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Table of contents:

• Gay Chile News & Reports 2003-4, 2004, Global Gayz

• Madres de homosexuals asesinados se unen por primera vez para pedir justicia en

Chile, 12110/04, OpusGay ,

• L Otro Hecho de Discriminacion? 12/6/04,

• Chile: EI Liceo D-559 Espana de Concepcion reintegr6 a clases a una de las dos menores suspendidas por presunta conducta lesbica, 1114/04, GLAAD Bolentina de Medios LGBT en America Latina y Estados Unidos

• Chile: Presidente del Movilhobtuvo cerca de dos mil votos en elecciones municipals, 1114/04, GLAAD Bolentina de Medios LGBT en America Latina y Estados Unidos

• "Homosexuales y ladrones no tienen derechos", 11/3/04, Acci6n Familia

• Ministerio de Educaci6n y Movih avanzaran en estrategia anti-homofobia en Chile, 7127/04, GLAAD Bolentina de Medios LGBT en America Latina

• Chilean ruling forces gay parents to choose between children, closet, 7/9/04, Washington Blade

• Chilean Supreme Court takes lesbian's children, 6/14/04, Rex Wockner

• Chile: High Court Discriminates Against Lesbian Mother, 6/2/04, Human Rights Watch

• Homosexual in Chile Today: Lights and Shadows, Spring 2004, Re Vista

• Judge's decision to allow homosexual couple to adopt rejected in Chile, 4/7/04, Catholic News Agency

• La homosexualidad es una enfermedadque puede ser curada, 4/2/04,

• Cross-Dressing in the Crosshairs, 1/15/04, AlterNet

• Chile: Fear for safety. Rodrigo L6pez Barrera, President of TravesChile of Aconcagua, V Region, 116/04, Amnesty International

• . Case 5627 (Supplemental material for a Chile asylum case based on sexual orientation), 2003

• En un 37 porciento aumentaron las denuncias por homofobia en Chile durante el 2003, 12/20/03,OpusGay

• Travesti entrega carta al Presidente de Chile denunciando represi6n de carabineros, 817/03, Sentido G

• Articulo 373: EI Latigazo Legal Que Castiga a los Homosexuales Chilenos, 7/10/03, OpusGay

• Hist6rico: homosexuals ingresaron proyecto de parejas al Congreso Chileno, 6/16/03, GLAAD LGBT Latino Media Activist List

• Amnistia Internacional demanda a gobiernos erradicar todo tipo de discriminacion, 5/29/03,OpusGay

• Brutal Attack Against Offices of Trans Group (in Spanish), 4/23/03

• Amnistia Internacional podria estudiar casos llevados por el Movilh, 4/1/03, Sentido G

• A 48 ascendieron las denuncias por homofobia, 1/11103, Movilh


Double sided pages: 42

The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) makes every effort to ascertain the accuracy of the items contained in this packet which are products of its own research. Nevertheless, some of the information contained is based on research by third parties unconnected with IGLHRC. Accordingly, IGLHRC cannot assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this packet obtained by these third parties.


The information contained in the packet was supplied solely for the purpose of supporting an asylum or immigration claim. This information cannot be used in any other way without the consent ofIGLHRC.

Chile News Reports 2003-04

4/5/2005 12:34 PM

Gay Chile News & Reports 2003-04

1 Bill to support same-sex couples advances in Chile 6/03

2 Judge scandal is step back for homosexuals in Chile 11/03

3 Anti";AIDS commercials in Chile spark media backlash 12/03

4 Ruling in Chile forces gay parents to choose between the closet, parenting rights 7/

04 .

5 September 14-17: 3rd Latin American and Caribbean Regional Conference 8/04


June 11, 2003


Bill to support same-sex couples advances in Chile


Chilean lawmakers sent a bill to Congress Wednesday to grant legi:d status to gayand lesbian couples in a bid to liberalize the country's conservative family laws.

In Chile, a Catholic nation where divorce is illegal, gays suffer discrimination, as in much of Latin America where a macho culture dominates. The law would allow same-sex couples who have lived together for at least two years to legalize their union through a civil contract granting them rights to pensions and inheritances. Lawmakers estimate the law will benefit some 300,000 Chileans.

But the right-wing opposition has vowed to defeat the bill. But the law would not permit same-sex marriages or the adoption of chifdren. It would allow couples to split on the grounds of family violence or mutual agreement. "Our society is not that conservative. A small powerful group is holding Chilean society hostage because they don't want to reform the laws so that citizens have the option of choosing their own lifestyle," sald deputy Maria Antonieta Saa, one of the backers of the bill.

"With this bill, we are changing the human rights record of segregation, violence and discrimination that is part of our national culture with regards to sexual minorttles," said Roland Jimenez, spokesman for gay rights group Movilh. Legislators in Argentina's capital, Buenos Aires, passed a similar law last December in amove hailed as the first in Latin America.

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November 14, 2003


Judge scandal is step back for homosexuals in Chile

. By Fiona Ortiz SANTIAGO, Chile

Homosexuals in Chile got a rude reminder of the limits of social tolerance in their country when a respected judge lost an assignment after a television station exposed his visits to a gay bathhouse.

Many homosexuals in Chile believed they had won a breakthrough this year when a popular evening soap opera took a risk and included a gay character, Ariel. But that optimism was dampened when a prominent judge - who says he is not gay - suffered a major career setback over his association with a homosexual establishment. "In one week we lost everything we had gained in nine months with the Ariel character," said Juan Cristobal, a 31- year-old journalist who is open about his sexual preference, something rare among gays and lesbians in Chile.

The curfews and censorship of Chile's long, repressive military regime ended in 1990 and a center-left government has run the country for 13 years. But this South American strip of vineyards and copper mines is still socially conservative and one of the only countries in the world where divorce is illegal.

The homosexual movement here is taking its first steps, while in Argentina same-sex civil unions are legal in the capital and in Mexico a lesbian won a seat in Congress. Periodic polls by the University of Chile show that Chile's 15 million people are increasingly accepting of homosexuality but the majority of homosexuals fear they could lose their jobs if they came out in the workplace/ said Rolando Jimenez, president of the homosexual rights group Movilh.

That fear was reinforced last week in the case of Judge Daniel Calvo, a married father of five. Calvo, who is respected for his human rights work, became a very public figure in October/ when the Supreme Court assigned him to head the criminal investigation into a suspected pedophile ring that had been making headlines for days.

Bathhouse Tattler

A few weeks into Calvo's investigation, the former owner of a gay bathhouse told local television reporters Calvo had been his client. He said he believed someone who led a double life was not qualified to handle the pedophilia accusations. The reporters set up the informant with a hidden camera and he met Calvo and drew him into a conversation about the visits to the bathhouse/ a place where men met for casual sex. When Calvo found out the television station was about to air the conversation, he made a public statement that he had gone to the bathhouse but said he was not gay.

The Supreme Court removed Calvo from the case, citing the damaging media storm over

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his private life and saying the judge was vulnerable to extortion attempts. "The Calvo case is a setback for homosexuals," said Fernando Mata, a sociologist who works for a government anti-discrimination program. Carolina Toha, a member of Congress for the Liberal Party for Democracy, criticized the court's decision. "If we are going to be so strict about people's double lives, we should punish with the same enerqy those who have lovers," Toha wrote in a newspaper column Thursday. "What homosexual who has a public position doesn't lead a double life in Chile? There is no state authority in this country that has come out as a gay."


December 3, 2003


Anti-AIDS commercials in Chile spark media backlash

By Ignacio Badal SANTIAGO, Chile

The Chilean government's media campaign against AIDS hit a roadblock this week when three leading television channels refused to air commercials, including one showing a gay couple in bed. The channels said the commercials, which promote condom use, violated their editorial policies. "The ads fail to address the negative consequences of promiscuous sexual conduct to people and their families. On the contrary, they suggest that such conduct is an option or a model for personal fulfillment," said Channel 13, which is owned by Chile's Catholic University.

Two other channels showed the series of four commercials, which the government launched Monday for World AIDS Day along with radio jingles, pamphlets and bus-stop posters. The commercials feature a married man who has a lover, a teen-ager having unprotected sex, a housewife whose husband is cheating on her and a gay couple. Chile, where divorce is illegal, is considered one of the most socially conservative nations in Latin America. Throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, homophobia is one of the biggest obstacles to proper treatment of an estimated 2 million people with AIDS-HIV in the region, according to a study by the Pan-American Health Organization. Chile's Roman Catholic Church, like the Vatican, has spoken out against the government's emphasis on condoms to stop the

spread of AIDS. The government expressed disappointment at the backlash. .

"We're talking about people dying here," said government spokesman Francisco Vidal. "I have my own opinion about infidelity and homosexuality, but they exist. So how do we deal with a problem like this? Looking at the ceiling or dealing with it?" Some 4,000 Chileans have died of AIDS and 28,OnO are infected with the HIV virus, according to the government, which has promised free anti-retroviral treatment for them through donations from international organizations. The commercials show people looking in the mirror and asking themselves why they are not taking precautions against HIV-AIDS. They are based on studies showing Chileans are well-informed about the causes of AIDS but do little to prevent it.

Knight Ridder Newspa pers, /news/world/ 9058910.htm

. http://www.globalgayz.comfchile-news.html

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Chile News Reports 2003-04

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July 1, 2004


Ruling in Chile forces gay parents to choose between the closet, parenting rights

By Kevin G. Hall


Judge Karen Atala had the love of her three daughters and commanded the respect of Chilean lawyers arguing cases in her courtroom. Now, all across the deeply conservative Andean nation, she's known simply as "the lesbian judge." Atala became an unwitting public figure and international gay-rights symbol when Chile's Supreme Court, ina controversial 3-2 decision May 31, overruled two lower courts and awarded custody of her children to her ex-husband, Jaime Lopez.

The small-town judge wasn't an alcoholic, promiscuous or a negligent mother - reasons Chilean courts usually place children in the custody of their fathers. Atala's "grave" mothering mistake was admitting she's a lesbian who took a partner. In South America's most conservative nation, the court ruling sought to bolster the Roman Catholic Church's definition of traditional families. Monsignor Cristian Contreras, an auxiliary bishop in Santiago, praised the "commonsense" approach of the judges.

Gay rights groups have been galvanized by the decision, and Chile is seeing a debate like the one under way in the United States over state-sanctioned marriage and the inheritance rights of same-sex couples. How it plays out in Chile might affect gay rights throughout Latin


Three judges on the Chilean high court ruled that Atala, 39, "imposed her own interests, deferring those of her children" by living with art historian Emma de Ramon, the daughter of a famed

Atala had taken the kids to family therapy, anticipating the need for counseling to deal with the complex change in family structure. The two judges who voted in favor of Atala blasted the decision as discriminatory. "Thisis a ruling based on a public morals standard that contradicts essential elements of democratic society," Juan Pablo Olmedo, Atala's attorney, said in an interview.

Atala, who lived in the central town of Villarrica, didn't disclose her sexuality openly and belonged to no gay rights groups. The limelight was thrust on her when her former husband - who originally accepted her being lesbian when they split in February 2002 - sued for custody. By that time, Atala and de Ramon were living together in Villarrica. They've since moved to Los Andes, an hour from Santiago and 500 miles from Atala's children.

"It fell on us, and the violence that they have brought with all of this," de Ramon, 44, said in an interview.

Atala, a federally appointed local judge, is on a voluntary leave of absence and isn't granting interviews. De Ramon said her partner was seeking treatment for a deep depression that followed the loss of her daughters. Atala's girls - aged 9, 5 and 4 - now are living with Lopez. Lopez, a lawyer, has since had his new girlfriend move in. Lopez's attorney didn't respond to requests for an interview. In an interview with Chile's EI Sabado magazine, Lopez said he didn't think an "alternative" family was good for his daughters.

"Nobody asked them whether they wanted to be 'alternative' girls. I don't want my kids to be

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the rallying flag or icons for the homosexual movement," Lopez said. Atala, he said, could be a lesbian in private, just not in the context of being a mother.

The ruling struck widespread fear into Chile's sizable gay population. "We are very afraid," said Alejandra Arevana, whose lesbian partner has children. The Supreme Court's ruling, she said, tells lesbians "you cannot be one publicly, say you are or live with your partner if you have kids." Arevana said she knew of five cases in which lesbian mothers lied in court to avoid the decision Atala was handed. As a judge, Arevana reasoned, Atala could hardly lie to the court.

Soledad Larrain, a family therapist in Santiago and a pioneer in Chilean women's-rights issues, said the country's lesbian mothers were forced to choose between sexuality and motherhood rights. "Many lesbians who live with their children are now afraid to go public," she said.

Chileans appear divided on the ruling. An opinion poll published June 7 in the daily newspaper La Tercera said 46 percent opposed the court ruling and 50 percent supported it. The support for Atala was surprising for a country generally guided by strong Catholic values and the legacy of right-wing dictator Augusto Pinochet, who ruled from 1973 to 1990. Many of today's highest judges came up through the regime, and.Pinochet left Chile with a constitution that even today remains difficult to amend .

. Conservative Chile didn't have a divorce law on the books until just this year, and there's still no legal recognition of common-law marriages, meaning that opposite-sex partners who share a life without getting married have no inheritance rights. The court decision virtually ensures that same-sex couples will demand a seat at the table when Chile tries to legally recognize what u.s. courts define as common-law marriage. "We are still in diapers when it comes to civil recognition of gay marriages," said Marco Ruiz, who heads the United Sexual Minorities Movement in Santiago. Gay rights groups also want clearer legal and constitutional prohibitions on discrimination due to homosexuality, he said, and tougher criminal penalties for gay bashing.

As in many Latin countries, social life in Chile is more liberal than its laws. Santiago, the biggest city, offers dozens of gay and lesbian bars, and their patrons aren't shy about their sexuality.

"I have a hard time figuring out what made people shift. I think globalization is part of it - that elsewhere in the developed world it is 'normal' to be gay," said Tim Frasca, a gay journalist from Galion, ohto, who settled in Chile 21 years ago. "You now have a sort of pre-1960s level of well-meaning tolerance - which is not the same thing as rights." Chilean families, he said, tolerate gays and lesbians providing "they don't lose respect," a euphemism for public displays of homosexuality.

• Knight Ridder special correspondentHartln Noboa contributed to this report.

IGLA, Latin America and Caribbean

Sa ntiago de Chile

August 8, 2004


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Chile News Reports 2003-04

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September 14-17:3rd Latin American and ·Caribbean Regional Conference

Homosexualities, globalization and social movements in Latin America, are the topics that will open the conference of the International Lesbian and Gays Association (IlGALAC) in September.

This third ILGALAC Conference will take place during the celebration of Pride Week and Chile's National Independence, between September 14th and 17th.

The weeks begins with the Social Forum for Sexual Diversity, an activity that opens the participation of social and political Chilean organizations in the Chilean Social Forum that will

take place this. upcoming November. .

The topics that are in the agenda will be centered on legal and regulative advances that have been made in previous years. This evaluation will focus on the context of the economic, political and cultural globalization that the region is experiencing, in order to start a debate about the role of GLBTTI organization inthis context.

During the three days of session an Action Plans is expected to be developed for the next

two years as well as the election of new Regional Chairs, who are currently held by Rosangela Castro and Carlos Sanchez, former Director of Movimiento Unificado de Minodas Sexuales Chile (Chile Unified Movement of Sexual Minorities) and current President of the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores yTrabajadoras luis Gauthier (Luis Gauthier National Workers Union). Translation: Proyecto Agenda LGBT

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OpusGay - Madre. de homosexual es chilenos dan I. care/ OpusGay/ Chile

41612005 1O:4'} AM


En el marco del Dia Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, fami/fares y amigos de gays y trensqeneros asesinados en Chile demandaron sanciones contra los responsab/es de los delitos par homofobia. "No queremos seguir dejando a nuestros hijos en los cementerios", dijeron las madres de las victimes, respaJdadas par el movimiento homosexual y representantes del Parlamento.




Por D.U

10 de diciembre, 2004 (OpusGay).- La ultima vez que la senora Margarita Salazar vio a su unica hija, la transqenero Barbara Rivero, fue catastroftca. Tendida en un pasillo del Hospital Parroquial de San Bernardo, Barbara agonizaba producto de un paro respiretorio y un tee cerrado ocasionado por slsternatlcos golpes con fierro que Ie propin6 a todo su cuerpo un hombre

hornofcblco Madres y hermanos de las vfctimas junto a la diputada Saa y el presidente del Movilh

A la brutal aqreslon ffsica,

padectda la noche del pasado 11 de julio por la transqenero de apenas 21 afios, se sumo una "tuerte discrimlnscion en el Hospital Parroquial", recuerda can laqrimasMarqarlta.

It Los funcionarios -de! Hospital la dejaron en el pasi/lo argumentando que mi hija estaba borracha. No fa atendieron en ningun momento. Entonces fa trasladamos al Hospital Barros Luco donde reconocieron que sf mi hija hubiera sido asistida a tiempo se habrfa sa/vado de su muerte", ocurrida 24 horas mas tarde del ataque homof6bico, agrega.


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OpusGay - Madres de hornosexuales chilena. dan I. cara/ OpucGay/ Chile

4/612005 10:49 AM

A pesar de que el hecho estaba en conocimiento del Movimiento de Inteqraclon y Liberaci6n Homosexual (Movilh), grupo que asistio a los funerales de la victima y presento una querella contra los responsables, el caso jam as habra salido a la luz publica, pues sus parientes no estaban preparados para enfrentarlo.

Superada en alguna medida la depresi6noriginal, Margarita decldlo dar la cara y clamar por justicia en nombre de todos los jovenes homosexuales que son discriminados. En su Hamado no estuvo sola, pues fue acornpafiada por otras mad res, familiares y amigos de gays y transqeneros asesinados 0 agredidos fisicamente en razon de su

identidad de genero u orientaclon sexual. .

EI Hamado publico de las madres se qesto luego que el Movilh coordinara para hoy, el Dia Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, una conferencia de prensa realizada en compaiHa de la diputadaMaria Antonieta Saa.

"En este pais, donde a cada instante se vulneran 105 intereses de las minorias sexuales, todavia no existe conciencia de que la homofobia es una violecion a 105 derechos humanos. Por eso escogimos este dfa y ap/audimos que las madres valientemente hubieran accedido a nuestra peticion de hacer publico su testimonio para asi sensibifizar a la ciudadania en este tipo de crlmenes", sefialo el Iider del Movilh, Rolando Jimenez.


Aunque el crimen de Barbara terrnino, a diferencia de la mayorfa de los asesinatas par homofobia, con el encarcelamiento del homicida, los amigos de la transqenero alegan que jarnas el Hospital Parroquial les dio una explicaclon por la "bumlltecion que Ie hicieron sentir en sus iittimos minutos de vida".

"Por eso rec/amamos por la discrtminecion que sutrio Barbara y por el derecho que tiene cada persona a ser feliz", indica Fabiola Martinez, una amiga de la victima quien recuerda que la fallecida siempre estuvo preocupada por defender los derechos humanos de su sector.

En efecto, Barbara fundo el afio pasado la orqanlzacton de transqeneros Traves San Bernardo con el objeto de aminorar a nivel comunal la homofobia, mientras este ana partlclpo del Primer Encuentro Proqramatico de Minorias Sexuales Chilenas donde aport6 "valiosas ideas antidiscriminatorias", indican activistas que participaron del conclave organizado por el Movilh.

Barbara (izquierda) junto a una amiga

Barbara, identificada legalmente como Osvaldo Rivero Salazar, tenia adernas

aspiraciones de salir adelante can alqun tipo de oflcio, luego que su identidad de genera Ie impidiera terminar su ensefianza media. Por ello inqreso a la Primera Escuefa de Homosexuales de ArmB1itIallJ.atli~, iill511afloo::iIiiD diirigida por el Movilh y patrocinada por el Ministerio del Trabajo que buscacrear alternativasliDfIxnrr.Bl:!!s; jp)OIIJr.II quienes han sido marginados del sistema sociocultural y economlco.

