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para estudiantes mexicanos

Niveles A1 - A2

Primera parte


Primera edición, 2022
D. R. © 2022 Editorial GES, S. A. de C. V.
Gramática Inglesa GES para Estudiantes General Popo 61, Industrial, 07800, GAM, CDMX.
Mexicanos. Niveles A1-A2 Primera parte.
Josué Anzaldúa Andreu

Todos los derechos reservados conforme a la ley.

Revisión técnica: Debbie Sivertson Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de
esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento,
Diseño: Lisset Ramos electrónico o mecánico, sin la previa autorización por
escrito de los editores.
Portada: Gustavo Mañon
All rights reserved according to the law. It is forbidden
Diseño pedagógico: Ivet García & Josué Anzaldúa the total or partial reproduction of this work by any
means or procedure, electronic or mechanical,
Corrección y cuidado de la edición: without the prior written authorization of the editors.
Publicaciones T-B, S. A. de C. V.

Supervisión de impresión: Publicaciones T-B, S. A.

de C. V.

Coordinación editorial: Gustavo Mañon

ISBN: 978-607-7924-48-7

Más allá de libros de texto

Nuestra misión es crear libros que vayan más allá de lo convencional, que inspiren pasión para
aprender y enseñar.

Impreso en México / Printed in Mexico


INTRODUCCIÓN ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Revisión del tiempo presente (present simple) ........................................................................... 8

1.2 Revisión del modo imperativo (imperative mood) ................................................................... 24

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive

or present continuous) ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Formación del presente continuo o presente progresivo .............................................................. 33
Reglas para formar el participio presente de los verbos en inglés ............................................. 33
Uso de adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados en presente continuo ...................... 37
Uso del gerundio después de preposiciones ........................................................................................ 38
Diferentes construcciones con la forma “–ing” de los verbos ..................................................... 38
Expresiones comunes utilizadas en presente continuo ................................................................... 38
Vocabulario: ropa, zapatos y accesorios de hombre; ropa, zapatos y
accesorios de mujer ........................................................................................................................................... 46
Presente simple vs. Presente continuo ..................................................................................................... 54

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) .................................................................................... 61

Uso de adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados en tiempo pasado simple .............. 61
Uso de los adverbios interrogativos de tiempo How long…? y How long ago…? ............ 62
Uso de conjunciones subordinantes en oraciones en pasado simple .................................... 63
1.4.1 El pasado de los verbos regulares .............................................................................................. 65
Vocabulario: lista de verbos regulares ......................................................................................... 69
1.4.2 El pasado de los verbos irregulares ................................................................................................. 92
Vocabulario: países, nacionalidades y ocupaciones ............................................................ 98
lista de verbos irregulares ........................................................................................ 114
1.5 El pasado progresivo o pasado continuo (past progressive
or past continuous) ............................................................................................................................................... 140
Formación del pasado continuo o pasado progresivo .................................................................... 141
Uso de adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados en pasado continuo ......................... 143
Uso de la conjunción “while” para expresar acciones simultáneas en el pasado .............. 143
Uso de la conjunción “as” para expresar acciones simultáneas en el pasado ..................... 144
Uso de la conjunción “when” para indicar que una acción interrumpe
a otra en el pasado ............................................................................................................................................. 145

1.6 Pasado con used to ..................................................................................................................................... 157

Uso de los adverbios “anymore” y “any longer” en enunciados con “used to” .................... 159
There used to be .................................................................................................................................................. 166
Uso de adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados con “there used to be…” ................. 166

1.7 El pasado idiomático con was/were going to ........................................................................... 172

There was going to be / there were going to be .............................................................................. 179

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo

con idea de futuro ............................................................................................................................................... 183
El futuro simple con “will” (future simple) .............................................................................................. 183
El futuro idiomático con “going to” (future with going to) ............................................................ 185
Presente continuo o progresivo con idea de futuro (present continuous
to express future) ................................................................................................................................................ 188
Adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados en tiempo futuro ............................................... 188
Vocabulario: tiendas, lugares públicos, servicios y medios de transporte .......................... 195
El futuro de can ..................................................................................................................................................... 200
There will be / there is going to be / there are going to be ........................................................ 207
1.9 Futuro progresivo o futuro continuo (future progressive
or future continuous) ....................................................................................................................................... 214
Formación del futuro continuo o futuro progresivo ......................................................................... 215
Futuro progresivo con “will” ........................................................................................................................... 215
Futuro progresivo con “going to” ................................................................................................................ 215
Uso de la conjunción “when” para indicar que una acción
interrumpe a otra en el futuro ....................................................................................................................... 219
Uso de la conjunción “while” para expresar acciones simultáneas
en el futuro .............................................................................................................................................................. 219

1.10 El pospretérito (conditional simple) ................................................................................................. 226

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) ....................................................................................................... 237

Formación del antepresente en inglés (present perfect) ................................................................ 238
Uso de algunos adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados
en antepresente .................................................................................................................................................... 242
Uso de los adverbios interrogativos how long…? Y how long has it been since….? ........ 243
Uso de for / since ................................................................................................................................................ 244
Uso de ever / never ........................................................................................................................................... 244
Uso de already / yet / still ............................................................................................................................... 245
Equivalencias del “present perfect” en español .................................................................................. 246
Vocabulario: lista de verbos con participio pasado irregular …………........................................ 248
Present perfect vs past simple ........................................................................................................................ 274
There has been / There have been ............................................................................................................. 278

1.12 Antepresente continuo o progresivo (present perfect continuous

or present perfect progressive) ...................................................................................................................... 283

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) ............................................................................................................ 293

1.13.1 Can / could / may .................................................................................................................................. 293
Similitudes y diferencias entre can y may ............................................................................................ 296
Similitudes y diferencias entre could y may ........................................................................................ 297
There can be / there could be .................................................................................................................. 306
1.13.2 Have to / had to / must ...................................................................................................................... 313
Similitudes y diferencias entre have to y must .................................................................................. 315
There have (has) to be / there had to be / there must be ......................................................... 325
1.13.3 Should .......................................................................................................................................................... 332
Vocabulario: el cuerpo humano, y enfermedades y malestares ........................................... 336
There should be ................................................................................................................................................ 344

1.14 Verbos frasales (phrasal verbs) .............................................................................................................. 348

Vocabulario: lista de verbos frasales ................................................................................................... 349
La Gramática Inglesa GES para Estudiantes Mexicanos es una gramática inglesa completa que abarca los
diferentes niveles señalados por el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER). Está
compuesta por tres libros que abarcan dichos niveles, así como un libro introductorio: Nivel Elemental (-A1),
Nivel A1-A2, Nivel B1-B2 y Nivel C1-C2.

Está diseñada expresamente para estudiantes mexicanos; las explicaciones gramaticales están dadas en
español, y utilizan los términos y el vocabulario empleados en nuestro país. Esta colección se creó con el
propósito de que los estudiantes cuenten con un material de apoyo con explicaciones en su propia lengua,
y aún más, que el vocabulario y los términos utilizados sean en español de México, pues frecuentemente
los materiales con explicaciones en español, y sobre todo en español de México, son muy escasos y no
actualizados. Asimismo, es importante señalar que con la entrada a nuestro país de las grandes editoriales
internacionales en lo referente a oferta de cursos para aprender inglés quedó fuera la atención a un público
con características y necesidades particulares, en este caso los estudiantes mexicanos. Los cursos que se
ofrecen actualmente van dirigidos a estudiantes de cualquier nacionalidad; sin embargo, muchas veces se
requiere poner un énfasis particular en ciertos aspectos gramaticales para estudiantes hablantes de una
cierta lengua y un énfasis diferente para estudiantes hablantes de otra. Es por ello que la Gramática GES
para Estudiantes Mexicanos ofrece explicaciones muy puntuales sobre aquellos aspectos que requieren
los estudiantes hispanófonos, así como un variado repertorio de ejercicios enfocado a atender dificultades
frecuentes a las que se enfrentan nuestros estudiantes de inglés aquí en nuestro país.

Ahora bien, a menudo se ha criticado y hasta condenado el uso de explicaciones gramaticales en la lengua
materna, no obstante, quienes han enseñado inglés durante varios años y en diferentes contextos educativos,
se han dado cuenta, por un lado, que no todos los estudiantes aprenden de la misma manera (hay diversidad
en cuanto estilos de aprendizaje e inteligencias múltiples), y, por el otro, que el usar o no explicaciones en la
lengua materna depende muchas veces del contexto sociocultural, del nivel que se estudia, de la edad y de
las características personales del estudiante, entre otras. De este modo, es muy diferente enseñar a un niño
que a un adulto; enseñar en un medio de inmersión, en donde todo el tiempo se emplea el idioma que se
aprende, que enseñar en un medio donde únicamente se habla el idioma que se aprende en un salón de
clases. Y es así que como docentes podemos percatarnos de lo siguiente: a) un estudiante que tiene bases
gramaticales sólidas, es decir, una competencia gramatical en su lengua materna, entiende rápidamente
cómo funcionan las reglas gramaticales en la otra lengua, pues sabe distinguir entre un sustantivo y un
adjetivo, entre un adjetivo y un adverbio, entre un tiempo simple y uno compuesto, etc.; b) una vez que los
estudiantes han rebasado el período crítico para el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua o lengua extranjera,
es decir, estudiantes que ya no tienen la misma plasticidad cerebral que un niño pequeño, requieren,
independientemente del estilo de aprendizaje o inteligencia que predomine en ellos, de un análisis gramatical
en donde comparan el funcionamiento de una y otra lengua, y si a esto agregamos que no están aprendiendo
en un medio de inmersión, las explicaciones gramaticales en la lengua materna se hacen aún más necesarias;
c) las explicaciones en la lengua materna ahorran muchas veces tiempo y abonan eficazmente a una mejor
comprensión y al logro de aprendizajes esperados. Con esto no queremos decir, por un lado, que el docente
deje de hablar en inglés la mayor parte del tiempo en clase, sino más bien aclarar que muchas veces resulta
más pertinente dar las explicaciones sobre el funcionamiento de la lengua que se aprende en la lengua
materna y no en la extranjera; y, por el otro, que un estudiante con una competencia gramatical sólida en su
propia lengua comprenderá mejor cómo funciona la lengua extranjera que aprende.

Asimismo, resulta pertinente aclarar que esta colección puede utilizarse como material de apoyo tanto para
estudiantes que presentan un rezago en la materia como para estudiantes que han comprendido los temas,
pero que requieren de ejercicios de práctica para alcanzar un nivel de perfeccionamiento en los diferentes
temas. Como docentes nos enfrentamos también al problema de que los libros de texto están, casi siempre,
muy por encima de los conocimientos reales que tiene el alumno y nos quejamos de que éste no tiene
las bases necesarias para estudiar con el libro de texto asignado, pues la mayoría llega en una situación de
rezago. O bien, si el estudiante no está en situación de rezago, nos enfrentamos al problema de que los libros
no traen los suficientes ejercicios de práctica para que el alumno alcance realmente a dominar los temas y
logre el perfeccionamiento en el manejo de ellos en la práctica. Es por ello que los diferentes libros de esta
colección ofrecen diversos y numerosos ejercicios para que los estudiantes no sólo alcancen los aprendizajes
esperados, sino que los consoliden.

Los libros de esta serie tienen las siguientes características. En cada lección se especifican los objetivos de ésta,
señalando los contenidos a aprender. Con base en ello, el estudiante establece metas propias de aprendizaje,
pues es esencial que el estudiante reflexione y decida también qué aprender sobre ese tema desde sus propios
intereses, expectativas de aprendizaje y necesidades. Posteriormente, se definen conceptos, se dan ejemplos,
se compara el funcionamiento entre una y otra lengua, y se presentan explicaciones mediante tablas, cuadros
y notas aclaratorias.

Cada lección contiene una sección llamada Valora tu comprensión, en donde se pide al estudiante que
responda una serie de preguntas de acuerdo a las explicaciones que se dieron previamente sobre el tema.

En la sección Ejercita lo aprendido, el estudiante resuelve una serie de ejercicios en donde tiene la
oportunidad de practicar y repetir (evidentemente una vez comprendido el contenido) con comprensión
y conscientemente, una gran cantidad de ejercicios que le permiten asegurar la apropiación y dominio del
tema estudiado. Recordemos que una de las grandes deficiencias de los cursos actuales es justamente la falta
de ejercicios de práctica que impide que los estudiantes logren realmente dominar los temas abordados. Los
libros de esta colección incluyen una gran cantidad de ejercicios de repetición para alcanzar el dominio de
los diferentes temas, además de que constantemente se retoma lo ya visto para seguirlo practicando y se van
agregando los nuevos contenidos.

Se incluye también, desde un inicio, una sección de Identificación de errores, ejercicio muy recurrido tanto
en los diferentes exámenes de la Universidad de Cambridge como en el TOEFL. De este modo, se promueve
el análisis y la reflexión sobre la lengua y su funcionamiento desde el nivel más elemental hasta el más

En la sección Ejercicios de traducción, se incluyen ejercicios de traducción tanto del inglés al español
como del español al inglés. Aun cuando también se ha criticado mucho la traducción como una herramienta
más para aprender otro idioma, o bien, se ha malinterpretado su uso por parte de nosotros como docentes,
es innegable el valor que ésta tiene en el proceso de aprendizaje de otra lengua. Eliminar la traducción
en un aula donde hay veinte estudiantes de diferentes nacionalidades y un profesor que únicamente habla
inglés resulta razonable; sin embargo, en nuestro contexto mexicano en donde todos los estudiantes hablan
español (salvo casos aislados) y el docente habla tanto español como inglés (salvo también algunos casos
aislados donde el profesor es extranjero y solo habla inglés) resulta muy viable incluir este tipo de ejercicios
que van permitiendo al estudiante comparar la manera como funciona una y otra lengua, y apropiarse así
de las estructuras del idioma que aprende. Asimismo, se incluyen listas de vocabulario para facilitar la
traducción de enunciados y que obedecen, de igual manera, al nivel correspondiente de acuerdo al Marco
Común Europeo.

Se proponen también ejercicios de elaboración de enunciados propios, de reformulación y de escritura

libre en la sección Aplica lo aprendido. De este modo, el estudiante empieza, desde un principio, a
escribir correctamente, primero, a nivel de enunciado y, posteriormente, a nivel de párrafo. Los ejercicios
de reformulación, sobre todo en los niveles intermedio y avanzado, resultan muy útiles, pues representan
frecuentemente una dificultad para quienes se preparan para la certificación de los diferentes exámenes de
la Universidad de Cambridge.

Finalmente, se incluyen como últimas secciones de la lección Identifica fortalezas y áreas de oportunidad
y Establece nuevas metas de aprendizaje. En la primera, el estudiante reflexiona sobre qué fortalezas le
permitieron o facilitaron apropiarse de los contenidos estudiados y qué aspectos negativos se lo impidieron,
y en la segunda el alumno hace una valoración del punto anterior y se propone a sí mismo nuevas metas.
Estas actividades tienen como propósito promover la autorregulación del aprendizaje y la autonomía en el
El autor
En esta primera parte de la Gramática Inglesa GES para Estudiantes Mexicanos. Niveles A1-A2,

- A conjugar verbos en diferentes tiempos verbales.

- El uso de diferentes tiempos verbales en inglés.
- El uso de diferentes verbos modales.
- El uso de diferentes verbos frasales o compuestos.


Escribe dos metas personales de aprendizaje sobre este tema.



Recuerda que el verbo es la parte variable de la oración que expresa esencia, estado,
acción o pasión, casi siempre con la expresión de tiempo y persona. Por ejemplo: Ella
es joven. Ustedes estudian.


Antes de contestar los ejercicios de este apartado, te recomendamos releer la “Lección

5” del primer libro de esta serie: Gramática Inglesa GES, Nivel Elemental (-A1) en la cual
se estudia el tiempo presente de los verbos en inglés.
Para ampliar la información que aparece en el primer libro de esta serie sobre el verbo
“have”, se incluye la siguiente explicación sobre el uso de “have” y “have got”.


