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Vol. 3, Issue.

January - December, 2018

Study of Perceptions on Clean

and Self-Sustainable Energy1

Estudio de Percepción sobre

Energía Limpia y Auto Sostenible

Research Article - Reception Date: May 14, 2018- Acceptance Date: August 27, 2018

Martha Nuñez, John Correa, Greis Herrera, Pedro Gómez,

Sebastián Morón and Nilson Fonseca
Arcesio Caliz Amador School, El Banco, Magdalena (Colombia).

To reference this paper:

M. Nuñez, J. Correa, G. Herrera, P. Gómez, S. Morón & N. Fonseca “Study of Perceptions on Clean and Self-
Sustainable Energy”, IJMSOR, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 11-15, 2018.

Abstract-- The objective of this article, is to identify the Resumen-- El presente artículo permite estudiar la energía
perceived benefits from the implementation of solar pan- solar; considerada la fuente de energía renovable disponible
els to generate clean, economical and sustainable energy más abundante y limpia. El objetivo entonces de la presente
at the Arcesio Caliz Amador School. Initially, the commu- investigación identificar los beneficios de la implementación
nity supported the promotion of alternative energy sources de paneles solares para generar energía limpia económica
and assessed different types of natural and artificial en- y auto sostenible en la IETD Arcesio Caliz Amador. Inicial-
ergy sources. A prototype solar panel was developed and mente, se logró apropiar a la comunidad para el fomento del
awareness-raising efforts were made in the community to uso de energías alternativas; se identificaron los tipos de en-
promote the use of alternative energy sources and caring for ergía, natural o artificial, se diseñó un prototipo de panel
the environment. This study is quantitative and experimen- solar y finalmente se creó conciencia sobre el uso de las en-
tal. The study uses the technique of structured interviews ergías alternativas, fomentando el cuidado del medio ambi-
with a sample of 50 students from the Arcesio Caliz Amador ente. El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, experimental. Como
School. The main finding is that the students recognize that técnica de recolección se empleó la entrevista estructurada
the use and implementation of this type of energy offers en- a una muestra de (50) estudiantes de la IETD Arcesio Caliz
vironmental, educational, economic and social benefits. Amador. Como conclusiones se puede decir que los estudi-
antes reconocen que uso e implementación de esta energía
Keywords-- Solar energy; renewable energy; clean energy; trae consigo beneficios tanto medioambientales, educativos,
environmental care. económicos y sociales.
Palabras clave-- Energía solar; energía renovable; energía
limpia; cuidado medioambiental.

1 This study is derived from the Program to Strengthen Citizenship and Democratic Culture CT+I through the IEP supported by
ICT in the Department of Magdalena (CICLON)

The author; licensee Fundación para la Investigación, el Desarrollo y la Innovación I+D+I.
IJMSOR vol. 3 no. 1, pp. 11-15. January - December, 2018
Barranquilla. ISSN 2539-5416 Online

