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English Teachers from Bolvar and Casanare Department

Jaider Armando Herazo Mrquez Luz Amanda Rubiano Camargo Manuel Mariano Beltrn Rodrguez Meyra Regina Malo Romero Oscar David Paternina Tapia

Nancy Duran G.

Programa Nacional de Bilingismo Ministerio de Educacin Nacional English Immersion Program Buenavista, Crdoba August 8th, 2011




Esta propuesta curricular es motivada por el Ministerio de Educacin Nacional que promueve el fortalecimiento del ingls como lengua extranjera en los diferentes niveles del sector educativo a travs de programas de inmersin en ingls que permiten la capacitacin a un grupo de docentes de ingls del sector oficial para mejorar sus prcticas profesionales por medio de clases intensivas en el dominio y uso de la lengua extranjera, implementacin de nuevas estrategias metodolgicas, estndares y el uso de nuevas tecnologas para apoyar el aprendizaje del ingls en el aula. La inmersin se desarroll en Buenavista, Crdoba, en el Zooparque Los Caimanes y fue coordinado por un excelente grupo de docentes de la Universidad de Crdoba quienes brindaron un fenomenal apoyo a todos los docentes de ingls que participamos en esta inolvidable inmersin de carcter acadmico y sociocultural. A travs de nuestra propuesta curricular queremos estar a la vanguardia con el actual programa de Revolucin Educativa que busca mejorar la calidad del sistema educativo y adecuarlo a las exigencias actuales del pas, con el fin de alcanzar mejores condiciones de desarrollo social y econmico de los educandos. Se considera que el aprestamiento al aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera permitir a los estudiantes de nuestras instituciones educativas desempearse mejor en sus tareas profesionales y personales, adems de facilitarles la interdisciplinariedad porque por medio del aprendizaje del ingls, ellos adquirirn una nueva cosmovisin, que los har ms tolerantes ante los dems; para as poder ver el mundo de una forma ms holstica.



Este proyecto va encaminado a cambiar nuestros esquemas de enseanza para hacer que el estudiante aprenda el ingls de forma diferente y significativa; que sienta que

ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 este idioma le sirve para ampliar sus conocimientos, relacionarse con el mundo, saber expresar su identidad, adquirir competencias lingsticas, sociolingsticas y pragmticas, haciendo uso de la lengua en contextos reales. As mismo se pretende ofrecer a todos aquellos estudiantes que sienten gusto por la asignatura, las herramientas necesarias para ampliar su conocimiento y uso de la lengua, facilitndoles de esta forma su proceso de aprendizaje.



Nuestra propuesta plantea la necesidad de articular el currculo oficial escrito con el currculo que se ensea y el que se evala. Plantearles a los dems docentes del rea la importancia de implementar enfoques metodolgicos y prcticas educativas que mejoren el desempeo de los estudiantes y el aprendizaje para toda la vida. Crear conciencia de la necesidad de implementar un currculo alineado con los estndares nacionales para la enseanza del ingls y la posibilidad de propiciar la alineacin con el Marco Comn de Referencia Europeo. Adems, es precisa la integracin del nuevo plan, teniendo en cuenta el uso de las tecnologas como herramienta pedaggica en el aula y la simulacin como estrategia para promover la identificacin con la cultura de lengua inglesa. Lo mismo que la valoracin y evaluacin de los desempeos de los estudiantes.



La expectativa de esta propuesta es incrementar el nivel profesional de nuestros compaeros docentes y por ende el nivel de desempeo de los estudiantes segn el Marco Comn de Referencia Europeo, al igual que crear unidad de criterios en la utilizacin de las nuevas metodologas para obtener mejores resultados en el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. De esta manera las instituciones podrn mejorar significativamente su nivel de ingls y cumplir con las metas establecidas por el MEN en el Proyecto Nacional de Bilingismo.

ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 En resumen, lo que se busca con el desarrollo de sta propuesta pedaggica es realizar un ejercicio de alineacin curricular donde se integren los elementos aprendidos en la inmersin con el quehacer pedaggico de todos los docentes que lideran el proceso de enseanza y aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera ingls en los diferentes municipios y veredas que conforman nuestro pas. Es decir, que nuestro reto como docentes de ingls empieza ahora porque estamos convencidos que si trabajamos en equipo por el futuro del ingls de nuestros nios, nias y jvenes colombianos obtendremos excelentes resultados.

2. JUSTIFICACIN En busca de una educacin de calidad, es necesario articular el currculo oficial con el currculo que se ensea para as poder seguir el norte que nos conllevar a la implementacin de nuevas polticas educativas planteadas por el MEN. Estas repercutirn en el uso de metodologas apropiadas que redundaran en beneficios en el quehacer pedaggico en el aula. De igual forma, estas polticas educativas se centran en la innovacin de estrategias metodolgicas que van a fortalecer el desempeo profesional del docente y los estudiantes en aras de contribuir a la formacin de personas integrales para el beneficio de la sociedad. Con respecto al desarrollo de la enseanza del ingls en nuestras instituciones, esta articulacin es prioritaria, ya que brinda las herramientas necesarias que los docentes de ingles necesitamos para un mejor desempeo profesional y para guiar a los estudiantes hacia la adquisicin de un conocimiento de la lengua, que sea significativo y as lograr que el estudiante sea competente con el uso de las habilidades comunicativas en diferentes contextos. According to Richards, (n.d.) Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) can be understood as a set of principles about the goals of language teaching, how learners learn a language, the kinds of classroom activities that best facilitate learning, and the roles of teachers and learners in the classroom. El objetivo es lograr que los estudiantes aprendan la lengua extranjera, en este caso el

ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 ingls, desde una perspectiva netamente comunicativa que les permita explorar nuevos ambientes de aprendizaje autnomo. Para alcanzar el objetivo mencionado es indispensable implementar un currculo alineado con los estndares nacionales para la enseanza del ingls que muestre a la comunidad educativa en general lo que se busca con el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera y lo que se espera que los estudiantes logren con el aprendizaje de la misma. Los Estndares Bsicos de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras: Ingls, Gua N22, expresa en la pgina 6 que El Programa Nacional de Bilingismo se orienta a lograr ciudadanos y ciudadanas capaces de comunicarse en ingls, de tal forma que puedan insertar al pas en los procesos de comunicacin universal, en la economa global y en la apertura cultural, con estndares internacionalmente comparables. Este propsito implica un plan estructurado de desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas a lo largo del sistema educativo. En otras palabras, lo que se busca es observar en donde estamos, analizando las debilidades de nuestros estudiantes y las de nosotros como profesionales y para donde vamos en trminos de enseanza y aprendizaje del uso de la lengua con un propsito comunicativo y social donde el estudiante sea el epicentro de nuestro trabajo.


Lesson planning is a very important aspect in the teaching-learning process that guides teachers to develop a well performance in the classroom. According to Ur, (1991) lessons in different places may vary in topic, time, place, atmosphere, methodology and materials, but they all, essentially, are concerned with learning as their main objective, involve the participation of learner(s) and teacher(s), and are limited and pre-scheduled as regards time, place and membership. It means that it is a meaningful tool that teachers have to use in their teaching practice in order to develop classes with success.


Njogu, (2010) states that each lesson requires a specified lesson plan for it to be

relevant and effective. It means that the development of an English lesson planning is a demanding task that English teachers have to deal every single day because the students needs are changing according to the advances that learners are getting during their teaching-learning process. This is the reason why the concept of lesson planning is taking a lot of importance in teaching languages.



