, para tocar puertas y utilizar las redes sociales para convertir a Arizona en el estado que queremos, dijo Erick Garca. Puede mirar su video aqu: Inmigrantes indocumentados tales como Erick Garca dieron un paso al frente para compartir su historia y mostrar las tarjetas de promesas que sus familiares y amigos han firmado. Lucy Allain, quien enfrent a Mitt Romney en un evento de recaudacin de fondos en Nueva York, fue ms all y dijo que Mitt Romney ha ignorado las preocupaciones de los latinos y se ha convertido en un enemigo de los latinos. Luego de Lucy, Jos Manuel, un simpatizante de la ley DREAM Act graduado en leyes, habl sobre el proyecto de ley de Marco Rubio, pidiendo que Rubio se pronuncie con acciones y no slo con palabras. Expres su preocupacin sobre la posibilidad de que el proyecto de ley se convierta slo en un intento por conquistar el voto latino en un ao electoral. El Congresista Charles Gonzlez, Director del Caucus (grupo poltico) Hispano del Congreso, el Representante Luis Gutirrez, Director del Grupo de Trabajo de Inmigracin, y otros 6 miembros del Caucus Hispano del Congreso se presentaron para demostrar su apoyo. El Representante Gutirrez apoy el esfuerzo por proporcionar un alivio real a la juventud indocumentada a travs de la ley DREAM Act y no simple retrica sin contenido por parte de los republicanos. Ellos se manifestaron y dijeron que fueron elegidos por el voto latino, y cmo, considerando los datos demogrficos, el voto latino ser el que ultimadamente decida quin ser el prximo presidente. Estaremos observando ambos partidos, educando a la comunidad latina y asegurndonos que este asunto no sea utilizado como una pelota de ftbol poltica para ganar votos. El presidente Obama necesita mostrar valor y demostrar que le importan los latinos frenando las deportaciones. Ms an, Rubio debe demostrar que l puede dirigirse al Senado para indicar que est hablando en serio en cuanto a su proposicin, Csar Vargas, l mismo un inmigrante indocumentado y fundador de DRM, dijo en sus palabras de cierre.

Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06



educacin education

Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

Carta al Fiscal General

Fiscal General Beau Biden
Carvel State Office Building 820 N. French Street Wilmington, DE 19081 Los padres de la Escuela Primaria William C. Lewis estn pidiendo una investigacin independiente sobre el proceso del plan Partnership Zone, llevado a cabo por la administracin del Distrito Escolar Consolidado de Red Clay. Tenemos la esperanza de que esta investigacin proporcione respuestas a muchas de nuestras preocupaciones. 1. Los padres fueron informados por la administracin de que participaran activamente en el proceso de planificacin del Partnership Zone de Lewis. Por ejemplo, uno de los padres fue invitado a una reunin de planificacin del Partnership Zone, pero el plan de la escuela ya haba sido presentado al Departamento de Educacin de Delaware. Se le pidi al padre que firmara el plan del Partnership Zone, pero este se neg a firmarlo hasta que tuviera la oportunidad de leer el plan. El padre solicit una copia del plan, el director acept, pero el padre jams recibi una copia del plan. Haba una reunin programada para el siguiente mes (Febrero) pero fue cancelada posteriormente y nunca fue reprogramada. Esto es solo un ejemplo de muchos que demuestra como los padres de Lewis fueron dejados fuera del proceso de planificacin del Partnership Zone. 2. Extraoficialmente los padres se enteraron de que varios profesores haban sido despedidos de Lewis para el ao escolar entrante, sin ser previamente informados. Entre esos profesores se incluye a una de las personas ms entregadas y dedicadas, que ha servido a incontables familias latinas y afro-americanas. El despido de este profesor es una gran prdida para la familia de Lewis. Qu criterio us la administracin para despedir a estos profesores de Lewis? 3. Un gran nmero de padres no apoyan al director actual. Desde que el proceso de planificacin del Partnership Zone comenz, el ambiente de la escuela se siente cada vez menos acogedor y ms hostil para los padres. Adjuntada se encuentra una lista con varios de los nombres de los padres. Por favor sintase con la total libertad de contactarnos para cualquier informacin que necesite para dirigir la investigacin. Sinceramente, Padres de la Escuela Lewis
Nombres: Madeline Donato, Alexis Simms, Glorivee Rodriguez, Anabel Trujillo, Miguelina Almonte, Miguel Almonte, Stephanie Kennedy, Jillian Wattley,Carlos Dipres, Carmen Rodriguez, Tanua/Jeffrey Boyd, Tranoito Orellana Pereira, Juan Cardanas Rios, Cristina Rios Viosa, Enid Torres, Elizabeth Cazaces, Sara.

Letter to the Attorney General

Attorney General Beau Biden Carvel State Office Building 820 N. French Street Wilmington, DE 19081 The parents of William C. Lewis Elementary School are asking for an independent investigation of the Partnership Zone Planning process carried out by the Red Clay Consolidated School District Administration. It is our hope that this investigation will provide answers to several of our grievances. 1. Parents were informed by administration that they would be actively involved in the Lewis Partnership Zone Planning process. For instance, one parent was invited to a Partnership Zone Planning meeting, but the school plan had already been submitted to the Delaware department of Education. The parent was asked to sign the Partnership Zone Plan but refused to sign until she had an opportunity to read the plan. The parent requested a copy of the plan. The principal agreed, but the parent was never given a copy of the plan. There was a follow-up meeting scheduled for the next month (February) but was subsequently canceled and never re-scheduled again. This is just one example of many that demonstrates how Lewis parents were left out of the Partnership Zone Planning process.

2. Parents have unofficially heard that several staff members have been involuntarily remove from Lewis for the upcoming school year. One of the staff members includes a committed and dedicated individual that has serve countless Latino and African-American families in the community. The removal of this staff member will be a great loss for Lewis families. What criteria did administration use to remove staff members from Lewis? 3. A large number of parents do not support the current principal. Since the Partnership Zone Planning process began the school environment feels increasingly unwelcoming and hostile to parents. Attached is a list of several parents names. Please feel free to contact us to provide you with any further information you may need to conduct an investigation. Respectfully, Lewis Parents Parent Names Madeline Donato, Alexis Simms, Glorivee Rodriguez, Anabel Trujillo, Miguelina Almonte,

Miguel Almonte, Stephanie Kennedy, Jillian Wattley,Carlos Dipres, Carmen Rodriguez, Tanua/Jeffrey Boyd, Tranoito Orellana Pereira, Juan Cardanas Rios, Cristina Rios Viosa, Enid Torres, Elizabeth Cazaces, Sara.

Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

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La Red New Facility

>Eli Ramos

Great Joy at Sussex County for the Opening of the New Services Office of La Red

The Health Community Center La Red in Georgetown inaugurated on Monday April 21st its new head office with the attendance of numerous personalities among which were Senator Chris Coons, Senator Tom Carper and Congressman John Carney, and also flying from Chile Gonzalo Martnez and the Carmelite Sisters came from Washington to celebrate the occasion. Brian S. Olson, Chief Executive Officer said during the ribboncutting ceremony in the new head office that they have already received more than 9,000 calls asking for appointments this week alone, highlighting the great demand for services in the area. The new office has more than 6 dental chairs, which places this facility at the top of dental services in Sussex County. I have long supported our states federally qualified health centers. Over the years I have seen first-hand the vital role that these Community Health Centers play in our nations healthcare delivery system, said U.S. Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) La Red and our other community health centers fill a major gap in our health care system by providing access to primary care and preventive health services for uninsured and under-insured individuals in Delaware and across the country. This is why I am so thrilled that La Red has expanded to this beautiful new Georgetown facility, increasing its capacity to care for Delawareans in Sussex. La Red Health Centers mission is to provide bilingual, culturally appropriate, high-quality, cost-effective, primary and preventive medical care to residents of Sussex County, Delaware, with emphasis towards serving those who are underinsured, uninsured or who face other barriers to medical care. For more information, call 302-855-1233 or visit the new office at 21444 Carmen Way, Georgetown, DE.

