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INTRODUCCIÓN......................................................................................................................................... .3

1. PREGUNTAS SOBRE LA FAMILIA ..................................................................................................... .4

2. PREGUNTAS SOBRE LOS HOST KIDS ............................................................................................ .5

3. PREGUNTAS PARA LOS HOST KIDS ............................................................................................... .6


5. RESPONSABILIDADES DE LA AU PAIR .......................................................................................... .7

6. PREGUNTAS SOBRE LA CASA........................................................................................................... .7

7. PREGUNTAS SOBRE EL BARRIO....................................................................................................... .8

8. PREGUNTAS SOBRE LOS BENEFICIOS ........................................................................................... .8

9. PREGUNTAS SOBRE LA VIDA SOCIAL Y EL TIEMPO LIBRE .................................................... .8

10. PREGUNTAS PARA AU/BRO PAIRS ANTERIORES ................................................................... .9

11. PREGUNTAS SOBRE EL COVID-19................................................................................................ .9

12. PREGUNTAS QUE LAS FAMILIAS PUEDEN HACER................................................................. 10
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Hola! Soy Mica, de @au.pairing. Después de atrasarme varios meses por la pandemia,
por fin llegué al proceso de matching en diciembre de 2020. Durante la larga espera, fui
juntando preguntas de distintos lugares para cuando llegara el momento de hablar con
las familias. La lista me sirvió muchísimo de guía para las entrevistas que tuve, así
quiero compartirla con ustedes

Esta lista tiene 200 preguntas para hacer en las entrevistas con las familias y más de 40
preguntas que las familias nos pueden hacer. La mayoría las saqué de distintos lugares
(instagrams de au pairs actuales, takeovers, blogs, la página de la empresa, videos de
youtube, etc.) y otras las escribí yo.

Lo que hice fue corregir las que no estaban tan bien redactadas y traducir algunas que
no estaban en inglés para que, al momento de hablar con las familias, nos podamos
comunicar de manera más clara!

Obviamente no van a hacer las 200 preguntas en las entrevistas, pero les van a servir de
referencia para ver qué temas se pueden charlar. Cada uno elige como organiza su
entrevista y qué preguntas hacer de acuerdo con la familia y con la información que
ellos brinden en el perfil. No hay una manera correcta de llevar a cabo las entrevistas,
pero sí está bueno que preguntemos todo lo que podamos y viajemos sin dudas para
no llevarnos sorpresas allá.

También hay algunas preguntas un poco obvias si entrevistamos a una familia que nos
llegó a la página de la empresa con un perfil completo, pero que pueden servir si
hablamos con una familia que nos contactó por Facebook y de la que todavía no
tenemos mucha información.

Espero que la lista les sirva y les deseo mucha suerte en la búsqueda de familia!

P.D.: Si les gusta y les sirve el pdf, me pueden devolver el favor siguiéndome o
compartiendo la lista para que más personas tengan acceso a ella

En mi Instagram (@au.pairing) pueden encontrar posts sobre el programa y ver cómo avanzo
con mi proceso y además van a encontrar el link de mi Pinterest con ideas de actividades,
manualidades y recetas para hacer con los host kids!
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1. How would you describe your family?