Es muy común utilizar “have got”, “has got”, en lugar de “have” o “has” en el lenguaje
oral, sobre todo en inglés británico. De tal manera que se puede decir tanto: “She
has green eyes” (Tiene los ojos verdes), como “She has got green eyes”. O bien, “I
have three brothers” (Tengo tres hermanos) o “I have got three brothers”. Nótese
también que en el caso de “has got” y “have got”, se pueden contraer “has” o “have”
con el pronombre, por ejemplo: “She’s got green eyes”. “I’ve got three brothers”.
Para la forma interrogativa, se invierte el verbo “have / has” con el pronombre y para la
forma negativa se utilizan las contracciones “haven’t” y “hasn’t”. En la siguiente tabla se
muestra la manera de conjugar “have got” en las diferentes formas.

8 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte



Forma completa Forma contraída

I have got (a new car). I’ve got (a new car).

You have got (a new car). You’ve got (a new car).
He has got (a new car). He’s got (a new car).
She has got (a new car). She’s got (a new car).
We have got (a new car). We’ve got (a new car).
You have got (a new car). You’ve got (a new car).
They have got (a new car). They’ve got (a new car).


Have I got (a new car)? I haven’t got (a new car).

Have you got (a new car)? You haven’t got (a new car).
Has he got (a new car)? He hasn’t got (a new car).
Has she got (a new car)? She hasn’t got (a new car).
Have we got (a new car)? We haven’t got (a new car).
Have you got (a new car)? You haven’t got (a new car).
Have they got (a new car)? They haven’t got (a new car).

Asimismo, se puede utilizar “have got to” y “has got to” en lugar de “have to” o “has to” en el sentido
de “tener que”, por ejemplo: “I’ve got to go” (Me tengo que ir), en lugar de “I have to go”. Es más
formal decir “I have to go” y más informal decir “I’ve got to go”.

Responde las siguientes preguntas con base en lo que releíste en el primer libro de esta serie y
la información nueva en este libro sobre “have” y “have got”.

¿Qué es el verbo?

¿Para qué se utiliza el tiempo presente?

¿Qué significa to be en español?

1.1 Revisión del tiempo presente (present simple) 9

¿Cómo se conjugan los verbos en tiempo presente en la forma afirma-
tiva para los pronombres I, you, we y they?

¿Cómo se conjugan generalmente los verbos en tiempo presente en la

forma afirmativa para los pronombres he, she e it?

Ahora, usa tu cuaderno u hojas blancas

para responder las siguientes preguntas.

• ¿En qué casos se utiliza el auxiliar “do” para preguntar?

• ¿En qué casos se utiliza el auxiliar “does” para preguntar?
• ¿Cómo se conjuga un verbo en la forma negativa en tiempo
presente en inglés?
• ¿Qué significa “have got”?
• ¿Qué es un verbo modal?
• ¿Qué significa “can” y para qué se usa?
• ¿Cómo se conjuga el verbo modal “can”?

a) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and conjugate the following verbs in the present sim-
ple tense in the affirmative, interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms as in the

to dance, to wash, to eat, to be, to study, to have, to teach, to listen,

to speak, can, to play.



Affirmative Interrogative Negative Interrogative-negative

I drink Do I drink? I don’t drink Don’t I drink?

You drink Do you drink? You don’t drink Don’t you drink?
He drinks Does he drink? He doesn’t drink Doesn’t he drink?
She drinks Does she drink? She doesn’t drink Doesn’t she drink?
It drinks Does it drink? It doesn’t drink Doesn’t it drink?
We drink Do we drink? We don’t drink Don’t we drink?
You drink Do you drink? You don’t drink Don’t you drink?
They drink Do they drink? They don’t drink Don’t they drink?

10 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

b) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative

Example: They play soccer on the weekend.

Do they play soccer on the weekend?
They don’t play soccer on the weekend.
Don’t they play soccer on the weekend?

1.- You eat vegetables. 2.- He watches TV in the evening. 3.- She has
two little dogs. 3.- You are a fireman. 4.- They are from Japan. 5.- His
father is an engineer.
Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

change the following sentences to the interrogative,
negative and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- Mary does her homework in the afternoon. 7.- We like to listen to
pop music. 8.- He can drive a car. 9.- Their neighbors are Lebanese.
10.- There are ten apples on the table. 11.- I am your friend. 12.- She is
thirsty. 13.- Your friends like to travel. 14.- Those men work in a fac-
tory. 15.- This girl studies English. 16.- That young man is Canadian.
17.- There is a fruit bowl on the buffet. 18.- We need to buy a car. 19.-
She wants to go to the movies. 20.- Her husband gets off work late.
21.- Matt takes a shower in the morning. 22.-They go to the gym every
day. 23.- That young woman can speak English. 24.- You remember her
phone number. 25.- Your sister likes to eat apples.

1.1 Revisión del tiempo presente (present simple) 11

c) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form.

Example: She doesn’t live in the United States.

She lives in the United States.

1.- They don’t like to listen to the radio. 2.- Does he remember her
phone number? 3.- Mary doesn’t do the ironing. 4.- Are there four
glasses in the china cabinet? 5.- Do they speak French?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the

following sentences to the affirmative form.

6.- I don’t like to do the gardening. 7.- We don’t want to go to the

movies. 8.- Does Sandy like to read magazines? 9.- He can’t swim
fast. 10.- Does Pete go to the gym? 11.- Does she have a boyfriend?
12.- Is there a towel in the bathroom? 13.- Do you drink beer? 14.- Do
your friends play chess? 15.- Are we in a hurry? 16.- Does your mo-
ther work in a hospital? 17.- He doesn’t go to bed late. 18.- Does Pete
watch TV? 19.- We don’t like to play cards. 20.- Does he have break-
fast before he goes to school? 21.- They don’t get up late. 22.- Do
you do exercises? 23.- Does she like to surf the Internet? 24.- Do they
like to chat with their friends on Facebook? 25.- Does Susan make
breakfast every day?

d) Change the following sentences to singular.

Example: The boys play in the park.

The boy plays in the park.

1.- These girls study English. 2.- My friends like to play baseball. 3.-
Your brothers do their homework. 4.- Do those men work in that
factory? 5.- Those students are very intelligent.

12 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
change the following sentences to singular.

6.- Do these students get out of school late? 7.- The children have a
little dog. 8.- These good wives cook dinner. 9.- Those businessmen
are successful. 10.- The students don’t have new books. 11.- There
are four books on the table. 12.- Are they waitresses? 13.- My sisters
study French. 14.- Are there two apples in the fruit bowl? 15.- Your
friends want to go to the movies.

e) Change the following sentences to plural.

Example: That boy plays chess.

Those boys play chess.

1.- The girl is pretty. 2.- My brother reads good books. 3.- Does the
child play in the park? 4.- That student gets out of school very late.
5.- Does your cousin study English?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

change the following sentences to plural.

6.- He loves to eat hamburgers. 7.- Is that young engineer from Ger-
many? 8.- That woman sings beautifully. 9.- The wife cooks dinner.
10.- Her brother goes to the gym. 11.- Does the boy take a shower in the
morning? 12.- That man doesn’t eat meat. 13.- She does her homework.
14.- This old man likes to play cards. 15.- He chats with his friends. 16.-
That tall boy plays basketball. 17.- My brother doesn’t live in New York.
18.- Does the waitress clean the table? 19.- Is your brother handsome?
20.- That bus driver drives carefully.

f) Answer the following questions in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when necessary.

Example: Do the boys play in the park?

Yes, they do.
Yes, they play in the park.

1.- Does Pete go to the gym? 2.- Do the girls play volleyball?
3.- Do Sandy and Mary make lunch? 4.- Do you do exercises?
5.- Is your father an architect?

1.1 Revisión del tiempo presente (present simple) 13

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
answer the following questions in the affirmative
form, giving a short and a long answer Replace the
noun with a pronoun when necessary.

6.- Can she sing in tune? 7.- Do you want to go with them? 8.- Does
Tom live in Greece? 9.- Are there many forks in the drawer? 10.-
Does he need to buy a cell phone? 11.- Is Lucy from Brazil? 12.- Can
they ride a bike? 13.- Is that your pencil? 14.- Is that a good movie?
15.- Does the boy brush his teeth every day? 16.- Does Suzanne
have breakfast in the morning? 17.- Does your father get off work
late? 18.- Does your mom cook dinner? 19.- Do they like to listen to
pop music? 20.- Are you in a hurry? 22.- Are you busy? 23.- Are they
thirsty? 24.- Does your nephew play volleyball? 25.- Are you hungry?
26.- Does your father work in an office? 27.- Do they drink soda? 28.-
Do you get up early on the weekend? 29.- Does he go to bed late?
30.- Are those men actors?

g) Use your notebook or sheets of paper to answer the questions of the previous exercise in the
negative form, giving a short and a long answer as in the example. Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

Example: Do the boys play in the park?

No, they don’t.
No, they don’t play in the park.

h) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the present simple tense.

1.- The students (answer) the questions.

2.- Mary (close) the door.

3.- Do you (dance) salsa?

4.- That man (fly) planes.

5.- Does Katie (sing) beautiful songs?

14 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill
in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in
parentheses in the present simple tense.

6.- Ron (run) ___________ very fast. 16.- That woman (do) _______________ the
7.- Judy (love) ____________ to eat hamburgers. laundry on the weekend.
8.- Does Andy (play) ___________ baseball? 17.- My cousins (make) ____________ cakes.
9.- Josh (go) ____________ to the gym every day. 18.- Does your father (work) ___________ in
10.- We (go) ___________ to bed early. an office?
11.- Mrs. Fernández and Nadia (play) 19.- She (listen) _____________ to classical music.
____________ the piano. 20.- My brother doesn’t (go) ___________ to
12.- Richard (have) ____________ a bookstore. bed late.
13.- Ivet (read) _________ good books.
14.- Alex (get) __________ out of school early.
15.- My friend (fix) ____________ cars.

i) Use have got and its contracted form in the following sentences, as in the example.

Example: I have a new car.

I have got a new car.
I’ve got a new car.

1.- She has a nice bike. 4.- I have a headache.

2.- We have a problem. 5.- You have a new cell phone.

3.- He has two sisters.

j) Change the following sentences to the interrogative and negative forms, as in the example.

Example: They’ve got a nice house.

Have they got a nice house?
They haven’t got a nice house.

1.- He’s got a new watch. 2.- You’ve got three dogs.

1.1 Revisión del tiempo presente (present simple) 15

3.- They’ve got a new computer. 5.- We’ve got a new neighbor.

4.- She’s got a white dress.

k) Use “have got to” instead of “have to”, as in the example.

Example: I have to go.

I’ve got to go.

1.- I have to talk to her. 4.- He has to work on the weekend.

2.- You have to hurry up. 5.- They have to go right now.

3.- She has to be on time.

l) Write the correct questions for each of the answers given. Use who and what as in
the example.

Example: Lucy studies English.

Who studies English?
What does Lucy study?

1.- You eat apples. 4.- Aline wants to eat a hamburger.

2.- Pete likes to play soccer. 5.- My brother washes the car.

3.- They read magazines.

16 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

m) Write the correct questions for each of the answers given. Use where and when as
in the example.

Example: They go to the park on the weekend.

Where do they go on the weekend?
When do they go to the park?

1.- Alex goes to the movies on Wednesday. 4.- You go to the park in the afternoon.

2.- Suzanne has to go to school tomorrow. 5.- We put the car in the garage every day.

3.- They like to eat breakfast in that restaurant

every morning.

n) Write the correct questions for each of the answers given. Use how and why as
in the example.

Example: They listen to the speaker carefully because they want to understand
everything he says.
How do they listen to the speaker?
Why do they listen to the speaker carefully?

1.- Matt studies hard because he wants to get good grades.

2.- They drive carefully because they don’t want to have an accident.

3.- She dresses very elegantly because she likes to impress her friends.

1.1 Revisión del tiempo presente (present simple) 17

o) Put the words in the correct order.

1.- eat want a we hamburger to 6.- apples fruit are three bowl in
there the

2.- on with likes friends chat her

Facebook she to 7.- day the gym to every go I

3.- to video you ? like do games 8.- like he coffee does ? drink to

9.- want the don’t to you car wash

4.- cheese to want a eat sandwich
10.- to magazines mom read my likes

5.- the do sister to your does like

? dishes

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Do he wash his car?

2.- They don’t watch TV.

3.- She can to play the piano.

4.- Does study he English?

5.- Lucy don’t make lunch.

6.- We like go to the movies on Wednesday.

7.- There is two oranges in the basket.

8.- Does Danny play volleyball?

9.- Matt and Jack swim fast.

10.- I need buy a cell phone.

11.- She haves breakfast every morning.

12.- Paul gets up early every day.

13.- Do those women read magazines?

14.- Do Maggie cook dinner?

15.- She does her homework in the afternoon.

18 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- Do you like to study English? 6.- I love to go to the movies.

2.- Where are they from? –They are from the 7.- Are you hungry? –Yes, I’m very hungry.
United Kingdom.

8.- I’m sorry; I’m late.

3.- What do you like to eat? –I like to eat fruits
and vegetables.

9.- Are you in a hurry?

4.- How old are you? –I’m twenty-four years old.

10.- Are they busy? –No, they aren’t.

5.- What’s her name? –Her name is Samantha.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- It’s very hot today. 12.- My sister doesn’t like to do the ironing. 13.-
She likes to chat on Facebook with her friends. 14.- Are you in love
with her? –Yes, I am. 15.- Does she like Pete? 16.- I like you. 17. You like
me. 18.- They like us. 19.- We like them. 20.- Do you like to eat cheese?
–Yes, I love cheese. 21.- She likes to eat fish, but she doesn’t like to eat
chicken. 22.- What time do you go to bed? 23.- We like to get up early.
24.- Does he like his job? –Yes, he does. 25.- Can you ride a bike? –Yes,
I can. 26.- Can you speak English? 27.- I need to send a message. 28.- I
need a new cell phone. 29.- Frank loves hamburgers. 30.- Frank loves
to eat hamburgers. 31.- Who likes to dance? –Ivet does. 32.- We want
to buy a new car. 33.- Do you like to listen to pop music? 34.- James’s
brother studies in that school. 35.- What’s her address? It’s 411 Oak
Street. 36.- Where do you work? –I work in a hospital. I’m a doctor.
37.- Who wants to go to the movies? –We do. 38.- Can you help me?
39.- What’s your favorite color? 40.- What’s your telephone number?
41.- What does your father do? –He’s a pilot. 42.- What do you like to
do in your free time? –I like to listen to music. 43.- What time do you
get out of school? 44.- What time does your father get off work? 45.-
When is your birthday? –It’s in April.

1.1 Revisión del tiempo presente (present simple) 19

46.- Mary’s father is a dentist. 47.- What color are his eyes? 48.- Pete
wants to eat a chicken sandwich. 49.- Do you like to eat apples? –Yes,
I love apples. 50.- She is pretty, but her sister isn’t. 51.- I need to clean
my room because it’s very dirty. 52.- She likes to do the laundry, but
she doesn’t like to do the ironing. 53.- What do you hate to do? -I hate
to wash the dishes. 54.- He can sing, but he can’t dance. 55.- Her bro-
ther can swim fast, but she can’t. 56.- Andy plays baseball and Danny
plays volleyball. 57.- Do you like to chat with your friends on Face-
book? 58.- He wants to go to the park because he is bored. 59.- Are
you angry? –No, I’m not. 60.- Who likes carrots? –I do. 61.- Do they
like to go to the beach? –Yes, they love to go to the beach. 62.- I need
to learn English because I want to go to the United States. 63.- She
has a new computer. 64.- Do you have a car? 65.- Do you have break-
fast in the morning? –Yes, I do. 66.- Does she have a pet? –No, she
doesn’t. 67.- Does your father like to read the newspaper? 68.- There
are four apples, three bananas, and two mangos on the table. 69.- Is
there a book on the desk? 70.- My cousins live in the United States.
71.- What do you want to do? –I want to play chess. 72.- Why are you
sleepy? –Because I’m very tired. 73.- My father is an architect and my
mother is a nurse. 74.- We like them and they like us. 75.- She likes him
and he likes her. 76.- He’s got many friends. 77.- I have to go. 78.- I’ve
got to go. 78.- He has blue eyes. 79.- He’s got blue eyes. 80.- They’ve
got a nice big house.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Voy a la escuela todos los días. 6.- Ellos no son alemanes; son italianos.