Gran alegra en el condado de Sussex por la apertura de la nueva oficina de servicios de la Red.
>Eli Ramos

Nueva Sede de La Red

El Centro Comunitario de Salud La Red en Georgetown inaugur el lunes 21 de abril su nueva sede con la asistencia de numerosas personalidades entre las que destacaron el Senador Chris Coons, el Senador Tom Carper y el Congresista John Carney, tambin desde Chile viaj Gonzalo Martnez y las Hermanas Carmelitas vinieron desde Washington a celebrar la ocasin. Brian S. Olson, Director Ejecutivo dijo durante el corte de cinta de la nueva sede que ya han recibi mas de 9000 llamadas solicitando citas en solo esta semana denotando la gran cantidad de demanda de servicios en el rea. La nueva sede cuenta con ms de 6 sillas de atencin dental lo cual la coloca a la cabeza en servicios dentales en el condado de Sussex. por mucho tiempo he apoyado a los centros federales de salud en nuestro estado. A travs de los aos he visto de primera mano el papel que estos centros comunitarios de salud juegan en el sistema de salud en nuestra nacin, dijo el Senador por Delaware Tom Carper, La Red y nuestros otros centro de salud comunitaria llenan un gran vaco que tienen nuestro sistema de salud para proveer servicios de salud para personas con sin o poco seguro medico en Delaware y atreves del pas. Por esto es que estoy tan contento de que la Red se haya expandido a esta hermosa nueva sede, aumentando su capacidad de curar a los delawerianos en el condado de Sussex. La misin del Centro de Salud La Red es proveer cuidados mdicos preventivos y primarios bilinges, apropiados culturalmente, de alta calidad y rentables a los residentes del Condado de Sussex, Delaware, haciendo nfasis por servir a aquellos que tienen baja cobertura de seguro, que no tienen cobertura o que enfrentan otras barreras que les impide obtener cuidado mdico. Para mas informacin llame al 302- 855 1233 o visite la nueva sede en 21444 Carmen Way, Georgetown, DE



Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

eventos events
Latinoamrica celebra al maestro Botero
Una gran exposicin retrospectiva en Mxico, la exhibicin en Medelln, Colombia de su serie Viacrucis, y su presencia en el Museo de su nombre en Bogot, han sido parte de las celebraciones de los 80 aos de Fernando Botero, el pintor colombiano con mayor reconocimiento hoy en da. Fernando Botero, es reconocido como uno de los artistas vivos ms relevantes y cumpli sus 80 aos el 19 de abril. Por este motivo museos y galera de todo el mundo presentarn exposiciones retrospectivas de su obra. Luis Fernando Botero Angulo naci el 19 de abril de 1932 en Medelln, conocida popularmente como la ciudad de la eterna primavera. Fue el segundo de los tres hijos de un arriero y un ama de casa. A los cuatro aos, su padre falleci y su madre se hizo cargo, por lo que creci con pocas comodidades y algunos das de hambre. Cuando falta plata no se puede hablar de una infancia feliz, dijo. Su to Joaqun Angulo, fantico de la tauromaquia, lo introdujo en el mundo de los toros a los 15 aos, pero prefiri retirarse tras descubrir su verdadera vocacin: la pintura. Botero ha realizado a lo largo de su carrera ms de tres mil pinturas y 300 esculturas, algunas de ellas instaladas en 60 museos del planeta. Botero cre un lenguaje propio y un mundo nico e inconfundible, porque su intencin siempre ha sido la misma: lograr generar la sensacin de que hay volmenes en esa superficie completamente plana que es el lienzo, porque, al fin y al cabo, como l mismo dice, en el arte moderno todo hay que hacerlo de una forma extrema. Nunca he pintado una gorda, dijo el artista colombiano Fernando Botero, desatando de inmediato la sonrisa entre el pblico de Bogot. Pero el pintor y escultor con vida ms famoso de Latinoamrica lo deca en serio: sus redondeadas figuras no se inspiran en anatomas voluminosas, sino que representan la glorificacin de la sensualidad y la vida, segn explic.

Para celebrar este aniversario, abri la exposicin retrospectiva ms grande que se ha visto de su obra, en el Museo Palacio de Bellas Artes, de Ciudad de Mxico, con 177 obras y que tan solo el primer fin de semana alcanz 15 mil visitas. En Medelln el pueblo entero visit su impactante exhibicin Viacrucis, la cual fue donada a la ciudad tal como ha hecho con mucha de sus obras. Cuenta, entre risas, que un ngel se le apareci en sueos y le dijo que deba regalrsela al Museo de Antioquia. Sus donaciones a varios museos de Colombia, y sobre todo al de Antioquia, a condicin de que el acceso sea gratuito, estn lejos de ser apuntes jocosos. En este, no solo se encuentra la mayor cantidad de sus obras, sino que all tambin reposa Pedrito en el caballo, el cuadro que ms quiere, el que ms le gusta y del que no teme decir que es su obra maestra. No le podra cambiar nada, lo pint con el corazn y con el alma. Es uno de los retratos de su hijo menor, que muri en 1974, a los 4 aos, y lo dej con un desgarramiento y una carga de emocin tal que por eso no le extraa que algunas de las ms grandes obras de arte hayan partido del dolor y el sentimiento. Por estos das de uno y mil homenajes por su cumpleaos, Botero mantiene una actitud festiva, como si no le preocupara el paso del tiempo. De hecho, cree que a partir de ahora vendr lo mejor en su vida... yo me quiero morir pintando.
Ahora disponible en Espaol!
(Now available in Spanish!)

Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

eventos events
Latin America celebrates master Botero
A great retrospective exhibition in Mexico, the showing of his series Viacrucis in Medelln, Colombia, and his attendance at the museum bearing his name in Bogot, have been part of the celebration of Fernando Boteros 80th birthday, the Colombian painter of the highest appreciation today. Fernando Botero is recognized as one of the most relevant living artists, and he turned 80 on April 19th. To celebrate this event, museums and galleries from all over the world will present retrospective exhibitions of his work. Luis Fernando Botero Angulo was born on April 19th, 1932 in Medelln, popularly known as the City of Eternal Spring. He was the second of three children of a muleskinner and a housewife. When he was 4, his father died and his mother took over, so he grew up with little comfort and some days of hunger. When money is scarce, you cannot talk about a happy childhood, he said. His uncle Joaqun Angulo, a fan of bullfighting, introduced him to this art at the age of 15, but he preferred to retire after discovering his true vocation: painting. Botero has produced more than three thousand paintings and 300 sculptures during his career, some of them exhibited in 60 museums along the planet. Botero created his own language and a unique an unmistakable world, as his intention has always been the same: to achieve creating the sensation that there is volume in that completely flat surface the canvas is, because after all, as he says, in modern art everything has to be done in an extreme manner. I have never painted a fat woman, said the Colombian artist Fernando Botero, immediately unleashing the smiles among the audience in Bogot. But the most famous living Latin American painter and sculptor meant it: his round shapes are not inspired in voluminous anatomies, but they represent the glorification of sensuality, as he explained. To celebrate this anniversary, he opened the largest retrospective ever seen of his work, in the museum Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, with 177 pieces, and which only in its first weekend attracted 15 thousand visitors. In Medelln the whole town visited his stunning exhibition Viacrucis, which he donated to the city, as he has done with many of his work. He tells the story, amid laughter, that an angel appeared in his dreams and told him he had to give this exhibition to the Antioquia museum. His donations to several museums in Colombia, especially to the Antioquia one, on condition that the access is free, are far from being a joke. This museum houses not only most of his work, but Pedrito in the horse, his most beloved painting, the one he likes the most and of which he is not afraid to say is his master piece. I couldnt change a thing in it; I painted it with my heart and my soul. It is one of the portraits of his youngest son, who died in 1974 at the age of 4, and who left him with such a rip and emotional charge that it is hardly surprising for him that some of the greatest pieces of fine art had been born from pain and sentiment.


On these days of one and a thousand tributes on account of his birthday, Botero maintains a festive attitude, as if the passing of time didnt matter to him. As a matter of fact, he believes that starting now, the best is yet to come I want to die painting.

