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143 En otras palabras, si Uds. tienen un pastor lleno de Dios lleno del Espíritu Santo,
y tratan de tenerlo bajo su dedo diciendo: “Bueno, si él dice algo porque tenemos un
coro con túnicas, si él dice algo porque nosotros usamos maquillaje, nosotros lo
excomulgaremos”. No se preocupen, Dios lo hará antes de que Uds. tengan oportunidad.
El saldrá y predicará a las piedras en la calle antes de ceder a esa clase de cosas. Si Uds.
tienen un pastor que en realidad les dice la Verdad, Uds. debieran honrar a Dios y
mantenerse en el Espíritu, y adorar a Dios, dá ndose cuenta que se van a perder si no lo
hacen. ¿Ven?
144 Pero la gente vive hoy como si fuera... ésta es la ú nica cosa que hubiera: “vivir
aquí en la tierra, eso es todo”. No se dan cuenta que tienen un alma que se va ir de aquí
a otro lugar. Y Ud. sella su destino aquí mismo, el modo en que Ud. vive y lo que hace,
guardando rencores, siendo malo, y todo, y después corre a la iglesia. ¡Oh, misericordia!
¡Uf! Qué vergü enza.
145 Ud. trae un reproche sobre-sobre la causa de Cristo. ¿No es correcto? ¿Acaso no
lo hacemos? Los contrabandistas de licor no está n haciéndole mal a la Iglesia. No es eso.
No es la prostituta la que está haciéndole mal a la Iglesia. Es la gente que profesa ser
cristiana la que está haciéndole mal a la Iglesia. Sabemos qué es el contrabandista y qué
es la prostituta. Cuando nuestras hermanas se visten como una prostituta, eso es
diferente, eso es lo que lastima a la Iglesia. Cuando el hombre toma como el
contrabandista de licor, bueno, entonces, eso es lo que lastima a la Iglesia.
Está n profesando ser cristianos y ellos hacen eso. La gente espera que Ud... ese
nombre... “Apá rtese de todo pecado todo aquél que invoca el Nombre de Jesucristo”.
¿Ven? Aléjese de eso.
146 Oh, aú n nos falta, hermanos. Yo, Ud., todos nosotros aú n-aú n nos falta llegar a lo
que Cristo quiere que seamos. Y aquí en este día, es tiempo que hagamos a un lado todo
pecado que fá cilmente nos asedia, y corramos con paciencia la carrera que está puesta
ante nosotros. Hermanos predicadores, eso es correcto. Eso es exactamente correcto.
147 “Recuerda y arrepiéntete, o quitaré la Luz de la estrella, fuera de su lugar”.
¿Cuál es su lugar? En la Iglesia. "Pero si tú no te arrepientes y regresas a dó nde

estabas al principio, te quitaré a tu pastor y lo moveré de su lugar; lo pondré en otro

lugar donde su...donde Yo reflejaré Mi Luz para que brille”. ¡Oh! ¿No fue eso algo serio?
148 Es tiempo que las iglesias se arrepientan. Es tiempo que Pentecostés quite a
muchos de los eruditos pulidos de los pú lpitos, y que pongan ahí al predicador chapado
a la antigua, que les diga la Verdad; no dar vueltas y usar la iglesia como un recurso
para obtener alimento, grandes salarios, y cosas como esa, y sicología, y unas cuantas
carreras de caballo, y ventas de comida, y todo lo demá s. Es tiempo de regresar al
Evangelio. A mí no me importa qué tan pequeñ o sea: “Donde dos o tres estén
congregados, Yo-Yo estaré en medio de ellos”.
149 “Arrepiéntete, si no vendré y quitaré el candelero; lo enviaré a otra parte, de
otra manera solamente brillará n sus luces”.
150 Ahora el versículo seis. Ahora aquí está el que nos va a dar problemas. Ahora, a
menos que te arrepientas, El vendrá y hará a un lado al pastor.
Pero tienes esto,
151 Ahora, recuerden. Oh, no se pierdan esto. Esto va a unir al resto, hasta esta edad
en la que estamos ahora. Primero, ¿todos se sienten bien? [La congregació n dice:
“¡Amén!”-Editor] ¿Está n de prisa? [La congregació n dice: “¡No!”] Muy bien, ahora.
Muy bien, entonces aguanten un poquito. [Un hermano de la congregació n dice:
“Quédese toda la noche”.] Ahora,. . .gracias.