EI suefio de Barbara fue truncado al igual que el de la transqenero Cecilia Canto (25), quien debi6 abandonar la Escuela para Homosexuales luego que al inicio de las clases un grupo de hombres la golpeara en el centro de Santiago el pasado 28 de mayo.

Cecilia (Anfbal Canto Huetchaplllan, 25 afios) recrbtode parte del grupo hornofobico golpes de pies y pufios que la deja ron con traumatismo toraxico, traumatismo encefalo craneano severo y flujos hemorraqicos.

"Cecilia estuvo cas; dos meses en coma. Para nosotros esto fue terrible, es especial porque edemes estuvo una semana perdida y catalogada como NN en la Posta Centra!", recuerda la hermana de fa victima, Clara Canto, quien junto al Movilh presento ante los tribunales una querella por homicidio frustrado, teniendo como presuntos responsables a hombres Jigados a Gendarmerl';L

"Denunciamos edernes este caso ante el subsecretario general de gobierno Jorge Correa Sutil, quien se contact6 can la direcci6n de Gendarmeria. Dicha instftucf6n inicio un sumario interno, pero jemes nos han comunicado tos resultados de esa diliqencie", se queja la transqenero del Movilh, Karim Marshall.


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OpusGay - M adrcs de homosexuales chilenos dan la earn/ Opusflay/ Chile

416/2005 10:49 AM

La "suerte" de Cecilia no la han corrido otros homosexuales, quienes al igual que Barbara resultaron muertos de los ataques y~ edemas, sin que hasta ahora se sancione a los responsables.


Otras de las madres de transqeneros asesinadas que decldio dar la cara es Ana Sanchez, cuya hija rnurlo el pasado 12 noviembre en las inmediaciones del Pasaje Guillermo Lopez de Calama.

Producto de golpizas, Andrea Sanchez {Fernando Sanchez, 32 afios) quedo con un traumatismo encefalo craneano, resultando en vane los esfuerzos del Servicio de Urgencia Carlos Cisternas y del Hospital Regional de Antofagasta por mantenerla con vida.

EI victimario, identificado como Victor Vicencio Marin, en la actualidad goza de una libertad bajo fianza que Ie costa 500 mil pesos. "Esto es horrible e inconcebible. Pido la pena maxima para el asesino de rni hijo. EI debe estar en la carcel", alega Ana sin comprender la resoluclon del Tribunal de Garantia de Calama.

Sobre la materia el Movilh anuncto que en los proxlrnos dias la Gobernacion del Loa presentara una querella por el delito de Homicidio "para 10 cuel estamos en permanente contacto can ese repsrticion. Este crimen tiene tal nivel de impunidad que el homicida de ha jactado de '/0 barato y f,Jeil que sale matar un mericon '".

La querella, a la cual tuvo acceso OpusGay, sera presentada por el gobernadorprovincial del Loa, Guillermo Espindola Correa, quien alega en el documento que Andrea "rue agredida de puiios y pies, siendo arrojada at suelo, donde can gran violencia fue azotada contra la acera en varias oportunidades".

La senora Norma Julio fue otra de las madres que se sumo al lIamado, luego que su hijo, el joven basquetbolista Mauricio Ortega (25), fuera asesinado el 29 de mayo del 2002 en et Cajon del Maipo ..

EI hornlcidio, cuyo responsable serla un ex funcionario de Carabineros (Victor Hugo Perez Soto), hasta ahora no ha sido acJarado y tanto los familia res de la vlctlrna como el Movilh han acusado a la policla de ocultar informacion relevante y.a los tribunales de actuar con negligencia.

"Nosotras somos madres y sufrimos cada dfa la muerte denuestros hijos. Yo ecepte /a homosexualidad de Mauricio y pido a todas las personas que no discriminen. Todas los seres humanos somas iqueies", sefialo con lIantos la senora Norma, la primera madre de una persona gay que dio la cara publlcamente, junto a la totalidad de su familia, para defender sus derechos y honrar la memoria de su hijo ..


La peticlon efectuada hoy por las mad res de victimas de la homofobia respondlo a una necesidad "de humanizar y dar rostro a quienes padecen la discrtminecion mas brutal. Tembien es una respuesta a la insensibilidad social en tom a al tema. La gente al parecer se ecostumbro a que gays y trensqeneros mueran esesinedos", dijo Jimenez.

EI lider gay crltlco adernas que a nivel de la prensa "a estos hechos no se les de la importancia que merecen. Ahara parece

. que la comunidad homosexual solo hace noticie a partir de la Ierendute, a partir de 10 que hace tala cual maquil/ador, bailarin 0 modelo, como si ello tuere mas relevante que un asesinato homotobico", aqreqo.

En tanto, la diputada Maria Antonieta Saa lnslstlo en que en ChHe se aprueben a la brevedad normas que no solo

prohfban, sino tarnbien que sancionen la dlscrlrntnaclon, ya sea a travesde una reforma constitucional U otro tipo de

Madres de homosexuales asesinados en el Palacio Arlztia


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Dijo que hasta ahora no ha sido posibJe avanzar sobre la materia en el Congreso, a pesar de existir proyectos antidiscriminatorios, porque "en el ParJamento tembien hay prejuicios".

EI Movilh y la parlamentaria se comprometleron, por ultlrnova continuar ayudando a las familias, mediante denuncias yl o asesorias legales.

Esta tarea, coincidieron los afectados y el rnovimiento homosexual, requiere· sin embargo "de la soJidaridad nacional, al igual como se express cuando son asesinados jovenes que no pertenecen a las minorias sexuales y {rente a cuyos casas se genera un debate en todo Chile durante semanas".

Y es que, como sefialaron las madres de las vlctimas, "ya no queremos seguir acompaiiando a nuestros hijos a los cementerios 5610 porque eran homosexuales. Esto no puede seguir ocurriendo".

OpusGay es un media de cornunlcacion de actuahzaclon periodica Director: .Alberto Roe/ Editor: German Canon/ Dlsefio y dlaqramaclon:

Gonza!o Velasquez

Fono:09 959 54 63/ E-maii: prensa@opusgay.d Todos los derechas reservados Santiago de Chile


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Chile.corn: Contenido de art'Jculo.

1216104 1:36 PM


tOtro Hecho de Discriminaci6n?

Denuncian host.qarruento policial a dtscoteca lesbica ...

Que carabineros ingrese a los centres de entretenoon nocturnos como pubs y drscotecas no es una actitud desconocida para los asiduos a estos luqares, puesto que dicha iniciativa, se enmarca dentro de un plan de vigilancia que pretende, entre otras cosas, pesquisar la compra yventa de drogas al interior de los locales asicorno la presencia de men ores de edad.

Pero que 13 fuerza pohoal ingrese a una discoteca solo a ofender a las personas que se encuentran en su interior es otro tema mucho mas deucado. Sin embargo, es la acusaci6n que el Movimiento de Inteqraclon y Liberation Homosexual (Movilh), denuncio ante ra opinion publica hace pocos dias.

Sequn el Movilh esta situacion se viene repitiendo desde algun tiempo en la discoteca lesblca Mascaras ubicada en la comuna de Recoleta y sequn denuncian Hen cada una de sus visttas los funcionarios preguntan al ingresar al recinto "donde esta la regenta". Posteriormente, y sin aviso, ingresan a los camarines donde hay mujeres desnudas 0 cambrancose de ropa para interpretar un espertar ulo".

A traves de un comunicado de prensa, la entidad asegura que "ello se suma a comentarios a viva voz par parte de carabineros cuando yen a parejas h~sbicas oesandose. Que desperdicio, es Ie trase mas habitual al estar en presencia de una pareja lesbica".

En alqunas oportunidades carabineros ha crtticado adem as a las propietarias de la discoteca porque en el recinto estan pegados carteles de la carnpafia a candidate a concejal del presidente del Movilh, Rolando Jimenez.

"Desde el Movilh consideramos que estos hechos constituyen un claro abuse de poder que solo puede expllcarse por la homofobia de algunos funcionarios de carabineros, edemas de ta curtosidad morbosa y entermiz a que a ellos debe producirle el hecho de que mujeres gusten de mujeres", senala Jimenez.

Y agrega "informamos que todos los antecedentes del caso fueron denunciados y detal1ados hoy por el presidente del Movilh, Rolando Jimenez, ante el subsecretarlo de Carabineros, Felipe Harboe, responsable de la retacron entre el gobiern,o y la policia. EI ·funcionario se comprornetlo a estudiar a ta brevedad nuestra denuncia y a intervenir ante Carabineros para terminar con estas brutales pracncas que ctaramente vulneran los derechos humanos de un sector de la pobiacion".

Recordamos, por ultimo, que esta no es la primera vez que la discoteca Mascaras es hostigada. En el 2000 el Movilh protesto en

el fruntis de la Municipalidad de Recoleta por la decision del Municipio de clausurarel rer into. .

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Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 13:23:29 -0800





From: Monica Taher <>



Este es un avonce noticioso de 10 listo LGBT Latinoamericano de Lo Alianzo Gay y l.esbico Contra 10 Difamaci6n (GLAAD)




CHILE: EI Liceo D-559 Espana de Concepci6n reintegr6 a clases a una de las dos menores suspendidas por presunto conducta lesbico. Fuente:

Eriko/ Rompiendo EI Silencio.

CHILE: Presidente del Movilh obtuvo cerca de dos mil votos en elecciones municipoles. fuenfe: EI Movilh.

de Argentina). Fuente: Oficina de 10 Senadora Piedad.

PERU: La inconstitucionolidad del C6digo de Justicia Militar peruano frente 10 homosexualidad: EI Articulo 269 incurre en intromisi6n, homofobia y discriminoci6n. Fuente: NotieSe.

MEXICO: Boletfn de noviembre de Seguidores de Cristo [Monterrey, Mexico]. Fuente: Seguidores de Cristo.



EI Liceo 0-559 Espana de Concepci6n reintegr6 a closes a una de las dos men ores suspendldos por presunta conducto lesbico.

10 situoci6n se produjo el mlercoles pasado,cuando L.F.l., de 13 ofios de edad, y M.R.D .. de 15, fueron sorprendidos por una inspectora de piso saliendo juntas del bono.

Con esto. las muchachas transgredieron 10 prohibicion de reunirse que les habfan impuesto en el establecimento hace olqun tiempo a causa de las sospechas y rumores internos que hablaban de 10 existencia de una relocion lesbico entre ambos adolescentes.

La inspectora de piso informo de 10 sucedido a 10 inspectora general, quien habrfa dado curse a la suspension de las dos alumnos (pertenecientes a Octavo Busico y Primer Ario Medio, respectivamente) luego de tratarlas de lesbianas.

Frente a esto. 10 madre de L.F.L. presento el correspondiente reclomo ante 10 Direocion de Educocion Municipal (DAEM). En tanto, las protestas que hoy lIevaron a cabo alrededor de 35 alumnas del Octavo ana D obligaron 01 establecimiento a cambiar el modo de enfrentar 10 situoclon.

Por su parte, el director municipal de Educocion. Hector Mardones, lleqo hasta el Liceo Espana y luego de casi dos horas de entrevista con las autoridadesdel establecimiento y parte del profesorado dio a conocer 10 revocaci6n de 10 medida de suspensi6n para 10 estudiante de Octavo Ano. yo que "10 eventual medida que se Ie habra comunicado a 10 apoderada, no tenia ninguna justificaci6n", senolo.

De acuerdo a 10 indicado por el directive. se trat6 de un juicio precipitado por parte de una autoridad delliceo, cuya identidad aseguro oun no tener clara.

"Este es un fema que se viene arrastrando desde hace olqun tiempo oco ' en el establecimiento, de algunos comentarios, yo creo que no se puede emitir ninqun juicio de valor sobre esfe fema de sexualidad, menos cuando mi opini6n es que no hay ninqun.onfecedente de por medio", puntualiz6 Mardones.

Segun 10 informacion entregada por el director municipal de Educocion. 10 direcci6n del Liceo Espana hobric ordenado a ambos alumnas 10 prohibiclon de reunirse por conductas que no se relacionan con femas sexuales sino de des6rdenes.

"La suspensi6n apuntaba concreto mente 01 hecho de que 10 alumna de . octavo habrfa side vista junto a esa alumna de primero medio, sobrela cual existirfa prohibici6n de que se juntoron". indie6.

Respecto de M.R.D., no se clorifico cuol serio su situaei6n de ahora en adelante, puesla familia de 10 muchacha no se hobrio acereado a presentar reclamos ante las autoridades edueacionales.

EI tema continuoro siendo estudiado por el Daem, organismo que asegur6 10 aplicaci6n de sanciones si se comprueba In existencia de responsa bilidades administrativas.

La Tercero on line

Rompiendo el Silencio.cI

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Presidente del Movilh obtuvo cerca de dos mil votos en elecciones municipales

Aunque no fueelecto concejal, Jimenez est6 satisfecho con el respaldo ciudadano

Desde un comienzo se supo que era dificil que el presidente del Movimiento de lnteqrocion y Liberaci6n Homosexual (Movilh), Rolando Jimenez, pudiera oeupar el cargo de concejal en Santiago, 10 comuna mas ernblernotico del pais.

La dificultad no s610 S8 explica por los niveles de homofobia existentes Chile, 10 carencia de recursos econ6micos para 10 cornpofio. 10 escasa cobertura medi6tica y los fuertes contrincantes que militan en los partidos politicos, sino tornbien por el sistema electoral que deriv6 en que candidatos con menor votaci6n a 10 de Jimenez fueran electos concejales.

Pese a no ser electo, Jirnenezy su comando se sienten satisfechos con los mil 894 votos que se obtuvieron en una lucha queinvolucr6 a 20 candidatos a eoncejal.

"Sabemos, por 10 cornpono que hicimos en el ultimo mes, que el trabajo desarrollo do por el Movilh y mi persona es muy valoradoentre los homosexuales no organizados, quienes nos recibieron con aplausos contundentes en las discotecas y bares de Santiago.

"Tombien. y gracias a esta experiencia, nos dimos cuenta que muchos vecinos valoran y conflan en nuestro apuesta, tenorneno gratificante en un pais donde los niveles de homofobiason oltisimos". senoia Jimenez.

Aunque Jimenez compitio en un cupo independiente de 10 alianza oficialista, su cornpono se desarrollo con total y absoluta autonomia de los partidos politicos, "10 cual aunque pudo jugar en contra, es etico y honesto pues responde a los principles de auto-representaci6n que garantizamosal movimiento homosexual", agrego.

A juicio del comando de Jimenez, los resultados positivos de 10 incursi6n del movimiento homosexual en 10 carrera electoral fueron el "hacernos

. mas conocidos y valorados por los ciudadanos comunes y corrientes de 10 comuna y dernostror. 01 mismo tiempo, que con honestidad y trasparencia es posible luchar porque fodos los ciudadanos esten representados en el poder politico".

EI presidente del Movilh valor6 odernos que 10 alianza oficialista, en especffico el PPD, se "hubiera juga do por dornos un cupo en las elecciones municipales y respetara nuestro autonomia, hecho lnedito en 10 regi6n porque ofras candidaturas gays siempre han sido apoyadas por fuerzas extraparJamentarias".

Jimenez reconoclo que respecto al apoyo homosexual "cometimos un error estadfstico porque si bien el respaldo era y es claro ycontundente, 10 mayoria de ellos no est6 inscrito en los registros electorales. Asi, y como dato anecd6tico, en un discoteco fui aplaudido por 10 totalidad de los clientes, pero cuando el animador pregunt6 quienes estaban inscritos, esfos eran solo dos".

Junto con valorar el apoyo de personas heterosexuales, y "de familias completas", Jimenez puntuoliz6 que "el movimiento homosexual sigue con fuerza para competir en otras carreras electorales. Con 10 experiencia acumulado sobemos quedebernos 0 no debemos hacer y en que momento. Por supuesfo, que fodo lucha en este plano tiene que dorse poraJelo a un debate que modifique el actual sistema electoral. el cual injustamente permite a quienes tienen menor votaci6n acceder 0 un cargo publico".

EI comando de Jimenez se compvso de una 15 personas, todas voluntarias que recorrieron ferios. estaciones de metro, discotecas, bares y casas de toda 10 comuna a las cuales 5e reparti6 un volante que fue dejado bajo los puertas.

"Debido a 10 Iolto de recursos humanos no pudimos hacer puerta a puerto y s610 tuvimos tiempo para tirar los folletos en las casas. Lo derto es que no nos dimas ni nos damos por vencidos y eso E;S lobueno", seriolo 10 tronsqenero Karin Marshall tras recordar que uno de los aspectos mas atractivos de 10 cornpofio fue el "Rola Movilh", un furg6n que con las banderas del arcoiris recorri6 toda 10 comuna Ilamando 10 atend6n de los tronseuntes.

Entrevista a Accion familia sobre homosexualided

Accion Fanlilia

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Actualizado: 03-11-2004

Nota: e l llluln proyoeador de Ia en trcvistn no rdh>ja las d\·c!at·,ld"ncs de! autor-. Lo que dio origcll a nmcnnzas ,I A('cioll Familhl de parte fk org<loizaeinncs de hornoscxualc s.

Las intimas Noticias I Micrcolcs 28 de noviembre de 2001

: \.. ;:. l \. '

uan Antonio Montes director de "Accion Familia"

"Hornosexuales y Iadroncs no tie ncn der-eohos"

Continuador del rnitico grupo Fiducia, Montes no vacila en definir a Ia homoscxualidad como

"un vicio",

"Los homosexuales se hacen las vfctimas y los perseguidos. Es un recurso de propaganda que usan y al final terminan siendo dictadores".

Sergio Mardones

Juan Antonio Montes, director de "Accion Familia", continuadora de "I radrcton , Familia y Propiedad" -tam bien lJamada Fiducia- ianzo una Operacion Verdad contra los males que estan empobreciendo a la sociedad eristiana, uno de los cuates, seria la homosexualidad.

"La conducta homosexual es intrinsecamente desordenada, tal como 10 establece la

Conqreqacion para la Doctrina y la Fe, que distingue conductas de tendencias -afirma-. Puede haber personas que sin culpa tengan tendencias homosexuales. A esas personas la Iglesia las acoge. Elias pueden !levar una vida eelibe 0 una vida ... digamos matrimonial. pero 10 que no pueden hacer es ceder a su tendeneia".

-Se habla de un 5 a 10 por clento de poblacion homosexual.

-Si hacernos esos analisis tarnbien saldra que unos tendran tendencta a la pe dofllia , otros a ra necrofilia y asf, 5i vamos a aprobar por ley esas conductas la sociedad se transforma en un

pande morno ,

-cRechazan el matrimonio entre homosexuales'

http: Ilwww.acciDnfami1i3_org/hecho/200l/homosexuales.hlm

Page 1 of2

Ennevrsm a Accion Familia sobre homoscxualidad

1216104 1:27 PM

-Por supuesto. Es una aberration y una contradrccton en los terminos. Eso no es un amor, no es una entrega, eso es cualquier cosa, es un vicro.

-EI Movilh t erne que conductas homotobicas generen ataques a homosexuales.

-Levantan esa imagen para hacerse las victimas y los persecurdos. Es un recurso de propaganda que usan en todos 105 paises y 31 final terminan siendo dictadores.

-Si usted fuera el Presidente, <que haria con los homosexuales?

-En Chile slernpre ha habido nornosexuates y 1"1 poder publico ha sido muy sabio en no concederles derechos prapios a ellos en euanto tales. Quien practtca el bien y la virtud tiene derechos, pcro 10 que es el vieio no tiene derechos. Par ejernplo un ladr6n tiene derecho en cuanto chileno, en cuanto hombre, en cuanto padre de fane perc en cuanta ladr6n no 10 trene. EI

homosexual 10 mismo, no puede tener derechos cuanta homosexual. AI contra rio, ta hasta hace poco tiernpo los sanci6n con carcel y eso era una muy buena prevencion, porque hay estudios ni norteamerica nos que constderan que homosexual corrompe a 10 largo de vida a 60 personas no homosexua I

-un viejo dicho sostiene que hay homosexual arrepentldo.