8va Feria Exposicin del Trabajo La Exitosa

Domingo 22 de Abril 2012/ Fotografias Eli Ramos

Sunday, April 22nd / Photography Eli Ramos

La Exitosa: 8th Annual Hispanic Expo and Job Fair


Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

Miss Delaware Latina Crowning/Celebration & Fashion Show

Please come celebrate with us the official crowning of Anna Ornelas as the first Miss Delaware Latina Queen! With this title, she will represent Delaware in the National Miss Latina US in Cancun Mexico May 2012. In this fundraiser event we will have local performances, fashion show, media and representatives of the community. Crowning/Celebration & Fashion Show Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012 @ 5:00pm Location: First Southern Baptist Church HALL 761 S. Little Creek Road Dover, DE 19901 Kind Support:$10.00 For more information call 302-423-2771 or visit or denize@missdelawarelatina.COM

Fotografa Profesional
Gustavo Grajales

Para Todas tus Ocasiones Especiales Telfono (302)252 8713

salud health
Salud de las Minoras
Abril es el Mes Nacional de la Salud de las Minoras.
El tema de este ao es La Equidad en la Salud Nos Urge Acta Ahora en tu ComUnidad! Es un deber, un reto y un llamado a la accin para todas las organizaciones y las personas que luchan por reducir y eliminar las disparidades raciales y tnicas de la salud. Sabemos que pese a los progresos que nuestra nacin ha logrado en los ltimos 50 aos, las minoras raciales y tnicas an siguen quedndose atrs de la poblacin general en muchos frentes. Por ejemplo, los latinos estadounidenses experimentan tasas ms altas de diabetes y obesidad en comparacin con la poblacin de raza blanca no hispana / latina y tienen tasas significativamente menores en el uso de los exmenes preventivos recomendados para detectar el cncer colorrectal y las vacunas para la neumona. La nueva Ley del Cuidado de la Salud a Bajo Precio, ha puesto un gran nfasis, como nunca antes, en la prevencin y en el acceso a la atencin preventiva para mantenerse sanos y as detener las enfermedades antes de que comiencen. Ahora todas las personas con Medicare pueden obtener una gran variedad de servicios y exmenes mdicos preventivos recomendados y sin costo alguno. Estos incluyen evaluaciones mdicas para la deteccin del cncer del colon u otro tipo de cnceres, la deteccin y autocontrol de la diabetes, la vacuna para la neumona u otras vacunas y la terapia intensiva del comportamiento para la obesidad. Tambin se ha agregado una visita gratis al doctor para que le hagan una revisin mdica cada ao. Estos servicios de prevencin pueden ayudar a reducir las disparidades en la salud y ofrecer a todos la oportunidad de estar ms saludable y disfrutar de una mejor calidad de vida. Medicare paga ahora por los siguientes servicios preventivos y evaluaciones. (Estos servicios estn sujetos a ciertos criterios de elegibilidad del beneficiario): - Visitas Anuales de Bienestar (Revisin Mdica) que proveen un Plan de Servicios Preventivos Personalizado - Medicin de la Masa sea - Evaluaciones para la Deteccin del Cncer - Cncer del Pecho (Mamografa y examen clnico del pecho) - Cncer Vaginal y del Cuello Uterino (Prueba de Papanicolaou) (Incluye examen del pecho) - Cncer Colorrectal - Cncer de la Prstata (Examen de Sangre de Antgeno Prosttico Especfico y Examen Rectal de Tacto) - Examen para detectar las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares - Examen de la Diabetes - Capacitacin Sobre el Autocontrol de la Diabetes - Examen de Glaucoma - Examen del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) - Vacunas para la Gripe, el Neumococo y la Hepatitis B - Examen Fsico Preventivo Inicial (IPPE en ingls) tambin conocido como la visita preventiva Bienvenido a Medicare (Si se considera necesario y para los beneficiarios que califican, este servicio preventivo le pudiera tambin ofrecer una transferencia a servicios especializados para hacerse un examen de ultrasonido para la deteccin de Aneurisma Artico Abdominal) - Terapia Intensiva de Comportamiento para Enfermedades Cardiovasculares - Terapia Intensiva de Comportamiento para la Obesidad - Terapia Nutricional para beneficiarios con diabetes o enfermedad renal - Deteccin y Asesoramiento en la Atencin Primaria para Reducir el Consumo Indebido de Alcohol Evaluacin para la Depresin en Adultos - Deteccin de Infecciones de Transmisin Sexual (STI en ingls) y Terapia Intensiva de Comportamiento y Asesoramiento para Prevenir STI - Asesoramiento para dejar de fumar

Minority Health
April is National Minority Health Month.
This years theme, Health Equity Cant Wait. Act now in Your CommUnity!, is a charge, challenge, and call to action to all organizations, partners, and individuals interested and involved in reducing and eliminating racial and ethnic health disparities. We know that despite the progress our nation has made over the past 50 years, racial and ethnic minorities still lag behind the general population on many fronts. For example, Hispanics experience higher rates of diabetes and obesity than non-Hispanic whites, and have significantly lower rates of recommended colorectal screenings and immunizations for pneumonia.

The new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, has put unprecedented emphasis on prevention, ensuring access to preventive care to stay healthy, and to stop a disease before it starts. Everyone with Medicare can now get a range of free recommended preventive services and screenings. These include screenings for colorectal and other cancers, diabetes screening and selfmanagement, pneumonia and other immunizations, and intensive behavioral therapy for obesity. A new benefit, a free annual wellness visit with a doctor, has also been added. These free preventive services can help reduce disparities in health and give everyone the chance to enjoy a healthier and better quality of life. Medicare now provides payment for the following preventive services and screenings, subject to certain beneficiary eligibility criteria: - Annual Wellness Visit Providing Personalized Prevention Plan Services - Bone Mass Measurement - Cancer Screenings - Breast Cancer (mammography and clinical breast exam) - Cervical and Vaginal Cancer (pap test and pelvic exam (includes the clinical breast exam)) - Colorectal Cancer - Fecal Occult Blood Test - Flexible Sigmoidoscopy - Colonoscopy - Barium Enema - Prostate cancer (PSA blood test and Digital Rectal Exam) - Cardiovascular Disease Screening - Diabetes Screening - Diabetes Self-Management Training - Glaucoma Screening - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Screening - Immunizations (Seasonal Influenza, Pneumococcal, and Hepatitis B) - Initial Preventive Physical Examination (IPPE) also known as the Welcome to Medicare Preventive Visit (may include a referral, if appropriate, for an ultrasound screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm for eligible beneficiaries) - Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Cardiovascular - Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Obesity - Medical Nutrition Therapy (for beneficiaries with diabetes or renal disease) - Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce Alcohol Misuse Screening for Depression in Adults - Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and High-Intensity Behavioral Counseling (HIBC) to prevent STIs - Tobacco-Use Cessation Counseling

Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06



Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

informacin information
6 Ways to Cut Your Insurance Costs
Financial Planner Offers Premium Solutions to Gas Price Pain
There is nothing that makes your wallet squeal louder today than pulling into the gas station and dropping $50. Gasoline prices have risen more than 12 percent over the past 12 months, and some experts are predicting theyll reach $5 per gallon in the next six months. The average household now spends $50 per month more on gasoline than last year, notes financial planner Rick Rodgers, author of The New Three-Legged Stool: A Tax Efficient Approach To Retirement Planning ( But thats not the whole picture, Rodgers says. Higher fuel prices affect a lot of other expenses in the family budget, from heating to food. The government estimates the average household is spending $150 per month more this year because of higher oil prices. You can try to ease the pain at the pump by using your car less, but you should also look for other places to offset that extra $150. Car insurance is a good place to start. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the national average auto insurance premium is $850 per year. Can you reduce that? Rodgers says you probably can. He offers six ways: Shop around regularly. Your insurance agent doesnt have a lot of incentive to reduce your premiums. I recently met a consumer who told me he had been with the same agent for 15 years. After he shopped his insurance with another agent, he saved $1,600 on his premiums for all his coverage. The internet makes it easy compare costs for the same coverage, or you can get an independent insurance agent to shop for you. Contact the Independent Agents Association at (800) 221-7917. (Be sure the company you go with has a good credit rating and claims-paying history.) Bundle your coverage. Bundling is combining different types of policies (auto, homeowners, liability, etc.) with the same company. The theory is that the company will discount the premiums if they have all of your business. The most common combination is packaging your auto insurance and homeowners policies together. Or, find companies that will bundle auto insurance with renters or tenants insurance. Bundled packages usually result in a 10 to 15 percent savings. Ask for discounts. You may qualify for discounts, but you wont know until you ask. Theyre commonly offered for good driving records, anti-theft devices, vehicle safety features (anti-lock brakes, air bags, automatic seatbelts), low annual mileage and insuring more than one car. The spunky Flo from Progressive claims discounts are also available for buying your policy online, paying in full up front, and being a loyal customer. Take a defensive driving class. Even if youve been driving for years, you can learn a lot from driver education and most insurance companies recognize the value of a refresher course, which can help you avoid accidents. The amount of discount varies by insurance company and from state to state, although most insurers offer a 10 percent discount on your premium for three years. AARP offers a driver safety program for those over age 50, and its available online. Increase your deductible. Do your auto and homeowners policies have low deductibles? If so, you may be able to reduce your premiums 15 to 30 percent by raising the deductible on your collision and comprehensive coverage. Make sure you have an emergency fund set aside to cover the cost of repairs before you make the change. But your homeowners policy may be the first place to consider raising the deductible, since statistics show the average homeowner files a claim only once every nine years. Be sure to check with your mortgage holder first; some specify maximums. Change Cars. This is probably the most difficult savings tip to implement but may have the largest impact on your premium. Used cars are cheaper to insure than new ones (excluding antiques); sports cars are more expensive to insure than minivans. Insurance companies like cars with safety features and low repair costs. surveyed 900 vehicles in the 2012 model year and lists the rankings from the most expensive to least expensive on their website. Six of the 10 cheapest were minivans.

