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Las Conjugaciones Esenciales de Verbos en Ingls

Por Jessica Ojeda Editado por

Hola! Bienvenido/a a las tablas de conjugaciones del verbo to work en ingls. He creado estas tablas de conjugaciones para que tengas una gua o una referencia espectacular cuando tienes dudas acerca de la estructura de oraciones, de los tiempos verbales, o de los aspectos verbales. S ests leyendo esta gua en el internet, prate ahora mismo y guarda este archivo en tu computadora o celular. Esta gua es una referencia espectacular de las conjugaciones y no la quieres perder. Tambin, recomiendo que la imprimas porque impuesta se hace fcil comparar y estudiar las conjugaciones y las estructuras de las oraciones. Puedes usar las tablas si se te olvida como conjugar un verbo en ingls o tambin las puedes usar como una pequea introduccin a todas las conjugaciones del ingls y la estructura de cada tiempo verbal en los aspectos de perfecto y progresivo en afirmacin, negacin, e interrogacin. Antes de que uses esta gua, debes entender lo que es un tiempo y un aspecto en ingls.

Qu es un tiempo verbal?
En ingls solo hay dos tiempos verbales: el pasado y el presente. Se expresa el futuro con el verbo modal, WILL, y por lo tanto no existe un tiempo verbal para expresar el futuro. Sin embargo, vamos a decir que existen tres tiempos verbales: el pasado, el presente, y el futuro. El tiempo verbal te dice cuando algo pasa: si pas ayer, si est pasando ahora, y si va a pasar en el futuro. Vemos unos ejemplos de cada tiempo verbal:

El Pasado
I worked. Trabaj.

El Presente
I work. Trabajo.

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El Futuro
I will work. Trabajar

Qu es aspecto?
Un aspecto verbal te dice cmo pasa algo, si sigue o si se ha terminado. Hay dos aspectos en ingls: el perfecto y el progresivo. El perfecto indica que algo ha pasado pero puede ser que no ha terminado. El progresivo indica que algo contina en el pasado, presente, o futuro. Vemos unos ejemplos de los aspectos en cada tiempo verbal.

El Perfecto
Pasado: I had worked. Haba trabajado. Presente: I have worked. He trabajado. Futuro: I will have worked. Habr trabajado.

El Progresivo
Pasado: I was working. Estaba trabajando. Presente: I am working. Estoy trabajando. Futuro: I will be working. Estar trabajando.

El Perfecto y El Progresivo Juntos

Pasado: I had been working. Haba estado trabajando. Presente: I have been working. He estado trabajando. Futuro: I will have been working. Habr estado trabajando.

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Todas las tablas llevan la siguiente forma:

pequea explicacin de la estructura

primera persona ingls (I) segunda persona ingls (you) tercera persona ingls (she) tercera persona ingls (he) tercera persona ingls (it) primera persona espaol (yo) segunda persona espaol (t) tercera persona espaol (ella) tercera persona espaol (l) tercera persona espaol

primera persona ingls (we) segunda persona ingls (you all) segunda persona ingls (you all) tercera persona ingls (they) primera persona espaol (nosotros(as)) segunda persona espaol (vosotros(as)) segunda persona espaol (ustedes) tercera persona espaol (ellos(as))

Qu significa to work? To work en los siguientes ejemplos significa trabajar cuando se habla de una persona y cuando se habla de una cosa (it) quiere decir funcionar. Qu pasa con usted? Se conjuga usted en tercera persona singular en espaol, pero en ingls se conjuga en segunda persona singular. Bsicamente, no existen dos formas de you singular en ingls como en espaol (t y usted). Por lo tanto, no he incluido usted en las tablas de conjugaciones abajo.

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TIEMPOS VERBALES PRESENTE SIMPLE ....................................................................................................... 6 PRETRITO SIMPLE ..................................................................................................... 7 FUTURO (will) ................................................................................................................ 8 FUTURO (be going to) .................................................................................................... 9

LOS ASPECTOS: El Progresivo y El Perfecto

EL PROGRESSIVO PRESENTE PROGRESIVO .......................................................................................... 10 PASADO PROGRESIVO .............................................................................................. 11 FUTURO PROGRESIVO (will) .................................................................................... 12 FUTURO PROGRESIVO (be going to) ........................................................................ 13 EL PERFECTO PRETRITO PERFECTO.............................................................................................. 14 PLUSCUAMPERFECTO .............................................................................................. 15 FUTURO PERFECTO (will) ......................................................................................... 16 EL PROGRESIVO Y EL PERFECTO JUNTOS PRETRITO PERFECTO PROGRESIVO ................................................................... 17 PLUSCUAMPERFECTO PROGRESIVO .................................................................... 18 FUTURO PERFECTO PROGRESIVO ......................................................................... 19