2. What’s your daily routine?
3. What’s your weekly routine?
4. What are some of your family’s habits and hobbies?
5. What’s your favorite activity to do as a family?
6. Are you religious? What role does religion play in your life?
7. How would your religion views affect my everyday life?
8. Does anyone in the family have allergies?
9. Does your family follow a special diet?
10. How does your family celebrate holidays, birthdays, and important events?
11. Could you describe the personality of each member of the family?
12. Do you have any pets? Are they friendly?
13. What do you usually do in your free time?
14. Do you like traveling/going on vacation/going on road trips?
15. Do you usually need the au pair when you travel?
16. Do you have friends or relatives over regularly?
17. Does your family have a handbook? Can I read it?
18. Are there any other family members living in the house or involved in the daily
lives of the children?
19. When something bad or upsetting happens in your family, how do you handle it?
20. How important are organization and tidiness for you?
21. Could you describe a normal/good day in your family? And how’s a bad/difficult
22. What kind of music do you like?
23. Are you into any sports?
24. Who’s in charge of doing the housework?
25. What kind of food do you eat? Do you like cooking or trying new dishes?
26. Do you work from home?
27. When do you usually have dinner?
28. What’s your communication style when you have to talk about something
important? (face-to-face conversation, call, text, email, etc.)
29. Are you a neat/organized family?
30. Does your family follow a specific lifestyle?
31. Do you like going out or staying at home during your free time?
32. What are your jobs and schedules?
33. Are you an active or relaxed family? In what way?
34. Do you sit down together for meals?
35. Do you have any other household rules that I should be aware of?
36. Are your weekends busy too or are they more relaxed?
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37. Usually, I like to know what is happening a few weeks in advance – is that realistic
with your family’s schedule?
38. Could you tell me more about how often your schedules change?
39. How do you feel about me sharing photos with your family on my social media?


1. Can you tell me more about the children’s schedules? Which days are the busiest
for them?
2. Could you describe the personality of each kid?
3. How do your kids feel about having an au pair?
4. What are their favorite things to do?
5. Do any of the kids have any health problems?
6. What do you consider the most challenging characteristic about your kids?
7. Do they go to daycare/preschool/school?
8. Do they have any after school activities?
9. At what time do they go to sleep/wake up?
10. How do you react when the kids misbehave?
11. Is there a certain way you would like me to handle the situation when the kids
12. How do you handle tantrums?
13. Do you use time-outs?
14. Are the kids allowed to watch TV or use electronic devices during the day?
15. What discipline techniques do you use?
16. Would you like me to teach the kids my native language?
17. How much freedom would I have when it comes to scheduling and choosing
activities for the kids?
18. Do the kids go to a summer camp?
19. How do the kids react to rules and schedules?
20. Do I have to bathe the kids?
21. Is there anything they absolutely dislike?
22. Do they know how to swim?
23. Is there anything they may need a little extra help with?
24. What do you do when they don’t want to take a shower or they don’t want to do
their homework?
25. Do they adapt easily to new people in their lives?
26. What snacks do they usually have?
27. Do the kids have assigned chores?
28. Do the kids get along well with each other?
29. Are they picky eaters?
30. How many times a week do they take a bath?
31. Do they have any special needs?
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32. Do they take any medicine?

33. How do they behave when they don’t get their own way?


+Hacer preguntas relacionadas con lo que les hayan contado los padres o lo que hayan
leído en el perfil sobre ellos.

1. What’s your favorite food?

2. What’s your favorite color?
3. Do you have a favorite toy? Would you like to show it to me?
4. What are your favorite things to do?
5. What’s your favorite movie/show/cartoon?
6. Do you like playing outdoors?
7. What’s your favorite sport? Do you support your local team?
8. When’s your birthday?
9. What would be the perfect birthday present?
10. What are your favorite toys?
11. Do you like school?
12. What’s your favorite subject?
13. What’s your favorite superhero/princess/Disney character?
14. What’s your favorite holiday?
15. What was your costume last Halloween?
16. What did Santa get you for Christmas?
17. Do you enjoy playing in the snow?
18. Do you like going to the beach?
19. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
20. What’s your favorite oreo flavor?
21. What board games do you like to play?
22. What kind of music do you like?
23. Do you play any instruments?


1. What made you interested in my profile?

2. Why do you prefer an au pair instead of a nanny?
3. Have you had an au pair before?
4. What was your relationship with your previous au pairs?
5. Have you ever gone to rematch?
6. What kind of relationship do you want to have with an au pair?
7. What do you expect from an au pair?
8. Can I talk to your former/current au pair?
9. How do the kids feel about their current au pair leaving?
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10. Do you tend to include the au pair in your family activities?

