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Pulmonary Function Tests for the Generalist:

A Brief Review
Timothy M. Dempsey, MD, MPH, and Paul D. Scanlon, MD

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One of the frequent reasons patients see their primary care physicians is for the symptom of dyspnea.
Among the objective tests to quantify this symptom is the pulmonary function test, which includes several
different studies: spirometry with flow-volume loop, lung volumes, and diffusing capacity of lung for
carbon monoxide. The results may indicate both respiratory and nonrespiratory disorders, including
helping in the diagnosis of cardiac or neuromuscular diseases. This review, intended for the generalist,
describes common findings of pulmonary function tests and provides a road map for interpretation.
ª 2018 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2018;93(6):763-771

respiratory system abnormalities.4 Pulmonary

yspnea is one of the main reasons
patients see primary care physi- function tests can also identify disorders
cians, accounting for 1% to 4% of outside the respiratory system, including
all visits.1-3 An objective way to differentiate neuromuscular weakness and cardiovascular
between the multiple causes of dyspnea processes. In addition, measurement of
(a highly subjective symptom) is to order a pulmonary function allows for long-term
pulmonary function test (PFT), which assists monitoring of disease progression and
in the identification and quantification of response to therapy.5

Mayo Clin Proc. n June 2018;93(6):763-771 n 763 n ª 2018 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

A PFT may include several different studies, laboratories no longer report it, and we do
commonly spirometry with flow-volume loop, not recommend using it for interpretation.
lung volumes, and diffusing capacity of lung The graphic display from spirometry is
for carbon monoxide (DLCO), though the indi- typically called a flow-volume curve if it
vidual clinician may decide which components includes only expiratory flow or a flow-volume
of the test they need for their patient. Of note, loop if it includes both expiratory and inspira-
each laboratory will provide special instructions tory maneuvers (for simplicity, the rest of this
to the patient before the test, though it is usually review refers only to the flow-volume loop).6
recommended that the patient not use inhaled The flow-volume loop provides important
bronchodilators or smoke tobacco on the day clues about the quality, acceptability, and
of the test. reproducibility of the maneuver, which is
This review discusses each component of determined by national standards and
the PFT and provides a basic guide to interpre- controlled by each individual laboratory. It
tation by using an illustrative case. can also indicate unusual abnormalities, such
Mr Smith is a 50-year-old man who presents as obstructive lesions of the central airways.
to his primary care physician with increased exer- Inspiratory flows are disproportionately
tional dyspnea, rash, and muscle weakness for the reduced by lesions of the upper (extrathoracic)
past 6 months. He has not experienced such dys- airway. Conversely, lesions in the lower tra-
pnea before, so his physician orders a PFT. The chea and main stem bronchi primarily affect
test results are summarized in Table 1. expiratory flows whereas a plateau on both
the inspiratory and expiratory curves suggests
SPIROMETRY a fixed lesion. Figure 1 illustrates common
The most basic and useful PFT is spirometry. examples of flow-volume loops and associated
It includes measurement of exhaled or inhaled abnormalities.6
air during forced maneuvers. The forced vital The abnormal results of spirometry sepa-
capacity (FVC) is the amount of air that can rate into 2 large classes of disorders: obstruc-
be forcefully expelled, beginning with the tive and restrictive. Obstructive disorders are
lungs completely full (at total lung capacity suggested by a low FEV1/FVC ratio, whereas
[TLC]) and blowing maximally until as empty restrictive disorders are suggested by a normal
as possible (at residual volume [RV]). The FEV1/FVC ratio with a low FVC. The Amer-
forced expiratory volume in the first second ican Thoracic Society (ATS) and European
(FEV1) is the amount expelled during the first Respiratory Society (ERS) define an obstructive
second of the FVC maneuver. The ratio of process as a FEV1/FVC ratio below the 5th
FEV1 and FVC (FEV1/FVC) is used as an indi- percentile of the predicted value, often called
cator of obstruction. The forced expiratory the lower limit of normal (LLN).7 Some,
flow at 25% to 75% of the pulmonary volume including the Global Initiative for Chronic
was developed as an indicator of “small airway Obstructive Lung Disease, define an abnormal
disease”; however, it is nonspecific. Many FEV1/FVC ratio as one below 0.70, or 70%.8

TABLE 1. Patient Pulmonary Function Test Results (in Liters)