"Remember and repent, or I will remove the Light of the star out of his place."
What's his place? In the church! "But if you don't repent and go back to where you
was at the first place, I'll take your pastor right away from you and move him out of
his place; I'll put him somewhere else where his--where I'll reflect My Light that'll
shine." Um! Wasn't that solemn?
It's time for the churches to repent. It's time for Pentecost to get a lot of the little
polished scholars out of the pulpits, and get the old fashion preacher in there that'll tell
you the truth, not pat around and use the church for a meal ticket, big wages, and
something like that, and psychology, and a few horse races, and soup suppers, and
everything else. It's time to get back to the Gospel. I don't care how little you are,
"Where two or three are gathered, I--I'll be in their midst."
"Repent, unless I come and remove the candlestick; send him away, else to shine his

The Feast Of The Trumpets

47 Why was He to appear in this last days? If you go back (and you
tape listeners) to the Bride Tree and bring up where Christ was that tree
that was in the Garden of Eden.
The first Adam that fell, and this second Adam was cut down by
sin; they hung Him on a Roman tree. And out of that drew the—come
out of the bride tree, that He promised, that we see in the Scriptures.
Now, in order to get the bride.... Like the pyramid, how it comes in
minority all the time, from the great wide, from Luther, Wesley,
Pentecost. And then the capstone in the top of it is so honed; and each
one of those stones are so perfectly put together (and we don't know yet
how they did it); but it's so perfectly put together in that pyramid (we're
not pyramid teaching now, we're just ... Enoch and them built it years
ago); and it stands for a symbol. Just the same as the sun rises and sets,
just the same as the tree drops its life—its leaf, and comes back again, as
a fish, and the cattle, and everything else symbolizes it, that pyramid
stands as a symbol.
Agora, para chegar a Noiva... Como a pirâ mide, como isto chega em minoria o tempo
todo, desde a grande largura, desde
Lutero, Wesley, Pentecostais.
E entã o a pedra de coroa em cima dela é tã o afiada; e cada uma dessas pedras sã o
perfeitamente colocada juntas (e nó s nã o sabemos ainda como eles fizeram isso); mas
sã o tã o perfeitas colocadas juntas naquela pirâ mide (nã o estamos ensinando sobre
pirâ mides agora, estamos apenas... Enoque e outros as construíram há anos atrá s); e
elas continuam como um símbolo. Da mesma forma que o sol nasce e se põ e, do mesmo
modo que a á rvore deixa cair a sua vida - sua folha, isto volta outra vez, como o peixe e
o gado e tudo mais simboliza isto, aquelas pirâ mides se firmam como um símbolo.
Now, if I come with the message of Pentecost, I'd be in the Laodicean church
age, and it wouldn't be right. That's the reason that Wesley could not take Luther's
message. Luther was in one age--church age, and Wesley was in another church age. If
Jesus would've come in the--with the message of Moses, it would not have worked. If
Moses would've come with the message of Noah, it would not have worked.