-No 10 habra oido, perc re aseuuro que deben haber much 05.




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Este es un avance noticioso de 10 lista LGBT Latinoomericana de La Alianza Gay y l.esbico Contra 10 Difomoci6n (GLAAD)




Ministerio de Educoci6n y Movilh ovonzoron en estrotegia anfi-homofobio en Chile

http://vvww .movilh .org/modules.php? no me= News & file=arficle&sid=229

Con el fin de prevenir y evitar nuevas expuisiones 0 sanciones centro alum nos 0 profesores en raz6n de su orientaci6n sexual, el Movimiento de Integraci6n y Liberaci6n Homosexual {Movilh} infensific6 en el ultimo mes sus con1octos con el Ministerio de Educaci6n (Mineduc) de manera de avanzar en conjunto en una politico "an1i-homofobia".

En reuni6n sos1enida por el Moyi[h con el jefe nacional de 10 Unidad de Atenci6n e Informaci6n del Mineduc, Alexis Ramfrez, se determin6 que en el transcurso del presente semestre se definir6n los alcances de una experiencia piloto contra 10 discriminaci6n en establecimientos educacionoles de cuatro comunas del pais.

La experiencia consistirlo en 10 ejecuci6n de talleres sobre sexualidad y homosexualidad dirigidos a profesores y alumnos yen 10 elaboroci6n de materiales educativos que potencien el derecho de todas las personas a recibir ensenonzo. independiente de su orientoci6n sexual.

EI occionor especlflcodelos octividodes se determinar6 en alianza con el Colegio de Profesores, instoncia que el Segundo Congreso Mundial de 10 lnternacional de 10 Educaci6n, celebrado en 1998 en Washington, yo hobio firmado undocumento donde se comprometi6 garantiiar 10 no discriminaci6n por orientaci6n sexual contra los docentes .

. EI Movilh precis6 que desdeel ono 2000 viene luchando por prornover 10 . diversidad en el sistema educacional, sin embargo, "fodas nuestras acciones han sido retardadas por razones que han escapado de nuestras monos. Ahora, sin embargo, el panorama es distinto porque el

mismo ministro de Educaci6n, Sergio Bitar, se pronunci6 el mes posada en contra de las discriminociones por orientaci6n sexual".

Tras una petici6n del Movilh y 0 roiz de 10 expulsi6n en junio posada de 10 estudionte Gabriela M (18) del Centro Folitecnico de San Ram6n, Bitar senolo a los medios de comunicaci6n que nadie puede ser expulsado por ser homosexual.

. Como efecto, Gabriela fue incorporoda a closes, convrtiendose tollogro en inedito para el movimiento de las minorfas sexuales, pues por primera vez 10 mas alta autoridod del Minedue emiti6 un pronunciamiento claro sobre 10 materia.

EI Movilh puntualiz6 que otros de sus objetivos en el sistema educacional son ingresar con sus propuestas a 10 Politico Nacional de Edueaei6n Sexual, para 10 eual "yo iniciamos las gestiones ante el jefe de gobinete del Mineduc, Harold Correa. Adem6s esperamos ser parte de un seminario sobreDereehos Humanos que patrocinar6 el Ministeriode Edueaci6n en los pr6ximos meses .

Publicado el tunes. 26 julio a las 15:02:18 .

20 JULY 9. 2004


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Spain expects approval of gay marriage bill in early 2005

MADRID lAP) - Spain's Parliament might approve same-sex marriages early next year. Justice Minister Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar said last week. He spoke a day after lawrnakers took a first step in that dlrrction, approving a non-blrnling resolution urging the Soclaltst gowmmem to amenrt Spain's Civil Code to permit gay marriage. Lopez Aguilar s~kl l~gislatol's will start reforming ankles in the coile as early as September; and that I~ga]jzing same-sex marriage could become a realitv early n<'>:1 year "]1'$ a chalIp.nge that this gdwrnment wants to undertake. to remove a toruer or inequality," Lopez Aguilar said. If the law is approved. it will make Spain the third European country to recognize legal marriages between gay couples, after the Netherlands and Belgium. Since taking office in April, Prime Minister .lose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has vowerlto Instltute rJeep changes on social issues, after eight years of conservative rule. On the day he was confirmed as prime minister. he told Parliament he would work to gain approval of legal marriages for same- sex couples and fight discrlmlnatinn basedon sexual orientation.

Spains Prime Minister .rose luis Rodriguez Zapatern vowed when he took office to fight discrimination against gays. and Spanish officials said last week that same-sex marriage might be legalized early next yea •. (Photo by Jaime Pllebla/AP)

Chilean ruling forces gay parents

to choose between children, closet SANTIAGO, Clule - Across this deeply eonservauve South American nation. Judge Karen AtaJ~ now is known as "the lesbian judge,'· an unwilling public figure in the t1ebat~ over gay rlghts, Knight Ridder reported. Chile's Supreme Court (1) May 31, by a vote of 3-2. awarded custody of Atalas three daughters to her ex-husband. Jaime Lopez. the news agency reported. The court decision was basel! on the fart that Atala is gay and has a partner and it further ignited the debate over the rights of same-sex couples. accord ing ro Knight Ridder. The Roman Catholic Ch urch carries stnmg influence in Chile. and Monsignor Cristian Contreras, an auxiliary bishop ln Santiago. was pleased with (he "common sense" approach of the court, the news agency repertert. Three judges on the high court ruled that Atala. 39. "imposed her own interests, deferring those of her chilo dren." by living with her female partner. The two judges who ulssented called the decision rllscrlmlnatorc the news agency reported.

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• Websites Queen gives assent to transsexuals who want to change birth certificates LONDON (AP) - A measure that will enable Britain's estimated 5.000 transsexuals to have their birth certificates changed and marry in their new gender gained royal assent from Queen Elizabeth JJ last week. Under the Gender Recognition Act. transsexuals seeking legal recognition of (heir new_gender will have to provide evldence that they intend to live fully and permanently in that gender. but they will not have to undergo sex-change surgery Until JlOW. Britain has been one of only a few European Union nations that refuse to let transsexual people officially change the gender on their birth certificate. Europe's top court ruled last month that restricting marriage and pension rights for transsexuals violates European Union law. The ruling by the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg will apply to all E.U. countries, incl ud ing the ](f rna lnly eastern European nations joining in May.

Amnesty International says anti-gay violence on the rise

LONDON - Homophobia is growing around the world. and an Increasing number of countries punish gay men. lesbians arul transgender residents with the death penalt}; Reuters rejloned. Human rights group Amnesty Irnernauonal published a new book that reports violent perseeuuon of gavs is on the rise despite widespread at:crptance in some countries. accorrlrng to H~'uters. "Lesbian ami gay people who form ur join organizations. be they political or social. are being violently persecuted in man)' parts of the world where before they might hJW bem unnoticed:' British author Vanessa Baird w rites in the book. Homosexuality is pumshable by death in Iran. Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan. Mauritania, Sudan, Pakisl an. Unlterl Arab Emirates, Yemen and northern prov Inces of Nigeria. Baird notes in the book. accordtng to Hell ters,

Gays outraged by Web site that calls for castration

CAPE TOWN. South Africa - Gay leaders in this city are shocked and angered by a nornophobic Web site that asks Web surfers to vote on whether or not to surgically orr.hemically castrate gays. accorrling to media reports. The Men Against Moffies site states it does not "encourage or support violence:' but in referring to last year's attack at the Sizzlers gay massage parlor in Sea POint, the site asks whether the country should "Sizzlers" its "moffles," Reuters reported. Nine men were murnered at the parlor. But the Web site also says, "We need to do this Iget rid of homosexualsj through the legal system, not by forcpwe are not a bunch of thugs." aeconllng to Reuters. Glenn de Swanlt of the Triangle . Project. the uldest gay group in Africa. called on all area residents to express their outrage with the Web site. which also advocates the "J1'Claiming of Cape Town from the homosexual plague:' Reuters reported. Since the public outcry over the Internet site. it has been suspended. the news agency noted.

FI'()tI1 stalf and wire reports


INTERN A TIONAL NEWS #529 June 14, 2004

by Rex Wockner



Chilean Supreme Court takes lesbian's children

. The Chilean Supreme Court June 2 denied a lesbian custody of her daughters because she's gay, Human Rights Watch reported.

Karen Atala, a judge from the town of Los Andes, had been awarded custody of her three daughters by an appeal court. Her former husband contested the decision, arguing the court wrongfully put Atala's rights before those of her children.

In a 3-2 decision, the Supreme Court panel agreed, saying the children's

. emotional and sexual development could be harmed by the absence of a father in the home and "his replacement by another person of the female gender." It also expressed concern that AtaIa's children could suffer discrimination and rejection since "their exceptional family situation

. is significantly different from that of their classmates and neighborhood peers."

The justices also criticized the lower court for "a serious fault or abuse" because it chose not to uphold "the preferential right of the children to live and grow up in a normally structured and socially reputable family, according to the proper traditional model."

No further appeal is possible.

Chile: Hjgh Court Discnrrnnatcs Against Lesbian Mother (Human Rights Walch, June 2, 2004)

12:3,O~ 2:00 PM


Chile: High Court Discriminates Against Lesbian Mother

(Santiago, June 2,2004) - The Chilean Supreme Court has discriminated against a lesbian mother in denying her custody of her daughters on the basis of her sexual orientation, Human Rights Watch said today.

"The court deprived this mother of custody of her children only because she refused to hide her lesbian relationship from them," said Jose Miguel Viva nco, executive director ofthe Americas division of Human Rights Watch. "Lesbians should not be forced to choose between their sexuality and motherhood."

Karen Atala, a judge from the town of Los Andes, had been awarded custody of her three daughters by an appeal court. Her former husband appealed, arguing that the court had wrongfully put Atala's rights before those of her children. Accepting the appeal by 3 votes to 2, a Supreme Court panel on Monday held that Atala's open lesbian relationship disqualified her from the right to custody that separated mothers in Chile enjoy unless barred by exceptional circumstances. The decision is final, and she has no other avenue of appeal.

The panel considered that the children's emotional and sexual development could be harmed by the absence of a father in the home and "his replacement by another person ofthe female gender." It also expressed concern that Atala's children could suffer from discrimination and rejection since "their exceptional family situation is significantly different from that of their classmates and neighborhood peers." The justices also criticized the lower court for "a serious fault or abuse" because it chose not to uphold "the preferential right of the children to live and grow up in a normally structured and socially reputable family, according to the proper traditional model."

The type of appeal used in this case is known in Chile as a recurso de queja (complaint appeal). For the appeal to be successful, the appellant must establish that the sentencing court committed a serious fault or abuse. This invalidates the sentence and makes the judges responsible for it liable to disciplinary action.

"To add insult to injury, the Supreme Court is telling us that the lower court did wrong even though it resolved this issue on solid legal argument and principle," said Vivanco.

The two dissenting justices stressed that the sentencing judges had proceeded correctly. They argued that Atala's sexual orientation was not a ground for depriving her of the custody she would normally enjoy as a separated mother under Chilean law. Denying her custody would ,impose on her daughters as well as her "an unnamed punishment, outside the law as well as discriminatory"

The Atala case has stimulated debate in Chile about the right of gays and lesbians to express their sexual orientation without prejudice or discrimination. Human Rights Watch in May published an article and a letter in the prominent Chilean newspaper, El Mercurio, urging the Supreme Court to study recent

http://hrw. org/en gl is h/doc s/2004/061021chi I e8722 _IX L him

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Chile: High Court Discriminates Against Lesbian Mother (Human Rights Watch, June 2" 2004)

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jurisprudenceof the European Court of Human Rights condemning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibits discrimination based on "race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status." In 1994 the Human Rights Committee-the U.N. expert body charged with interpreting the Covenant-ruled that the reference to "sex" in the treaty should be interpreted as including sexual orientation. The Convention on the Rights of the Child requires states to "take all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs ofthe child's parents, legal guardians, or family members."

Sodomy was decriminalized in Chile in 1999, but prejudice against gays and lesbians is still rife.

Related Material

More Information on Human Rights in Chile

Countrv Page

More Information on Lesbian and Gay Rights

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A Changing Country • Spring 2004

HarvSlrd Review of latin Americ.a


Homosexual in ChileToday Lights and Shadows

by Gabriel Guajardo

Editor-in Chief June Carolyn Erlick

Homosexual advocacy organizations in Chile appeared at the end of the 1980s as a social response to the HIV/AIDS epidemics and the fight for democracy. Homosexual groups such as Liber-H began in a town in the central region of Chile, Paine, a place scarcely affected by the political repression during the military dictatorship. In 1987, the

. Corporacion Chilena de Prevencion del SIDA http:// w\vw.sidaccion.c1 came into existence as a collective response to the mY!AIDS epidemic. A constellation of organizations soon emerged on the scene: the socalled "Historic" MOVILH , MUMS, the Movimiento

Unificado de Minorias Sexuales http://orguUogav.d and more recently, Traves Chile ht1p:!,/www.traveschile.d. Lesbian organizations have forged their own way in a certain dialogue of inclusion and distinct autonomy in relation to male homosexuals. They have built their own social organizations and created their own.ways of communicating http://ww"\

Editorial Assistant Amanda Austin

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P+R Publications

The Chilean homosexual today finds expression in this proliferation of civil society organizations and lively Gay Pride parades. Legal restrictions on sexual relations

. between persons of the same sex have been removed from the books. As in the rest of Latin America, the number of publications and studies on sexuality and gender issues has increased. Certain topics such as sexual diversity and the HIV! AIDS epidemic have been integrated into the public agenda. Radio and television have begun to broadcast positive reflections of homosexual life. Literature often deals with issues of homosexual identity.


Jason Aslakson

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well as a thoughtful academy, civil society stakeholders and public state-controlled services, have placed homosexuality in the context of its cultural significance. Chilean writer and cultural critic Juan Pablo Sutherland, referring to the proliferation of writing on the homosexual issue, commented, "The advancement of the Chilean lesbian-homosexual movement and the visibility of its proposals have accustomed the public and the society in general to these outbursts generating at times significant discussions regarding cultural-and not just literary-production."

In spite of recent advances in terms of political and cultural spaces, the homosexual in Chile today faces many challenges, including persistent homophobia. These shadows include discrimination, exclusion and identity issues that reflect the sometimes hostile environment. For example, in 2003, Chileans .' vehemently discussed whether homosexuals should have the right to donate blood for blood banks. Those opposed argued that homosexuals would donate HIVinfected blood, resulting in possible death for innocent persons. The underlying implication, of course, was that all homosexuals are AIDS-carriers. Blood banks

ended up accepting blood donations from homosexuals, but shadows of prejudice against this kind of donation still linger.

Another recent case involved public knowledge about the homosexuality of a judge in charge of an investigation related to a pedophilia case. The case caused intense debate in the media as to whether

. homosexuals should be allowed to serve as judges, an issue that fmally had a positive outcome with the judge confmned in his position. But in this case, as in the one mentioned above, it is still possible to feel the violent tone of certain judgements.

The Chilean backlash, or homophobic reappearance, can be placed in a larger context, including the continent's economic globalization that has resulted in transformations of the cultural map of Latin America. National social and political aperture and regional integration have led countries such as Chile to insert themselves competitively in the global market. Thus, the public expression of sexual diversity becomes more difficult because of the inclusion of new meanings that not only can be ascribed to the countries. themselves,

.' but to the integration and exclusion process that globalization generates (Garcia Canclini, 1995; Brunner, 1998).

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Media, politics and gay performance

The globalization of conununications requires theoretical and empirical research. This is particularly true of cases specifically related to media and information technologies and lesbian/gay and transgender persons or groups, In Chile, the relation between media=-television, radio and press-s-and the gay/lesbian organizations is paradoxical. At the same time media discusses homosexual presence in terms of its symbolic and critical transgression, the gay issue is flourishing in its positive performance in the areas of entertainment and literature.

The perception of homosexuality as transgression in the mainstream news media reflects major trends in public opinion. In a 1998 FLACSO survey, 60% of men and women 18 years and older in Santiago considered interviewing prostitutes and/or homosexuals on television an unacceptable practice. This attitude contrasts paradoxically with the positive portrayal of homosexual issues or homosexuals as characters in television entertainment programs that elude direct or explicit criticism.

One recent example of this paradox was the television series Machos, the most successful soap opera in Chilean history, recently exported to Spain. Although

.. we never saw the character's boyfriend or any intimate contact between men, his love and loss and his struggle for family acceptance captured the Chilean audience. Eventually everyone accepted him, including his overly macho father and brother, a direct negation of the transgression message perpetuated in the news media. Perhaps most important, the protagonist was not a stereotypically gay character in the vein of Will and Grace and Queer Eye.

The Chilean alternative media have been encouraging non-stereotypical images of homosexual presence for much longer. The radio program "Triangulo abierto," on the air since 1993, allows the broadcast of different types of journalistic venues, including the participation of lesbian/gay movement public speakers and the presence of homosexuals or homosexual themes from the academy, politics and culture. (See http:// \v\vw.orgul1ogay.cVtriang.htm.)


Despite some positiv.e images in the media and the

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increase in homosexual civil society representation, there still exist important levels of public rejection to the visible presence of homosexuals in Chile.

A series of surveys and qualitative 'studies have shown that the majority of Chileans tends to reject homosexual men when they are part of institutions such as schools, army, television and politics. Fundaci6n Ideas, a . Chilean NGO, studied issues of intolerance and discrimination issues in persons 18 years and older. The 1997 study found that homosexuality topped the list of groups mentioned in terms of intolerance and discrimination, a much higher level than ethnic discrimination, for example. Subsequent studies continue to show high levels of homophobia, even though certain categories experienced a significant decrease in homophobic attitudes. For example, only half of those interviewed a 2003 survey approved the statement: "Medical doctors must study the causes for

. homosexuality, in order to prevent their continuing birth" (Gobiemo de Chile, 2003).

Homophobia results in serious lesbian and gay human rights in Chile. Modification oflegal regulations has not necessarily guaranteed the pacific and respectful coexistence with homosexual persons and groups in our country. We lack the educational, communication and judicial strategies to allow for the restitution of homosexual dignity as persons and citizens. lllegal arrests and intimidation continue. Social stereotypes and restrictions persist, hindering the possibility of filing a suit in defense for acts of discrimination and defamation committed against gay, transsexual or lesbian persons (Ahumada y Sanchez, 2000).

Homosexual stakeholders in Chile have filed 66 denunciations for discrimination in 2003 (MOVILH, 2003). Sociocultural and economic inequities are also reflected in the definition of homophobic behavior and ways of living homosexuality. Poor homosexuals experience more violent and aggressive behavior. On April 12,2003, the transgender organization Traves Chile publicly reported that a gang of 30 men wielding knives and guns attacked their headquarters in downtown Santiago, when they were having a party. In the act the transsexual Alejandra Soto was stabbed.

The homophobia and its violent consequences, of course, are not exclusive to Chile .. Anmesty International (1994) refers to extrajudicial executions and forced disappearance of persons identified as homosexuals throughout Latin America. These grave

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basic rights violations are intertwined with police

. control and repression in entertainment venues such as discotheques and bars throughout the hemisphere (Montalvo, 1997).

Gay, lesbian and transgender identity as a possibility

The importance ascribed to the sociocultural, political or legal context of the different manifestations of homosexuality in Chile is not the result of a mere analytical exercise, but a consequence of the possibilities of1ivinglexperiencing homosexuality. Under the present conditions, self identification as a homosexual or bisexual person is very low. In a survey on these issues in Chile, less than 3% of the population identified itself as homosexual or bisexual. Contradictorily, the very low rate of homosexual or bisexual self-identificatiion does not correspond with epidemiological facts. A study on HIV transmission through sexual exposure in 1999 found that 71 % of the cases were homosexual or bisexual men (Gobiemo de Chile-Ministerio de Salud, 2000). Then, based on official numbers, the question of who are homosexuals in Chile is still pending.