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Tiempos Verbales Simples

Cundo se usa el Presente Simple?
Se usa el presente simple para expresar: hbitos y rutinas (I work Monday through Friday. Trabajo lunes a viernes.) hechos generales (The USA is in North America. EEUU est en Norteamrica.. pensamientos y emociones (I love you. Te quiero.) un evento cercano en el futuro (His birthday is tomorrow. Su cumpleaos es maana.) un evento en el futuro en un clause dependent (When I retire I will travel the world. Cuando me jubilo viajar por el mundo.)

Presente Simple - Afirmacin

Se agrega s al verbo de tercera persona singular. Singular Plural
I work. You work. She works. He works. It works. Trabajo. Trabajas. Trabaja. Trabaja. Funciona. We work. You all work. You all work. They work. Trabajamos. Trabajis. Trabajan. Trabajan.

Presente Simple - Negacin

sujeto + do/does + el infinitivo sin to Singular Plural
I do not work. You do not work. She does not work. He does not work. It does not work. No trabajo. No trabajas. No trabaja. No trabaja. No funciona. We do not work. You all do not work. You all do not work. They do not work. No trabajamos. No trabajis. No trabajan. No trabajan.

Presente Simple - Interrogacin

do/does + sujeto + infinitivo sin to Singular Plural
Do I work? Do you work? Does she work? Does he work? Does it work? Trabajo? Trabajas? Trabaja? Trabaja? Funciona? Do we work? Do you all work? Do you all work? Do they work? Trabajamos? Trabajis? Trabajan? Trabajan?

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Cundo se usa el Pretrito Simple?
Se usa el pretrito simple para expresar una accin que empez y termin en el pasado. (I worked yesterday. Trabaj ayer.)

Pretrito (Pasado) Simple - Afirmacin

Se agrega ed al verbo si es regular. Viene de la segunda columna si es irregular.

I worked. You worked. She worked. He worked. It worked. Trabaj. Trabajaste. Trabaj. Trabaj. Funcion. We worked. You all worked. You all worked. They worked.

Trabajamos. Trabajasteis. Trabajaron. Trabajaron.

Pretrito (Pasado) Simple Negacin

sujeto + did not + el infinitivo sin to Singular Plural
I did not work. You did not work. She did not work. He did not work. It did not work. No trabaj. No trabajaste. No trabaj. No trabaj. No funcion. We did not work. You all did not work. You all did not work. They did not work. No trabajamos. No trabajasteis. No trabajaron. No trabajaron.

Pretrito (Pasado) Simple Negacin

did + sujeto + el infinitivo sin to Singular Plural
Did I work? Did you work? Did she work? Did he work? Did it work? Trabaj? Trabajaste? Trabaj? Trabaj? Funcion? Did we work? Did you all work? Did you all work? Did they work? Trabajamos? Trabajasteis? Trabajaron? Trabajaron?

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FUTURO (will)
Cundo se usa el Futuro con Will?
Se usa el futuro simple con WILL para: hacer predicciones (Your wedding will be beautiful. Tu boda ser hermosa.) decisiones que se acaba de tomar (I will help you. Te ayudo.) pedir un favor (Will you help me? - Me ayudas?)

Futuro - Afirmacin
sujeto + will + infinitivo sin to

I will work. You will work. She will work. He will work. It will work. Trabajar. Trabajars Trabajar. Trabajar. Funcionar. We will work. You all will work. You all will work. They will work.

Trabajaremos. Trabajaris. Trabajarn. Trabajarn.

Futuro - Negacin
sujeto + will not (wont) + infinitivo sin to

I will not work. You will not work. She will not work. He will not work. It will not work. No trabajar. No trabajars No trabajar. No trabajar. No funcionar.

We will not work. You all will not work. You all will not work. They will not work. No trabajaremos. No trabajaris. No trabajarn. No trabajarn.

Futuro - Interrogacin
will + sujeto + infinitivo sin to

Will I work? Will you work? Will she work? Will he work? Will it work? Trabajar? Trabajars? Trabajar? Trabajar? Funcionar? Will we work? Will you all work? Will you all work? Will they work?

Trabajaremos? Trabajaris? Trabajarn? Trabajarn?