2.- ¿Te gusta escuchar música clásica? –Sí, me 7.- ¿Quién quiere ir al cine? –Nosotros.
encanta la música clásica.

8.- ¿Cuántos años tiene el hermano de Sarah? –

Tiene veintidós años.
3.- Al sobrino de Josh le encanta jugar vólibol.

4.- ¿No soy tu amigo? 9.- ¿De dónde son ellos? –Son de Suiza.

5.- ¿Estás enojada? –No.

10.- ¿Qué te gusta hacer? –Me gusta leer bue-
nos libros.

20 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
translate the following sentences into English.

11.- ¿Qué te choca hacer? –Me choca lavar el carro. 12.- A Judy le
encanta comer helado de chocolate. 13.- ¿Eres ingeniero? –No, soy
arquitecto. 14.- Hay ocho manzanas en el frutero. 15.- ¿Hay cinco pla-
tos sobre la mesa? 16.- Hay un libro sobre el escritorio. 17.- ¿Tienes
sed? –No, pero tengo hambre. 18.- Le caigo bien a ella. 19.- Ella me
cae bien a mí y yo le caigo bien a ella. 20.- La madre de Luke hace
pasteles de chocolate. 21.- Nos encantan las hamburguesas. 22.- Nos
encanta comer hamburguesas. 23.- ¿A qué hora sales de la escuela?
24.- Necesito un carro nuevo. 25.- Necesito comprar un carro nuevo.
26.- La hermana de James estudia inglés. 27.- ¿Te gusta jugar cartas? –
No. 28.- ¿Sabes tocar el piano? 29.- ¿Puedes nadar rápido? 30.- A ellos
les gusta comer frutas y verduras. 31.- Él no quiere leer este libro. 32.-
Aquel hombre es mesero. 33.- Aquellos hombres son meseros. 34.-
¿Te acuestas temprano o tarde? –Me acuesto temprano. 35.- ¿Tienes
una mascota? 36.- Cindy tiene dos hermanas y tres hermanos. 35.-
¿Desayunas en la mañana? 36.- ¿A quién le gusta jugar béisbol? – A
Andy. 37.- ¿De dónde es ella? –Es de Estados Unidos. 38.- ¿Qué hora
es? –Son las tres y cuarto. 39.- ¿Qué tipo de música te gusta escuchar?
–Me gusta escuchar música pop. 40.- ¿Adónde te gusta ir de vacacio-
nes? –Me gusta ir a la playa. 41.- ¿Quién está en la sala? 42.- ¿Cuándo
es tu cumpleaños? –Es el 15 de abril. 43.- ¿Qué te gusta desayunar?
–Me gusta desayunar fruta. 44.- ¿De qué color es el carro de tu her-
mano? –Es negro. 45.- ¿A qué se dedica tu papá? –Es dentista. 45.- ¿A
qué hora sales del trabajo? 46.- ¿Te gusta tu trabajo? 47.- ¿Puedes can-
tar afinado? –Sí. 48.- ¿Estás ocupado? 49.- ¿Es ella soltera o casada?
50.- A él no le gusta fumar. 51.- Ellos no toman refresco. 52.- John no
se levanta temprano el fin de semana. 53.- ¿Estudia ese muchacho en
esta escuela? 54.- Mi hermana lava los trastes y yo pongo la mesa. 55.-
¿Te acuerdas de mi nombre? –No. 56.- Mi padre sale del trabajo a las
6:00. 57.- ¿Hay dos burós en la recámara? 58.- Me gusta comer comi-
da saludable. 59.- Lo siento; tengo prisa. 60.- Ella siempre habla muy
fuerte. 61.- Él maneja con cuidado. 62.- No seas tan flojo; trabaja duro.
63.- Ella quiere acostarse porque tiene mucho sueño. 64.- Catherine
habla francés, pero su hermana no. 65.- Ellos quieren ir al cine porque
están aburridos. 66.- Me gusta la música pop, pero no me gusta el
rock. 67.- A ella le gusta cantar, pero no le gusta bailar. 68.- No puedo
ir con ustedes porque tengo que hacer mi tarea. 69.- Ellos tienen una
casa muy bonita. 70.- ¿Dónde están los libros? –Están sobre la mesa.
71.- ¿Tienes muchos amigos? 72.- Ella tiene los ojos verdes. 73.- Me
tengo que ir. 74.- Ella tiene dolor de cabeza. 75.- ¿Dónde estudia el
hermano de Liz?

1.1 Revisión del tiempo presente (present simple) 21

Write ten sentences about you or other people using the present simple tense in the
affirmative or negative forms according to what you want to say.

22 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

El término “área de oportunidad” se refiere aquí a aquellos aspectos, características, hábitos, etc., que están influyendo de

manera negativa para el logro de los objetivos de aprendizaje planteados.

1.1 Revisión del tiempo presente (present simple) 23


Antes de contestar los ejercicios de este apartado, te recomendamos releer la “Lección 8”

del primer libro de esta serie: Gramática Inglesa GES, Nivel Elemental (-A1) en la cual se
estudia el modo imperativo de los verbos en inglés.

Responde las siguientes preguntas con base en lo que releíste en el primer libro de esta serie.

¿Para qué se utiliza generalmente el imperativo de los verbos?

¿Cómo se forma el imperativo?

¿Qué palabra se utiliza ya sea al principio o al final del enunciado en caso

de peticiones corteses o cuando se pide un favor?

¿Cómo se forma la negación del imperativo?

¿Cuándo se utiliza la expresión “let’s”?

¿De qué formas se puede interpretar o entender el uso de la forma

completa “let us”?

24 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


a) Fill in the blanks with an affirmative imperative. Use the verbs in the box.

to call, to pay, to listen, to copy, to fill, to speak, to put

to go, to answer, to shut, to turn.

1. the sentences you hear.

2. attention to the teacher.

3. the book on the table, please.

4. the window.

5. straight ahead and then left.

6. me later. I need to tell you something important.

7. in the blanks with the correct words.

8. to me.

9. the following questions.

10. in English, please.

b) Change the following sentences to the negative form. Use “do not” and “don’t” as in the

Example: Play soccer. Do not play soccer.

Don’t play soccer.

1. Speak in English. 4. Go straight ahead.

2. Shut the door. 5. Wait for them.

3. Put the book on the desk.

1.2 Revisión del modo imperativo (imperative mood) 25

c) Change the sentences of the previous exercise as in the example.

Example: Play soccer. Let’s play soccer.

1. Speak in English. 4. Go straight ahead.

2. Shut the door. 5. Wait for them.

3. Put the book on the desk.

d) Change the sentences of the previous exercise to the negative form, as in the example.

Example: Let’s not play soccer.

e) Change the following sentences as in the example.

Example: Play soccer. Let him play soccer.

Let her play soccer.
Let them play soccer.

1. Speak in English. 3. Put the book on the desk.

2. Shut the door. 4. Go straight ahead.

26 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

5. Wait for me.

f) Change the sentences of the previous exercise to the negative form, as in the example.

Example: Don’t let him play soccer.

Don’t let her play soccer.
Don’t let them play soccer.

1. 4.

2. 5.


Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1. Let not us play soccer.

2. Don’t be lazy.

3. Doesn’t let him answer.

4. Not do go.

5. Be quiet.

1.2 Revisión del modo imperativo (imperative mood) 27

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- Put the books on the table. 6.- Look at me.

2.- Close the door, please. 7.- Look me in the eye.

3.- Turn off the lights. 8.- Listen to me.

4.- Turn on the TV. 9.- Please don’t go.

5.- Turn down the radio; it’s too loud. 10.- Don’t worry.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- Be quiet. 12.- Don’t be silly. 13.- Stand up. 14.- Go straight ahead
and then turn right. 15.- Keep the door closed. 16.- Take one tablet after
meals. 17.- Read carefully before you answer. 18.- Fill in the blanks with
the correct word. 19.- Cook over low heat. 20.- Watch your step. 21.-
Stop. 22.- Let me introduce you to Mr. Brown. 23.- Don’t move. 24.- Wait.
25.- Wait for me. 26.- Hurry up! 27.- Sit down, please. 28.- Close your
book. 29.- Come in, please. 30.- Be careful. 32.- Watch out. 33.- Pay at-
tention. 34.- Repeat. 35.- Speak in English. 36.- Think in English. 37.- Shut
the windows. 38.- Let me think about it. 39.- Think it over. 40.- Let’s go to
the movies. 41.- Let us go to the movies, please. 42.- Take care. 43.- Take
it easy. 44.- Don’t be late. 45.- Let him answer. 46.- Don’t let them go.
47.- Wash your hands. 48.- Brush your teeth. 49.- Say it again. 50.- Say it
out loud. 51.- Spell your name. 52.- Let Lucy set the table. 53.- Let Mark
do the garden. 54.- Don’t eat junk food. 55.- Take some aspirin. 56.- Let
me explain this to you. 57.- Do not enter. 58.- Get your hands off me. 59.-
Let’s let bygones be bygones. 60.- Keep calm. 61.- Close the door as you
leave, please. 62.- Hold on. 63.- Don’t hang up on me. 64.- Speak up.

28 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Abre las ventanas, por favor. 6.- No jueguen.

2.- Estudia duro. 7.- Siéntese, por favor.

3.- Por favor no te vayas. 8.- Hay que ir al cine.

4.- Pon los cuadernos sobre el escritorio. 9.- Ten cuidado.

5.- Come comida saludable. 10.- Espérame.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11.- Que venga él. 12.- Que responda ella. 13.- No seas flojo. 14.- No
se muevan. 15.- Apúrate. 16.- Permítame presentarle a la Sra. Smith.
17.- Lávate los dientes. 18.- Bájale al radio. 19.- Llega a tiempo. 20.- No
apagues la luz. 22.- Prende la tele. 23.- No olviden traer los libros. 24.-
Mírame a los ojos. 25.- Mírame. 26.- No cuelgues. 27.- No te preocupes.
28.- Lávense las manos. 29.- Permíteme hablar con ella. 30.- No abras
la puerta. 31.- Lee el periódico. 32.- Que vengan ellos. 33.- Ponte de
pie. 34.- Detente. 35.- No me cuelgues. 36.- Regresa a tu lugar. 37.-
Escúchenme. 38.- Pongan atención. 39.- Despierta. 40.- No tengas
miedo. 41.- Deletrea tu nombre. 42.- Entra, por favor. 43.- Dilo fuerte.
44.- Cuídate. 45.- Siga derecho y luego dé vuelta a la izquierda.

1.2 Revisión del modo imperativo (imperative mood) 29

a) Write five affirmative imperative sentences on the lines.

b) Write five negative imperative sentences on the lines.

30 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

1.2 Revisión del modo imperativo (imperative mood) 31


El tiempo presente progresivo o presente continuo corresponde en español a una

perífrasis verbal con gerundio y se traduce como “estar haciendo algo”, por ejemplo: “He
is reading the newspaper”. (Él está leyendo el periódico.) “They are singing a nice song”.
(Ellos están cantando una bonita canción.)

No obstante, en ciertos casos, este tiempo se traduce al español como presente simple,
cuando éste da la idea de que algo está sucediendo o teniendo lugar al momento que se
habla, por ejemplo: “Where are you going?” ¿Adónde vas? En lugar de: ¿Adónde estás
yendo? “Watch out! A car is coming.” ¡Cuidado! Viene un carro. En lugar de: ¡Cuidado! Está
viniendo un carro. “She is wearing a nice dress”. Trae puesto un bonito vestido. En lugar
de: Está trayendo puesto un bonito vestido.

En inglés el presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present

continuous) se utiliza generalmente para:

Expresar actividades que se están llevando a She is doing her homework.

cabo al momento de hablar. Ella está haciendo su tarea.

We are watching a movie.

Estamos viendo una película.

Expresar actividades que están ocurriendo I’m studying English.

actualmente, aunque no necesariamente se Estoy estudiando inglés.
estén llevando a cabo al momento de ha-
blar. She is learning how to drive.
Ella está aprendiendo a manejar.

Indicar una situación temporal. He is living with his parents until he finds a
place of his own.
Está viviendo con sus padres mientras
encuentra un lugar propio.

Describir cambios que están teniendo lugar More and more people are giving up
en el presente. smoking.
Cada vez más personas están dejando de

32 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Describir actividades repetidas – She will be a good pianist. She´s always
generalmente acompañadas de adverbios practicing hours on end.
de frecuencia o de tiempo– para reconocer Ella será una buena pianista. Siempre está
un esfuerzo o bien para quejarse de una practicando horas y horas.
mala costumbre o hábito.
He is always complaining about her
Él siempre se está quejando de la forma de
cocinar de ella.

Expresar una actividad futura planeada I’m visiting my parents on the weekend.
(presente continuo con idea de futuro). Voy a visitar a mis padres el fin de semana.
*Nota: Este uso del presente continuo se
revisará detenidamente en el apartado del
tiempo futuro.


El presente continuo o progresivo se forma conjugando el verbo “to be” en tiempo presente
más el participio presente (present participle) de un verbo.



John is playing.

They are studying.


Para formar el participio presente de un verbo, se siguen por lo general las siguientes


Se agrega por lo general la terminación drink – drinking; learn – learning

–ing a la forma básica del verbo.

Si el verbo termina en “e”, se elimina la “e” dance – dancing; drive – driving

antes de agregar la terminación –ing.
*Pero: be – being; see – seeing

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 33

Los verbos monosílabos terminados en put – putting; get – getting
consonante precedida de una sola vocal, *Pero: eat – eating (es monosílabo,
doblan la consonante final antes de agregar terminado en consonante, pero la
la terminación –ing. consonante final está precedida de dos

Si el verbo es monosílabo, pero termina en blow – blowing; fix – fixing

“w” o en “x”, no dobla la consonante final
aunque vaya precedida ésta de una sola

Los verbos terminados en “y” simplemente play – playing; study – studying

agregan la terminación –ing después de la

Los verbos terminados en “–ie”, cambian la die –dying; lie – lying

terminación “–ie” por “y” antes de agregar

Los verbos de dos o más sílabas que prefer –preferring; commit– committing
terminan en consonante precedida de begin – beginning
una vocal y con acento en la última sílaba,
doblan la consonante final antes de agregar

El participio presente del verbo “to ski” es “skiing”.

Para preguntar en tiempo presente progresivo o continuo, se utiliza el verbo “to be” en tiempo
presente como auxiliar antes del sustantivo o pronombre. Por ejemplo: Are you working? Is
she studying?

Para negar, se utiliza el verbo “to be” en la forma negativa, ya sea en su forma completa o
contraída. Por ejemplo: You are not working. You aren’t working.

Para la forma interrogativo-negativa, se coloca el verbo “to be” antes del sustantivo o
pronombre y la partícula “not” después de éstos, o bien, colocando la contracción del
negativo antes del nombre o pronombre. Por ejemplo: Are you not working? Aren’t you

34 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

A continuación se presenta el ejemplo de la conjugación de un verbo en tiempo presente continuo en sus
diferentes formas.



Forma completa Forma contraída

I am working I’m working

You are working You’re working
He is working He’s working
She is working She’s working
It is working It’s working
We are working We’re working
You are working You’re working
They are working They’re working


Am I working?
Are you working?
Is he working?
Is she working?
Is it working?
Are we working?
Are you working?
Are they working?

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente el verbo y el complemento; en la respuesta corta, se utiliza
únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso el verbo “to be”. La respuesta puede ser afirmativa
o negativa.


Are you studying English? Are you studying English?

–Yes, I’m studying English. –Yes, I am.
–No, I’m not studying English. –No, I’m not.

Is he playing soccer? Is he playing soccer?

–Yes, he’s playing soccer. –Yes, he is.
–No, he isn’t playing soccer. –No, he isn’t.

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 35


Forma completa Forma contraída

I am not working I’m not working

You are not working You aren’t working
He is not working He isn’t working
She is not working She isn’t working
It is not working It isn’t working
We are not working We aren’t working
You are not working You aren’t working
They are not working They aren’t working


Forma completa Forma contraída

Am I not working? Aren’t I working?

Are you not working? Aren’t you working?
Is he not working? Isn’t he working?
Is she not working? Isn’t she working?
Is it not working? Isn’t it working?
Are we not working? Aren’t we working?
Are you not working? Aren’t you working?
Are they not working? Aren’t they working?

