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Peridico Bisemanal para el estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 14, 24 de agosto de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 14, August 24, 2012

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24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 07 No.14

Peridico Bilingue Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware 10 de agosto 2012, Vol. VII No.13 Delaware Statewide Bi-Weekly Bilingual Newspaper August 10, 2012, Vol.VII No.13

El Tiempo Hispano es una Publicacin de Hola Delaware LLC 123 Rosmary Court, Bear, Delaware,19701

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>Gabriel Pilonieta-blanco

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Cecilia Cardesa Lusardi Karyl Thomas Rattay Carlos Dipres Margaret Reyes Peter Gonzales Keyla Rivero-Rodrguez Annette Merino Miguel Acosta Laura Poppiti Tabatha Castro Lastenia Narvaez Greer Firestone Eric Doroshow Mara Picazo + Samuel Blanco Arizpe Eric Soberanis Mara Velsquez Naranjo Ismael Santos Wanda Lopez Elizabeth Cordeiro-Rowe Allison Burris Christopher Posh Ronaldo Tello Alfredo Lascoutx Vivian L. Rapposelli Nelly Arevalo Jason Keller Alma Villalobos Rafael Guerrero Javier Moreno Antonia Donato Ricardo Diaz Eli Ramos Margie King Michelle Acosta Pierre Smythe Luis Alejandro Vera Antonio Droz Zuleika Cervantes Brenda Palomo Jaime Rivera Nina Qureshi-Ibqal Melissa Skolnick Lilia Estrada Roxanna Valdes Antonio Droz Amy Libonate Tamara Romero Jennifer L. Cohan Jose R. Pacheco

Hay oportunidades que se presentan slo una vez en la vida y es poco juicioso no aprovecharlas. En este caso me refiero a la decisin de la administracin de Obama de otorgar una accin diferida para los jvenes indocumentados que llegaron a este pas siendo menores de edad y que cumplen con unos requisitos mnimos. Mucho he escuchado que si es, por ejemplo, una medida electorera buscando el voto latino, o es pura demagogia, que no ofrece ninguna garanta y cosas del mismo corte. Ahora bien. Me he puesto a reflexionar y considerar los diferentes aspectos del asunto y no me queda otra conclusin que decir que es mucho ms que no tener nada. En un ambiente poltico en el que todas las iniciativas pro inmigrantes han sido obstaculizadas, es ms bien una accin valiente la que ha tomado el Presidente, pasando por encima de muchas consideraciones razonables e irracionales. Algunos de los posibles candidatos para esta accin diferida no estn muy seguros de querer acogerse a ella por temor a que sea peor el remedio que la enfermedad, y aqu me pregunto yo: si no tienes nada, qu tienes que perder? El asunto es que aunque es un paso pequeo, es en definitiva un paso hacia adelante para esos dos millones de jvenes que podrn no slo terminar sus estudios, sino tambin trabajar legalmente. Me viene a la memoria una brillante estudiante de bioqumica que ha sufrido mltiples reveses para avanzar en su carrera, la falta de recursos, la necesidad de trabajar, pero que es tan buena que le han ofrecido trabajar en el laboratorio de la facultad, pero ella no puede, por no tener papeles y se dedica a atender una pizzera. Se imaginan cuando esta chica tenga su permiso de trabajo y se pueda poner la bata blanca para entrar al laboratorio? Con ella y su inmensa sonrisa entrarn no slo sus padres, sus hermanos, abuelos, tos, etc., hinchados de alegra, sino tambin otros miles de soadores que ven en esa oportunidad una puerta abierta para ellos. En lugar de acrecentar el temor, mi sugerencia es que las familias preparen los documentos que permitan apoyar la peticin, con calma, con cuidado y de ser posible asistidos por un profesional y se tomen su tiempo, porque al fin y al cabo no se ha indicado que haya una fecha de cierre para solicitar el beneficio. Hay tiempo para reunir el dinero necesario para cumplir con los costos del proceso, que bien hubiese podido ser mucho ms costoso. En lo que s hay que tener mucho cuidado es en no dejarse engaar por falsos notarios que dicen ocuparse de todo por usted con un no se preocupe, yo me encargo de todo. Seguramente usted ya habr visto en las noticias de jvenes que han sido beneficiados, ya que estaban preparados de antemano y sometieron sus documentos inmediatamente se abriera el proceso, habr visto tambin su alegra y espontaneidad a la hora de reconocer que se les ha abierto una puerta a su futuro. Estamos ansiosos de reportar a los primeros jvenes soadores de Delaware, as que a moverse! There are opportunities that occur only once in lifetime and is unwise not to seize them. In this case I am referring to the decision of the Obama Administration to give an action deferred for undocumented youth who came to this country being under age and who meet minimum requirements. I have heard a lot of things, like for instance that it is an electoral measure looking for the Latino vote, or it is pure demagogy, that it does not offer any warranty, and things of the same style. Now well. I have been reflecting and considering the different aspects of the subject and I have no other conclusion that to say that it is much more than having nothing. In a political environment in which all proimmigrants initiatives have been hampered, it is rather a courageous action the one the President has taken, passing over many reasonable and irrational considerations. Some of the possible candidates for this deferred action are not very sure of wanting to take advantage of the law fearing the remedy to be worst then the illness, so I ask myself, if you have nothing, what do you have to lose? The issue is that although it is a small step, is definitely a step forward for those two million young people who will be able not only to complete their studies but also to work legally. Comes to mind a brilliant student of Biochemistry that suffered multiple setbacks to advance in her career, lack of resources, the need to work, but she is so good at what she does that she has been offered to work in the laboratory of the faculty, but she cant accept it, because she has no legal papers, and so she is a server at a pizzeria. Can you imagine when this girl has his work permit and she can put on the white coat to enter the lab? With her and her huge smile will enter not only her, but also her parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, etc., swollen with joy, but also thousands of dreamers who see in that opportunity an open door for them. Rather than increase the fear, my suggestion is that families prepare all the documents to support the request, calmly, carefully and if possible, assisted by a professional, and also take your time, because at the end there has not been announced a closing date to claim the benefit. There is time to raise the necessary money to meet the costs of the process, which could have been much more expensive. Where you have to be very careful, though, is not to be fooled by false notaries who say they can deal with everything for you with a dont worry, Ill take care of everything. Surely you have seen in the news young people who have been already benefited, because they were prepared beforehand and submitted their documents immediately when the process was opened. In the same manner, you have also seen their joy and spontaneity to when recognizing that a door to the future has opened for them. We look forward to reporting the first young dreamers of Delaware, so get moving!

DISEO GRaFIcO / GRaPhIc DESIGN Michael Lovett/ William Galindo

Esteban M.P. Vera/ Gabriel Pilonieta - Blanco Magdalena Sierra / Wanda Lopez / Liliana Grajales Jonathan Galindo/ Eli Ramos Nelson Gonzlez / Adrin Abonce. Fernando Hernndez / Pedro Escrcega



Leyes / Laws: USCIS Comienza a Aceptar Formularios de Consideracin de Accin Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia / USCIS Publishes Forms for Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Locales/ Local: PIC en Georgetown : La misin del Centro de Informacin de Padres de Delaware es mejorar los resultados educativos y de desarrollo para todos los nios / PIC in Georgetown : The Parent Information Center of DE mission is to improve educational and developmental outcomes for all children Estado / State: Un anteproyecto para una mejor Georgetown /A Blueprint for a Better Georgetown Y mucho ms / And much more

Valentina P. Rodrguez Mara Picazo + Gabriela Montilva P. / Marianella Vera Michelle Acosta

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Delaware 24 de agosto 2012 Vol. 7 No.14



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Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14

De Innovadoras a Luchadoras
Una breve historia de la Liga de Mujeres Votantes
>Carol Jones, Presidente de la Liga de Mujeres Votantes de Delaware

Con reconocimiento y mucho agradecimiento por el libro de Nancy M. NeumanLa Liga de Mujeres Votantes en perspectiva

La Liga de Mujeres Votantes de los Estados Unidos surgi del Movimiento Sufragio para Mujeres. Fue establecido en 1920 slo seis meses antes de la ratificacin de la enmienda 19, que dio a las mujeres americanas el derecho al voto. Formada originalmente como una federacin de organizaciones de estado llamada la Liga Nacional de Mujeres Votantes, fue descrita de maneras diversas como un poderoso experimento poltico, un cuerpo semi-poltico, no partidista y todo partidistas. 92 aos ms tarde, la Liga de Mujeres Votantes (LWV por sus siglas en ingls) sigue siendo una anomala en la poltica estadounidense. Es no partidista y poltica a la vez. Educa y defiende. Capacita a mujeres lderes pero no las puede apoyar si optan por cargos pblicos porque es no partidista. La parte no partidista de la misin de la Liga no surgi fcilmente. Los fundadores estaban amargamente divididos entre aquellos que crean que las mujeres tenan un conjunto especial de intereses que requeran de una voz independiente y los que insistan en que las mujeres deban buscar igualdad dentro de los partidos polticos existentes. En ltima instancia, la cuestin fue resuelta por compromiso: la LWV no se convertira en un partido poltico de la mujer; en su lugar movilizara la opinin pblica sobre cuestiones de reforma e instruira a las mujeres sobre cmo trabajar ms eficazmente dentro de las organizaciones polticas existentes. Desde 1920 observadores polticos han predicho el voto en bloque por parte de las mujeres, pero la Liga entendi desde el principio que el grupo de mujeres no era monoltico y que no votara en bloque. Pero al establecer las ventajas duales de 1) participacin a nivel de las bases y 2) pensamiento central, planificacin y liderazgo, la LWV logr una sorprendente unanimidad en programas entre los miembros debido a la forma en la que estos programas son adoptados. Estudiar antes de actuar siempre ha sido la norma. La Liga formula posiciones desde el nivel de base por medio de programas de estudio. Se recopila informacin sobre un tema determinado, se evala y se discute hasta que se llega a un consenso. La cuestin entonces se convierte en un programa oficial de la Liga y se impulsa activamente en los niveles federales, estatales y locales. A lo largo de su historia la LWV ha aportado voces femeninas a las principales cuestiones de poltica LOS DOCUMENTOS DE TU pblica, trabajo ste que ha logrado avanzar la condicin de la mujer en la sociedad HIJO(A) estadounidense. DEBEN ESTAR

CA: La Liga puede tomar accin sobre polticas y medidas gubernamentales en favor del inters pblico. No apoyar ni se opondr a ningn partido poltico o candidato. Y as la Liga reafirm tanto su intencin de educar y abogar sobre cuestiones polticas como su funcin no partidista. Cuestiones ambientales alcanzaron la vanguardia del programa de LWVUS en la dcada de 1970 una extensin natural porque la Liga siempre ha hecho hincapi en la participacin ciudadana en la toma de decisiones ambientales, educacin pblica y la interrelacin del medio ambiente y las necesidades humanas. Y, en 1974, se admitieron hombres como miembros de la Liga. Aqu no hubo mujeres chovinistas! La dcada de 1980 fue un perodo de reaccin contra los logros de derechos civiles, la igualdad de la mujer y las leyes de proteccin ambiental adaptadas en los aos 60 y 70, y la Liga pas la dcada sorteando los riesgos que amenazaban con perder estos logros ganados con tanto esfuerzo. Sus esfuerzos fueron recompensados parcialmente con la aprobacin de la ley de restauracin de los derechos civiles de 1988. Pero ese mismo ao el Fondo de Educacin de la Liga decidi retirarse como patrocinador de los debates presidenciales, cuando los dos principales partidos polticos establecieron reglas tan partidistas que socavaron el propsito educador de la Liga y constituy una amenaza para su carcter no partidista. Lo que ha sucedido en los debates presidenciales y vice presidenciales desde entonces podra ser descrito como ms entretenimiento que esclarecimiento ms cerca a la herencia de P. T. Barnum que a la de Susan B. Anthony. En 1989 la LWVUS tom la delantera en una campaa para aprobar la ley nacional de registro de votantes, conocido como Motor Voter, una causa natural para una organizacin cuyo patrimonio es el derecho a votar. Persistencia y esfuerzos de las bases finalmente superaron la fuerte oposicin y en mayo de 1993, el proyecto se convirti en ley. Desde la dcada de 1990, la Liga de Mujeres Votantes ha operado en un ambiente de cinismo pblico sobre gobierno y poltica a todos los niveles. Al mismo tiempo, los ciudadanos polticamente conscientes necesitan y buscan un gobierno sensible, eficiente. Estamos trabajando para satisfacer esa necesidad. La Liga no tiene mucho dinero pero apoyamos y promovemos una cantidad grande de asuntos mediante la utilizacin de nuestros voluntarios capaces y muy trabajadores. Puede que estemos muy dispersos pero el poderoso experimento poltico contina porque, como Winston Churchill tan acertadamente deca, la democracia es la peor forma de gobierno excepto todas las dems. En la ltima dcada nos hemos adaptado al internet y a los medios de comunicacin sociala nivel nacional en general y en Delaware especficamente. Este ao la Liga de Delaware publicar una gua de los votantes en los peridicos en todo el estado antes de las elecciones generales y en lnea en Nuestra versin en lnea debera estar funcionando el 15 de agosto. Tenemos un sitio web en y una pgina en Facebook. Le recomendamos que visite estos lugares en internet para saber ms acerca de nosotros. Seguimos a trabajar duro por nuestro continuado y mutuo xito como nacin y les pedimos que nos acompaen. Podrn encontrar un formulario de membresa en nuestro sitio web o llmenos al 302 571 8948.