In the 90s we can fmd many ways of representing

. identities in the field of sexual diversity and the multicultural richness of the different countries in the region. Each term-"lesbian,""sissy," "homosexual" or "gay"- has a specific recognized meaning that does not correspond to mere technical descriptions of behavior and varies from country to country. For example, the term "lesbian" agglutinates a constellation of identities and affective and sexual experiences of women that can be considered alien to certain cultural or linguistic contexts. This also has to do with such cultural generalizations about the "Latin American man" or the "macho latino," ignoring the differences, . complexities and subtleties of masculinities and everyday experiences of men (Ramirez, 1993; Gutmann, 1996).

The possibilities of building a homosexual-lesbian and transgender.identity must be seen in the context of individual processes and family arrangements of inclusion or exclusion. Under a market/consumer logic we Can fmd social areas as bars, discotheques and other meeting places that offer various types of sociability. Moreover, social organizations have given legal standing to basic ways of knowledge and

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acknowledgment of being homosexual in Chile. Literature also has something to say, as we can see in Pedro Lemebel's Manifiesto(Hablo por mi diferencia), Loco Afan, cr6nica de un sidario:

"En Nueva York los maricas se besan en la calle

Pero esa parte se la dejo a usted Que tanto Ie interesa

Que la revoluci6n no se pudra del to do A usted le doy este mensaje

Yno es por mi

Yo estoy viejo

Y su utopia es para las generaciones futuras

Hay tantos nifios que van a nacer Con una alita rota

Y yo quiero que vuelen, compafiero Que su revoluci6n

Les de un pedazo de cielo rojo Para que puedan volar".

As the writer suggests, the future in Chile may allow a more true liberation for Chilean homosexuals.

Gabriel Guajardo is a Chilean anthropologist with years of experience in research. One of his main topics refers to homosexuality and gender issues. A bibliography for this article can be found at http:// drclas.fas.harvardedulpublications. You can get in contact with Guajardo at gguajardo(ciJ,(lacso. cl.

Guajardo bibliography

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12/3/04 2:26 PM

Judge's decision to allow homosexual couple to adopt rejected in Chile

SANTIAGO, Chile, Apr. 07, 2004 (CNA) - The Church and several family groups are reacting against the decision of an Appeals court in Temuco, Chile, to grant custody of three children to a lesbian mother, saying it will make it possible for other homosexual couples to adopt.

The controversial decision says that "lesbianism by itself does not make on incompetent" in the custody of minors."

While the father of the children appeals to the Supreme Court to regain custody of his children, Ignacio Fernandez of the Archdiocese of Santiago's Family Ministry Office, said the only family model that can truly be such is that of a father and a mother.

He added that to develop properly all children need a father who teaches them values like security, and a mother who gives them an example of service. "We thlnk the attempt to form a community similar to marriage between to people of the same sex is inadequate. We were- all born into a family and we know that the mother and the father bring different things to the family," said Fernandez.

The organization "Family Action" also criticized the decision saying it "violates the natural rights of children and endangers the very concept of family established by law."

In a statement signed by the group's director, Juan Antonio Montes, Family Action underscored that "all children have to right to be educated by a father and by a mother and this right is guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Children, ratified by Chile."

Moreover, the group said, "Chilean civil law recognizes the family as the union of a man and a woman, and there is neither legal recognition nor protection for other types of lesbian or homosexual unions."

Family Action is demanding the Supreme Court "reverse the decision and give clear signs that the family and the rights of children are duly protected .in Chile."



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t.unes, 6 de diciembre de 2004


• usted esta en reportajes • volver a la home

La homosexualidad es una enfermedad que puede ser curada.

Dicen que el problema de homosexuales y lesbianas radica en que carecen del objeto erotica adecuado.

Asegu.-an tarnbien que los homosexuale5 "norm ales" son aquellos que no dan tregua a su padecimiento.

htt p:' /\t",'ww . santiagogay, corn/reportajes/homosexuali dad.htm

Santiago, 02 de Abril del 2004

Mexico D.F. (Mario Reyes/NotieSe)

Debido a .Ias presiones ejercidas por la comunidad gay estadounidense en 1973 hacia los encargados de elaborar el Manual de Enfermedades mentales de ese pais, la homosexualidad I formalmente no es un trastorno mental "a pesa~ de que no es una I conducta normal", extern6 Carlos Beltramo Alvarez, secreta rio ejecutivo de Alianza l.atinoamertcana para la Familia, con sede en : Peru.

AI participar en el III Congreso Mundial de Familias -que cuenta con la asistencia de 2 mil SOD lideres de 70 palses-, Beltramo Alvarez senal6 que los homosexuales "se niegan a aeeptar la posibilidad de que pueden ser curados de su enfermedad, es decir, a pesar de que existen fundamentos cientificos de que es posible eambien su impulso hacia la heterosexualidad". No obstante, el empresario dijo desconocer el proeeso psieol6gico "pues solo me han comentado de su existencia en la web".

Dijo -sin precisar fechas,- que en Brasil "hasta hace poco habra una

asociacion de psicoloqos que curaba la homosexualidad, ante esto el movimiento gay de ese pais presion6 fuertemente al Congreso y la asociacion desapareci6, incluso, aquellos que querfan ser curados debian tener autorlz acton de un juez, de 10 contra rio psiquiatra y paeiente iban ala carcel''.

Carlos Beltramo dijo a esta ageneia que la problernatlca de homosexuales y lesbianasradica en que careeen del objeto er6tico adeeuado, que en el caso del varon es la vagina, y en el easo de la mujer es el pene, "eso es 10 normal, las hormonas de uno se cornplernentan con las hormonas del otro, esto oeurre cuando no hay trastornos de los impulsos", enfatiz6.

Despues de p arttclpar en la mesa "Familia, sexualidad y procreaclon", Beltramo Alvarez explie6 a NotieSe que debido a que la anatomia maseulina, especificarnente el ano, no esta disefiado para recibir un pene, "muehoshomosexuales terminansu vida usando pafiales parentales ya que se les altera ese musculo que tiene como unica funci6n el exeretar". Y ejemplifico: "yo tengo muehos amigos homosexuales que Ilevan una vida normal y a quienes no les ocurrlra 10 que he mencionado pues no han dado

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tregua a la enfermedad que padecen y a que trabajan en recuperar el impulse adeeuado".

Abund6: "un homosexual no es anormal en la medida en que no Ie da rienda suelta a su padeeimiento, por 10 que el problema no es la persona sino [a enfermedad. que experimenta, la cual consiste en tener sentimientos ambivalentes" .Indic6 tarnbien que [a hornosexualidad es resultado de Ia ausencia de un modele de padre 0 madre que genera un desajuste psicol6gico.

Con anterioridad Be[tramo sefialo en torno la masturbaei6n que esta "no fortalece la identidad sexual sino que la desdibuja". Neg6 que la comunidad lesbico, gay, homosexual, transqenero sea rechazada 0 excluida de la sociedad pues "de acuerdo con las sagradas escrituras hay que amar al pecador y no al pecado".

Por su parte, Dorothy Patterson, profesora de Estudios sobre la Mujer, del Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, se refiri6 a la anticoncepei6n al decir que estos matan a los seres humanos par 10 que se vuelven agentes abortivos, y enfatiz6: "Dios Ie ha dado un vientre a la mujer no para que sea una career que resguarde a un proximo ejecutado, sino para que viqile y

fomente la vida".

Durante el evento, en el eual participan mas de 300 organizaciones de diversas partes del mundo, la docente definio a la mujer "como el instrumento pa ra transrnltir valores quien tarnbien es un dique en contra de la in moralidad que inunda ala sociedad". "Dios es Dios y el es quien controla la vida, hay que permitir que el controle la vida y la muerte", remat6.



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AlterNet: Cross-Dressing in the Crosshairs

3/1/2005 1210 PM

The Mix ls the Mess.age

Cross-Dressing in the Crosshairs

By Benjamin Witte, AlterNet

Posted on January 15,2004, Printed on March 1,2005!

In recent months Rodrigo Lopez, a transvestite human rights campaigner from the quiet Region V town of Los Andes, has suffered repeated verbal and physical harassment, including telephone and e-mail death threats and an arson attempt.

Two months ago, according to Lopez; head of the Aconcagua Province chapter of the Transvestite Association of Chile, someonethrew a frrebomb into a room where he and several other association members were meeting. At the time of the attack there were 18 people in the building. tlWe a1most died," he said.

So far authorities have made no apparent effort to investigate the arson attempt, claims Lopez. Nor have police responded to a complaint he filed on Dec. 18, 2003, after an unidentified person fired several bullets in his direction. The same lack of response came. for a third complaint, filed on Dec. 22, when someone tried to run Lopez and a companion over with a car.

These incidents, unfortunately, are not isolated, says the Transvestite Association leader, Last year alone, over 30 other individuals in Aconcagua Province were the victims of attacks directed against sexual minorities. In 2002, furthermore, there were 32 such incidents in the province, where a constant flow of traffic between Santiago and Mendoza, Argentina -- Lopez estimates that 600 trucks per week pass through the area -- sustains a busy sex trade. As far as nationwide statistics are concerned, the human rights activist admits he does not have exact figures, though he estimates there could be as many as 300 incidents of abuse against homosexuals per year.

Even more alarming are the circumstances surrounding the 2002 deaths of two area transvestites, suspected by many, including Lopez, of being murdered. In Apri12002, authorities discovered the half-burned body of 23-year-old transvestite Vladimir Mario Ibanez. The young man's death has yet to be officially ruled asa homicide. Then, on Dec. 3, the cut-up remains of another transvestite, 22-year-old Boris Javier Covarrubias, were also discovered.

"There is a plot that is being covered up here," according to Lopez, who suspects that he and other area homosexuals are being victimized by an organized group that may involve local businessmen and that counts on high-level protection within police and government ranks.

Last year Lopez made repeated attempts to draw government attention to the ongoing string ofhwnan rights abuses, sending off declarations to Minister of the Interior Jose


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Miguel Insulza, Justice Minister Luis Bates, the Supreme Court in Santiago and to the office of President Ricardo Lagos himself. The government has so far offered no response.

The Transvestite Association president has, however, recently gained the attention of Amnesty International, which published an article last week demanding that Chilean authorities "act to show that these crimes of hate will not be tolerated, and that the perpetrators win be investigated and prosecuted. It

"Ignoring these crimes, It according to Amnesty International, "sends a signal to the wider community that these threats are not important and that hatred and violence towards the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite) community is acceptable."

In the meantime, Lopez, whose term as the Transvestite Association of Chile chapter president does not expire until 2006, insists he will keep up his campaign efforts. In addition to writing more letters, he plans to organize demonstrations.

"I hope we don't have any fatal victims in 2004," he commented.

Benjamin Witte is a Us. journalist in Santiago, Chile.

© 2005 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.

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CHILE Rodrigo Lopez Barrera, President of TravesChile of Aamcagua, V

Region (Transvestites Association)

A campaigner for the human rights of transvestites in Chile has reportedly been shot at in the street and received death threats. Amnesty International is seriously concerned for his safety.

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Rodrigo Lopez Barrera allegedly received an anonymous telephone death threat on 16 December 2003. Two days later someone fired several shots at him as he was walking on the street in San Felipe, to the west of Santiago, and on 20

December a car followed him. As President of TravesChile of Aconcagua, Rodrigo L6pez has filed complaints and publicly complained of harassment and attacks against the transvestite community in Aconcagua Province, V Region, since April 2002. Legal complaints about the recent attacks against Rodrigo Lopez Barrera have been submitted to the Chilean authorities, but they are not known to have carried out any investigation.

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Amnesty International is concerned that the attacks against Rodrigo Lopez are related to his human rights work on behalf of the transvestite community in the area.


Members of sexual minority groups have reportedly been harassed in the Province of Aconcagua, and more than 30 people have reportedly been beaten. Two transvestites have been killed in unexplained circumstances: Vladimir Mario Ibanez Carrasco in April 2002 and Boris Javier Covarrubias in December 2002. While judicial investigations have been opened into the killings, Amnesty International is concerned that the authorities do not appear to adequately investigate reports of these threats and attacks. The organization is also concerned that those who report such human rights violations may face further threats to prevent the complaint from being pursued effectively.

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A. Excerpts from "Sexual Orientation and Human Rights in the Americas," Andrew Reding, World Po1icy Institute Project for Global Democracy and Human Rights, December 2003.

Overview: The effect of culture on patterns of risk:

"The Spanish and Portuguese-speaking regions ... have inherited the perspective of

. Mediterranean Europe, in which only effeminate, submissive men are thought of as 'homosexual.' In much of Latin America, men who are seen as soft, effeminate, or insufficiently masculine are subject to constant taunting, verbal and physical abuse and discrimination. By contrast, men who have sex with other men but who are perceived as sexually dominant and macho are not generally considered 'homosexual' at al1, and suffer little if any social stigma." pgs 2-3

Latin America: Social Context:

"Machista ideals of manly appearance and behavior contribute 10 extreme prejudices against effeminate men, and frequently to violence against them. The Roman Catholic teaching that homosexuality is a sin further contributes to intolerance, and is seen by many to provide moral sanction for mistreatment. To live an undisturbed gay or lesbian lifestyle in much ifnot most of Latin America, one has to hide it" p 7

«Socialization into machismo begins in early childhood, making it very difficult to change later in life. It also teaches young men that they can demonstrate their masculinity by denigrating that of their peers." p 10

"The emphasis on hyper-masculinity has serious consequences. It means that most Latin American gay or bisexual males, regardless of the sexual roles they assume in private, are at pains to project a manly image in public. The relative few who are unable to do so are therefore highly exposed and subject to ridicule and harassmenL. A further hazard arises when social stigmas become internalized. The fear of losing one's masculinity, or the public image of masculinity, is so strong that it can lead to hatred of one's self and one's partners for indulging in stigmatized behavior." p II



"According to Alejandro Silva, Secretary of the Office of the National Human Rights Coordinator, Chilean society remains deeply prejudiced against homosexuals, and the country has yet to seriously confront the issue of discrimination based on sexual orientation." p 30

"Boys and men who are perceived to be effeminate are routinely SUbjected to ridicule, harassment and beatings ... In a 29-nation survey of pub1ic opinion conducted in 1998- 1999, Chileans stood out for their lack of tolerance for homosexual behavior. .. The lowest levels [of tolerance] were registered by Chile ... and the Philippines ... at 9 and 8 [out of 100], respectively." p 30

"Despite the restoration of democracy in 1990, hostile public attitudes make disclosure of one's sexual identity hazardous for sexual minorities. Activists estimate that only about one percent of homosexuals are open about their orientations." p 31

"A major challenge for post-l 990 democratic governments has been to reassert effective civilian control over what had become a militarized police force, and inculcate respect for human rights ... Despite the repeal of laws that prohibited sexual activity between members of the same sex, and which allowed for arbitrary detention on mere suspicion, old habits die hard. At the beginning of March 2003, Carabineros (uniformed police) in northern Chile arrested 22 homosexuals at a gay discotheque in Calarna.' p 31

"Attacks on homosexuals - especially transvestites - continue to be frequent, and sometimes deadly:

# On March 6, 2002, about fifteen youths aged 18 to 25 attacked a group of transvestite sex workers in ViZa del Mar with fists, sticks, and knives. Among those attacked on 12th Street (Calle 12) in the center of town were transvestites w.hose street names are Milenka, Jasna, Nancy and Wendy. As of the end of 2002, there had been no arrests in the case.

# In May 2002, the body ofWladimir Iba.Zez Carrasco, aka "La Pilar," a 42-yearold transvestite sex worker, was found in a waterway outside the city of Los Anges, about 25 miles north of Santiago.

# On May 25, 2002, the body of 25-year-old Mauricio Ortega Julio was found of the banks of the El Volcan River in Chacritas, San Jose de Maipo. Carabineros had been attending a party a short distance away" on the night of the murder, and a Carabinero cap was found near the body. The deceased had been having an affair with local Carabinero chielfV ictor Perez Soto, who resigned from the force on July 16. Not long before the murder, Jorge Valencia of the Police Intelligence Directorate of the Carabineros (Dipolcar) had tried to confiscate a videotape filmed by Ortega. As of the end of20031 scant progress had been made in th case,


and family members were alleging police involvement in the murder and cover-up.

# On August 2, 2002, Hugo Andres Godoy, a 19-year-old transvestite known as "La Wanda," was attacked with a baseball bat and nearly beaten to death on

A venida Argentina in Los Andes.

# On September 16,2002, Liceo Juan Francisco Vergara, a high school in ViZa del Mar, expelled Mayra Espinoza for kissing a female classmate upon leaving school the preceding day. The kiss was interpreted as "lesbian behavior," warranting expulsion. Mayra had previously won an award as "best student," and was vice president of the Student Association. Following complaints, the Ministry of Education negotiated a settlement under which Mayra was allowed to graduate three months early in order to keep her away from classes and the graduation ceremony.

# In November 2002, Carlos MuZoz, a member of Vida Optima, an organization created by and for people living wit HIV / AIDS, was found dead on the banks of the Mapoeho River.

# On December] 2, 2002, a group of youths attacked a young man with the initials JRPS in the center of Santiago for no other reason than his being gay. JRPS chose not to file charges, because he did not want 10 be publicly identified as being gay.

# On December 24,2002, Marion, a transgendered person, was attacked in Los Andes, suffering numerous deep cuts from a pocketknife."

pgs 32-33

"There are also numerous indications that police abuse continues to be a serious problem:

# In June 2002, agents of Santiago Police Station #) 9 detained 23-year-old Rodolfo Jofre Cerda, alias "Amanda," a transvestite sex worker. Rodolfo reported being raped by the officers. Five months later, Rodolfo died of a drug overdose.

# In July 2002, TravesChile reported receiving death threats from a Carabinero police sergeant and a corporal from Santiago Police Station #4. Though members managed to record the corporal's license plate number (94752] R), the police commander declined to investigate.

# On October 31,2003, Carabinero police detained two young gay men, JML and RMR, after they kissed each other in the center of Santiago. The police beat the youths at the time of detention, and subsequently stole all of their money after taking them to Santiago Police Station #1. MOVILH secured the youths release within 48 hours and filed charges against the officers in the Second Military Court (Segunda Fical i.a Militar).

# On November 29,2002, police in the coastal city of ViZ a del Mar arrested TravesChile member Michel Clementi on charges of "contempt of public authority." Clementi had been arrested and subjected to physical abuse the previous year, and had subsequently filed a human rights complaint. The new arrest was evidently in response to the complaint.

# On December 27,2002, agents of the 19th Commissariat of Pro vi den cia detained


Gonzalo Cid and Nicolas Ramirez, leaders of the Unified Movement of Sexual Minorities (Movimienlo Unificado de Minor ias Sexuales, MUMS). According to MUMS, their sole offense was the public distribution of condoms.

# At about 1 am on April 12, 2003, some two dozen young men armed with knives and firearms attacked a gathering being held by transvestites at the Santiago headquarters ofTravesChile. They fired shots in the air, ransacked offices, and beat several persons, including Alejandre, Soto CastiJ1o, whom they had reportedly followed to the gathering. The occasion was a benefit for Cherry Suarez..a transvestite afflicted by AIDS who was suffering from Karposi's Sarcoma, an opportunistic cancer that attacks persons with weakened immune systems. Only one of the assailants was detained and charged with the crime. Sivia Parada, president of TravesChile, denounced the national police (Carabinerosi for failing to protect the transvestites from armed aggression."

pgs 33-34

B. "Fear for safety," Amnesty International Urgent Action, January 6, 2004:

"A campaigner for the human rights of transvestites in Chile has reportedly been shot at in the street and received death threats. Amnesty International is seriously concerned for his safety ... Members of sexual minority groups have reportedly been harassed in the Province of Aconcagua, and more than 30 people have reportedly been beaten. Two transvestites have been kiIJed in unexplained circumstances ... While judicial investigations ' have been opened into the killings, Amnesty International is concerned that the

'. authorities do not appear to adequately investigate reports of these threats and attacks.

