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1. Flower growers point to a 10% increase in exports to the US.

After Valentine's Day, Mother's Day is the most important celebration for the Colombian flower
industry. These are your expectations.
One of the most important dates, after Valentine's Day, is Mother's Day for the Colombian flower
industry. According to data from the Colombian Association of Flower Exporters (Asocolflores),
this year the flower trade to the United States is expected to exceed 50,000 tons from last year,
with an increase of 10%.
For this celebration, the country has several advantages as a supplier, taking into account that it is
one of the nations with the greatest diversity of flowers and offers around 1,600 exportable

The season for mothers, moreover, is characterized by the great demand for bouquets, which
combine two or more flowers, of different species or varieties, in the same bouquet.
Augusto Solano, president of Asocolflores, stated that "millions of flowers from Colombia travel by
air and sea from our country to celebrate Mother's Day in the homes of more than 100 countries."

Likewise, Carmen Caballero, president of ProColombia, explained that "Colombia exports around
300,000 tons of flowers annually, mainly roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, and

Noticias de negocios de Colombia y el Mundo. |

2. Así es el plan de protección cambiaria para medianos exportadores

New digital platform seeks to make it easier for those who sell abroad to protect themselves from

the constant fluctuations in the price of the dollar.

With the challenge of eliminating the barriers associated with access, ignorance and high

transaction costs, Bancóldex presented a new digital platform so that the country's exporters and

importers (small and medium-sized) can access coverage to manage the risks associated with

fluctuations in prices. exchange rate.

With this, it is sought that companies have equal access to exchange coverage, a service

traditionally aimed at large companies.

Javier Diaz Fajardo, president of Bancóldex, explained that thanks to the development of this

digital platform for exporters and importers, the possibility of having exchange coverage ranging

from 3 to 270 days in total will be offered.

He added that, initially, this tool will be available to bank clients and explained that the objective is

to expand it to more businessmen in the country.

With the takeoff of the platform for small and medium-sized businesses in our country, what we

are looking for at Bancóldex is to move from an analog coverage market to a digital one. Our

interest is to remove the barriers that exporters and importers have faced in order to protect

themselves from exchange rate fluctuations,” said Diaz.

This new digital tool - initially available to bank customers and in a few months to all SMEs that

have foreign trade operations - seeks to reduce transaction times and costs, allowing exporters
and importers to acquire knowledge through practical and short virtual modules on the scope of


Upon entering, users will not only be able to take the training modules of the hedging tool, but will

also be able to negotiate with Bancóldex the conditions of the operations and consult the

maturities and histories of their respective companies. In addition, through this platform,

entrepreneurs will have the possibility of fulfilling their coverage online.

(March exports decreased due to the drop in fuel sales).

As a complement, users of Bancóldex's exchange hedging tool will have a telephone service line

and a chat to receive specialized information about the operation of the platform.

"The analogous process to protect yourself from exchange risk is usually late and complex, the

Bancóldex exchange hedge tool is an option that allows businessmen to overcome these barriers

through a digital instrument that makes the process more friendly and understandable", said

Alcibíades Niño, user of the platform and manager of Alhum, a Bucaramanga company dedicated

to the commercialization of copying machines and spare parts.

Hedges are instruments designed to offset the volatility of the exchange rate.

Traditionally, exporters and importers have gone to banks and financial corporations to take

hedging through tools known as forwards.

Thanks to these instruments, businessmen can clear up the uncertainty around possible losses in

their business due to the devaluation or revaluation of the peso against the dollar


Noticias de negocios de Colombia y el Mundo. |

Mayo 12 De 2023 - 09:12 P. M


Escogí estas dos noticias que hablan de explotación ya que es de la antigüedad los territorios han

producido más de lo que consumían y necesitaban consumir lo que no producían favoreciendo así

el comercio ahora vemos Que en la actualidad en un mundo globalizado las relaciones con otros

países son básicas en la economía dando lugar a negocios internacionales y al comercio

internacional es decir la compraventa o intercambio de bienes o servicios fuera de las fronteras de

los países del origen varias personas buscan invertir en el país para que haya mayores inversiones

En el tema de la tecnología y desarrollo de los territorios mientras que Colombia estaría dispuesta

a comprometerse con seguridad jurídica para poder comprender mejor estas noticias lo que se

desea es principalmente que Colombia pueda generar mayores ingresos sabemos que el comercio

exterior es el conjunto de transacciones comerciales y financieras de intercambio de bienes y

servicios que realiza un país en particular con otras naciones vemos Que una vez explicado el

marco en el que se lleva a cabo estas acciones en estas dos noticias de compra y venta hay dos

definiciones de exportaciones e importaciones las exportaciones son un tráfico de bienes o

servicios propios de un país y las importaciones son un tráfico de bienes o servicios adquiridos por

un país

También una de las principales razones por las que Colombia exporta es Para aprovechar las

ventajas y las oportunidades de Mercado que ofrecen otros países con los que se ha logrado

acuerdos preferenciales como ser parte del mercado mundial y de esta manera ofrecerle una

mayor rentabilidad a los bienes locales a nivel internacional, pero sin embargo este argumento no

descartada que el país deba realizar importaciones para comprarle productos a otros países

Bueno En conclusión podemos decir que el negocio internacional surge por medio de la necesidad

de los países para que ellos puedan desarrollar de manera económica ya que desde hace tiempo

se hacía lo que son los intercambios de productos o servicios.

Pero también podemos decir que los negocios internacionales son todas aquellas transacciones de

negocios que realizan las empresas ya sea privadas o del gobierno Eso quiere decir que su forma

de negociaciones que son distintas y que se llevan a cabo a nivel nacional o extranjero.

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