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INDICACIONES GENERALES 1. Para rendir la prueba, el docente deber presentar su cdula de ciudadana y una copia de la misma antes de ingresar al recinto y al aula. 2. No se permitir que el docente ingrese al aula con ningn objeto. Por ejemplo: carteras, bolsos, portafolios, cuadernos, libros, sombreros o gorras. Tampoco se permitir el ingreso de telfonos celulares.

INSTRUCCIONES PARA RESPONDER ESTA PRUEBA El da de prueba usted recibir instrucciones nicamente en ingls. Le ofrecemos ahora instrucciones en espaol para que se familiarice con la dinmica de la prueba y est mejor preparado. 1. La Prueba de Ingls consta de 75 preguntas de opcin mltiple; cada pregunta tiene 4 alternativas de respuesta (A, B, C, D), pero solamente una de ellas es correcta. 2. La prueba evaluar progresivamente tres niveles de ingls (A1, A2 y B1) de acuerdo a los estndares establecidos en el Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para la enseanza de lenguas. 3. Antes del inicio de la prueba, se dedicarn aproximadamente 20 minutos a la preparacin previa a la misma: el aplicador dar instrucciones generales y se llenar el cuestionario de informacin personal. Este es el momento de hacer preguntas al aplicador, si las tiene. Una vez empezada la prueba, no se permitirn preguntas y usted deber guardar absoluto silencio. 4. La prueba debe contestarse en 130 minutos. El tiempo se cuenta a partir del momento en que el aplicador anuncia el inicio de la prueba. La prueba consta de tres secciones y usted contar con un tiempo especfico para contestar las preguntas correspondientes a cada una de ellas: Grammar (35 preguntas, 60 minutos), Reading (25 preguntas, 40 minutos) y Listening (15 preguntas, 30 minutos). El aplicador anunciar el inicio del tiempo destinado a cada una de las secciones. Adems, sealar el momento en que empieza una seccin y el momento que se termina el tiempo para esa seccin. Usted solamente puede trabajar dentro de la seccin indicada. No puede adelantarse a otra seccin de la prueba, ni tampoco regresar a revisar sus respuestas de otra seccin. 5. Usted no podr abandonar el aula hasta que el aplicador se lo indique. Si termina antes de que transcurran los 130 minutos reglamentarios de la prueba, le sugerimos revisar sus respuestas nuevamente. 6. Transcurrido el tiempo reglamentario, los docentes que rinden esta prueba deben entregar al aplicador las hojas de respuestas y el cuadernillo de preguntas. No podrn llevarse ninguno de los documentos mencionados. 7. Recuerde que el trabajo es personal y que por ningn motivo deber mirar las pruebas de los otros docentes. Cualquier intento de copia o fraude har que su prueba quede automticamente anulada. El aplicador retirar la prueba y usted deber abandonar el aula sin derecho a rplica.

INDICACIONES PARA LLENAR LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS El aplicador le entregar una hoja de respuestas, que ser calificada por un lector ptico. Usted deber marcar todas sus respuestas nicamente en la seccin correspondiente de la hoja de respuestas (Grammar, Reading y Listening), ya que si las marca en el cuadernillo de preguntas su prueba no podr ser calificada. Para marcar las respuestas, utilice solamente el lpiz que le entregar el aplicador. Tambin se le entregar un borrador que podr utilizar si necesita hacer correcciones. Llene completamente el rectngulo correspondiente a la letra de la respuesta que usted considere correcta, como en el ejemplo que se muestra a continuacin:

