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Conditional Exercises

1. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Ir a Pars si tengo dinero.
2) Ira a Pars si tuviera dinero.
3) Habra ido a Pars si hubiera tenido dinero.
4) Me casar contigo si me quieres.
5) Me casara contigo si me quisieras.
6) Me habra casado contigo si me hubieras querido.
7) Iremos de vacaciones si compramos un coche.
8) Iramos de vacaciones si comprramos un coche.
9) Habramos ido de vacaciones si hubiramos comprado un coche.
10) Si vas a ver esa pelcula, no dormirs.
11) Si fueras a ver esa pelcula, no dormiras.
12) Si hubieras ido a ver esa pelcula, no habras dormido.
13) Si invito a Luis, tendr que invitar a Carlos.
14) Si invitara a Luis, tendra que invitar a Carlos.
15) Si hubiera invitado a Luis, habra tenido que invitar a Carlos.
16) Si vamos al hospital, le veremos.

17) Si furamos al hospital, le veramos.
18) Si hubiramos ido al hospital, le habramos visto.
19) Si sale, echar la carta.
20) Si saliera, echara la carta.
21) Si hubiera salido, habra echado la carta.
22) Si dejas la puerta abierta, el perro entrar.
23) Si dejaras la puerta abierta, el perro entrara.
24) Si hubieras dejado la puerta abierta, el perro habra entrado.
25) Si voy a Madrid, te llevar conmigo.
26) Si fuera a Madrid, te llevara conmigo.
27) Si hubiera ido a Madrid, te habra llevado conmigo.
28) Si abro la ventana, tendrs fro.
29) Si abriera la ventana, tendras fro.
30) Si hubiera abierto la ventana, habras tenido fro.

2. Use Zero and First Conditional Clauses to complete the sentences.


If he has (have) got a temperature, __call (call) the doctor.

_____ (take) your umbrella if it _____ (rain).
If you _____ (heat) water to 100C, it _____ (boil).
_____ (take) a taxi if you _____ (be) in a hurry.
If it _____ (be) too late when you get home, _________ (not/wake) me up.
If you _____ (put) butter near the fire, it _____ (melt).

3. Rewrite these sentences using UNLESS.

1) We wont buy any fish today if it isnt cheaper than yesterday.
We won t buy any fish today unless it is cheaper than yesterday.
2) If you dont go to the party, theyll be disappointed.
3) I cant help her if she doesnt want to talk to me.
4) If it doesnt stop raining, well stay at home.

5) If he doesnt go to the post office, he wont buy the stamps.

6) George wont come out of hospital if he doesnt feel better.

4. Complete the following sentences.

1) If we dont hurry, we will be
(be) late.
2) If I see her, I _________ (give) her your message.
3) If youre hungry, I _________ (make) you a sandwich.
4) If he _________ (not/come) to the party, I will be very upset.
5) If she _________ (go) to Paris, shell send me a postcard.
6) If we _________ (not/be) busy, well come with you.
7) If he does that again, and will be (be) very angry.
8) If he _________ (not/finish) his homework, he wont go out.
9) If he _________ (come), Ill talk to him.
10) If she _________ (hurry), she wont be late.
11) If it rains, we _________ (not/go) out.
12) If they are late, they _________ (miss) the bus.
5. Complete with the First Conditional.
1) If I
am not (not/be) busy, I will come (come) with you.
2) If it ________ (rain), we ________ (stay) at home.
3) I ________ (call) you if I ________ (have) time.
4) If she ________ (not/study) hard, she ________ (not/pass) the test.
5) If the weather ________ (be) nice, we ________ (go) to the beach.

6) You ________ (get) fat if you ________ (not/stop) eating so much.

7) If I ________ (see) John, I ________ (tell) him about the party.
8) Mum ________ (be) very angry if I ________ (not/tidy) my room.
9) If we ________ (not/leave) now, we ________ (miss) the bus.
10) You ________ (not/go) to the party if you ________ (not/do) your homework.
6. Match and make sentences.
1) wear a coat
2) go to bed late
3) touch that hot pan
4) take an aspirin
5) not take an umbrella with you
6) not hurry
7) drive too fast
8) leave your bag here

a) get wet
b) have an accident
c) not be cold
d) be tired tomorrow
e) feel better
f) burn yourself
g) lose it
h) be late

If you wear a coat, you arent cold .

If you ____________________________________
If you ____________________________________
If you ____________________________________
If you ____________________________________
If you ____________________________________
If you ____________________________________
If you ____________________________________

7. Match and write Zero Conditional sentences.


you mix blue and yellow

clouds meet cold air
there is no gravity
you do not eat
a cat falls from a height
you do not sleep well
it is hot
the temperature falls below 0C

a) it rains
b) you feel thirsty
c) water freezes
d) objects do not fall
e) it lands on its feet
f)you get green
g) you lose weight
h) you feel tired


When you mix blue and yellow, you get green.


