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1.Cmo eras de nio/a? E: When I was a kid, I was very smart, but I was also very strange.

I would play in my room by myself, but I never felt lonely. My brother Austin annoyed me, but I loved him and my brother Jon. I loved both of my parents very much. S: De nia, yo era inteligente , pero yo era tambin muy extraa. Yo jugaba en mi dormitorio sola, pero no senta solitaria. Mi hermano Austin me molestaba, pero yo lo quera y a mi hermano Jon. Quera mucho a mis padres. 2. Cmo eras especial? Por qu? I was special because I was very smart and I was very mature(sometimes). I loved to learn, and would do my homework quickly. I started karate when I was very young, and stuck with it all these years. I also started playing piano very young. S: Yo era especial porque yo era muy inteligente y era muy madura. Disfrutaba aprender, y haca mi tarea rpidamente. Yo comenc karate cuando Yo era muy joven, y continuaba karate por muchos aos. 3. Usa el pretrito por lo menos 3 veces. 1. E: My father woke up S: Mi padre despert a un ruido fuerte 2. E: He was surprised S: El estuvo soprendido 3. E: I slept through S: Dorm a travs 4. Usa el imperfecto por lo menos 3 veces.

1. E: I would play in my room by myself, but I never felt lonely S: Yo jugaba en mi dormitorio sola, pero no senta solitaria. 2. E: My brother Austin annoyed me S: Mi hermano Austin me molestaba 3. E: I loved to learn S: Disfrutaba aprender 5. Usa el vocabulario para Ser y Estar. (3 palabras minmo) E:surprised, tired, relaxed, seasick S:sorprendida, cansada, relajada, mareada 6. Hay algo ms que quieres compartir de tu experiencia de nio/a? E: My parents used to take our family out on boats to Catalina and San Clemente islands. One time, in the middle of the night, my father woke up to a loud noise. He was suprised to see flying fish everywhere. Seals were chasing them, and they were running into the boat. I was so tired and relaxed that I slept through the whole thing. When I woke up, my family laughed and said, You could sleep through anything! S: Mis padres tomaban a nuestra familia en barcos a las islas de Santa Catalina y San Clemente. Una vez, en el medio del norte, mi padre despert a un ruido fuerte. l estaba soprendido ver pez volando por todas partes. Focas estaban perseguiendo los peces. Los peces estaban asustados, as ellos estaban chocando con el barco. Yo estaba tan cansada, relajada, y un poco mareada, dorm a travs del incidente. Cundo me despert, mi familia rieron y hablaron, T podras dormir a travs de cualquier cosa!

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