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1. El pasado simple se construye en ingls aadiendo ed a los verbos regulares:
I visit my sister (presente)
I visited my sister (pasado)
Prctica. Pasa las siguientes frases al pasado simple.
I love going out
She kisses the boy
Mary works there
John lives in Murcia

2. El pasado simple se utiliza para referirse a acciones completadas en el pasado. Sera
el tiempo utilizado para hablar de nuestra vida pasada.
3. Hay muchos verbos irregulares en ingls y stos son muy comunes. Quiz el ms
usado de todos sea el verbo to be: was (I, he, she, it) y were (you, we, they)
I am happy (ahora)
I was happy (antes)
You are happy (ahora)
You were happy (antes)
Prctica. Pasa las siguientes frases con to be al pasado simple.
Mary is a teacher
They are tired
We are good friends
Mary and Sue are sad
4. Al hablar de nuestra vida, tenemos que utilizar algunos verbos irregulares:
I was born in... (nac en...)
I got married in... (me cas en...)
I had three children (tuve tres hijos)
I went to... (Fui a...)


Prctica. My story, your story.
I was born in Fortuna (Murcia) in 1976. My father was a
factory worker and my mother was a housewife. I had three
sisters. I went to primary school and secondary school in
Fortuna. I studied at the University of Murcia from 1994 to
1999. I started to teach in 2001. In 2005 I moved to Murcia
and now I live here.
What about you?

Vocabulario: profesiones


accountant: contable
clerk: oficinista


lecturer: profesor de Universidad
professor: catedrtico
teacher: profesor (de colegio o instituto)


nurse: enfermero/a
doctor: mdico
G.P.: mdico de cabecera (general practitioner)
surgeon: cirujano

Alimentacin y comercio:

baker: panadero, pastelero
butcher: carnicero
fishmonger: pescadero
greengrocer: frutero
grocer: tendero (alimentacin en general)
ironmonger: ferretero
shop assistant: dependiente
shopkeeper: tendero



1. Las oraciones negativas en pasado simple se realizan de dos maneras principales. Si
en la oracin afirmativa hay verbos auxiliares (to be, por ejemplo, pero tambin otros
como will, may, can, should, would) slo tendremos que aadir not o n't (forma
contracta) al auxiliar:

I was happy I was not happy / I wasn't happy
They were sad They were not sad / They weren't sad

Prctica. Pasa las siguientes frases de presente afirmativo a pasado negativo. La
primera frase ya est hecha para servir como ejemplo.

John is tired John wasn't tired
They are tall
We are so angry!
I am hungry
You are upset
2. Si la oracin afirmativa no tiene un auxiliar propio, requerir el auxilio de did, que
ir seguido de not o nt (forma contracta) y del verbo principal, pero esta vez en
infinitivo (sin ed). Para formar la negativa: (i) ponemos did tras el sujeto; (ii) aadimos
la negacin not o nt; (iii) ponemos el verbo principal en infinitivo (quitamos ed).

John visited his parents John did not / didnt visit his parents
Mary walked to school Mary did not / didnt walk to school

3. Los verbos irregulares siguen los mismas reglas mencionadas en (2). Hay que tener
en cuenta que en la negacin utilizaremos la forma de infinitivo del verbo, esto es, que
desaparecer la irregularidad.

John went to the party John did not / didnt go to the party
Mary ate three apples Mary didnt eat three apples

Prctica. Pasa las siguientes frases de presente afirmativo a pasado negativo. La
primera frase ya est hecha para servir como ejemplo.

John drank some tea John did not / didnt drink some tea
She bought a cake (buy)
They borrowed the money

She studied a lot
We had fun (have)
4. Para hacer preguntas sobre el pasado, el ingls utiliza un procedimiento conocido
como la inversin, que se representa de modo esquemtico a continuacin:

John was happy

Was John happy?

Prctica. Pasa las siguientes frases de presente afirmativo a pasado interrogativo. La
primera frase ya est hecha para servir como ejemplo.

John is tired Was John tired?
They are tall
We are so angry!
She is hungry
You are upset
5. Como en el caso de la negacin, cuando no tenemos un auxiliar (por el momento,
slo conocemos to be, pero hay otros muchos como can, may, should, will, would)
tendremos que recurrir al auxilio de did. Para construir una pregunta en pasado
tenemos que (i) poner did al comienzo de la frase; (ii) situar despus al sujeto; (iii)
poner despus el verbo principal en infinitivo. Se representa esquemticamente a
John visited his parents
(i) +Did (ii) John (iii) visited his parents?
Did John visit his parents?
Prctica. Pasa las siguientes frases de presente afirmativo a pasado interrogativo. La
primera frase ya est hecha para servir como ejemplo.

John drank some tea Did John drink some tea?
She bought a cake (buy)
They borrowed the money
She studied a lot
We had fun (have)

Ejercicio 1. Mira las siguientes fotos y formula frases en afirmativa y negativa.

Dodi al Fayed)
(have three daughters)
in a car accident)

(be president of the United States)
(be always faithful
to his wife)
(have problems with justice)

(win the primaries to be President of the United States)
(have a totally happy marriage)
her as Secretary of State)
President Obama


Ejercicio 2. Mira las siguientes fotos y formula preguntas que se correspondan con las

A: He wasnt a very popular president outside the US.
A: Yes, he won
the Presidential elections of 2000.
A: Yes, he left
office in J anuary, 2009.

A: Yes, he received the Nobel Prize.
A: No, he wasnt a Muslim.
A: Yes, he became
president in J anuary, 2009.

won es el pasado irregular del verbo win, que significa ganar
left es el pasado irregular del verbo leave, que significa dejar, salir de, partir
became es el pasado irregular del verbo become, que significa convertirse en, llegar a ser

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