36 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Algunos adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados en presente continuo son

presentados en la siguiente tabla:


• Now (ahora) I am watching a movie now.

• Right now (ahora mismo, en este mo- He is working out at the gym right now.

• At the moment (en este momento, por She is talking to her boss at the moment.
el momento)

• At this moment (en este momento) He’s giving a lecture at this moment.

• Presently (actualmente) Are you presently teaching?

• Currently (actualmente) Is he currently working?


A menudo se unen dos oraciones mediante la conjunción “while”, que significa “mientras”,
“mientras que”, para indicar que se están llevando a cabo dos acciones simultáneas.

Por ejemplo:

• John is washing the car while his brother is doing the gardening (John está lavando el
carro mientras su hermano está haciendo el jardín).
• Lucy is setting the table while her mother is cooking dinner (Lucy está poniendo la mesa
mientras su madre está preparando la cena).
• I’m watching TV while I’m doing my homework (Estoy viendo la tele mientras estoy
haciendo mi tarea).

Nótese que cuando la oración principal está en presente continuo da la idea de dos acciones
simultáneas que están teniendo lugar al momento de hablar, y en inglés ambas son expresadas
en presente continuo. En español, no obstante, se puede traducir la subordinada tanto en
presente simple como en presente continuo, por ejemplo: I’m watching TV while I’m doing
my homework (Estoy viendo la tele mientras hago mi tarea). O bien, “Estoy viendo la tele
mientras estoy haciendo mi tarea”. En español son posibles ambas traducciones.

Ahora bien, si la oración principal está en presente simple, la subordinada con “while” se
puede expresar a menudo tanto en presente simple como en presente continuo tanto en
español como en inglés, pero da la idea de acciones rutinarias que ocurren de manera
simultánea. Por ejemplo: I watch TV while I do my homework (Veo la tele mientras hago mi
tarea). O bien: I watch TV while I’m doing my homework (Veo la tele mientras estoy haciendo
mi tarea). Es decir, en ambos casos se da la idea de que “cuando hago mi tarea, generalmente
veo la tele”.

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 37

En algunos casos, se utiliza “until” en vez de “while” cuando se da la idea de “en tanto que”,
“hasta que”, por ejemplo: “She is studying English until she enters the university (Ella está
estudiando inglés mientras entra a la universidad). En este caso, por ejemplo, se prefiere
utilizar “until” en vez de “while”.


Se utiliza la forma “–ing” de los verbos después de preposiciones. En español, se utiliza el

infinitivo. Por ejemplo:

• before eating = antes de comer

• after swimming = después de nadar
• besides going = además de ir


Existen diferentes construcciones que requieren utilizar la forma “–ing” de los verbos.
Algunas de ellas se presentan en la siguiente tabla:


Feel like + –ing (tener ganas de) I feel like watching a good movie (Tengo
ganas de ver una buena película).

Go + –ing (ir a) He goes swimming every week (Él va a

nadar cada semana).

Have trouble + –ing (tener problemas She has trouble speaking English fluent-
para) ly (Ella tiene problemas para hablar inglés


Existen algunas expresiones de uso común en presente continuo, entre las que se
encuentran las siguientes:

• How are you doing? (¿Cómo estás? / ¿Cómo te va?)

• What’s going on? (¿Qué sucede? / ¿Qué pasa?)
• John! –I’m coming. (Voy)
• Are you kidding? (¿Estás bromeando?)
• (I’m) just kidding! (Sólo estoy bromeando.)
• How is it going in….. ? (¿Cómo te va en….?)
• How are you getting along in….? (¿Cómo te va en…? / ¿Cómo te está yendo en…?)
• Nótese también que se dice: “to be sitting” (estar sentado). Por ejemplo: They are
sitting on the couch (Están sentados en el sofá). O “to be standing” (estar parado).
Por ejemplo: She is standing in front of the window (Ella está parada enfrente de la

38 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Para qué se utiliza generalmente el presente continuo o presente


¿Cómo se forma por lo general el participio presente de los verbos en


¿Qué regla se aplica para formar el participio presente de los verbos

que terminan en “e”?

¿Qué regla se sigue para formar el participio presente de los verbos

monosílabos terminados en consonante precedida de una sola vocal?

¿Qué regla se sigue para formar el participio presente de los verbos

monosílabos terminados en “w” o en “x”?

Ahora, usa tu cuaderno u hojas blancas

para responder las siguientes preguntas.

• ¿Qué regla se sigue para formar el participio presente de los verbos

terminados en “y”?
• ¿Qué regla se sigue para formar el participio presente de los verbos
terminados en “–ie”?
• ¿Qué regla se sigue para formar el participio presente de los verbos
de dos o más sílabas que terminan en consonante precedida de
una vocal y con acento en la última sílaba?
• ¿Cómo se estructura la forma afirmativa del presente continuo?
• ¿Cómo se estructura la forma interrogativa del presente continuo?
• ¿Cómo se estructura la forma negativa del presente continuo?
• ¿Cómo se estructura la forma interrogativo-negativa del presente
• ¿Cuáles son algunos adverbios o expresiones de tiempo utilizados
con el presente continuo?
• ¿Qué significa la conjunción “while” y para qué se utiliza?

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 39

a) Give the present participle of the following verbs.

1.- ask 27.- help

2.- break 28.- follow

3.- call 29.- fly

4.- change 30.- jump

5.- buy 31.- learn

6.- do 32.- pay

7.- eat 33.- plan

8.- bring 34.- rain

9.- enjoy 35.- speak

10.- come 36.- set

11.- dream 37.- push

12.- be 38.- show

13.- play 39.- stop

14.- answer 40.- think

15.- go 41.- run

16.- get 42.- remember

17.- feel 43.- rob

18.- happen 44.- shut

19.- let 45.- die

20.- live 46.- swim

21.- forget 47.- sell

22.- listen 48.- take

23.- fill 49.- sing

24.- meet 50.- lie

25.- need 51.- say

26.- open 52.- try

40 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

b) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and conjugate the following verbs in the present continuous
tense in the affirmative, interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms as in the example:

to dance, to eat, to sing, to run, to play.



Affirmative Interrogative Negative Interrogative-negative

I’m drinking Am I drinking? I am not drinking Am I not drinking?

You’re drinking Are you drinking? You aren’t drinking Aren’t you drinking?
He’s drinking Is he drinking? He isn’t drinking Isn’t he drinking?
She’s drinking Is she drinking? She isn’t drinking Isn’t she drinking?
It’s drinking Is it drinking? It isn’t drinking Isn’t it drinking?
We’re drinking Are we drinking? We aren’t drinking Aren’t we drinking?
You’re drinking Are you drinking? You aren’t drinking Aren’t you drinking?
They’re drinking Are they drinking? They aren’t drinking Aren’t they drinking?

c) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative


Example: You are washing the car.

Are you washing the car?
You aren’t washing the car.
Aren’t you washing the car?

1.- She is reading a book. 2.- They are playing soccer. 3.- We are running
in the park. 4.- He is doing his homework. 5.- You are eating breakfast.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 41

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change
the following sentences to the interrogative, negative
and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- They are swimming in the pool. 7.- She is listening to music. 8.- He is
drinking a soda. 9.- You are studying English. 10.- She is making a cake.

d) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form.

Example: Are you eating a hamburger?

You are eating a hamburger.

1.- Is your friend driving fast? 2.- My father isn’t working in that office.
3.- She isn’t cooking dinner. 4.- Are you buying a new cell phone? 5.- Is
he drinking beer?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the

following sentences to the affirmative form.

6.- They aren’t eating fried chicken. 7.- Is his sister reading a magazine? 8.-
Are those women playing cards? 9.- That boy isn’t doing his homework.
10.- Is your cousin studying French?

e) Answer the following sentences in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when necessary.

Example: Are the children playing in the park?

Yes, they are.
Yes, they are playing in the park.

1.- Are the students answering the questions? 2.- Is she cooking dinner?
3.- Are you dancing cumbia? 4.- Is Mary eating a hamburger? 5.- Is Ricky
driving fast?

42 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to answer
the following questions in the affirmative form, giving
a short and a long answer Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

6.- Is Ann singing beautifully? 7.- Are they buying good books? 8.- Is John
running now? 9.- Are you presently working? 10.- Are they drinking beer?
11.- Are you going to school? 12.- Is Ann helping her mom? 13.- Is Luke
lying? 14.- Is the mechanic fixing your car? 15.- Are you making a cake?
16.- Are they playing volleyball? 17.- Is she following the instructions?
18.- Are you studying English? 19.- Is he living with his parents? 20.- Is
she learning how to drive? 21.- Are they putting the books on the desk?
22.- Is he teaching at the moment? 23.- Is she telling the truth? 24.- Are
you waiting for her? 25.- Is Matt working now?

f) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and answer the sentences of the previous exercise in the
negative form, giving a short and a long answer as in the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun
when necessary.

Example: Are the children playing in the park?

No, they aren’t.
No, they aren’t playing in the park.

g) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. He goes (jog) every morning.

2. After (have) breakfast, she goes to school.

3. Before (go) to the movies, they want to go the park.

4. I feel like (eat) a double cheese burger.

5. We go (swim) in the morning.

6. I have trouble (do) this type of exercise.

7. Take the pill after (eat) your meals.

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 43

h) Translate the following sentences.

1.- They dance. 4.- Don’t they dance?

2.- They don’t dance. 5.- They like to dance.

3.- Do they dance?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

6. They don’t like to dance. 7. Do they like to dance? 8. Don’t they

like to dance? 9. What do they like to dance? 10. When do they like
to dance? 11. Where do they like to dance? 12. How do they like to
dance?13. Why do they like to dance? 14. They want to dance. 15. They
don’t want to dance. 16. Do they want to dance? 17. Don’t they want to
dance? 18. They have to dance. 19. They don’t have to dance. 20. Do
they have to dance? 21. Don’t they have to dance? 22. They can dance.
23. They can’t dance. 24. Can they dance? 25. Can’t they dance?26.
They are dancing. 27. They aren’t dancing. 28. Are they dancing? 29.
Aren’t they dancing? 30. What are they dancing? 31. Where are they
dancing? 32. Why are they dancing? 33. How are they dancing?

i) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and repeat the previous exercise using the following
pronouns and verbs:

1) you / sing; 2) she / read; 3) we / write

j) Join the two sentences as in the example using “while”.

Example: Luke is playing soccer. His sister is doing her homework.

Luke is playing soccer while his sister is doing her homework.

1.- She is reading a book. I’m listening to music. 4.- We are playing cards. They are playing chess.

2.- Laura is doing the dishes. Her brother is cleaning 5.- He’s working out at the gym. You are going
the table. shopping.

3.- Tina is chatting with her friends on Facebook.

Pete is sending WhatsApp messages.

44 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

k) Write the correct questions for each of the answers given. Use who and what as in the example.

Example: Lucy is studying English.

Who is studying English?
What is Lucy studying?

1.- You are eating apples. 4.- Aline is drinking Coke.

2.- Pete is playing soccer. 5.- My brother is washing the car.

3.- They are reading magazines.

l) Put the words in the correct order.

1. a reading book is she good 4.- brother his is her homework doing

2.- English you to ? do like study 5.- nice is a he jacket wearing denim

3.- you with on are your ? chatting 6.- swimming to weekend like on go we the
friends Facebook

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- She is doing her homework.

2.- Is Mary puting the books on the desk?

3.- They not are studying German.

4.- John is driveing slowly.

5.- We are going to school now

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 45

A continuación se incluyen tablas con vocabulario referente a la ropa, zapatos y accesorios para
facilitar tanto el aprendizaje de este vocabulario como para los ejercicios de traducción.




bathrobe bata de baño

bermuda shorts / bermudas bermudas
boxers bóxers
briefs trusa
cardigan suéter abierto con botones / cárdigan
coat abrigo
dungarees pantalón de peto
jacket chamarra, chaqueta
jeans pantalones de mezclilla, jeans
overcoat abrigo / sobretodo
pajamas pijamas
pants pantalones
pullover pulóver / suéter cerrado
raincoat impermeable
shirt camisa
shorts pantalón corto / short
slacks pantalones de vestir
socks calcetines
suit traje
sweater suéter
sweater vest chaleco tejido
T-shirt playera
tuxedo smoking
underpants / undershorts calzoncillos
undershirt camiseta
vest chaleco
waistcoat chaleco


ankle boots botines

boots botas
flip flops chanclas
loafers mocasines
moccasins mocasines
sandals sandalias / huaraches
shoes zapatos
slippers pantuflas
sneakers / tennis shoes tenis
zories (thongs) chanclas / patas de gallo

46 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


baseball cap gorra

belt cinturón
belt bag / fanny pack cangurera
beret boina
bracelet pulsera / brazalete
cap cachucha / gorra
chain cadena
cuff links mancuernillas
gloves guantes
hat sombrero
muffler bufanda
ring anillo
scarf bufanda
sunglasses lentes de sol
suspenders tirantes
tie corbata
umbrella paraguas
wallet cartera / billetera
watch reloj




bathrobe bata de baño

blazer blazer
blouse blusa
bra brassier / sostén
cardigan cárdigan / suéter abierto con botones
dress vestido
dress pants pantalones de vestir
fur coat abrigo de piel
girdle faja
jacket chamarra
jeans pantalones de mezclilla / jeans
muffler bufanda
night gown camisón / bata de noche
pajamas pijama
panties pantaletas
pants pantalones
pantyhose pantimedias
raincoat impermeable
scarf mascada / bufanda
shorts pantalón corto / short
skirt falda
slip / half slip fondo / medio fondo
stockings medias / calcetines
sweater suéter
T-shirt playera
1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 47

ankle boots botines

boots botas
flip flops chanclas
high heels zapatos de tacón / zapatillas
knee boots botas largas / a la rodilla
loafers mocasines
moccasins mocasines
platform wedges plataformas
sandals sandalias / huaraches
shoes zapatos
slippers pantuflas
sneakers / tennis shoes tenis
zories (thongs) chanclas / patas de gallo


baseball cap gorra

belt cinturón
belt bag / fanny pack cangurera
beret boina
bracelet pulsera / brazalete
cap cachucha / gorra
chain cadena
choker gargantilla
coin purse monedero
earrings aretes
gloves guantes
hairband / headband diadema
handbag bolsa de mano
hat sombrero
hoop earrings arracadas
necklace collar
purse bolsa de mano
ring anillo
scarf mascada / bufanda
scrunchie (scrunchy) dona para el pelo
sunglasses lentes de sol
umbrella paraguas
watch reloj

48 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


high top sneakers tenis de bota

leotard leotardo
lycra shorts licras
sneakers tenis
sweatband banda deportiva para el sudor
soccer shoes (cleats) tacos / tenis de fútbol
sweatpants pants
sweatshirt sudadera
swimsuit / bathing suit traje de baño
tank top camiseta sin mangas
T-shirt playera
warm-up suit / warm-ups pants completo

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- Our children are playing in the park. 7.- Tom is living with his parents until he finds a place
of his own.

2.- What are you eating? –I’m eating a pear.

8.- They aren’t watching TV; they are listening to

3.- How are you doing? –I’m doing OK, thank

9.- Is Pete swimming in the pool? –Yes, he is.

4.- What is she doing? –She’s texting a friend.

10.- Is your father working now?

5.- Who are you talking to?

6.- Sandy is studying French because she wants to

go to France.