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FUTURO (be going to)

Cundo se usa el Futuro con Be Going To?
Se usa el futuro simple con BE GOING TO para expresar: hechos del futuro (Its going to rain tomorrow. Va a llover maana.) planes del future (Im going to start school this fall. Voy a empezar la escuela este autoo.)

Futuro (be going to) - Afirmacin

sujeto + to be conjugado en presente (am, is, are) + going + infinitivo con to Singular Plural
I am going to work. You are going to work. She is going to work. He is going to work. It is going to work. Voy a trabajar. Vas a trabajar. Va a trabajar. Va a trabajar. Va a funcionar. We are going to work. You all are going to work. You all are going to work. They are going to work. Vamos a trabajar. Vais a trabajar. Van a trabajar. Van a trabajar.

Futuro (be going to) - Negacin

sujeto + to be conjugado en presente (am, is, are) + not + going + infinitivo con to Singular Plural
I am not going to work. You are not going to work. She is not going to work. He is not going to work. It is not going to work. No voy a trabajar. No vas a trabajar. No va a trabajar. No va a trabajar. No va a funcionar. We are not going to work. You all are not going to work. You all are not going to work. They are not going to work. No vamos a trabajar. No vais a trabajar. No van a trabajar. No van a trabajar.

Futuro (be going to) - Interrogacin

to be conjugado en presente (am, is, are) + sujeto + going + infinitivo con to Singular Plural
Am I going to work? Are you going to work? Is she going to work? Is he going to work? Is it going to work? Voy a trabajar? Vas a trabajar? Va a trabajar? Va a trabajar? Va a funcionar? We are not going to work? You all are not going to work? You all are not going to work? They are not going to work? Vamos a trabajar? Vais a trabajar? Van a trabajar? Van a trabajar?

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El Aspecto Progresivo
Cundo se usa el Presente Progresivo?
Se usa el presente progresivo para expresar acciones que se desarrollan en el presente. (I am eating an apple. Estoy comiendo una manzana.)

Presente Progresivo - Afirmacin

sujeto + to be conjugado en el presente (am, is, are) + -ing Singular Plural
I am working. You are working. She is working. He is working. It is working. Estoy trabajando. Ests trabajando. Est trabajando. Est trabajando. Est funcionando. We are working. You all are working. You all are working. They are working. Estamos trabajando. Estis trabajando. Estn trabajando. Estn trabajando.

Presente Progresivo Negacin

sujeto + am/is/are + not + -ing Singular
I am not working. You are not working. She is not working. He is working. It is working. No estoy trabajando. No ests trabajando. No est trabajando. Est trabajando. Est funcionando.

We are not working. You all are not working. You all are not working. They are not working. No estamos trabajando. No estis trabajando. No estn trabajando. No estn trabajando.

Presente Progresivo - Interrogacin

to be conjugado en el presente (am, is, are) + subjeto + -ing Singular Plural
Am I working? Are you working? Is she working? Is he working? Is it working? Estoy trabajando? Ests trabajando? Est trabajando? Est trabajando? Est funcionando? Are we working? Are you all working? Are you all working? Are they working? Estamos trabajando? Estis trabajando? Estn trabajando? Estn trabajando?

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Cundo se usa el Pasado Progresivo?
Se usa el pasado progresivo para expresar acciones que se desarrollaron en el pasado. (The kids were playing in this room. Los nios estaban jugando en este cuarto. O Los nios jugaban en este cuarto.)

Pasado Progresivo - Afirmacin

to be conjugado en el pasado (was, were) + -ing Singular Plural
I was working. You were working. She was working. He was working. It was working. Estaba trabajando. Estabas trabajando. Estaba trabajando. Estaba trabajando. Est funcionando. We were working. You all were working. You all were working. They were working. Estbamos trabajando. Estabais trabajando. Estaban trabajando. Estaban trabajando.

Pasado Progresivo - Negacin

to be conjugado en el pasado (was, were) + -ing Singular Plural
I was not working. You were not working. She was not working. He was not working. It was not working. No estaba trabajando. No estabas trabajando. No estaba trabajando. No estaba trabajando. No estaba funcionando. We were not working. You all were not working. You all were not working. They were not working. No estbamos trabajando. No estabais trabajando. No estaban trabajando. No estaban trabajando.