11. What’s an important characteristic you think an au pair should have to get along
well with your children?
12. Have you had any conflicts with your au pairs? If so, how did you solve them?
13. How interested are you in the actual cultural exchange?


1. What will my main household duties be?

2. Do you have a fixed schedule for the organization of your au pair’s week?
3. How often does your schedule change?
4. How many hours a week would I work approximately?
5. Do you need me to work during the weekend?
6. How much flexibility do you need?
7. Do I have to drive the kids to their activities? Where/how often?
8. Do I have to prepare any meals? How many meals a day?
9. Do I have to prepare meals just for the kids or for the entire family?
10. How many weekends off would I have per month?
11. Can I go out on walks with the kids?
12. Can I take the children to different places like museums, libraries or the zoo?
13. Is there anything I’m not allowed to do?
14. Do I have to work on national holidays?
15. Can I take the kids on playdates with my friends’ host kids?
16. What areas of the house do I have to clean?
17. Am I allowed to take the kids to the beach?
18. If I ever get really sick, how would you handle that situation? Who would take care
of the kids?
19. Do you expect me to be responsible for the pets while I’m working?
20. Do you think I’ll ever have to work more than 45 hours? For example, during
21. How much would you pay for the extra hours?


1. Do you have cameras in your house? Where are they?

2. Could you describe the au pair’s bedroom?
3. Would I have a private bathroom or would I have to share it with the kids?
4. Can I bring friends to the house?
5. Can friends stay over once you get to know them?
6. Would you mind showing me my room?
7. Where in the house is the room?
8. Do you have guns in the house?
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1. Could you describe your neighborhood?

2. How far is the kids’ school from your house?
3. Are there other au pairs in the area?
4. What’s the weather like over there? What should I pack?
5. Are there parks and/or playgrounds nearby?
6. Are there schools, colleges or institutions nearby for me to take classes?
7. Are you close to public transportation stops/stations?
8. Is public transportation a safe option?
9. What are some of the places of interest in your area?
10. What’s the nearest big city?
11. How’s life in ______?
12. Do you plan to move in the near future?
13. Are there any gyms nearby?
14. Are there any indoor playgrounds nearby? (In case it gets too cold in the place
where they live)
15. Are there any beaches nearby?


1. What payment method do you use?

2. What kind of transportation would I have access to?
3. Can I use the car in my free time?
4. How would we pay for gas?
5. Would I have a car curfew? Or a miles limit?
6. Do you have WiFi? Will I have access to internet?
7. Do you provide a cellphone plan?
8. Do you provide basic hygiene products?
9. If a family member or a friend from my home country wanted to visit me, could
they stay in the house?
10. Regarding my food: Would I add things to the grocery list? Would we go grocery
shopping together? Would you provide me a specific allowance for that?
11. Would I have access to a TV/computer/phone?


1. How much free time would I have during the day/week?

2. Would I have a curfew?
3. Will you choose when I take one of my weeks off? Or do I get to choose when to
take both?
4. Can I stay at a friend’s house during the weekend?
5. Can I stay at a friend’s house on weekdays?
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6. Can I travel during the weekend if I’m free?

7. I love [doing an activity – going to concerts, practicing soccer, etc], would I be able
to do that in my free time?
8. Are there any rules concerning my personal life?
9. Does it bother you if I want to spend some of my free time in my room?
10. Does it bother you if I want to spend some of my free time with the family?
11. How do you feel about online dating or making friends online?
12. How do you feel about the au pair dating someone?