The organization is also concerned that those who report such human rights violations may face further threats to prevent the complaint from being pursued effectively." p.l

C. "Civil Police Accused of Hiding Information in Case of Murdered Gay," OpusGay.c1, September 13,2003, with translation:

"Until now the uniformed police (Carabineros) and the courts were the only entities accused of obstructing justice in the case of Mauricio Ortega, the young basketball player murdered in May 2002 ... This Friday, after finding new potential evidence, the victim's family members assert that the trust given to the Civil Police is also going up in smoke .. .'? p.l

D. "Chilean Masons: 'Gays are not men' ,", September 2, 2003, with translation:

" .. .the Grand Master of the Chilean Freemasons, Jorge Carvajal, ... stated that there cannot be gays inside his institution 'because according to our rules (the members) must be men'." p.l


E. "Chilean Bishop: <A Homosexual Professor is Dangerous' ,", December 6, 2003, with translation:

'The Bishop ofTemuco, Manuel Camilo Vial, expressed strong statements against homosexuals, warning that the sexual orientation of gays, lesbians or transvestites can be a danger if that minority accepts certain public positions, because helshe can 'take advantage of the position to pervert children. '" p.I

"In an interview published today in the Saturday Magazine, the religious figure indicated that sexual minorities can live 'their condition openly, but that does not mean they can proclaim it everywhere they go nor can they allow themselves to pervert children or have homosexual relations. We ask them to live in chastity just like a single heterosexual, without relationships with others." p.l

F. "[Movilh] Demands That Chilean Police End Detention of Homosexuals," OpusGay.c1, January 13, 2004, with translation:

"Movilh stated that Carabineros [police] have detained homosexuals for the fact that they are together with or kissing each other in public thanks to an «arbitrary" application of Article 373 of the Penal Code, which sanctions the offenses against decency, morality and good customs." p 1

"Since 2002, Carabineros have detained two couples for kissing in publico In one of the cases, which affected JML and RMR, the detainees were also physically and verbal1y abused by employees of the First Commissariat in Santiago. Currently, the complaint is filed with the Military Prosecutor, without any sanctions against those responsible." pgs 1-2.

"The complaints made by homosexuals against 373 rose to five in 2002 and four in 2003. Among the most serious issues of last year was also the detention of the president of TravesChile, Silvia Parada, and of the transsexual leader of TravesNavia, Juana Iris Rubio." p 2

"A mass imprisonment happened last March when the Calama Police Investigative Section raided a clandestine gay club and detained 16 people for "offenses against decency, morality and good customs." p 2

G. "Chilean Rules Prohibit Gays from Donating Blood,", June 16,2003:

"The Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation (Movilh) denounced today that one of the "most serious abuses against the Chilean sexual minorities" is the fact that all of the blood banks in the country prohibit gays from donating blood or, at least,


question people about their sexuality." p 1

H. "Chile.Brutal Attack Against Office of Trans Group; Demand Immediate Investigation and Protection for the Activists," \\i\ International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, Action Alert, April 23, 2003:

"In the early hours of April 23, 2003, the headquarters of TravesChile in Santiago (transgender organization with representation in several Chilean cities) were attacked by more than 20 young men. The attackers used sticks, stones and firearms to practically destroy the place. Shots were fired in the air, valuables stolen and the trans activists present were severely beaten. The organization's vice-president, Alejandra, is currently hospitalized. Police officers took more than half an hour to reach the place and failed to arrest any of the attackers." p 1

I. "Chile: Demand Police Accountability in Trans Murders," w', International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, Action Alert, December 17, 2002:

"According to records collected by TravesChile (a trans organization) and Movimiento Unificado de Minorias Sexuales (MUMS, a gay organization), about 24 transvestites have been murdered in Chile in the last two years; authorities have solved only one of these cases. The organizations accuse the police and the judicial system of inaction due to homophobic bias." p 1

J.' "Student Expelled for Lesbian Behavior," w\ International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, Action Alert, September 30, 2003:

"On September 16,2002, Mayra Espinoza, a high school student in ViZa del Mar, Chile, was expelled from school for kissing a female classmate while parting at the school's dOOL .. Chilean lesbian and gay organizations protest the discriminatory treatment of Ms. Espinoza and condemn the 'solution' - isolating a young lesbian, as if she were suffering from a 'contagious disease' - offered by the authorities." p 1

K. "Homosexuals denounce the media,", International Lesbian and Gay Association: Public Opinion and Homosexuality, September 13, 2003:

"The homosexual community in Chile demands better treatment by the communications media because gays and lesbians aretired of being subjected to discrimination.pity and sensationalism, and of being analyzed by "experts.?' p 1

"Anti-gay discrimination is widespread. According to a poll by Fundacion Ideas; 45.2 percent of the adult Chilean population surveyed believes that homosexuality should be prohibited, 'because it goes against human nature,' said Jimenez ... In the same public


opinion poll, carried out in 1995, 70.6 percent said that doctors should further investigate the causes of homosexuality, 'in order to stop us from being born,' added the Movilh leader."

1. "Chile's largest football team bars gays," PlanetOut News, March 15,2002:

"Rene Orozco says his Universidad de Chile team is looking for new players. But, he told the newspaper La Cuarta, Orozco says the club is looking for 'real men, who are hairy, smelly and tough.' Orozco said gay players are 'another species' and said 'they should go join a women's tearn."" p 1

M. "Chilean Cardinal Decries the Ordination of Gays," Los Angeles Times, December 14, 2002:

"<The ordination to the diaconate or the priesthood of men who are homosexuals or have homosexual tendencies is absolutely inadvisable and imprudent, and from the pastoral point of view, very risky,' wrote the cardinal [Jorge Medina Estevez], who is from Chile." p ]

N. "48% Believe Gay Activity 'wrong'," TheAge (Melbourne), July 9, 200]:

,"'Every country has moral reservations about homosexuality, but the intensity of these reservations varies greatly from mild distaste in the Netherlands to intense revulsion in Chile andthe Phillippines,' said Australian National University researcher Jonathan Kelley, who wrote the report." p 1

O. "Judge scandal is step back for homosexuals in Chile," Reuters, November 14,2003:

"Homosexuals in Chile got a rude reminder of the limits of social tolerance in their country when a respected judge lost an assignment after a television station exposed his visits to a gay bathhouse." p 1

P. "Anti-AIDS commercials in Chile spark media backlash," Reuters, December 3, 2003:

"The Chilean government's media campaign against AIDS hit a roadblock this week when three leading television channels refused to air commercials, including one showing a gay couple in bed ... Chile, where divorce is illegal, is considered one of the most socially conservative nations in Latin America. Throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, homophobia is one' of the biggest obstacles to proper treatment of an estimated 2 million people with AIDS-HIV in the region, according to a study by the Pan-American Health Organization." pI'



A. "Gay Men, Coming Out - What Does Coming Out Mean?,", 2003:

. "Sensitisation: .. .In this stage a person generally begins to feel 'different' to other people of the same sex. Sometimes they recognize that they are not very interested in people of the opposite sex but more often they feel they are not really interested in things which are supposed to be appropriate for their sex. Most people report just feeling unusual when

. they compare themselves to other people. of their sex." pgs 1-2

"Confusion about identity: ... There are usually four elements which contribute to confusion about identity:

1 Feeling that perceptions of the self are altering;

i" Feeling and experiencing heterosexual and homosexual arousal;

j' Sensing the stigma surrounding homosexuality; and

j- Lacking knowledge about homosexuality." p 2

"At this time they have to deal with feeling that they have changed as have their relationships with other people around them. Some also have to combat the potentially powerful feelings of self-recrimination' and disgust that come from describing themselves as homosexual., Some young people who think they are lesbian or gay will try to deny it to themselves and even seek help to eradicate their feelings, Others will try and avoid thoughts and feelings which remind them that they have homosexual inclinations. In these situations young people can avoid getting any information aboutsexualityin order to


avoid confirming their suspicions about their orientation." p 2

B. "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender: Featured Tips," The Family Institute, 2003.

"The timing of the coming out process is not uniform for every person; LGBT individuals may come out as teenagers, in midlife or later in life. There are also legitimate reasons why people never come out or openly declare their sexual orientation - fear of discrimination or prejudice, lack of social support, religious beliefs, etc." p 1

"Several stage models have developed to describe an LGBT individual's coming out process. A popular model identifies the following four stages:

1. Awareness. During the awareness stage, a person recognizes emerging same-sex feelings and attractions. This is often a time of confusion and conflict,as the person attempts to make sense of these feelings and place them into a social or personal context.

2. Acknowledgment. 11 is during the acknowledgment phase that a person comes to realize he or she is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. This phase is marked by

a struggle for self-acceptance, as well as acceptance by important others (family members, friends, peers, etc.). The LGBT individual may choose to disclose to others or come out during this stage. However, it also is important to remember that disclosure itself is not a one-time event - LGBT individuals don't come out to everyone all at once. Instead, they may choose to disclose to some people but not others, depending on such factors as timing, social context, the quality of the relationship, etc.

3. Exploration. During this stage, the person begins to explore his or her sexual identity through the formation of emotional and sexual relationships.

4. Identity integration. The identity integration stage is marked by the person's acceptance of his or her own sexuality. Greater clarity of personal identity, as weJ1 as deeper self-acceptance, is achieved. Sexual identity is incorporated as one part of the person's larger, overall identity." pgs 1-2

C. «Latina Magazine's Sound Advice on Gay Kids," GLAAD, October 28, 1999:

" ... Cobo-Hanlon writes, 'Within Latino families, coming out can be especially problematic because of deeply rooted religious beliefs, the strong foothold of machismo and vast support for traditional gender roles, along with the mistaken belief that homosexuality is a disease ... " p 1

D. "Family, Religion, and Homophobia," GLAAD, AprilI, 2002:

"While homophobia might not be greater in the Latino community than other 9

communities, deeply rooted connection to machismo and religious traditions, in addition to cultural, often cause issues of homophobia unique to the Latino/a community." p 1





Until now the uniformed police (Carabineros) and the courts were the only entities accused of obstructing justice in the case of Mauricio Ortega, the young basketbal1 player murdered in May 2002.

This Friday, after finding new potential evidence, the victim's family members assert that the trust given to the Civil Police is also going up in smoke, to the point that they do not dismiss the idea of suing Investigations for "committing serious irregularities."

The distancing between the two sides originated this week when the victim's brother, Richard Ortega, was informed of the finding of some blankets with blood on them in a house near to the site where some mule drivers found the body of the young basketball player.

'<Last February, without a warrant, the Homicide Team broke into the house and found the blankets, but they never informed me despite the fact that they know that we have always said that my brother was brought from that place to the site where they found the body," said Richard.

In conversations carried out this Tuesday with the inspector in charge of the case, Carlos Alderete, "he acknowledged that they had found the blankets and that they sent it to an expert, but he did not make clear whether that blood was my brother's. He also did not tell me whether the expert's reports were reported to the justice," he adds.


Just last Tuesday, and after months of waiting, Judge Gabriela G6mez permitted the Ortega Julio family'S attorney to have access to the summary, but it was only to read it in the presence of a clerk and with the order not to disclose the information to either the victim's family or to the media.

The jurist Patricio Ruiz should, without a doubt, indicate to Richard Ortega whether the evidence from the bloody blankets is part of the file, since in a contrary situation «it would be obvious that Investigations is hiding information and obstructing justice, over which we could then sue them," announced the victim's brother.

The house where.the blankets were found is the property of some of the Ortega-Julio family'S

friends and even though it is only inhabited by Mauricio Ortega and his partner when on vacation, the former second-in-command, Victor Perez Soto, visited the place on many occasions, undoubtedly to engage in intimate activities.

"Even though the house was locked, they knew how to enter through the back door," says Richard, to whom the principal suspect for his brother's death is Perez Soto.

Eight months after the crime and after the Civil Police threw out their suicide theory, the Homicide Team. "broke into the house, breaking the lock to pieces and took the bloody blankets without a court-ordered warrant," complained Richard after lamenting as well that up until now many judges would have discontinued the case. 1n effect, even though Judge Gabriela G6mez is the official in charge of investigating the homicide, she should have transferred the direction of the investigation to other magistrates on four occasions due to the fact that she was named exclusively for other investigations.

"The situation is even more dramatic when you consider that when another Judge (Pablo Orozco) was in charge ofthis case,the greatest advancement was made, in that it became possible for the first time last July to have Perez Soto confronted by the victim's family," finished the leader of the Movement for Homosexual Liberation and Integration (Movilh), Juan Hernandez.


After the confrontation between Perez Soto and the victim's family last July 16, it was determined that the suspect "lied and contradicted himself in his statements. For example, even though duringthe confrontation he said that he had never informed Mauricio's friends where it was possible to find him when he was without a clue, he later acknowledged that he gave that information," added Richard.

This antecedent, together with the finding this month of another friend of Mauricio who would have spoken with the victim just minutes before he disappeared, may make it possible for Perez Soto to be charged again in the Second Criminal Court of Justice in Puente Alto.

The cadaver of Mauricio Ortega was discovered on May 29, 2002 in the banks of the El Volcan River in San Jose de Maipo. At the moment of his death, the intimate relationship between the young man and Victor Perez Soto, then second-in-command, was going through some difficulties because Mauricio had shown a videotape with explicit footage of the sexual relationship between the two to some mutual friends.

After the death of Mauricio, the commander requested ofthe Lieutenant Mauricio Ribera Lopez that he be transferred, and on July 16, 2002, he voluntarily resigned from the institution. His long-time co-worker, Claudio Sepulveda, was removed from the Carabineros after the death of the young basketball player.


Military Prosecutor, without any sanctions against those responsible.

The Forth Commissariat of Santiago has also been categorized by Movilh as homophobic, since in March 2003 police of this division detained transsexual Karin Marshall for kissing her partner at Alameda and Santa Rosa. "The imprisonment was even criticized by the titular of the Eighth Criminal Court of Justice, Maria Ines Hemandez.who recognized in a meeting with us that generally the application of Article 373 is a waste of time," added Hernandez.

The complaints made by homosexuals against 373 rose to five in 2002 and four in 2003. Among the most serious issues of last year was also the detention of the president of TravesChile, Silvia Parada, and of the transsexual leader of TravesNavia, Juana Iris Rubio.

A mass imprisonment happened last March when the Calama Police Investigative Section raided a clandestine gay club and detained 16 people for "offenses against decency, morality and good customs."

"The raid in this case was legal because the business was clandestine, nevertheless, the motive for the detention (offenses against morality) is incorrect and is only applied because the customers were homosexual," stated Movilh.


I, Delila Leber, hereby affirm that I am fluent in Spanish arid English, and that I translated the foregoing document from Spanish to English truly and accurately to the best of my ability.



Signed: _




During a massive photographic event, 'To Kiss You," which took place Sunday at Forest Park, many homosexual partners expressed their affection for each other without being detained. Nevertheless, this is not the daily procedure, since in the "last two years Carabineros [police] have imprisoned people due to their sexual orientation on nine occasions," denounced the Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation (Movilh) today.

The "incoherence and double standard of theCarabineros' action" was exposed by Movilh in a missive directed to the general director of the institution, Alberto Cienfuegos, where it demanded that they "cease detaining people based solely upon the fact that they identify as homosexuals."

'The fact that the police did not detain homosexuals for kissing in Forest Park is the most tangible proof that this act did not constitute a crime and that from now on the Carabineros should act consistently," said Movilh activist, Juan Hernandez.

Movilh stated that Carabineros have detained homosexuals for the fact that they are together with or kissing each other in public thanks to an "arbitrary" application of Article 373 of the Penal Code, which sanctions the offenses against decency, morality and good customs.

"We ask you to order the personnel under your command to apply, in the correct, unprejudiced and consistent way, Article 373 of the Penal Code, which has historically been used to arbitrarily detain homosexual people," requested the missive sent to Cienfuegos and which also will be delivered to the Commission on Human Rights of the House of Representatives and to the Ministry of the Interior.

"Reiterating that Carabineros is nowunable and unjustified to detain homosexual partners for expressing their affection in public, through the "To Kiss You" event, we hope that from henceforth, our demand will be taken on, and that will translate into a decrease of the complaints before our organization due to the arbitrary applications of Article 373," punctuated the letter, to which the Second Report on Human Rights for Sexual Minorities in Chile was attached.


Since 2002, Carabineros have detained two couples for kissing in public. In one of the cases, which affected JML and RMR, the detainees were also physically and verbally abused by employees of the First Commissariat in Santiago. Currently, the complaint is filed with the

1, Delila Leber, hereby affirm that 1 am fluent in Spanish and English, and that 1 translated the foregoing document from Spanish to English truly and accurately to the best of my ability.



Signed: _



~~CHILEAN FREEMASONS: GAYS ARE NOT MEN~" OpusGay.cI, September 2,2003.

The Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation (Movilh) began various efforts today to interview the Grand Master of the Chilean Freemasons, Jorge Carvajal, due to his "erroneous" statements about gays divulged by the press.

In a report published yesterday by the daily La Hora, Carvajal stated that there cannot be gays inside his institution «because according to our rules (the members) must be men."

He explained that "in order for there to be gay freemasons, we would have to change our rules. This does not mean that we do not respect those who declare themselves to be different from the norm."

According to Juan Hernandez, communications liaison for Movilh, "it would be minor and superficial to caJ] the Chilean Freemasons homophobic after the Grand Master's statement, since he speaks of respect for sexual minorities." Nevertheless, "we are in the presence of erroneous knowledge about sexual orientation and that worries us."

Movilh explained that "in this case the most appropriate step would be to interview Carvajal in order to explain with clarity to him what it means to be homosexual and make evident that lesbians and gays are women Or men, respectively, because gender is independent of sexual orientation."

. After contacting Gerardo Ruiz, the cabinet chair for the Freemasons, the homosexual movement hopes to meet with Carvajal next week, since the grand master will have returned from a trip to Spain.


I, Delila Leber, hereby affirm that I am fluent in Spanish and English, and that I translated the foregoing document from Spanish to English truly and accurately to the best of my ability.

Signed: ----~~----~--------




The Bishop of Temuco, Manuel Camilo Vial, expressed strong statements against homosexuals, warning that the sexual orientation of gays, lesbians or transvestites can be a danger if that minority accepts certain public positions, since s/he can "take advantage of the position to pervert children."

In an interview published today in the Saturday Review, the religious figure indicated that sexual minorities can live "their condition openly, but that does not mean that they can proclaim it everywhere they go nor can they allow themselves to pervert children or have homosexual relations. We ask them to live in chastity just like a single heterosexual, without relationships with others."

He added that a homosexual orientation makes it impossible to perform in certain public positions. For example, «a professor who is an active homosexual is a danger in the performance of his/her job. And there is a clear suggestion that it is not convenient for priests to be either."

Manuel Camilo Vial indicated, however, that "a homosexual can also live in chastity and be a saint, he is not marginalized in the society. He should not have a partner, because God has given us a form through which man can realize his plentitude and any other way is abnormal. It is an exception."

When questioned about the suspension of the Judge Daniel Calvo from his job due to his visits to a gay sauna, the bishop contradicted himself by saying that "that is private conduct which 1 will not judge."


The bishop's statements did not surprise the Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation (Movilh) "because the Church's stance on this subject is already well-known."

"The interesting thing here is that in his arguments the cupolas of Catholicism are increasingly incoherent. For example, the bishop indicates that a homosexual who maintains chastity can be a saint, but is nevertheless unable to be a priest. That is an unsustainable affirmation from any perspective," said the leader of Movilh, Juan Hernandez.