Pasado Progresivo - Interrogacin

to be conjugado en el pasado (was, were) + -ing Singular Plural
Was I working? Were you working? Was she working? Was he working? Was it working? Estaba trabajando? Estabas trabajando? Estaba trabajando? Estaba trabajando? Estaba funcionando? We were working? You all were working? You all were working? They were working? Estbamos trabajando? Estabais trabajando? Estaban trabajando? Estaban trabajando?

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Cundo se usa el Futuro Progresivo con Will?
Se usa el futuro progresivo para expresar: un hecho que pasar en el futuro (We will be leaving soon. Nos vamos pronto.) hechos repetitivos en el futuro (I will be working every day next week. Estar trabajando todos los das la semana que viene.)

Futuro Progresivo (will) - Afirmacin

sujeto + will be + -ing

I will be working. You will be working. She will be working. He will be working. It will be working. Estar trabajando. Estars trabajando. Estar trabajando. Estar trabajando. Estar funcionando.

We will be working. You all will be working. You all will be working. They will be working. Estaremos trabajando. Estaris trabajando. Estarn trabajando. Estarn trabajando.

Futuro Progresivo (will) - Negacin

sujeto + will not (wont) be + -ing

I will not be working. You will not be working. She will not be working. He will not be working. It will not be working. No estar trabajando. No estars trabajando. No estar trabajando. No estar trabajando. No estar funcionando.

We will not be working. You all will not be working. You all will not be working. They will not be working. No estaremos trabajando. No estaris trabajando. No estarn trabajando. No estarn trabajando.

Futuro Progresivo (will) - Interrogacin

will + sujeto + be + -ing

Will I be working? Will you be working? Will she be working? Will he be working? Will it be working? Estar trabajando? Estars trabajando? Estar trabajando? Estar trabajando? Estar funcionando?

Will we be working? Will you all be working? Will you all be working? Will they be working? Estaremos trabajando? Estaris trabajando? Estarn trabajando? Estarn trabajando?

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Cundo se usa el Futuro Progresivo con Be Going To?
Se usa el futuro progresivo con BE GOING TO lo mismo como el futuro progresivo con WILL.

Futuro Progressivo (be going to) - Afirmacin

sujeto + to be conjugado en presente (am, is, are) + going to be + -ing Singular Plural
I am going to be working. You are going to be working. She is going to be working. He is going to be working. It is going to be working. Voy a estar trabajando. Vas a estar trabajando. Va a estar trabajando. Va a estar trabajando. Va a estar funcionando. We are going to be working. You all are going to be working. You all are going to be working. They are going to be working. Vamos a estar trabajando. Vais a estar trabajando. Van a estar trabajando. Van a estar trabajando.

Futuro Progressivo (be going to) - Negacin

sujeto + to be conjugado en presente (am, is, are) + not + going to be + -ing Singular Plural
I am not going to be working. You are not going to be working. She is not going to be working. He is not going to be working. It is not going to be working. No voy a estar trabajando. No vas a estar trabajando. No va a estar trabajando. No va a estar trabajando. No va a estar funcionando. We are not going to be working. You all are not going to be working. You all are not going to be working. They are not going to be working. No vamos a estar trabajando. No vais a estar trabajando. No van a estar trabajando. No van a estar trabajando.

Futuro Progressivo (be going to) - Interrogacin

to be conjugado en presente (am, is, are) + sujeto + going to be + -ing Singular Plural
Am I going to be working? Are you going to be working? Is she going to be working? Is he going to be working? Is it going to be working? Voy a estar trabajando? Vas a estar trabajando? Va a estar trabajando? Va a estar trabajando? Va a estar funcionando? We are not going to be working? You all are not going to be working? You all are not going to be working? They are not going to be working? Vamos a estar trabajando? Vais a estar trabajando? Van a estar trabajando? Van a estar trabajando?

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El Aspecto Perfecto
Cundo se usa el Pretrito Perfecto?
Se usa el pretrito perfecto para expresar: lo que se ha hecho o no ha hecho en el pasado (no importa cuando) (I have traveled to Europe. He viajado a Europa.) una accin que empez en el pasado y sigue al presente (It has rained a lot today. - He llovido mucho hoy.) una accin que ya pas pero afecta el presente (I have lost my keys. Perd mis llaves.)

Pretrito Perfecto - Afirmacin

sujeto + to have conjugado en presente (has, have) + participio pasado

I have worked. You have worked. She has worked. He has worked. It has worked. He trabajado. Has trabajado. Ha trabajado. Ha trabajado. Ha funcionado.

We have worked. You all have worked. You all have worked. They have worked. Hemos trabajado. Habis trabajado. Han trabajado. Han trabajado.