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24 horas

Los radicales consistentemente han etiquetado a la Liga como conservadora y los conservadores siempre la han tomado por radical. Esa contradiccin bsicamente confirma la manera como la Liga se considera a s misma: moderada. Manteniendo siempre un enfoque en temas concretos, los primeros programas incluan proteccin de las mujeres que trabajaban en fbricas en condiciones de explotacin, promocin del pago basado en ocupacin y no en gnero, salud materna y bienestar infantil (incluyendo las leyes de trabajo infantil), leyes uniformes de matrimonio y divorcio, reforma de la ley electoral, leyes de alimentos puros y educacin obligatoria. Algunas de estas batallas se han ganado, algunas todava se estn luchando y siempre se estn librando otras nuevas. En 1946 la Liga nacional adopt una nueva estructura, pasando a ser de una federacin a una organizacin basada en miembros. Para enfatizar este cambio, el nombre fue cambiado a Liga de Mujeres Votantes de los Estados Unidos (LWVUS por sus siglas en ingls) y se aprob un propsito formal y una declaracin poltica: PROPSITO: ... ser fomentar la responsabilidad poltica a travs de la participacin informada y activa de los ciudadanos en el gobierno. POLTI-

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Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14

informacin information
Flappers to Scrappers
(A Brief History of the League of Women Voters) >Carol Jones, president of the League of Women Voters of Delaware


With credit and a huge debt of thanks to Nancy M. Neumans book, The League of Women Voters in Perspective
The League of Women Voters of the United States grew out of the Womens Suffrage Movement. It was established in 1920 just six months prior to ratification of the 19th amendment, which gave American women the right to vote. Originally a federation of state organizations named The National League of Women Voters it was variously described as a mighty political experiment, a semipolitical body, nonpartisan and all partisan. 92 years later the LWV is still an anomaly in American politics. It is both nonpartisan and political. It educates and advocates. It trains women leaders but cannot support them if they run for public office because it is nonpartisan. The nonpartisan part of the Leagues mission did not come easily. The founders were bitterly divided between those who believed women had a special set of interests requiring a separate voice and those who insisted women should seek equality within existing political parties. Ultimately the issue was settled by compromise: the LWV would not become a womens political party; instead it would mobilize public opinion on reform issues and instruct women how to work more effectively within existing political organizations.

The 1980s proved to be a period of reaction against achievements in civil rights, womens equality issues and environmental protection laws gained in the 60s and 70s and the League spent the decade staving off threats to those hard won achievements. Its efforts were partially rewarded by the passage of the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988. But that same year the LWV Education Fund voted to withdraw from sponsorship of the presidential debates when the two major political parties established rules so partisan that they undermined the Leagues goal to educate and posed a threat to its nonpartisanship. What has happened to the presidential/vice presidential debates since then might be described as being more like entertainment than enlightenment -- closer to the legacy of P. T. Barnum than to that of Susan B. Anthony. In 1989 the LWVUS took the lead in a campaign to pass the National Voter Registration Act, known as Motor Voter, a natural cause for an organization whose heritage is the right to vote. Grassroots efforts and persistence eventually overcame strong opposition and in May 1993 the bill became law. Since the 1990s, the League of Women Voters has operated in an environment of public cynicism about government and politics at all levels. At the same time, politically aware citizens need and seek responsive, efficient government. Were working to meet that need. The League doesnt have much money but we support and lobby for a lot of issues by utilizing our capable and hardworking volunteers. We may be spread thin but the mighty political experiment continues because, as Winston Churchill so aptly put it, Democracy is the worst form of government except for all others. In the last decade weve moved on to the internet and social media -- nationwide generally and in Delaware specifically. This year the Delaware League will publish a Voters Guide in newspapers across the state prior to the general election and on line at VOTE . Our on line version should be up and running by August 15th. We have a website at and a page on Facebook. We urge you to go to these places on the internet to learn more about us. We continue to work hard for our mutual, continued success as a nation and ask you to join us. Youll find a membership form on our web site or call us at 302-571-8948.

Since 1920 political observers have predicted bloc voting by women but the League understood from the outset that women were not monolithic and would not vote as a bloc. But by establishing the dual advantages of 1) grass roots participation and 2) central thinking, planning and leadership, the LWV achieved a surprising unanimity on programs among the membership because of the way in which programs are adopted. Study Before Action has always been the standard. The League formulates positions from the grass roots level by means of study programs. Information on a given issue is gathered, evaluated and discussed until a consensus is reached. The issue then becomes an official program of the League and is actively lobbied for at federal, state and local levels. Throughout its history the LWV has brought womens voices to major public policy issues, work that has advanced the status of women in American society. Radicals have consistently called the League conservative and conservatives have consistently called it radical. That contradiction pretty much confirms the Leagues view of itself as middle-ofthe-road. Always issue oriented, the earliest programs included protecting women factory workers against sweatshop conditions, the promotion of pay based on occupation not gender, maternal health and child welfare (including child labor laws), uniform marriage and divorce laws, election law reform, pure food laws and compulsory education. Some of these battles have been won, some are still being fought and new ones are always being waged. In 1946 the national League adopted a new structure, shifting from a federation to a member-based organization. To emphasize this shift, the name was changed to The League of Women Voters of the United States and a formal purpose and policy statement was adopted: PURPOSE: . . . shall be to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. POLICY: The League may take action on governmental measures and policies in the public interest. It shall not support or oppose any political party or candidate. And so the League reaffirmed both its intent to educate and advocate on political issues, and its nonpartisan role. Environmental issues reached the forefront of the LWVUS program in the 1970s -- a natural extension because the League has always stressed citizen participation in environmental decision making, public education and the interrelatedness of the environment and human needs. And, in 1974, men were admitted to membership in the League. No female chauvinists here!


Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14

opinin opinion

Un Punto de Vista A Matter Of View

| Keyla I. Rivero-Rodriguez

Nunca un momento aburrido

Cada cuatro aos tenemos las elecciones presidenciales, y ste es ese ao. A esta hora, estoy cansada de las campaas bombardeando nuestros espacios publicitarios y hogares. Ya sea por radio, televisin, internet y medios impresos. No puedo dejar de pensar cmo se pierden todos esos millones de dlares de campaa. S, millones desperdiciados que terminan en esas campaas insultantes a las que los candidatos se exponen a ellos mismos (y a nosotros) para cuestionar o atacar a su oponente en los varios problemas que aquejan a nuestro pas. Cada cuatro aos elegimos a un Presidente y un Vicepresidente, y cada 2 aos tambin elegimos senadores y representantes como nuestro grupo de delegados del Congreso. Este mes de noviembre vamos a votar para todos ellos, y nuestro estado tambin est eligiendo gobernador y vice-gobernador. Nos guste o no, mientras ms se acerca noviembre, estos prximos meses prometen ser muy interesante, hasta que por fin termine el Da de las Elecciones. Este gran espectculo de circo ya ha comenzado y debo decir que creo que es muy inteligente cmo en este momento estn desviando el foco de reales problemas agobiantes que est padeciendo nuestro pas. Lo que quiero decir con esto es que en este momento, el partido republicano est centrando mucha de su atencin en la declaracin formulada por el representante de Missouri, Todd Akin. Este fin de semana pasado, cuando estaba siendo entrevistado, Akin utiliz trminos y palabras equivocadas al expresar su oposicin a sus puntos de vista conservadores en el tema del aborto e inclusive en el caso de violacin legtima. Palabra de mala, muy mala eleccin, pero Akin contina diciendo, y lo estoy parafraseando, que de alguna manera, cuando una mujer es violada, legtimamente violada, el cuerpo se apaga en una especie de modo de proteccin no permitiendo que se produzca un embarazo. Para m, la ltima parte de su declaracin me parece ms idiota e inverosmil que la mala eleccin de palabras. Por favor no me malinterpreten, no estoy de acuerdo con su declaracin as como tampoco apruebo los puntos de vista conservadores de Akin en asuntos tales como el aborto. Creo que las mujeres siempre deben tener el derecho a elegir no importa si fue un caso de violacin o no. Durante dcadas, esta cuestin ha sido debatida y ha progresado mucho para verlo ahora en peligro de que lo eliminen debido a puntos de vista polticos o de los partidos conservadores. El Partido Republicano quiere que Todd Akin se retire de la contienda para la re-eleccin, pero hoy el Representante Akin dijo que l no se retirar de la carrera. Dijo que ya se haba disculpado por su error y sabe que estaba equivocado, pero que tambin siente que no se le debera pedir que abandone su carrera para la releccin. El Partido Republicano le ha retirado mucho de su apoyo financiero a la campaa de Akin. Incluso Mitt Romney y su compaero Paul Ryan no apoyan a Akin y ellos tambin le han pedido que abandone la carrera senatorial. Hum, si ese es el caso, regaar y huir de alguien por elegir y utilizar una palabra equivocada, a m me parece que realmente nos est faltando libertad de expresin. De la manera como yo lo veo, estamos en problemas... que el circo comience!

Never a Dull Moment

Every four years, we have presidential elections and this is that year. By now, I am growing tired of the entire ad campaigns that are just bombarding our airwaves and homes. Be it by via of radio, television, internet and print media. I cant help but to think how all those millions of campaign dollars go to waste. Yes, wasted millions go to many of those insulting ad wars that candidates put us and themselves through in order to question or charge their opponent on the several issues that afflict our country. Every four years we elect a President and Vice-President, and every 2 years we also elect Senators and Representatives as our Congressional delegation packet. This November we are voting for all of them, and our state is also electing Governor and Lt. Governor. Like it or not, as November draws closer, these next few months are promising to be very interesting months ahead until Election Day is finally over. This three-ring circus show has already begun and I have to say, I think it is very cleaver how at this time, they are diverting focus from real oppressing issues that our country is enduring. What I mean by that is that right now, the Republican Party is focusing much of its attention in the statement made by the Representative of Missouri, Todd Akin. This past weekend when Akin was being interviewed he used the wrong wording and terms when expressing his opposition to his conservative views on abortions and even in the case of legitimate rape. Wrong, very wrong word to choose, but then Akin goes on saying, and I am paraphrasing him, that somehow when a woman is being raped legitimate raped the body shuts down in a sort of protective mode not allowing pregnancy to take place. To me the last part of his statement seems more idiotic and so far fetch than the wrong word of choosing. Please dont misunderstand me, I dont approve his statement nor do approve Akin conservative views on issues such abortion. I think that women should always have the right to choose no matter if it was a case of rape or not. For decades, this issue has been fought and it has come a long way to see how it in danger of being taking away because of conservative partys or political views. The GOP wants Todd Akin to drop out of the race for re-election, but today Rep. Akin said he will not drop out of the race. He said he had already apologized for his mistake and he knows he was wrong, but that he also feels he shouldnt be asked to drop out of his re-election race. The Republican Party has taken away much of its funding support for Akins campaign. Even Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan are not supporting Akin and they have too asked him to drop out from the senatorial race. Hum, if that is the case, chastising and shunning someone for choosing and using a wrong word to me it seems that we are truly lacking freedom of speech. The way I see it, we are in troublelet the circus begin!