I. Introduction “Solar energy is energy captured from the light

and heat emitted by the sun. The solar radiation
Solar energy is considered the most abundant, that reaches the Earth can be used in the form of
clean and available source of energy on the planet, heat or as absorption of radiation, for example in
and is highly renewable. Colombia is one the coun- optical and other devices. It is one of the so-called
tries with most abundant solar energy resources renewable energies, in particular of the non-con-
in Latin America. Consequently, solar energy taminating type, known as clean or green energy,
stands out among all the usable renewable sources even though at the end of their useful life the pho-
for various uses, particularly thanks to new scien- tovoltaic panels may become a polluting residue
tific developments. that is difficult to recycle at present” [3].
In European countries, solar electricity genera- Solar energy is used as backup power, espe-
tion has reached a large scale, based on industrial cially to meet peak demand, because it is synchro-
development. In specific cases such as Germany, nized with demand from air conditioning. It is not
for example, about half of all electricity is being as useful in satisfying demand at night or during
generated by the sun, for the first time since 2013. the winter season. Even though in this article we
Another case is the United Kingdom, which enjoys discuss solar energy, it should not be disassoci-
sunny weather and long days during the summer, ated from wind energy, which in the United States
and has large solar potential. France, Italy, Den- “has a non-subsidized cost of 4 cents/kWh, which
mark and others have similar situations. [1]. is, therefore, lower than electricity generated with
“According to the Solar Trading Association gas. This represents a real challenge for coal.”[3]
(STA), the total installed solar capacity in the UK The power of radiation tends to vary depending
generated from homes, buildings, and solar energy on the time of way, atmospheric conditions and the
parks is currently about 4.7 Giga-watts, compared latitude of the location. In optimal conditions, ra-
to 2.7 GW in July last year. Solar energy is flex- diation has a value of approximately 1000 W/m²
ible because solar plants can be built in distrib- on the earth surface, which leads to the definition
uted generation arrangements (located at or near of irradiation. Radiation is usable to the extent
the point of use), or as a large-scale centralized that it is direct and diffuse, and the articulation
power utility plant (similar to conventional power of both.
plants). Some of the large-scale utility plants can
store the energy they produce for use after dark” B. Renewable energy
Sustainability is studied from different per- For over a decade, renewable energy sources – spe-
spectives, such as based on the choice of materials cifically electric, solar and wind energy – have be-
used, or even its safety for human beings. Solar come the sources of choice for energy generation to
power includes photovoltaic energy, an energy meet human needs. Initially, it was thought that
source that is growing rapidly worldwide, the spe- these could complement existing sources of energy
cific features of which include clean energy of a without having to introduce major changes. How-
scalable nature and favorable conditions. ever, given all the benefits they offer in terms of
Given the changes being experienced by current economy, demand for renewable energy has grown
societies, human beings require new innovative substantially, though numerous challenges remain
strategies to satisfy their needs. In the current in terms of connecting the renewable energies with
consumer society, individuals often do not acquire the permanent systems.[4].
products for a specific benefit, but rather are inter- It is important to point out that greater progress
ested in various aspects that directly or indirectly is required in terms of electricity supply in order
affect their social lives [2]. Consequently, the idea to be able to articulate innovative sources of pho-
of implementing a solar energy project was born tovoltaic energy, which is considered an essential
with the intention of raising the awareness of indi- component of the electricity generation system.
viduals about their effects on the environment and For many centuries, and particularly since the
to promote sustainability. industrial revolution, mankind has made use of
The growing scientific, technological and indus- electric energy sources, including solar, wind and
trial development of societies has brought about hydraulic energy. For many years, the factor that
new tools that enable the fast and sustainable limited their use was the low cost of oil.
satisfaction of human needs. It is in this context In recent years, however, the increase in fuel
that the idea for the project was born: to design an prices and environmental issues has driven the re-
electrical system based on photovoltaic cells at the surgence of renewable energy. The main features
Arcesio Caliz Amador School, in order to provide of renewable energies include that they are non-
clean, economical and self-sustainable energy. exhaustible and clean, and they are predominantly
used under self-management schemes in order to sat-
A. Conceptualization of solar energy isfy demand in the areas where they are produced.