Lesson planning is a complex activity that involves organization, construction, and systematization of all its components. If fact, teachers need to discover their students needs to know what are the aims their students need to achieve in order to improve their knowledge of the language. By doing this, teachers can start to integrate the other components of a lesson plan. Among these components are the grammar emphasis, lesson timing, timetable fit, main aim, subsidiary aims, personal aims, anticipated problems, possible solutions, and others, that working together becomes a great tool for the teaching-learning process.



When we talk about competences, it refers to a group of knowledge, skills, and individual features that let students to interact in a specific context. Savage, (1978) argues that education based on competences refers to a functional approach to education that emphasizes life skills and evaluates mastery of those skills according to actual leaner performance (as cited in Santopietro, 2006). It means that we, as teachers must be ready to provide learners the needed tools to face the requirements of the current world. It also means the connection with the curriculum. According to Power, L. & Cohen, J. (2005) the new curriculum is competency-based. By competency-based, it is understood that the objectives for every teaching unit or lesson is to be expressed in terms of students behavioral skills. In the competency-based

ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 curriculum, the students will be able to know, demonstrate, comprehend, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate a particular topic of instruction in the curriculum. By doing this, English teachers would be working towards the education based on competences that it is the focus we need to follow for the teaching-learning process success.



NAME OF TEACHERS: Jaider Armando Herazo Mrquez Luz Amanda Rubiano Camargo Manuel Mariano Beltran Rodrguez Meyra Regina Malo Romero Oscar David Paternina Tapia Grammar Emphasis: Second Conditional Class/grade: 10 Number of students: 38 Lesson Number: 1 2 3 Length of class: 1 hour Average age of Students: 14 16 Number of years of English study: 5

Main Aim: By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about different kinds of hypothetical situations. Subsidiary Aims: To make inferences about a picture related to a person who is in danger


To underline the sentences which answer the question about a person who is in danger bearing in mind a specific reading.

To identify the common words in the sentences they have underlined. (If/Would)

To make connections between sentences in the second conditional by doing a match worksheet.

To talk about different kinds of hypothetical situations found in an assessment sheet.

Personal aim: To reduce Teachers Talking Time in instructions.

DESCRITPTION OF LANGUAGE ITEM / SKILL(S) Grammar structure: Second Conditional Exponent: What would you do if you found a cow in your kitchen? What would you do if you had the opportunity to travel through the time? Use: use the second conditional to talk about improbable, impossible or hypothetical situations. Form: Students will understand the following grammar structure: If + past , would + base form Pronunciation: Would /wd/


Meaning: Vocabulary: Verbs: travel, win, buy, go, do, run, be, fall, tell, run, say, do, and be. Skill(s): Speaking, listening, reading, and writing.


ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 STAGE Warming up AIM To make students feel confident with the class so that they get engage in the class.ojo and they connect with the language. To have students use their previous knowledge by looking at a picture about a dangerous situation. PROCEDURE Teacher and student activity A game where students have to guess the missing letters of some verbs they are going to use during the class. The game is called: Help the Teacher. (Annex 1) TIME AND INTERACTION 3 minutes T-Ss Ss-T Ss-Ss 3 minutes T-Ss 10 minutes T-Ss SS-T 3 minutes T-Ss 10 minutes T-Ss Ss-T 5 minutes T-Ss 5 minutes T-Ss Ss-T TUTORS COMMENTS



The teacher shows students a picture where they can see a boy who is experiencing a dangerous situation. (Annex 2) The teacher asks students some questions like: What can you see in the picture? what does the boy look like? What is the lion doing? To allow students to get The teacher describes to familiarized with the students the situation found in target language. the picture (Annex 2) by using his/her body language. The teacher presents the target language to students by doing some examples where they can discover the grammar focus. This activity will be developed through the use of a concrete sample taken from the first picture. E.g. If I were Thomas, I would run away If I found a lion, I would hit it If I saw Thomas, I would help him The teacher provides


ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 students with a short reading (Annex 3) where they have to underline the sentences that have the hypothetical situation. The teacher asks students the following question: What are the common words in the underlined sentences? To let students express Ss have to match sentences with their understanding the second conditional. (Annex 4) about the teaching lesson by developing a match and oral exercise. Oral Pair work: The teacher provides learners an assessment sheet where they will have to use the second conditional.


