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By Oscar Cabezas
1. Oración afirmativa: sujeto + will + infinitivo
She will get married next year.
She will have a baby next month.
2. Oración negativa: sujeto + will + not (won´t) + infinitivo
She will not (won´t) get married next year.
She will not (won´t) have a baby next month.
3. Oración interrogativa: will + sujeto + infinitivo
Will she get married next year?
Will she have a baby next month?
1. Predictions-Predicciones
It will snow tomorrow.
You will have three children.
2. Promises-Promesas
We will always be friends.
I will be with you forever.
3. Requests-Peticiones
Will you shut the door, please?
Will you open the window, please?
4. Immediate decisions-decisiones immediatas (en el momento de hablar).
I´ll take that tool. It´s useful and cheap.
I´ll buy that dress. It´s beautiful
1. Conjugar el will: con will no se pone ningún sufijo (-s, -ed, -ing)
It wills snow tomorrow (lo que está en rojo no es correcto) (it will
snow tomorrow).
She willed have three children / she will have three children
2. Conjugar el infinitivo
It will snows tomorrow / it will snow tomorrow
He will is with you forever / he will be with you forever.
3. Usar axiliares para la interrogativa y la negativa
It doesn´t will snow tomorrow? / Will it snow tomorrow?
Does he will with you forever? / Will he be with you forever?
1. Will se usa para deseos, predicciones, etc.., normalmente aspectos de
futuro a largo plazo o decisiones que tomamos en el momento de hablar
I will travel to Rome (es un deseo, todavía no está nada planificado, o
decisión que he tomado en el momento de hablar).
I will visit my friend in London (lo mismo que antes)
2. Going to (para planes que están establecidos al 50% y cuando nos referimos
a una decisión que hemos tomado antes del momento de hablar)
I am going to go to Rome (es un plan o decisión que he tomado antes de
I am going to visit my friend in London (lo mismo)
3. Presente continuo con valor de futuro.
I am going to Rome (plan fijado al 100%, ya tenemos hecha la reserva,
vuelos, etc… y no hay vuelta atrás)
I am visiting my friend in London (lo mismo)

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