Pretrito Perfecto Negacin

sujeto + has/have + not + participio pasado

I have not worked. You have not worked. She has not worked. He has not worked. It has not worked. No he trabajado. No has trabajado. No ha trabajado. No ha trabajado. No ha funcionado.

We have not worked. You all have not worked. You all have not worked. They have not worked. No hemos trabajado. No habis trabajado. No han trabajado. No han trabajado.

Pretrito Perfecto Interrogacin

to have conjugado en presente (has, have) + participio pasado

Have I worked? Have you worked? She has worked? He has worked? It has not worked? He trabajado? Has trabajado? Ha trabajado? Ha trabajado? No ha funcionado?

Have we worked? Have you all worked? Have you all worked? Have they worked? Hemos trabajado? Habis trabajado? Han trabajado? Han trabajado?

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Cundo se usa el Pluscuamperfecto?
Se usa el pasado perfecto (past perfect) para expresar una accin en el pasado que ocurri antes de otra accin en el pasado. (I had worked four years before I received my raise. Haba trabajado cuarto aos antes de que recib un aumento de sueldo.)

Pluscuamperfecto - Afirmacin
sujeto + had + participio pasado

I had worked. You had worked. She had worked. He had worked. It had worked. Haba trabajado. Habas trabajado. Haba trabajado. Haba trabajado. Haba funcionado. We had worked. You all had worked. You all had worked. They had worked.

Habamos trabajado. Habais trabajado. Haban trabajado. Haban trabajado.

Pluscuamperfecto - Negacin
sujeto + had not (hadnt) + participio pasado

I had not worked. You had not worked. She had not worked. He had not worked. It had not worked. No haba trabajado. No habas trabajado. No haba trabajado. No haba trabajado. No haba funcionado.

We had not worked. You all had not worked. You all had not worked. They had not worked. No habamos trabajado. No habais trabajado. No haban trabajado. No haban trabajado.

Pluscuamperfecto - Interrogacin
had + sujeto + participio pasado

Had I worked? Had you worked? Had she worked? Had he worked? Had it worked? Haba trabajado? Habas trabajado? Haba trabajado? Haba trabajado? Haba funcionado? Had you all worked? Had you all worked? Had you all worked? Had they worked?

Habamos trabajado? Habais trabajado? Haban trabajado? Haban trabajado?

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Cundo se usa el Futuro Perfecto con Will?
Se usa el futuro perfecto para hablar de algo que se cree que va a terminar en un tiempo especfico en el futuro. (The game will have finished by five oclock. El partido habr terminado.)

Futuro Perfecto (will) - Afirmacin

sujeto + will have + participio pasado Singular Plural
I will have worked. You will have worked. She will have worked. He will have worked. It will have worked. Habr trabajado. Habrs trabajado. Habr trabajado. Habr trabajado. Habr funcionado. We will have worked. You all will have worked. You all will have worked. They will have worked. Habremos trabajado. Habris trabajado. Habrn trabajado. Habrn trabajado.

Futuro Perfecto (will) - Negacin

sujeto + will have + participio pasado Singular Plural
I will not have worked. You will not have worked. She will not have worked. He will not have worked. It will not have worked. No habr trabajado. No habrs trabajado. No habr trabajado. No habr trabajado. No habr funcionado. We will have worked. You all will have worked. You all will not have worked. They will not have worked. Habremos trabajado. No habris trabajado. No habrn trabajado. No habrn trabajado.

Futuro Perfecto (will) - Interrogacin

will + sujeto + have + participio pasado Singular Plural
Will I have worked? Will you have worked? Will she have worked? Will he have worked? Will it have worked? Habr trabajado? Habrs trabajado? Habr trabajado? Habr trabajado? Habr funcionado? Will we have worked? Will you all have worked? Will you all have worked? Will they have worked? Habremos trabajado? Habris trabajado? Habrn trabajado? Habrn trabajado?

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El Perfecto Progresivo
Cundo se usa el Pretrito Perfecto Progresivo?
Se usa el pretrito perfecto progresivo para expresar una accin que empez en el pasado y sigue hasta el presente. (I have been working all day. He estado trabajando todo el da.)

Pretrito Perfecto Progresivo - Afirmacin

sujeto + has/have + been + -ing Singular
I have been working. You have been working. She has been working. He has been working. It has been working. He estado trabajando. Has estado trabajando. Ha estado trabajando. Ha estado trabajando. Ha estado funcionando.