8 minutes Ss-Ss 13 minutes Ss-Ss Ss-T

Ss will have to throw the dice to play with a partner. The teacher will monitor this activity. (Annex 5)





Con la inclusin de la tecnologa dentro del aula se busca elaborar criterios pedaggicos, tecnolgicos y metodolgicos que sustenten el desarrollo de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje mediados por las TICS. Teniendo en cuenta que en el marco del desarrollo de la poltica pblica de formacin y perfeccionamiento permanente de la labor docente y con el desarrollo de contenidos acadmicos impartidos en el aula, se pretende fortalecer la educacin en el diseo, produccin y evaluacin de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje que integren las Tecnologas de la Informacin y la Comunicacin desde perspectivas pedaggicas, tecnolgicas y metodolgicas en diversos contextos educativos. En el caso de la enseanza del ingls, la tecnologa se convierte en una herramienta fundamental para el desarrollo del plan curricular interno diseado para desarrollar competencias comunicativas de una lengua extranjera. (Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnologa, Universidad Pedaggica Nacional).











La simulacin es una herramienta excelente para el aprendizaje de contenidos interculturales; si bien se debe tener en cuenta dos consideraciones: que la simulacin es una herramienta ms, y por tanto hemos de hacerla presente junto con otros recursos didcticos que enriquezcan los procesos de enseanza-aprendizaje; y en segundo lugar, que la prctica de la simulacin requiere una preparacin especfica por parte del docente; no se puede improvisar, sera contraproducente, hay que creer en ella. Si nosotros no transmitimos conviccin en su uso, lo que generaremos sera inseguridad, ansiedad, bloqueos y hasta efectos contraproducentes entre los escolares. En efecto, en ocasiones los problemas de comunicacin con una segunda o tercera lengua no radican tanto en el dominio de esa lengua, sino en el desconocimiento de aspectos socioculturales inherentes a la misma. Es decir, que la competencia comunicativa trasciende as la nocin chomskiana de competencia lingstica, ya que sta queda asumida por la competencia cultural como parte de la competencia sociolingstica: dominio y posesin de


ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 procedimientos, normas y estrategias que hacen posible la emisin de enunciados adecuados a las intenciones y situaciones comunicativas que los interlocutores viven y protagonizan en contextos diversos. (Oliveras, 2000) (Jess Moreno Ramos / Manuel Prez Gutirrez, La simulacin como herramienta de aprendizaje intercultural). Teniendo lo en cuenta lo mencionado anteriormente, los docentes de ingls debemos estar prestos a utilizar la simulacin en nuestras instituciones; ya que con ella, los estudiantes asumen roles distintos a su quehacer diario, pero con la ideologa de protagonizar a un personaje que le ayude en su crecimiento personal y cultural en su formacin integral. De esta forma, se pueden alcanzar excelentes resultados implementando esta interesante estrategia de la mejor manera en la enseanza de un idioma extranjero. 5. VALORACION Y EVALUACION DEL DESEMPEO DEL ESTUDIANTE Another important component that needs to be integrated to the whole process of Education is evaluation. This is a complex process which is closely related to Assessment. Both, evaluation and assessment work on the students achievement, collecting information, and analyzing information that nurtures the teaching-learning process. The point is that assessment is a constant process which involves the analysis of different kinds of activities and the evaluation is the result of the whole process. In other words, assessment is feedback from the student to the instructor about the students learning and evaluation uses methods and measures to judge student learning and understanding of the material for purposes of grading and reporting. It implies a close relationship between the both concepts: assessment and evaluation that play an important role in the teaching-learning process.