Por favor, siga las instrucciones que a continuacin se indican para llenar la hoja de respuestas. Si usted no llena completa y adecuadamente la hoja de respuestas, su prueba no podr ser leda por el lector ptico, y por tanto no podr ser calificada. 1. La hoja de respuestas le ser entregada con su informacin personal pre impresa. Por favor verifique que la informacin sea correcta. 2. Firme la hoja de respuestas. Su firma acredita que usted se present a la prueba. 3. Cuando empiece a contestar las preguntas de la prueba, asegrese de marcar una sola respuesta por cada pregunta. Al contestar, verifique que el nmero de la pregunta corresponda al nmero en la hoja de respuestas. 4. Si cree que se equivoc y desea cambiar la respuesta que dio a una pregunta, borre completamente la marca que hizo y marque cuidadosamente la nueva respuesta.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. In order to take the test, you must present your original ID card and a copy before you enter the premises and the classroom. 2. You wont be allowed to enter the classroom with any object such as: purses, wallets, portfolios, notebooks, books, hats or caps. Remember that cell phones are also prohibited.

INSTRUCTIONS TO ANSWER THE TEST The day of the test you will receive instructions in English only. 1. The English test has 75 multiple choice questions; each question has 4 alternative answers (A, B, C, D), but only one answer is correct. 2. The English test progressively evaluates three levels of English - A1, A2 and B1 according to the international standards established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). 3. Before the test begins, there will be 20 minutes in which the examiner will give general instructions and you will fill out a personal information questionnaire. If you have any questions, you should ask them at this time. Once the test starts, you wont be allowed to ask any more questions and you must remain absolutely silent. 4. The English test has to be completed in 130 minutes. The time will begin to run from the moment the examiner announces the beginning of the test. The test has three sections and you will have a specific amount of time for each one: Grammar (35 questions, 60 minutes), Reading (25 questions, 40 minutes) and Listening (15 questions, 30 minutes). The examiner will announce the time designated for each section. He/she will tell you when to begin the section and when you must stop working on that section. You should only work on the current section. Even if you finish a section ahead of time, you cannot move to the next section. Likewise, you are not allowed to return to previous sections to check your answers. 5. You are not allowed to leave the classroom until the examiner allows you to do so. If you finish your test ahead of time, we suggest you check your answers again. 6. After the 130 minutes have passed, you must return the answer sheet and the test booklet to the examiner. You cant take any of these documents with you. 7. Remember that your test is personal and you mustnt look at other tests. Any attempt of cheating or fraud will automatically annul the test. The examiner will remove the test and you will have to leave the classroom immediately. You will not be able to retake the test.

INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL OUT THE ANSWER SHEET The examiner will provide the answer sheet which will be graded by an optical reader. You must mark all your answers only in the corresponding section of the answer sheet (Grammar, Reading and Listening). If you mark your answers in the exam booklet, your test wont be graded. To mark your answers, use only the pencil that your examiner will provide. We will also give you an eraser to be used if you need to make any corrections. Completely fill out the rectangle corresponding to the letter of the answer you consider correct, as the following example shows:

Please follow the instructions below to fill out the answer sheet. If you dont fill completely and correctly out your answer sheet, your test wont be read by the optical reader and wont be graded. 1. Your personal information will be preprinted on the answer sheet that will be given to you by the examiner. Please verify that the information is correct. 2. Sign your answer sheet. Your signature certifies that you took the test. 3. When you begin answering the questions from the test, make sure you mark only one answer for each question. When you answer, verify that the number of the question corresponds to the number and correct section on the answer sheet. 4. If you make a mistake while marking the answer and wish to change it, erase the mark completely and carefully mark your new answer.


This section consists of 35 questions divided into three parts: * Part 110 questions * Part 210 questions * Part 315 questions For each question, you will be asked to choose the correct answerA, B, C or Dand to mark it on your answer sheet.

SAMPLE QUESTIONS Choose the correct answer for questions 1-6. One of the main causes of naughtiness among children is boredom. There are many reasons children get bored. One (1) __________ to the teacher talking continuously for a long period of time. Another is related to attention-spans: generally, doing anything for (2) ___________ than 20 minutes without variation can become boring.