[ cartas al editor / letters to the editor ]

too many in our party have abandoned conservatism simply to gain favor with liberals. Compromise with liberals has put us in the compromising position we are faced with today. We must scale down government, promote economic freedom and elect people willing to do it. We are, by far, the most generous and giving people in the world. I believe non-profit organizations and churches could be relied on to help those in need through voluntary giving if the state would stop taking so much of our disposable income by way of taxes and fees. I believe in personal responsibility and that we must move away from welfare and entitlement mentalities. Please support my campaign and vote for me on Tuesday, September 11th. Eric Bodenweiser, Georgetown StRAightfORwARD RefORMS tO fix AMeRicAN cOMMeRce The unemployment rate remains stuck at over 8 percent. The number of Americans not in the labor force is at an all-time-high. The Dow Jones Industrial Average continues to struggle. Clearly, the economy is still fragile. To be fair, some of the reasons are outside the control of American policymakers -- chiefly, the persistence of the European sovereign debt crisis. However, the inability to generate sustained growth is also the result of certain fundamental flaws in the economy that policymakers could be addressing -- but arent. Recent reforms aimed at revival -- like the payroll tax cut, stimulus, and international trade agreements -- certainly have brought some benefit. Notwithstanding, they have mostly just nibbled around the edges of the real problems. Legislators should focus their attention on straightforward policy changes that have the potential to rewrite and fix the rules of the game for American commerce. First, its time to cut business taxes. Japan is expected to cut its corporate rate within the year. When it does, the United States will own the ignoble distinction of having the highest rate in the world at 35 percent. A material and immediate cut would start drawing businesses back to Americas shores. The President himself has come out in support of a seven percentage point drop. As legislators begin deliberating, that ought to be the starting point. Second, simplify the tax code. The code has morphed into an infinitely complex tool of social engineering. Its riddled with loopholes and exemptions. The tax codes complexity is a major drag on the American economy. Individuals and businesses spend enormous sums just in an effort to comply. Research from the Laffer Center finds that for every dollar collected by the IRS, taxpayers pay another 30 cents for compliance, with total tax compliance expenses sucking $431 billion from the American economy annually. The quickest way to simplify the tax code would be to install a flat tax -- one rate for personal income, another for businesses. Hong Kong has had a 15 percent flat income tax since 1947, and its one of the most prosperous cities in the world. Third, legislators should act to sunset regulations that arent working or have outlived their usefulness. The hard truth is that much of the regulatory environment for business in this country is driven by inertia -- once installed, it takes a herculean effort to get any regulation revoked. There is an alarming tendency on the part of the government to over-regulate or penalize economic behavior. The burden should be on the government to justify the continuation of a particular regulation - not the other way around. Regulatory schema should only be retained if it serves a clear and meaningful purpose. Currently, the regulatory burden is especially heavy on the chief job creators in the United States -- small businesses. Firms with less than 20 employees incur an average of $10,000 in regulatory costs every year, per employee. Those expenses are directly handicapping these employers ability to expand and hire. Congress should establish an independent review commission that will regularly apply a critical eye to the national regulatory infrastructure. Wasteful, useless, and overly punitive rules should be identified and swiftly eliminated. Finally, the government needs to be more proactive about adopting time-tested market mechanisms in its own operations. Theres no reason public programs cant harness the competitive forces proven to bring down prices and drive up quality in the private sector. The chief market-style reform currently being considered on Capitol Hill is the premium support plan for Medicare introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), which would give beneficiaries a predetermined sum to spend on an insurance plan of their choice. Medicares prescription drug program has operated in this fashion for over half a decade, and it has cost 40 percent less than originally predicted. This plan has received a great deal of much-deserved attention since Rep. Ryan joined Mitt Romneys ticket for the White House. America hasnt shaken off the recession, but strong long-term growth may be within reach. The business leaders and entrepreneurs of today and tomorrow need our legislators to show some leadership and tackle the substantial reforms this economy needs. Yuri Vanetik is a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute and a national board member of Gen Next (

cANDiDAte iN the RePUblicAN PRiMARy fOR the 19th StAte SeNAte DiStRict I am Eric Bodenweiser and I am a candidate in the Republican Primary for the 19th State Senate District on Tuesday, September 11th. The 19th District includes Reliance, Cannon, Middleford, Concord, Bridgeville, Georgetown, Long Neck and the surrounding communities. I have been encouraged to run by people who are tired of career politicians raising their taxes and fees every year and taking newly created second state jobs. Elected office is a public trust and we should be able to trust our elected officials not to abuse the system. I encourage anyone to call me at 856-9395 and visit my website Im a Fiscal and Social Conservative Christian. Im pro-life and I support property and gun rights. I am opposed to the expansion of gambling in Delaware. When elected, I will work to get taxes and fees lowered. I will work to cut the bureaucratic red tape that strangles our competitiveness. I will work to cut wasteful government spending and to keep government local where it is more accountable to the taxpayer. I will work to bring good paying jobs back to Sussex County and the 19th District and to bring back the jobs that have left here. I know that agriculture is the #1 industry in Delaware, as well as in the 19th District. I will work to stop the politicians and bureaucrats in Dover from telling you how to run your farm and business. Small family businesses are the lifeblood of our economy in Sussex County. We are losing our competitive edge and we cannot afford to lose any more jobs. Some politicians are more concerned with getting themselves re-elected than doing whats best for the people. I know that the government works for the people, not the other way around. I will not concern myself with reelection therefore I will not be afraid to introduce conservative, common sense legislation that most politicians will not introduce. Im a 48-year resident of Sussex County, and a graduate of Sussex Central High School. Im a retired, honest successful businessman (Bodies Dairy Markets), Im an active member of the Sussex County Bible Church and Im a dedicated husband, father, and grandfather. I volunteer as a mentor in a middle school and Ive mentored for Big Brothers/Big Sisters as well. Im active in my community and an outspoken advocate and member of the Delaware Family Policy Council. Im not beholden to any special interest groups because I am not on a Board of Directors of any company or organization and I will gladly tell you where I stand on any issue. I do not compromise my principles and values simply to tell people what I think they want to hear. I became a Republican when I first registered to vote. I share much of the same values of Ronald Reagan but

Abogada de Inmigracin


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USCIS Comienza a Aceptar Formularios DACA

El Servicio de Ciudadana e Inmigracin de Estados Unidos (USCIS, por sus siglas en ingls) anunci que efectivo inmediatamente comenzar a aceptar solicitudes de Consideracin de Accin Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia.
El 15 de junio, la Secretaria del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, Janet Napolitano, anunci que ciertas personas que vinieron a los Estados Unidos siendo nios y cumplen con otros criterios pueden solicitar, en una base caso por caso, recibir la accin diferida. USCIS ha desarrollado un proceso riguroso de revisin para las solicitudes de accin diferida bajo los criterios especificados por la Secretaria Napolitano, dijo el Director de USCIS, Alejandro Mayorkas. Los llegados en la infancia que cumplan con esos criterios y cuyos casos sean diferidos podrn ahora vivir sin miedo a ser deportados y contribuir con sus talentos a esta gran nacin en toda su capacidad. La accin diferida es una determinacin discrecional para diferir la deportacin de un individuo, como parte de una discrecin procesal. USCIS revisar las solicitudes y har las determinaciones en una base caso por caso. Aunque no provee un estatus legal ni es un vehculo a la residencia permanente ni a la ciudadana, los individuos cuyos casos son diferidos como parte de este proceso no sern removidos de los Estados Unidos por un perodo de dos aos, sujeto a renovacin, y podrn tambin solicitar autorizacin de empleo. USCIS est comprometido con asegurar que este nuevo proceso trabaje en concordancia con la misin de la agencia de administrar los beneficios de inmigracin de nuestra nacin, proveer un servicio de calidad al pblico y salvaguardad la integridad del sistema de inmigracin. USCIS exhorta a los individuos que tengan preguntas sobre este proceso a visitar nuestro sitio Web llamar al Centro Nacional de Servicio al Cliente de USCIS al 1-800375-5283. Para ms informacin acerca de USCIS y sus programas, por favor visite, o sganos en Twitter (@uscis_es), YouTube (/uscis) y el blog en ingls de USCIS The Beacon.

Nina Qureshi

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U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) submitted a Federal Register notice announcing new forms and instructions to allow individuals to request consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals from USCIS. USCIS will begin accepting completed forms, August 15, 2012.
On June 15, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced that certain people who came to the United States as children and meet other key guidelines may request, on a case-bycase basis, consideration of deferred action. The release of the new form and instructions to allow individuals to request consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals from USCIS marks an important step in our implementation of this new process, said USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas. While requests should not be submitted until August 15th, it is important that individuals wishing to be considered for deferred action understand the requirements necessary to demonstrate eligibility to be considered. Individuals requesting consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals must submit Form I-821D, Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals; Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization (with accompanying fees); and an I-765WS, Worksheet. USCIS recently developed a series of resources to inform the public on how the process will work. The website, www., includes a flier, a How do I brochure, frequently asked questions, and a number of other resources. USCIS encourages individuals with questions to visit this website or call the USCIS National Customer Service line at 1-800-375-5283. USCIS is aware of immigration scams surrounding the deferred action for childhood arrivals process. Often, unauthorized practitioners of immigration law may try to take advantage of individuals by charging a fee to submit forms to USCIS, or to provide other services. The USCIS website www. includes tips on filing forms, reporting scams and finding accredited legal services. USCIS is committed to ensuring that this new process works within the agencys mission to ensure the integrity of the immigration system. For more information on USCIS and its programs, please visit or follow us on Twitter (@uscis), YouTube (/uscis) and the USCIS blog The Beacon.
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Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14



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Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14

La Escuela Bilinge Tony Alonso

La iniciativa para poner en marcha una escuela Charter bilinge en la ciudad de Wilmington va viento en popa.
> Gabriel Pilonieta-Blanco Por muchos aos tener una escuela bilinge ha sido el sueo de Mara Matos, Directora Ejecutiva del Centro Comunitario Latinoamericano, y todos los que la conocen saben que cuando Matos suea, lo hace en grande, y por lo general lo logra. Para saber un poco ms sobre los planes de esta nueva escuela chrter conversamos con Jos Castro, hermano de la inolvidable educadora Antonia Alonso (cuyo nombre llevar la escuela), con su hija Mara Teresa Alonso, psicloga con amplia experiencia en educacin, y con Mara Matos en su oficina del Centro Latino. Se trata, explica Mara Alonso, de poner en prctica el modelo de educacin de aprender haciendo, algo ya que ya pusimos en prctica hace aos en el Jardn Espaol (a nivel privado) y dio muy buenos resultados. Basndose en el desarrollo de un proyecto, el nio aprende a travs de todos sus sentidos, de su misma experiencia activa. Se escoge un tema, como el bosque o el agua, y se desarrolla en base a experiencias que finalmente se plasman en un proyecto escrito o visual. La necesidad de una escuela que sirva a los nios hispanos en Wilmington es vista por Mara Matos como algo urgente. Trabajamos con los nios desde temprana edad y nos damos cuenta que al entrar al sistema de educacin convencional, pierden sus destrezas, y pienso que con un modelo ms creativo, ms abierto, podemos darle una mejor oportunidad a nuestros nios. Los organizadores de la escuela quieren que la misma tenga al menos el 50% de estudiantes hispanos que son los que menos oportunidades tienen. El modelo que queremos aplicar est diseado para estudiantes de alto riesgo, y estos son los nios hispanos, estn en riesgo de no aprender nada del sistema tradicional, afirma Matos. Se trata, al fin y al cabo, de abrir una puerta a la creatividad en la enseanza de los nios hispanos de Delaware, y para ello han entrado en conversaciones con la Fundacin Longwood, que son los beneficiaros de una donacin de un edificio del Banco de Amrica ubicado en la calle French y la 12. ste es el sitio ideal porque est dispuesto para acoger la escuela chrter, ya que all van a funcionar varias escuelas chrter para unos 2.000 nios. Si todo marcha bien, en octubre tendrn una respuesta definitiva de la Fundacin Longwood, que por cierto se encargara de acondicionar el local para los fines de la escuela, de manera que la chrter Tony Alonso abrira sus puertas para septiembre de 2013. El seor Jos explica que la familia se siente muy honrada de saber que la memoria de su hermana Antonia ser preservada en esta escuela que cumple con su mayor sueo, que no era otro que la educacin de nuestros muchachos. Su lema era: la educacin te har libre y eso lo sembr en sus hijas y en todos los que la rodeaban. Finalizando, Mara Matos afirma que ste es el momento adecuado para esta escuela chrter. De hecho, ya vamos a entrenar a nuestras maestras para que reciban el mismo modelo de educacin que se va brindar en la chrter, desarrollando el pensamiento crtico, que nos permita ser el primer pas del mundo. Desarrollar una educacin con conciencia social en este mundo global. Para eso contamos con el apoyo de Innovative Schools de Delaware que es una organizacin que se dedica a dar apoyo a las escuelas chrter y a entrenar a sus maestros con el apoyo de la Fundacin Rodel. Tambin han desarrollado una sociedad con Teaching For America. Podemos decir que desde ya estn buscando al director o directora de este hermoso proyecto y a los maestros que quieran formar de su cuerpo acadmico, as como organizando reuniones con la comunidad para dar a conocer los detalles de este proyecto. Para ms informacin por favor comunicarse con Mara Matos al email:

