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-Es una medida que indica la relación entre el

espacio poral de la roca reservorio y el
volumen total de la roca reservorio.
-Se expresa en porcentaje.
Arenas consolidadas

Es una medida que indica la facilidad de

un fluido a fluir en una roca porosa.
La unidad que la representa es el
en el reservorio


Densidad (API)
Gradiente (psi / ft)
Viscosidad (cp)
Factor de volúmen de formación
Temperatura (°F)
Agua de formación

Corte de agua (%)

Salinidad (ppm Cl)
Gradiente (psi / ft)
Viscosidad (cp)
Factor de volúmen de formación
Temperatura (°F)
Gas Natural

Relación Gas – Petróleo (GOR)
Gradiente (psi / ft)
Factor de volúmen de formación
Temperatura (°F)
Formacion productiva

-Son aquellas rocas reservorio

que mantienen fluídos
hidrocarburos entrampados en
su interior.
Trampa para petróleo y
Roca fuente.
Porosidad y permeabilidad.
Tope y fondo con roca impermeable.
Tipos de reservorio

-Reservorio de arenisca
-Reservorio de caliza
Porosity Determination from Logs Porosity Determination from Logs
Most log interpretation techniques in use today
use a bulk volume rock approach
Quantitative rock data must be input into equations to
derive values of phi and Sw. For example:
Db = Φ x Df + (1 - Φ) Dm
Porosity is then derived:
Φ = (Dma - Db)/(Dma - Df)
Values of matrix density are normally assumed:
Dma = 2.65 for clean sand
= 2.68 for limy sands or sandy limes
= 2.71 for limestone
= 2.87 for dolomite
Fluid density is that of the mud filtrate:
Df = 1.0 (fresh)
= 1.0 = 0.73N (salt)
Where: N = NaCl concentration, ppm x 10-6
Accurate knowledge
of grain density is
Porosity at Net Overburden (NOB)

Increase in NOB can reduce porosity. Generally

the reduction is <10% of total porosity.
Less severe in consolidated rocks, more severe
in unconsolidated rocks

Grain Density
Measure the bulk volume of the sample. Weigh
the sample. GD = Dry weight/Grain volume
Most rocks are mixtures of minerals. The grain
density of any rock is variable and is dependent
on the mineralogy:
1.25gm/cc -- volcanic ash, some coals
2.65gm/cc -- clean, quartz sandstone
2.68gm/cc -- shaly sandstone with some carbonate
2.71gm/cc -- clean limestone
2.87 - >3.0gm/cc – dolomite
2.32gm/cc -- gypsum
2.96gm/cc -- anhydrite
3.89gm/cc -- siderite
Accurate values of grain density are important
because grain density is used to correct wireline
logs for potential sources of error

Fluid Saturations from Cores

Through knowledge of porosity, permeability
and residual fluid saturations (oil, water and
gas), it is possible to predict with a high
degree of accuracy the probable type of fluid
which will be produced from a given interval.
Review of the core fluorescence can also be
an indicator of oil gravity and should be
factored when type of production is predicted.
Use of Routine Core Data of Routine Core Data
Laboratory measurements of routine core
properties (phi, k, saturation) are commonly used
for the following purposes:

to define pay,
to interpret gas/oil and oil/water contacts,
to estimate rate of production,
to determine storage capacity and evaluate vertical
sweep efficiency by secondary and tertiary recovery

Wettability : Definitions :
Water Wet – the water phase is preferentially attracted to
the surfaces of the grains and water occupies most of the
small pores. Common in sandstones, especially those that
contain some shale

Oil Wet – the oil phase is preferentially attracted to the grain

surfaces and the oil occupies most of the small pores. Can
occur in carbonates (particularly those with abundant small
pores) and in some very clean (shale-free) sandstones

Neutral Wet – no preference for either water or oil

Fractional Wettability – certain areas of the rock are oil wet,
others are water wet due to mineralogical changes or to
changes in adsorption of the oil

Mixed Wettability – the larger pores contain oil (oil wet) and
the smaller pores contain water (water wet). Common in
carbonate reservoirs with heterogeneous pore geometry
Formations generally increase in their degree of water
wetness above 200°C
Capillary Pressure (1)
Capillary pressure exists in a hydrocarbon reservoir
fundamentally because of differences in the density of
various fluids that affect the pressure gradients:

Pressure gradient of water = 0.44 psi/ft (density =

Pressure gradient of oil = 0.33 psi/ft (density =
Pressure gradient of gas = 0.09 psi/ft (density =
* 30O API
** 5000psi

As hydrocarbons accumulate in a trap, the difference in

density between the fluids results in a vertical segregation
of the fluids: gas on oil, oil on water
For example, at 10,000ft, oil pressure = 3300 psi and
water pressure = 4400 psi
Capillary Pressure

Capillary pressure in reservoirs can be defined as

the difference between the force acting
downwards (hydrostatic head, related to density
contrasts) and the force acting upwards
(buoyancy, related to pore throat size, interfacial
tension and contact angle)

Capillary pressure is measured in the laboratory

generally using plug samples or rotary sidewall
cores. Occasionally cuttings samples are used
In the most common type of test, a non-wetting
phase fluid (e.g. mercury) is injected into the rock
at slowly increasing values of pressure. The
amount of fluid injected at each increment of
pressure is recorded and is presented as a
capillary curve
Capillary Pressure and
Water Saturation (2)
Reservoir Sw decreases with increasing height
above the free water level (the level at which the
reservoir produces only water)
Zones that are at irreducible water saturation
(Swirr) produce only hydrocarbons. Swirr occurs
where sufficient closure and hydrocarbon column
The transition zone occurs between the free water
level and the Swirr level. Formations in this zone
produce water and hydrocarbons
The magnitude of the Swirr and the thickness of
the transition zone are a function of the pore size
Small pore throats = low permeability = high Swirr
Initial Reservoir Fluid Distribution
The amount of Sw at any height in the reservoir is
a function of:
Pore throat size, wettability, interfacial tension,
saturation history and differences in fluid densities
These variables control capillary pressure,
therefore there is a relationship between Sw, h,
Pc and pore throat size
Laboratory measurements of capillary pressure
are used to relate Sw to height above the free
water level as long as appropriate values of
laboratory and reservoir interfacial tension and
contact angle are used
Laboratory tests can be made with different fluids
oil, brine, mercury
Capillary Pressure: :
Static Measurement
Static Method – Mercury injection
Widely used, rapid, economic and simple. Mercury is
the non-wetting phase and is injected into a cleaned and
evacuated core plug at successively increasing
pressures from 0 to 60,000psi
The core plug cannot be used for further testing
because of residual Hg saturation
Hg capillary pressure data must be scaled to reservoir
conditions using the following formula:
. Conversion factor = Mercury Pc = Sm Cos è m
Water-Air Pc Sw Cos è w
Sm = surface tension of mercury
Sw = surface tension of water
è m = contact angle of mercury against a solid (140 degrees)
è w = contact angle of water against a solid (0 degrees)
Capillary Pressure:
Dynamic Measurement
Dynamic Method -- Centrifuge
Generally uses oil-brine fluid system but actual
reservoir fluids can also be used
Rapid, more complicated and more expensive than
mercury Pc measurements
Requires preserved or restored-state core plugs
Large (2 inch) plugs are required. These can be used for
further analysis
Brine saturated samples are centrifuged at ever
increasing speeds under oil to obtain a relationship
between capillary pressure and saturation

Capillary Pressure: Rock Controls

Pore geometry is a fundamental control on
capillary pressure, in particular the size of the
pore throats: the capillary pressure
characteristics change with changes in Rock
Type (pore geometry)
In heterogeneous reservoirs, it is essential to
collect capillary pressure data for each Rock
Type that is present in the reservoir
All other factors being equal, the lower the
permeability the smaller the pore throats the
higher the Pce and the higher the Swirr
Capillary pressure data is used to determine the
height above free water (column height) for each
Rock Type and to improve the prediction of the
type of fluid produced (hydrocarbon/water)
Use of Pc in Reservoir Simulation
and Reservoir Characterization
For purposes of simulation and characterization, it is
necessary to know the Free Water Level (FWL)
When FWL is known it is possible to predict Sw at any
height in the reservoir even in areas that lack well
This is particularly important in the following cases:
Areas with long transition zones and no obvious FWL
Areas with misidentified or unknown FWL
Areas with unknown or incorrect Rw
Areas where a, m and/or n are incorrect or unknown
Areas with multiple Rock Types (where a, m,n and Sw
vary as a function of Rock Type)
In these situations, it is possible to solve for Sw using
either the Pc curves or the Leverett J Function.
Cálculo de Reservas de
Petróleo y Gas
Definición de Reservas

• Petróleo crudo
• Gas: Gas Natural, Gas
• Líquidos del Gas Natural
• Sustancias asociadas
Estimación de Reservas

Basados en:
• Interpretación de Datos de
Ingeniería y/o Geología
disponibles a la fecha.
• Condiciones económicas
existentes como precios , costos
y mercado.