The learning of English as a foreign language has become an interesting issue in the world. English is a subject that is studied in all professional degrees around the world; as a result, Colombian schools are working hard on the improvement of the teaching-learning process since learning a foreign language allows us to expand our knowledge and have better educational opportunities. Due to this, we, as English teachers have to be opening minded to


ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 the new educational paradigms and to implement into the classroom the new methodological strategies that allow learners to learn the English and use it meaningfully. Taking this into account, we as teachers need to be interested in enrolling in programs that promote professional development. English Immersion programs, for example, are excellent tools that English teachers can use to improve their teaching skills and the students achievement. It means that when teachers participate in these kinds of programs, they have the possibility to learn about the improvement of the foreign language, the new methodological strategies, and about the use of standards. These three components are the clue that teachers need to take into account to achieve the parameters established by the MEN for fostering English Colombian education. The application of meaningful communicative strategies in the classroom is the key for the teaching-learning of the language successfully. By doing this, learners learn the foreign language in a significative way that let them use the language for personal and academic purposes. It also lets learners discover the importance that learning English has in their lives; besides, the application of these strategies make students construct their own knowledge about the language. It implies different kinds of interaction patterns that nurture the teachinglearning process and promotes the teachers professional growth. Team work is another important aspect that teachers need to put into practice in order to help learners to overcome their learning difficulties. It means that when working together; teachers can share their ideas to find the solution about the different kinds of weaknesses that students face with the learning process of the language. A sample of this team work is to offer our colleagues the training about the new methodological strategies and the use of the language in context to improve the students skills. As a whole, we as English teachers have to work harder on the implementation of a variety of new methodological strategies that help our students to achieve their learning goals effectively and to find new horizons that let them participate in the society in a useful way. This teaching practice is improved every day with the classes we have and the experiences we share with our colleagues. Lets work together to meet national standards. 7. ANNEXES


ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 ANNEX 1: Warming up Help the Teacher

_______ _______ _______

NOTE: The idea is that learners help the teacher by guessing some missing letters. It is like playing hang-man.



This is Thomas in a danger situation!


Retrieved from:

imgurl= ry/d/dangerous_situation.asp&usg=__UW5mLRLi1bLSrbgZo_IwHwM6TOI=&h=335&w=400&sz=27&hl=es& start=1&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=ts23C-o5MEnatM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=124&prev=/search%3Fq%3Ddanger %2Bsituation%26hl%3Des%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D499%26gbv%3D2%26tbm %3Disch&ei=OFIfTs7HDY2DhQeNsszKAw


ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 ANNEX 3: Reading-Discovering Grammar Focus


According to the explanation given by the teacher, read the following paragraph and underline the sentences you consider have some hypothetical situations.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

If I won the lottery today I would buy a big house, I would buy many cars, and I would go to expensive restaurants with all my family and friends. I would help poor people, I would visit many interesting places around the world, and I would help my town. Definitely, if I won the lottery I would do many amazing things!



According to the explanation given by the teacher, read the following paragraph and underline the sentences you consider have some hypothetical situations.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

If I won the lottery today I would buy a big house, I would buy many cars, and I would go to expensive restaurants with all my family and friends. I would help poor people, I would visit many interesting places around the world, and I would help my town. Definitely, if I won the lottery I would do many amazing things!



ANNEX 4: Matching Sheet

Pair work: Match the following sentences:

1. If I were Superman, 2. If I had a lot of money, 3. If I were an animal, 4. If I were a vegetable, I would help poor people. I would look through the walls. I would be a carrot. I would be a bird to fly.


If I had the opportunity to travel,

I would travel to England.


Pair work: Match the following sentences:

1. If I were Superman, 2. If I had a lot of money, 3. If I were an animal, 4. If I were a vegetable, I would help poor people. I would look through the walls. I would be a carrot. I would be a bird to fly.


If I had the opportunity to travel,

I would travel to England.



ANNEX 5: Assessment Sheet

Pair work: Throw the dice and answer the following questions in an oral way.