6 maneras de disminuir los costos del seguro

Los planeadores financieros ofrecen buenas soluciones para aliviar el golpe del precio de la gasolina.
No existe algo que le duela ms a su cartera hoy en da, que estacionarse en la estacin de gasolina y gastar $50. El precio de la gasolina ha aumentado ms del 12 por ciento en los ltimos 12 meses, y algunos expertos predicen que llegar a $5 por galn en los prximos 6 meses. Un hogar promedio gasta $50 ms por mes en gasolina que el ao pasado, acota el planificador financiero Rick Rodgers, autor de El nuevo banco de tres patas: Un enfoque eficiente de los impuestos para la planificacin de la jubilacin ( Pero ese no es el panorama completo, dice Rodgers. Los altos precios del combustible afectan mucho los dems gastos del presupuesto familiar, desde la calefaccin hasta la comida. El gobierno estima que el hogar promedio est gastando $150 ms por mes este ao por los altos precios de la gasolina. Puedes intentar disminuir el impacto del precio usando menos tu carro, pero tambin deberas buscar por otros lugares para compensar esos $150 extras. El seguro del carro es un buen lugar para empezar. De acuerdo con el instituto de informacin de seguros, el promedio nacional de la prima del seguro de autos es de $850 al ao. Puedes reducirlo? Rodgers dice que probablemente si puedes. El ofrece seis maneras: Cambia tus compras regularmente. Tu agente de seguro no tiene muchos incentivos para reducir la prima. Yo recientemente conoc un consumidor que me dijo que haba estado con el mismo agente de seguros por 15 aos. Despus de que compr su seguro con otro agente, ahorr $1,600 en la prima por toda su cobertura. El internet facilita comparar los costos para una misma cobertura, o podras contratar un agente de seguros independiente para comprarlo por ti. Contacta a la Asociacin de Agentes Independiente al (800) 221-7917. (Asegrate de que la compaa a la que vayas tenga buenas calificaciones crediticias e historial de pago de reclamos) Haga paquetes de seguros. Hacer paquetes de seguro es adquirir las coberturas de diferentes tipos (auto, propiedades, responsabilidad civil, etc. ) con las misma compaa. En teora, la compaa har descuentos en las primas, si ellos manejan todos tus intereses. La combinacin ms comn es unir el seguro de auto con el seguro de propiedad. O, encontrar compaas que unan el seguro de auto con el seguro de propiedad o inquilino. Los paquetes de coberturas resultan en un 10 o 15 por ciento de ahorro. Pregunta por descuentos. Usted podra calificar para descuentos, pero no lo sabr si no pregunta. Ellos comnmente lo ofrecen por buenos registros de conduccin, accesorios anti robos, caractersticas de seguridad del vehculo (frenos antibloqueo, bolsas de aire, cinturones automticos), bajo kilometraje anual y asegurar ms de un carro. The spunky Flo from Progressive claims discounts estn tambin disponibles para comprar tu pliza online, pagando completo de contado, y por ser un cliente leal. Toma una clase de manejo defensivo. Incluso si has estado manejando por aos, puedes aprender mucho en clases de manejo y la mayora de las compaas de seguro reconocen el valor de un curso de actualizacin, que puede a ayudar a prevenir accidentes. El monto del descuento vara por la compaa de seguro, el estado, y tambin la mayora de los seguros ofrecen un descuento del 10 por ciento en la prima por tres aos. AARP ofrecen un programa de seguridad de manejo para los mayores de 50 aos, y esta disponible en internet. Aumenta los deducibles. Las plizas de autos y propietarios tiene bajos deducibles? Si lo tienen, usted podra reducir su prima entre 15 y 30 por ciento, aumentando los deducibles de colisin y amplia cobertura. Asegrese de tener un fondo de emergencias para cubrir el costo de reparaciones antes de hacer el cambio. Pero su pliza de propiedad quizs sea la primera que deba considerar para el aumento de los deducibles, como las estadsticas lo demuestran, los dueos de casa promedio presentan solo un reclamo cada nueve aos. Asegrese de consultar con el titular de la primera hipoteca; y algunos especifican mximos. Cambiar carros. Este es probablemente el consejo para ahorrar ms difcil de implementar, pero tiene el mayor impacto en su prima. Carros usados son mas baratos de asegurar que los carros nuevos (excluyendo las antigedades); los carros deportivos son mas caros de asegurar que las minivan. Las compaas de seguro prefieren carros ms seguros con bajos costos de reparacin. catalog 900 vehculos modelo 2012, y creo una clasificacin desde el ms costoso hasta el ms barato en su pagina web. Seis de los 10 carros ms baratos fueron minivans.

Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

consejera counseling
Cuando la Negatividad destruye tus Relaciones
Tu da empieza. Es sbado y no trabajas. Desayunas, te sientes contenta y positiva, y empiezas a pensar en cmo hacer de este da un da productivo. De pronto tu esposo se levanta y se sienta a la mesa. Tu le dices con una sonrisa: Hola amor, cmo ests? El no te responde. Vuelves a preguntar, esperando que solo sea que ha estado distrado. No hay respuesta. Te das cuenta que te ha quitado el habla. T no tienes idea del por qu. Aunque te molesta esa actitud, tratas de no amargarte y preguntas con suavidad: Ests molesto por algo? Tu esposo no solo no responde sino que se para y se va a la sala a ver televisin. Durante todo la maana no te habla y tu da se vuelve gris. No sabes qu hacer, si insistir, o si callar. No sabes qu van a hacer el resto del da. Haban hablado ayer acerca de ir al mall. No sabes si preguntar, si prepararte para salir o no. Te das cuenta que has pasado la mayora de la maana dndole vueltas a esta situacin y te sientes cansada emocionalmente. No sientes energa de hacer nada. Por momentos te sientes muy molesta y piensas en lo equivocado que est tu pareja al no hablar de lo que le molesta, al asumir esa postura del hielo. Piensas en que no te mereces eso, te sientes victima de su mal humor. Sin embargo, prefieres no enfrentarlo pues no quieres hacer el problema peor. Ahora imagnate pasar por esto dos o tres veces a la semana. Fcilmente podras decir que el mal carcter de tu esposo te malogra la tercera parte de tu vida. No lo consideras un mal esposo, y a veces el est de muy buen carcter, pero su mal humor parece haber aumentado recientemente. Notas que t ltimamente has tenido ms dificultad para dormir, dolores musculares y te has estado enfermando ms frecuentemente. Todas esas son seales de estrs. La negatividad de la relacin con tu esposo te produce estrs; y el estrs te est consumiendo sicolgica y fsicamente. Cmo cambiar esta situacin? T sabes que tu esposo tambin est teniendo mucho estrs en el trabajo porque han estado despidiendo trabajadores en su compaa. Adems su nuevo jefe lo trata mal a veces. Piensas: Su trabajo lo estresa y luego el trae ese estrs a casa y me estresa a m. De pronto te das cuenta de algo: EL ESTRES ES COMO UN VIRUS QUE CONTAGIA, UNA ENERGIA NEGATIVA QUE SE TRANSMITE DE PERSONA EN PERSONA. Cmo parar este crculo vicioso? Cmo destruir esta energa negativa en tu hogar? El estrs es considerado el problema de salud nmero uno, pues no solo debilita el sistema inmunolgico, es decir, te vuelve ms vulnerable a las enfermedades, sino que produce una serie de afecciones fsicas, como alergias, dolor estomacal, dificultad para respirar, dolores de cabeza, etc. El estrs es producido cuando una enfrenta una situacin que es ms de lo que uno est acostumbrado. La constante frustracin de la esposa del ejemplo le produce estrs. El estrs tambin afecta el comportamiento y la motivacin de las personas: reduce la productividad en el trabajo, aumenta la irritabilidad, los sentimientos de soledad, la depresin, y dificulta el aprendizaje, la memoria y la concentracin. Dedicarse a aprender maneras de reducir el estrs es probablemente la mejor inversin que puede hacer para su la salud y las buenas relaciones en su vida y la de su familia. La persona del ejemplo inicial es un caso real. Ella asisti al retiro Rompiendo Tus Barreras, donde expertos en sicologa y superacin personal le brindaron las mejores tcnicas para deshacerse de este virus de negatividad en ella misma y en su familia. Hoy, ella dice: Asistir al retiro fue la mejor decisin que he tomado pues ahora me siento ms feliz, he podido ayudar a mi esposo a superar su mal humor y tambin ha mejorado nuestra salud pues ya no vamos al doctor ni compramos medicinas tan frecuentemente. Si deseas asistir al prximo retiro en espaol Rompiendo Tus Barreras el 26 y 27 de Mayo en Newark, Delaware, por favor llama al 302-290-4134 para obtener informacin e inscribirte. Tambin puedes ingresar a nuestra pgina web No sientas timidez de asistir pues todos son hispanos como t, jvenes y adultos, que desean aprender ms y salir adelante.