But God has 'lotted to His--His people of every age a Scripture; and before the age
can come into existence, into time, then the churches has got it so mixed up that they--
they don't know where they're at.
That's the reason they failed to recognize Jesus being the Son of God. Their--their
traditions had blinded their eyes, but He was exactly with the Scripture. The prophets
was the same. Jesus said, "Which of you--of your fathers didn't stone those prophets
that were sent to you?" Then God sends His prophet to--and the prophet is the living
Word of God made manifest.
Jesus said, "How can you condemn Me and say, 'I'm the Son of God,' and you call in
your own laws... You said those who the Word of the Lord came to (which were the
prophets); you call them gods, and they are, for the Scriptures cannot be broken." He
said, "Then how will you condemn Me?" When He is... They were a part of the law; they
were part of the Word of God; but Jesus was the Fullness of the Word of God, His whole
plan of redemption, God's whole sufficiency was in Him.
And now, through the church ages they've done the same; and the Seven Seals
is to reveal all the mysteries that was left off during that time, because we're without
prophets. And the Word does not come to reformers--prophets.
God is unchangeable. Malachi 3 said, "I am God, and I change not." God's first way of
doing anything, that's God's ever way of doing anything. God decided He would save
man by the shed blood of an innocent one in the Garden of Eden, and He has never
changed it since, and cannot change it. We try by education, by buildings, by systems, by
denominations, by ethics, and everything else, and it's all failed. But there's only one
place that God meets man; that's under the shed blood of the innocent. Only by the
blood, that was His first decision. See?
We can make a decision, and next year we can think better. We got a better idea of it
next year. God can't; He's infinite; His first decision is perfect; nothing can move it. I can
learn more; we're finite. I can learn more; you can learn more; but God can't learn more;
He's perfect to begin with. And therefore, His first decision, rest your soul upon it. What
the Bible says, that's it.
80 The old orthodox priest; he's going to tell them that... Oh, it... "Why, God's able of
these stones here to raise children unto Abraham. Don't you think that you can..." See?
Now, he's going to take the hearts of the old callused orthodox priests and turn their
hearts to the faith that the children had here. See, Now, all these that's been baptized
and are waiting for the coming Messiah, "Who's warned you, you generation of vipers,
to flee from the wrath to come?" Oh, my. Now, see, he was turning the hearts of the
fathers to the children.

"And the hearts of the children to the fathers..." Now, when this great Elijah comes
in the end of this age, he'll be taking the message of Pentecost to turn the children to
the faith of the fathers, because he'll be rebuking them because that they didn't keep
this same faith that was back there at the beginning. Amen. Now, I believe we pretty
well realize it's going to be Elijah. Don't we? Now, we know it .


E-22 He said, "I am Jesus." He had come from the Pillar of Fire, made flesh, dwelt
among us, returned back to the Pillar of Fire, a Light. Same One came into the prison,
and let Peter out, went before him, opened the doors, and taken him out.
Now, if that is the same Light, the same Spirit, It'll perform in the church the same
thing that It did when It was in Him. For He said, "A little while and the world seeth Me
no more, yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you to the end of the world.
Now, and the works that I do shall you do also. More than this shall you do, for I go unto
My Father."
In other words, the body of flesh, the Son, could not come into each one, but the
Spirit of God that was in Him can come back, because it's God condescending from a
Pillar of Fire. Anyone touched the mountain must be killed, thrust through with a
sword. Then, become a man, lived among us, touched Him, believed Him... He was
crucified for our sins and raised for our justification, then through His righteous Blood
we are cleansed, that God could come into us and fellowship. God making His Own way
back to fellowship with Adam's children as He did with Adam before the fall. And we
are redeemed from all the curse of the fall and now have the earnest of our salvation.
E-23 To me, my brethren, to me, not because the Light of... He never had His picture
taken just 'cause it was me there. No, sir. It's because of the message of Pentecost
that I represent. He's just as much out there. And no matter how much a gift would
work here, it has to work there also. I cannot do these things without you. We have to
be together as one. We have to be together.
Jesus, when He went to His own country, many mighty works He could not do
because of their unbelief. And we've got to believe the things that is sent to us. And I
know, Christian brother, sister, there's been many things that's been said that wasn't so.
But just check it by the Scripture and see if It's right. Then if it's the Scripture and God
witnesses it, then that's true. That's God speaking that it is true: first by His Word, then
by a vindication of it that is the truth.



