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Anexo Inglés Coordinadora: Dra Georgina Santangelo na la Odontologia ~ Inglés UNIT 1 DR. BROWN. A DENTIST A Doctor Brown is a dentist. He wor Maryland, U.S.A. His patients come to his office, from 1 pm to 5 pm, in the afternoon. In the morning, Doctor Brown works at the. University of Maryland, as an assistant professor, at the Department of Endodontics. Dr. Brown is a D.D.S ( Doctor of Dental Surgery) Border (borde) Spray bottle (pulverizador/ atomizador) Benefit (beneficio) Body (cuerpo) Bordering (al borde) Instrument cabinet (caja del instrumental) Foot control (control a pie) Extraction (extraccién) Incisive canal (conducto incisivo) Pulp cavity (cavidad pulpar) Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés 2) A /an (un, una) A tooth (un diente) Embedded tooth ( A molar (un molar) Cariogenic An instrument (un instrumento) Case report (informe del caso / relato) An amalgam (una amalgama) Impacted molar (molar retenido) Blood coagulation (coagulacién sanguinea) Nota: El articulo “an™ se emplea delante de Modelling compound (compuesto para modelar) palabras que comienzan con vocal. Ej: Dr. Injury (injuria/ herida) Brown is an assistant professor= El doctor Rw/ radiography (radiografia) Brown es un Profesor Adjunto, Complete denture (protesis/ dentadura completa) Discharge (descarga/ derrame) Los articulos @ /an no tienen plural. En su lugar Desensitizing drug (droga dessensiblilizante) debemos utilizar el adjetivo some (unos, unas, Compound fracture (fractura compuesta) algunos, algunas). Ej: Root fragment (fragmento de de raiz) Assistant (asistente/ adjunto) Some molars (unos/'algunos molares) Bucal surgery (cirugia bucal) Some teeth (unos/ algunos dientes) Office (oficina / consultorio) Some instruments (unos! algunos instrumentos) To practice (practicar / ejercer), Some amalgams (unas! algunas amalgamas) To come (venir) To go (ir) Los sustantives, pueden ser singulares 0 To be (ser / estar; ver mas adelante en verbo “to be") plurales. Estos iiltimos se forman agregando “s a su singular, Siempre que la palabra singular termine en “s”, “x”, su plural pasara a terminar en Nota: Los verbos en inglés se enuncian con la - . En cambio, si el sustantivo en cuestién termina en “y", su plural debera terminar en “ies”. Ej: preposicion “to”, la cual no debe ser traducida. Ej: to ractice = practicar Dentist (odontologo) Dentists (odont6logos) GRAMMAR Abscess (absceso) Abscesses (abscesos) Wax (cera) Waxes (ceras) Artery (arteria) 1) “The. (cl, la, los)\las) invariables en género o dis auia niimero, ity (ciug The dentist (el odontélogo) Cities (ciudades) The dentists (los odontélogos) The git (la chica) The girls (las chicas) Hay dos tipos de articulos.. Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés Verbo: “to be” Tam (yo soy/ yo estoy) You are (tu eres/ tu estés/ usted es / ustedes son/ ustedes estan/ ustedes son) He is (él es /el esta) She is (ella es/ ella esta) We are (nosotros somos/ nosotros estamos) They are (ellos son/ ellos estin) Itis (refiere a animales/ cosas) Ej: The cat is grey (el gato es gris) The cat is blind (el gato es/ esta ciego) The cat is mine (cl gato es mio) The table is broken (la mesa esté rota) The table is very big (la mesa es muy grande) Los pronombres “f, you, she, he, it, we, they”, pre acompafianan al verbo. El pronombre “i it” se ‘a para todo aquello que no sea persona y NO se traduce. Ej Nota: En inglés, se omite el articulo delante de It isa caries (es una caries) los titulos seguidos por el nombre propio. Iis an instrument (es un instrumento) Dr. Brown = El Dr. Brown. It is a forcep (es una pinza / forcep) Para formar el negativo se debera agregar “not”. Bj: 1 am not Paul, | am Mike (yo no soy Pablo, soy Miguel) You are not (tii no eres/ tit no estas) She is not (clla no es/ ella no esta) He is not (é1 no es / él no esta) It is not (no es/ no est) Para formar el se invierte el orden, terrog Ej: Am I doing things-right? (estoy haciendo las cosas bien?) Are you Georgina? (Es ud. Georgina?) Is he a dentist? (es é/ odontélogo?) Are we musicians? (somos miisicos?) Are you a student? (eres ti un estudiante?) Are you students? (son ustedes estudiantes?) Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés Introduccién a la Odontologia Inglés - UNIT 2 YOUR MOUTH READING Your mouth is one of many parts of the stomatognatic system. It has many components: a tounge, theeth, gingiva, mucosa, muscles, glands, inervation and irrigation systems, Here it begins the first part of the digestive proccess. It has also. many other functions, for example, eating, talking, breathing, immunologic and aestheties. Take care of it and keep it healthy, brushing it three limes a day, in order to avoid bucal ailments. Mouth (boca) Lips (labios) Tooth (diente) Hear (oreja) Nose (nariz) Gingiva/gum (encia) Palate (paladar) Mandible/jaw (mandibula) Maxila (maxilar) Malar (hueso malar) Central insisor (insicivo central) Lateral incisor (incisivo lateral) Canine/cuspid (canino) First premolar (primer premolar) Second premolar (segundo premolar) First molar (primer molar) Second molar (segundo molar) Third molar (tercer molar), Wisdom molar (muela de juicio) Upper (superior) Right (derecho) Lower (inferior) Left (izquierdo) Upper right lateral incisor Upper left canine Lower right first molar Verbo “to have” (tener/haber) I have (yo tengo/ yo he) You have ( tu tienes/ tu has/ ud. tiene/ ud, ha) He has (él tiene/ él ha) She has ( ella tiene/ ella ha) It has (eso tiene/ eso ha/ en caso de animales referimos como “el/la") We have ( nosotros tenemos/ nosotros hemos) They have ( ellos tienen/ ellos han) Para formar el negativo se debera agregar “not”. Introducci6 | have not much money (no tengo mucho Fes aUSSCRIEERITHESE dinero) She has not blue eyes (ella no tiene ojos azules) Para formar el interrogativo, se invierte el orden. a 1a Odontologia ~ Inglés 6 Introduccién a la Odontologia Inglés MARY GOES TO DR.BROWN’S OFFICE READING This afternoon Mary went to Dr Brown's office. In there, Dr. Brown asked her to come in and sit on his new and modern dental chair. She opened her mouth and he checked all her teeth, tounge, and the rest of her ‘mouth. Dr. Brown found caries on the first upper right molar. He worked on it, with his micromotor and air turbine, and cured the tooth. He filled the cavity with the most modern filling material . Mary thanked Dr. Brown >." thank you !, 1 did not feel any pain. Instead 1 very comfortable by the time I've been here”. Went (pasado de “to go”; ir/fue) To see (ver) Asked (pasado de "to ask;” pidid) To sit (sentarse) To check (verificar) After (después de...) Gone (participio de “to go"; ido) To fill (rellenar/obturar) Filled (obturado) Plate (chapa/placa) Bridge (puente) Crown (corona) Removed (extraido) Decay (deteriodado/ caries) Inlay (incrustaci6n) Other (otro/otra) To feel (sentir) El tiempo pasado de los verbos “to be” y ‘to have”. Pasado del verbo ‘to be” | was (yo era/fui/estaba) You were (tu eras/fuiste/estabas) He was (él era/fue/estaba) She was (ella/era/fue/estaba) It was (aquello era/fue/estaba) We were (nosotros eramos/fuimos/estabamos) You were (uds. eran/fueron/estaban) They were (ellos eran/fueron/estaban) na la Odontologia ~ Inglés Pasado del verbo “to have” | had (yo tenia/tuve/habia/hube) You had (tu tenias/tuviste/habias/hubiste) SPANISH TRANSLATION He had (el tenias/tuvo/habia/hubo) She had (ella tenia/tuvo/habia/hubo) It had (aquello tenia/tuvo/habia/hubo) We had ( nosotros teniamos/hubimos) You had (uds. tenian/tuvieron/habian/hubieron) They had (ellos tenian/tuvieron/habian/hubieron) Para formar el negativo: + not Para formar el interrogativo: invertir el orden Ej. |-was not there (no estuve ahi) You were not welcome (uds no eran bienvenidos) Was not (formal) = wasn't (informal) &: Had she a big house? ( tuvo ella una casa grande?) Was he in New. York last winter? ( estuvo en Nueva York el invierno pasado?) SPECIALTIES IN DENTISTRY Endodontics (endodoncista) Periodontics (periodoncista) Pedodontics (odontopediatra) Orthodontics (ortodoncista) Prosthodontics (protesista) Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés Introduccién a la Odontologia Inglés — 2 . i = = UNIT 4 DENTISTRY (PART 1) READING Dentistry is the profession that takes care of mouth and jaws, Dentists cure the sick tooth when it is possible or extract it when it is not be cured. A dentist. receives special training to cure the sick tooth and also recognize mouth ailments that may cause other diseases of the body. The student at the University attends different courses and when he finishes them he receives a diploma, A diploma is a certificate that indicates the student has completed all courses required to gain the grade of Dentist, Dentistry (odontologia) Take care (cuidar/ocuparse) Teeth (dientes) Mouth (boca) Jaws (maxilares) Sick (enfermo) Also (también) Ailments (enfermedades/dolencias) University (universidad) When (cuando) These (estos/estas) Required (requerido/exigido) Other (otro/otra/otros/otras) Diseases (enfermedades) Body (cuerpo) Los adjetivos En Inglés, el adjetivo es invariable. Es decir, que no cambia en-el género ni en el numero; y siempre precede al sustantivo. Ej: The alveolar alveolar) The adjustable ajustable) The indicated tratamiento indicado) The palatine bars (las barras palatias) abscess (el absceso band (la banda treatment (el Adjetivos posesivos My (mio) Your (tuyo) His (su) Her (su) Its (su) Our (nuestro/nuestra/nuestros/nuestras) Their (su) Ej: my house (mi casa) Your dog (tu perro) His football ball (su pelota de futbol) Her glasses (sus anteojos) Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés Our food (nuestra comida) Their money (el dinero de ellos) Adjetivos demostrativos This (este/esta) That (ese/esa/aquel/aquella) These (estos/estas) a Those (esos/esas/aquellos/aquellas) &j: This man (este hombre) That man (aquel hombre) These men (estos hombres) Those men (aquellos hombres) Lam (... You are (. He is She is (. Itis ¢ RECORDAR: El pronombre “it”, refiere al aquello que no sea una persona. Se lo| utiliza tanto para objetos como_ paral animales. Generalmente no se traduce al espaniol na la Odontologia Inglés | DENTISTRY (PART Il) READING Most schools of dentistry in the United States grant the degree of D.D.S (Doctor of Dental Surgery) or D.M.D. (Doctor. of Dental Medicine). Dentists have dental aids, such as dental hygienists, assintants and technicians. A dental, hygienist. receives special training in order to clean teeth and teach dental health. The dental assistant keeps record’ of the patients, sterilizes all instruments and assists the dentist at the dental chair. The dental technician receives special training to make artificial dentures, bridges, inlays, crowns and many other laboratory jobs. Surgery (cirugia) Aids (ayudas) Such as (tales como) Training (entrenamiento) May (puede) To Clean (limpiar) To Keep (mantener) Dental chair (sillon odontolégico) Also (también) To make (hacer/para hacer) Jobs (trabajos/tareas) Grant (conceder/otorgar) Male (masculino) Female (femenino) Turbine/drill (turbina odontoldgica) Microengine (micromotor) Contra-Angulo (counter angle) It grants the degree of D.D.S (La universidad concede el grado de D.D.S) It granted me the degree of D.D.S (La Universidad me otorg6 e! grado de D.DS) “to grant” (conceder /otorgar) GRANT GRANTS || /you/we/they GRANT GRANTED Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés Introduccién a la Odontologia Inglés - UNIT 6 | A VISIT TO THE . DENTIST (PART I) fw READING When we go to the dentist, it is common to see into the doctor's office a dental unit, equipped with a dental chair with a cuspitor attached, a light, a micro-engine attached, air turbine, and a triple (air-water-spray) syringe. A dentist uses many different things like mouth mirrors, explorers, cotton pliers, anesthetics and x-ray. equipment among others, All instruments must be sterilized in a sterilizer cabinet. When the dentist has to use them again, all instruments must be cleaned and sterilized in order to avoid infections into patient's tissues. An x-ray equipment is now found in most dental offices. That is because radiographs are necessary before, during and after treatment. To go (ir) Usually (usualmente/generalmente) Chair (silla/sillon) Cuspitor (salivadera) Attached (adosado) Syringe (jeringa) Neddle (aguja) Embebbed tooth (diente retenido) Many (muchos/muchas) Things (cosas) Mouth mirror (espejo bucal) Cotton pliers (pinzas para algodén) Among others (entre otras) To Clean (limpiar) Put back (retornar, poner de vuelta) Now (ahora) To Found (encontrar) Most (la mayoria) More (mas) Seem to need (parecen necesitar) Before (antes) After: (después) Sick (enfermo) Los verbos irregulares, en inglés, son aquellos que cambian su escritura del presente al pasado y participio. Ej: See-Saw-Seen (ver-vio-visto) Speak-Spoke-Spoken —(hablar-hablo- hablado) Take-Took-Taken tomado) (tomar-tom6- Los verbos pueden ser: Verbo Principal: to speak (hablar) Verbo Auxiliar: to do, to be, to have (tanto para formar _ tiempos. compuestos, como el negativo e interrogativo) Verbo Defectivo: can, could, will, would, may, might, must (estos Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés verbos son llamados asi, por carecer de conjugaciones normales) Verbos Regulares: son aquellos verbos cuyos “pasado” terminan en “d"/"ed”. E: Walk-Walked Verbos Irregulares: son aquellos cuyos “pasados” la forman con otra palabra muy distinta a la de su “presente’ went-gone na la Odontologia Inglés CUNIT 7 A VISIT TO THE | DENTIST . (PART II) READING People are afraid to go to the dentist because they associate it with pain and discomfort. But today, new techniques, — modern equipments, advanced tools with new medicines, make the visit to the dentist much less painful and rather pleasant. Anyway, we must take care of our teeth by keeping them clean and healthy. The only person who can help keep our teeth and mouth well and healthy is our dentist. We must visit him at twice a year for a check up and all times we feel pain or something strange in our mouth or teeth. Person (persona) People (personas) Afraid (temeroso) Pain (dolor) Painful (doloroso) Pleasant (placentero) Today (hoy) Tools (herramientas/instrumentos) Less (menos) Rather (mas bien) Anyway (de todos modos) Must (debe) Healthy (saludable) Only (sdlo/solamente) Help (ayuda) Twice (dos veces) All (todo/todos) When (cuando) To Feel (sentir) Something (algo) El tiempo futuro El tiempo futuro, se forma por medio de los auxiliares “will”,“shall”, “should”, “would” . “will’,“shall” auxiliares de| “should”,“would” ICONDICIONALES. auxiliares| Will /Shall (futuro) Should (deber a futuro) Would (lo que podria llegar a ser) | will be (seré/estaré) | should be (deberia ser/deberia estar) | would be (seria/estaria) 16 na la Odontologia ~ Inglés He will use my car (el usardé mi auto) He would use my car (el usaria mi auto) He should use my car (el deberia usar mi auto) Su expresién en negativo: | will not be (wont) | shall not be | should not be (shouldnt) | would not be (wouldn ‘t) Su expresion interrogativa: Shall! be? Should I be? Would I be? Para confeccionar una pregunta, se debraj invertir el orden, colocando primero el auxiliar. Para la primera persona y plurales, se| utiliza el auxiliar “shall”, y para las| restantes se utiliza “would”. En el lenguaje corriente se utiliza “will” y| “would” para todas las personas “Would”es |a forma mas usada en el CONDICIONAL asi como “will” lo es para el FUTURO. Introduccién a la Odontologia "UNIT 8 TRAUMATIC | ULCER READING A patient of 64 years old, appears at your office for treatment of a solitary lesion. The lesion is-painfil and of short duration. He is wearing an ill-fitting denture. The lesion is located in the bucal vestibular mucosa. The treatment indicated is the removal of the cause with symptomatic treatment, and the prognosis is excellent. The biopsy report states that a loss of the epithelial covering has ocurred. Neutrophils, plasma cells and a lymphocytic infiltration are present in the exposed connective tissue. Inglés Either (de uno o de otro) Painful (doloroso) Short (corto) ill-fitting denture ( desadaptada) Removal (remocién) Loss (pérdida) Covering (cubierta) Exposed (expuesta) Connective (conectivo) To appear (aparecer/presentarse) To