Vol. 3, Issue. 1
January - December, 2018

They also offer significant advantages, such as the C. Solar panels

possibility of integrating them. One of the clearest
examples is that photovoltaic energy can supply The technologies that are currently in use were
power on sunny days, while other sources of elec- originally developed to address a variety of needs
tricity meet demand on colder days. worldwide, such as supplying space rockets and det-
onating satellites. “A solar panel is a module that
Types of energy Conceptualization uses energy from solar radiation to transform it into
“The simplest way to capture electricity by means of the so-called photovoltaic
sunlight is through photovoltaic cells. By means of a sophisticated process, silicone,
conversion, which consists in which is a natural chemical element that is widely
converting solar energy into
abundant on our planet, particularly in beach sand,
electric energy by means of solar
cells. These cells are made of is extracted to use it to manufacture solar or photo-
pure silicon with the addition voltaic cells” [8].
of certain chemical substances. A photovoltaic cell is a delicate sheet whose con-
Each cell is capable of generating
tents include silicone, approximately similar to a
between 2 a 4 Amperes, at a
voltage of between 0.46 and 0.48 10-centimeter square that enables the transfor-
V, using solar radiation as raw mation of direct sunlight into electricity. In other
Solar photovoltaic
material”. Solar cells can capture words, its acts like a rechargeable battery. A pho-
both direct and diffuse radiation,
tovoltaic panel is formed by several solar cells,
and they are capable of producing
electric energy even on non-sunny which link the sunlight to electricity generation. Its
days. The cells are placed in rows approximate duration is 25 years of power, and its
on top of solar panels or modules, wear produces a noticeable decrease in production
which enables producing an
over time. [9]
expected and precise voltage for
electric applications. These panels Photovoltaic batteries are designed to receive
capture the energy and later large-scale charges, as well as permanent discharg-
convert it into electricity, in the es, and for this reason they require a system to con-
form or continuous current, which
trol the energy that they receive and emit. These
must be stored for later use. [4].
batteries are designed to receive large charges and
“A very interesting application to constantly produce discharges, and for this rea-
from small facilities near
waterfalls is the hydraulic son, they require a system to regulate the energy
mini-plant, which can produce they receive and emit. “This system is the controller
between 100 W and 5 kW, and or regulator of the charge for the storage batteries;
may be combined with other types it consists in an electronic unit whose function is
of energy. It has a wide range
of applications because three- to prevent over-charges or discharges from the stor-
Hydraulic energy fourths of humanity does not have age batteries once they are fully charged, in order to
electric energy from which to prolong their useful life.”[8][18].
obtain drinking water, lighting, Solar radiation can vary depending on the time
electric tools, food conservation
or access to culture (audiovisual of day and season, and the battery is considered the
media). Currently, these systems critical element to provide a quick solution by mak-
are the best form of direct ing energy available throughout the year. A mal-
assistance for the third world.” functioning battery is treated as inorganic waste,
[5] [6]
and because of its nature and components, it must
“Electric current is defined as the be recycled in order to prevent damages to the en-
movement of electrical charges.
The current may be produced by
vironment [10].
any electrically-charged particle
in movement, usually electrons, D. Household solar panels
but any other charge in movement
may be defined as current.48
According to the International Since its origins, the earth has offered various
Electric current System, a current’s intensity sources of life. The sun comes in first place as the
is measured in amperes, the source of life on earth. It can satisfy all needs if it is
symbol for which is A [3]. [7]. On
the other hand, [5] the process
adequately used. “The amount of energy sent daily
through which the current by the sun to the earth is ten times greater than the
circulates through a material is energy consumed daily by the entire planet. [11]
called electrical conduction, and There are many ways to make use of energy
its nature varies depending on the
charged parties and the material
sources. One of them, which has been in use for a
through which they circulate”. long time, is a passive solar architecture, which
uses direct radiation without any type of artifact
Source: Authors.
and is based on using suitable materials.


Solar energy is the energy captured by the solar the natural context, in order to analyze data and
radiation systems and which is transformed, de- produce results. The population that participated
pending on the instruments that are used, which in the study was the students of the Arcesio Caliz
may be either thermal or electric, for subsequent Amador Departmental School. The sample con-
use. The solar panel is an element that directly sisted of (50) students in different grades of mid
traps solar radiation and converts it into useful en- and high school, with the following distribution: 15
ergy; there are two types: thermal solar collectors from eighth grade, 15 from ninth grade, 10 from
and photovoltaic modules. The latter will be used tenth grade and 10 from eleventh grade. The data
for the effects of this study. were collected using interviews based on open-end-
Solar cells are devices that transform sunlight ed questions with the participants [14].
energy into electricity. This household project is in- The following are the stages of the study.
tended to build a solar cell to produce energy that is Stage (1): Identification of the issue to be stud-
clean, economical and self-sustainable at the school ied.
[12]. Stage (2): Definition of the population and the
There are numerous benefits from installing sample.
household solar panels, as it is a non-exhaustible Stage (3): Definition of the variables of the study.
renewable resource, it does not damage the envi- Stage (4): Theoretical framework.
ronment, and the only required input is the sun. Stage (5): Selection o data gathering techniques
It has zero environmental impact because it does and instruments.
not produce waste, smoke, noise, smells, etc. The Stage (6): Application of the instruments.
implementation of panels is a definitive solution in Stage (7): Data analysis and processing.
places where no electric power is available, while Stage (8): Generation of results.
at the same time it assures clean energy and re- Stage (9): Publication and discussion of the find-
spects the environment, because “for every 100 KW ings.
of solar power capacity that is installed, we prevent
75,000 Kg of CO2 from being expelled into the at- III. Results
mosphere.”[12] It is also resistant to a wide range
of weather conditions: rain, snow, wind, hail. The following were the leading questions made to
Lastly, solar energy is one of the most developed study participants:
energy sources in recent years, and further develop- 1. Do you know what a photovoltaic panel is?
ment is expected in the future. 2. Do you support renewable energy?
3. Do you believe the institution consumes too
II. Methodology much electric energy?
4. Do you believe it would be beneficial for the ins-
This study is of the quantitative type with a de- titution to use renewable energy?
scriptive scope. [13]. The phenomena are studied in


Knows what Supports Believes the institution Believes the use of

a photovoltaic renewable consumes too much renewable energy will
panel is energy electricity be beneficial for the
Series 1

Source: Authors.

Vol. 3, Issue. 1
January - December, 2018

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