The activist pointed out that in any case «in our annual report on human rights, which will soon be made public, it is evident that Manuel Camilo Vial will stand out as one of the homophobic

leaders this year."


I, Delila Leber, hereby affirm that 1 am fluent in Spanish and English, and that I translated the foregoing document from Spanish to English truly and accurately to the best of my ability.

Signed: ~~~ __ ~ _




The fight against blood banks will be a priority for the homosexual movement

The Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation (Movilh) denounced today that one of the "most serious abuses against the Chilean sexual minorities" is the fact that all of the blood banks in the country prohibit gays from donating blood or, at least, question people about their sexuality.

"While all of the blood banks verify the sexual orientation of people, a large percentage of them expressly prohibit gays from donating blood. That standard is ridiculous and arbitrary on account of the fact that all of the blood is submitted to analysis before withdrawing blood with the purpose of avoiding the transmission of diseases," pointed out the Movilh leader Juan Hernandez.

He added that during their visits to the blood banks, the technicians "gave us brutal explanations about the ban, with the most recurrent argument being that gays are more promiscuous. That reality is only comparable to or probably greater in seriousness to the penalization of sexual relations between people of the same sex that governed until 1998," pointed out the homosexual organization in a public statement.

Movilh cited as examples the «abuse" at the Santa Maria Clinic, the San Juan de Dios Hospital and the Public Assistance Emergency Hospital (HUAP), all of which have policies preventing the extraction of blood from homosexual people.

Hernandez held the Public Hea1th Institute (1SP) responsible because that institution regulates the blood banks and the c1inicallaboratories. "We repudiate, therefore, the passivity of the Ministry of Health on this theme, since their rules are completely contradictory to the antidiscriminatory discourse of the government," added Movilh.


With the purpose of eliminating the "unnecessary" questionnaire about sexual orientation and the expressed bans on gays, "which also have direct implications on the donation of organs," Movilh is taking steps along with consultants "from the Health minister's office to interview the minister Pedro Garcia, and wil1 seek the "support and alliance in this fight with the House of Representatives Health Commission, the Medical College and the medical schools."

The organization warns that if the problem cannot be resolved through dialogue, "we will initiate legal action, about which we have already asked fOT advice from the Public Interest Clinic of the Diego Portales University. If that also fails to achieve results, masses of homosexual men will donate our blood and we will sue the Chilean government before international organizations just like we did fOT the penalization of sodomy."

The Movilh president, Rolando Jimenez, lamented "that just when we begin to see advances in favor of sexual minorities, such as the joining of our project with the Congress last week, we find ourselves facing this unusual rule at the Blood banks."

"From today on, our organization wi1l fight forthe end of this brutal inclination in the health system as our first priority in the struggle against homophobia," emphasized Movilh.


I, Delila Leber, hereby affirm that I am fluent in Spanish and English, and that I translated the foregoing document from Spanish to English truly and accurately to the best of my ability.



Signed: _

OpusGay - lnforme Derechos Hurnanos Homosexuales Chilenos 20031 Gay Chilel OpusGay

4/6/2005 10:55 AM

el primer periodlco gay en Chile


EI II Informe Anual sabre DDHH de los Homosexuales Chi/enos explic6 que a pesar del aumento de las denuncias, los indices de homafobia cultural han mermado en el pais, al punta que el 2003 rue el ana mas fructffero para las minorfas sexuales. EI estudio entreg6 un ranking de la homotobie, encabezado por el presidente del Coleqio Medico y la Corte

Suprema. '





30 de diciembre, 2003 (OpusGay).- EI 2003 desde ya es un afio que quedara registrado en la historia del movimiento homosexual

chileno debido a la mas amplia apertura ciudadana y rnediatlca registrada hasta ahora y al triunfo de luchas perseguidas par las minorias sexuales desde su organizaci6n en el pais.

La Corte Suprema fue la instituci6n mas homof6bica del 2003

Ese panorama posibilit6 que muchos homosexuales se atrevieran como nunca antes en el 2003 a estampar diversas denuncias y dar la cara por la defensa de sus derechos, mientras que en respuesta los sectores calificados hist6ricamente como "homof6bicos" levantaron este

afio can especial fuerza su voz.

Tal analisls corresponde a uno de los tantos del II Informe Anual sobre los Derechos Humanos, texto


Page 1 ofS

OpusGay - Infonne Dercchos Humanos Hornosexuales Chilenos 2003! Gay Chile! OpusGay

4/6[2005 lO: 55 AM

elaborado por el Movimiento de Inteqraclon y Liberacion Homosexual (Movilh) y respaldado por Amnistfa Internacional que fue hecho publico hoy en campania de la diputada Marfa Antonieta Saa.


Sequn el Infarme, los casos 0 denuncias por homafabia 0 discrlrrunacion contra las minorias sexuales ascendieron en el 2003 a 66, cifra superior en un 37.5 par ciento respecto al 2002.

Las formas de segregaci6n se dividieron en: a) 12 declaraciones homof6bicas emitidas por autoridades 0 personajes publicos, b) 5 casos 0 denuncias por discriminaci6n en los arnbitos rnedlattcos del espectaculo y la cultura, correspondiente uno de esos a amenaza de muerte; c) 1 carnpafia movilizadora contra [as minorias sexuales, d) 18 acetones 0 intentos de marginaci6n 0 'exclusion institucional, e) 2 denuncias 0 casas de hostigamiento en espacios estudiantiles, f) 6 intentos de rnarqinacion 0 excluslon de los espacios publicos, g) 3 casas 0 denuncias par discriminaci6n en espacios familiares 0 vecinales, h) 8 agresiones perpetradas por civiles; e y) 4 atropellos policiales ..

"A diferencia del eiio anterior no se reportaron esesinetos por causas homotobices", report6 el documento de 53 carillas, tras explicar que al margen de las cifras descritas 10 cierto es que durante el afio "diversas encuestas revelaron Que a nive! promedio la homofobia disminuy6 en el pais de maner-a consigerable~:"_

Los responsables de los casos de discriminaclon identificados en el Informe ascendieron a 43 personas y 16 instituciones, ubicadas en un ranking de mayor a menor gravedad elaborado par el Movilh sequn la consideraci6n de diversos criterios.

En 10 referido a las personas, el ranking es encabezado par el presidente del Colegio Medico, Juan Luis Castro, por oponerse a que los gays donen sangre y par afirmar que los homosexuales son mas propensas a transmitir enfermedades. En segundo lugar, y por el mismo rnotivo, se ubica al presidente de la Sociedad Chilena de Hematologia, Milton larrondo, seguido por el presidente de la Corte Suprema, Marcos Libedinsky y el juez de la Corte Suprema Jose Benquis, quienes han sostenido que un homosexual podrfa ser funcionario del Poder Judicial, siempre y cuando no se conozca su orientacion sexual.

EI Presidente del Colegio fue la persona mas homof6bica del 2003 por rechazar que los gays donen sangre

La lista es seguida par 13 rninlstros de la Corte Suprema que decidieron abrir un cuaderno de remoci6n contra el magistrado Daniel Calvo, debido a las vlsitas del juez a un sauna gay, y par el Cardenal Jorge



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Medina, el Soci61ogo Fernando Villegas; el Diputado DC Patricio Walker; el Obispo de Temuco, Manuel Camilo Vial y el Concejal UDr Luis Parot, entre otros.

En el ambito Instrtucicnal, y par diversos motivos, se ubicaron: 1) la Corte Suprema; 2) el Colegio Medico, Sociedad Chilena de Hematologfa y Bancos Privados de Sangre 3) Carabineros de Chile, por segunda vez en el ranking; 4) la Iglesia Cat6lica, par segunda vez en el ranking; 5) el Centro de Diagn6stico Terapeutico del Hospital San Borja Arriaran: 6) la Casa de Acogida para enfermos de Sida "EI BuenPastor de Iquique"; 7) el Liceo Carmela Carvajal de Prat; 8) la prelatura del Opus Dei; 9) el Club Nudista Playa Luna; 10) Acci6n Familia (por segunda vez en el ranking) y el sitlo neonazi Nuestra Voz.

Otras instituciones y personas no fueron consideradas homof6bicas, pero si de ser protagonistas de discursos 0 practlcas que de una u otra manera dafiaron a las minorias sexuales en forma individual 0 colectiva, aqrupandose en dos categorias: "conducta hom6fica" y "utilitarismo de la homosexualidad", nuevas conceptos elaborados por el Movilh, con el 11 objeto de dar cuenta mas especifica de la situaci6n de discriminaci6n padecidas por las minorias sexuales en Chile"

"La conducta homof6bicacorresponde a las opiniones, acciones 0 actitudes que las personas 0 instituciones pueden manifestar en algun momenta de sus vidas, afectando en forma negativa el conocimiento 0 la integridad de alguien identificado como homosexual. Una conducta homof6bica, en otras palabras, no vuelve necesariamente a una persona homotobice", explic6 el Informe, ubicando a cinco personas y dos instituciones bajo esa clasificaci6n.

" EI utilitarismo de la homosexualidadconsiste, en tanto, en el usa yabuso que determinadas personas 0 instituciones hacen de la orientaci6n homosexual 0 las conductas homosexuales para conseguir por vias regulares 0 ilicitas determinados fines que terminan por dajjar en forma directa o indirecta a un individuo 0 a la poblaci6n de las minorias sexuales en general". Bajo dicha forma fueron agrupadas tres personas.

EI ex administrador del sauna gay, Sebastian Rodrfguez, quien delat6al juez Daniel Calvo par visitar su

local, fue ubicado en las dos categorias descritas. .


AI hacer un balance de los logros

La reapetura del incendio de la discoteca gay Divine, fue uno de los hitos del 2003 alcanzados, el Movilh destac6 en su texto que para el movimiento homosexual el 2003 es "sin duda el


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ana de los homosexuales en Chile", pues se registraron hechos y procesos de gran siqnlttcaclon para la tarea reivindicativa que tuvieron alto impacto a nivel ciudadano, rnedlatico y sectorial.

Los principales triunfos, identificados como hitos, fueron: a) l)la reapertura del caso sobre el incendio la Discoteca gay Divine, tras nueve afios de lucha; 2) la eltrntnacion de los bancos publicos de reglamentos que prohibfan a los gays donar, 3) el ingreso al Parlamento del proyecto de "Fomento de la No Discriminaci6n y Contrato de Union Civil entre Personas del rnisrno Sexo", con el mas alto patrocinio permitido por la ley y con el respaldo de legisladores de diversos pa rtidos politicos; 4) la movilizaci6n de las lesbianas organizadas en el espacio publico y rnedlatico por la defensa de sus derechos y 5) la

·suspensi6n de un juez (Daniel Calvo) a rafzde una denuncia efectuada por una persona abiertamente homosexual y que provoc6 efectos de alcance nacicnal.

Desde un punto de vista mas general el Movilh destac6 " un incremento del 34.6 por ciento de actividades culturales, ecedemices 0 sociales que tuvieron como organizador 0 participante al movimiento homosexual".

EI texto identific6 edemas a diversos fen6menos 0 noticlas referidas a las minorfas sexuales ocurridas en el 2003 y que carecen de precedentes, como fueron: a) debates sobre la homosexualidad que

involucraron durante meses a representantes de los tres Poderes del Estado, b) diversificaclon de voces favorables a las minorias sexuales, hecho provocado por la inclusion en el debate de personajes publicos (homosexuales 0 heterosexuales) pertenecientes a los arnbltos del espectaculo 0 ta cultura, c) diversificaci6n de voces homof6bicas en el terreno religioso y publico mediante declaraciones de representantes de la Iglesia Cat6lica, de la masonerfa, de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Ultimos Dias, de la Corporaci6n Anglicana de Chile y del Consejo de Unidades Pastorales dela Regi6n Metropolitana, d) transformaci6n de hechos relacionados con las minorfas sexuales en unproceso de interes nacional y no de una discusi6n coyuntural 0 limitada y e) la inclusi6n en la teleserie Machos, de Canal 13 y Puertas Adentro, de TVN, de personajes homosexuales no estereotipados

EI presidente del Movilh, Rolando Jimenez, enfatiz6 que al margen de esos avances y de la disminuci6n de lahomofobia cultural, 10 cierto es que la "discriminecion contra las minorias sexuales sigue siendo la mas grave del pais. Este eiio sin embargo deja importantes cimientos que nos animan y alien tan a.

seguir en nuestra lucha para revertir esa situaci6n ", .


Por segundo afio consecutivo Amnistfa Internacional respald6 el Informe Anual del Movilh y partlcipo en el lanzamiento del texto teniendo como representante al encargado del Equipo de Derechos Humanos de las Minorias Sexuales de esa organizaci6n, Patricio Quevedo.

Coincidiendo con el apoyo manifestado por Quevedo al documento, el director de la Secci6n Chilena de AI, Sergio Laurenti, indic6 en un comunicado que "el Informe es una compilaci6n importante, util y efectiva para dar seguimiento a las violaciones de los derechos humanos de las minorias sexuales en Chile"

Dijo adernas que unos de los aspectos " particularmente utiles" del Informe son el "enunciado de la (nueva) conceptualizaci6n de la homofobia yla discriminaci6n por razones de identidad sexual, asi como la compilaci6n de las diversas denuncias investigadas por el Movilh y otrasorganizaciones"

En una clara concordancia con los diagn6sticos y analisls del documento, laurenti sostuvo que - el2003 ha sidoun ano muy significativo de visibilizaci6n de la


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problemetice que afecta a las personas gay, lesbianas, travestis, transexuales y transg{mero en Chile".

"Amnistie Internacional considera que justamente la visibilidad y la den uncia puntual e informada de las violaciones de los derechos humanos contribuyen a un cambio de actitud y toma de conciencia por parte de la sociedad civil, asi como del Gobierno, y los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley. Aunque lentos, hay avances yes importante destacarlos", puntuallzo.

EI Movilh explic6, por su parte, que "Ia estructurecion Informe no fue una tarea facil debido a la gran cantidad de informacion y de acciones reportadas en 2003 y, especialmente, por el bombardeo de procesos que en un mismo tiempo·evidenciaban (aparentes) paradojas y que, en algunos casas, carecian de precedentes".

Por ello el texto deblo dividirse en 11 secciones, dedicandose unespacio importante a un catastro de todos los casos 0 denuncias por discriminaci6n ocurridos en el 2003, entre esos dos que james salieron a la luz publica, y a una recopllacion sobre las acciones juridicas, legislativas, sociales, culturales y academlcas protagonizadas por diversas organizaciones de minorias sexuales.

Tambien se registraron los nuevos grupos 0 asociaciones de homosexuales surgidos en el 2003 y se destacan pronunciamientos publicos yfavorables hacia las minorias sexuales efectuados por personajes

que nunca antes se habfan referido al tema. .

"Con nuestro Informe, que sera entregado a representantes de los tres poderes del Estado, esperamos en sintesis responder a todas las inquietudes de las personas interesadas en el tenomeno de la discriminecion y, al mismo tiempo, contribuir a generar sociedades mas justas y democretices", puntuallzo Jimenez.

OpusGav es un periodico de dlstribucion y actuelizacion periodica Director: Alberto Roa/ Editor: German Cafion/ Diaqrarnador :

Gonzalo Velasquez/

San Ignacio 1263, Santiago Centro/ Fonos: 555 28 84/ 09 884 99 34/ Correo: prensa@opusgay.d

Impreso en Serviciosde Impresi6n Victor Araneda, Taro Mazotte 101, Santiago

Todos los derechos reservados.


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Travesti entrega carta al Presidente de Chile denunciando represi6n de carabineros 2003-08-07·

<?xml:namespace prefix = 0 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" t» (OpusGay).- Una activista travesti entreg6 hoy al presidente Ricardo Lagos una carta donde denunci6 los atropellos a que son sometidas las transgeneros a causa de su orientacion sexual por parte de civiles yIa po1icfa uniformada.

A juicio de la travesti Michel Clementi el gobierno debe contribuira " acIarar los asesinatos que suceden dfa a dfa por grupos neonazis y por la fuerza publica, ademas pedimos 1a derogaci6n del articulo 373 que sanciona las of ens as al pudor, Ia moral y las buenas costumbres" y que es ap1icado par Carabineros para detencionesy golpizas arbitrarias.

En la carta al presidente Lagos se explica que "En las comisanas nos desnudan, nos engrillan, nos golpean y nos insultan luego nos pasan ala carcel en Ia cual nos engrillan y como en el tiernpo nazi, nos marcan can una camisa can la notificacion de imputados, encadenadas de pies y manos nos trasladan a tribunales junto can reos comunes, que muchas veces son homof6bicos, arriesgando nuestra integridad ffsica, incluso nuestra vida, sin importarles eso, en el tribunal no tenemos derecho a apelacion. Muchas veces . los actuarios inducen las declaraciones no prestando atencion ni credito a las denuncias por mal tratoy detenciones sin fundamento", agreg6.

"En nuestro orden legal el carabinero es testigode fe par tanto, los partes policiales dan cuenta par. ejempJo de "mostraba los genitales en la via publica" "incitaci6n a los transeuntes'' "ruidos molestos" hasta llegar a] cargo de agresi6n a carabineros y dafios a la propiedad fiscal siendo que en la mayorfa los cargos anteriores jamas fueron ciertos.

Pareciera que las detenciones par motivos sexuales tienen menos defensa, estrin mas expuestas y la 'fe' del carabinero vale mas que los derechos hurnanos de las personas, avalada por el arnculo 373 "de la moral y las buenas costumbres", ellos se convierten en 1a moral verde que acusa a travestfs y transgeneros por nuestra orientaci6n sexual y nuestra vestirnenta, hace mas de un afio logramos conseguir una identificacion donde fuera respetada nuestra postura femina, es decir como usted nos ve en la calle asf aparecemos en el carne esto con la venia del registro civil, l,ese logro para que? si seguimos siendo castigadas, castradas socialmente por ser como somas, por ese hecho pasamos 5 dfas en carcel sin contar domingos ni festivos sin derecho a fianza, y luego ser dejadas absueltas yen libertad, para otra vez repetir el mismo procedirniento habitamos entre la ciudad y la cana como lepras sociales por no ser corregibles y volver a cometer el de1ito de "grave of ens a a la mora] y a las buenas costumbres" solo par existir.

La sociedad no da espacios a las travestis y transgeneros ni educacionales, ni laborales, ni de integraci6n ciudadana, S1 bien han habido avances para 1a visibilidad 1a realidad es otra, los asesinatos, las goIpizas, los abusos de poder, siguen sucediendo dfa a dfa, en todo chile, en todos los rincones donde se encuentre una de nosotras.

La justicia en chile hace vista gorda con los juicios por los casos de asesinatos y estos quedan impunes pero, en cambio, Michelson esta en libertad con 200.000 pesos de fianza y los multiples asesinos de travestfs y transgenerosjamas han pisado Ia carcel inc1uso carabineros estan implicados en algunos de ellos. Fuera de esto existen grupos homof6bicos, neonazis y nacionalistas que operan en laimpunidad, todos los dias atentan contra alguna de nosotras, esta violencia responde a que las instituciones encargadas de velar por nuestros derechos nos discriminan y nos margin an de nuestros derechos sociales y politicos.

Se requiere un cambio cultural pero tarnbien institutional para que se respeten los derechos mfnimos de cualquier ser humano, inc1uso el derecho a la salud pues en las postas no nos quieren atender aunque estemos agonizando, mientras estas instituciones del pafs, carabineros, justicia, salud, educaci6n, etc. no tengan un cambio radical con leyes justas y apIicables que sancionen la discriminacion, seguin in desfilando por nuestro pais travestis y transgeneros muertas, golpeadas, torturadas, ubicandonosen el ultimo escalaf6n social invisibilizando nuestra legitirna forma de ser exigimos una ley antidiscriminatoria que proteja la identidad travesti.

Hacemos un llamado a todas las organizaciones homosexuales, lesbianas y transgeneros, sindicatos de comercio sexual, organisrnos de derechos humanos y todos los que quieran sumarse a esta cadena por los derechos de la identidad travesti".