Read and decide which answer fits best in the spaces in the text above. 1. 2. A. is have A. place B. has been B. advanced C. is listening C. little D. have D. longer

Correct answers: 1. C 2. D

3. Ask ____ policeman and he will tell you the way. A. an B. these C. any D. me

Correct answer: C

4. I am _____ tired and I never wake up on time. A. never B. always C. several D. now and again

Correct answer: B

5. Havent you cleaned the house _________? A. else B. in addition C. yet D. too

Correct answer: C

6. You ___________ a terrible day. A. ve had B. has C. ve has D. ve have

Correct answer: A

You must wait for the examiner to announce the beginning of the next section to continue the test. You may review your answers now, but only the ones in this section, not in the previous or the next one.


This part consists of 25 questions divided into three parts: * Part 15 questions * Part 210 questions * Part 310 questions You will read five texts and then answer five questions about each one. For each question, you will be asked to choose the correct answerA, B, C or Dand to mark it on your answer sheet.

SAMPLE QUESTIONS Read the text and answer the questions below. Reading text 1 As I was hurrying to a lunch meeting, my brother phoned me. I could barely understand him because the signal was not very clear. Through broken sentences, what I managed to hear was that his car had a mechanical problem and he was at the Bloomingdale Mall parking lot. I drove there as fast as I could, parked my car, and started looking for my brother. After running up and down most of the entire parking lot, I still couldnt find him, so I decided to call him back. When he answered, he told me that the part of the conversation that I hadnt heard was that he was getting help from someone and might be late for lunch. By the time I received the whole message, he was already at home and I was starving.

1. Today I received ____________ . A. a price B. a car repair C. a phone call D. a lunch invitation

Correct answer: C 2. I wasnt able to find my brother ____________ . A. at the hospital B. in the parking lot C. inside the mall D. at home

Correct answer: B

3. By the time everything was straightened out, I was ____________ . A. at home B. shopping C. fixing my brothers car D. starving

Correct answer: D

4. At the end of the story the writer is ____________ . A. hungry B. tired C. upset D. desperate

Correct answer: A

5. An appropriate title for the article could be: A. My Brothers Life. B. My Family Problems. C. My Brothers Incident. D. My Wifes Problems.

Correct answer: C

You must wait for the examiner to announce the beginning of the next section to continue the test. You may review your answers now, but only the ones in this section, not in the previous or the next one.


This section consists of 15 questions divided into three parts: *Part 1Two conversations and 4 questions *Part 2Two conversations and 5 questions *Part 3Two conversations and 6 questions You will listen to six conversations and answer two or three questions about each one. You will hear each conversation twice. Read the questions before listening. After listening, choose the correct answerA, B, C or Dand mark it on your answer sheet.

SAMPLE QUESTIONS The following is a short transcription of the type of conversation you might listen to the day of the test: Conversation 1 Lucia: Carlos, what happened? Carlos: They beat me up and stole my wifes car. Lucia: Oh! How awful! Carlos: I guess thats the way it goes sometimes. Lucia: Yeah. Life in the city can be rough. Carlos: Actually, it could have been worse. Lucia: Really? How? Carlos: It could have been my car that got stolen!

1. Lucia seems ____________ about the incident. A. shocked B. tired C. happy D. irritated

Correct answer: A


2. According to Lucia, life in the city: A. life can be stupid. B. can be difficult. C. can always be interesting. D. can be very easy.

Correct answer: B

3. During the incident, Carlos ____________ . A. was very happy B. ran very fast C. was fixing his car D. was hurt

Correct answer: A 4. Carlos would have felt worse if ____________ . A. they had stolen his wifes car B. they had stolen his car C. they had stolen his friends car D. they hadnt stolen his car

Correct answer: B

5. Carlos thought the incident could have been: A. more terrible than it was. B. avoided. C. funny. D. A waste of time.

Correct answer: D

Please wait in silence for the examiner to pick up the test booklet along with your answer sheet. In the meantime, you may review your answers, but only the ones in this section, not in the previous ones.


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