Sicologa con F
| Ronaldo Tello-Marzol


Psychology with Faith

When Negativity destroys your relationships

Your day begins. Its Saturday and you dont work. You eat breakfast. You feel happy and positive and think about how to make this day a productive one. Suddenly your husband gets up and sits at the table. You say with a smile: Hello sweetheart, how are you? He doesnt respond. You ask again, hoping that he was just distracted. No answer. You realize that hes giving you the silent treatment and you have no idea why. Although this attitude bothers you, you try not to get angry and gently ask: Are you upset about something? Not only does he not respond but he stands and goes into the living room to watch television. Throughout the morning his not speaking to you ruins your day. You do not know what to do, whether to insist, or stay quiet. You do not know what you guys will do the rest of the day. Yesterday, you had talked about going to the mall. You are not sure if you should get ready to go out or not. You realize youve spent most of the morning ruminating over this situation and you feel tired emotionally. You feel no energy to do anything. At times you feel very upset and think about how wrong your partner is by not talking about what bothers him and treat you this cold way. You think you do not deserve this; you feel victim of his bad mood. However, you prefer not to confront him so the problem doesnt get worse. Now imagine going through this two or three times a week. You could easily say that your husbands bad mood spoils more than a third of your life. Although, you do not consider him a bad husband, and he is sometimes in a very good mood, you notice that his irritability has increased recently. You also realize that lately youve had more trouble sleeping, suffered muscle aches and been sick more often. All these are signs of stress. The negativity of the relationship with your husband is stressful, and stress is eating you psychologically and physically. How to change this situation? You know that your husband is also having a lot of stress at work because his company has been laying off lately. Also, his new boss gives him a hard time. You think: His work stresses him and then he brings that stress home and makes me stressed. Suddenly it clicks to you: STRESS IS LIKE A VIRUS THAT SPREADS, a negative energy that is transmitted from person to person. How to stop this vicious circle? How to destroy this negative energy in your home? Stress is considered the number one health problem in America, because it not only weakens the immune system, i.e. makes you more vulnerable to disease, but produces a series of physical issues such as allergies, stomach problems, difficulty breathing, headaches, etc.. Stress happens when one confronts a situation that is more than one is used to deal with. The constant frustration of the wife from the example produces stress. Stress also affects the behavior and motivation of people: reduces productivity at work; increases irritability, feelings of loneliness, depression; and impairs learning, memory and concentration. Learning ways to reduce stress is probably the best investment you can do for your health and your familys wellbeing. The person in the example is a real case. She attended the retreat Breaking Your Barriers, where experts in psychology and personal development gave her the best techniques to get rid of this virus of negativity in herself and her family. Today, she says: Attending the retreat was the best decision Ive ever made because now I feel happier; I was able to help my husband overcome his bad mood and our health has improved since we no longer go to the doctor or buy medicines as frequently. If you want to attend the next retreat in Spanish Breaking Your Barriers on May 26-27 in Newark, Delaware, please call 302-290-4134 for information and to registration. You can also access our website Do not feel shy about participating because you will find people like you, youth and adults who want to learn more and progress.


informacin A disfrutar de la primavera! information

Grand Baile
VieRNes 11 De mAyo el Grands studio 1 solo $5 la entrada
latinas sica Mereng como Salsa, ue, Bac Cha-Ch h a y Sam ata, ba!

Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

10 Datos sobre las mujeres Latinas y la Desigualdad Salarial

Los nmeros muestran el impacto desproporcionado en las Latinas debido a la desigualdad salarial
>Vanessa Cardenas | 17 de abril, 2012 El da de igualdad salarial pone de relieve el hecho de que las mujeres, especialmente las Latinas, siguen ganando significativamente menos que los hombres a pesar de trabajar tan duro y a menudo con ms dificultad. Adems, las ganancias de las Latinas son menos que la de los blancos, afro americanos, y asiticos. Las latinas en general ganan menos, en promedio, que los hombres y otras mujeres, lo que significa que deben trabajar ms tiempo por la misma cantidad de ganancias salariales. Esto pone a las latinas en mayor riesgo de inseguridad econmica para ellas y sus familias. Aqu hay 10 datos claves sobre este sector importante de nuestra nacin: 1. 25 millones-el nmero de mujeres en los Estados Unidos que se identifican como Hispana o Latina de acuerdo con la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Americana 2010. 2. $ 518-las ganancias promedio semanales de las Latinas en comparacin con las mujeres blancas ($ 703), las mujeres Afro-Americanas ($ 595), y las mujeres de Asiticas ($ 751). 3. 56,5 por ciento-el porcentaje de mujeres Latinas con edad para trabajar que participaron en la fuerza laboral del pas en 2010, segn la Oficina de Estadsticas Laborales. 4. 29,1por ciento-el porcentaje de mujeres latinas que no tenan seguro medico en 2010. 5. 25 por ciento-el porcentaje de familias Hispanas encabezadas por mujeres sin cnyuge en 2010, comparado con el 15 por ciento de las familias anglosajonas, de acuerdo con la Oficina de Estadsticas Laborales. 6. $ 39.566-los ingresos anuales promedio de las Latinas con una licenciatura de bachillerato en 2009 (31.720 dlares menos que los hombres blancos), de acuerdo con el estudio, 2012 Statistical Abstract de la Oficina del Censo de EE.UU. . 7. 60 centavosla cantidad ganada por Latinas por cada dlar ganado por los hombres anglosajones en 2011, segn la Asociacin Americana de Mujeres Universitarias 8. 92 por ciento-el porcentaje de las Latinas jvenes de 18 aos y menor que nacieron en los Estados Unidos, de acuerdo con el Censo del 2010 EE.UU.. 9. Seis veces el promedio nacional-el ritmo al que las empresarias Latinas inician negocios en los Estados Unidos. Entre 2002 y 2007 los negocios de propiedad Latina representa el segmento de ms rpido crecimiento del mercado de negocios de las mujeres. 10.53.044-el nmero de empresas con propietarias latinas y que incluyen empleados pagados en el ao 2007 segn la Oficina del Censo de los EE.UU. Esas empresas generaron un total de $ 39,556,475,000 en el valor de ventas, recibos o envos. Las Latinas constituyen un segmento creciente de la poblacin de los EE.UU. y como tal, sus desafos y su potencial son importantes para el bienestar econmico de nuestra nacin, nuestras comunidades y nuestras familias. Vanessa Crdenas es Directora de Progress 2050 en el Center for American Progress.

8:00 Clases d PM e Baile 8:30-11 :3 Baile So 0PM cia Disfrute de la m l:

He aqu lo que nuestro Concejal de la Asesora de la Comunidad Latina dice sobre el Grand Baile
El Grand Baile es una gran alternativa a muchos de los clubes de baile en Delaware. No slo es econmico, pero tambin obtendr una leccin de baile libre si eres suficientemente pronto! Ben Garcia, ALPFA

nete a nuestro evento en

Venga a la Mesa Market Street se ha convertido en una premier para destinaciones de comida, ofreciendo todo desde tapas y pizza gourmet hasta mariscos y catador de cerveza. Visite para obtener ms informacin. Estacionamiento gratis y econmico las tarifas de los garajes en Wilmington solo son $3-4 en las tardes, y encontraras 2 garajes cerca de la Grand. Custom House, debajo del DoubleTree Hotel en la Calle 7ma. y King o HyPark Garage en Shipley entre la 9na. y la 10ma Calle. Parqueo en la calle es gratis despus de las 6pm. Dnde estamos? El Grand est situado en el corazn de Market Street, entre 8 y 9. Studio 1, utilice la entrada frontal entre la taquilla y el baby grand y tomar el ascensor al piso 3. Encontrar una habitacin ntima y elegante, con pista de baile, barra de efectivo y bocadillos de taberna de Chelsea.