The Bilingual School Tony Alonso

he initiative to launch a bilingual Charter School in the city of Wilmington is booming.
For many years, to have a bilingual school has been the dream of Mara Matos, Executive Director of the Centro Comunitario Latinoamericano, and all those who know her, know that when Matos dreams, she does it big style and usually accomplishes it. To know a little more about this new charter school plans, we talked with Jos Castro, brother of the unforgettable educator Antonia Alonso (whose name the school will bear), with her daughter Mara Teresa Alonso, psychologist with extensive experience in education, and with Mara Matos in her office in the Latino Center. Its all about putting into practice the education model of learning by doing, explains Mara Alonso, something we had already implemented years ago in the Jardn Espaol (a private project) with very good results. Based on the development of a project, the child learns through all his/her senses, through his/her own active experience. A topic is chosen, such as the forest or the water, and the theme is then developed based on experiences, that are finally captured in a written or visual project. The need for a school that serves Hispanic children in Wilmington is seen by Mara Matos as something urgent. We work with children from an early age and we realize that when they enter the conventional education system, they lose their skills, and I think that with a more creative, more open model, we can give our children a better chance. The organizers of the school want it to have at least 50% of Hispanic students, who are those with fewer opportunities. The model that we want to apply is designed for high risk students, and these are the Hispanic children, they are at risk of not learning anything from the traditional system, Matos said. After all, it is about opening a door to creativity in the teaching of Hispanic children of Delaware, and for this purpose they have started negotiations with the Longwood Foundation, who are the beneficiaries of a donation of a Bank of America building located in French and 12th Street. This is the ideal place because it is ready to host a charter school, since it is there where they are going to run several charter schools for about 2,000 children. If everything goes well, in October they will have a definitive answer from the Longwood Foundation, which by the way would be in charge of preparing the premises for the school, so that the charter Tony Alonso would open its doors in September 2013. Mr. Jos explains the family feels honored knowing that the memory of their sister Antonia will be preserved in this school that meets her biggest dream, which was none other than the education of our kids. Her motto was: education will set you free and she planted it in her daughters and in everybody around her. To finish, Mara Matos asserts that this is the right time for this charter school. In fact, we will now train our teachers so that they receive the same model of education that will be provided in the charter school, developing critical thinking, allowing us to be the first country in the world. To develop an education with a social conscience in this global world. For that we have the support of Innovative Schools of Delaware, which is an organization dedicated to support charter schools and to train their teachers with the backup of the Rodel Foundation. They have also developed a partnership with Teaching For America. We can say that they already started looking for the principal of this beautiful project and the teachers who want to be part of its academic staff, as well as organizing meetings with the community to reveal the details of this project. For more information please contact Mara Matos at email:

Jose Castro, Maria Matos, Maria Teresa Alonso y sus hijos

Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14

eventos events
Festival Hispano de Millsboro
Un total xito en la celebracin del 18 avo. Aniversario del Festival cultural Hispano de Millsboro, Delaware.
> Fotografas El Tiempo Hispano - Liliana Grajales El domingo 19 de agosto brind un clima muy agradable a las familias que decidieron disfrutar de este evento gratuito que ya ha cumplido 18 aos de paulatino crecimiento. De hecho este ha sido el evento que ha reunido el mayor nmero de personas en el pblico y tambin en el talento que se present en las diferentes tarimas del evento. Estamos muy contentos de ver como, poco a poco, este festival organizado por el Centro Cultural ha ido creciendo, no solo en asistencia del pblico sino tambin de artistas que quieren participar, comenta con una gran sonrisa Allison Burris Castellanos, una de mas activas voluntarias en su organizacin, tambin muchas mas agencias han atendido a nuestra convocatoria para dar a conocer sus servicios a la comunidad hispana, ya no solo del sur del Delaware sino de todo el estado e incluso Maryland y Pensilvania. De verdad que estuvo muy entretenido este festival. A nivel artstico participaron, entre otros, el grupo de danzas Citlali; los marimberos de Lyra marquesa; la cantante puertorriquea Cairi; la agrupacin recin formada Corazn latino con bailes de Mxico y Suramerica; Katari con su msica andina; Los chilenos Expresiones de Chile y el grupo Rumisonko evoc los sonidos del altiplano Peruano boliviano y como este ao el festival rindi homenaje a Guatemala el grupo Maya Awal dieron un magnifico espectculo que fue la delicia del pblico. Como ya es costumbre el festival cont con la agradable animacin de Rafael Orlando y Noelia Arroyo, quienes le dieron ese toque sabroso que siempre han brindado a la audiencia. Una vez mas felicitaciones a los organizadores y voluntarios que hicieron posible este entraable festival y, bueno, pues ser hasta el prximo ao.


Unos cuantos tragos pueden hacer de ti un asesino al volante.



En Delaware es ilegal manejar con una concentracin de alcohol en la sangre de 0.08 o mayor ya que puede ser mortal. El alcohol afecta tu velocidad de reaccin y tu juicio. Checkpoint Strikeforce (fuerza de ataque en un puesto de control) de Delaware es una campaa de aplicacin a nivel estatal de seis meses que cuenta con un mayor nmero de patrullas y puestos de control para DUI durante todas las semanas desde ahora hasta el 31 de diciembre. Si te atrapan, pierdes tu licencia y debes pagar miles de dlares en multas y sanciones. Evita siempre manejar si has estado bebiendo.


Infrmate en

Millsboro Hispanic Festival

A total success the celebration of the 18th Anniversary of the Hispanic Cultural Festival in Millsboro, Delaware.
Sunday, August 19th provided a very pleasant climate to the families who chose to enjoy this free event, now in its 18th year of gradual growth. In fact, this has been the event that has attracted the greatest number of people in the public and also in the talent presented at the different stages of the event.

We are very happy to see how, little by little, this festival organized by the Cultural Center has grown, not only in public attendance but also in artists who want to participate, said with a big smile Allison Burris Castellanos, one of most active volunteers in her organization, also many more agencies have attended our call to publicize their services to the Hispanic community, not only in the South of Delaware but across the state and even Maryland and Pennsylvania. This was truly a very entertaining festival. On the artistic level participated, among others, Citlali dances group; the marimberos from Lyra Marquesa; the Puerto Rican singer Cairi; the newly formed group Corazn Latino with dances from Mexico and South America; Katari with their Andean music; the Chileans Expressions of Chile and the Rumisonko group evoked the sounds of the Peruvian-Bolivian plateau, and as this year the festival paid tribute to Guatemala, the Maya Awal group presented a magnificent spectacle that was the delight of the public. As usual the festival was pleasantly animated by Rafael Orlando and Noelia Arroyo, who contributed with that nice touch they have always presented to the audience. Once more, congratulations to the organizers and volunteers who made possible this charming festival and, well, see you next year.

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We speak Spanish. We keep your personal information private and confidential.


Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14

eventos events

For Wilmington City Council at Large

Miss Chiquita Delaware

El Concurso de Miss Chiquita Delaware, se llev a cabo el sbado 11 de agosto, en el Hall de la iglesia de San Pablo La reina electa fue Thalia Sanchez y la seorita Sabrina Carrasquillo fue le primera Finalista; Naijaliz Collier- Baez la segunda finalista y Tatiana Ayala la tercera finalista. Seorita Simpata Yamileth Lazcano; Seorita fotognica JianKarla Rubio y se despidi al reina saliente Meriana Ayala

Ken y Abril y su Esposa Juanita

Democrat VOTE SEPT 11th



Boricuas Ganan Serie Mundial

Thalia Sanchez

>Eli Ramos Las chicas que representaron Latin America son parte del equipo de Puerto Rico, en la serie mundial de Softball celebrada en Roxana, triunfan como las campeonas en el primer lugar. El evento tuvo lugar entre el 5 y el 11 de agosto en Roxanna, Delaware. Todos los equipos femeninos de diferentes lugares jugaron con excelencia. Canad, Guam, Italia, los equipos internacionales jugaron contra equipos de EEUU como New Jersey, Luoisiana, California. En total fueron 6 equipos de diferentes naciones, lo que la convierte en una verdadera serie mundial, comento Martin Donovan, Director del torneo. Las Boricuas batearon fuertemente para lograr su 4to titulo en esta serie que se lleva a cabo anualmente en Delaware. Felicidades a todos los Boricuas.

Sabrina Carrasquillo, 1st Runner up Naijaliz Collier- Baez, 2nd Runner up and the QueenThalia Sanchez

Little Miss Hispanic

Little Miss Hispanic Delaware Was held on Saturday, August 11, 2012 St. Pauls Hall This year Queen is Thalia Sanchez 1st Runner up- Sabrina Carrasquillo 2nd Runner up - Naijaliz Collier- Baez 3rd Runner up - Tatiana Ayala Little Miss Congeniality- Yamileth Lazcano Little Miss Photogenic- JianKarla Rubio Little Miss Outgoing- Meriana Ayala

salud health
Helping Parents of Children with Special Needs
Law aims to assist parents in fighting denial of educational services for their children
Governor Jack Markell signed legislation which supports the ability for parents of children with special needs to advocate for their families. On hand to offer support and insight regarding the intrinsic value of this law were Lt. Governor Matt Denn and Representative Quinn Johnson, along with members of Delawares disability community. There is no better advocate for a child with special needs than his or her parents, said Governor Markell. But when parents are forced to seek outside support and expertise, its important that cost not impede them from doing so. The law, which was introduced as House Bill 365 in early June and quickly passed the House and Senate, makes it possible for parents who successfully challenge denials of services to their children with special needs to be reimbursed for the costs of hiring expert witnesses they have been forced to use for their successful appeals. It returns to Delaware a right that parents of children with special needs had until 2006, when the United States Supreme Court revoked it; the right to have the money they spend on doctors and diagnostic tests to pursue an appeal for their children reimbursed if it turns out they were right and the school was wrong. This law, quite simply, will dramatically improve the ability of parents who have children with special needs to advocate for their kids in our public schools. said Lt. Governor Denn, author of the bill. All these parents ask from the state is that it treats their children fairly, and that it gives them a chance to fulfill their potential. Currently, when children with special needs are denied educational services, they must go through a hearing process set up under federal and state law. The process often requires the parents or guardians to hire an expert and/or have diagnostic tests administered, which can be prohibitively expensive. Many parents are unable to advocate for their children with special needs because they cannot afford to pay the costs for experts or tests. As a result, many children with special needs do not receive services that their parents and medical providers firmly believe are necessary to the childrens educational success. Rep. Quinn Johnson, who sponsored the bill, said that while the new law doesnt guarantee parents will be reimbursed for experts or tests, it gives them a certain level of comfort that they will be if they are successful. School districts have a full arsenal they can bring to the table during these proceedings. Often times, districts come in with experts, while the parents come in by themselves. Its a real David versus Goliath situation, said Rep. Johnson, D-Middletown. This law will make sure parents are on an even playing field when fighting for services that their children need.