Variable Normal LLN Found % Predicted Found % Change
TLC 6.53 5.38 4.18 64
VC 4.03 3.16 1.80 45
RV 2.19 2.86 2.38 109
FVC 4.03 3.16 1.47 36 1.72 17
FEV1 3.21 2.46 1.07 33 1.41 32
FEV1/FVC 79.8 69.3 72.6 91 82.1 13
MVV 141 108 55 39
DLCO (adjusted) 28.6 20.6 15.0 52
DLCO ¼ diffusing capacity of lung for carbon monoxide; FEV1 ¼ forced expiratory volume in the first second; FVC ¼ forced vital capacity;
LLN ¼ lower limit of normal; MVV ¼ maximum voluntary ventilation; RV ¼ residual volume; TLC ¼ total lung capacity; VC ¼ vital

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764 Mayo Clin Proc. June 2018;93(6):763-771

12 10 12
Maximal expiratory flow (L/s)

Maximal expiratory flow (L/s)

Maximal expiratory flow (L/s)

10 8 10
Predicted Control Predicted
8 Control Bronchodilator 8 Best
6 6 2nd best
4 3rd best
4 4
2 2 2
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
A Expired volume (L) B Expired volume (L) C Expired volume (L)

10 10 10
Maximal expiratory flow (L/s)

Maximal expiratory flow (L/s)

Maximal expiratory flow (L/s)

Control Control Control
8 Bronchodilator 8 Bronchodilator Control Insp
6 6 4

4 4 2
2 2 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 –4
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Expired volume (L)
D Expired volume (L) E Expired volume (L) F

10 10 10
Maximal expiratory flow (L/s)

Maximal expiratory flow (L/s)

Maximal expiratory flow (L/s)

8 Control Control Control
8 8
6 Bronchodilator Control Insp
4 Bronchodilator Insp 6
2 4
0 4
–2 1 2 3 4 5
0 2
1 2 3 4 5
–6 –2 0
Expired volume (L) Expired volume (L) 0 1 2 3 4 5
G H I Expired volume (L)

Maximal expiratory flow (L/s)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
J Expired volume (L)

FIGURE 1. Common examples of flow-volume loops and associated abnormalities. A, Normal. B, Moderate obstruction with
“scooping.” C, Severe obstruction. D, Moderate restriction. E, Severe restriction. F, Variable extrathoracic obstruction with flattening
of the inspiratory portion of the flow-volume loop (granulomatosis with polyangiitis). G, Variable intrathoracic obstruction with
flattening of the expiratory portion of the flow-volume loop (relapsing polychondritis). H, Fixed obstruction with flattening of both
portions of the flow-volume loop (tracheal stenosis). I, Weak effort (myopathy). J, Normal but with a prominent tracheal plateau.
Insp ¼ inspiratory. Adapted from Chapter 85 of Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 25th ed, Elsevier 2016, with permission.6

This is controversial because it is known that overestimation of the presence of obstruction

the LLN for FEV1/FVC is age-dependent. in older patients and underestimation in
Using a fixed ratio, such as 70%, results in younger patients.7,9-12

Mayo Clin Proc. n June 2018;93(6):763-771 n 765

TABLE 2. Grading Obstruction Severitya,b

Obstruction grading 1986 ATS guidelines13 2005 ATS guidelines7 GOLD guidelines8
Mild 60% to LLN >70% >80%
Moderate 41%-59% 60%-69% >50% and <80%
Moderately severe NA 50%-59% NA
Severe 31%-40% 35%-49% >30% and <50%
Very severe <30% <35% <30%
FEV1/FVC cutoff Below the LLN Below the LLN <70%
FEV1 ¼ forced expiratory volume in the first second; FVC ¼ forced vital capacity; GOLD ¼ Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; LLN ¼ lower limit of
normal; NA ¼ not applicable.
Cutoff points for the severity of obstructive diseases based on different guidelines are provided in this table; however, the grading systems are controversial and vary among
laboratories. The 2005 American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society guidelines are likely the most often used, but not all laboratories follow it, including our