THEGRAND | 818 N. MARKET STREET | WILMINGTON, DE 19801 (302) 658-7897 |

10 Facts About Latino Women and Pay Inequity

Numbers Show Latinas Disproportionally Impacted by Unequal Pay
> Vanessa Crdenas Equal Pay Day tomorrow highlights the fact that women, particularly Latinas, still earn significantly less than men despite working just as hard and often harder. Additionally, Latinas earnings continue to lag behind those of their white, African American, and Asian counterparts. Latinas overall earn less, on average, than men and other women, which means that they must work longer for the same amount of pay. This puts Latinas at greater risk of economic insecurity for themselves and their families. Here are 10 key facts on this prominent sector of our nation: 1. 25 millionthe number of women in the United States who identify as Hispanic or Latina according to the 2010 American Community Survey. 2. $518the median weekly earnings for Latinas compared to white women ($703), black women ($595), and Asian women ($751). 3. 56.5 percentthe percentage of working-age Latinas who were participating in the nations workforce in 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 4. 29.1 percentthe percentage of Latino women who were uninsured in 2010. 5. 25 percentthe percentage of Hispanic families headed by women without a spouse in 2010, compared to 15 percent of white families, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 6. $39,566the mean yearly earnings of Latinas with a bachelors degree in 2009 ($31,720 less than white men), according to the U.S. Census Bureaus 2012 Statistical Abstract. 7. 60 centsthe amount Latinas earned for each dollar earned by white men in 2011, according to the American Association of University Women. 8. 92 percentthe percentage of Latinas 18 years and younger who were born in the United States, according to the 2010 U.S. Census. 9. Six times the national averagethe rate at which Latina entrepreneurs start businesses in the United States. Between 2002 and 2007 Latina-owned businesses represented the fastest-growing segment of the women-owned business market. 10. 53,044the number of businesses with paid employees that Latinas owned in 2007 according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Those firms had a combined $39,556,475,000 in sales value, receipts, or shipments. Latinas constitute a growing segment of the U.S. population and as such their challenges and potential are important to the economic well-being of our nation, our communities, and our families. Vanessa Crdenas is Director for Progress 2050 at the Center for American Progress.

West Chester, Pennsylvania BIENVENIDOS NUESTROS AMIGOS HISPANOS Y SUS FAMILIAS Brandywine Garden Apartments 215 North Everhart Avenue West Chester, PA 19380 Amplios Apartamentos con Balcn A distancia de caminar de la ciudad, centros comerciales y el Bus SEPTA Comenzando desde solo $675 mensuales mas utilidades Apartamentos Estudio y de dos y una Habitacin Disponibles Llame al : (610) 918-1694 Horario: L-V: 10.00A- 4.00P Sab: 10.00A-12.00P
SE BUSCA HELp WANTED Field Agent, Migrant Recruiter/Advocate

SI BUSCA TRABAJO Llame al 302-832 3620 Lunes a Viernes de 9 a 5 pm. para publicar un aviso gratis.

empleos jobs


CUIDO NIOS Necesito trabajo como niera, hablo un poco de ingles, soy muy dedicada y responsable. Favor llamar al 302-293-1225 con Jessica. BUSCO pERSONA pARA CORTAR CABELLO. Para trabajar en Salisbury MD llamar al 443859 2532 Juanita CARpINTERO SE OFRECE Tengo mucha experiencia, tengo todas las herramientas y trabajo a domicilo Cesar 512-634 7097 BUSCO TRABAJO En jardinera en Delaware o Maryland tel. 443- 880 8597 Jose Sena BUSCO TRABAJO en la tardes en Kennett, yarda o restaurante Tel. 484-908 2314 Clemente Gonzalez COCINERO Experiencia en comida gourmet e hispana en el area de Rehobooth, cualquier turno 302- 259 8796 Daniel Huertas. CORTO ARBOLES Y hago trabajos de mecnica. Miguel Aguila Tel. 803-622 8627 BUSCO TRABAJO Chofer o construccin en Newark. 302- 981 8954 Jose Quiroz BUSCO EMpLEO de ayudante de panadero para trabajar en el condado de Sussex. 302- 249 1520 Cesar Duarte COSTURERO BUSCO TRABAJO DE COSTURERO, tengo experiencia y ganas de trabajar. 302- 761 3098 Humberto Chavez. COSMETOLOGA Hago limpiezas faciales, tratamientos de piel, manicures, pedicuras. Servicios a domicilio en el norte de Delaware. Irma (302) 743-9920 pAYASO El payaso Teterete esta disponible para animar fiestas infantiles. Diversin Garantizada. Llame al 302 444 7661 BUSCO TRABAJO Limpieza o restuarante, por las tardes. Por favor llamar a Angel Hernandez 302- 358 7874

The Delaware Department of Education an AA/EOE seeks candidates for the above position. This position is a 10 month position with primary responsibilities including the recruitment of migrant children in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex Counties who are eligible to receive the state Migrant program services; act as an advocate for migrant children by assisting migrant families with support that will enable their children to enroll in and attend school. Minimum qualifications include a Bachelors Degree in education or a related field; minimum of three (3) years of experience in the field of education and/or working with migrant students; must speak Spanish fluently. Additional requirements for this position include working flexible hours; must have a valid drivers license and transportation; statewide travel is required. Must be eligible for Delaware licensure and certification in Spanish; meet Delawares PRAXIS I test of basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics requirements. Closing date for applications is May 4th. Detailed job description and the Departments job application are located on the Departments website at Please contact the Human Resource Office at 302.735.4030 if you have questions. MECANICO DE AUTOS Se busca mecanico de autos con experiencia para trabajar en Newark, DE inetresados comunicarse con Ruth Matos por el tel. 302494 7154 OpORTUNIDADES DE TRABAJO Westside Family Health is seeking to fill several open positions: Promotora/Health Educator, Driver/Security, Social Worker Bilingual required - Spanish and English Please e-mail resumes to or fax resumes to 302-504-3066, Attn: HR Dept BI-LINGUAL pARENT CONSULTANT/ASESORES DE pADRES Parent Information Center of Delaware Inc. 5570 Kirkwood Highway Wilmington, DE 19808 The Parent Information Center of Delaware provides information education and support to families of children with special needs or disabilities. Application Process: Cover letter and resume attention: Marie-Anne Aghazadian or fax 302-999-7637 or US mail to address above Posting expires when position is filled. Job Title: Location: New - Castle County Part-Time: 20 hours/week COCINEROS DOVER Se buscan cocineros con experiencia y preparadores con o sin experiencia, 40+ horas semanales, aplique en persona. Piazza Mia Italian Bar & Grill, 492 South Red Heaven Ln, Dover DE 19901, Tel 302-387-1870. WEEKEND RENTAL ASSISTANT, Oversee rental of non-profit facility on intermittent Saturdays and Sundays. Custodial duties included. Bilingual (Eng/ Span) preferred. Fax resume to 610-444-0282 or email to aoconnor@kennettseniorcenter. org.EOE CHOFER Con experiencia en seguridad para trabajar en De PA. Juan Jeshor 215-589 2308

BUSCO TRABAJO En plomera Jose Sanchez 240- 216 2553 BUSCO TRABAJO En fbrica o casa de familia. Georgetown 302- 249 7186 Nelita Garcia. BUSCO TRABAJO De costurero. Tengo experiencia en mquinas industriales, hablo ingls. 302- 563 5847 BUSCO TRABAJO EN CONSTRUCCIN Tengo experiencia en drywall, pisos etc. Newark 302- 981 8954 Miguel Dorantes BUSCO TRABAJO como chofer o farm los sbados y domingos en el condado de Chester, llame al 215-260-2021 Mario Ayala pINTOR Tengo experiencia en trabajos de pintura de casas, todas las herramientas, para trabajar en Delaware. Rigoberto Sanchez 302- 727 9486 CONSTRUCCIN Wilmington-Dover 302- 443 510 6811 pLOMERA DELAWARE Jose Sanchez 240- 216 2553 COSTURA- ALTERACIONES Todo en confeccin Lucy Romero 610- 888 8463 West Grove


LA IGLESIA SAN pABLO en la calle Van Buren y la calle 4 en Wilmington ofrece clases de Ingles gratis los domingos de 12 a 1:30. Para mas informacin llame a 302-655-6596. GRATIS-GRATIS! CLASES DE INGLES! Los domingos 11:15 am y miercoles de 6:30 a 7:55 pm 140 Airport Rd...New Castle, DE Ignacio (302) 328 3800 ex 94 pARROqUIA SAN JOSE 321 East Main Street en Middletown,Los Mircoles de 7:00 a 8:30 PM mas informacin llamar a Antonia al 302- 378 5805 ESL CLASES GRATIS Casa San Francisco, 125 Broad St.,Milton, (302) 684-8694.Lunes y Mircoles de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Todos los niveles.