Se pregunta cmo ayudar a su adolescente con las presiones en la escuela? Cmo hablar con ella acerca de la toma de decisiones en las relaciones? Hablar con ella de las opciones de buena salud? Growing Great Girls es un programa despus de clases slo para las jvenes adolescentes. Est diseado para hablar de diferentes temas en un ambiente creado para las jvenes hispanas de 13 a 16 aos. Para obtener ms informacin o inscribirse, favor de llamar a La Esperanza al 302-854-9262. La inscripcin termina el 31 de Agosto de 2012.

Fotografa Profesional
Gustavo Grajales

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Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14



comunidad community

Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14

PIC en Georgetown
La misin del Centro de Informacin de Padres (PIC por sus siglas en ingls) de Delaware es mejorar los resultados educativos y de desarrollo para todos los nios, especialmente para los nios con discapacidades o necesidades especiales, proporcionando informacin, educacin y apoyo a sus familias.
Mi nombre es Miriam Lagunes. Trabajo con el Centro de Informacin de Padres (PIC) de Delaware en Georgetown, como consultora bilinge de padres. Presto servicios a las familias hispanas con discapacidades o necesidades especiales en el Condado de Sussex y la parte sur del Condado de Kent. Los centros de Informacin y Capacitacin para Padres (PTI por sus siglas en ingls) proporcionan capacitacin y asistencia para familias a nivel nacional. Estos centros son financiados por el Departamento de Educacin de los Estados Unidos bajo la Ley de Individuos con Discapacidades en Educacin (IDEA por sus siglas en ingls). Hay al menos un centro en cada estado. El Centro de Informacin de Padres de Delaware (PIC) alberga los PTI del estado de Delaware y sirve a familias de nios con una amplia gama de discapacidades desde su nacimiento hasta que cumplen 26 aos, as como a profesionales de la educacin. Ayudamos a las familias a entender la discapacidad y necesidades especiales de su hijo. Proporcionamos informacin sobre programas, servicios y prcticas innovadoras para ayudar a la educacin y el desarrollo del nio. Explicamos las leyes estatales y federales relacionadas con la educacin especial. Ayudamos a las familias a aprender a comunicarse eficazmente con el personal de la escuela y otros profesionales. Tambin les ayudamos a encontrar soluciones a los problemas y preocupaciones que surgen de la discapacidad de su hijo. Ms importante an, hacemos hincapi en la importancia de convertirse en defensores de por vida de su hijo. Todos estos servicios son ofrecidos a las familias y profesionales a travs de talleres, seminarios en internet y de audio, boletines impresos y electrnicos, un sitio web y una biblioteca. Nuestro centro desarrolla materiales e informacin basados en investigacin de fcil uso para los padres. La mayora estn disponibles en espaol e ingls. Ofrecemos capacitacin para padres de crianza y voluntarios de la comunidad a travs de nuestro Programa Educativo para Padres Sustitutos. Nuestro programa conecta a los servicios de salud mental y educacin para nios con necesidades especiales de cuidado de la salud en la comunidad hispana rural. Miembro de PIC, Anna Ornelas trabaja como Coordinadora Bilinge de Apoyo Familiar para un nuevo programa llamado Creciendo Como Padres (CCP). Pueden encontrar este nuevo programa en el Centro de Informacin de Padres (PIC), el cual fue financiado por el grupo Apoyo Familiar y Alianza de Salud de Delaware (Family SHADE, por sus siglas en ingls) bajo el Centro de Estudios de Discapacidades de la Universidad de Delaware. El CCP est diseado para las familias hispanas con nios pequeos en el rea del Condado de Sussex. El CCP se esfuerza por habituar a las familias con sistemas de servicio, reglamentos y prcticas dentro de la comunidad que ellos no conocen. Adems de presentarles a las familias nuevos recursos, el CCP puede ayudarles a comunicarse con las personas que proporcionan servicios a sus hijos ayudando a las familias a comprender y completar formularios y cuestionarios y ofrecer traducciones cuando sea necesario. El propsito del CCP es ensear a los padres a utilizar la informacin que reciben y que hablan en nombre de sus hijos con discapacidades y necesidades mdicas especiales. Ms informacin: Centro de Informacin de Padres de 13 Bridgeville RD, Georgetown, DE 19947 (302) 856 9880

wide. These centers are funded through the US Department of Education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). There is at least one center in every state. Parent Information Center of DE (PIC) houses the PTI for the State of Delaware and serves families of children with the broad range of disabilities from birth to 26, as well as, education professionals We help families understand their childs disability and special needs. We provide information about programs, services and innovative practices to help the childs education and development. Explain the state and federal laws related to special education. We help families learn how to communicate effectively with school personnel and other professionals. We also help them find solutions to problems and concerns that arise from their childs disability. More importantly, we emphasize the importance of becoming their childs lifelong advocate. All these services are offer to families and professionals through workshops, web and audio seminars, print and electronic newsletters, a website and a lending library. Our center develops researchbased parent-friendly information and materials. Most are available in Spanish and English. We offer training for foster parents and community volunteers through our Educational Surrogate Parents program. Our program connects educational and mental health services for children with special healthcare needs in the rural Hispanic community. Under PIC Anna Ornelas works as the bilingual Family Support Coordinator for a new program called Creciendo Como Padres (CCP), this new program at the Parent Information Center (PIC) and was funded by The Family Support and Healthcare Alliance Delaware (Family SHADE) under the University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies. CCP is designed for Hispanic families with young children in the Sussex County area. CCP strives to familiarize families with service systems, regulations and practices within the community that they are not aware of. Along with introducing families to new resources CCP can help them communicate with those individuals that provide services to their children by helping families understand and complete forms and questionnaires and offer translations when necessary. The purpose of CCP is to teach parents to use the information they receive and speak up on behalf of their children with disabilities and special health care needs. More information: Parent Information Center of DE 13 Bridgeville RD, Georgetown, DE 19947 (302) 856-9880

Anna Ornelas & Miriam Lagunes

PIC in Georgetown
The Parent Information Center of DE mission is to improve educational and developmental outcomes for all children, especially for children with disabilities or special needs, by providing information, education and support to their families.
My name is Miriam Lagunes. I work with the Parent Information Center (PIC) of DE in Georgetown, as a bilingual parent consultant. I serve Hispanic families with disabilities or special needs in Sussex County and southern part of Kent County. Parent Training and Information centers (PTIs) provide training and assistance to families nation-

Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14

comunidad community


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Concurso DelawareCAN
Banco de Alimentos de Delaware es anfitrin del segundo concurso anual de DelawareCAN
El Banco de Alimentos de Delaware anunci que ya est abierta la inscripcin para el segundo concurso anual de DelawareCAN. Las organizaciones tienen hasta el 5 de septiembre para inscribirse en la jornada de recoleccin de alimentos y el concurso de construccin de una estructura. En un esfuerzo por ayudar a abastecer los estantes del banco de alimentos y asegurarse de que los delawarianos hambrientos tengan acceso a alimentos saludables, el Banco de Alimentos de Delaware lanz el programa DelawareCAN el ao pasado. Este concurso es una forma creativa para recoger los tan necesarios alimentos y crear una competencia enrgica en la comunidad de negocios de Delaware. La energa creada dentro de DuPont durante nuestra participacin en el primer evento anual de DelawareCAN rpidamente construy puentes entre las muchas sedes de DuPont, dijo Bill Short, lder de tecnologa de ingeniera civil en DuPont. Las donaciones de los cientos de trabajadores locales de DuPont permitieron a nuestros voluntarios unirse en equipo para construir tanto la estructura como como un sentido de comunidad que dur mucho despus de que la comida fuera donada. Desde el lunes, 24 de septiembre hasta el viernes, 19 de octubre, las organizaciones tendrn la oportunidad de llevar a cabo jornadas de recoleccin de alimentos y de competir para crear esculturas con los envases de los alimentos recogidos. Antes de comenzar la recoleccin, los equipos deben decidir sobre su estructura y coordinar sobre los tipos de alimentos que deben ser recogidos. En el concurso del ao pasado se recolectaron ms de 30.000 libras de alimentos. El ao pasado, JPMorgan Chase y nuestros 5.900 empleados de todo Delaware se unieron al banco de alimentos para ayudar a alimentar a nuestros miembros de la comunidad necesitados y participaron en un evento increble, dijo Scott Lammers, Director del Grupo de Liderazgo de Voluntarios de Delaware de JPMorgan Chase. El concurso de recoleccin de alimentos fue un tremendo xito, y esperamos poder ser parte de DelawareCAN nuevamente este ao. La respuesta que hemos recibido de la comunidad de negocios de Delaware en el primer ao fue maravillosa, dijo la Presidenta y Directora del Banco de Alimentos de Delaware Patricia Beebe. Los niveles de entusiasmo de esta competencia me hicieron ver claramente que los delawarianos comprenden los problemas de hambre en nuestro estado y se han comprometido a marcar una diferencia en las vidas de aquellos que luchan por poner comida sobre sus mesas. La eleccin del ganador tendr lugar el lunes 22 de octubre y veintitrs ganadores sern anunciados el lunes, 29 de octubre. Para obtener una gua completa de las pautas de la competencia o para inscribirse, visite Las preguntas sobre la competencia pueden ser dirigidas al Director de Desarrollo del Banco de Alimentos de Delaware Larry Haas, telfono (302) 294 0185 o email Para obtener informacin sobre cmo participar en la competencia de DelawareCAN del prximo ao, pngase en contacto con Larry Haas, Director de Desarrollo del Banco de Alimentos de Delaware, telfono (302) 294 0185 o email

DelawareCAN competition
Food Bank of Delaware to host second annual DelawareCAN competition
The Food Bank of Delaware announced that registration for the second annual DelawareCAN competition is now open. Organizations have until September 5 to register for the food drive and structure-building contest. In an effort to help stock the food banks shelves and ensure that hungry Delawareans have access to healthy foods, the Food Bank of Delaware launched DelawareCAN last year. The competition is a creative way to collect much needed food and create a spirited competition in Delawares business community. The energy created within DuPont during our participation in the first annual DelawareCAN event quickly built bridges across the many DuPont sites, said Bill Short, civil engineering technology leader at DuPont. The donations from the hundreds of local DuPonters allowed our volunteers to come together as a team to build the structure and a sense of community that lasted long after the food was donated. From Monday, September 24 until Friday, October 19, organizations will have the opportunity to hold food drives and compete to create sculptures out of the food items collected. Before collecting, teams should decide on their structure and coordinate the types of food items to be collected. Last years competition brought in more than 30,000 pounds of food. Last year, JPMorgan Chase and our 5,900 employees from across Delaware joined the food bank to help feed our community members in need and participate in a terrific event, said Scott Lammers, Chair, Delaware Volunteer Leadership Group, JPMorgan Chase. The food drive contest was a tremendous success, and we look forward to being a part of DelawareCAN again this year. The response we received from Delawares business community in the first year was wonderful, said Food Bank of Delaware President and CEO Patricia Beebe. The enthusiasm levels from this competition made it very clear to me Delawareans understand the problems of hunger in our state and are committed to making a difference in the lives of those struggling to put meals on the table. Judging will take place on Monday, October 22 and 23 and winners will be announced on Monday, October 29. For complete competition guidelines or to register, visit Questions regarding the competition may be directed to Food Bank of Delaware Development Director Larry Haas at (302) 294-0185 or For information on participating in next years DelawareCAN competition, please contact Larry Haas, Food Bank of Delaware Development Director, at (302) 294-0185 or


