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Docente Gloria Patricia Sánchez Área Lengua Extranjera Período 02

tema Presente simple verbos estudiante Grado(s) °


To advertise Hacer publicidad
To agree Coincidir, estar de acuerdo
To allow Permitir
To argue Discutir
To approach Aproximarse, abordar
To Ask Preguntar, pedir
To assist Brindar asistencia, ayudar
To assume Asumir
To Attend Asistir (a eventos, clases)
To awake Despertar
To battle Batallar
To be (am, is, are) ser
To begin Comenzar
To believe Creer
To bend Doblarse
To blow Soplar, ser arrastrado por el viento
To blow up Hacer algo explotar
To blow something Arruinar algo
To break Romper
To break up Terminar una relación romántica
To breathe Respirar
To build Construir
To build towards (something) Ir en una dirección, poner esfuerzos en un objetivo
To buy Comprar
To call Llamar
To calibrate Calibrar
To care Importar
To care (for people) Cuidar (a personas)
To catch Atrapar
To celebrate Celebrar
To change Cambiar
To choose Elegir
To cling Aferrarse
To come Venir
To commit Comprometerse
To communicate Comunicarse
To compromise Hacer concesiones
To contain Contener
To count Contar
To craft Elaborar (Trabajo manual)
To cut Cortar
Docente Gloria Patricia Sánchez Área Lengua Extranjera Período 02
tema Presente simple verbos estudiante Grado(s) °
To cut (someone) off Interrumpir a alguien
To damage Dañar
To deal Hacer tratos, negocios
To deal (with something) Lidiar con algo

To decide Decidir
To denounce Denunciar
To deserve Merecer
To discover Descubrir
To discuss Discutir, converser
To do Hacer
To draw Dibujar / atraer
To drive Manejar (un vehículo)
To drown Ahogarse
To earn Ganar algo a través del esfuerzo
To eat Comer
To embarrass avergonzar
To encourage Motivar
To end Terminar
To enjoy Disfrutar
To enroll Inscribirse
To establish Establecer
To exist Existir
To explain Explicar
To fail Fallar, fracasar
To faint Desmayarse
To fall Caer
To fall in love Enamorarse
To fear Temer
To feature Presentar, incluir
To fight Pelear, luchar
To figure (something) out Averiguar, descubrir, resolver algo
To finish Finalizar
To fill Llenar
To fly Volar
To forget Olvidar
To feel Sentir
To focus Enfocarse
To fold Doblar (papel, ropa, etc.)
To follow Seguir
To Gather Reunir, recoger
To gesture Hacer gestos
To Glance Dar una Mirada rápida
Docente Gloria Patricia Sánchez Área Lengua Extranjera Período 02
tema Presente simple verbos estudiante Grado(s) °
To glow Brillar, resplandecer
To Get Obtener, recibir
To get in Entrar
To get out Salir
To get up Levantarse
To get used (to something) Acostumbrarse
To give Dar
To go Ir

To google something up Googlear (investigar en google) algo

To grab Agarrar
To grow Crecer, incrementar, cultivar
To grow up Madurar, crecer
To grant Conceder
To guess Suponer, adivinar
To have Tener, tomar
To heal Sanar
To hear Oir
To help Ayudar
To hurt Doler, herir
To harm Dañar, lastimar
To ignore Ignorar
To imagine Imaginar
To increase Aumentar
To introduce oneself Presentarse uno mismo por primera vez a otros
To introduce person A to Presentarle la persona A a la persona B
person B
To joke Bromear, hacer chistes
To jump Saltar
To keep Mantener
To kill Matar
To kiss Besar
To know Saber, conocer
To laugh Reir
To lean Inclinarse
To leave Irse
To learn Aprender
To live Vivir
To listen Escuchar
To look Mirar
To look up for something Investigar algo
To look up to someone Admirar a alguien
To lose Perder
To love Amar
Docente Gloria Patricia Sánchez Área Lengua Extranjera Período 02
tema Presente simple verbos estudiante Grado(s) °
To make Hacer, preparar
To mean Significar, querer decir, expresar
To meet Conocer (Gente nueva), encontrarse (con amigos,
To meet expectations Llenar expectativas
To meet deadlines Cumplir con fechas límite
To minimize Minimizar
To miss someone, something Extrañar a alguien, o algo
To miss out on something Perderse de algo
To mind (your own business) Importar, estar ocupado en (tus propias cosas)
To Need Necesitar

To Nod Asentir
To Notice Notar, darse cuenta
To open Abrir
To open up Abrirse (emocionalmente)
To paint Pintar
To pause Pausar
To perform Interpretar, desempeñarse
To pick Elegir
To pick up Recoger, pasar buscando
To play Jugar
To play it safe Irse por lo seguro
To please Complacer
To point out Señalar, destacar
To pray Orar, rezar
To pretend Finger
To proceed Prroceder
To promise Prometer
To provide Proveer
To pull Halar
To pull out Sacar
To push Empujar
To put Poner
To put away Poner en su sitio, ordenar
To put up with Soportar
To raise Elevar, Aumentar algo en cantidad, intensidad, etc.

To raise (children) Criar (niños)

To reach Alcanzar
To reach out Hacer contacto
To realize Darse cuenta
To reject Rechazar
Docente Gloria Patricia Sánchez Área Lengua Extranjera Período 02
tema Presente simple verbos estudiante Grado(s) °
To remember Recordar
To require Requerir
To rise Elevar, levantarse
To remain Permanecer, quedar
To run Correr
To run away Escapar
To run out of something Quedarse sin algo
To read Leer
To Say Decir
To scribble Garabatear
To See Ver
To seem Aparentar, parecer
To seize Aprovechar
To sell Vender

To set Poner, situar

To set aside Hacer a un lado
To set free Liberar
To set up Configurar
To Shake Sacudir
To share Compartir
To shed Derramar
To shine Brillar
To show Mostrar
To sigh Suspirar
To sign Firmar
To sign up for something Anotarse, inscribirse para algo
To sink Hundirse
To sit Sentarse, reposar
To sketch Bocetear
To smile Sonreir
To speak Hablar
To spend (time) Pasar (tiempo)
To spend (money) Gastar (Dinero)
To spin Girar
To stand Estar parado
To stare Mirar fijamente
To start Iniciar
To stop Detener
To store Almacenar
To struggle with something Tener dificultades con algo
To support Apoyar
To sustain Sustentar
Docente Gloria Patricia Sánchez Área Lengua Extranjera Período 02
tema Presente simple verbos estudiante Grado(s) °
To surrender Entregarse, rendirse
To swim Nadar
To take Tomar
To talk Hablar
To tap Tocar, golpear suavemente
To tap into (a topic) Tocar un tema
To tell Decir
To text someone Mandar un mensaje de texto
To think Pensar
To throw Lanzar, arrojar
To touch Tocar
To train Entrenar
To try Intentar, tartar
To twist Girar
To turn around Voltear
To turn (something) in Entregar algo
To turn out Terminar siendo, resultar
To undergo Someterse a algo, padecer
To understand Entender
To undertake Emprender
To use Usar
To use up Usar, gastar
To walk Caminar
To wander Deambular
To want Querer, desear
To watch Ver, mirar
To wear Usar (ropa, accesorios)
To whisper Susurrar
To win Ganar
To wonder Preguntarse
To work Trabajar
To work out Hacer ejercicio
To wrap Envolver
To write Escribir

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