NOW HIRING Shift Supervisors, Line Servers, Cooks, and Dishwashers

LACC En la calle 4 y Van Buren, Wilmington. para informacion llamar al tel 302- 655 7338 qUIERE MEJORAR SU INGLES? La iglesia Presbiteriana de la Gracia en Dover ofrece cursos desde principiantes, intermedios y avanzados. Los cursos son los jueves de 6:30-8:45 pm. Inscripcin en la Iglesia: 350 McKee Road, Dover, DE. Se facilita cuidado de los nios. Mas informacin:(302) 734-8150. THE SUSSEX TECH Divisin de adultos Ofrece ingles como segunda lengua Los mircoles y jueves de 7:15 - 9:15 p.m. Cualquiera que quiera aprender ingles puede asistir.En la ruta 9 carretera LaurelGeorgetown.Mas informacin: (302) 856-9035 CLASES DE INGLES Ingles basico por las maanas de Enero 23 a Marzo 8 Lunes y Miercoles de 9 a 11:30 am y por las tardes desde el 9 de enero a el 4 de abril, Lunes y miercoles de 7 a 9:00 pm. Tambien ofrecemos clases de ingles avanzado, Cecil College, 107 Railroad Avenue, Elkton, MD 21921 Salon 328 Para mas informacion, 410-392-3366 LINCOLN: Lincoln United Methodist Church ESL martes/jueves 9am-1pm 4-7pm information Laurie Holubik 398-8945 x30 Administered by Lake Forest School Early Childhood Center GEORGETOWN: Georgetown Middle School (intermedia) ESL 301Market St (luz intermitente) Lunes a jueves 6-8pm (cuidan nios) 856-1900 Administered by Indian River School District La Esperanza ESL/Ciudadania 216 north Race St. Georgetown, DE 19947 302 854-9262 Sussex Tech ESl 856-9035 SELBYVILLE: Selbyville Middle School ESL 80 Bethany Beach 302 436-1020 llame para dias y horas administered by Indian River School District BRIDGEVILLE ESL Phyllis Wheatley Middle School ESL Bridgeville, De 19933 (302) 337-3469 Administered by Sussex Tech H.S. HARBESON: CoolSpring Presbyterian Church ESL 288843 Log Cabin Hill Rd.Lewes, De 19958 (302 )249-5073 Lunes y Miercoles 6:30 -8:00pm SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACION Leila Borrero Krouse. La Casita 411 Wicomico Street, Suite A, Salisbury MD 21801

SUDOKU y cmo se juega

El objetivo es insertar los nmeros en las cajas con solo una condicin: cada fila, columna, y caja de 9 x 9 debe contener los nmeros del 1 al 9 nicamente una vez. Qu puede ser mas simple? Dicen que resolverlo requiere entre 10 y 30 minutos, segn seas de hbil con los nmeros y la lgica. Te invitamos a intentarlo y a pasar un rato entretenido que al mismo tiempo desarrolle tu capacidad de razonamiento. Disfrtalo!

Solucin al Anterior


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BIG DOWNTOWN LOT 507 East 3rd Street, Wilmington DE 19801 Call Joe 302-438 5453 SE VENDE Nevera -Color Almendra - $150 (no es side by side) Congelador tamao compacto - $50 Mueble de bao en madera pino, incluye lavamanos y pluma (faucet) -$60 4 sillas de counter (Counter stool) Unidad central de aire acondicionado York escucho oferta Y vendo otras cosas mas Llamar para enviar fotos y/o mas detalles as 302-834-3059 ALqUILO HABITACIONES EN NEWARK RUTA 273 $250 Y $350 LLAMAR AL TEL 302- 494 7154

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Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06


Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

calendario calendar
loS SeoreS Del TiemPo El Penn Museum de Filadelfia explora los orgenes de las predicciones del fin del mundo en 2012 con la nueva e importante exhibicin MAYA 2012: Los Seores del Tiempo, una exhibicin de estreno mundial que se inaugura el 5 de mayo, el Penn Museum confronta la fascinacin actual con el ao 2012 y compara las predicciones de un apocalipsis que transformara el mundo con sus supuestos orgenes en la antigua civilizacin maya. La exhibicin se presentar hasta el 13 de enero de 2013. Las entradas de admisin ncluyen la admisin al resto del museo Las entradas especiales para la exhibicin pueden adquirirse por Internet: maya2012, ANNuAl PHoTogrAPHic ArT exHibiT The Coastal Camera Club will again present to the public its annual photographic art exhibit and sale at the Nassau Valley Vineyards in Lewes, June 2-28, 2012. The Vineyard is open daily Monday through Saturday, 11 am5pm and Sundays, noon to 5 pm. Over 30 participating artists will be displaying their art photography in this unique local vineyard setting. In addition to enjoying the hanging art, visitors can observe the wine cellar through long glass viewing stations, a delightful backdrop to the art images. An Artists Reception will be held on June 10th, 2-4pm where visitors will be able to interact with the artists, ask questions, and learn more about the many different styles and techniques used by the represented artists. Refreshments, including the vineyards own wines will be served. For additional information visit CCCs website at The show will come down on the morning of June 29th. mAy mArkeT in HiSToric NeW cASTle, to be held on May 4 & 5, 2012. Arasapha Garden Club is sponsoring the event. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the beautification of our Historic Gardens. All proceeds from May Market will help us keep our Histoirc Gardens Growing at the Amstel and Dutch Houses and at the newly created North American Native Plant Garden at the back of the Dutch House Garden. The first picture attached below the Press Release is Linda Merrys Giclee print May Market, and the second picture is a photograph taken during May Market 2010. If you have any questions, please E-mail me at arasaphagarden@

SerVicioS A lA comuNiDAD
NEW CASTLE Centro Comunitario LatinoameriCano

WorkSHoP iN SPANiSH Delaware PTA Offers Common Core Workshop in Spanish The Delaware PTA continues to educate parents throughout the state on the Common Core State Standards initiative and its implementation in Delaware classrooms. On April 28 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Delaware PTA will present a Common Core workshop in Spanish at Warner Elementary School in Wilmington, in partnership with the Latin American Community Center. Common Core is a bipartisan, state-led effort to create and support consistent, rigorous English language arts and math standards for kindergarten through twelfth grade to be voluntarily adopted by states. Nearly all states, including Delaware, have adopted the Common Core standards. Delaware plans for full implementation by 2014. Last year, the Delaware PTA received a $40,000 grant from the National PTA to educate parents throughout the state about Common Core. Since then, the Delaware PTA has made numerous Common Core presentations at schools, community centers, and conferences. Participants at this workshop will learn: what Common Core is why Common Core matters to their families how the initiative will be implemented in Delaware how they can get involved in supporting the Common Core initiative To register for this free event, contact Nicole Gonzalez at the Latin American Community Center at 302-655-7338 or via e-mail at For additional information, contact Delaware PTA President-elect Susan Brown at 856-308-4831 or via e-mail at brown.susanj36@ Warner Elementary School is located at 801 W 18th St. in Wilmington.

