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■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■<<<< Magical Feats >>>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ ARCANE CASTER [Arcane] (Origin)

- Prerequisite: "Spellcraft" Skill, Int 11

- Benefit: Now you can use "Arcane" as the origin of your powers.

Powers with the "Arcane" origin are known as "Arcane Spells", or "Spells" for

Now, you may be considered a "Spellcaster", a "Mage", or/and a "Sorcerer".


- Mana Points:

Mana is the spiritual life force energy that permeates the universe; mana is also
the source of your magic abilities.
Now that you are an Spellcaster, you are able to use Mana Points (or just MP) to
cast spells any kind of arcane spells.
To calculate your total MPs, see the table below:

■ ■
■ Character Level ////// Total Mana Points ■
■ ■
■-- TIER D ---------------------------------------------------------■
■ LV 1 or lower........................................ 1 MP ■
■ LV 2 ................................................ 2 MPs ■
■ LV 3 ................................................ 3 MPs ■
■ LV 4 ................................................ 5 MPS ■
■-- TIER C ---------------------------------------------------------■
■ LV 5 ................................................ 7 MPs ■
■ LV 6 ................................................ 10 MPs ■
■ LV 7 ................................................ 13 MPs ■
■ LV 8 ................................................ 17 MPs ■
■-- TIER B ---------------------------------------------------------■
■ LV 9 ................................................ 21 MPs ■
■ LV 10 ............................................... 26 MPs ■
■ LV 11 ............................................... 31 MPs ■
■ LV 12 ............................................... 37 MPs ■
■-- TIER A ---------------------------------------------------------■
■ LV 13 ............................................... 43 MPs ■
■ LV 14 ............................................... 50 MPs ■
■ LV 15 ............................................... 57 MPs ■
■ LV 16 ............................................... 65 MPs ■
■-- TIER S ---------------------------------------------------------■
■ LV 17 ............................................... 73 MPs ■
■ LV 18 ............................................... 82 MPs ■
■ LV 19 ............................................... 91 MPs ■
■ LV 20 ............................................... 100 MPs ■

* You don't need to spend MPs on TIER E spells, they are free and you can use
them as many times as you want.

These are the total MPs you can use per day, you cannot cast a spell if you don't
have enough MPs. You cannot increase your MPs further than your "Total Mana Points"
that level (except with spells or other specific bonuses)
To fully recover your MPs, you must rest at least 8 hours without any
interruptions; if you are interrupted, but you slept at least 4 hours that day, you
recover half your max MPs.

- Spellbooks:

A Spellbook (also known as a "Grimoire" or "Book of Spells") is a textbook of

magic, typically including instructions on how cast arcane spells,
create magic items, how to perform arcane rituals, enchantments, divination, and
how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as monsters, spirits or even
The books themselves are believed to be imbued with magical powers or
propierties; some of them are unique and really mythical, while others are pretty
common, and you can find them in any magic store.

There are five types of Spellbooks: Type D, C, B, A and S.

The Type D Spellbook has 25 pages.
The Type C Spellbook has 50 pages.
The Type B Spellbook has 100 pages.
The Type A Spellbook has 200 pages.
The Type S Spellbook has 500 pages.

They are not different from each other, rather than their number of pages, and
their price of course.

- Using your Spellbook: Unlike other "Origin" feats, you acquire "Powers" (your
arcane spells) by writting them down in your Spellbook.
Check the next table to know how many pages a spell use:

■ ■
■ Spell Tier ////// Total Pages ■
■ ■
■ - TIER E ---------------------------- 1 ■
■ - TIER D ---------------------------- 2 ■
■ - TIER C ---------------------------- 4 ■
■ - TIER B ---------------------------- 6 ■
■ - TIER A ---------------------------- 8 ■
■ - TIER S ---------------------------- 10 ■

Writting down spells to your spellbook cost half of the MPs it takes to cast that
spell (rounded down). If you do it, you acquire the spell with all it's extras and
flaws, if any.
You can transcribe 1 page per minute; if you are in danger or in a hurry, you
must do a "Spellcraft" check to do it right, the DC is the MP cost of the spell +

Also, you can "modify" your spells using your "Spellcraft" skill as well; if you
modify a spell, you can add or delete one extra or flaw that the spell may have.
The DC to modify a spell is the MP cost of the spell + 10; if you are in a danger
or a hurry, the DC is the MP cost of the spell + 15.