Spirometry is essential for the diagnosis of by some, but not all, laboratories. A normal
obstructive processes including chronic value is approximately 40 times the FEV1,
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and and the lower limit is about 30 times the
asthma. In obstructive disorders, the FEV1/ FEV1.4 A decrease in MVV may be due to
FVC ratio is reduced. The severity of obstruc- upper airway obstruction, neuromuscular
tion is quantified by the degree of reduction weakness, or poor test performance.6 If neuro-
in FEV1 (expressed as a percentage of the pre- muscular weakness is suspected, measurement
dicted normal value), which is derived from a of maximal respiratory pressures can be help-
reference population of normal individuals ful. Likewise, if upper airway obstruction is
and calculated using height, age, sex, and suspected, evaluation of the inspiratory
ethnicity or race (Table 2).7 In patients with portion of the flow-volume loop may be
obstruction, FVC may be normal but can be revealing.
reduced in individuals with “air trapping,” Mr Smith’s spirometry reports a severely
meaning air that would not come out of the reduced FEV1 and FVC (both <40% of normal)
lungs during the FVC maneuver, usually with the normal FEV1/FVC ratio. His MVV is
because of airway collapse at low lung volumes. also disproportionately decreased, so maximal
A bronchodilator, such as albuterol, is respiratory pressures are measured and are
often administered during spirometry so that reduced (maximal respiratory pressures are not
airway responsiveness can be assessed. The presented in Table 1).
degree of bronchodilator response may be
expressed as a percent increase or absolute LUNG VOLUMES
increase (in milliliters) or both as compared Although spirometry provides much useful in-
with the pre-bronchodilator value. The ATS formation about lung function, it does not
defines a marked bronchodilator response as measure the total amount of air in the lungs
an increase of 200 mL and 12% (must meet at maximal inspiration, known as TLC. It
both criteria) in FVC or FEV1.7 It has some also does not measure the amount of air left
discriminative value to distinguish asthma in the lungs after maximal expiration, known
from COPD and some predictive value for as RV, or the volume of the lungs at which
the risk of exacerbations of COPD and asthma the outward recoil of the resting chest wall is
as well as for the expected rate of decline in counterbalanced by the inward recoil of the
lung function.14,15 Despite this, it has poor lungs, known as functional residual capacity.
reproducibility and its diagnostic value is Although many laboratories report functional
limited. residual capacity, we find it too variable to
The maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) provide a diagnostic value.
is a measure of the patient’s ability to breathe There are several methods available to make
in and out as deeply and rapidly as possible. these measurements, including body plethys-
It is included as part of routine spirometry mography, helium (or inert gas) dilution, and
n n
766 Mayo Clin Proc. June 2018;93(6):763-771

nitrogen washout. Body plethysmography, us- FEV1/FVC ratio, and normal TLC), which is
ing Boyle’s law (P1V1¼P2V2), is considered a pattern seen in about 10% of all complete
the most accurate technique.10 To perform PFTs. About 50% to 60% of patients with a
this test, the patient sits in a sealed box and nonspecific pattern have evidence of obstruc-
changes in pressure and volume are measured tion (eg, “scooping” of the expiratory flow-
during a series of respiratory maneuvers. Heli- volume curve, increased airway resistance,
um (or inert gas) dilution involves the calcula- and clinical evidence of an obstructive disor-
tion of lung volumes after the patient breathes der), while the remaining 40% to 50% have
to reach the equilibrium with a known volume chest wall limitation, muscle weakness, or
and concentration of helium. The nitrogen poor performance.16,17 If a nonspecific pattern
washout technique involves volume calcula- is found and is not consistent with obstruc-
tions based on the expired volume and concen- tion, measurement of maximal respiratory
tration of nitrogen while breathing 100% pressures can be used to identify neuromus-
oxygen. cular weakness. Imaging of the chest often
Measurement of lung volumes is helpful clarifies the nature of other contributing fac-
for patients whose spirometry suggests restric- tors, such as chest wall deformity, obesity,
tion (reduced FVC, but normal FEV1/FVC ra- heart failure, mass lesion, or pleural effusion.
tio). A restrictive disorder is characterized by a If these are thought to be due to poor test per-
TLC below the LLN and can be seen in pa- formance, a repeat test by another experienced
tients with interstitial lung disease, neuromus- technologist is sometimes useful.
cular weakness, or chest wall limitation (such In obstructive disorders, measurement of
as obesity).7 The severity of restriction may lung volumes may be helpful to identify “air
be based on the decrease in TLC or, alterna- trapping,” indicated by an increased RV and
tively, FVC if no lung volumes are performed RV/TLC ratio, or less commonly “hyperinfla-
(but a previous PFT documented a TLC below tion,” meaning a TLC well above the upper
the LLN). One way of grading the severity of limit of normal. The ATS/ERS guidelines do
restriction is presented in Table 3. not provide reference values or discuss these
Of all patients whose spirometry suggests abnormalities. In fact, measurement of lung
restriction, only about half will have a reduced volumes in patients with obstructive disorders
TLC (unpublished data, 2018). The remainder has somewhat limited value, because most di-
have a normal TLC in what we call a “nonspe- agnoses and clinical decision making use
cific pattern” (low FEV1 and FVC, normal spirometry results plus imaging, with rela-
tively little contribution from lung volumes.18
Some individuals will have both obstruc-
tion and restriction, a so-called mixed disorder.
TABLE 3. Grading Restriction Severitya,b This is indicated by a low TLC (hence restric-
Restriction gradingc TLC FVCd tion) plus a low FEV1/FVC ratio. Although the
Mild <80% <80% mixed pattern is well known, it accounts for
Moderate <60% <60% just over 1% of complete PFTs in our laboratory
Severe <50% <50% (P.D. Scanlon, MD, unpublished data,
Very severe <35% NA December 2017). It can be caused by a single
ATS ¼ American Thoracic Society; FEV1 ¼ forced expiratory disorder that causes a mixed pattern, such as
volume in the first second; FVC ¼ forced vital capacity; cystic fibrosis, sarcoidosis, Langerhans cell his-
LLN ¼ lower limit of normal; NA ¼ not available; TLC ¼ tiocytosis, or heart failure, or, more commonly,
total lung capacity. the combination of an obstructive disorder,
Severity grading for restrictive diseases in our laboratory is
loosely based on the 1986 ATS guidelines.13 Of note, the
such as COPD, and a restrictive disorder, such
cutoff points for grading the severity of decrease in diffusing as pulmonary fibrosis.
capacity of lung for carbon monoxide are the same as the
values provided in this table and based on the 2005 ATS DIFFUSING CAPACITY OF LUNG FOR
guidelines.7 CARBON MONOXIDE
The FEV1/FVC ratio must be normal.
If lung volumes are not measured and a previous TLC value is
The third component of the PFT is DLCO,
below the LLN. which is used as a measure of gas exchange,
sometimes in conjunction with pulse oximetry