Los Cálculos de Reservas se pueden

• Métodos Volumétricos
• Balance de materiales
• Análisis de Curva de
• Simulación de Reservorios
Método Volumetrico
•Mapa de curvas de nivel de
la zona productiva (arena neta

•Se emplean dos métodos para

determinar el volumen bruto:
•Trapezoidal V = h*( 0.5*A0 + A1+A2+A3+0.5*A4)
•Piramidal V = h (A0 + 4*A1+2*A2+4*A3+A4)
Método Volumétrico - Reservorios
de Petróleo
Para el cálculo de petróleo insitu:
N = 7758*V**(1-Swi) / Boi
Para STB
el petróleo remanente:
Nf = 7758*V**(1-Swg) /
Nf = 7758*V**(1-Sw -
El Factor de recobro F.R.
Sg) / :Bo
F.R. = Np/N = 1 - Nf/N

V = Volumen bruto en Acres*ft

 = Porosidad en fracción
Swi = Saturación inicial de agua Fracción
Boi = Factor de volumen de formación de petróleo inicial
Bo = factor de volumen de formación de petróleo final
Método Volumétrico -
Reservorios de Gas

Para el cálculo de gas insitu:

G = 43560*V**(1-Swi) / Bgi
el gas remanente:

Ga = 43560*V**(Sgr) / Bga
El Factor de recobro F.R. :
F.R. = Gp/G =(Bga-Bgi)/Bgi
Método Volumétrico - Reservorios de Gas

Método 1. Encontramos la Tr y Pr y
o = 141.5 / (131.5 + luego el valor de Z luego
API) determinamos:
Mo= 6084/(API-5.9) Gw = 379 PV/ ZRT
mw = R g 28.97 + 350 V = 43560 AH (1-Swi)
o R = 10.73 Psia-ft3 / lb-mol
379 Fracción de gas:
nw = R + 350 o fg = R /(R + 132800o/Mo
379 Mo Cantidad de gas:
Mw = 0.07636 Rg + G = Gw* fg
350 o Cantidad de líquidos
0.002636 R + N = Gw fg/R
350 o

w = Mw/28.97=Rg +
4584 o

Método Volumétrico - Reservorios de Gas

Existe una gráfica de Bo es

Método 2.
función de:
avg gas prod. = gt ;
R SCF/STB, gt , st ,
gt = qps ps + qst st
Temperatura reserv.
qps + qst
P reservorio ,
Conociendo STB
a altas relaciones gas/petró
cond./MMSCF y
utilizando una gráfica Cantidad de líquidos
desarrollada por Standing N = 7758Ah  (1-Swi)/ Bo
podemos determinar una Cantidad de gas :
G = Rsi* N
relación (R)= u/ gt y
mediante la correlación
empírica desarrollada por
Standing podemos
encontrar Bo para
reservorio de
Análisis de Curvas de declinación

Exponencial Hiperbólica Armónica Lineal

Declinación varía con Declinación es directamente

CARACTERISTICAS Declinación es Constante
rate instantaneo proporcional a la rate instantáneo

EXPONENTE b=0 b <> 0 , b <> 1 b=1 b=1

q=q -a t q = q i ( 1 + b ai t )-1/bq = q i ( 1 + ai t )-1 q =qi(1 - ai t )

i e
RELACION: Rate - Tiempo

qi - q qib 1-b qiln qi (q1 - q2)t

Np =ai (q )
Np = ai = (qi i - q )
Np (1-b)a Np = 2
RELACION: Rate - Cumulative

ta =ln r ta r= - 1 ta =r - 1
ta 1= - /r
Tiempo de Abandono a bai ai ai
Análisis de Curvas de declinación

Aplicaciones Mecanismo PLOT

Hiperbólico • Gas Solución log (Np) vs log (q)

Exponencial • Gas Solución Np vs q

• Intrusion agua con 2

Np vs q
corte agua = 0
• Intrusion agua con
Np vs corte (petroleo/agua)
corte agua <> 0

• Intrusion agua, donde
produccion de fluido Np vs q
total permanece cte.