E1 pasado 9 de julio fue detenida por Carabineros la presidenta de TravesChiIe, Silvia Parada. En respuesta a " ese injusto atropello y al permanente hostigamiento de la policia hacia las transgeneros'' Parada anuncio que en el transcurso de la proxima semana unas "40 compafieras se desnudaran frente a La Moneda, mientras otras 15 de autoinferiran heridas cortopunzantes ''.

OpusGay , Articulo 373 Codigo Penal Gay Chile

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el primer peri6dico gay en Chile


EI C6digo Penal ha sido utilizado para detener en "forma arbitraria II a las minorias sexuales. Parlamentarios e inc/uso el gobierno reconocenque Carabineros ap/ica una fuerte represion amparadaen el articulo 373, pero ninguna autoridad ha propuesto una salida. En respuesta, la sociedad civil elabor6 un proyecto de ley que modittce la norma.



Por German Canon

10 de julio, 2003 (OpusGay).- Desde los inicios del movimiento homosexual chileno, a comienzos de la decada del 90, quecHversas orqanlzacionesde rnmorlas han venido acusando a Carabineros y

.Ia Polida Civil por detenciones arbitrarias, golpizas, coimas eincluso robos.

.. Talesdelitos han tenido ···C:omojustificad6hlegal al

La presidenta de TravesChile fue detenida par "ofensas a la margin articulo 373.del Codiqo

Penal, sequn elcual "los

. que de cualquier_modo ofendieren el pudor 0 las buenas costumbresconhecbos de'graveescandalo o trascendencia, no comprendidos expresamente en otros articulosde est« C6digo, sufriran fa pena

de reclusion menor en sus grados minima a media", .. ..

EI problema, denuncian desde el movimiento homosexual, es.que la "norma es imprecise yse aplfca en forma arbitraria, por 10 que las minorias sexuales mucbas veces sondetenidas y agredidas por el solo hecho de ser lesbianas, gays 0 travestisysin existir ningun delito de por.medio",

Tal loqica, afirman en la aqrupaclon de transqeneros TravesChile, explica el motivopor el cual lapresidenta de ese grupo, Silvia Parada, fue detenida anocheen una centrica calle de la capital,siendo liberada esta tarde por el Septlmo Juzgado del Crimenpor falta de rneritos.


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"Yo estaba en mi autom6vil esperando a una compeiiere (Bianca) que estaba repartiendo preservativos a las chicas que ejercen el comercio sexual. En ese momento lIega un furgan de carabineros. Un policia se ecerco y mepidio la ticencie de conducir. Como estaba manejando Bianca el autom6ville entregue obviamente los documentos de ella" , comenta Parada.

Ladirigente agrega que por esa confusion, "me acusaron de usurpaci6n de identidad. Luego, me bicieron bajar del auto y como encontraron una cortapluma en fa guantera, que son implementos que cualquiera puede tener, eprovecheron de inculparme por portar arma blanca. Tembien me acusaron de "ofender a la moral" y en forma agresiva me lIevaron hasta fa Cuarta Comisaria de Santiago ".

Esta manana, y como ha ocurrido en la mayoria de loscasos cuando los hornosexuales son detenidos, Parada fue liberada por falta de meritos, mientras en los proximos dias su orqanlzacion presentara ante los tribunales una querelia, redactada por el abogado Fernando Sepulveda, contra quienes resulten responsables de las agresiones pollciales.

5610 el ana pasado el Movimiento de Inteqracion y Liberacion Homosexual (Movilh) reqistro en su Primer Informe de Derechos Humanos cinco operatives policiales donde se detuvo a las personas por el solo hecho de ser gays 0 travestis y bajo el amparo del articulo 373. AI igual como ocurrio con Parada, los apresados fueron liberados por falta de meritos.

De todos los casos denunciados el afio anterior destac6 el de dos j6venes gays, JML y RMR, quienes fueron golpeados por carabineros por despedirse con un beso en la mejilla y luego trasladados a la Primera Comisaria de Santiago, donde funcionarios policiaJes "incluso les robaron dinero" , acusa el Movilh.

Tras una denuncia publica, ese movimiento homosexual consigui6 que el casofuera derivado la Justicia MiJitar, y aunque tal hecho fue inedito y un importante avance, aun nose sanciona a los responsables.


En el transcurso de la decada del 90 tanto la policia civil (Investigaciones) como la uniformada (Carabineros) apllcaban continuamente el articulo 373 contra los homosexuales, lIegando incluso a efectuar severas redadas en diversas discotecas, como la Queen y el Quasar.

"Uno siete eiios etres Investigaciones no s610 agredia a las travestis que ejercian el comercio sexual, sino que tembien las rapaban.A mi me han I/evado detenidavarias veces ", sefiala la presidenta de TravesNavia, Juana Iris.

I1No hemosdiscutido el 373 en el Parlamento", dice Saa.

EI movimiento homosexual en su

conjunto coincide, sin embargo, en aclarar que en la actualidad es solo CarablnerosIa policla que continua con las ~lt<as; aliimniiniirnttmitm; .. ulBltt&tI:DqllEfunm;dIlIlliB,...,... Ovil ha mejorado mucho. Incluso para la travestis que ejercen e/ comercio sexual Investigaciones elabor6 una ficha, denominada "homosexual patin", y si tu estas registradaen tel/evan prese", dice Iris.

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Las detenciones por parte de Carabineros son, en cambio, "habituales. No respetan ningun derecho, como las lIamadas teletonice 0 et contactarse con un abogado. Te insultan, te golpean yte meten a calabozos con delincuentes. En los partes policiales escriben que una anda incitando a los hombres y mostrando los genita/es en la calle, 10 cual es falso" r explica TravesNavia.

Para cambiar esa situaci6n el Movilh se ha reunido en decenas de oportunidades con el alto Mandci de Carabineros y hasta con la ministra de defensa, Michelle Bachelet, mientras en otras ha efectuado manifestaciones y protestas." No hemos conseguido mucho. Logramos cambiar, al parecer, la postura del Alto Mando, pero losmandos medios siguen cometiendo atropel/os sin ser sancionados por sus superiores" , indica el dirigente del Movilh, Juan Hernandez.

EI Movilh y TravesChile comparten la idea de que Carabineros no s610 actua "al margen de la ley", sino que tarnbien en forma discordante a 10 dispuesto por los tribunales.

"EI juez del Septima Juzgado del Crimen que vio hoy en mi caso me dijo que los carabineros estaban perdiendo el tiempo deteniendo a homosexualesen vez de preocuparse de los delincuentes" r indica Silvia Parada.

Una opinion similar tiene la jueza del Octavo Juzgado del Crimen, Maria Hernandez, quien en una reunion privada sostenida en marzo anterior con el Movilh, a raiz de otro apresamiento que afect6 a la travesti Karin Marshall, reconoci6 que "es una perdida de tiempo detener por of ens as a la moral y las buenas costumbres. En el 90 por ciento de los casos los partes de Carabineros no se relacionan con 10 que afirman los testigos y las personas son Iiberadas por falta de meritos",

"Todo demuestra que los mandos medios deCarabineros estan actuando de una manera que ni siquiera es compartida por sus superiores ni por los jueces. Es tiempo va, entonces, que el 373 sea modificado 0 derogado porque tras todas las denuncias, manifestaciones y querellas queda claro que la policia no cembiersi su proceder", indica Hernandez.

Parada puntualiza, por su parte, que su situaci6n es mucho mas grave "porque Carabineros tiene un persecuci6n especifica contra mi porque hemos denunciado los continuos atropellos contra las trevestis y en especial porque acusamos a algunos de sus funcionarios de tener relaciones sexuales con Amanda" transqenero fallecid-a el afio anterior por sobredosis en el departamento del quirnico farrnaceutlco Winston Michelson del Canto.


Elqoblerno ha reconocido la represion policial contra los homosexuales

EI articulo 373 del C6digo Penal, que tamblen ha afe"ctado a las mujeres que ejercen el comerdo sexual y a expresiones artfsticas liberates, "es una norma enticuede, . del siglo pasado. Pero no solo la norma es sf

misme es anticuada, sino fambien los persimetros bajo los cuales se esta ap/icando porque se rige por una moral imperante que no es la ectuet", indica la abogada defensora de derechos humanos Lidia Casas.

Para la jurista de la Clfnica de Interes Publico de la Universidad Diego Portales (UDP), una ley que trate los toplcos del articulo 373 " debe recoger y respetarla diversidadyelcontexto social. Actualmente, en

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cambio, esa disposici6n se basa en criterios daramente atentarios que producen un efecto discriminador y sanciona conductas que para algunos grupos son indeseebles".

Una opinion similar tiene la diputada Marfa Antonieta Sa a, para quien el 373 "es una norma muy imprecise, que nos es nada objetive y, en consecuencia, deberia ser derogada". A pesar de ese reconocimiento, la parlamentaria aflrma que en "el Congreso jemeenemos discutido el tema".

A diferencia del poder legislativo, la norma si ha side objeto de discusi6n en el Ejecutivo, en especifico en el Programa Tolerancia y no Discriminaci6n del Ministerio Secretaria General de Gobierno.

En un documento elaborado por esa instancia en conjunto con la sociedad civil, se den uncia que" en el c6digo Civil Penal chileno es posible encontrar una disposici6n (articulo 373) cuya aplicaci6n resulta altamente discriminatoria yabusiva contra las personas homosexuales".

EI texto denominado "Bases Generales para Superar la Discriminaci6n en Chile", sostiene que el 373 tipifica

. un delito IT de penalidad e importancia sociel mas bien baja, pero que sirve de justificaci6n para la repres[6n de conductasconsideradas an6malas. Dicha represi6n la ejerce la policia, particularmente Carabineros en ejercicio de sus funciones de control de orden publico".

EI diagn6stico gubernamental no se ha traducido, sin embargo, en la elaboraci6n de una propuesta tendiente a modificar 0 derogar el articulo 373 V, peor aun, cuando representantes del Ejecutivo son consultados sobre la materia dicen que no pueden pronunciarse respecto a temas relacionados con las leyes.

Funcionarios del Programa Tolerancia y no Discriminaci6n del gobierno no. qulsleron referise al 373 y derivaron las consultas al Jefe de Comunicaciones, Patricio Parraguez

"~e pones en un aprieto super grande, como organismo de Estado pronunciarse sobre untema como ese es complicado. EI unico en todo casu autorizado para actuar como vocero es el director de la Divisi6n de la Organizaciones Sociales (Fuad Chahin). Lo que tendria que hacer yo es transmitirle te inquietud y ver si se quiere reterir. Pero como te digo, para nosotros es complicado porque no podemos hablar en contra de las leyes", dijo Parraguez.

iPera en el Programa de no Discriminaci6n del qobierno se ha tratada el tema e incluso hay un dacumenta que se refiere al mismo?

Si fue tratado, aun si no puedo contestar. Dame tu teletono para que el director te lIame.

Pero el director nunca lIam6.

Es precisamente frentea la falta de pollttcaspublicas claras que diversos sectores minoritarios de la sociedad civil elaboraron en conjunto con la Cllnlca de Interes Publico de la UDP un proyecto de ley marco antldiscrirninatcrio que entre sus t6picos propane una modificacl6n al articulo 373 del Codiqo Penal, sequn la cual " los que de cua/quier modo afectaren U ofendieren el pudor de un menor de edad con hechos de grave escsindelo 0 trascendencia, no comprendidos expresamente en otros articulos de este Codigo, sutrtren la pena de reclusion menor en su grados mlnimo",

Con tal enmienda se busca garantizar que los mayores de edad tengan independencia moral, pero respetando siempre la integridad de los rnenores.

EI proyecto, redactado por la Escuela de Derecho de la UDP y respaJdado por mujeres, j6venes, personas con discapaddad, homosexuales, minorfas etnlcas y religiosas, inici6 su lobby politico este mes a nivel parlamentario, mientras en los proximos dlas sera presentado oficialmente al gobierno. EI objetivo: lograr su aprobacion en el Congreso y contribuir a un cambio cultural queaminore los niveles de dlscrlmlnaclon


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OpusGay - Articulo 373 Codigo Penal Gay Chile

4/6/2005 11:00 AM

en Chile.

OpusGay es un de distribuci6n y actualizacion peri6dica Director: Alberto Roal Editor : German Cafion/ Dlaqramador :

Gonzalo Velasquez/

San Ignacio 12631 Santtago Centro/ Fonos: 555 28 84/ 09 884 99 34/ Correo: prensa@opusgay.c!

Impreso en Servlcios de Irnpresion Victor Araneda, ToroMazotte 101, Santiago

Todos los derechos reservados.



Date: Mon, 16 Juri 2003 11 : 12:25 -0700


From: Monica Taher <>

To: LGBT Latino Activists <>


This is an update from GLAAD's LGBT Latino Media Activist list. Este es un avance noticioso de la lista LGBT Latina de GLAAD. DO NOT REPRODUCE WITHOUT CITING THIS SOURCE.


EI Movilh es la organizaci6n LGBT de Chile. Elias acaban de introducir el "Proyecto de Ley de Fomento de la no Discriminaci6n y Contrato de Uni6n Civil entre Personas del Mismo Sexo." Adernas de Chile, Colombia, Mexico y Brasil tienen iniciativas slrnilares en el Senado.

Monica Taher "

Directora de Medios de Cornunicacion

Alianza Gay y l.esbica Contra la Difamaci6n (GLAAD) 105

Hist6rico: homosexuales ingresaron proyecto de parejas al Congreso Chileno

Tras una reuni6n con la presidenta de lei Camara de Diputados, Isabel Allende, el Movimiento de Integraci6n y Liberaci6n Homosexual (Movilh) y la agrupaci6n de travestis TravesNavia, ingresaron aver el proyecto de uni6n civil al Congreso Nacional, contando con la firma de 10 parlamentarios patrocinantes, el maximo permitido para el lnlclo de esos tra mites.

"Primero nos reunimos con la diputada Allende para formalizar el ingreso del proyecto y conocer su opini6n sobre la materia. La parlamentaria nos felicit6 porel gran paso que estabarnos dando al ejercer nuestra ciudadania como co-Iegisladores", sefialo el presidente del Movilh, Rolando Jimenez.

Tras la etta, y en frente a los medios de comunicaci6n, los congresista Maria Antonieta Saa, Gabriel Ascencio y Fulvio Rossi firma ron el "Proyecto de Ley de Fomento de la no Discriminaci6n y Contrato de Uni6n Civil entre Personas del Misrrio Sexo", trarnite que fue respaldado por el oflcla! de partes de la Camara de Diputados. Horas despues, y en el transcurso de la tarde, fueron estampando su firma

en la iniciativa otros 7 parlamentarios: Enrique Acorssi, Victor Barrueto, Antonio Leal, Patricio Hales, Ximena Vidal, Carolina Toha y Osvaldo Palma, ese ultimo el unico de derecha que patrocin6 la propuesta.

"Otro grupo de parlamentarios tarnblen se mostr6 favorable a patrocinarlo, pero en el Congreso nos explicaron que solo posible inclulr a 10 como maximo", expllca el dirigente del Mo.vilh, Rolando Jimenez, tras expresar su emoci6n por el hecho que "reunimos a 10 legis!adores en circunstancias que 5610 nos bastaba la firma de uno para iniciar el tramlte".

Entre los diputados que votaran a favor del proyecto y/o respaldaran sus ideas centrales se cuentan Laura Soto, Anibal Perez, Guido Guirardi, Adriana Munoz, Sergio Aguil6, Carrillo Escalona, Isabel Allende, Alejandro Navarro Lily Perez.

"Nuestro proyecto se relaciona con la reflexion de que efectivamente estamos cambiando la historia de los derechos humanos, de seqreqaclon, discriminaci6n y violencia hacia las minor/as sexuales. Una prueba de ello ya 10 constituye el importante y transversal apoyo que los parlamentarios han dado a nuestra propuesta,", puntualiz6 Jimenez.


. EI proyecto de ley de uni6n civil considera a la pareja homosexual como una familia y permite a las partes heredarse y acceder a beneficios sociales en materia previsional y de salud, derechos que son igualados al de los c6nyuges .

. La iniciativa, elaborada por el Movilh, ha sido respaldada yapoyada por grupos homosexuales (TravesNavia, Afrodita, Afirmaci6n) y par las rnlnorias sexuales no organizadas que dieron 1500 firmas de adhesi6n. Algunas parejas, en tanto, ya han dado entrevistas a los medios destacando la importancia del proyecto para sus vidas.

Sin embargo, ya surgieron algunas voces contrarias de algunos sectores organizados y de parlamentarios; como Ivan Moreira, Patricio Walker y Pablo Galilea; que han calificado de innecesaria a la propuesta adelantando su fracaso en el Congreso Nacional.

"Ahora mas que nunca debemos unir fuerzas y definir nuevas estrategias para el exlto del proyecto. Por ello ya estamos pensando

en ampliar nuestra propuesta a todas las parejas, independiente de su orientaci6n sexual, 10 cual seria un aporte desde los homosexuales organizados a las parejas heterosexuales que conviven, pero no desean casarse", sefialo Jimenez.

EI dirigente IIam6 por ultimo a todos los homosexuales, sin distinci6n, "a divulgar nuestro proyecto en sus espacios y a contactarse con nosotros para recibir sus sugerencias, como ya 10 han hecho en forma constructiva algunas organizaciones".

En la actualidad el Congreso define a que comisi6n envlara el proyecto para su debate. AI respecto la diputada Marfa Antonieta Saa sostiene que Ja "propuesta debe entrar a la Comisi6n de Familia", 10 cual de concretarse seria un nuevo triunfo para e! rnovlmlento homosexual chileno.

OpusGay - lnforme 2003 Amnis1ia Gay Chile

4/6/2005 II: 02 AM

el primer periodlco gay en Chile


En su informe anual 2003 Amnistfa Internacional pidi6 a los gobiernos eliminer los encarcelamientos par orientaci6n sexual, abog6 par un nuevo concepto de seguridad y contabiliz6 torturas en 107 naciones y desapariciones en otras 33. En Chile, naci6n mencionada pot ambas rezones, fa presentaci6n del texto tuvo como teton de londo e! 30 aniversario defGo/pe Militar.



Por Alberto Roay G.C

29 de mayo, 2003 (OpusGay).- La homosexualidad fue una de las realidades consideradas en el informe de derechos humanos dado a conocer aver oftclalrnente por Amnistia Internacional en Chile yen el resto del mundo. Aun cuando las referenciasal tema son breves, AI fue clara en demandar a los Estados elimlnar todo tipo de discriminaci6n y erradicar los encarcelamientos por orientaci6n sexual.

"Pedimos a todos los Estados que tomen medidas para impedir la discrimlnecion, no 5610 por parte de sus propios funcionarios sino tembien de los individuos particulares ( •.• ). Para ello, los gobiernos deben aplicar plenamente tanto las normas internacionales como las nacionales" , indica AI en el informe donde recopiJa los hechos sobre derechos humanos ocurridos en todo el mundo en el transcurso del 2002.

Titulado como" EI pasado dice casas que interesan al futuro", uno de los aspectos mas lIamativos del texto en relaci6n con las minorias sexuales es la dasificaci6n de "presos de conciencia" a cualquier persona "encerceteae tmicemente por motivos de raza, sexo, orientecton sexual, religion u origen etnico" •

. En tal sentido Amnistfa repudlo explicitamente a Eqipto, donde " a 10 largo del eiio (2002) continueron los juicios de personas consideradas presos de conciencia, entre las que habia defensores de los: derechos humanos, asi como personasdetenidas por su presunta orientaci6n sexual y -por desprecio ala religi6n".

''Amnistia Internacional pide la liberaci6n inmediata e incondicional de todos los presos de

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OpusGav - Jnforme 2003 Amnisrla Gay Chile

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conciencie" r fue uno de los tantos lIamados efectuados al mundo.

