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Por Syra Jimnez-Pajarero Arias

C/ Los Topes, 3 (Tas). Horario de visita: de lunes a sbado, de 10 a 14 h. ltima visita: 13.30 horas. Entrada: 2 (residente) y 8 (visitante). Telfono: 928 83.30.53.

El 18 de marzo de 2011 se inaugur la Casa Museo Jos Saramago; un proyecto cultural iniciado por Pilar del Ro en solitario, motivada por la generosidad que siempre demostrara en vida su compaero y Premio Nobel. A Casa abri sus puertas 9 meses despus del fallecimiento del escritor, los mismos que l consideraba se tardaba en morir. Es una casa interactiva que permite a los visitantes disfrutar de sus placenteras rutinas: escuchar msica o tomar un caf portugus en la cocina.

Simple, casi asctica, blanca, con techos planos, dominando el Sur una sola planta. Amplios ventanales. Abierta al mar, a la libertad, a la honda amistad. Colores sobrios: blanco, verde, negro rofe, azul del ocano y del cielo. Una casa diseada para ser compartida.

de comunicacin de las estancias, que alberga pinturas y grabados. El estudio luce apreciados objetos del Nobel y recuerdos de familia. El saln: lugar de sosiego y contemplacin de los protagonistas de sus novelas. El dormitorio: una ntima habitacin que fue testigo de su natural fallecimiento. La cocina, feliz punto de encuentro con amigos y personalidades de la cultura con vistas a un jardn en el que los rboles (palmeras, pinos canarios, un olmo, olivos) fueron elegidos siguiendo las emociones del literato. En la Biblioteca, recinto inaugurado en 2007, el Premio Nobel escriba, lea y conversaba con escritores. Los volmenes estn organizados segn el origen de sus autores y criterios personales. La Sala de Juntas, usada tambin como comedor, fue escenario de inolvidables cenas; hoy en da una amplia pantalla reproduce varios videos. SITUACIN ACTUAL

LOCATION AND TIMETABLE come in a bright gallery, center

C / Los Topes, 3 (Tas). Visiting hours: from Monday to Saturday, from 10 am to 2 pm. Last visit: 1.30 Admission: 2 (residents) and 8 (general). Tel: 928 83 30 53.

The 18th of March, 2011 opened the Casa Museo Jos Saramago; a cultural project launched by Pilar del Ro on her own, motivated by the generosity always demonstrated in life by her partner and Nobel Prize winner Jos Saramago. A Casa opened its doors nine months after the death of the writer, the same time that he considered it took to die. It is an interactive home that allows visitors to enjoy its pleasant routines: listen to music or a Portuguese coffee in the kitchen.

It is simple, almost ascetic, in white, with flat roofs and large windows, one only floor orientated to the South. A Casa is open to the sea, to freedom, to deep friendship. Sober colors have been used: white, green, black, blue like the ocean and the sky. A house designed to be shared.

of distribution of the rooms, which houses paintings and engravings. The studio has cherished objects of the Nobel and family memories. The living room: place of serenity and contemplation of the protagonists of his novels. The bedroom: an intimate room that was witness to his natural death. The kitchen: happy meeting point with friends and personalities of culture with a lovely view to a garden in which the trees (Palm trees, Canarian pines, olive trees, one elm tree) were chosen following the emotions of the writer. In the library, inaugurated in 2007, the Nobel Prize winner wrote, read, and talked with other writers. The books are organized according to the origin of their authors and personal criteria. The meeting room, also used as a dining room, was scenario of unforgettable dinners; today a wide screen shows several videos.

En la web podemos ver fotos, videos y noticias como la inminente publicacin de la novela indita de Saramago: Claraboya (Editorial Caminho). A partir de marzo en Espaa. Mass Cultura dedica este Rincn a A CASA Saramago por ser precisamente noLa visita comienza con un recorrido viembre (da 16) el mes en el que por el hogar del escritor. Nos re- el escritor cumplira 89 aos. Contricibe una luminosa galera, centro buimos a su deseo: Continuarme.


The visit begins with a tour by the home of the writer. We are wel-

On the web we can see photos, videos and news as the imminent publication of the unpublished Saramago novel: Claraboya (Caminho Editorial) that will be published in Spain from next March. Mass cultura is dedicating this space to Saramago precisely because November (on the 16th) is the month that the writer would have completed his

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