wear (vestir/usar/llevar puesto) To locate (localizar) To state (manifestar) To complicate (complicar) Has ocurred (ha ocurrido) To state (manifestar/comunicar) protesis Verbo “to do” Por ser un verbo especial que no tiene verbo correspondiente en nuestro idioma, se explica en particular en este capitulo. Se conjuga Ido You do She does He does na la Odontologia Inglés It does We do They do La funcién mas importante de este verbo es la de auxiliar para formar el negativo e interrogativo de los verbos no auxiliares . Esta es la funcién especial que no tiene su igual en nuestro idioma. Ejemplos del uso del verbo “to do” como auxiliar del verbo “to speak” (hablar) | speak (yo hablo) | do not speak (yo no hablo) Do | speak ({hablo yo?), He speaks (él habla) He does not speak (él no habla) Does he speak? (shabla éI?) We speak (nosotros hablamos) We do not speak (nosotros no hablamos) Do we speak? (shablamos nosotros?) Resumen: la funcién del verbo “to do” es la de actuar como verbo auxiliar para formar el negativo.e interragativo de los verbos no auxiliares. En estos casos el verbo “to do” carece de traduccion. To do (presente) Did (pasado) Will / Going to (futuro) El verbo auxiliar “did” expresa el tiempo pasado y se emplea de la misma manera que su forma presente “do” Nota: “do” cambia a “does” para SHE-HE-IT, “did” no varia par&ningun caso.- 1 /SHE /HE /IT /YOU/WE/THEY DID NEGATIVO | did not She did not He did not It did not You did not We did not They did not INTERROGATIVO Did |? Did she? Did he? Did it? Did you? Did we? Did they? Verbo “to keep” (quardar/mantener) PRESENTE: KEEP (guardar/mantener) PASADO: KEPT (guardé/mantuve) | keep the instruments (guardo los instrumentos) Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés | kept the instruments (guardé los instrumentos) Did | keep them? (Yo los guardé?) RESUMEN: el verbo “to do” es un auxiliar| muy Util que hace muy facil la conjugacion de los verbos en las formas| negativas e interrogativas del presente y del pasado.- 20 Introduccién a la Odontologia CuNIT 9 | ACUTE NECROTIZING » GINGIVITIS READING The lesion occurs commonly in middle aged adults. A painful hyperemic gingiva with punched out areas are present in the gingival papilae, Uleerated areas bleed easily and are covered by a grey necrotic membrane. Microscopic examination of the gingiva reveals extensive necrosis and acute inflammation. The epithelium is ulcerated and replaced by a thick fibrinous exudate of PMN leucocytes and microorganisms. The above is diagnostic of: Acute necrotizing gingivitis. aN Acute (agudo) Middle aged (mediana edad) Painful (doloroso) Papilae (papila) Gingiva (encia) Grey (gris) Thick (grueso) Above (arriba) Easily (facilmente) Punched out (perforado) Inglés To accur (ocurrir) To bleed (sangrar) To reveal (revelar) To replace (reemplazar) El gerundio, su uso en el tiempo progresivo. Se forma con el sufijo “ing” equivalentes a los sufijos “ando", “endo”, “iendo”, del castellano. Speak (hablar)/ speaking (hablando) Read (leer)/ reading (leyendo) Eat (comer)/ eating (comiendo) La funcién mas importante del gerundio es la de formar con el verbo to be el tiempo progresivo: Progresivo positivo He is speaking (el esta hablando) lam reading (estoy leyendo) We are eating (estamos comiendo) Progresivo negativo He is not speaking (él hablando) | am not reading (no estoy leyendo) We are not eating (no estamos leyendo) no esta Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés Progresivo interrogativo Is he speaking? (él esta hablando?) Am | reading? (estoy leyendo?) Are we eating? (estamos comiendo?) Progresivo pasado positivo He was speaking (estuvo hablando) They were reading (estuvieron leyendo) | was eating (estuve comiendo) Progresivo pasado negativo He was not speaking (no estuvo hablando) They were not reading (no estuvieron leyendo) | was not eating (no estuve comiendo) Significado especial del gerundio: cuando no. se usa con el verbo auxiliar “to be”, puede ser sustantivo, adjetivo, o indicar una accién: Fj. Reading is a good exercise (leer es un buen ejercicio) Eating too much