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 49

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- Are you presently working? –Yes, I am. 12.- The mechanic is fixing
my car at the moment. 13.- What’s going on? There’s a lot of noise in
the street. 14.- She has trouble sleeping. 15.- What are you saying? 16.-
Where are you going? –I’m going to the office. 17.- She is wearing a whi-
te blouse and a black skirt. 18.- He’s wearing a denim jacket. 19.- She’s
wearing nice earrings and a beautiful necklace. 20.- How are you? –Well,
I’m feeling under the weather today. 21.- Matt! –I’m coming. 22.- My son
isn’t studying at the moment. 23.- I’m not currently working. 24.- That’s
not true. You’re lying to me. 25.- Many people are dying of hunger. 26.-
Nick is into Sandy, but I think she’s already seeing somebody. 27.- She
likes you. –Are you kidding? 28.- What is she wearing? –She’s wearing a
blazer, dress pants and high heels. 29.- He’s very sad, but he’s trying to
move on with his life. 30.- Katy is washing the dishes while her sister is
cleaning the table. 31.- We are watching TV while they are playing soc-
cer. 32.- Pete is wearing a cardigan and his brother is wearing a sweater
vest. 33.- That’s a nice black leather jacket you’re wearing. 34.- Are you
eating an apple? –No, I’m eating a peach. 35.- She’s putting the glasses
in the china cabinet. 36.- Do you like to go swimming? –Yes, I love to go
swimming. 37.- I feel like going to the movies. 38.- Are you doing your
homework? –No, I’m just surfing the Internet. 39.- It’s raining hard now.
40.- Are you taking an English course? –Yes, I am. 41.- She is singing
beautifully. 42.- They are selling their car. 43.- I’m waiting for you. 44.-
Are you feeling better? 45.- She’s finishing her homework. 46.- What are
you looking at? 47.- Those boys are helping their mom. 48.- My sister is
making a chocolate cake. 49.- Cindy is doing the ironing while her sis-
ter is doing the laundry. 50.- I like to go dancing on the weekend. 51.- I
feel like going to the theater. 52.- He’s going to his soccer practice; he’s
wearing shorts, a T-shirt and cleats. 53.- I’m tired of working on the wee-
kend. 54.- Besides playing the guitar, he sings very well. 55.- I like to do
exercises before having lunch. 56.- Why are you wearing a sweatband?
–Because I’m going jogging. 57.- Where is Ron? –He’s washing the car at
this moment. 58.- Samantha is studying English until she enters the uni-
versity. 59.- She isn’t telling you the truth; she’s lying to you. 60.- Besides
being a good husband, he’s an excellent father. 61.- How is it going in
the gym? –Good! I’m working out hard to keep fit. 62.- How are you get-
ting along in your new job? 63.- What are you doing? –I’m having break-
fast. 64.- That boy is riding his bike. 65.- Those women are standing in
front of the building. 66.- This girl is a good student; she’s coming to
her class regularly. 67.- They are sitting and we are standing. 68.- Your
brother is getting on the bus. 69.- I think you’re taking advantage of me.
70.- What is he doing? –He’s parking the car. 71.- She’s holding her baby
while she’s talking on the phone. 72.- What is he doing? –He’s watching
TV while he’s doing his homework. 73.- We like to listen to music while
we are studying. 74.- We can’t go out while it is raining. 75.- That’s a deli-
cate issue; I’m not kidding. 76.- Don’t talk while you’re eating. 77.- A man
is following us. 78.- Is he driving carefully? 79.- I don’t feel like working
today because I’m very tired. 80.- They say that it isn’t a good movie; I
don’t feel like seeing it.

50 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- ¿Qué estás haciendo? –Estoy leyendo un libro 6.- Ella trae puesto un hermoso vestido de seda y
muy interesante. unas zapatillas negras.

2.- ¿Dónde está Nick? –Está sentado en el sofá. 7.- Matt trae puesta una chamarra negra de piel.

3.- Mary está tocando el piano mientras su hermana 8.- ¿Adónde vas? –Voy a la escuela.
está haciendo la tarea.

9.- Él está estudiando inglés mientras entra a la

4.- ¿Qué hacen? –Estamos viendo la televisión. universidad.

5.- Tengo ganas de ir a nadar. 10.- Estoy cansado de hacer el jardín los fines de

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11. Tom está hablando con su jefe en este momento. 12.- ¿Estás leyendo
el periódico? –No, estoy leyendo una revista. 13.- Becky está haciendo
el desayuno mientras su hermano está lavando el carro. 14.- Ella tiene
problemas para hablar inglés. 15.- ¿Te gusta ir a nadar? –Sí, me encanta
ir a nadar. 16.- Frank trae puesto un chaleco tejido y una camisa blanca.
17.- ¿Está lloviendo? –Sí, está lloviendo muy fuerte. 18.- Me gusta hacer
ejercicio antes de desayunar. 19.- Tiendo mi cama antes de irme a
la escuela. 20.- Liz está poniendo la mesa mientras su madre está
preparando la cena. 21.- ¿Por qué traes puesta una sudadera? –Porque
voy a correr. 22.- Ellos están bailando salsa. 23.- ¿A quién estás esperando?
–Estoy esperando a Sarah. 24.- No me estás diciendo la verdad; me
estás mintiendo. 25.- Me gusta Paula, pero creo que ya está saliendo
con alguien. 26.- Creo que le gustas a Diana. –¿Estás bromeando? 27.-
Ellos están jugando fútbol en el parque. 28.- ¡Qué bonita gorra negra
traes puesta! 29.- ¿Qué estás diciendo? 30.- Ella está sentada y él está
parado. 31.- Es un asunto delicado; no estoy bromeando. 32.- Susan le
gusta a Luke. –¿Estás bromeando?

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 51

33.- Aquellos muchachos están jugando básquetbol mientras estas
muchachas están jugando vólibol. 34.- Ese hombre está andando en
bicicleta. 35.- ¿Dónde están ellos? –Se están subiendo al autobús. 36.-
¿Cómo te está yendo en tu nuevo trabajo? 37.- Becky está aprendiendo
a manejar. 38.- Vanessa está viviendo con sus padres mientras
encuentra un lugar propio. 39.- No salgas; está lloviendo muy fuerte.
40.- ¿Qué estás haciendo? –Estoy viendo la tele mientras hago mi tarea.
41.- Tengo ganas de ir al cine. 42.- Ella trae puesto un traje de baño y
chanclas porque va a nadar. 43.- ¡Cuidado! Viene un carro. 44.- Él trae
puesto un chaleco tejido y una bufanda. 45.- Me gusta hacer ejercicio
antes de desayunar. 46.- Tengo problemas para dormir. 47.- Ron está
hablando con su jefe en este momento. 48.- A ellos les gusta ir a bailar
los fines de semana. 49.- ¡Apúrate! Te estamos esperando. 50.- Mabel
está deprimida, pero está tratando de seguir adelante con su vida. 51.-
¿Estás trabajando actualmente? –Sí. 52.- Estoy cansado de lavar el carro
todos los días.

Translate the part in italics into English.

1.- I’m chatting with my friends on Facebook mientras mi hermana está

enviando mensajes de texto.

2.- His sister is studying languages mientras entra a la universidad.

3.- I watch TV después de cenar.

4.- He isn’t telling the truth; está mintiendo.

5.- Don’t watch TV mientras estás hacienda tu tarea.

52 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following dialog –the part in English into Spanish and the part in Spanish into English.


-Hi, Susan! What are you doing?

-Estoy escuchando música mientras estu-


-I’m calling you because I want to talk to

your brother. Is he there?

-No, no está en este momento. Está jugan-

do fútbol con sus amigos ahora.

-OK, I’ll call him later then. Thank you.

-You’re welcome.

Imagine you are in a park. Write a short paragraph describing what is happening
there. You can use the following questions to write your paragraph: What kind of
people are there in the park? Are there old people, young people, children? What
are they doing? What are they wearing? What colors are their clothes?

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 53


La diferencia fundamental entre el presente simple y el presente continuo

es que con el presente simple expresamos, por lo general, actividades
rutinarias y hábitos, mientras que con el presente continuo o progresivo
expresamos acciones que se están llevando a cabo al momento de
hablar. Frecuentemente, estos tiempos van acompañados de adverbios y
expresiones de tiempo que nos indican si se trata de una acción habitual o
bien algo que está ocurriendo al momento de hablar.


Daily routines and habits: Actions happening now:

• I do my homework at 4:00 every day. • I’m doing my homework now.

• He always watches TV in the evening. • He’s watching TV right now.

Es importante recordar también los diferentes usos de estos tiempos

que se explicaron en los apartados correspondientes. El presente simple
expresa acciones que son más permanentes o rutinarias, mientras que el
presente continuo acciones más cortas y temporales.

a) Change the following sentences to the present continuous tense as in the example.

Example: She studies English.

She is studying English.

1.- They answer the questions. 2.- We clean the table. 3.- Does the
teacher ask many questions? 4.- John doesn’t eat fish. 5.- Do you buy

54 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change
the following sentences to the present continuos

6.- I don’t drink beer. 7.- Luke and Matt go to school. 8.- We listen to pop
music. 9.- Nathan lives in the United States. 10.- You put the car in the
garage. 11.- My sister makes cookies. 12.- Does he work in that factory?
13.- The children run in the park. 14.- Matt doesn’t swim fast. 15.- Does
Lucy sing nice songs? 16.- Your brother drives carefully. 17.- Andy plays
baseball. 18.- They take the bus on the corner. 19.- Sandy doesn’t dance
salsa. 20.- Those women cook dinner.

b) Change the following sentences to the present simple tense as in the example.

Example: They are watching TV.

They watch TV.

1.- She’s doing her homework. 2.- Is he living in Houston? 3.- Are you
having breakfast? 4.- She is lying to me. 5.- Her mom is cooking dinner.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change

the following sentences to the present simple tense.

6.- Are you drinking wine? 7.- We aren’t reading the newspaper. 8.- Is
Danny playing volleyball? 9.- Is Ron parking the car in the garage? 10.-
That mechanic is fixing my car. 11.- She is brushing her teeth. 12.- That
woman is speaking English. 13.- The boy is washing the car. 14.- They
aren’t singing in tune. 15.- Are the children running in the park? 16.- Is
she working in a hospital? 17.- We aren’t playing cards. 18.- He is sending
many text messages. 19.- Aren’t they playing soccer? 20.- I’m not spea-
king German.

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 55

c) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use the present simple or the
present continuous.

1.- Today is his birthday. His mom (make) a cake for him.

2.- Hurry up! I (wait) for you.

3.- I (wait) for the bus on the corner every morning.

4.- Danny (play) volleyball, but now he (play)


5.- Becky (learn) how to drive. Her father (teach)


6.- I (not/watch) TV in the morning, but today I (watch)

a program while I (have) breakfast.

7.- They usually (eat) fish, but today they (eat)


8.- We can go out. It (not/rain) now.

9.- Can I turn off the lights? No, I (read) a book.

10.- We (watch) a comedy now. It’s very good and we

(laugh) a lot.

11.- I always (drink) coffee in the morning, but today I

(drink) tea.

12. Look! They (get) on the bus now.

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1. They play soccer now.

2. Are you listening to music while you study?

3. Do you listen to music while you are studying?

4. Does she making cakes?

5. What are you doing?

6. I like to eat chicken, but today I’m eating turkey.

56 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- Do you study English? 8.- I’m having breakfast right now.

2.- Are you studying English? 9.- Where does she live?

3.- They read good books. 10.- Where is she living?

4.- They are reading good books. 11.- She speaks French.

5.- She doesn’t work in a hospital. 12.- She’s speaking French.

6.- She isn’t working in a hospital. 13.- Pete drives carefully.

7.- I have breakfast every morning. 14.- Pete is driving carefully.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Él lava el carro todos los días. 3.- ¿Dónde trabajas?

2.- Él está lavando el carro ahora. 4.- ¿Dónde estás trabajando?

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 57

5.- Ellos no bailan rock ‘n’ roll. 10.- Mark está viviendo en Chicago.

6.- Ellos no están bailando rock ‘n’ roll. 11.- Mi padre no lee el periódico.

7.- Jane canta hermoso. 12.- Mi padre no está leyendo el periódico.

8.- Jane está cantando hermoso. 13.- ¿Qué comes?

9.- Mark vive en Chicago. 14.- ¿Qué estás comiendo?

58 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

a) Write five things that you usually do.

b) Write five things that you are doing to improve yourself.

1.3 El presente progresivo o presente continuo (present progressive or present continuous) 59

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

60 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

El pretérito o pasado simple se utiliza generalmente para:

Expresar acciones llevadas a cabo en el I talked to her yesterday.

pasado y que han sido completadas. Hablé con ella ayer.

Describir estados u opiniones que tuvieron She didn’t like the movie.
lugar en el pasado. A ella no le gustó la película.

Describir hábitos en el pasado. We went to the park every day after

Íbamos al parque todos los días después
de la escuela.

Nótese que en algunas ocasiones, el pasado simple en inglés puede traducirse al español
no solo como pasado, sino también como “copretérito” (verbos con las terminaciones –
aba o –ía), por ejemplo: “I had a book” (Tuve / Tenía un libro). “They wanted to go to the
movies” (Ellos quisieron / querían ir al cine). “He was at his office” (Él estuvo / estaba en
su oficina).
Como se verá más adelante, el “copretérito” puede traducirse por medio de diferentes
tiempos en inglés, además del pasado simple.



Frecuentemente, se utilizan adverbios y expresiones de tiempo para indicar el momento

en que se llevó a cabo determinada acción en el pasado. Algunos de estos adverbios y
expresiones de tiempo son las siguientes:


yesterday (ayer) I went to the movies yesterday.

(Fui al cine ayer).
• yesterday morning, yesterday
afternoon, yesterday evening (ayer en She talked to him yesterday morning.
la mañana, ayer en la tarde, ayer en la (Ella habló con él ayer en la mañana).
• the day before yesterday (antier) They played basketball the day before
(Ellos jugaron básquetbol antier).

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 61

last (pasado, anterior) We visited our friends last night.
(Visitamos a nuestros amigos anoche).
• last night (anoche)
• last Monday, Tuesday… (el lunes pasado, They went to the beach last month.
el martes pasado…) (Ellos fueron a la playa el mes pasado).
• last weekend (el fin de semana pasado)
• last month (el mes pasado)
• last January …. (el enero pasado)…
• last spring… (la primavera pasada)
• last year (el año pasado)

In… (En…) In 1983, I graduated from college.

(En 1983, me gradué de la universidad).
• In (1983….) En (1983…)

…ago (hace) I saw her a week ago (La vi hace una

• a week ago, a month ago… a while ago… I talked to him a while ago.
a few minutes ago…(hace una semana, (Hablé con él hace un rato).
hace un mes, hace un rato, hace unos



Se utilizan frecuentemente los adverbios interrogativos de tiempo How long…? y How

long ago…? para hacer preguntas en tiempo pasado. How long…? significa ¿Cuánto
tiempo…?) y How long ago…? significa ¿Hace cuánto tiempo (que)…?

Nótese que para responder a la pregunta How long…? se utiliza la preposición “for”
(durante, por) en la respuesta para indicar la “duración”. Para responder a la pregunta How
long ago…? se utiliza “ago” (hace) al final de la oración.

62 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

En la siguiente tabla, se dan algunos ejemplos de preguntas con sus respectivas respuestas.


How long…? • How long did you • ¿Cuánto tiempo

study English? estudiaste inglés?
• I studied English for • Estudié inglés durante
five years. cinco años.

How long ago…? • How long ago did you • ¿Hace cuánto tiempo
study English? que estudiaste inglés?
• I studied English five • Estudié inglés hace
years ago. cinco años.



Algunas conjunciones frecuentemente utilizadas para unir oraciones en tiempo pasado

son las siguientes:


• When (cuando) I took a shower when I got home (Me bañé

cuando llegué a casa).

• While (mientras) We had a wonderful time while we were

on vacation (Nos la pasamos de maravillla
mientras estuvimos de vacaciones).

• As soon as (tan pronto como) Susan talked to Pete as soon as she saw
him (Susan habló con Pete tan pronto como
lo vio).

• Until (hasta) I waited for Lucy until she arrived (Esperé a

Lucy hasta que llegó).

• Before (antes) I finished my homework before they

arrived (Terminé mi tarea antes de que ellos

• After (después) I went to the movies after I finished my

homework (Fui al cine después de que
terminé mi tarea).

*Nótese que en este caso, cuando es el mismo

sujeto tanto en la oración principal como en la
subordinada, se puede utilizar el verbo en gerundio
después de la preposición “after”. Por ejemplo: “I
went to the movies after finishing my homework”.
O bien, “After finishing my homework, I went to the

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 63

Nótese que en ciertos casos, la oración puede iniciar con la subordinada, por lo que el
nexo irá al principio, por ejemplo: “When I got home, I took a shower”. “As soon as Susan
saw Pete, she talked to him”. “After finishing my homework, I went to the movies”. En
estos casos, se separa la oración subordinada de la principal con una coma.

Las conjunciones y conectores antes mencionados, también se utilizan con otros tiempos.
Ahora bien, por su tiempo pasado, los verbos en inglés se clasifican en regulares e
irregulares. En los siguientes apartados se profundizará en el estudio y práctica de éstos.