informacin information

Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14

Un anteproyecto para una mejor Georgetown

Funcionarios en Georgetown continan su trabajo para crear una visin estratgica para mejorar la calidad de vida en el Condado de Sussex.
Aproximadamente 75 lderes comunitarios y personas individuales se reunieron a principios de esta semana en el foro ms reciente para participar como representantes de Georgetown en la iniciativa de Blueprint Communities. Blueprint Communities fue lanzado por FHL Bank Pittsburgh en 2005 para crear comunidades sostenibles y ayudar a los lderes locales que estn buscando ayuda para revitalizar sus zonas. En su ao inaugural, Blueprint Communities se centr en Pennsylvania, ayudando a 22 comunidades. El programa fue lanzado dos aos ms tarde en West Virginia y comenz en Delaware en 2008. Karen Duffield, directora ejecutiva de la Cmara de Comercio de Georgetown, dijo que los miembros del equipo de Blueprint Communities de Georgetown han llevado a cabo encuestas y celebrado numerosos talleres para medir la percepcin popular de las fortalezas y debilidades de la ciudad y qu debe hacerse para mejorar la comunidad. La Representante Estatal Ruth Briggs King, R-Georgetown, quien particip en el foro del martes, dijo que la investigacin del grupo no ha revelado nada inesperado, con una excepcin. La cuestin de la diversidad de la ciudad fue citada como un punto tanto de agrado como de desagrado (ambos en su mximo puntaje) por aproximadamente 200 personas que respondieron una encuesta al azar. Despus de haber sido demogrficamente esttica durante mucho tiempo, Georgetown cambi relativamente rpido, dijo la Representante King. Creo que la desconexin revelada en la encuesta muestra que la ciudad todava se est ajustando a los retos que conlleva ser una comunidad ms diversa. El anteproyecto que se est creando ahora presenta una gran oportunidad para ayudar a la ciudad a aceptar su nueva realidad, acoger su diversidad y mejorarse para ella. La reunin del martes fue la ltima antes de que un plan de proyecto preliminar para moldear el futuro de Georgetown se presente a los jefes de estado a mediados de octubre. La profesora de la Universidad de Delaware April Veness, quien acta como una asesora para el equipo de Blueprint Communities de Georgetown, dice que pasar por lo menos un ao antes de que se termine un plan de mejora, citando la necesidad de seguir afinando la visin y la construccin de un consenso con todos los sectores de la comunidad. La Representante King dice que un desafo para continuar hacia adelante ser involucrar activamente a las personas menores de 30 aos. Este proceso realmente necesita de la creatividad y la vitalidad de las personas de esa edad. Este anteproyecto se basa en la creacin de un futuro mejor y nadie tiene una participacin mayor en la forma de cmo se puede modelar el futuro que los jvenes. Georgetown es la nica comunidad de los suburbios que participan en la iniciativa de Blueprint Communities, aunque varios vecindarios en Wilmington estn participando incluyendo East Side, Hilltop/Little Italia y Riverside.

A Blueprint for a Better Georgetown

Officials in Georgetown continue their work to create a strategic vision to improve the quality-of-life in the Sussex County seat.
Approximately 75 community leaders and individuals met earlier this week in the latest forum as part of Georgetowns participation in the Blueprint Communities initiative. Blueprint Communities was launched by FHL Bank Pittsburgh in 2005 to create sustainable communities and assist local leaders seeking help to revitalize their areas. In its inaugural year, Blueprint Communities focused on Pennsylvania, helping 22 communities. The program was launched two years later in West Virginia and started in Delaware in 2008. Karen Duffield, executive director of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, said members of Georgetowns Blueprint Communities team have conducted surveys and held numerous workshops to gauge the popular perception of the towns strengths and weaknesses and what needs to be done to improve the community. State Rep. Ruth Briggs King, R-Georgetown, who took part in Tuesdays forum, said the groups research has not revealed anything unexpected, with one exception. The issue of the towns diversity was cited as both a leading like and dislike by approximately 200 people responding to a random survey. After being demographically static for a long time, Georgetown changed comparatively quickly, Rep. King said. I think the disconnect revealed in the survey shows that the town is still adjusting to the challenges that go along with being a more diverse community. The blueprint being created now presents a great opportunity to help the town come to terms with its new reality, embrace its diversity and be better for it. Tuesdays meeting was the last before a preliminary draft plan on shaping Georgetowns future is presented to state leaders in mid-October. University of Delaware professor April Veness, who is acting as a coach for the Blueprint Communities Georgetown team, says it will be at least a year before an improvement plan is finalized, citing the need to continue tweaking the vision and building a consensus with all segments of the community. Rep. King says one challenge moving forward will be getting people under the age of 30 actively involved. This process really needs the creativity and vitality of that age group. This blueprint is all about creating a better future and no one has a greater stake in how the future will be shaped than the young. Georgetown is the only downstate community taking part in the Blueprint Communities initiative, although multiple neighborhoods in Wilmington are participating including East Side, Hilltop/Little Italy, and Riverside.

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empleos jobs

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ACCOUNT REp/SALES MANAGER Account Rep/Sales Manager position available. An excellent opportunity for advancement for the right person. send your resume to BILINGUAL SCREENING NAVIGATOR/OUTREACH COORDINATOR Womens Mobile Health Screening, LLC is seeking a bilingual screening navigator/ outreach coordinator. This person will be responsible for accompanying a mobile mammography van to community screenings, greet patients, assist with medical forms, interpreting for patients and staff, and ensure that all data collection is accurate and complete. Will also make phone calls to patients for scheduling and follow up. Attend outreach opportunities at health fairs. Hours include weekdays, some evenings and weekends. Qualifications: Fluent in Spanish and English a must; excellent written and verbal communication skills; proficiency with Microsoft Office; valid drivers license; previous customer service experience and an outgoing, compassionate personality. Familiarity with medical terminology, social service programs a plus. Please fax or send resumes to the following address: Fax: 302-672-7834 Womens Mobile Health Screening 165 Commerce Way, Suite #2 Dover, DE 19904 pRINCIpAL Summary of Position Academia Antonia Alonso (AAA) is a dynamic and community-focused elementary school that will be opening its doors to 300 students in grades K-1 in the fall of 2013 and growing to a 600 student K-5 configuration by adding one grade per year. AAA will be the first dual language Expeditionary Learning elementary school in Delaware, and its leader will be in a unique position to create a transformative educational environment as the school realizes its mission to provide an academically challenging two-way immersion program to grow students who are bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural. The schools board seeks a catalytic and forward-focused founding principal to recruit outstanding teachers, create an exciting and engaging school culture, cultivate the schools program, and establish a world-class school curriculum. A successful candidate must possess a passion for student learning, a strong commitment to the community, and a vision for instructional leadership that will ensure the highest standards of instruction and student success. The position reports directly to the Board of Directors. Minimum Qualifications: Masters or Doctoral Degree in education from an accredited college or university Five (5) years of instructional/ classroom experience. Exceptional organizational, communication (writing and speaking in Spanish and English), public relations, and interpersonal skills. Able to prioritize and effectively manage competing tasks and responsibilities. Able to sustain a calm, reasonable approach, and communicate effectively in stressful or problematic situations. Possess a Delaware Principal Certification or proven ability to meet certification criteria required Skilled in the use of the internet, email, and Microsoft Office. For more imformation please contact Melissa Browne COCINEROS DOVER Se buscan cocineros con experiencia y preparadores con o sin experiencia, 40+ horas semanales, aplique en persona. Piazza Mia Italian Bar & Grill, 492 South Red Heaven Ln, Dover DE 19901, Tel 302-387-1870. SE BUSCAN ayudantes de cocina y meseros llamar al 302- 369 2500 o al 312 4586 Andres Acua. CHILDCARE I need a childcare for my daughter for 4 weeks. Wages negotiable. Applicant must pass background check and possess a valid drivers license. A car will be provided for use. Applicant should contact me via my mail address (3-3)



CARpINTERO SE OFRECE Tengo mucha experiencia, tengo todas las herramientas y trabajo a domicilo Cesar 512-634 7097 BUSCO TRABAJO En jardinera en Delaware o Maryland tel. 443- 880 8597 Jose Sena pAYASO El payaso Teterete esta disponible para animar fiestas infantiles. Diversin Garantizada. Llame al 302 444 7661 BUSCO TRABAJO en la tardes en Kennett, yarda o restaurante Tel. 484-908 2314 Clemente Gonzalez COCINERO Experiencia en comida gourmet e hispana en el area de Rehobooth, cualquier turno 302- 259 8796 Daniel Huertas. CORTO ARBOLES Y hago trabajos de mecnica. Miguel Aguila Tel. 803-622 8627 BUSCO TRABAJO Landscaping en new Castle Agustin Vasquez 302- 983 3592 BUSCO EMpLEO en restaurant o yarda En Wilmington. Telfono 323-973 6478 Cecilio Vergara- Jose Luis Morales COSTURERO BUSCO TRABAJO DE COSTURERO, tengo experiencia y ganas de trabajar. 302- 761 3098 Humberto Chavez. COSMETOLOGA Hago limpiezas faciales, tratamientos de piel, manicures, pedicuras. Servicios a domicilio en el norte de Delaware. Irma (302) 743-9920 BUSCO TRABAJO En restaurante o limpieza, vivo en Wilmington. Telefono 302- 494 3283 Jeanette BUSCO TRABAJO En jardinera en Delaware vivo en New Castle 302- 983 3592 Agustin Vasquez BUSCO TRABAJO De costurero. Tengo experiencia en mquinas industriales, hablo ingls. 302- 563 5847 BUSCO TRABAJO EN CONSTRUCCIN Tengo experiencia en drywall, pisos etc. Newark 302- 981 8954 Miguel Dorantes VENDO pOSTRES Gelatinas, flanes, tortas cheseecakes etc. Para toda ocasin vivo en New Castle, entrego en cualquier parte. Ana Garcia 302 442 8826 pINTOR Tengo experiencia en trabajos de pintura de casas, todas las herramientas, para trabajar en Delaware. Rigoberto Sanchez 302- 727 9486 pAYASO TETERETE Diversin garantizada en sus fiestas infantiles Tel. 302- 444 7661 COSTURA- ALTERACIONES Todo en confeccin Lucy Romero 610- 888 8463 West Grove AIRE ACONDICIONADO/ CALEFACCION Hago trabajos profesionales a domicilio, tenga 14 aos de experiencia. Delaware 561-420 7363 BUSCO TRABAJO Limpieza o jardinera Wilmington o New Castle Pedro Rivera 302- 256 3212 BUSCO TRABAJO En construccin o jardinera. Javier Vega 302- 553 8564 Kennett LANDSCApING Y pATIOS proyectos para patios. Wilmington o Newark 302- 444 1574 Rogelio Dominguez. CHOFER BUSCO TRABAJO Como chofer para bodega o distribuidora. Tengo licencia clase D. Tel. 302- 384 3253 Antonio Gutierrez SONIDO pARA FIESTAS Cualquier evento Sonido fish contar 302 444 7661 JARDINERIA En Salsbury MD Carlos Arce 410- 845 2095 BUSCO TRABAJO En Drywall en Wilmington o Newark. Pedro Ceballos 302- 319 0858 CONDUCTOR- MOTORISTA Me ofrezco para trabajar para empresa o particular. Interesados llamar a Miguel Cceres 302- 258 8286 Georgetown HAGO TRABAJOS DE pINTURA Techos acsticos y pintura en general en el Condado de New Castle 302-383 2840 Santiago Vera Espinoza. LIMpIO CASAS Y OFICINAS En Wilmington y Newark 302-530 4164 Manuel Alczares BABYSITTING Me ofrezco en Laurel. Chirley Escobar 302745-0391 Durante el dia de lunes a viernes BUSCO TRABAJO En Yarda o construccin, vivo en Wilmington, Feliciano Cruz te. 302-250 9293 BUSCO TRABAJO limpieza en el centro de Wilmington maanas

