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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
Plantilla del plan de unidad
Plantilla del plan de unidad
Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido Johanna Castillo R.
Nombre de la institucin educativa Escuela San Valentn
Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Corregimiento de aco! comunidad de San Valentn
"tros datos de la institucin
#undada en $%&'. (a Escuela San Valentn est) ubicada en el
corregimiento de aco! distrito de ar*! en la provincia de Chiri+u!
cuenta con una poblacin estudiantil de ,,- estudiantes! veinte
docentes! un administrativo a cargo del centro educativo.
".erta educacin para estudiantes de pre/escolar a Se0to grado.
1ctualmente consta con dos 2ornadas una matutina y una vespertina.
Descripcin de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad
3 '44& Corporacin 5ntel. 6odos los derechos reservados. 7)gina $ de -
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Learning about wonderful beings
Resumen de la unidad
Many times we think ask about if are plants living beings? and how can we be sure about that? Thats easy when
we realize that! Plants born, grow, reproduce and die
!o you ever wonder why grass grows, flowers bloom, and fruits blossom and ripen? "t is because they are
getting the right things they need to help them grow! #unlight, healthy soil, clean air, and water all work
together to help a seed become a strong, healthy plant
"n this unit, students can realize that plants are alive, that they reproduces, which are their needs, and their
benefits to for people $verything through different activities such as watching videos, observations, discussion,
making mental map, drawings, also leaning a poem
Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s
Ao y nivel
3 A, B
Tiempo necesario aproimado
13 periodos de clase de 40 minutos, 2 semanas y media
!undamentos de la unidad
3 '44& Corporacin 5ntel. 6odos los derechos reservados. 7)gina ' de -
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Recognize the parts of the
Uses colors to describe
the needs of the plants
and fowers.
e a8are the importance o. ta9ing care o. the
: 5nteracting 8ith nature.
: Respecting li.e cycle plants.
"#$etivos del aprendi%a$e
Know the importance of plants to the planet Earth.
Recite a poem about the plants
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
Pregunta esencial
With whom do we share our planet?
Preguntas de unidad
Which are the benefits that plants give us?
Preguntas de contenido
Which are the plant parts?
What does a plant need to live?
Why are plants important for human beings?
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
How are plants classified according to their benefits for us?
Plan de evaluacin
Cronograma de evaluaciones
Antes de empe%ar el
tra#a$o del proyecto
Durante el desarrollo del
&na ve% completado el
K W L chart
Identifying plant parts
List the plant Needs
Drawing a plant
Classify plants functions
and benefits
$ind map
%upport the mind
Making a Mind
Oral Presentation
"oem about the topic.
3 '44& Corporacin 5ntel. 6odos los derechos reservados. 7)gina ; de -
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Collaborative ork
!kills Mind Map.docx

Rubric poe".docx
Resumen de evaluaciones
KW& 'hart( )his techni*ue help the students to identify what they +now, what they want to
learn before to the develop a new topic and what they learn after to get a class.
Brainstorming( )his techni*ue helps us to +now the previous +nowledge that the students have
about a topic.
$ind map( -t helps us to organi#e the information clearly.
.ral presentation( it helps us to +now the +nowledge ac*uire by the students also to develop
oral competence in the students.
"u##le( it/s a funny way to review the +nowledge gained after a class.
Detalles de la unidad
'a#ilidades previas
/ )hey should +now read and write.
/ )hey need to have a previous +nowledge of English
!eveloping a K W &
Brainstorming about what do you +now about plants?
Watching a video about the topic.
!iscussion about the video.
&ist the different plant parts and copy them.
Make a trip around the school to identify the different part of plants.
Talk about the plant needs and list them.
Make a relationship of plants needs and colors.
Identifying the plants needs using colors.
Draw a plant pointing out their parts and needs.
Practice the Poem with the help of the teacher.
atch a !ideo about plants uses.
3 '44& Corporacin 5ntel. 6odos los derechos reservados. 7)gina < de -
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Discussion about the importance of plants for the "arth and human beings.
Classify plants according to their uses.
Make a chart about plants parts# needs# uses.
$a+e a $ind $ap about the ac*uired +nowledge about the plants in group of 0 students.
%upport the $ind $ap in front of the class.
"resent the "oem
Ending the K W & chart.
De!eloping a pu$$le about the topic.
Adaptaciones curriculares
Estudiante con
)hose students will do the same wor+ but with the help of the English
)hey will learn 1ust some lines of the poem.
(o )ispano*
Don%t apply
&uccessful students will help teacher with those classmates who need
more help.
+ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnologa , 'ard-are =e+uipo necesario>
C)mara digital
Reproductor de ?V?
Cone0in a 5nternet
?isco l)ser
Sistema de proyeccin
C)mara de vdeo
E+uipo de vdeo con.erencia
Tecnologa , .o/t-are =necesario>
ase de datos@Ao2a de c)lculo
?iagramador de publicaciones
7rograma de correo electrnico
Enciclopedia en C?/R"B
Editor de im)genes
uscador Ceb
?esarrollo de p)ginas 8eb
7rocesador de te0to
+ateriales impresos
In!ormation and practices gi"en #y t$e teac$er%
&aterials to ma'e t$e &ind &ap%
Recursos de Internet
"tros Recursos
3 '44& Corporacin 5ntel. 6odos los derechos reservados. 7)gina D de -
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
(os programas de 5ntelE Educacin son .inanciados por la #undacin 5ntel y la Corporacin 5ntel.
?erechos reservados 3'44&! Corporacin 5ntel. 6odos los derechos reservados. 5ntel! el logo de 5ntel! la iniciativa de 5ntel Educacin y el
7rograma 5ntel Educar son marcas registradas de 5ntel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pases. F"tros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
3 '44& Corporacin 5ntel. 6odos los derechos reservados. 7)gina - de -

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