¿Para qué se utiliza generalmente el pasado simple?

¿A qué otro tiempo puede equivaler en español en ciertos casos el

pasado simple en inglés?

¿Cuáles son algunos adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados en

oraciones en tiempo pasado?

¿Qué significa “how long?”

¿Qué significa “how long ago?”

¿Cuáles son algunas conjunciones subordinantes utilizadas en

oraciones en tiempo pasado?

¿Cómo se clasifican los verbos en inglés por su tiempo pasado?

64 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Para formar el pasado de los verbos regulares en inglés, se siguen las siguientes reglas:


• Se agrega por lo general la terminación work – worked; learn – learned

–ed a la forma básica del verbo.

• Si el verbo termina en “e”, se agrega dance – danced; live – lived

únicamente una “d” al final del verbo.

• Si el verbo termina en “y” y ésta va study – studied; try – tried

precedida de una consonante, cambia la
“y” por “i” antes de agregar la terminación

• Los verbos terminados en “y” precedida play – played; stay – stayed

de una vocal, agregan la terminación –
ed como la mayoría de los verbos.

• Los verbos monosílabos terminados stop – stopped; rob – robbed

en consonante precedida de una sola
vocal, doblan la consonante final antes
de agregar la terminación –ed.

• Los verbos de dos o más sílabas que prefer –preferred; commit– committed
terminan en consonante precedida de
una vocal y con acento en la última
sílaba, doblan la consonante final antes
de agregar –ed.

Para preguntar en tiempo pasado, se utiliza el auxiliar “did” antes del sustantivo o pronombre
y se utiliza para todos ellos, y el verbo vuelve a su forma básica, es decir, sin la terminación
“ed”, como se verá en las tablas que se presentan a continuación.

Para negar, se utiliza el auxiliar “did” seguido de la partícula “not” o bien la forma contraída
“didn’t” después del sustantivo o pronombre y el verbo vuelve a su forma básica, es decir,
sin la terminación “ed”, como se verá en las tablas que se presentan a continuación.

Para la forma interrogativo-negativa, se coloca el auxiliar “did” antes del sustantivo o

pronombre y la partícula “not” después de éstos, o bien, colocando la contracción del
negativo antes del sustantivo o pronombre, y el verbo vuelve a su forma básica, es decir, sin
la terminación “ed”, como se verá en las tablas que se presentan a continuación.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 65

A continuación se presentan ejemplos de conjugación de verbos regulares en tiempo pasado.



I worked
You worked
He worked
She worked
It worked
We worked
You worked
They worked


Forma completa Forma contraída

I did not work I didn’t work

You did not work You didn’t work
He did not work He didn’t work
She did not work She didn’t work
It did not work It didn’t work
We did not work We didn’t work
You did not work You didn’t work
They did not work They didn’t work


Did I work?
Did you work?
Did he work?
Did she work?
Did it work?
Did we work?
Did you work?
Did they work?

Cuando se responde a una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente el verbo y el complemento; en la respuesta corta, se utiliza
únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso, el auxiliar did. La respuesta puede ser afirmativa
o negativa.

66 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


-Did you work in that office? -Did you work in that office?
-Yes, I worked in that office. -Yes, I did.
-No, I didn’t work in that office. -No, I didn’t.


Forma completa Forma contraída

Did I not work? Didn’t I work?

Did you not work? Didn’t you work?
Did he not work? Didn’t he work?
Did she not work? Didn’t she work?
Did it not work? Didn’t it work?
Did we not work? Didn’t we work?
Did you not work? Didn’t you work?
Did they not work? Didn’t they work?



I studied
You studied
He studied
She studied
It studied
We studied
You studied
They studied


Forma completa Forma contraída

I did not study I didn’t study

You did not study You didn’t study
He did not study He didn’t study
She did not study She didn’t study
It did not study It didn’t study
We did not study We didn’t study
You did not study You didn’t study
They did not study They didn’t study

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 67


Did I study?
Did you study?
Did he study?
Did she study?
Did it study?
Did we study?
Did you study?
Did they study?


Forma completa Forma contraída

Did I not study? Didn’t I study?

Did you not study? Didn’t you study?
Did he not study? Didn’t he study?
Did she not study? Didn’t she study?
Did it not study? Didn’t it study?
Did we not study? Didn’t we study?
Did you not study? Didn’t you study?
Did they not study? Didn’t they study?

68 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

A continuación se presenta una lista de verbos regulares comunes en inglés.


accept accepted aceptar

accompany accompanied acompañar
acquit acquitted absolver / exonerar / exculpar
admire admired admirar
admit admitted admitir
adopt adopted adoptar
advise advised aconsejar
affect affected afectar
agree agreed estar de acuerdo
allow allowed permitir
annoy annoyed molestar
answer answered contester
appoint appointed designar / nombrar
appear appeared aparecer
approach approached acercarse / aproximarse
approve approved aprobar
argue argued discutir / argumentar
arrive arrived llegar
ask asked preguntar
assure assured asegurar
attend attended asistir / atender
bake baked hornear
beg begged rogar
behave behaved comportarse
believe believed creer
belong belonged pertenecer
blame blamed culpar
bless blessed bendecir
boil boiled hervir
borrow borrowed pedir prestado
bother bothered molestar
breathe breathed respirar
brush brushed cepillar
burn burned quemar
bury buried enterrar
call called llamar

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 69

carry carried cargar / llevar
celebrate celebrated celebrar
change changed cambiar
charge charged cargar
chat chatted platicar / chatear / charlar
cheat cheated hacer trampa / engañar
check checked revisar / comprobar
chew chewed masticar
chop chopped picar / cortar
clap clapped aplaudir
clean cleaned limpiar
climb climbed escalar / subir
close closed cerrar
compare compared comparar
complain complained quejarse
consider considered considerar
continue continued continuar
cook cooked cocinar
copy copied copiar
cough coughed toser
count counted contar
crash crashed chocar
cross crossed cruzar
curse cursed maldecir
cry cried llorar / gritar
damage damaged dañar / estropear
dance danced bailar
dare dared atreverse / osar / retar
deceive deceived engañar
define defined definir
deliver delivered repartir / entregar
depend depended depender
describe described describir
deserve deserved merecer
design designed diseñar
destroy destroyed destruir
determine determined determinar
develop developed desarrollar
die died morir
disagree disagreed no estar de acuerdo
disappear disappeared desaparecer

70 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

disapprove disapproved desaprobar
discover discovered descubrir
dislike disliked desagradar / disgustar
divide divided dividir
download downloaded descargar / bajar (Internet)
dream dreamed soñar
drizzle drizzled lloviznar / chispear
drop dropped dejar caer
drown drowned ahogar
dry dried secar
dust dusted sacudir / quitar el polvo
earn earned ganar
empty emptied vaciar
encourage encouraged animar / alentar
end ended terminar
enhance enhanced mejorar / aumentar
enjoy enjoyed disfrutar
ensure ensured asegurar
enter entered entrar
envy envied envidiar
erase erased borrar
exchange exchanged intercambiar
exercise exercised ejercitar / hacer ejercicio
expect expected esperar
explain explained explicar
fail failed fracasar / reprobar
fill filled llenar
finish finished terminar
fit fitted ajustarse / quedar (ropa)
fix fixed arreglar / componer
float floated flotar
flow flowed fluir
fold folded doblar
follow followed seguir
fry fried freír
gather gathered reunir / juntar
glue glued pegar
grab grabbed agarrar
grant granted conceder / otorgar
greet greeted saludar
guess guessed adivinar

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 71

hang hanged ahorcar
happen happened suceder
harm harmed dañar / hacer daño
hate hated odiar
heal healed sanar / curar
help helped ayudar
hesitate hesitated titubear
hike hiked dar una caminata / subir
hire hired alquilar / contratar
hope hoped esperar
hug hugged abrazar
hum hummed tararear
hunt hunted cazar
hurry hurried apresurarse
identify identified identificar
imagine imagined imaginar
impress impressed impresionar
improve improved mejorar
include included incluir
insist insisted insistir
introduce introduced presentar
invite invited invitar
jog jogged trotar
join joined juntar(se) / encontrar(se)
jump jumped saltar / brincar
kick kicked patear
kill killed matar
kiss kissed besar
knock knocked tocar / llamar (a la puerta)
lack lacked carecer
land landed aterrizar
last lasted durar
laugh laughed reír
leap leaped brincar / saltar
learn learned aprender
lick licked lamer
lie lied mentir
lift lifted levantar
like liked gustar
listen listened escuchar
live lived vivir

72 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

load loaded cargar
lock locked cerrar (con llave)
look looked mirar
love loved amar
manage managed arreglárselas / conseguir / lograr
marry married casar(se)
match matched combinar (con algo)
melt melted derretir
memorize memorized memorizar
miss missed extrañar / perder
mix mixed mezclar
mop mopped trapear
move moved mover / mudarse
mow mowed cortar / podar (césped)
need needed necesitar
notify notified avisar / notificar
obey obeyed obedecer
occur occurred ocurrir
offer offered ofrecer
open opened abrir
order ordered ordenar
own owned poseer / ser dueño de
pack packed empacar
paint painted pintar
park parked estacionar
pass passed pasar
perform performed realizar / llevar a cabo
phone phoned telefonear
place placed colocar
plan planned planear
play played jugar
possess possessed poseer
pray prayed orar / rezar
prefer preferred preferir
prepare prepared preparar
pretend pretended fingir
print printed imprimir
promise promised prometer
pronounce pronounced pronunciar
protect protected proteger
prove proved probar

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 73

provide provided proporcionar / proveer
pull pulled jalar
punish punish castigar
push pushed empujar
rain rained llover
raise raised levantar / alzar
reach reached alcanzar / llegar
realize realized darse cuenta
receive received recibir
recognize recognized reconocer
recommend recommended recomendar
record recorded grabar
refuse refused negar(se)
regret regretted lamentar(se)
relax relaxed relajar(se)
relieve relieved aliviar / calmar
remain remained permanecer
remember remembered recordar
remind reminded recordar
remove removed quitar / remover
rent rented rentar
repeat repeated repetir
replace replaced reemplazar
resemble resembled parecerse
rest rested descansar
return returned regresar
reward rewarded recompensar
rinse rinsed enjuagar
risk risked arriesgar(se)
rob robbed robar
rub rubbed tallar / frotar
row rowed remar
rush rushed apresurar(se)
save saved salvar / ahorrar / apartar
scare scared asustar / espantar
scold scolded regañar
scratch scratched rascar(se)
scream screamed gritar
search searched buscar
seem seemed parecer
serve served servir

74 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

share shared compartir
shout shouted gritar
sign signed firmar
skate skated patinar
ski skied esquiar
slap slapped abofetear / pegar con la mano
slip slipped resbalarse / deslizar
smash smashed aplastar
smell smelled oler
smile smiled sonreír
smoke smoked fumar
sneeze sneezed estornudar
snore snored roncar
snow snowed nevar
solve solved resolver
spell spelled deletrear
spill spilled derramar
spoil spoiled echar a perder
sprinkle sprinkled rociar / lloviznar
spy spied espiar
squeeze squeezed apretar / exprimir
start started empezar / comenzar
stay stayed quedarse / permanecer
stop stopped detener / parar
stretch stretched estirar(se)
study studied estudiar
succeed succeeded tener éxito
sue sued demandar
suffer suffered sufrir
suggest suggested sugerir
support supported mantener / apoyar
suppose supposed suponer
surf surfed surfear / navegar (Internet)
survive survived sobrevivir
talk talked hablar / platicar
taste tasted probar
test tested poner a prueba / probar
thank thanked agradecer
tie tied atar
touch touched tocar
train trained entrenar

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 75

travel traveled viajar
treat treated tratar
trust trusted confiar
try tried tratar / intentar
turn turned girar / dar vuelta
twist twisted torcer
type typed mecanografiar
upload uploaded cargar / subir (Internet)
use used usar
visit visited visitar
wait waited esperar
walk walked caminar
want wanted querer
wash washed lavar
waste wasted echar(se) a perder / desperdiciar
watch watched observar
water watered regar
weigh weighed pesar
wish wished desear
wonder wondered preguntarse / maravillarse
work worked trabajar
worry worried preocupar
wrap wrapped envolver
yawn yawned bostezar
yell yelled gritar

76 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Existen, además, algunos verbos cuyo pasado es regular, pero son considerados “irregulares”
porque tienen un participio pasado irregular. Estos verbos, generalmente aparecen, por
ello, en las listas de verbos irregulares a pesar de tener, como se mencionó anteriormente,
su forma de tiempo pasado con la terminación “–ed”.

Estos verbos se enlistan a continuación.


hew hewed labrar (piedra o madera)

lade laded cargar
mow mowed segar, podar (césped)
rive rived rajar / hender
saw sawed aserrar
sew sewed coser
shave shaved rasurar(se)
show showed mostrar / enseñar
shred shredded rasgar / romper
sow sowed sembrar
strew strewed esparcir / diseminar
swell swelled hinchar(se) / inflar

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Cuáles son las reglas para formar el tiempo pasado de los verbos
regulares en inglés?

¿Qué auxiliar se utiliza para preguntar y negar en tiempo pasado?

¿Qué sucede con el verbo cuando se utiliza el auxiliar para preguntar o


¿Por qué algunos verbos con terminación “–ed” en pasado suelen

considerarse irregulares?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 77

a) Give the past tense of the following verbs.

1.- open 31.- continue

2.- answer 32.- rob

3.- dance 33.- stop

4.- check 34.- wrap

5.- finish 35.- like

6.- want 36.- repeat

7.- talk 37.- rain

8.- remember 38.- die

9.- clean 39.- stay

10.- walk 40.- smile

11.- ask 41.- study

12.- invite 42.- help

13.- beg 43.- fry

14.- call 44.- chat

15.- admit 45.- spy

16.- hate 46.- occur

17.- change

18.- dream

19.- need

20.- drop
21.- share

22.- love

23.- carry

24.- play

25.- remove

26.- push

27.- cry

28.- annoy

29.- watch

30.- work

78 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

b) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and conjugate the following verbs in the past simple tense
in the affirmative, interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms as in the example:

to want, to change, to study, to beg, to prefer.



Affirmative Interrogative Negative Interrogative-negative

I jumped Did I jump? I didn’t jump Didn’t I jump?

You jumped Did you jump? You didn’t jump Didn’t you jump?
He jumped Did he jump? He didn’t jump Didn’t he jump?
She jumped Did she jump? She didn’t jump Didn’t she jump?
It jumped Did it jump? It didn’t jump Didn’t it jump?
We jumped Did we jump? We didn’t jump Didn’t we jump?
You jumped Did you jump? You didn’t jump Didn’t you jump?
They jumped Did they jump? They didn’t jump Didn’t they jump?

c) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative


Example: She studied English.

Did she study English?
She didn’t study English.
Didn’t she study English?

1.- They played in the park. 2.- I remembered her name. 3.- She loved
him. 4.- You cleaned the table. 5.- We danced at the party.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 79

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change
the following sentences to the interrogative, negative
and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- He finished his homework. 7.- You called me. 8.- They worked in a
factory. 9.- She dropped the glass. 10.- He opened the door. 11.- I needed
a blue pen. 12.- You invited them. 13.- He talked to her. 14.- She smiled at
you. 15.- We wrapped the presents. 16.- He accepted the offer. 17.- They
arrived yesterday. 18.- This book belonged to my father. 19.- We copied
the sentences. 20.- You enjoyed your trip. 21.- He kissed her. 22.- You
lied to me. 23.- They lived in Houston. 24.- She parked the car in the
garage. 25.- You scared me. 26.- Mary showed you the pictures. 27.- He
traveled to China last month. 28.- They wanted to go to the movies last
Sunday. 29.- You waited for her. 30.- She tried to help you.

d) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form.

Example: She didn’t help us.

She helped us.

1.- Did you call her? 2.- I didn’t love you. 3.- He didn’t play yesterday. 4.-
Did they ask many questions? 5.- You didn’t pronounce correctly.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the

following sentences to the affirmative form.