We have been working. You all have been working. You all have been working. They have been working. Hemos estado trabajando. Habis estado trabajando. Han estado trabajando. Han estado trabajando.

Pretrito Perfecto Progresivo - Negacin

sujeto + has/have not + been + -ing Singular
I have not been working. You have not been working. She has not been working. He has not been working. It has not been working. No he estado trabajando. No has estado trabajando. No ha estado trabajando. No ha estado trabajando. No ha estado funcionando.

We have not been working. You all have not been working. You all have not been working. They have not been working. Hemos estado trabajando. No habis estado trabajando. No han estado trabajando. No han estado trabajando.

Pretrito Perfecto Progresivo - Interrogacin

has/have + sujeto + been + -ing Singular
Have I been working? Have you been working? Has she been working? Has he been working? Has it been working? He estado trabajando? Has estado trabajando? Ha estado trabajando? Ha estado trabajando? Ha estado funcionando?

Have we been working? Have you all been working? Have you all been working? Have they been working? Hemos estado trabajando? Habis estado trabajando? Han estado trabajando? Han estado trabajando?

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Cundo se usa el Pluscuamperfecto Progresivo?
Se usa el pluscuamperfecto progresivo para hablar de una accin que ocurri durante un perodo de tiempo en el pasado. (I had been working all day. Haba estado trabajando todo el da.)

Pluscuamperfecto Progresivo - Afirmacin

sujeto + had been + -ing Singular
I had been working. You had been working. She had been working. He had been working. It had been working. Haba estado trabajando. Habas estado trabajando. Haba estado trabajando. Haba estado trabajando. Haba estado funcionando.

We had been working. You all had been working. You all had been working. They had been working. Habamos estado trabajando. Habais estado trabajando. Haban estado trabajando. Haban estado trabajando.

Pluscuamperfecto Progresivo - Negacin

sujeto + had not (hadnt) been + -ing Singular
I had not been working. You had not been working. She had not been working. He had not been working. It had not been working. No haba estado trabajando. No habas estado trabajando. No haba estado trabajando. No haba estado trabajando. No haba estado funcionando.

We had not been working. You all had not been working. You all had not been working. They had not been working. No habamos estado trabajando. No habais estado trabajando. No haban estado trabajando. No haban estado trabajando.

Pluscuamperfecto Progresivo - Interrogacin

had + sujuto + been + -ing Singular
Had I been working? Had you been working? Had she been working? Had he been working? Had it been working? Haba estado trabajando? Habas estado trabajando? Haba estado trabajando? Haba estado trabajando? Haba estado funcionando?

Had we been working? Had you all been working? Had you all been working? Had they been working? Habamos estado trabajando? Habais estado trabajando? Haban estado trabajando? Haban estado trabajando?

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Cundo se usa el Futuro Perfecto Progresivo con Will?
Se usa el futuro perfecto progresivo para expresar una accin va a continuar hasta un tiempo el futuro. (I will have been working ten years this year. Habr estado trabajando dez aos este ao.)

Futuro Perfecto Progresivo - Afirmacin sujeto + will + have been + -ing Singular Plural
I will have been working. You will have been working. She will have been working. He will have been working. It will have been working. Habr estado trabajando. Habrs estado trabajando. Habr estado trabajando. Habr estado trabajando. Habr estado funcionando. We will have been working. You all will have been working. You all will have been working. They will have been working. Habremos estado trabajando. Habris estado trabajando. Habrn estado trabajando. Habrn estado trabajando.

Futuro Perfecto Progresivo - Negacin sujeto + will not (wont) + have been + -ing Singular Plural
I will not have been working. You will not have been working. She will not have been working. He will not have been working. It will not have been working. No habr estado trabajando. No habrs estado trabajando. No habr estado trabajando. No habr estado trabajando. No habr estado funcionando. We will not have been working. You all will not have been working. You all will not have been working. They will not have been working. No habremos estado trabajando. No habris estado trabajando. No habrn estado trabajando. No habrn estado trabajando.

Futuro Perfecto Progresivo - Interrogacin will + sujeto + have been + -ing Singular Plural
Will I have been working? Will you have been working? Will she have been working? Will he have been working? Will it have been working? Habr estado trabajando? Habrs estado trabajando? Habr estado trabajando? Habr estado trabajando? Habr estado funcionando? Will we have been working? Will you all have been working? Will you all have been working? Will they have been working? Habremos estado trabajando? Habris estado trabajando? Habrn estado trabajando? Habrn estado trabajando?

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Jessica Ojeda fundadora

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