Mayo Clin Proc. n June 2018;93(6):763-771 n 767

Examine FV curves +
consider quality
Normal or high Low
FEV1/FVC ratio

Normal Low Low

8 3
Low Normal or high Normal Low
Normal 9 4
Restriction Nonspecific Obstruction Obstruction Mixed
14 High
Grade severity pattern Obstruction with air with pattern
11 10
trapping hyperinflation
Low Normal High
DLCO Airway BD response 5
12 resistance Grade severity 6
restriction Low/normal
Normal Low MIP, MEP or high Low
DLCO Chest wall DLCO
15 limitation 7
Normal Parenchymal Suggests Suggests
or vascular asthma emphysema

FIGURE 2. An algorithm for interpreting pulmonary function tests. Please see accompanying text below for further explanation. BD ¼
bronchodilator; DLCO ¼ diffusing capacity of lung for carbon monoxide; FEV1 ¼ forced expiratory volume in the first second; FV ¼
flow volume; FVC ¼ forced vital capacity; MEP ¼ maximal respiratory pressure; MIP ¼ maximal inspiratory pressure; TLC ¼ total lung
capacity; VC ¼ vital capacity. Adapted from Chapter 85 of Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 25th ed, Elsevier 2016, with permission.6

at rest or during exercise. This is determined The DLCO can be increased as well. In most
using the single-breath method, in which the cases, this is due to asthma or obesity or may
patient exhales to RV and then inhales a vital be due to measurement during a nonresting
capacity of air with small concentrations of state. Less common causes include pregnancy,
carbon monoxide and helium or other inert current smoking status, diffuse alveolar hem-
gas. At maximal inspiration, the patient holds orrhage, polycythemia, early heart failure, or
his or her breath for 10 seconds and then ex- left-to-right shunt.19
hales quickly. Exhaled gas is sampled to deter- The DLCO for Mr Smith is moderately
mine concentrations of helium and carbon reduced. Mr Smith’s lung volumes reveal a TLC
monoxide as a function of exhaled volume. 64% of normal, suggesting a mild restrictive pro-
From that, alveolar volume and DLCO are cess. However, unlike most patients with a paren-
calculated. The DLCO is decreased if anemia chymal restrictive disorder, his RV is increased
is present, so it is often adjusted to a “cor- and his FVC is disproportionately severely
rected” value (if hemoglobin is available). reduced compared to his TLC.
The DLCO can be adversely affected by reduc-
tions in lung volume as well as various pulmo- SPECIAL CASES
nary parenchymal diseases (such as interstitial Typical obstructive and restrictive patterns are
lung diseases and emphysema) or pulmonary commonly identified by PFTs. However, there
vascular disorders (such as pulmonary are frequent cases that do not fit the standard
hypertension). patterns of obstruction and restriction, such as
n n
768 Mayo Clin Proc. June 2018;93(6):763-771

