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I have never been to India

Task summary I

The past simple is used with a specific She caught the bus at 6AM this morning.
finished time.
I packed my suitcase last night.
Did you sunbathe much when you were in Portugal?
I bought my plane tickets yesterday.

I have been in Ireland for three weeks now.

I have bought my plane tickets. Have you found your passport yet?
Have / has + past participle He has visited Machu Picchu four times.

The present perfect is used without a specific We use the present perfect when we say how
time or a time period that has not finished. many times we have done something.
I have never been to India
Task summary II

I have been in China for the last month now, but we started in London last year. First we flew to
France, then we cycled all the way to Hungary! I think the most amazing thing I saw in Europe
was the Amalfi Coast, although I have done a lot of amazing things in Asia. There is one
problem though; I fell off my bike yesterday and I broke my leg! I haven’t been in this much
pain in all my life. I had such big expectations at the start of the trip, but this is starting to bring
me down. I have spent a lot of money so far, so I am very glad that I bought insurance before I
left, or it could have been a lot worse!
I have gone to Brazil vs I have been to Brazil
Task summary

I am so jealous of my brother! He has gone My brother speaks Portuguese quite well, he has
to Brazil for a month. been to Brazil.

Been is used to indicate that

Gone is used to indicate that
someone has completed the
someone is still away
trip and returned.

Paula is not available right now, she has gone on holiday I have the cash now, I have been to the bank.
I have no idea where she is, do you know where she has gone? I have never been to New York.
He is not coming to work on Monday he has gone to Las Vegas I am completely exhausted, I have been at work all day.
for a wedding. Have you ever been to Australia?
Darren won’t be back until 9’oclock, he has gone out for dinner. I have been to Berlin four times this year on different business
I’m not going to be working for a long time, I have gone to trips.
Thailand on a gap year.
Could you call my phone, please?
Task Summary

Can you lend me your Oyster card? request

Could you call my phone, please? I don’t know where I left it! Formal request
Do you mind telling me where the nearest train station is? Very formal
Would you mind telling me the time, please?

Can I make a call with your phone? Permission

Could I use your bathroom, please? Formal

May I borrow a jacket? I wasn’t expecting rain!

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