Armónica • Intrusión de agua de flanco Np vs q

• Impulsión capa gas

Lineal con bajo GOR, Np vs 1/p
gas solucion = 0

• Impulsión capa gas

con bajo GOR bajo log (Np) vs log (q) b = 2,0
Hiperbólico gas en solución

• Impulsión capa gas

Np vs GOR
despues que GOC alcance
Np vs Profundidad del GOC
a los pozos productores
Ecuación de Balance de Materiales -
de Gas

Para el cálculo tenemos:

masa inicial- masa final final = masa
ni - nf = n producido del reservorio


PiVi/ziRT - PfVf/zfRT = PscGp/RTsc

Vf = Vi - We + WpBw
GBgi -(G -Gp) Bgf = We + WpBw
Reservorio volumétrico, no hay Gp MMM SCF
intrusión de agua entonces Vi=Vf
Pf/zf = Pi/zi - Psc TGp/Tsc = b - m Gp
Ecuación de Balance de Materiales -
de Petróleo
Reservorios No saturado, producción
cerca al punto de Burbuja no hay intrusión
de agua, Compresibilidad de la formación
y agua=0 Pi Pb
Vi = Vf ; Vi = N Boi ; Reservorios No saturado,
Vf = Nf Bof = (N - Np) Bof producción
Luego: N Boi = (N - Np) Bof cerca al punto de Burbuja
N = Np Bof / (Bof - Boi ) no hay intrusión agua , si
F.R. = (Bof - Boi )/ Bof efectos compresibilidades
Cf +w = Cf +CwSwi/ (1-Swi)
N = Np Bof / (Bof - Boi (1-
Cw+f P))
F.R. = Bof - Boi (1- Cw+f
P)/ Bof
Ecuación de Balance de Materiales -
de Petróleo



Pi Pf
Reservorios No saturado, producción
debajo al punto de Burbuja no hay
intrusión de agua
Vi = Vf = Vo + Vg;
N Boi = (N - Np) Bof + Gf Bgf
Gf = Nrsi - (N-Np)Rs - NpRp siendo Rp = Gp/Np

N = Np [Bof + Bg (Rp- Rs)]/ [Bof - Boi + Bg(Rsi-Rs)]

F.R.= [Bof - Boi + Bg(Rsi-Rs)]/ [ Bof + Bg (Rp- Rs)]
Si hay intrusión de agua:
Vi = Vf = Vo + Vg+ Vw
Vw = We-BwWp
N ={ Np [Bof + Bg (Rp- Rs)]- (We-BwWp)}/ [Bof - Boi + Bg(R
Ecuación de Balance de Materiales -
de Petróleo



Pi Pf
Reservorios No saturado, producción
debajo al punto de Burbuja no hay
intrusión de agua, considerando la
expansión del volumen poroso

N = Np [Bof + Bg (Rp- Rs)]/ [Bof - Boi + Bg(Rsi-Rs) + Cf+w Bo

F.R.= [Bof - Boi + Bg(Rsi-Rs) + Cf+w Boi P ]/ [ Bof + Bg (R
Ecuación de Balance de Materiales -
de Petróleo




Pi Pf

Intrusión de agua.
Reservorios saturado, producción
debajo al punto de Burbuja , intrusión
de agua, considerando la
expansión del volumen poroso
m= Vgli/Voi
Vi = Vf = Vo + Vgd + Vgl + Vw;
Vgl = m N Boi [Bg - Bgi] / Bgi
N = Np [Bof + Bg (Rp- Rs) - (We-BwWp) ]/ [Bof - Boi + Bg(Rsi-Rs) + m Boi [Bg
Simulación de Reservorios

•Fundamentalmente se basa en los principios físicos de

conservación de masa, flujo de fluido y la conservación
de energía.
•Contiene un juego de ecuaciones que permiten describir
el comportamiento de los fluidos en un reservorio.
•Los tipos de simuladores existentes: Black Oil ,
Composicional, Recuperación Mejorada entre otros..
•Es un estudio planeado y organizado para obtener
buenos resultados, teniendo en consideración:
•Geometría del reservorio
•Propiedades de roca y fluido
•Pruebas de presión
•Datos de producción y completación
•Diseño del modelo del reservorio
•Inicialización del modelo del reservorio.
•Análisis de sensibilidad del modelo
•Ajuste de historia
•Performance del reservorio

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