If you fail any of the previous mentioned "Spellcraft" checks, roll d% to see
what happens to the spell:


■ d% ////// Mishap

■ 1 - 5 .......................... The spell is erased / You are unable to
copy it. ■
■ 6 - 15 ......................... The spell gets "Broken" / You write it
down "Broken". ■
■ 16 - 40 ........................ The spell gets two flaws, with no
benefits from them. ■
■ 41 - 60 ........................ The spell gets one flaw, with no
benefit from it. ■
■ 61 - 80 ........................ The spell gets one flaw, with the
benefits as normal. ■
■ 81 - 90 ........................ Nothing happens, and the spell is
unaffected. ■
■ 91 - 99 ........................ The spell gets one extra, with the
downsides as normal. ■
■ 100 ........................ The spell gets one extra, without any
downside. ■


* A "Broken" spell means that the spell cannot be used, unless it's repaired
using the "Spellcraft" skill.
The DC to repair a broken spell is the MP cost of the spell + 20; failing the
DC erase the spell.

** A Spellcaster who had a "Mishap" while copying or modifying a spell is not

aware of that until they try to cast it.

*** The flaws and extras are choosen randomly; if there are no flaws available,
the spell gets broken instead, if there are no extras available either, nothing

- Casting a Spell:

To cast a spell, the Spellcaster must have at least an Intelligence Score equal
to 10 + Difficulty LV of the spell.

Each spell consume a determined number of MPs, which may vary depending if the
spell have extras or flaws, or if an specific "Feat" is used to increase it's

Conventionally, a Spellcaster can cast spells in two ways:

1- With their Spellbook on hand: Usually, a Spellcaster use one of their hands to
hold the book of spells they are using, and use the other hand to make somatic
movements, in order to succesfully cast a spell.
They cannot cast spells without their book, unless;

2- Memorizing a Spell: A Spellcaster can memorize their spells, so they don't need
to have a Spellbook on hand in order to cast them. Memorizing a Spell takes 1 hour
per page.
To memorize any Spell, a character must have enough peace, quiet, and comfort
to allow for proper concentration, they must be free from overt distractions.
Exposure to inclement weather prevents the necessary concentration, as does any
injury or effect the character might experience while studying.

Also, they must have access to a Spellbook or other source where they can read
a spell, like a note or even a stone from a hidden temple.
The number of spells a Spellcaster can memorize is equal to their INT modifier.
Each day, their memorized spells reset, and they have to memorize them again.

They cannot memorize a spell if they are not able to read it (if it's too dark
or if the Spellcaster it's victim of a blinding curse, for example).

- Arcane Failure:

Armor, Gadgets and certain Cybernetical Enhancments restricts the complicated

gestures that a Spellcaster must make while casting any spell that has a somatic
component (most do).
These items have their own Arcane Failure, which is included in it's description
lable; this "Arcane Failure", or "AF", is represented as a porcentual, which can go
from 1% to 100%.
To roll "AF", roll d%, if the result is equal or less than the Arcane Failure in
that item's description, you won't be able to cast the spell, and the materials you
use to cast the spell,
as well as the MP's, will be spent.

Not being proficient with an item with "AF" (an armor or a shield, for example),
will make the roll twice as harder.

- Extra Magic Points:

Having a high Inteligence allows a Spellcaster to have more MP's that others,
check the next table:
■ ■
■ Character Inteligence ////// Extra Mana Points ■
■ 10 - 11 .............................................. 0 MPs ■
■ 12 - 13 .............................................. 1 MPs ■
■ 14 - 15 .............................................. 2 MPs ■
■ 16 - 17 .............................................. 4 MPs ■
■ 18 - 19 .............................................. 6 MPs ■
■ 20 - 21 .............................................. 10 MPs ■
■ 22 - 23 .............................................. 14 MPs ■
■ 24 - 25 .............................................. 20 MPs ■
■ 26 - 27 .............................................. 26 MPs ■
■ 28 - 29 .............................................. 35 MPs ■
■ 30 - 31 .............................................. 39 MPs ■
■ 32 - 33 .............................................. 45 MPs ■
■ 34 - 35 .............................................. 51 MPs ■
■ 36 - 37 .............................................. 60 MPs ■
■ 38 - 39 .............................................. 64 MPs ■
■ 40 - 41 .............................................. 70 MPs ■
■ 42 - 43 .............................................. 76 MPs ■
■ 44 - 45 .............................................. 85 MPs ■
■ X .............................................. +10 MPs ■
■ XXX .............................................. +20 MPs ■

* After 45 INT, each two levels your MPs increase in 10, until you have 100 INT,
where your MPs increase by 20 each two levels.
** Items which increase your Inteligence (even if its temporaly), increase your
MPs as normal; your bonus MPs may decrease if your INT lowers too.

--- Extras:

-- Natual Talent: You add this Extra to an specific Spell, not to this feat.
You can cast spells without using a Spellbook at all, without memorizing it
either. You still spend MP's to cast it.
Also, the Difficult Level increses by 3, and the MP's cost by 5.

You don't need to add the spell in your Spellbook to learn it or use it, it's on
your mind.