302- 565 8758 Juan Salazar. BUSCO TRABAJO limpieza De limpieza en Georgetown DE cualquier horario. 302- 396 8669 Roberto Ibarra INSTALO ALFOMBRAS Hago trabajos en Delaware, Maryland y Pensilvania 302- 428 1538 Jose Figueroa. BUSCO TRABAJO en fbrica, en la maanas 302- 425 01 93 Leonilda Diaz. ELECTRICISTA Soy electricista profesional buscando trabajo, soy bilinge y vivo en Newark, disponible para trabajar en todo Delaware. Nicolas Romero Jr. 302- 379 6204 REpARACIONES ELECTRICAS E INSTALACIONES A domicilio, rea de Wilmington. Llamar a Hector Gonzalez al 302- 494 2457 BUSCO TRABAJO Construccin, pollera o techos en Georgetown llamar al 344-2177 Jess Vasquez. BUSCO TRABAJO En Yarda o Demolicin en New Castle tel 785-375 352 Marcelo Garcia BUSCO TRABAJO En Seaford en construccin, tengo experiencia. 302- 629 5293 Silver Trejo. CARpINTERO Se busca para trabajo de remodelacion de oficina. Debe tener Herramientas y referencias de trabajos anteriores. Calificado? llame 302-832 3620 Gabriel


LA IGLESIA SAN pABLO en la calle Van Buren y la calle 4 en Wilmington ofrece clases de Ingles gratis los domingos de 12 a 1:30. Para mas informacin llame a 302-655-6596. GRATIS-GRATIS! CLASES DE INGLES! Los domingos 11:15 am y miercoles de 6:30 a 7:55 pm 140 Airport Rd...New Castle, DE Ignacio (302) 328 3800 ex 94 pARROQUIA SAN JOSE 321 East Main Street en Middletown,Los Mircoles de 7:00 a 8:30 PM mas informacin llamar a Antonia al 302- 378 5805 ESL CLASES GRATIS Casa San Francisco, 125 Broad St.,Milton, (302) 684-8694.Lunes y Mircoles de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Todos los niveles. LACC En la calle 4 y Van Buren, Wilmington. para informacion llamar al tel 302- 655 7338 QUIERE MEJORAR SU INGLES? La iglesia Presbiteriana de la Gracia en Dover ofrece cursos desde principiantes, intermedios y avanzados. Los cursos son los jueves de 6:30-8:45 pm. Inscripcin en la Iglesia: 350 McKee Road, Dover, DE. Se facilita cuidado de los nios. Mas informacin:(302) 734-8150. THE SUSSEX TECH Divisin de adultos Ofrece ingles como segunda lengua Los mircoles y jueves de 7:15 - 9:15 p.m. Cualquiera que quiera aprender ingles puede asistir.En la ruta 9 carretera LaurelGeorgetown.Mas informacin: (302) 856-9035 CLASES DE INGLES Ingles basico por las maanas de Enero 23 a Marzo 8 Lunes y Miercoles de 9 a 11:30 am y por las tardes desde el 9 de enero a el 4 de abril, Lunes y miercoles de 7 a 9:00 pm. Tambien ofrecemos clases de ingles avanzado, Cecil College, 107 Railroad Avenue, Elkton, MD 21921 Salon 328 Para mas informacion, 410-392-3366 LINCOLN: Lincoln United Methodist Church ESL martes/jueves 9am-1pm 4-7pm information Laurie Holubik 398-8945 x30 Administered by Lake Forest School Early Childhood Center GEORGETOwN: Georgetown Middle School (intermedia) ESL 301Market St (luz intermitente) Lunes a jueves 6-8pm (cuidan nios) 856-1900 Administered by Indian River School District La Esperanza ESL/Ciudadania 216 north Race St. Georgetown, DE 19947 302 854-9262 Sussex Tech ESl 856-9035 SELBYVILLE: Selbyville Middle School ESL 80 Bethany Beach 302 436-1020 llame para dias y horas administered by Indian River School District BRIDGEVILLE ESL Phyllis Wheatley Middle School ESL Bridgeville, De 19933 (302) 337-3469 Administered by Sussex Tech H.S. HARBESON: CoolSpring Presbyterian Church ESL 288843 Log Cabin Hill Rd.Lewes, De 19958 (302 )249-5073 Lunes y Miercoles 6:30 -8:00pm SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACION Leila Borrero Krouse. La Casita 411 Wicomico Street, Suite A, Salisbury MD 21801 EL pROGRAMA DE AMERICANIZACIN Clases de ingles y Ciudadana Gratis Clases de ingles y ciudadana para adultos principiantes, intermedios, y avanzados se ofrecen a la escuela secundaria de Caesar Rodney en Camden, Delaware- 239 Old North Road. Clases de noche el martes y el jueves de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Clases del otoo comienza 9 septiembre de 2010. La inscripcin para nuevos estudiantes est abierta siempre. Para mayor informacin llame al (302) 697-2173 o (302) 697-0538

SUDOKU y cmo se juega

El objetivo es insertar los nmeros en las cajas con solo una condicin: cada fila, columna, y caja de 9 x 9 debe contener los nmeros del 1 al 9 nicamente una vez. Qu puede ser mas simple? Dicen que resolverlo requiere entre 10 y 30 minutos, segn seas de hbil con los nmeros y la lgica. Te invitamos a intentarlo y a pasar un rato entretenido que al mismo tiempo desarrolle tu capacidad de razonamiento. Disfrtalo!

TRABAJO DE LIMpIEZA Busco trabajo en limpieza, vivo en Old Baltimore Pike, maanas, Maria Aguilar 302- 266 0634 302-559923 BUSCO TRABAJO en Delaware Janet 302- 274 9134 HAGO TRABAJOS de Landscaping, roofing, construction, painter, remodelation. Leandro Corona 610- 268 2455 BUSCO TRABAJO de Limpieza o atencin al cliente 302- 2563212 Pedro Rivera

Solucin al Anterior

CONSTRUCCION Se hace todo tipo de trabajo de construccin Licencia y seguro, estimados gratis En cualquier parte de Delmarva Jose Figueroa 302-3914511

LLANTEROBusco trabajo como cauchero en Delaware, Juan Santillana Gonzalez 302-3334473 COCINERO Me ofrezco, tengo expererincia. Para trabajar en Georgetown 302-2280916 Frank Pieiro

pANADERO SE OFRECE Tengo experiencia como panadero, repostero y pastelera. Disponible para trabajar en Dover o Georgetown. Por favor llamar a Constantino Reyes 410-713 2809


ALQUILO HABITACIONES EN NEWARK RUTA 273 $250 Y $350 LLAMAR AL TEL 302- 494 7154 SE ALQUILAN HABITACIONES. llamar;302- 4947154 no dejar mensaje de voz. razon ;Ruth Matos ApARTAMENTO EN ALQUILER Cmodo apartamento de dos habitaciones en Wilmington, DE. Para ms Informacin llamar a Magda al 302- 333- 3270. RENTA CUARTO EN NEWARK COMPLETAMENTE RENOVADO. INFORMACIN 302-562 3139 RENTA 2102 Seneca Road Elsmere, Apartamento 2 cuartos Baseman, Front & Rear Yard$750.00 (302) 777-2162

Franco Sierra Experto en Limpieza de Alfombras Trabajo Garantizado, somos expertos, Licenciados y Asegurados Para un presupuesto llame al 302-377 7939

SE VENDE Vendo equipo completo de Sonido listo para empezar negocio de DJ o para un grupo musical. Precio de oferta $5500.00 incluyendo una traila de 5X8. Llamar para mas detalles al celular (302) 382-1530 Rene Acevedo COMpRO LApTOpS Compro laptops tablet pc, usadas. A buen precio interesados contactar Telf.: 3027439920 email: Sr. Horacio. OJO PAGO BIEN VENDO CAMIONETA Expedition 2000Color vino, 170K, $4.000, excelentes condiciones Sr. Trejo 302- 629 5293 VENDO Vendo Carro Acura 97, 3.5L, 195.000 millas, valor $3.500.00, para ms informacin llamar al nmero 856 449 6805 Carmen Martinez:

SERVICIO COMpUTADORAS HABLO ESpAOL Telf.: 302-7439920 email: hmarinap@ Sr. Horacio

Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14


Delaware 10 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.13

calendario calendar
Centro de Informacin para Padres de Delaware
Parent Information Center of Delaware
los seores Del TiemPo El Penn Museum de Filadelfia explora los orgenes de las predicciones del fin del mundo en 2012 con la nueva e importante exhibicin MAYA 2012: Los Seores del Tiempo, una exhibicin de estreno mundial que se inaugur el 5 de mayo, el Penn Museum confronta la fascinacin actual con el ao 2012 y compara las predicciones de un apocalipsis que transformara el mundo con sus supuestos orgenes en la antigua civilizacin maya. La exhibicin se presentar hasta el 13 de enero de 2013. Las entradas de admisin ncluyen la admisin al resto del museo Las entradas especiales para la exhibicin pueden adquirirse por Internet: maya2012,

serVicios A lA comuNiDAD
NEW CASTLE Centro Comunitario LatinoameriCano


100 Works for 100 YeArs Delaware Arts Museum Through Sunday, September 16 As part of the year-long celebration of the Museums Centennial, this exhibition will feature one or more works of art for each year of the Museums existence. The Museum-wide installation will focus on the history of the development and growth of the Museums permanent holdings, in addition to highlighting the generosity of those who have donated works of art. The installation, which will include new and promised gifts, will be featured throughout the permanent collection galleries and outdoors in the Copeland Sculpture Garden. Individual works will be highlighted with special labels, and visitors will use a map to follow the installation throughout the premises. $free-$25

Condado de Sussex Calendario Otoo-Invierno 2012-2013



TEMAS OTOO Como Navegar el Sistema Educativo Comprensin De Las evaluaciones y Proceso de Elegibilidad


09/22/12 SATURDAY BUZZ 9/25/12 MARTES

9:30am10:40am 5:30pm7:00pm

W. Reily Brown Elem. School 360 Webbs Lane Dover, DE 19901 Grace United Methodist Church 7 King Street Georgetown, DE 19947 South Elementary School 955 South State Street Dover, DE 19904 Grace United Methodist church 7 King Street Georgetown, DE 19947 Dover High School 1 Patrick Lynn Drive Dover, DE 19904 Grace United Methodist Church 7 King Street Georgetown, DE 19947

10//04/12 JUEVES 10/30/12 MARTES 11/15/12 JUEVES 11/27/12 MARTES

7:00pm8:00pm 5:30pm7:00pm 6:00pm7:30pm 5:30pm7:00pm

Comprensin De Las evaluaciones y Proceso de Elegibilidad Que tan Especial es la Educacin Especial? La Ley IDEA y los Reglamentos de Delaware El IEP De Transicin-Un Plan Para El futuro de su Hijo Paso a Paso para una Construccin Significativa del IEP



16 de Junio al 3 de Septiembre 2012

4 0 2 N. V a N B u r e N S t r e e t , W ilmiNgtoN , De 19085. t el . 655-7338 La ofiCina nios y famiLia 301 N. HariSoN Street, WilmiNgtoN De 19805. tel.302- 655-6486 ameriCan CanCer soCiety 92 reaDS Way Suite 205, NeW CaStle Corporate CoNmoNS, NeW C aStle , De 19720. t el . 3244227 VoCes sin fronteras parroquia SaN paBlo, 1010 WeSt 4tH St. WilmiNgtoN, De 19805 tel. 576-4120 Caridad CatLiCa 260 W. 4 tH. Street, WilmiNgtoN, De 19805. 655-9624 ChiLd inC. 507 pHilaDelpHia pike, De 19809, tel.762-8989 Westside heaLth 1802 WeSt4 Street,WilmiNgtoN, De, 19805. tel. 655-5822 ayuda LegaL inmigrantes CommuNity SerViCe BuilDiNg, 100 WetS teHt Street, Suite 801, W ilmiNgtoN , De, 19801, t el . 575-0660. Westend neighborhood 710 N. liNColN, De, 19805 tel. 658-4171 h enrietta J ohnson m. 601 NeW CaStle aVe.WilmiNgtoN, De 19801tel 302.655.6187 diVisin de mantenimiento de Los nios CHurCHmaNS Corporate CeNter 84 a CHriStiaNa roaD, NeW CaStle, De 19702 VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL C oNDaDo De N eW C aStle 302761-9100 cancer care connection One Innovation Way, Suite 300, Newark, Delaware 19711. 302- 294-8551 or 866-2667008 (toll-free). http://www. CONDADO DE KENT deLmarVa ruraL ministries 26 W yomiNg a Ve . D oVer , De, 19904. tel. 678-2000 ChiLd inC. 2089 DupoNt HigHWay, DoVer diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios CarrolS plaza, 114 S. DupoNt HWy. DoVer, De 19901 CONDADO DE SUSSEX Centro La esperanza 216 NortH raCe Street, georgetoWN, De, 19947 Tel.302854-9262 Fax 854-9277 diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios 9 aCaDemy St. georgetoWN, De 19947 a b r i e n d o p u e r ta s a y u Da
para mujereS VCtimaS De VioleNCia DomeStiCa. tel. 745-9874 Centro de informaCin para padres 1 0 9 N. B e D F o r D S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947, t el . 302-856- 9880 La Casita 308 N.railDroaD aVe. georgetoWN 856 9660 Centro de saLud La red 505-a W e S t m a r k e t S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947. t el . 855-1233 teLamon Corp. StoCkley CeNter W-3. georgetoWN, De, 19947. tel. 934-1642 Lnea de apoyo para VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL CoNDaDo De SuSSex y keNt 1-800262-9800

