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n, bigrafo de Federico Garca Lorca, ha destacado la importancia de los documentos

porque desmontan la versin sostenida por la dictadura sobre el crimen del poeta. "El
informe que piden es contundente. Demuestra que no fue un asesinato callejero, que fue
sacado del Gobierno Civil para asesinarlo. Ellos mismos lo dicen", seala. "Lo que ms
me gusta es cuando Camilo Alonso Vega le dice a Castiella que 'peor es menearlo",
El relato mecanografiado el 9 de julio de 1965 en Granada por un polica que no se
identifica no deja dudas sobre la responsabilidad poltica del ejrcito franquista en la
detencin y asesinato del poeta en 1936: "En el cuartel de Falange, instalado en la calle
San Jernimo, se hallaban el jefe de bandera don Miguel Rosales Camacho cuando en l
se presentaron el diputado obrerista por la CEDA, don Ramn Ruiz Alonso, don Juan
Trescastro, don Federico Martn Lagos y algn otro que no ha podido precisarse, con
una orden de detencin dimanante del Gobierno Civil contra FEDERICO GARCA
LORCA, para cuyo cumplimiento requirieron al seor Rosales Camacho al objeto de
que ste les franqueara su domicilio, al que se dirigieron en compaa de este, quien
advirti al llegar al mismo que haba sido rodeado con gran aparato por milicias y
guardias de asalto que tomaron todas las bocacalles y tejados prximos".
Para ser justos, Gibson advierte de que la primera alusin que se realiza a este informe
policial se recoge en el libro Los ltimos das de Federico Garca Lorca, de Eduardo
Molina Fajardo, publicado de forma pstuma. En el texto no se reproducan los
documentos oficiales, pero se resuma su contenido. "l ha visto ese informe, es de
justicia reconocerlo", puntualiza el historiador.
Los documentos difundidos por la Cadena Ser evidencian, segn Gibson, que todo los
argumentos facilitados por la dictadura eran "falsos". El rgimen nunca reconoci su
implicacin en el crimen del poeta, que se convirti en una de sus grandes
incomodidades internacionales. "Hasta la muerte de Franco, el asesinato de Lorca sigui
siendo un problema para el rgimen", indic.
In turn, Castiella sent a letter to interior chief Camilo Alonso Vega in which he said he
was in favor of responding to the request. His message also mentioned Information and
Tourism Minister Manuel Fraga, who had also been informed of the facts.
I think it extremely advisable to look over the matter and find out whether we can or
cannot open our archives about the Garca Lorca episode, Fraga had said, according to
Castiellas letter.
Granada police were thus commissioned to write the report, though Auclair never
himself received any response nor saw the result of his request, according to the SER
Lorca biographer Ian Gibson highlights the significance of the document given how it
strips apart the version of events supplied by the Franco dictatorship about the poets
The report they asked for is conclusive, he told EL PAS. It demonstrates that it was
not a street killing, that he was taken out by the civil government to be murdered. They
themselves say it.

What I most like is when Camilo Alonso Vega tells Castiella that its best not to stir
things up, the Irish-born Hispanist added.
Gibson explained that the dictatorship never recognized its involvement in Lorcas
death, which became a major irritation abroad. Up until Francos death, Lorcas
murder remained a problem for the regime, he said.
He was then shot after having confessed, and was buried in that location, in a very
shallow grave, in a ravine around two kilometers to the right of the Fuente Grande. The
place is very difficult to find, the report admits.
The document was written by Granada police headquarters third regional social
investigation unit following a June 1965 request by French Hispanist Marcelle Auclair,
who was searching for information about his friend Lorca, the SER network reports.
Auclair first addressed his request to the Spanish Embassy in Paris, who passed it on to
then-Foreign Minister Fernando Mara Castiella.

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