-- Magical Adept: You can only add this Extra if your character have "Magical
Adept" as a Racial Feat. Use this table instead to calculate your total MPs:

■ ■
■ Character Level ////// Total Mana Points ■
■ ■
■-- TIER D ---------------------------------------------------------■
■ LV 1 or lower........................................ 3 MP ■
■ LV 2 ................................................ 4 MPs ■
■ LV 3 ................................................ 5 MPs ■
■ LV 4 ................................................ 9 MPS ■
■-- TIER C ---------------------------------------------------------■
■ LV 5 ................................................ 10 MPs ■
■ LV 6 ................................................ 17 MPs ■
■ LV 7 ................................................ 20 MPs ■
■ LV 8 ................................................ 28 MPs ■
■-- TIER B ---------------------------------------------------------■
■ LV 9 ................................................ 32 MPs ■
■ LV 10 ............................................... 40 MPs ■
■ LV 11 ............................................... 48 MPs ■
■ LV 12 ............................................... 60 MPs ■
■-- TIER A ---------------------------------------------------------■
■ LV 13 ............................................... 66 MPs ■
■ LV 14 ............................................... 81 MPs ■
■ LV 15 ............................................... 88 MPs ■
■ LV 16 ............................................... 104 MPs ■
■-- TIER S ---------------------------------------------------------■
■ LV 17 ............................................... 112 MPs ■
■ LV 18 ............................................... 131 MPs ■
■ LV 19 ............................................... 140 MPs ■
■ LV 20 ............................................... 150 MPs ■

+ 0 Flat Points

--- Flaws:

-- Spellbook dependant: You add this Flaw to an specific Spell, not to this feat.
To cast a Spell with this Flaw, you will need to have your Spellbook in hand,
and you cannot cast it otherwise.
Reduce the Difficult Level of the spell by 1, also, it cost 4 MP less to cast


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ AURA [Divine]


-Benefit: A character of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly

powerful aura corresponding to the deity's alignment.
Clerics who don't worship a specific deity but choose the Chaotic, Evil, Good, or
Lawful domain have a similarly powerful aura of the corresponding alignment.


▣ DIVINE PROVIDENCE [Divine] (Origin)

-Prerequisite: You must have a Deity or a Domain, with which you share the same

-Benefit: Now, you are linked to your "Deity" or "Dogma". You may use "Divine" as
the origin of your powers.

Powers with the "Divine" origin are known as "Divine Virtues", or "Chants".

Now, you may be considered a "Cleric", an "Acholite", or a "Paladin", if you

focus on combat.


-Acquiring Chants:

A character who wants to learn a "Power" using the Divine Providence origin
feat, must spend XP points to do so.
Each "Power" costs 1 XP point each, plus any "extra" or "rank" that may be added
to it. See "Powers" for more info.


Each "Power" has their own alignament, maybe for an Arcane Caster or a Psychic
it's not important, but for a Cleric, it's really important.
A Cleric can't chant a "Divine Virtue" that is two or more steps away from their
Deity alignament. See "Alignament" for more info.


A Cleric which Alignament changes due to their actions or thoughts, must do a

"redemption arc" to atone to their Deity's Alignament.
Otherwise, they cannot use this feat, or use any other feats which have this one
as a requirement.
Alignament cannot be changed using magic (unless otherwise noted), you can make
someone think you have a different alignament, but that doesn't change you
alignment for these effects.
What kind of "redeption" is needed for the Atonement depends on the Deity or
Dogma. Check the "Game Master's Codex" for more information about this.

To use a "Divine Virtue" (or chanting, for these effects), the Cleric must have
at least a Wisdom Score equal to 10 + the Difficulty LV of the Divine Virtue to
chant it.
A Cleric don't need to spend any type of resources to chant a Divine Virtue
(unless otherwise noted). They can chant Divine Virtues at their will, with no

--- Extras:

--- Flaws:


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ NATURE'S HEART [Divine] (Origin)



Powers with the "Nature" origin are known as "Phenomenas" or "Gifts".

Now, you may be considered a "Druid", a "Naturalist" or an "Hermit".


-Acquiring Gifts:

A character who wants to learn a "Power" using the "Nature's Heart" origin feat,
must spend XP points to do so.
Each "Power" costs 1 XP point each, plus any "extra" or "rank" that may be added
to it. See "Powers" for more info.


A Druid use the power of the nature in order to use spells

--- Extras:

--- Flaws:


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]





Powers with the "Artistical" origin are known as "Songs" or "Dances".

Now, you may be considered an "Artist", a "Musician", a "Singer", "Performer" or

a "Dancer".
-Musical (Mu): These magical arts are known as Songs, and they can be of two

-Acquiring Gifts:



▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]

▣ __________ [General Magic]





Powers with the "Psychic" origin are known as "Psionic abilities" or "PSI".

Now, you may be considered a "Psychic".

Psionic abilities:
-Acquiring Gifts:



▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


▣ __________ [General Magic]


■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■<<<< MAGICAL FEATS >>>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■<<<< CYBERNETICAL FEATS >>>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■<<<< RACIAL FEATS >>>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■<<<< MUTANT FEATS >>>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

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