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Task 1 - How much do I know - Cuestionario de evaluación

Revisión del intento
Ingles (Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia)

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15/6/22, 11:21 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Página Principal / Cursos / INGLÉS A1 - (900001A_1143) / Evaluation

/ Task 1 - How much do I know? - Cuestionario de evaluación

Comenzado el miércoles, 15 de junio de 2022, 09:21

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en miércoles, 15 de junio de 2022, 09:47
Tiempo 25 minutos 44 segundos
Puntos 14,0/15,0
Calificación 23,3 de 25,0 (93%)
Comentario - <p>Muy bien</p>

Pregunta 1

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Responda la siguiente pregunta según el orden y funcionamiento del aula.
En el entorno de evaluación se encuentra ... 

Seleccione una: 
a. Guías de las actividades y foros colaborativos

b. Quizzes y syllabus del curso

c. Rubricas de calificación y calendario de actividades

d. Espacio para entrega de productos y quizzes 1/9
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15/6/22, 11:21 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Responda la siguiente pregunta según el orden y funcionamiento del aula.

¿En cuál foro se realiza interacción con los demás compañeros del curso?

Seleccione una:
a. Foro de la tarea 2

b. Foro de soporte técnico

c. Foro de dudas e inquietudes

d. Foro de interaction social

Pregunta 3

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Responda la siguiente pregunta según el orden y funcionamiento del aula.

Se deben aceptar la reglas y condiciones del curso con el fin de visualizar el curso de manera completa.

Seleccione una:


Pregunta 4

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0


Listen to the audio A New Home, and answer the question

Does Francisco like the house?

Seleccione una:
a. No, he doesn’t. The house is in terrible condition.

b. Yes, he does. The house is cute.

c. Yes, he does. The house is pretty.

d. Yes, he does. The house looks great. 2/9
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15/6/22, 11:21 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 5


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0


Listen to the audio Keyla, and answer the question

What can Keyla see from the window?

Seleccione una:
a. Trees and birds

b. Parks and Churches

c. People and pets

d. Houses and cars 3/9
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15/6/22, 11:21 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Responda la siguiente pregunta según el orden y funcionamiento del aula.

Para acceder al "E-book" es necesario hacer clic en el enlace que aparece en el entorno de aprendizaje.

Seleccione una:


Pregunta 7

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Choose the correct answer according to the text <Our Toy Shop=

Our Toy Shop

Hi, my name is Amy. I am twelve years old. We have a small toy shop in our neighborhood. My father says Fridays are the busiest day
in our toy shop. So after school, my mom takes me there to help my dad. That's another reason why I like Fridays. We allow kids to 
play with the toys when they are in the store. My father says I am responsible for the toys and that I need to watch and make sure
nothing breaks. Many kids from my school and neighborhood also come to the shop to look at our new toys. It is always noisy here. 
Because it’s full of babies and small children. Little girls look for dolls, boys go for cars. Some just want to play with the toys, some
actually want to buy them. It’s exhausting for me, but I like going to the shop and helping my father.
Which of the followings is incorrect?

Seleccione una:
a. Kids can play with the toys at the store without buying them

b. Amy goes to school

c. Amy’s mother works at the toy shop too

d. Amy enjoys helping his father in the toy shop 4/9
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15/6/22, 11:21 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 8


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0


Listen to the audio A New Home, and answer the question

According to the audio, the house...

Seleccione una:
a. is in bad condition.

b. is in good condition.

c. is nice.

d. is a beautiful place.

Pregunta 9


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0


Choose the correct answer according to the text <Pen Pals=

Pen pals 

Dear Marcos,

Hi, my name is Rebecca, and I am your new pen pal. I’m ten years old, and I live in Barcelona, Spain. I go to the 4th grade in Saint Michael
Elementary School. On weekdays, I get up at 6 o’clock. The school starts at 7:30 in the morning. I have my lunch at the school cafeteria and I
usually leave around 3:30 in the afternoon. I am good at math, I also like history and geography but my favorite subject is science. I like playing
basketball and soccer. I also play tennis, and I like swimming. On the weekends, I go to the movie theater with my friends. We like action movies.
I usually go to church with my parents on Sundays.

Please write and tell me about you and your life. What’s your family like? What do you like doing in your free time?
I hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Which statement is correct?