E-24 So about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I truly believe it with all my heart. I
believe in all the gifts of the Spirit: prophecy, speaking in tongues, interpretation of
tongues, and all the great things that goes in the Body of Christ. And I believe by one
Spirit we're all baptized into that Body and are members and fellow citizens of the
Kingdom of God, and brethren and sisters of like precious faith. That's how I stand
tonight. Let us bow our heads now before we read the text for a short message.
Gracious Lord, we are approaching Thy throne of mercy, Lord, not Thy throne of
justice. We could not stand it, Lord; for we do not plead for Your law; we do not plead
for Your justice; but we ask for Your mercy. Be merciful unto us, Lord, and remember
that we are dust of the earth and we're subject to all kinds of mistakes. And we pray
that You'll forgive us as we humbly confess our wrongs.
We pray for every person in Divine Presence tonight that You will be that a Saviour
to them, and a Healer, and their Joy and their Peace and their Buckler, and their Shield,
and their--their Stay. Grant it, Lord.
E-25 As we open back the lids of this Book... Any man physically able to pull back
the lids, can do that, but it takes the Holy Spirit to open the Word. We read in the Bible
that He that was setting on the throne had a Book. And It was sealed inside and out and
sealed on the back. And there was no man in heaven, no man in earth, or beneath the
earth was worthy, or able to take the Book from the hand of Him that set upon the
throne. And there come a Lamb that had been slain since the foundation of the world.
And He took the Book, loosed the seals thereof, and opened It.
O Lamb, come tonight in our midst, and take the Book, and open the Seals thereof,
and loosen the Word to us. And feed it to us as our great Shepherd, and we Your sheep,
so desiring sheep food. Grant it to us, Lord, for we know it is Thy Word. Thy Word is
We pray that the great Angel of God, the Angels up and down this aisle will convince
every unbeliever tonight that they're wrong. And every man without the Holy Spirit,
boy or girl, or a child, may they receive the Holy Spirit tonight.
Heal the sick and the afflicted; get glory to Thyself. And bless our feeble efforts as
we offer our service. In the Name of Jesus Christ and for His glory we stand. Amen.


181 Like the Queen of England once, she went to a great paper company. And she
said she would like to see through the paper mill. So they showed her the paper mills
(many years ago before they went to making it in pulp and stuff, so they--making
papers out of it), so they... After while she come into a room that was nothing but a big

old pile of dirty rags, and she said, "Where did this come from? What's this?" "Oh," she
The--the--the president of the plant said, "This is--is what will make the paper out
of, these dirty rags."
She said, "That, make paper?"
"Yes." So she couldn't hardly believe it. So after she was gone, the man took the
same dirty pile of rags, and run them through a certain process, and brought them out
with clean, pure paper, you know, had been--went through a process and made real,
and put her profile in it, and sent it to her reflecting herself in this what she called dirty
183 Now, that's what it is, the dead things of yesterday, the message of Luther, the
message of Wesley, the message of Pentecost, if it can only go through the process of
God's Holy Spirit and the Word of a-vindication, it'll bring forth the reflection of the
Jesus Christ the King. Amen. But if you leave it lay, it's dirty rags. See? It's got to be
molded into something else.
Luther has got to be molded into Wesley, and Wesley's got to be molded into
Pentecost, and Pentecost has got to be molded into Christ. It goes through a process.
So has the Gospel gone through a process. It's processing. Luther's age of
justification, we believe that. Wesley's of sanctification, we believe that. The
Pentecostal's with the restoration of the gifts of the Holy Ghost, we believe that.
Certainly, but mold it all together, what do you come out with? Jesus (That's right.) the
same yesterday, today, and forever. You come out with Jesus
185 When a man in a foundry is making a bell, he's got a certain tone he has to
put in it. When he's setting his mold and pouring his iron, he puts in so much brass, so
much steel, so much copper. Why? He knows just exactly how much to put in the--to
make--give it the right tone. And that's what Jesus has done by His Bride. He had to put
so much Luther, so much Methodist, and so much Presbyterian, so much Pentecost in it,
but what does He come out with? His own reflection. Why is it? Just like the pyramid
message. You see, it's heaping right up till it's coming to the minority for the Headstone.
The ministry of Jesus Christ on earth has to be the same as the ministry He had, or He
can't come to it. It's like the head to the feet. The head--feet's not the head, but the head
packs the feet, or makes the feet, tells it where to go. You get it? Beautifully, it's the
Light of the hour.
Wesley was a great Light, like He said to John the Baptist. He was a great Light for
his hour, sure he was.

187 No. Yes, sir. The clean rags--or the dirty rags of yesterday, if you remain that
way, it's got to--it'll just become dirty rags all the time. It served it's purpose as clothing,
but now it's become paper. Justification served its time in justification under Luther,
then it had to become sanctification through Wesley. And sanctification served its time
till it come the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And the baptism of the Holy Ghost has served
its time until the Holy Spirit (which there's only one God) blends into the church, or the
church into Christ, that makes Jesus Christ reflected on the earth. It's what He promised
here in the Bible. Might not believe it. I can't make you do that. I'm only responsible for
the Word. See? That's right.