8. Complete the sentences.

1) If Liam doesnt shave (not/shave) off his beard, Sharon wont go out with him.
2) Will you take me with you if you go ____________ (go) to the beach?
3) If Kelly invites me to the party, I ____________ (go).
4) The man will hurt himself if he ____________ (jump) from that height.
5) If you clear up this mess now, I ____________ (not/tell) Mum.
6) ____________ (you/look) after my dog if I go away on holiday?
7) If they ____________ (not/come) out of the sun, they will get burnt!
8) Rosie will get into trouble is she ____________ (not/go) home soon.
9) If Peter ____________ (not/like) the sweater, will Mrs Hardy give it to Tom?
10) ____________ (stay) for lunch if she asks him.
9. Read, choose and complete.
Today it is Jennys first day at work. Complete the list of notes her boss has left for her.



If Mr Barnes comes, tell him Im in a meeting.

If you have time, __________ a hundred copies of this document.
If you dont need the store room keys, __________ them to Mark.
If you __________, ask them to do the windows downstairs.
If visitors __________ an appointment, dont send them to my office.
If you finish the letters, __________them. I want to see them first.

10. Read, choose and complete.

get a small part in a film
meet Stanley and Peter
need your help

visit us
invite our friends for dinner
make some fresh lemonade

go to bed
see this film

1) If Fiona is lucky, she may get a small part in a film. (may)

2) If youre tired, you ______________________. (should)
3) If we catch a lot of fish, we ______________________. (could)
4) If you go to the park now, you ______________________. (might)
5) If you are thirsty, I ______________________. (can)
6) If you like comedies, you ______________________. (must)
7) If Tricia is in our town, she ______________________. (may)
8) If the work is difficult, I ______________________. (might)

11. Form Zero Conditional sentences.

1) Jack / always / bring / flowers / when / he / come / to visit us.
Jack always brings flowers when he comes to visit us.
2) if / you / mix / red and blue / you / get / purple
3) glass / break / when / you / heat / it ?
4) if / you / not eat / you / get / thin
5) when / the weather / be / nice / I / walk / to work
6) your brother / help / you / with your homework / when / he / have / time ?
7) I / usually / read / a good book / when / I / not be / busy
8) if / plants / not get / enough water / they / die
12. Complete the First Conditional sentences.
1) You will feel (feel) better if you take (take) an aspirin.
2) If they ____________ (come) with us, we ____________ (have) a great time.
3) If it ____________ (rain), I ____________ (might / stay) at home.
4) ____________ (you / post) this letter for me if you ____________ (not / be ) too busy?
5) You ____________ (should / apologise) if it ____________ (be) your fault.
6) If David ____________ (invite) Janice, I ____________ (not / go) to his party.
7) If you ____________ (not / know) the answer, ____________ (ask) Mr Walters.
8) Jack ____________ (move) to Scotland if he ____________ (find) a good job there.
9) If the pain ____________ (not / stop), I ____________ (see) a doctor.
10) If you ____________ (not / like) that dress, ____________ (not / wear) it.
11) What ____________ (you / tell) Andrew if he ____________ (ask) you?
12) Anne ____________ (can / borrow) her brothers car if she ____________ (ask) him nicely.

13. Complete with the Second Conditional.

1) If he ________________ (exercise), he would be healthier.
2) If I ________________ (be) you, I would call the police.
3) I ________________ (buy) a new jacket if I had some money.
4) I ________________ (help) him if I were you.
5) I would travel round the world if I ________________ (win) the lottery.
6) If she had time, she ________________ (go) to the gym.
7) If I ________________ (meet) an alien, I wouldnt be scared.
8) If I ________________ (go) to New York, I would visit the Empire State building.
14. Peter is ill in bed. Give him some advice. Begin with If I were you.
1. make a cup of tea

5. stay in bed all day

2. call the doctor

6. take an aspirin

3. not go to school tomorrow

7. stay in bed for two days

4. eat some soup

8. drink some orange juice

1) If I were you, I would make a cup of tea.

2) ___________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________
6) ___________________________________________
7) ___________________________________________
8) ___________________________________________
15. Complete the Third Conditional sentences.
1) If I had heard (hear) the weather forecast, I would have taken (take) an umbrella
with me.
2) If you _________ (come) to the party last night, you _________ (meet) James.
3) If I _________ (listen) to her, this _________ (not / happen).

4) If I _________ (know) you were at home, I _________ (call) you.

5) What _________ (you / do) if _________ (not / lend) you his car?
6) If _________ (not / be) so rude, she _________ (not / get) so upset.
7) If Raymond _________ (not / miss) the bus, he _________ (not / be) late for work.
8) If someone _________ (tell) me that there was no milk in the house, I _________ (go) to
the supermarket.
9) She _________ (not / refuse) if you _________ (ask) her nicely.

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