Local Sponsor

Delaware Museum of Natural History

4840 Kennett Pike Wilmington DE | 302-658-9111 19807

eArTh from sPAce Smithsonian exhibit explores our planet from the eyes of a satellite. Discover Earth from Space on exhibit at the Delaware Museum of Natural History until September 3, 2012. Delaware Museum of Natural History, 4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 Monday- Saturday 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 12-4:30 p.m. ADMISSION: $9 for adults, $7 for children (3-17), $8 for seniors, FREE for children 2 and younger. FREE for museum members. MORE INFO: Visit www.delmnh. org or call (302) 658-9111

The GeorGeToWN Public librArY will hold its Caterpillars Story Time for ages 0-4 at 10:30 am every Tuesday morning with Miss Sherri. For more information please call the library at 302 856 7958. Knitting Class is offered every Monday from 1:30 pm 3:30 pm. All interested individuals are invited to join. For more information or to gain a supply list for this class please call the library at 856 7958 A Scrabble Club is offered at the Georgetown Public Library. The games will be held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 2-4 pm. For more information about this program or to sign up you may call the library at 856 7958 or go to

The keNNeTT AreA seNior ceNTer sponsors an afternoon Tea Party on Tuesday, September 11 from 1:30 4:00 p.m. In addition to a variety of fine teas, delicacies are served. The theme of Septembers Tea Party is The Fashion Show. Please call the KASC for reservations @610-444-4819. Free Blood Pressure Screening on the second Thursday of each month. This service is provided by Neighborhood Health Agencies, Inc. In addition to KASC members, all seniors in the general public age 60 and up are invited to receive this important medical service. No appointment is necessary. The next scheduled date is Thursday, September 13 from 10:30 11:30 a.m. Sunday Dinner with Friends on Sunday, September 23 from 1:00 3:00 p.m. The theme is Welcome to Fall. Dinner will be from 1:00 2:00 and Music and Dancing from 2:00 3:00. The cost is $6/person. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age. Please contact the KASC @610444-4819 a week in advance for reservations. Resale Book Shoppe will be extending its hours for the Annual Mushroom Festival. The Book Shoppe will be open on Friday, September 7 from 10:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. (Festival Parade at 6:00 p.m.), Saturday, September 8 from 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m., and Sunday, September 9 from 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. They will be selling ice-cold bottled water for $1.00, and will hold your book purchases until you are ready to leave the festival. The Book Shoppe is located at 113 South Union Street and their phone number is 610444-6069. All proceeds benefit the Kennett Area Senior Center.

Presentando ...

Noches de Pelcula
No sabe que hacer esta noche?

Venga y disfrute de las Noches de Pelcula Familiar con El Centro Comunitario La Esperanza
Fecha: Viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012 Hora: 7:00-9:00 pm Georgetown, DE 19947

Patrocinado por la Oficina de Seguridad en la Carretera

Lugar: Iglesia Presbiteriana


Asista a esta presentacin y conozca las caractersticas ROAD y beneficios 28096 SHORTLY que ofrece dicha ley.

28096 SHORTLY ROAD GEORGETOWN DE19947 Dia: Domingo, Agosto 26, 2012 En Marzo del ao 2010 el presidente Obama firmo la Ley Hora: 5:00 PM del cuidado de salud a bajo costo. IGLESIA FUENTE DE AGUA VIVA


La comunidad en general esta invitada En Marzo del ao 2010 el presidente Para ms informacin llame al Centro Comunitario Obama firmo La Esperanza al 302-854-9262 la Ley del cuidado de
salud a bajo costo.

CONDADO DE CHESTER PA La Comunidad hispana 314 e. State St. keNNett Square, pa, 19348 telFoNo: 610-388 72 59 misin santa mara 37 S peNNSylVaNia aVe, aVoNDale, pa 19311, telFoNo 610-268 3365 programa madrina oxForD - (610) 444-4002 keNNett Square,(610) 444-4002 (610) 917-1360 WeSt CHeSter, (610) 696-5122
DelAWAre helPliNe 1-800-464 4357 mara para espaol

Delaware 24 de Agosto 2012 Vol 7 No.14

El Tiempo Hispano Delaware Bilingual Newspaper

Nueva Exhibicin en el Painted Bride Art Center Destaca la Importancia de la Documentacin en la Sociedad Contempornea
En colaboracin con la organizacin cvica, cultural Accin Colombia, el Painted Bride Art Center ser este otoo la sede de una exhibicin que invita al cuestionamiento crtico con una docena de experimentos socio-visuales que incluyen dibujo, pintura, instalacin, actuacin, fotografa y otros medios de comunicacin. Papeles: Are we what we sign? expone aspectos culturales, legales, y econmicos que se encuentran detrs de las transacciones que procuran la participacin y cohesin en la sociedad Americana. La exhibicin estar en muestra desde el 7 de septiembre hasta octubre 21, 2012, este proyecto es organizado paralelamente a la Conferencia de la Asociacin Nacional de Artes y Cultura Latina (NALAC) que tendr lugar en Filadelfia. Papeles incluye un extraordinario e influyente grupo de artistas en Filadelfiaalgunos ya conocidos y otros surgiendo. La postura de los artistas parte de sus posiciones como inmigrantes y/o descendientes de inmigrantes de naciones Latinoamericanas. Cada uno de ellos interpreta esta identidad como una cualidad abstracta que puede ser fcilmente dada, tomada, impuesta o distorsionada en una variedad de contextos. Del comentario crtico, la aoranza, la stira, y la resistencia los artistas exponentes han encontrado fuentes de inspiracin. Los exponentes incluyen: Andrea Rincn, Andria Morales, Carlos Nuez, Doris Nogueira-Rogers, el duo Escobar-Morales, Erika Ristovski, Jonas Dos Santos, Jorge Figueroa, Lina Cedeo y Pedro Ospina, Michelle Angela Ortiz, Paula Meninato, y Susana Amundaran. Papeles: Are we what we sign? es una exhibicin bajo la curadura de Andreina Castillo, Consultora Independiente en Gestora de Arte y Programas. Este proyecto se convirti en un lugar de encuentro para cada uno de nosotros al organizarlo, desde artistas y directores a lderes comunitarios as lo expreso Castillo. Cada uno de nosotros (y/o a travs de nuestras familias) hemos estado expuestos a las satisfacciones y altibajos en el proceso de migrar. Nosotros invitamos al pblico general para que busque sus propias dicotomas cuando presencien las cualidades visuales y conceptuales de esta exhibicin. Papeles: Are we what we sign? busca servir como un instrumento visual de exanimacin al vinculo social con los documentos como smbolos legales de identidad que modelan nuestra ideologa individual, aceptacin cultural, igualdad de los sexos, acceso econmico, oportunidades laborales y logros acadmicos. Al final, esta exhibicin expone nuestra cultura ciudadana dentro de la sociedad Americana. Los conceptos entretejidos en esta exhibicin se enlazan con las corrientes en los Estados Unidos, y el proceso global en busca del consenso en reformas, leyes, votos, resoluciones y otras formas contractuales que afectan la formacin social como individuo y nuestra vida en comunidad. La recepcin de apertura ser durante El Primer Viernes, septiembre 7 de 5pm - 7:30pm en el Painted Bride Art Center en el 230 Vine Street, Filadelfia, PA. En este evento, tendra la oportunidad de compartir con los artistas participantes, disfrutar de obras extraordinarias y de msica Hispanoamericana en vivo. Ademas de deleitar de unos aperitivos especiales, amablemente ofrecidos por Positano Restaurant, Crudo & Wine Bar. Para mayor informacin por favor comuniquese con el Painted Bride Art Center al 215.925.9914. Por favor visite o para informarse un poco ms acerca del proyecto de esta exhibicin.






THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2012 AT 8PM $47-$54 302-652-5577

This program is made possible in part by grants from the Delaware Division of the Arts. A state agency dedicated to nurturing and supporting the arts in Delaware, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. * All tickets subject to box office service charges. Artists, dates, times and programs are subject to change.

New Exhibition at the Painted Bride Art Center Highlights Aspects of Documentation in Contemporary Society
In partnership with the cultural, arts, and civic organization Accin Colombia, the Painted Bride Art Center hosts a thought-provoking fall exhibition gathering twelve socio-visual experiments in drawing, painting, installation, performance, photography, and mixed media. Papeles: Are we what we sign? exposes cultural, legal, and economic aspects behind transactions that shape inclusiveness and participation in American society. On view from September 7, 2012, through October 21, 2012, this project is organized in conjunction with the upcoming National Association of Latino Arts and Culture conference in Philadelphia. Papeles includes an outstanding roster of influential Philadelphia artistsboth established and emerging. They depart from their positions as immigrants and/or descendants of immigrants from Latin American nations. Each of them interprets identity as an abstract quality that can be easily given, taken, imposed, and distorted in a variety of contexts. From commentaries of critique, longing, satire, and resilience, artists include Andrea Rincn, Andria Morales, Carlos Nuez, Doris NogueiraRogers, the duo Escobar-Morales, Erika Ristovski, Jonas Dos Santos, Jorge Figueroa, Lina Cedeo and Pedro Ospina, Michelle Angela Ortiz, Paula Meninato, and Susana Amundaran. Papeles: Are we what we sign? is guest curated by Andreina Castillo, Independent Arts Manager and Programs Consultant. This project became an interesting crossroads for everyone involvedfrom artists, directors, and community leaders, says Castillo. Each of us (and/or through our families) has been exposed to the gratifications and setbacks of migrating. We invite the public to search for their own dichotomies when experiencing the visual and conceptual qualities of this exhibition. PAPELES: Are we what we sign? aims to serve as a visual examination of our social bond with papers as legal signifiers of identity that shape individual mobility, cultural acceptance, gender equality, economic access, labor opportunities, and educational attainment. In the end, it exposes our cultural citizenship within American society. The concepts threaded in this exhibition tie into current U.S. and global developments in a search for a consensus in reforms, acts, votes, resolutions, and other forms of written contracts that affect the social formation of our individual and communal lives. The opening reception will take place on First Friday, September 7 from 5pm - 7:30pm at the Painted Bride Art Center on 230 Vine Street Philadelphia, PA. The evening will feature the presence of all participating artists, engaging works, lively Colombian music, and hors doeuvreskindly catered by Positano Restaurant, Crudo & Wine Bar. For more information please call the Painted Bride Art Center at 215.925.9914. Please visit or to learn further about this exhibition project.

Where the Heart Lies (detalle) 2012. Doris Nogueira-Rogers Tcnica Mixta / Mixed Media


Si ha sufrido un accidente, obtenga la ayuda e informacin que necesita rpido y gratis!
Tiene dolor y necesita ver a un mdico? Tiene el auto daado? No puede trabajar debido a sus lesiones? La Lnea Hispana de Accidentes puede ayudarle a obtener cuidado mdico aunque no tenga seguro y todo es estrictamente confidencial. Adems usted puede tener derecho a recibir compensacin por dolor y sufrimiento.

Anuncio por parte de los doctores en medicina quiroprctica Nikki Patel DC, Trisha Mangano DC, Kent Messer DC


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