Job Center @ Delaware Libraries, WILMINGTON Location

DoVer DAyS programs at state of Delaware museums on May 5, 2012, visitors to the 79th Annual Dover Days Festival will have an opportunity to enjoy the following programming that will be available at state of Delaware museums located in and around Delawares capital city of Dover. Dover Days at the John Dickinson Plantation. Activities include tours, colonial games and hearth cooking utilizing 18th-century recipes. John Dickinson Plantation, 340 Kitts Hummock Road, Dover, Del. 10 a.m.3:30 p.m. 302-739-3277. Freedom. Explore the dynamic stories of freedom which took place within the walls of one of the oldest state-house buildings in the United States. The Old State House, 25 The Green, Dover, Del. 9 a.m.4:30 p.m. Free admission. 302-744-5055. The Story of Nipper the Dog. Learn about Nipper, the famous trademark of the Victor Talking Machine Company and his English roots. Johnson Victrola Museum, 375 S. New St., Dover, Del. 9 a.m.4:30 p.m. 302-7445055. The Civil War: Five Delaware Soldiers Stories. Display exploring the experiences of five of the more than 13,000 Delawareans who fought in the American Civil War. First State Heritage Park Welcome Center and Galleries, Delaware Public Archives building, 121 Duke of York St., Dover, Del. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Free admission. 302-744-5055. The festival is held on the first full weekend in May on The Green and Legislative Mall, two beautiful outdoor parks in Dovers historic downtown district. Admission to Dover Days is free and open to the public, and free parking is readily available.
OPEN HOURS FOR JOB SEARCHING ASSISTANCE: Monday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Tuesday: 11am to 2pm Wednesday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Friday: 9:30am to 2pm During these open hours, drop in to receive one-on-one help with: ** Resumes & Cover Letters ** Interview Preparation ** Online Job Applications ** Email Account set-up ** Job Searching (including job leads, Internet job site navigation) ** Printers and scanners available; computers with Internet available ** Spanish-speaking job coach available Tuesday and Friday open hours ** Referrals to partner agencies providing GED preparation or job searching assistance for those with barriers to employment ** Classes in Computer Use, Linked In, Small Business and more Wilmington Public Library Job Center 10th and Market Streets (3rd Floor) 302-222-8507

4 0 2 N. V a N B u r e N S t r e e t , W ilmiNgtoN , De 19085. t el . 655-7338 La ofiCina nios y famiLia 301 N. HariSoN Street, WilmiNgtoN De 19805. tel.302- 655-6486 ameriCan CanCer soCiety 92 reaDS Way Suite 205, NeW CaStle Corporate CoNmoNS, NeW C aStle , De 19720. t el . 3244227 VoCes sin fronteras parroquia SaN paBlo, 1010 WeSt 4tH St. WilmiNgtoN, De 19805 tel. 576-4120 Caridad CatLiCa 260 W. 4 tH. Street, WilmiNgtoN, De 19805. 655-9624 ChiLd inC. 507 pHilaDelpHia pike, De 19809, tel.762-8989 Westside heaLth 1802 WeSt4 Street,WilmiNgtoN, De, 19805. tel. 655-5822 ayuda LegaL inmigrantes CommuNity SerViCe BuilDiNg, 100 WetS teHt Street, Suite 801, W ilmiNgtoN , De, 19801, t el . 575-0660. Westend neighborhood 710 N. liNColN, De, 19805 tel. 658-4171 h enrietta J ohnson m. 601 NeW CaStle aVe.WilmiNgtoN, De 19801tel 302.655.6187 diVisin de mantenimiento de Los nios CHurCHmaNS Corporate CeNter 84 a CHriStiaNa roaD, NeW CaStle, De 19702 VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL C oNDaDo De N eW C aStle 302761-9100 cancer care connection One Innovation Way, Suite 300, Newark, Delaware 19711. 302- 294-8551 or 866-2667008 (toll-free). http://www.

Job Center WILMING

CONDADO DE KENT HOURS FO OPEN deLmarVa ruraL ministries Monday: Tuesday: 26 W yomiNg a Ve . D oVer , De, Wednesd 19904. tel. 678-2000 Friday: 9 ChiLd inC. 2089 DupoNt HigHWay, DoVer During these open h diVision de mantenimiento& de L ** Resumes Cover Los nios ** Online Job Applicat CarrolS plaza, 114 Job Searching (inclu ** S. D upoNt ** Printers and scanne HWy. DoVer, De 19901

PArANormAl SemiNArS, FIREWORKS, PLEIN AIR ARTS COMPETITION For more information including exhibitor registration forms, car show entry forms, pet parade registration forms or weekend lodging packages, visit www., follow us on Facebook (Dover Days) or call Kent County Tourism, producers of the event, at 800-233-5368.

** Referrals CONDADO DE SUSSEX to partner or job searching Centro La esperanza ** Classes in Compute 216 NortH raCe Street, georgetoWN, De, 19947 Tel.302Wilmington Publi

** Spanish-speaking jo

DccA Summer@ Delaware Libraries, Job Center cAmP ProgrAmS 2012

Imagine, WILMINGTON Location Explore, CreateSix Sessions: June 25 - August 10 JOB SEARCHING ASSISTANCE: OPEN HOURS FOR Monday: is limited! REGISTER NOW! Space 5pm to 7:30 pm Tuesday: 11am to 2pm Ages 4 - 15
Wednesday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Friday: 9:30am to 2pm

854-9262 Fax 854-9277 302-222-8507 diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios 9 aCaDemy St. georgetoWN, De 19947 a b r i e n d o p u e r ta s a yu Da

10th and Market

Summer DAy cAmP Autism Delaware offers summer day camp in Lewes Applications are available at www. delautism.organd due by April 24. This years program runs from August 20 to 23 from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Specifically designed to accommodate children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) who will be in grades 3 to 11 in the next school year, the program offers structured summer activities in a safe and supported environment. Activities include swimming, sailing, navigating a rope course, and enjoying arts and crafts. For more information on how you can help, visit

The DCCA will offer six separate weekly camps from June 25 through During for open hours, Children will work with professionAugust 10, 2012theseages 4 - 15.drop in to receive one-on-one help with: ** Resumes & Cover Letters ** Interview Preparation ally trained Teaching Applications have full ** Email Account set-up access to DCCA galleries. ** Online Job Artists and Campers ** Job Searching (including job leads, Internet job site navigation) will explore contemporary takes on a number of art themes, ** Printers and scanners available; computers materials. Campers including technology, language, and innovativewith Internet available ** Spanish-speaking job coach available Tuesday and Friday open hours must bring their own lunch, agencies providing GED preparation ** Referrals to partner snacks, and beverages. In addition to regular camp hourssearchingbelow) optional weekly pre-camp (8 - 10 or job (listed assistance for those with barriers to employment ** Classes in Computer Use, Linked are available an more am) and post-camp (4 - 6 pm) sessionsIn, Small Businessfor and additional fee. On Fridays at 3:30 pm there will be anCenter art exhibition of the campWilmington Public Library Job ers work for friendsMarket Streets (3rd Floor) 10th and and family.

Need-based scholarships are available for all camp sessions. Additionally the DCCA has launched a highly successful program, now in its second year, called the Future Teaching Artists Program (FTA). This program is geared towards older teens ages 16 - 18 who are interested in gaining valuable career experience by assisting our Summer Camp programs and shadowing museum jobs. This is a great opportunity for students who need experience for college or job applications. Visit the DCCA website for more information or to register online: For more information regarding camps or scholarships for these programs please contact DCCAs Curator of Education Jane Chesson at or 302-656-6466 x7101.

DomeStiCa. OPEN HOURS FO tel. 745-9874 Monday: Centro de informaCin para Tuesday: padres Wednesd 1 0 9 N. B e D F o r D S t r e e t , 9 Friday: g eorgetoWN , De, 19947, t el . 302-856- 9880 During these open h ** Resumes & Cover L La Casita 308 N.railDroaD aVe**georgetoWN . Online Job Applicat ** Job Searching (inclu 856 9660 ** Printers and scanne Centro de saLud LaSpanish-speaking jo ** red 505-a W e S t m a r kReferrals e e partner ** e t S t r to t , or job t el . g eorgetoWN , De, 19947. searching ** Classes in Compute 855-1233 teLamon Corp. Wilmington Publi StoCkley CeNter W-3.10th and Market georgetoWN, De, 19947. tel. 934-1642 302-222-8507 Lnea de apoyo para VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL CoNDaDo De SuSSex y keNt 1-800262-9800

Job Center para mujereS VCtimaS De VioleNCia WILMING

CONDADO DE CHESTER PA La Comunidad hispana 314 e. State St. keNNett Square, pa, 19348 telFoNo: 610-388 72 59 misin santa mara 37 S peNNSylVaNia aVe, aVoNDale, pa 19311, telFoNo 610-268 3365 programa madrina oxForD - (610) 444-4002 keNNett Square,(610) 444-4002 (610) 917-1360
DelAWAre HelPliNe 1-800-464 4357 mara para espaol

Delaware 20 de Abril 2012 Vol 7 No.06

El Tiempo Hispano Delaware Bilingual Newspaper



Si ha sufrido un accidente, obtenga la ayuda e informacin que necesita rpido y gratis!
Tiene dolor y necesita ver a un mdico? Tiene el auto daado? No puede trabajar debido a sus lesiones? La Lnea Hispana de Accidentes puede ayudarle a obtener cuidado mdico aunque no tenga seguro y todo es estrictamente confidencial. Adems usted puede tener derecho a recibir compensacin por dolor y sufrimiento.

Anuncio por parte de los doctores en medicina quiroprctica Nikki Patel DC, Trisha Mangano DC, Kent Messer DC


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