6.- My dad didn’t allow me to go. 7.- Lucy didn’t call us. 8.- Her mom
didn’t cook dinner. 9.- Did they dance at the party last night? 10.- The
mechanic didn’t fix my car. 11.- Did the teacher explain the topic clearly?
12.- Did they laugh a lot? 13.- Matt didn’t listen to rock music. 14.- Did
you like the movie? 15.- Did she memorize the poem? 16.- Mark didn’t
recognize me when he saw me. 17.- We didn’t receive many letters. 18.-
Did she smile at you? 19.- Did you visit your parents? 20.- Did he like her?

80 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

e) Answer the following sentences in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when necessary.

Example: Did the children play in the park?

Yes, they did.
Yes, they played in the park.

1.- Did you wash the car yesterday? 2.-Did they answer correctly? 3.- Did
you arrive on time? 4.- Did Mary ask many questions? 5.- Did the water

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to answer

the following questions in the affirmative form, giving
a short and a long answer Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

6.- Did your mom bake a cake? 7.- Did you brush your teeth? 8.- Did she
call you? 9.- Did he cheat on her? 10.- Did the boys clean the tables? 11.-
Did Luke close the window? 12.- Did they dance at the party? 13.- Did
you dream of her? 14.- Did Cindy finish her homework? 15.- Did Paul
help his sister? 16.- Did those girls learn many words? 17.- Did you listen
to the song? 18.- Did you love me? 19.- Did he marry her? 20.- Did the
children obey their mother? 21.- Did it rain hard last night? 22.- Did she
remember you? 23.- Did you stay home last weekend? 24.- Did he spell
his name correctly? 25.- Did she walk to the office? 26.- Did your sister
wash the dishes? 27.- Did they copy the sentences? 28.- Did your father
work in a hospital? 29.- Did you wrap the presents? 30.- Did he want to
go to the movies?

f) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and answer the sentences of the previous exercise in the
negative form, giving a short and a long answer as in the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun
when necessary.

Example: Did the children play in the park?

No, they didn’t.
No, they didn’t play in the park.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 81

g) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the past simple tense.

1.- He (jog) in the park yesterday morning.

2.- My father (work) in that office for five years.

3.- Did they (live) in the UK?

4.- Becky didn’t (marry) John; she (marry)


5.- We (need) a blue pen.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill

in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in
parentheses in the past simple tense.

6.- Didn’t your boss (sign) _________ the documents? 18.- Her grandmother (die) ___________ at the age
7.- He (manage) __________ to finish his homework. of 86.
8.- Where did you (park) _____________ the car? 19.- Did you (finish) ___________ your homework?
9.- Who (open) ____________ the window? 20.- We (listen) ______________ to a nice song.
10.- Did they (play) ___________ soccer yesterday 21.- The mechanic (fix) ____________ my car very
afternoon? quickly.
11.- You (promise) ___________ to go with us. 22.- He (love) ___________ her to death.
12.- She didn’t (pronounce) _____________ the 23.- They didn’t (live) _________ in New York ; they
words correctly. (live) _________ in Seattle.
13.- Who (call) ________ you? –Pete (call) ________ 24.- I (want) ____________ to go to the movies last
me. night.
14.- You (scare) _________ me! 25.- He didn’t (help) __________ us.
15.- My mom (cook) ____________ dinner. 26.- The children (count) ___________ from one to
16.- We (play) ____________ volleyball last Sunday. ten.
17.- Mark didn’t (agree) __________ with us.

82 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

h) Translate the following sentences.

1.- He plays volleyball. 6.- He doesn’t like to play volleyball.

2.- He doesn’t play volleyball.. 7.- Does he like to play volleyball?

3.- Does he play volleyball? 8.- Doesn’t he like to play volleyball?

4.- Doesn’t he play volleyball? 9.- Who plays volleyball?

5.- He likes to play volleyball. 10.- What does he like to play?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- When does he play volleyball? 12.- Where does he play volleyball?
13.- How does he play volleyball? 14.- Why does he play volleyball? 15.-
He wants to play volleyball. 16.- He doesn’t want to play volleyball. 17.-
Does he want to play volleyball? 18.- Doesn’t he want to play volleyball?
19.- He has to play volleyball. 20.- He doesn’t have to play volleyball. 21.-
Does he have to play volleyball? 22.- Doesn’t he have to play volleyball?
23.- He can play volleyball. 24.- He can’t play volleyball. 25.- Can he
play volleyball? 26.- Can’t he play volleyball? 27.- He is playing volleyball.
28.- He isn’t playing volleyball. 29.- Is he playing volleyball? 30.- Isn’t he
playing volleyball? 31.- Who is playing volleyball? 32.- What is he playing?
33.- Where is he playing volleyball? 34.- Why is he playing volleyball?
35.- How is he playing volleyball? 36.- He played volleyball. 37.- He didn’t
play volleyball. 38.- Did he play volleyball? 39.- Didn’t he play volleyball?
40.- Who played volleyball? 41.- What did he play? 42.- Where did he
play volleyball? 43.- When did he play volleyball? 44.- Why did he play
volleyball? 45.- How did he play volleyball?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 83

i) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and repeat the previous exercise using the following
pronouns, verbs and complements:

1) they / study / English; 2) you / wash / the car;

3) she / clean / the table

j) Write the correct questions for each of the answers given. Use who and what as in the example.

Example: Linda listened to the radio.

Who listened to the radio?
What did Linda listen to?

1.- My brother studied Italian. 2.- Andrew played baseball.

3.- Judy wanted a double cheese burger. 4.- They needed a taxi.

5.- You washed the dishes.

k) Write the correct questions for each of the answers given. Use where and when as in the

Example: They played in the park this morning.

Where did they play this morning?
When did they play in the park?

1.- Our father worked at his office on the weekend. 4.- He washed the car in the garage in the afternoon.

2.- They watched TV at home last night. 5.- They traveled to China last month.

3.- Samantha studied in that school last year.

84 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

l) Write the correct questions for each of the answers given. Use how and why as in the example.

Example: They listened to the speaker carefully because they

wanted to understand everything.
How did they listen to the speaker?
Why did they listen to the speaker carefully?

1.- Matt studied hard because he wanted to get good grades.

2.- She dressed very elegantly because she wanted to impress her friends.

3.- You passed the exam easily because you studied hard.

m) Put the words in the correct order.

1.- the very students questions the well 4.- did study where English ? she

5.- this my phone didn’t cell I mor-

2.- in office worked father that my ning use
years five for

3.- need English they ? an did book

n) Change the following sentences to the past simple tense as in the example.

Example: We answer the questions correctly.

We answered the questions correctly.

1.- You work in a factory. 2.- His brother plays basketball. 3.- Does your
sister study English? 4.- John and Betty don’t watch TV. 5.- Tom lives in

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 85

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change
the following sentences to the past simple tense.

6.- She doesn’t use her cell phone. 7.- He answers very well. 8.- That man
needs a car. 9.- Do the children play in the park? 10.- These girls finish their
homework. 11.- Those students listen to the teacher. 12.- Don’t you want
a hamburger? 13.. Do you agree with them? 14.- The waitress cleans the
tables. 15.- That nice house belongs to my parents. 16.- I don’t believe you.
17.- Does he borrow money from you? 18.- She seems happy. 19.- Where
do you work? 20.- We dance a lot. 21.- I download interesting articles from
the Internet. 22.- Does she help her mom? 23.- Do your parents support
you? 24.- When does he visit his friends? 25.- I walk to the office. 26.- Why
do you want to go swimming? 27.- We repeat these words. 28.- I don’t
remember his name. 29.- Does it rain hard? 30.- He loves her. 31.- I like her.
32.- She likes me. 33.- I prefer to go to the park. 34.- Where do you park
the car? 35.- When does he wash the car? 36.- The movie lasts two hours.
37.- Do they follow the instructions? 38.- We copy the sentences. 39.- We
learn a lot. 40.- I miss you.

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Did he worked in a factory?

2.- They arrived very late last night.

3.- She didn’t do her homework.

4.- We studyed music for three years.

5.- I talk to him a while ago.

6.- Did he pass the math test?

7.- When did you played soccer?

8.- I chated with my friends on Facebook.

9.- Does your mom cook dinner yesterday?

10.- We didn’t like the movie.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- We watched TV yesterday evening. 2.- My nephew didn’t play basketball; he played

86 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

3.- They danced a lot at the party. 7.- He didn’t love her.

4.- She helped her mom to do the dishes. 8.- I missed you.

5.- Where did you park the car? –I parked it in the 9.- She screamed when the door slammed shut.

10.- The movie lasted two hours.

6.- What happened to you?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- He arrived late at the airport and missed the plane. 12.- Did you
remind her to bring the book? –Yes, I did. 13.- Did you remember his
name? –No, I didn’t. 14.- She smiled at me. 15.- They rented a nice
apartment. 16.- Did you dance at the party? –Yes, we danced a lot. 17.-
They robbed a bank. 18.- You didn’t sign the documents. 19.- Did it rain
hard? –Yes, it rained cats and dogs. 20.- I called him, but he didn’t answer.
21.- That nice big house belonged to my grandfather. 22.- Did you agree
with them? –No, I didn’t. 23.- She didn’t clean the table, but she washed
the dishes. 24.- Did they ask many questions? –Yes, they did. 25.- What
time did you arrive home? –I arrived home at 10:00. 26.- Where did you
study English? 27.- Did you enjoy your trip? –Yes, I enjoyed it very much.
28.- I answered the phone when she called. 29.- She prepared lunch
as soon as they arrived. 30.- Your friends arrived a while ago. 31.- Did
you like the movie? –No, it was very boring. 32.- Laura needed to talk to
Matt. 33.- What did he want? 34.- Who studied French? –My sister did.
35.- They wanted to go to the theater, but we didn’t. 36.- They didn’t
want to go to the park; they wanted to go swimming. 37.- We wanted to
eat a hamburger. 38.- Did you chat with your friends on Facebook? 39.-
The waitress cleaned the table. 40.- I dreamed about you last night. 41.-
Where did your sister study music? 42.- The secretary typed many letters.
43.- You scared me. 44.- They didn’t accept the deal. 45.- We rented a
nice house near the beach. 46.- Did you charge your cell phone? 47.- I
downloaded my favorite songs from You Tube. 48.- He succeeded in his
career. 49.- She achieved her goals in life.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 87

50.- The You Tuber uploaded interesting math tutorials. 51.- The student
raised his hand to answer the question. 52.- I don’t trust you anymore;
you deceived me. 53.- They pretended to be working. 54.- Did you
rest well? –Yes, I rested very well. 55.- She yelled at me when I arrived.
56.- He earned a lot of money when he worked for that company. 57.- I
borrowed a book from the library. 58.- Did he borrow money from you?
59.- When the pop singer appeared on the stage, the audience clapped
loudly. 60.- He climbed the stairs quickly. 61.- They didn’t dare to tell
me the truth. 62.- The car crashed into a light pole. 63.- The teacher
explained the topic very clearly. 64.- He promised to marry her. 65.- Did
you solve the problem? –Yes, I did. 66.- They started a new business. 67.-
The ice cream looked delicious, but I didn’t taste it. 68.- Did he wait for
her? –Yes, he did. 69.- I didn’t shave this morning. 70.- The boy brushed
his teeth before going to school. 71.- He worked as a bouncer because
he needed money to pay for his career. 72.- Did Laura’s parents support
her during her years in the university? 73.- Christopher Columbus
discovered America in 1492. 74.- I didn’t study for the test. 75.- How
long did you work for that company? –I worked there for ten years. 76.-
How long ago did John marry Becky? –He married her fifteen years
ago. 77.- How long did you study English? –I studied English for three
years. 78.- How long ago did you study English? –I studied English five
years ago. 79.- How long ago did you finish your career? –I finished it a
year ago. 80.- What did you dream about last night? –I dreamed about
going to Europe. 81.- Who did you dream about last night? –I dreamed
about you. 82.- I didn’t agree with them on that. 83.- He insisted on
paying for the tickets. 84.- Did you want to see that movie? –No, I didn’t.
85.- Did you like the concert? –Yes, I really liked it. 86.- They moved to
New Orleans last month. 87.- I called her as soon as I arrived home. 88.-
He seemed to be worried. 89.- She introduced me to her friend. 90.-
We moved to a new house last month. 91.- She celebrated her golden
wedding anniversary last year. 92.- She worked as a secretary to pay for
her career. 93.- Rachel friended me on Facebook.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- ¿Trabajaste ayer? –Sí. 4.-Nadia tocó el piano precioso.

2.- Mi hijo no lavó el carro. 5.- No vi la tele ayer.

3.- Aquella muchacha estudió francés en esa 6.- Los estudiantes contestaron las preguntas
escuela. correctamente.

88 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

7.- ¿Necesitabas dinero? –No. 9.- Yo le gustaba a ella.

8.- Ella me gustaba. 10.- Queríamos un hot dog.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English

11.- Mis amigos querían ir al cine. 12.- Intenté llamarte hace un rato. 13.-
Ellos llegaron tarde. 14.- ¿Limpiaste la casa? 15.- Él le gustaba a ella, pero
ella no le gustaba a él. 16.- ¿Pediste este libro a la biblioteca? –Sí. 17.- Él
ganaba mucho dinero cuando trabajaba para esa compañía. 18.- ¿Por
qué borraste los enunciados? 19.- Él me presentó a sus amigos. 20.-
¿Cuánto tiempo me esperaste? –Te esperé una hora. 21.- ¿Estudiaste
para el examen? –Sí, estudié muy duro. 22.- Ayer jugamos fútbol en el
parque. 23.- Ella limpió la casa la semana pasada. 24.- Tan pronto como
ellos llegaron, ella preparó la cena. 25.- Hablé con ella hace un momento.
26.- ¿Caminaste a la escuela esta mañana? –Sí. 27.- ¿Fumaste? –No. 28.-
Me lavé los dientes antes de ir a la escuela. 29.- ¿Jugó Andrew béisbol la
semana pasada? –Sí. 30.- Ella no escuchó la radio; vio la tele. 31.- ¿Bajaste
esa canción de You Tube? 32.- No abrí la ventana, pero abrí la puerta. 33.-
Caminamos a la escuela esta mañana. 34.- ¿Quién trabajó en aquella
oficina? –Mi hermano. 35.- Ellos empezaron una nueva vida en Canadá.
36.- ¿Cuánto tiempo estudiaste inglés? –Estudié inglés tres años. 37.-
¿Hace cuánto tiempo que estudiaste inglés? –Estudié inglés hace cinco
años. 38.- John me pidió prestados diez dólares. 39.- ¿Cuándo lavaste
el carro? –Lo lavé ayer en la mañana. 40.- Cindy ayudó a su mamá a
poner la mesa. 41.- ¿Te gustó la película? –Sí, me gustó mucho. 42.- Él
la amaba con toda el alma. 43.- Ellos no quisieron ir al cine; quisieron
ir al teatro. 44.- Ellos no querían ir al cine; querían ir al teatro. 45.- Paul
logró sus metas en la vida. 46.- Tu hermano tocó la guitarra muy bien.
47.- ¿Envolviste los regalos? –Sí. 48.- Ellos no jugaron ajedrez; jugaron
cartas. 49.- Anoche soñé contigo. 50.- ¿Dónde estudiaste música? 51.-
El mecánico arregló mi carro antier. 52.- Disfrutamos mucho nuestro
viaje a Europa el año pasado. 53.- ¿Quién quería una hamburguesa? –Yo.
54.- Vi la tele después de ir al parque. 55.- ¿Por qué me mentiste? –
Porque no quería preocuparte. 56.- Mi prima no estudió inglés; estudió
italiano. 57.- Él vivió con sus padres hasta que terminó la universidad.
58.- Ron reprobó el examen de matemáticas. 59.- ¿Querías ir al parque?
–No, quería ir a nadar. 60.- Te llamé tan pronto como llegué a casa.
61.- No me acordé de su nombre (de ella). 62.- Luke me pidió prestado
un libro. 63.- Mis padres me mantuvieron hasta que terminé mi carrera.
64.- Mary parecía estar preocupada. 65.- ¿Horneó la mamá de Liz un
pastel de chocolate?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 89

66.- ¿Cuándo celebraste tu cumpleaños? –Lo celebré la semana pasada.
67.- Ellos se cambiaron de casa la semana pasada. 68.- ¿Te presentó
Matt a su hermana? –No. 69.- No me atreví a decirle la verdad (a ella).
70.- ¿Por qué no quisiste ir al cine con nosotros? 71.- Catherine celebró
sus bodas de plata el mes pasado. 72.- Él trabajó como cantante en un
bar para pagar su carrera.