Seleccione una:
a. Rebecca and his friends like watching thrillers

b. Rebecca is interested in Science

c. Rebecca usually practices the drums on weekdays

d. Rebecca has a music group at school 5/9
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15/6/22, 11:21 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 10


Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Responda la siguiente pregunta según el orden y funcionamiento del aula.

El espacio para enviar correos al tutor se encuentra ...

Seleccione una:
a. en participants

b. en el panel central

c. al lado del nombre del usuario conectado

d. al lado del calendario

Pregunta 11

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0


Choose the correct answer according to the text <Pen Pals=

Pen pals
Dear Marcos, 

Hi, my name is Rebecca, and I am your new pen pal. I’m ten years old, and I live in Barcelona, Spain. I go to the 4th 
grade in Saint Michael Elementary School. On weekdays, I get up at 6 o’clock. The school starts at 7:30 in the morning. I
have my lunch at the school cafeteria and I usually leave around 3:30 in the afternoon. I am good at math, I also like
history and geography, but my favorite subject is science. I like playing basketball and soccer. I also play tennis, and I like
swimming. On the weekends, I go to the movie theater with my friends. We like action movies. I usually go to church with
my parents on Sundays.

Please write and tell me about you and your life. What’s your family like? What do you like doing in your free time?
I hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Seleccione una:
a. Rebecca is interested in History and Geography

b. Rebecca likes playing badminton

c. Rebecca wants to be in contact with Marcos

d. Rebecca usually goes to the movie theater on the weekends 6/9
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15/6/22, 11:21 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 12


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Responda la siguiente pregunta según el orden y funcionamiento del aula.

En el entorno de información inicial el estudiante...

Seleccione una:
a. envía mensajes al tutor por correo interno

b. acepta los acuerdos del curso y envía los trabajos colaborativos

c. presenta los exámenes y envía los trabajos colaborativos

d. revisa la agenda, las noticias del curso y acepta los acuerdos del curso.

Pregunta 13

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Complete the next sentence according to the right form of the Verb TO BE

Robert _____ the new engineer.

Seleccione una:
a. is

b. will 

c. am

d. are 7/9
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15/6/22, 11:21 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 14


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0


Choose the correct answer according to the text <Our Toy Shop=

Our Toy Shop

Hi, my name is Amy. I am twelve years old. We have a small toy shop in our neighborhood. My father says Fridays are the busiest day
in our toy shop. So after school, my mom takes me there to help my dad. That's another reason why I like Fridays. We allow kids to
play with the toys when they are in the store. My father says I am responsible for the toys and that I need to watch and make sure
nothing breaks. Many kids from my school and neighborhood also come to the shop to look at our new toys. It is always noisy here.
Because it’s full of babies and small children. Little girls look for dolls, boys go for cars. Some just want to play with the toys, some
actually want to buy them. It’s exhausting for me, but I like going to the shop and helping my father.
Which of the following questions you cannot answer?

Seleccione una:
a. What’s the name of the toy shop?

b. Where is the toy shop?

c. When is it the busiest day in the toy shop?

d. Why is the toy shop so noisy? 8/9
Downloaded by Carlos Eduardo Polo Velasco (

15/6/22, 11:21 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 15


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0


Choose the correct answer according to the text <Our Toy Shop=

Our Toy Shop

Hi, my name is Amy. I am twelve years old. We have a small toy shop in our neighborhood. My father says Fridays are the busiest day
in our toy shop. So after school, my mom takes me there to help my dad. That's another reason why I like Fridays. We allow kids to
play with the toys when they are in the store. My father says I am responsible for the toys and that I need to watch and make sure
nothing breaks. Many kids from my school and neighborhood also come to the shop to look at our new toys. It is always noisy here.
Because it’s full of babies and small children. Little girls look for dolls, boys go for cars. Some just want to play with the toys, some
actually want to buy them. It’s exhausting for me, but I like going to the shop and helping my father.
The toy shop is noisy because…

Seleccione una:
a. Many babies and small children break things

b. Every day is a busy day

c. All the babies cry a lot

d. Many kids and babies go and play with the toys

◄ Cuestionario de evaluación - Unidad 3 - Task 5 - How much did I learn?

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Unidad 1 - Task 2 - This is me - Rúbrica de evaluación y entrega de la actividad ► 9/9
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