The last church age is the Laodicean church age, a lukewarm that's spewed
from God's mouth

It's because of the message of Pentecost that I represent.

E-23 To me, my brethren, to me, not because the Light of... He never had His picture
taken just 'cause it was me there. No, sir. It's because of the message of Pentecost that I
represent. He's just as much out there. And no matter how much a gift would work
here, it has to work there also. I cannot do these things without you. We have to be
together as one. We have to be together.
Jesus, when He went to His own country, many mighty works He could not do
because of their unbelief. And we've got to believe the things that is sent to us. And I
know, Christian brother, sister, there's been many things that's been said that wasn't so.
But just check it by the Scripture and see if It's right. Then if it's the Scripture and God
witnesses it, then that's true. That's God speaking that it is true: first by His Word, then
by a vindication of it that is the truth.
for the sake of the Gospel that I represent
E-13 I wouldn't want you to know one thi... [] They class me
a fanatic, not if I would think I'd be too good to be a fanatic, but for the sake of the
Gospel that I represent, I want you to know me as your brother, and not as a Divine
healer. That's just a name that newspapers and magazines tacked on. There's no one
that's a Divine healer. No man can heal you. There's o... Even Christ, the Son of God, did
not claim to be a Divine healer. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works; it's My father
that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works."
So if Jesus, our lovely Saviour, Who would not take credit for being a healer, how
much more ought we to disown that credit of being a healer. We only pray for the sick.

And it's faith that you're healed. By faith are you healed. Now, before you can have
faith... I find that many people come to faith in a kind of a haphazard way, if you'll
excuse that expression, kinda like they're making a guess at it. And ninety percent of the
people that comes into the line have hope instead of faith.
E-14 Now, hope is one thing and faith is another. Faith is a positive sense. It's
not a guess work; you don't just imagine it. It's just as real as any other sense of your
body, just the same as sight is. Sight is real. Hearing is real. See, taste, feel, smell, and
hear, the five senses of the body that control the body, they're real faculties to you if
none of them's injured. And then, faith is just as real as any of the other five senses, and
more real, because it'll go in and above those five senses.
Now, the first and fundamental cause of Divine healing is because God said so in His
Bible. That's the only... That's the sure foundation, is the Word of God.
E-6 And look, everyone now, we're here representing different denominations,
Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic all... [] types of church, but
that doesn't mean that much to God, that church you belong to. It's the condition of your
heart. That's what God looks at. It's not the denomination church; they're all all
right...?... just working agreement like between men and so forth, and I come not
representing any church. Oh, I represent the Church, the Church that everyone of
you represent. Them that are borned of Him are in the Kingdom of God, the Body
of Christ.
I've been in the Branham family for forty years; they never asked me to join their
family. I was borned in the Branham family. And that's how you would come in the
family of God. It's not by joining church; I have nothing against that; that's all right; and
you should do that. But you're borned in the Church of God. That's your birth. And you
become a child of God by being reborned again, regenerated, and become a new
creature in Christ Jesus, then you are a son or daughter of God. Regardless of what
denomination church you belong to.


E-5 Now, I... 'Course you know that I never have yet... I was ordained in the
Missionary Baptist church. And I... after leaving the Missionary Baptist church, I have
never taken up any affiliation with any churches since--any certain denominations--
because I try to stand right in the breach between them all and say we're brethren. And
I believe that is right, that we are brethren. And so, therefore, I don't represent any
certain denominational church, but I represent the Church, the Church of the Lord
Jesus Christ. That's where all of you belong, in that great body of Christ. And we're
looking for that day to come when He will rapture His church to go home. And the Lord

willing, this week I want to speak on some of that: and on The Tie Post of the Church
Going, the Handwriting on the Wall, and United Under God, and a few things of that
type, the Lord willing, in these... this coming week.
Now, I believe that this is the true foundation, the Bible. I believe that God does
many things that's not in the Bible. He can do anything, because He's God. But I--I think
that doctrine should come out of the Scripture: that that is God's Book to us.

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