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Lets read Seeing a dentist Semana 8

Lets read ...Seeing a dentist Semana 8

Lets learn
/lets lern/
Vamos a aprender

En este tema, dedicado a la comprensin de la lectura, repasaremos lo estudiado

durante las semanas Ns 3, 5, 8 y 11 del 8vo semestre. Los contenidos vistos, adems
de que engloban las estrategias bsicas de lectura, se enfocan en el uso de los conec-
tores, para conocer cmo se encuentran enlazadas las oraciones de un texto y el uso
del vocabulario para determinar el tema del texto.

Lets start
/lets start/
Vamos a comenzar

En la semana N 8 del rea de Ciencias estars estudiando lo relacionado con la sa-

lud dental. Realiza un resumen de los contenidos de esa semana y haz una lista de
las palabras claves de ese tema; es decir, las palabras que ms se repiten y que estn
relacionadas con la idea central.

Luego, busca en el diccionario la diferencia entre la palabra tooth y teeth. Subraya

en la lectura las palabras compuestas relacionadas con tooth, por ejemplo, toothpas-
te. Escribe su equivalente en espaol. Finalmente, subraya las expresiones relaciona-
das con tooth, por ejemplo, tooh abrasion.

Lets focus
/lets fukus/
Vamos a enfocarnos

Antes de comenzar a leer, recuerda aplicar las estrategias de prelectura.

How to brush your teeth properly

It is important that you know how to brush your teeth properly to prevent conditions
such as gingivitis and tooth decay. Incorrect brushing technique can also lead to tooth
abrasion, a condition in which the surface of the tooth is worn away. The number one
cause of tooth abrasion is from a toothbrush. The delicate gum tissue is also at risk
for damage from the toothbrush bristles, causing tooth sensitivity from exposed root
surfaces. Follow these instructions, and learn how to brush your teeth properly.
Semana 8 Lets read Seeing a dentist

First, apply a thin strip of toothpaste on your premoistened toothbrush. Then, start
with the upper left molars (back teeth) concentrating on the front surface of the tooth;
you will be working in a clockwise direction from there. The average toothbrush head
will cover 2 to 3 teeth at a time. After that, hold the toothbrush parallel to your teeth,
and point the bristles in the direction of the tissue, so they are resting slightly below
the gumline. Apply slight pressure to the bristles, so they are slightly bent. Gently
move the brush in a circular motion for approximately 20 brush strokes, or roughly 10
seconds. When brush strokes are complete, roll the bristles away from the gum tissue
in a sweeping motion. Continue the above steps until all of the front surfaces of the
top and bottom teeth have been cleaned.

Next, move on to the inside surfaces of the teeth and repeat steps described above
with the upper and lower premolars and molars. When you are ready to clean the
inside surface of the front teeth, known as the lingual surface, take the tip of the too-
thbrush, and in a flicking motion, direct the toothbrush from the gumline down. Do
this 2 to 3 times. Follow the last step for the inside of the lower front teeth, but this
time the flick will be directed up, again, away from the gumline. Do this 2 to 3 times.
Brush the biting surface of the upper and lower premolars and molars. Gently brush
your tongue and the inside of your cheeks. Finally, rinse with water or mouthwash.

Saber ms

Lets know a little bit more

/lets nu i lrel bit mor/
Vamos a conocer un poco ms

El uso correcto del hilo dental, nos ayuda a mantener nuestra salud bucal, y evi-
ta que debamos recurrir a tratamientos, que pueden resultar poco agradables
pero necesarios, para seguir gozando de nuestras piezas dentales. Visualiza va-
rios videos interesantes en las siguientes direcciones web:

- ;
Lets read Seeing a dentist Semana 8

Lets work
/lets urk/
Vamos a trabajar

1. Utiliza un resaltador para sealar en el texto las palabras o expresiones que ms

se repiten. Luego, escrbelas en espaol.
2. Con las palabras identificadas, escribe de qu trata el texto.
3. Clasifica segn su funcin los conectores que se encuentran resaltados en el
texto. Utiliza el cuadro de conectores que se muestra en la semana N 14 de la
gua de Ingls de 8vo.

Lets have a reading

/lets jav i rding/
Gum disease and health

Often taken for granted, the monotonous task of brushing and flossing our teeth
daily has never been more important in order to avoid gum disease and the risks gum
disease place on our overall health. It has been estimated that 75% of people have
some form of gum disease, which has been linked to serious health complications and
causes various dental problems that are often avoidable. What is gum disease?

Sigue leyendo acerca de cmo influyen las enfermedades de las encas en nuestra
salud en general, en la siguiente direccin web:

Semana 8 Lets read Seeing a dentist

Lets create
/lets criit/
Vamos a crear

Prepara una exposicin oral, en ingls, relacionada con la salud dental. Apyate en
los videos observados para el uso del vocabulario y la pronunciacin. Haz tu presenta-
cin frente a los compaeros del CCA o a tus familiares. Recuerda enlazar cada oracin
utilizando los conectores de secuencia que estudiaste en esta unidad.

Explcale a un familiar o conocido, que no tenga dominio del ingls, qu debe hacer
cuando lee para determinar de qu trata un determinado texto escrito en ingls.


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