the previously discussed “nonspecific pattern.” 6. The severity of obstruction is graded on the
A second recently described process is called basis of the FEV1 percent predicted (see
complex restriction. This occurs when TLC is Table 2).7,8,13 The cutoff points for mild,
low (ie, a restrictive process), and FVC is moderate, and severe obstruction are arbi-
reduced disproportionately compared with trary (not based on solid evidence) and
TLC (>10% lower than TLC).20 A study of vary among standards. Some standards
200 such cases found that patients with com- interpret using the post-bronchodilator
plex restriction are more often female and value (such as current ATS guidelines).7
younger than those with typical restrictive pro- Others use the pre-bronchodilator value.
cesses. The conditions most commonly associ- 7. In current or former smokers with obstruc-
ated with complex restriction include (in tion, a low DLCO suggests emphysema or
decreasing order) atelectasis, diaphragmatic pa- other pulmonary parenchymal or vascular
ralysis, radiographic evidence of small airway disorder. A normal DLCO may suggest asthma
disease, obesity, underweight, and neuromus- or bronchitis.
cular weakness.20 These should be considered,
along with poor test performance, when FVC
Restrictive Pathway
is reduced out of proportion to TLC in the
absence of obstruction. 8. If FEV1/FVC is normal but FVC is low,
this may be due to restriction or a nonspe-
BASIC GUIDE TO INTERPRETATION cific abnormality. Total lung capacity can
Now that the basic mechanisms behind the distinguish between the 2 patterns.
PFT have been explained, one way to consider 9. If TLC is low, a restrictive disorder is
interpretation of these tests is provided in present.
Figure 2 and the accompanying text.6 10. If FEV1/FVC is normal and FVC is reduced,
a normal TLC indicates the “nonspecific
pattern.” Although the 2005 ATS/ERS inter-
pretation standard described this as
Obstructive Pathway obstruction, a substantial proportion of
1. First, examine the flow-volume loop and persons with this pattern do not have evi-
decide whether it looks like an obstructive dence of obstruction, but rather chest wall
pattern (“scooping” of the expiratory flow- limitation (including obesity and muscle
volume curve) or a restrictive pattern (a weakness) or poor test performance.16,17
tall, narrow, or “peaked” expiratory flow- This can be distinguished by measurement
volume curve, sometimes described as a of airway resistance. An increased airway
“witch’s hat”) or if a variable or fixed obstruc- resistance suggests obstruction, whereas a
tion is present by looking for flattening of the normal airway resistance suggests an alter-
inspiratory or expiratory portions of the native cause (see point 13).
loop. Refer to Figure 1 for examples of these 11. If restriction is present, severity can be
abnormalities. graded on the basis of the TLC percent pre-
2. If FEV1/FVC is low and FVC is normal or dicted (see Table 3). As with obstruction,
high, simple obstruction is present. cutoff points are arbitrary and vary among
3. If FVC is low, check TLC. standards.
4. A low TLC suggests superimposed restric- 12. If restriction is reported, a low DLCO indi-
tion (a mixed abnormality), while a high cates a pulmonary parenchymal restrictive
TLC suggests “air trapping”. process. A normal DLCO suggests a non-
5. For patients with obstruction, the response parenchymal cause of restriction.
to a bronchodilator may be assessed to 13. Restriction with a normal DLCO or a
determine whether FEV1 or FVC meets nonspecific pattern with normal airway
criteria for a positive response (a 12% resistance suggests an alternative cause
improvement with an absolute increase of (chest wall limitation, weakness, and poor
200 mL). performance). Consider measurement of

Mayo Clin Proc. n June 2018;93(6):763-771 n 769

maximal respiratory pressures, analyze the Abbreviations and Acronyms: ATS = American Thoracic
study for test performance, and review the Society; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
DLCO = diffusing capacity of lung for carbon monoxide; ERS
available chest image. = European Respiratory Society; FEV1 = forced expiratory
volume in the first second; FVC = forced vital capacity; LLN
= lower limit of normal; MVV = maximum voluntary
Isolated Reduction in DLCO
ventilation; PFT = pulmonary function test; RV = residual
14. If the results of spirometry are normal, volume; TLC = total lung capacity
lung volumes are rarely useful. Potential Competing Interests: Dr Scanlon receives roy-
15. DLCO can be helpful for patients with an alties for sales of Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests:
isolated gas exchange abnormality. An iso- A Practical Guide, published by Lippincott Williams &
lated reduction in DLCO is seen most often Wilkins.
in patients with emphysema or interstitial Correspondence: Address to Timothy M. Dempsey, MD,
lung disease (eg, pulmonary fibrosis) or MPH, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
both. It less commonly indicates a pulmo- Mayo Clinic, 200 First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905
nary vascular disorder, such as primary (
pulmonary hypertension.
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However, it is important to note that there reason for encounter in general practice. J Clin Med Res. 2011;
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