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Crea tu dilogo!
A. In pairs, practice these dialogues.


Estudiante 1: Te gusta tu familia?

Estudiante 2: S, me gusta mucho mi familia.
Estudiante 1: Y ellos son inteligentes?
Estudiante 2: No mucho. Mi pap es muy tonto.
Estudiante 1: Tienen muchos compaeros de clase?
Estudiante 2: S, tenemos muchos compaeros de clase.
Estudiante 1: Sus compaeros de clase son antipticos?
Estudiante 2: No, nuestros compaeros de clase son muy simpticos.
Estudiante 1: Usted viene de su clase de matemticas?
Estudiante 2: No, vengo de mi clase de contabilidad.
Estudiante 1: Usted cree que la contabilidad es fcil?
Estudiante 2: No, yo creo que la contabilidad es difcil.

B. Now, combine words from the boxes below to create two conversations, similar to those in
activity A. Present them to the class.
Emilio y t


el profesor de arte
los periodistas
su casa
el cuaderno


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A conversar! Read the description of each personality. Enact the role of any of the characters on
this page and the next page, and walk around the room greeting your classmates in Spanish. They
must guess which character you chose, and you must find out which one they chose. You can switch
characters whenever you want.

Estudiante 1: Hola. Cmo ests?

Estudiante 2: Mal.
Estudiante 1: Eres muy antiptica!
Estudiante 2: No me gusta hablar con las personas, y qu?
Estudiante 1: Eres Liliana?
Estudiante 2: S.

This is Pedro. He is very intelligent and loves to read. He doesnt

have many friends and can be very silly.

Marcela is nice and easygoing. She loves going to the beach.

This is Mariano. He is fat and short. He loves to cook but he does

everything wrong in the kitchen.

Luis is tall and strong and always wants girls to look at him. He
thinks he is intelligent but is actually not very smart.


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This is Liliana. She hates reading books and doing homework.

She is very unpleasant and doesnt like talking to people.

Mr. Rodrguez is very old but important. He is always very kind

to people.

This is Diana. Diana yells at people all the time and always thinks
she is sick. She complains constantly and is very ugly.

This is Andrs. He is very easygoing and calm. He loves to share

with others and give hugs. He is short and thin.

This is Fernando. He is fat and handsome. He loves to sing and sings

even when talking to people. He thinks he is always on stage.

Sara is a dancer and practices all the time, even while she is talking
to others. She is slender and very interesting.

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Cul es tu familia? Your instructor will give you a role-play card with a description of you and
your family. Walk around the room and talk to your classmates until you find all your family members.
Once the whole family is together, prepare a presentation where your family presents itself to the rest of
the class and each member describes his/her personality.


Estudiante 1: Hola. Cuntos aos tienes?

Estudiante 2: Tengo 55 aos.
Estudiante 1: Tienes hijos?
Estudiante 2: S, tengo una hija alta y bonita.
Estudiante 1: Cuntos aos tiene tu hija?
Estudiante 2: Tiene 23 aos.
Estudiante 1: Mam!


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Cul es tu familia?
Time: 30 minutes
Resources: Role-play cards
Instructions: Photocopy the role-play cards and cut out as many as needed. Hand each student a

card and have them walk around the classroom and talk with their classmates until they find their
family members. Once the families are reunited, have them prepare a presentation in which each
family member presents him/herself to the rest of the class and talks about his/her personality. Be
sure all students participate.
You can vary the activity by asking students to bring costumes to class so they can wear clothing or
makeup to look like their character. Have the class vote for the most creative, fun, or curious one.