What would you do?

17. If you could be an animal, what animal would you choose to be? 18.

I would


19. If you were the main president would of you your country, what problem solve first?





the to

doctor die what

15. If you could change one be? thing about yourself, what would it



you by you Why

were aliens, tell or

told you that you are going tomorrow,

adopted would anybody? why not?



12. If you were given a chance to go to the moon, would you go? Why or why not?

would you do today? 9. If you could be a vegetable, what veggie would you be? 10. If you could travel back in time, time what would historical

11. If you found a suitcase full of what $3.000.000, would you do?

you travel to? 8.START

AGAIN 7. If you could be 6. If your mobile

famous for something, what would you like to be famous for? phone fell in a public toilet, you do? what would


4. If you could be another person for a day, who would you






3. If you were a hero, hero/heroine what would

monster, what monster would you like to be?



you like to be? like be?

ANNEX 6: Self-assessment SELF ASSESSMENT: How well can you do these things?
1. I can talk about hypothetical situations 2. I can write short paragraph describing hypothetical situations 3. I can understand my classmates and my teacher when they describe

hypothetical situations
4. I can infer information taken from short

readings that include the second

5. I can say what would I do, if I were in a dangerous situation

Main aim: By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about different kinds of hypothetical situations.

Grading Scale:

Distinction: 4.0 3.0


Merit: Standard:

Not to standard: 0 2.0 1. Describes his/ her reactions towards hypothetical situations fluently. Distinction Merit Standard Not to standard

2. Uses Appropriate vocabulary when describibg hypothetical situations. Distinction Merit Standard Not to standard

3. Uses his/her body language and eye contact to communicate appropriately. Distinction Merit Standard Not to standard



Distinction Merit

4. Pronunciation and intonation are almost always very clear/accurate. Standard Not to standard

5. Grammar structures are used accurately. Distinction Merit Standard Not to standard

ANNEX 7: Speaking Rubric

SPEAKING RUBRIC SCRIPTWRITERS Main Aim: By the end of the lesson Students will be able to briefly describe a script for a detective story. Grading Scale: Distinction: 4.0 3.0 5.0

Merit: Standard:

Not to standard: 0 2.0 1. Follow a well-organized sequence to express the main ideas related to the story. Distinction Merit Standard Not to standard

2. Appropriate vocabulary related to the story. Distinction Merit Standard Not to standard

3. Ability to engage audience with exceptional speaking ability, appropriate volume, tone, and pacing for audience. Distinction Merit Standard Not to standard

4. Use his/her body language and eye contact to communicate appropriately. Distinction Merit Standard Not to standard

5. Pronunciation and intonation are almost always very clear/accurate. Distinction Merit Standard Not to standard

6. Describe the story fluently. Distinction Merit Standard Not to standard



Distinction Merit

7. Grammar structures are used accurately. Standard Not to standard


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Estndares Bsicos de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras: Ingls. Revolucin Educativa. Ministerio de Educacin Nacional, 2006.

Njogu, M. (2010). Importance of Lesson Plans. Retrieved from

Planning Lessons and Courses, Chapter 3, What can go into a lesson? Tessa Woodward, Cambridge University, 2005.

Power, L. & Cohen, J. (2005). Competency-Based Education and Training Delivery: Status, Analysis and Recommendations. Retrieved from http://ddp-


ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM 2011 Pulvernness, A. & Williams, M. The TKT Course. Planning and Preparing lesson or sequence of lessons. Cambridge University, 2005.

Santopietro, k. (2006). Competency Based Education and Content Standards. Northern Colorado Literacy Resource Center. Retrieved from

Ur, Penny. (1991). A Course in Language Teaching. Practice and theory. Cambrigde University Press, 2007.

Vez, J. (2000). Fundamentos lingisticos en la enseanza de lenguas extrajeras. Editorial Ariel, Primera edicin: Junio del 2000.

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