1. Are you comfortable with the family?

2. Do they treat you like a member of the family?
3. What are their best and worst characteristics?
4. What do you usually do with the kids?
5. How hard is it? Does it ever get overwhelming?
6. Are the kids obedient?
7. What kind of presents do you think I should buy them?
8. Have you ever thought about going to rematch?
9. What kind of activities can you do in the area?
10. How hard was getting the state driver’s license?
11. Did you extend with this family? Why didn’t you extend with them?
12. Did they give you a phone or a sim card?
13. Do they have any particular house rules?
14. Is it hard to drive the family car?
15. Have you had any conflicts with them? How did you solve them?
16. What’s the LCC like?
17. How long did it take you to feel like part of the family?
18. Is there anything you would have liked to know before arriving to the US?
19. What’s the neighborhood like?
20. What are the au pairs in the area like?


1. Do the kids have online classes?

2. Do the kids go to daycare/preschool/school normally? How many days a week?
3. Do you have any house rules regarding COVID?
4. Do you respect social distancing?
5. Am I allowed to go out during my free time?
6. Am I allowed to hang out with friends?
7. Am I allowed to travel during the pandemic?
8. How do you feel about vaccines?
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Todas estas preguntas las saqué de internet, ya sea de la página de CC o de blogs de

au pairs o host families. Claramente no todas las familias van a tocar los mismos temas
o hacer las mismas preguntas, pero esta lista puede servir para tener una idea de lo
que se pueden llegar a hablar e ir preparando las respuestas.

1. Why have you decided to become an au pair?

2. What do you expect from a host family?
3. Have you ever been to our country before and if so, did you have the opportunity
to learn more about our culture?
4. How long do you want to stay and when would you like to start?
5. What are your expectations concerning your stay as an au pair?
6. Are you willing to accompany us on our holiday and take care of our kids during
this period of time?
7. Are you an experienced driver?
8. What are the things you wish to do and see in our country?
9. Would you help us with light housework?
10. What kind of meals could you prepare for our children?
11. Should you be a vegetarian/vegan, would you still be prepared to cook meat
dishes for our children?
12. Tell us about your childcare experience.
13. How old were the children you were taking care of?
14. Have you already taken care of children for a longer period of time?
15. Can you help the children with their homework?
16. Imagine you are given two hours to play with the kids. How would you keep them
17. How would you handle situations in which the children disobeyed you?
18. What are your favorite foods?
19. Do you have any allergies?
20. Do you feel comfortable taking on responsibility in a childcare situation?
21. How would you describe yourself? What are your strengths are weaknesses?
22. What are your hobbies?
23. Is there anything important we need to know about you?
24. Do you smoke?
25. Do you wish to be fully integrated in our family’s life or do you prefer to have more
space and time for yourself?
26. Do your family and friends support your idea of becoming an au pair?
27. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? If so, will they be supportive during your stay
as an au pair?
28. Have you and your boyfriend/girlfriend talked about how you will deal with the
situation of being apart from each other?
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29. Would you like your family/friends/partner to visit you while you are at our home?
30. Do you like animals?
31. Are you prepared to take our dog for a walk/feed our cat, etc.?
32. What’s your family life like?
33. What do you think is the role of an au pair in children’s life?
34. What do you like the most about taking care of children?
35. Say you take the kids to the park. The toddler has to go potty, but the younger
sibling refuses to leave the sandbox. What do you do?
36. You’re in a public place and both kids run off in different directions. Neither one
listens when you call them to come back. How do you respond?
37. The kids are hungry and they want macaroni and cheese. This requires using the
stove, and two of the kids want to be held while you cook. What do you do?
38. We have a swimming pool in the backyard and the kids love to swim. What would
you do if you were inside caring for the baby and heard the kids jump into the pool
39. How do you react when you feel uncomfortable in a situation?
40. Tell us about a time when you’ve had a conflict in the past. How did you approach
it? Was It resolved, and if so, how?
41. What do you like to do in your spare time? How often do you intend to go out
with friends or travel?
42. What do you hope to achieve during your year? Do you have plans after the
program is over?
43. We practice religion as a family. Are you comfortable praying with us/going to
church with us?

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