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Población: Los Estados Unidos es el tercer país más grande del mundo en cuanto a su población,

en abril de 2021, la población total sumaba 331,9 millones de habitantes.

Population: The United States is the third largest country in the world in terms of its population, in
April 2021, the total population was 331.9 million inhabitants.

Área geográfica: es el cuarto más grande en superficie, con un total de 9.629.091 km2 y posee 4
diferentes husos horarios.

Geographic area: It is the fourth largest in area, with a total of 9.629.091 km2 and has 4 different
time zones.

División político-territorial: En cuanto a su división político-territorial está compuesto por 50

estados cuya capital es Washington distrito federal, D.F.

Political-territorial division: it is made up of 50 states whose capital is Washington, Federal

District, D.F.

Tipo de gobierno : Los partidos políticos mayoritarios de Estados Unidos son el Democrático y el
Republicano. El presidente actual es Joe Biden. Fue elegido el mandatario número 46 el 8 de
noviembre de 2020 y tomó posesión el 18 de enero de 2021.

Type of government: The major political parties in the United States are the Democratic and the
Republican. The current president is Joe Biden. He was elected as the 46th president on November
8, 2020 and was sworn in on January 18, 2021.

Idioma y moneda : El inglés es el idioma más hablado en los Estados Unidos y la moneda oficial es
el dólar estadounidense.

Language and currency: English is the most widely spoken language in the United States and the
official currency is the US dollar.

Religión: prácticamente todas las religiones del mundo están presentes, en mayor o menor
cuantía. Las tres principales religiones del mundo, cristianismo. judaísmo e islamismo, están
presentes en el país.

Religion: practically all the world's religions are present, to a greater or lesser extent. The three
main world religions, Christianity. Judaism and Islamism are present in the country.

Climate: many of its states present the four seasons.

Clima: muchos de sus estados presentan las cuatro estaciones.

Economía: Los Estados Unidos de América es la economía más grande e importante del mundo
por su volumen de producto interno bruto (PIB). El PIB per cápita, un excelente indicador de la
calidad de vida, en 2023, fue de 67.620 $ dólares.

Economy: The United States of America is the largest and most important economy in the world
by volume of gross domestic product (GDP). GDP per capita, an excellent indicator of quality of
life, in 2023, was $67,620.
Population: The United States is the third largest country in the world in terms of its population, in
April 2021, the total population was 331.9 million inhabitants.

Geographic area: It is the fourth largest in area, with a total of 9.629.091 km2 and has 4 different
time zones.

Political-territorial division: it is made up of 50 states whose capital is Washington, Federal

District, D.F.

Type of government: The major political parties in the United States are the Democratic and the
Republican. The current president is Joe Biden. He was elected as the 46th president on November
8, 2020 and was sworn in on January 18, 2021.

Language and currency: English is the most widely spoken language in the United States and the
official currency is the US dollar.

Religion: practically all the world's religions are present, to a greater or lesser extent. The three
main world religions, Christianity. Judaism and Islamism are present in the country.

Climate: many of its states present the four seasons.

Economy: The United States of America is the largest and most important economy in the world
by volume of gross domestic product (GDP). GDP per capita, an excellent indicator of quality of
life, in 2023, was $67,620.

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