Junto a ella, AI pidio a los Estados no imponer la pena muertepara " las relaciones sexuales entre adultos que consienten en el ecto", estipulaclon de la Comisi6n de Derechos Humanos de fa ONU

alta mente relevante para las minorfas sexuales toda vez que no especifica si tal norma es exclusiva de las personas heterosexuales.

Para Amnistia Internacional las garantias antidiscriminatorias, que involucran a las orientaciones sexuales, estan fntimamente relacionadascon una concepci6n amplia e integral del terrnino seguridad.

La concepci6n predominante sobre la seguridad"/ejos de convertir al mundo en un lugar mas seguro, 10 ha hecho mas peligroso porque se han recortado derechos humanos y se ha socavado el imperio del derecho internacional" indic6 lasecretaria general de la AI, Irene Khan, en el proloqo del informe.

"Les verdaderas fuentes de inseguridad para muchas personas son que no se ponga fin al desatado flujo de armas pequenes, que no se erradiquen ni la pobreza extrema ni las enfermedades evitables, que no se ponga freno ni tratamiento a la propagaci6n del vih/sida , ni se aborden los aspectos sociales de la globalizaci6n ". aqreqo Khan.

"Atajar estas fuentes diversas de inseguridad exige que gobiernos y comunidad internacional inviertan en derechos humanos, se comprometan con todos ellos: los econ6micos, los sociales, los culturales, los civiles y los politicos,", puntualiz6 Khan al estrenar una nueva definicion sobre la seguridad que es aplicable a los derechos de gays, lesbianas, travestis, transexuales y bisexuales.



EI abogado Andres Aylwin acompafi6 a AI-Chile en el lanzamiento de su informe lanzamiento del Informe 2003 efectuado en la Universidad de Chile, 'tuvo como uno de sus ejes discursivos a los 20 afios de AI en el pars, al 30 aniversario del Golpe Militar que se curnpllran el proximo 11 de

septiembre y al fen6meno de la discriminaci6n. ..

"Hemos vivido 30 eiios de una costosa experiencia y una de las grandes carencias ha consistido el no co nstderer al tema de los derechos humanos como una parte integral de todos nosotros", sefialo el destacado jurista Nelson Caucoto tras afirmar que la " realidad de los derechos humanos es ahora distinta al pesedo", pues involucra a los sectores minoritarios

Otro de los oradores del lanzarniento, el abogado defensor de los derechos humanos Andres Aylwin, se extendi6 aun mas en los temas de la discriminaci6n al indicar que "claramentela raiz mas profunda de las violaciones a los derechos universales se ericuentra en la incapacidad de los seres humenos, 0 de gran parte de ellos, para aceptar la diversidad y al diferente".

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OpusGay - Informe 2003 Amnistia Gay Chile

4/6/2005 11:02 AM

"De ahi surge la concepcion de la necesidad y justiticecion de aplastar al distinto inciuso de eliminarlo fisicamente, expresado ese sentimiento en quienes gobiernan, en quienes se sienten interpretes de verdades {micas. Ello implica la reetizecion de politicas represivas tendientes a evitar que el diferente se manifieste como verdadero ser humano pensante y, mucho mas, en impedir que algun dia el distinto y el discriminado puedan convertirse en una alternativa de poder 0 detentador de una cuota importante de poder" r aqreqo el ex diputado.

EI texto de Amnistia Internacional conocido aver no consider6 en forma espedfica la sltuacton de los derechos humanos de las minorfas sexuales criollas, aun cuando el ana pasado el Movimiento de Inteqraclon y Liberaci6n Homosexual (Movilh) dio a conocer el primer informe anual sobre la materia.

AI respecto el director de Al-Chile, Sergio Laurenti, aclara que el estudio del Movilh no fue inserto en el informe "porque cuando 10 conocimos ya estaba redactado el texto que dimos a conocer" aver.

Laurenti adelanto, sin ernbarqo, que en el transcurso del presente afio Amnistfa dara a conocer un segundo informe mas especifico sobre Chile, donde ya esta decidido incluir el catastro del Movilh, pues ese " es un documento serio e interesante ".

AI margen de la exclusion de antecedentes espedficos sobre los homosexuales chilenos, el Informe de AI llarno en forma explicita a todos los Estados a erradicar cualquier tipo de violaci6n contra los derechos humanos, este 0 no registrada en su estudio, y denuncio que en el pais todavia se reqistran desapariciones, torturas y/o malos tratos cuyos responsables no han sido sancionados por los tribunales.

En Chile "continua ron los informes sobre dures: condiciones de reclusion y malos tratos a reclusos, incluidos menores. Hubo nuevos enfrentamientos entre la policia y las comunidades indfgenas en el contexto de disputes sobre la tierra; una persona result6 muerta (Edmundo Alex Lemun, 17

eiios}". .

"Aunque las actuaciones judiciales contra el ex presidente Augusto Pinochet fueron sobreseidas, prosiguieron otras investigaciones sobre violaciones de derechos humanos cometidas en el pasado" r resurnio el texto at referirse a la situaci6n local.

La vicepresidenta de AI-Chile, Ana Piquer Rorno, sefialo en una clara referenda a los atropetlos cometidos bajo el gobierno de Pinochet, que el olvido no se puede imponer como soluci6n a los temas del pasado. "La reconcillecion no puede serraz6n para el olvido. La /ucha contra el olvido tiene un valor en sf mismo, sin importar si es impopuler", apunto Piquer.


II EI pasado dice cosas que interesan al futuro"denuncio que parses de todos los continentes protagonizaron variados tipos de violaciones a los derechos humanos, algunos de los cuales ocurrieron en el 2002, mientras otros no resueltos por las autoridades vienen arrastrandose de afios anteriores. AI especifico al respecto que:


a.- En 42 paises hubo ejecucfones extrajudicfales y/o homicidfos ilegitimos, 9 de los cuales son americanos: Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Guyana, Haltl, Honduras, Jaimaca, Republica Dominicana y Venezuela.

b.- En 33 naciones se contabilizaron desapariciones; siendo 12 americanas: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, EI Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Republica Dominicana y Uruguay.

c.- En 106 paises hubo malos tratos 0 torturas, 20 de esos americanos:


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Secreta ria General de AI

Argentina, Bahamas, Belice, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, MexiCO, Paraguay, Peru, Republica Dominicana, Santa Lucia, Trinidad y Tobago y Venezuela.

d.- En 34 naciones se encarcelo por conciencia; siendo Peru y Cuba los parses americanos que cometieron ese atropeHo.

e.- En 54 parses se produjeron detenciones sin cargo ni juicio; siendo slete americanos: Cuba, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, Jamaica, Hexmn Trinidad y Tobago y Venezuela.

f.- En 54 naciones se dictaron penas muerte, siendo siete americanas: Bahamas, Cuba, Estados Unidos, Granada, Guyana, Jamaica y Santa Lucia.

g.- En 32 parses se registraron abusos por parte de grupos armados de oposlcion, siendo Colombia el unico pais americana donde ocurrieron tales hechos.

Amnistfa Internacional repudio el hecho de que muchos de los atropellos reqistrados' en su informe fueron justificados el ano iiBTIllhBriimr jpllllTSlB responsable aJ explicarlos como causa "de los tiempos de guerra 0 los conflictos ermedos";

" Los gobiernos no tienen derecho a responder con terror al terror. Tienen la ob/igaci6n, en todo momenta, de actuar en el marco del derecho internacional humanitario y del derecho internacional en materia dederechos humenos", sefialo AI en una claro rechazo a la respuesta antlterrorlsta dada por algunos paises, como Estados Unidos.

"Aprovecbendose del clima de temor que siguio al11 de septiembre del 2001 (fecha de los

a ten tados. contra Estados UnidosJ, muchos gobiernos ignoraron, socavaron 0 violaron abiertamente los principios fundamentales de las normas internacionales de derechos humanos y del derecho internecionel humanitario" r crttico el organismo desde la introducci6n de su informe.

Los dardos BI~ ii1ll:d1..u.Emo ttml1I:Bla GNU, cuyo Consejo de Seguridad "bizo poco par contrarrestar este ambiente en el que los derechos humanos se estaban sacrificando en nombre de la lucha contra el terrorismo",

Junto can sentenciar que todos los gobiernos "estan obligados a respetar, proteger y hacer realidad los derechos humanos de todas las personas", el informe de AI puntualizo que lila inseguridad global, lejos de devaluar los derechos humanos, 10 que en realidad ha hecho es aumentar la necesidad de que sean respetados. Un mundo mas seguro exige un cambio conceptual en la idea de seguridad

( ... J A menos que se produzca ese cambio, la seguridad seguin3 siendo un concepto sesgado que no

treere consigo otrs cosa que 'mayor inseguridad". . . .


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OpusGay - lnfonne 2003 Amnistia Gay Chile

4/6/2005 11:02 AM

OpusGay es un pericdlco de distribucion y actualtzaclon peri6dica Director: Alberto Roa/ Editor: German Canon/ Dlaqrarnador :

Gonzalo velasquez/

San Ignacio 1263, Santiago Central Fonos: 555 28 84/09 884 99 34/ Correo: prensa@opusgay.d

Impreso en Serv!ciosde Irnpresion Victor Araneda, Toro Mazotte 101, Santiago

Todos los derechos reservados.

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Date: Wed, 23 Apr 200321 :08:08 +0200 From: Hatter Tarsasag <>

Subject: Brutal Attack Against Offices of Trans Group To: srios@minjusticia.cI, tolerancia @segegob.cI

Cc:, traveschilelosandes@hotmail.eom,

De nuestra consideraei6n:

Nos dirigimos a ustedes para expresarles nuestra profunda preocupaci6n por los hechos de violencia quese produjeron el 12 de abril pasado contra la sede de la agrupaci6n TravesChile, en la ciudad de Santiago.

Un grupo de 20 hombres atac6 elloeal, golpeando a las activistasque all! se encontraban y disparando al aire con armas de fuego. Tarnbien robaron los bienes de la organizaci6n y destrozaron sus instalaeiones. Pese a haber sido alertada, la policta tard6 en acudir y cuando 10 hizo no detuvo a ninguno de los atacantes.

Consideramos que el hecho es preocupante, ya que TravesChile se ha ocupado de documentar y denuneiar easos de abusos policiales contra personas transqenero y fa presidenta de la organizaei6n, Silvia Parada, ha manifestado que la inacci6n pollcial podrfa tratarse en realidad de una "venganza".

EI Estado chileno tiene el deber de "proteger a la poblaci6n", como 10 afirma la propia Constituci6n de Chile en su Articulo 1. La protecci6n a las defensoras de los derechos humanos que se atreven a denunciar abusos de la autoridad contra personas que no han cometido defito alguno, sino que son violentadas por pertenecer a un grupo marginal y de escasos recursos es fundamental para garantizar un orden social justo.

Le solicitamos que, para cumplir con 10 que la Constituci6n y los tratados internacionales ratificados por Chile estipulan en cuanto a la protecci6n de derechos fundamentales como el derecho a la vida, a la integridad ffsica y psfquica de la persona y a la seguridad personal, proceda usted de inmediato a:

- Realizar una investigaci6n exhaustiva sobre el desernpefio del personal policial involucrado en los hechos del 12 de abril pasado y, de haber existido negligencia, sancionar a quienes corresponda.

- Brindar protecci6n ala sede de TravesChile teniendo en cuenta que este no es el primer ataque que sufre sino que en ocasiones anteriores, todas elias· debidamente denunciadas, S8 produjeron amenazas y hostigamientos.

Quedamos a la espera de informaci6n sobre los avances en las diligencias que Ie solicitamos.


Solymar IIdik6

Member of Executive Board - International Affairs Hatler Tarsasaq a Melegekert

(Hatter Support Society for Gays and Lesbians in Hungary) H-1554 Budapest, Pt. 50.

Tel.lFax: (36-1 )329-26-70

e-mail: <mailto:hatter@hatter.hU> . internet. <http://www.hatter.hU>

Tuesday, April 8, 2003

_ Primer Hotel' - .. . _ (JAYFRlENDL¥ - de eandena iutemadonal '., en Aigentina!tl .





Se-ntido G - Arliculos ...



1375 Sutter Street. Suite 222 San Francisco, CA 94109

Amnist'a Internacional podr'a estudiar casos lIevados por el Movilh

2003-04-01 .

<?xml:namespace prefix = 0 ns = . "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Una delegaci-n internacionalde Amnist'a Internacional(AI) que visita Chile desde el pasado 26 de marzo, se reuni- aver con dirigentes del Movimiento de Integraci-n y Liberaci-n Homosexual (Movilh) para interiorizarse sobre los derechos humanos de las minor'as .sexuales en el pa's .

La investigadora del Secretariado Internacional de AI en Londres, Virginia Shoppee, y el abogado Michael Reed, calificaron de Oirnportante'O y Ocontundente6 la labor realizada por el Movilh en Chile y agradecieron que el grupo homosexual les proporcionara antecedentes sobre la realidad sociocultural, jur'dica y legislativa de los gays, lesblanas y travestis y transexuales criollos.

Shoppee se comprometi- a exponer algunos casos de violaciones a los derechos humanos denunciados por el Movilh a un equipo jur 'dtco de AI de manera de obtener un probable apoyo vt» asesora legal a las causas que lIeva el movimiento.

EI inter*s en la materia se crista liz- luego que los delegados expresaran su preocupaci+n per las dificultades econ-micas de los grupos organizados para solventar sus actividades. ODicha situaci-n se agudiza en elplano legal, pues muchas organizaciones carecen de un abogado 0 asesor jur'dico que los apoye6, coincidieron los representante de Amnist'a y el Movilh.

Los temas mayormente debatidos en la cita de casi una hora y media fueron la pronta presentaci-n al Congreso Chileno del proyecto de Ie:y de parejas homosexuales y las enmiendas a la Carta

Magna que demanda el Movilh. para garantizar la no dlscrtrntnacl= n.

OEI proyecto de ley de parejas se convertlr= en el rn+s importante debate legal y cultural sobre homosexuetrdad, por ello los delegados de Amnist'a pusleron especial atenci-n al respecto6, indic- el dirigente del Movilh, Juan Hernsndez.

Entre los documentos que los dirigentes del Movilh entregaron a los delegados internacionales se cuentan:

1) EI primer informe anual sabre los derechos humanos de los homosexuales chilenos,

2) Antecedentes de campa-as neonazis contra grupos minoritarios, 3). EI inforrne : OMovilh-Divine la Justicia que Merecen las V'ctimas6,

4) Un dossier de prensa sobre todos los hechos que han involucrado a las minor'as sexuales en el 2?03,

.5) Ejemplares del peri+-dico opusoav y antecedentes sobre la disputa legal de ese medio con el Opus Dei,

6) Datos sobre la Primera Encuesta Pol'tica, Cultural y Religiosa efectuada a los homosexuates chilenos y

7) Informaci-n en torno a campa-as antidiscriminatorias y a las futuras acetones del Movilh.

La delegaci-n extranjera de AI perrnanecer= en Chile hasta el pr-ximo 6 de abril y emitir:t conctusiones sobre 105 derechos humanos en el pa's teniendo como fuente base a las reuniones sostenidas en estos d'as con diversos grupos representativos de la sociedad civil.

EI Movilh increment- sus lazos con Amnist'a Internacional el a-o pasado. As' es como el director de la secci-n chilena, Sergio Laurenti, ha respaldado algunos de los informes de derechos humanos

Ilttp:llwww .ar/nsenrnotlclasrcorntas.phtrci? id=-1127

Tuesday, Apri! 8. 2003

S"" n tido G . Articulos, ..

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elaborado por el Movimiento Homosexualy ha adherido a algunas de sus actividades culturales.

OTenemos otros planes de colaboraci-n conjunta con el ~n de enfocar en ~or~a m*s precisa la «intervenci-n« de Amnista Internacional en temas relaclonados con las minor as sexuales. Esos planes, de concretarse, ser*n informados en su oportunidadO, puntualiz- Hern t ndez.

Departamento de Comunicaciones Movi.lh

Brief/summarized translation By Dusty Araujo

Asylum Documentation Program IGLHRC


Amnesty International will be able to study cases brought by MOVILH 2003-04-01

An international delegation from AI that is visiting Chile since 4/26/03, met yesterday with leaders form the Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement (MOVILHMovimento de Integraci6n y Liberaci6n Hososexual) to get a deeper understanding of the human rights of the sexual minorities in the country.

The researcher form the International Secretariate of AI in London, Virgina Shoppe, and the attorney Michael Reed, qualified the work done by MOVILH in Chile as "important"

. . .

and" to the point." They were also grateful that the group gave them background

information on the socio-cultural, legal and legislative of local gays, lesbians, travestis . and transgender,

Shoppe is committing to expose some cases of human right violations denounced by MOVILH to an AI legal team as a way of obtaining likely support and/or legal counsel for the movement causes.

Among the documents the MOVILH gave AI:

1- First annual report on human rights of Chilean homosexuals 2- Records of neo-nazi against minority groups

3- MOVILH-Divine Report: Thejustice victims deserve.

4- A press file containing all the instances that include sexual minorities in 2003

5- Samples of the newspaper OpusGay and records of the legal dispute with Opus Dei

6- Details about the first political, cultural and religious poll among Chilean homosexuals 7-Information about the anti-discriminatory campaigns and the future MOVILH actions


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A 48 ascendieron las denuncias por homofobia y/o vlolacton a los derechos humanos de las mlnorias sexuales en el transcurso del 2002, reporto el primer informe anual sabre los homosexuales elaborado en Chile por el Movilh. .

"En un primer catastro, divulgado el pasado 30 de diciembre ante la opinion publica, contabilizamos 46 casos. Sin embargo, luego de conocerse el informe a traves de dtversos medios de comunicaci6n, supimos de dos den uncia mas. Una de elias fue conocida a traves de

la prensa vIa otra fue personalmente .esternpada por un joven gay ante nuestro organismo. EI estudio definitivo reporta, en consecuencia, 48 cases de violaciones a los derechos humanos", especifico el dirigente del Movimiento de Intepraclon y Liberaci6n Homosexual (Movilh), Juan Hernandez.

Los cases se dlvlden en:

a) 8 dedaraciones discriminatorias efectuadas por personajes publlcos ajenos al mundo de la cultura V el espectaculo.

b) 6 casas de homofobia registrados en el rnundo de la cultura y el espectaculo, dos de los cuales corresponden a censures.

c) 5 Campai'ias discriminatorias lideradas por grupos evanqencos, ultrecetoucos, neonazis y sectores no identificados.

d) 5 exdusiones 0 intentos de marqinaclon de instancias publlcas, legislativas y religiosas.

e) 2 despidos laborales.

f) Una expulsion de un establecimiento educacional.

h) 5 detenciones arbitrarias o : malos tratos propinados por Carabineros. i) 8 Agresiones f,sicas y/o verbales perpetradas por civiles.

j) Dos casas de continuas amenazas de muerte.

k} Negligencia de la justidapara el esc!arecimiento de 6 muertes 0 asesinatos perpetrados en el 2002, tres de los cuales afectaron a gays y tres a travestis que ejercian el cornerclo sexual.

El catastro definittvo, el primero de su tlpo efectuado de Chile, sera

publicado en eJ sitio en eJ transcurso de los proxlrnos dias y se surnara a otros tres estudios efectuados por el Movilh en el 2002: 1) La primera encuesta sobre las tendencias po litl cas, culturales y religiosas de los homosexuales; 2) EI informe "Movilh-Divine: La justicia que rnerecen las vfctimas"y 3} Informe sobre las acciones hornofoblcas lideradas por grupos

neonazis chilenos. .

Nota publicada el 11/1/2003 Departamento de Comunicaciones Movilh prensa(5lmovilh.orq

Movimiento de Integration y Liberation Homosexual, MOVILH, 2001 - 2002

San Ignacio 1263, Santiago, Chile I relerono (56-2) 555 2884 I Fax (56-2) 554 8015


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