is bad (comer demasiado es malo) ACUTE NECROTIZING GIN 1s 22 Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés | UNIT10 Painful (doloroso) Smooth (suave/liso) Marrow (médula) Primary (primario) Findings (hallazgos) Drainage (drenaje) Removal (extirpacién) Case study (estudio de caso) Actual (real/verdadero) Debris (detrito) TEOMYELITI READING A white male adult had a diffuse area of: swelling in the right mandible. Upon oral examination the doctor found the presence of pus, draining sinuses, painful and devitalized teeth, The patient gave a_ history of amyloidosis. The. gingiva was smooth and swollen, The biopsy report stated that there was necrotic bone with infiltration of the marrow spaces with neutrophils and plasma cells, that were the primary _ findings. Leucocytosis and fever complicated the [(hinchan)/ Swell-swelled-swollen clinical picture .The treatment of this (encontrar)/ Find- found-found pathology is drainage, antibiotics and | aay Giye-gave-given removal of necrotic bone. The prognosis is gave-g} good .- La posesion o pertenencia se indica: VOCABULARY 1.- mediante el uso del apéstrofe. &). The man’s car (el auto del hombre) Swelling (hinchazon) Dr. Brown’s office (el consultorio del Male (masculino) Dr. Brown) Draining sinuses (senos drenantes) The girl’s dress (el vestido de la chica) Loose (suelto/flojo) The dog’s tail (la cola del perro) The cat’s meal (la comida del gato) Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés 2.- Con la preposicién “of” que significa SPANISH TRANSLATION “de”, para referirse a cosas que pretenecen a objetos 0 cosas inanimadas. Fj. The roots of the tree (las raices del arbol) The top of the mountain (la cima de la montafia) The door of the house (la puerta de la casa) The rivers of Argentina (los rios de Argentina) The grass of the garden (el pasto del jardin) 3.- Por medio de adjetivos posesivos: Your car (tu auto) His dog (su perro) Her dress (su vestido) Its doors (sus puertas) Our home (nuestra casa) 4.- Por medio de pronombres posesivos: This house is mine (esta casa es mia) This book is yours (este libro es tuyo) These glasses are hers (estos anteojos son de ella) Those jeans are his ( aquellos jeans son de él) These chairs are theirs (estas sillas son de ellos) 24 Introduceién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés oo [ Poor (pobre) How (como) UNIT 11 CHARCOMA | CONDRO- READING A negro male 30 years of age reports to the dental clinic of a university for an examination. His mandible is edentulous and in the retro molar area of the right mandible isa relatively slow growing mass extending beyond mandible limits. He has. paresthesia and pain, The treatment of this disease is wide excision and the prognosis is» poor. Microscopic findings of the biopsy which the doctor has undertaken reads as follows: “cartilage and similar tissue with atypical chondrocytes” Retromolar area (zona retromolar) Slow (lento) Growing (crecimiento) Beyond (mas alla de) Wide (ancho/amplio) Easily (facilmente) To report (informar/denunciar) To report to (presentarse) To assign (asignar) To undertake (emprender) To grow (crecer) El adverbio. £| adverbio puede ser de modo, tiempo, lugar y cantidad: Adverbios de Modo How (how are you?) Like (he is like his father) Badly (she hurts herself badly) Nearly (the work is nearly finished) Hardly (| can hardly believe it) Well (she sings well) Adverbios de Tiempo Now (| want to see you now) Lately (lately, he is doing well) Never (never speak to strangers) Often (| often wonder what you like to do) Rarely (you will rarely find her doing nothing) Adverbios de lugar Here (John, come here!) There (the house is over there) Near (the station is near the square) Far (| live far from here) Introduccién a la Odontologia ~ Inglés Where (where do you park your car?) Adverbic nti How much (how much do you have) Much (he has much to do) More (they have more money than |) Few (she gave me only a few oranges) Enough (this is enough for today) Nothing (we have nothing to hide) CONDROCHARCOMA RX 26

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