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Role-play cards
T eres: mdico,
francs, 53 aos

Tu familia:
esposa: alta y bonita, 45 aos
hijos e hijas: un hijo, artista, inteligente y simptico, 25 aos; dos gemelos:
uno es pelirrojo y simptico, el otro (other) es moreno y antiptico, 12 aos

T eres: alta y
bonita, 45 aos

Tu familia:
esposo: mdico, francs, 53 aos
hijos e hijas: un hijo, artista, inteligente y simptico, 25 aos; dos gemelos:
uno es pelirrojo y simptico, el otro (other) es moreno y antiptico, 12 aos

T eres: artista,
inteligente y
simptico, 25 aos

Tu familia:
pap: mdico, francs, 53 aos
mam: alta y bonita, 45 aos
hermanos y hermanas: dos hermanos gemelos, uno es pelirrojo y simptico
y el otro (other) es moreno y antiptico, 12 aos

T eres: pelirrojo y
simptico, 12 aos

Tu familia:
pap: mdico, francs, 53 aos
mam: alta y bonita, 45 aos
hermanos y hermanas: un hermano, artista, inteligente y simptico, 25 aos;
un hermano gemelo, moreno y antiptico

T eres: moreno y
antiptico, 12 aos

Tu familia:
pap: mdico, francs, 53 aos
mam: alta y bonita, 45 aos
hermanos y hermanas: un hermano, artista, inteligente y simptico, 25 aos;
un hermano gemelo, pelirrojo y simptico

T eres: mdico,
gordo, interesante,
48 aos

Tu familia:
esposa: baja y delgada, 45 aos
hijos e hijas: una hija, artista, bonita y baja, 22 aos
yernos y nueras: un yerno, periodista, guapo y simptico, 28 aos
nietos y nietas: un nieto, rubio, 2 aos

T eres: baja y
delgada, 45 aos

Tu familia:
esposo: mdico, gordo, interesante, 48 aos
hijos e hijas: una hija, artista, bonita y baja, 22 aos
yernos y nueras: un yerno, periodista, guapo y simptico, 28 aos
nietos y nietas: un nieto, rubio, 2 aos

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Role-play cards

T eres: rubio,
2 aos

Tu familia:
mam: artista, bonita y baja, 22 aos
pap: periodista, guapo y simptico, 28 aos
abuelo: mdico, gordo, interesante, 48 aos
abuela: baja y delgada, 45 aos
tos y tas: una ta, bonita y tonta, 25 aos

T eres: periodista,
guapo y simptico,
28 aos

Tu familia:
hermanos y hermanas: una hermana, bonita y tonta, 25 aos
cuados y cuadas: un cuado, alto y delgado, ingls, 27 aos
esposa: artista, bonita y baja, 22 aos
hijos e hijas: un hijo, rubio, 2 aos
suegro: mdico, gordo, interesante, 48 aos
suegra: baja y delgada, 45 aos

T eres: bonita y
tonta, 25 aos

Tu familia:
hermanos y hermanas: un hermano, periodista, guapo y simptico, 28 aos
cuados y cuadas: una cuada, artista, bonita y baja, 22 aos
sobrinos y sobrinas: un sobrino, rubio, 2 aos
novio: alto y delgado, ingls, 27 aos

T eres: alto y
delgado, ingls,
27 aos

Tu familia:
novia: bonita y tonta, 25 aos
cuados y cuadas: un cuado, periodista, guapo y simptico, 28 aos

T eres: alto y
gordo, 60 aos

Tu familia:
hijos e hijas: un hijo, programador, gordo y feo, 40 aos; una hija, ingeniera,
guapa y trabajadora, 32 aos
yernos y nueras: una nuera, antiptica e inteligente, puertorriquea, 37 aos

T eres:
programador, gordo
y feo, 40 aos

Tu familia:
pap: alto y gordo, 60 aos
hermanos y hermanas: una hermana, ingeniera, guapa y trabajadora, 32 aos
esposa: antiptica e inteligente, puertorriquea, 37 aos

T eres:
antiptica e inteligente,
37 aos

Tu familia:
esposo: programador, gordo y feo, 40 aos
suegro y suegra: un suegro, alto y gordo, 60 aos
cuados y cuadas: una cuada, ingeniera, guapa y trabajadora, 32 aos

T eres: ingeniera,
guapa y trabajadora,
32 aos

Tu familia:
pap: alto y gordo, 60 aos
hermanos y hermanas: un hermano, programador, gordo y feo, 40 aos
cuados y cuadas: una cuada, antiptica e inteligente, puertorriquea, 37 aos

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