Translate the part in italics into English.

1.- Tan pronto como ellos llegaron, I opened the door.

2.- Estudié inglés in that school for four years.

3.- Ella preparó la cena when she arrived home.

4.- Vi la tele after I finished my homework.

5.- Te llamé anoche, but you didn’t answer

90 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following dialog –the part in English into Spanish and the part in Spanish into English.


-¿Dónde estudiaste inglés?

-I studied English in a center of foreign


-Did you learn a lot?


-¿Por qué estudiaste inglés?

-Because I wanted to visit my family in the

United States.

¿Y los visitaste?

-Yes, I did.

-¿Disfrutaste tu viaje a los Estados Unidos?

-Yes, I enjoyed it a lot.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 91

Write five sentences using the past simple tense (of regular verbs) about five things
you did last weekend.



El verbo “to be” es un verbo irregular que, al ser también un verbo auxiliar” tiene características
particulares que lo diferencian de otros verbos. Una diferencia fundamental es que es un
verbo que no requiere del auxiliar “did” para preguntar o negar en tiempo pasado.

A continuación se presenta la conjugación del verbo to be en tiempo pasado en sus

diferentes formas: afirmativa, interrogativa, negativa e interrogativo-negativa.


I was (yo) fui, estuve; era, estaba

You were (tú) fuiste, estuviste; eras, estabas (usted) fue, estuvo; era, estaba
He was (él) fue, estuvo; era, estaba
She was (ella) fue, estuvo; era, estaba
It was (ello) fue, estuvo; era, estaba
We were (nosotros) fuimos, estuvimos; éramos, estábamos
You were (ustedes) fueron, estuvieron; eran, estaban
They were (ellos) fueron, estuvieron; eran, estaban

92 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

La forma negativa se forma utilizando la partícula not después del verbo. Esta partícula se
puede contraer con el verbo.


Forma completa Forma contraída

I was not I wasn’t

You were not You weren’t
He was not He wasn’t
She was not She wasn’t
It was not It wasn’t
We were not We weren’t
You were not You weren’t
They were not They weren’t

La forma interrogativa se forma por inversión del verbo con el sustantivo o pronombre.
Nótese que el signo de interrogación, a diferencia del español, sólo se coloca al final.


Was I?
Were you?
Was he?
Was she?
Was it?
Were we?
Were you?
Were they?

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente el verbo y el complemento; en la respuesta corta, se utiliza
únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso, el verbo to be. La respuesta puede ser afirmativa
o negativa.


-Was she at the library? -Was she at the library?

-Yes, she was at the library. -Yes, she was.
-No, she wasn’t at the library. -No, she wasn’t.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 93

La forma interrogativo-negativa del verbo to be se forma colocando el verbo antes del
sustantivo o pronombre y la partícula not después del pronombre o bien colocando la
contracción del negativo antes del sustantivo o pronombre.


Forma completa Forma contraída

Was I not? Wasn’t I?

Were you not? Weren’t you?
Was he not? Wasn’t he?
Was she not? Wasn’t she?
Was it not? Wasn’t it?
Were we not? Weren’t we?
Were you not? Weren’t you?
Were they not? Weren’t they?

Se utiliza el verbo “to be” en pasado en la expresión “to be born” (nacer), como se muestra
en los ejemplos de la siguiente tabla.


I was born in Texas in April, 1974. Nací en Texas en abril de 1974.

Where were you born? ¿Dónde naciste?

When were you born? ¿Cuándo naciste?

In which month were you born? ¿En qué mes naciste?

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Por qué el verbo to be no requiere del auxiliar did para preguntar o


¿Cómo se forma la forma interrogativa del verbo to be en tiempo


94 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

¿Cómo se forma la forma negativa del verbo to be en tiempo pasado?

¿Cómo se forma la forma interrogativo-negativa del verbo to be en

tiempo pasado?

¿Qué significa “to be born”?

a) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative, and interrogative-negative
forms as in the example.

Example: She was sad.

Was she sad?
She wasn’t sad.
Wasn’t she sad?

1.- We were bored. 2.- They were happy. 3.- Her teacher was American.
4.- He was sick. 5.- His grandfather was a doctor.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 95

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change
the following sentences to the interrogative, negative
and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- The books were old. 7.- Jenny was his girlfriend. 8.- He was born in
the United States. 9.- They were rich. 10.- She was a nurse.

b) Answer the following sentences in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when necessary.

Example: Was Tom happy?

Yes, he was.
Yes, he was happy.

1.- Was Becky a secretary? 2.- Were you busy? 3.- Was Jack angry? 4.- Was
she your classmate? 5.- Were you friends?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to answer

the following questions in the affirmative form, giving
a short and a long answer. Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

6.- Was your father an engineer? 7.- Were they married? 8.- Was your
mom worried? 9.- Were you hungry? 10.- Was he sleepy? 11.- Was she
in a hurry? 12.- Was Debbie born in Seattle? 13.- Was Kay born in the
UK? 14.- Was Raymonde born in France? 15.- Was Tony’s grandfather a
carpenter? 16.- Was Sandra in the park? 17.- Were they at the mall? 18.-
Were you at school? 19.- Was Joan’s father at the office? 20.- Was Vicky

c) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and answer the sentences of the previous exercise in
the negative form, giving a short and a long answer as in the example. Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

Example: Was Tom happy?

No, he wasn’t.
No, he wasn’t happy.

96 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

d) Change the following sentences to the past simple tense as in the example.

Example: The tables are dirty.

The tables were dirty.

1.- Those men are busy. 2.- The house is clean. 3.- Is he your classmate?
4.- The exercises are difficult. 5.- The book isn’t on the table; it is on the

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the

following sentences to the past simple tense.

6.- The children are in the park. 7.- Are you bored? 8.- The coffee is hot.
9.- That girl is sad. 10.- Ivet is in Cuba. 11.- Is Kay in London? 12.- The
apples are in the fruit bowl. 13.- Are they friends? 14.- Her mother is a
teacher. 15.- My grandfather is a plumber. 16.- The dress isn’t long. 17.-
Are you at the library? 18.- Pete is sleepy. 19.- Is Danny hungry? 20.- Are
you afraid?

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- He didn’t was at school.

2.- They not were Mexican.

3.- You weren’t at the library.

4.- Wasn’t they hungry?

5.- Her grandmother was very old.

6.- My father was a lawyer.

7.- When was you born?

8.- Were she worried?

9.- Were you busy yesterday morning?

10. - The book not was interesting.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 97

A continuación se incluyen tablas con países y nacionalidades, así como de ocupaciones y profesiones para
facilitar tanto el aprendizaje de este vocabulario como para los ejercicios de traducción. Recuerda que las
nacionalidades, a diferencia del español, se escriben con inicial mayúscula. La primera parte correspondiente
a este vocabulario se encuentra en el primer libro de esta serie.


Austria Austria Austrian austríaco

Belarus Bielorrusia Belarusian bielorruso
Belgium Bélgica Belgian belga
Belize Belice Belizean beliceño
Bolivia Bolivia Bolivian boliviano
Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgarian búlgaro
Burma Birmania Burmese birmano
Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rican costarricense
Cuba Cuba Cuban cubano
Denmark Dinamarca Danish / Dane danés
Ecuador Ecuador Ecuadorian ecuatoriano
El Salvador El Salvador Salvadorian Salvadoreño
Holland Holanda Dutch holandés
India India (La) Indian hindú
Iran Irán Iranian iraní
Ireland Irlanda Irish irlandés
Jamaica Jamaica Jamaican jamaiquino
Korea Corea Korean coreano
Mongolia Mongolia Mongolian mongol
New Zealand Nueva Zelanda New Zealander neozelandés
Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaraguan nicaraguense
Nigeria Nigeria Nigerian nigeriano
Pakistan Pakistán Pakistani pakistaní
Panama Panama Panamanian panameño
Poland Polonia Polish / Pole polaco
Romania Rumania Romanian rumano
Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudita Arab árabe
Syria Siria Syrian sirio
Taiwan Taiwán Taiwanese taiwanés
Turkey Turquía Turkish / Turk turco
Ukraine Ucrania Ukrainian ucraniano
Venezuela Venezuela Venezuelan venezolano
Viet Nam Viet Nam Vietnamese vietnamita

98 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte



archeologist arqueólgo
bank teller cajero de banco
beekeeper apicultor
bellhop/ bellboy botones
biologist biólogo
blacksmith herrero
botanist botánico
busser (busboy / busgirl) garrotero
caterer banquetero
chemical engineer ingeniero químico
chemist químico
chiropractor quiropráctico
civil engineer ingeniero civil
cleaner intendente
clerk empleado / dependiente
computer software engineer ingeniero en sistemas computacionales
computer technician ténico en computación
counter worker empleado de mostrador
customs officer agente aduanal
dishwasher lavalosa / lavaplatos
doorman portero
electrical engineer ingeniero eléctrico
environmental engineer ingeniero ambiental
fashion designer diseñador de modas
fitness instructor entrenador de acondicionamiento físico
food-service worker ayudante de cocina
foreman capataz / vigilante
gas station attendant despachador de gasolina
genetic engineer ingeniero en genética
graphic artist diseñador gráfico
housekeeper empleada doméstica
industrial engineer ingeniero industrial
ironworker herrero
journalist periodista
lab technician técnico laboratorista
librarian bibliotecario
locksmith cerrajero

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 99

lumberjack leñador
manager gerente / administrador
masseur / masseuse masajista
miner minero
mover transportista (mudanza) / mudancero
news presenter / anchorman locutor
oceanographer oceanógrafo
optician optometrista
paleontologist paleontólogo
paramedic paramédico
pet sitter cuidador de mascotas
physical therapist terapeuta físico
piano tuner afinador de pianos
psychologist psicólogo
quantum physicist físico cuántico
real estate agent agente de bienes raíces
reporter reportero
salesman/woman vendedor(a)
security guard guardia de seguridad
shoemaker zapatero
shoe shiner / bootblack bolero
social worker trabajador social
sociologist sociólogo
stockbroker corredor de bolsa
stunt man doble (película)
tailor sastre
taxi driver taxista
telephone operator operadora
tightrope walker equilibrista / funámbulo
tourist guide guía de turistas
traffic cop agente de tránsito
train engineer maquinista
translator traductor
usher acomodador / edecán
watchmaker relojero
weather forecaster meteorólogo
welder soldador
wood keeper leñador
wrestler luchador
zoologist zoológo

100 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- She was at the library. 6.- Where were you born? –I was born in Canada.

2.- We were at the mall. 7.- The books weren’t on the table; they were on the

3.- Where were you? –I was at home.

8.- Lilly’s grandfather was a mailman.

4.- Was he busy in the morning? –Yes, he was.

9.- The door was open.

5.- Why were you angry? –I was angry because they

didn’t arrive on time 10.- Were the tables clean? –No, they weren’t.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- I was very tired yesterday evening. 12.- Your friend was here a while
ago. 13.- My father was a successful businessman. 14.- Was Paul’s father
a locksmith? –No, he was a blacksmith. 15.- Her grandparents were from
Viet Nam; they were Vietnamese. 16.- The car wasn’t new; it was old.
17.- She wasn’t hungry; she was thirsty. 18.- We were in a hurry. 19.- Were
you with him? –No, I was with her. 20.- Martha was very sleepy last night.
21.- The coffee was very cold. 22.- I didn’t like the movie; it was boring.
23.- That woman was at the bus stop yesterday morning. 24.- Why was
she sad? –Because she didn’t pass the math test. 25.- Was Ricky your
classmate in middle school? –Yes, he was. 26.- My grandfather was Irish
and my grandmother was Dutch. 27.- Where was his father born? –He
was born in El Salvador; he is Salvadorian. 28.- Was Becky’s father a bus
driver? –No, he was a train engineer. 29.- Paul was a busser when he was
young. 30.- Her father was an optician and her mother was a journalist.
31.- Was she a tourist guide? –No, she was a social worker. 32.- My sister
worked in a restaurant; she was a food-service worker. 33.- They were
born in Panama; they are Panamanian. 34.- Were you born in Belgium?
–No, I was born in Poland. 35.- Ludmila was born in Austria and Kay was
born in the United Kingdom. 36.- Was Ivet born in Colombia? –No, she
was born in Cuba.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 101

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Kate estuvo enferma la semana pasada. 6.- ¿Estuvieron dulces las manzanas? –Sí.

2.- ¿Estabas enojado? –No. 7.- ¿Te gustó la película? –No, estuvo muy aburrida

3.- ¿Dónde estaba Joan? –Estaba en la casa de una 8.- Su madre (de ella) era bióloga y su padre era
amiga. químico.

9.- La puerta no estaba abierta; estaba cerrada.

4.- Los padres de Joao eran brasileños.

5.- ¿Por qué estabas contenta? –Porque pasé el exa- 10.- ¿Estuviste en la escuela esta mañana? –Sí.
men de física.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11.- El examen de matemáticas no estuvo difícil; estuvo fácil. 12.- ¿Por

qué estabas triste? 13.- ¿Estabas con tus amigos? –Sí, estaba con ellos.
14.- No hizo calor; hizo frío. 15.- Ella era muy bonita cuando era joven.
16.- La botella no estaba llena; estaba vacía. 17.- Mi abuela no era alema-
na; era polaca. 18.- ¿Estabas cansado? –Sí, estaba muy cansado. 19.- Es-
tuvimos muy contentos ayer en la fiesta. 20.- ¿Estuvo enfermo él la se-
mana pasada? –No. 21.- El padre de ella era agente de bienes raíces y mi
padre era corredor de bolsa. 22.- ¿Nació él en Rumania? –No, nació en
Birmania. 23.- ¿Naciste en Dinamarca? –No, nací en Bielorrusia. 24.- Mi
abuelo no era herrero; era apicultor. 25.- Ella fue cuidadora de mascotas
cuando era adolescente. 26.- Mi bisabuelo fue zapatero.

102 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the part in italics into English.

No estabas en tu casa when I called you.

¿Dónde estuviste ayer en la tarde? –I was at a friend’s house.

Ella estaba enojada because I didn’t invite her to the movies.

Ella nació in the United States in August, 1988.

Estaba preocupado because you didn’t arrive on time.

Translate the following dialog –the part in English into Spanish and the part in Spanish into English.


-¿Dónde naciste, Fred?

-I was born in Michigan.

-¿Y cuándo naciste?

-I was born on October 27.

-Then you celebrated your birthday last

week, right?


-¿Estuviste con tu familia y amigos?

-Yes, I was with my family and friends.

-¿Disfrutaste tu fiesta?

-Yes, I enjoyed it very much.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 103

Write five sentences about yourself using the past simple tense of the verb to be.


Las expresiones there was y there were equivalen en español a “hubo” o “había”. Se
utiliza there was si lo que había era un solo objeto o persona, y there were si había dos
o más.


Affirmative form Affirmative form

There was a student in the classroom. There were two students in the classroom.

There was an apple in the basket. There were three apples in the basket.

Negative form Negative form

There wasn’t a student in the classroom. There weren’t two students in the class-
There wasn’t an apple in the basket. There weren’t three apples in the basket.

Interrogative form Interrogative form

Was there a student in the classroom? Were there two students in the classroom?

Was there an apple in the basket? Were there three apples in the basket?

Interrogative-negative form Interrogative-negative form

Wasn’t there a student in the classroom? Weren’t there two students in the
Wasn’t there an apple in the basket? Weren’t there three apples in the basket?

104 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

a) Fill in the blanks with there was or there were.

1.- five boys in the park.

2.- a woman here a while ago.

3.- four apples and three oranges.

4.- an old book on the desk.

5.- ten students in the classroom.

6.- six glasses on the table.

7.- many children in the park.

8.- a young man in the office.

9.- a cat in the garden.

10.- five chairs in the dining room.

b) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and change the sentences of the previous exercise to the
negative, interrogative, and interrogative-negative forms.

c) Answer the following sentences in the affirmative and negative forms, giving a short and a long
answer, as in the example

Example: Was there a book on the table?

Yes, there was.
No, there wasn’t.
Yes, there was a book on the table.
No, there wasn’t a book on the table.

1.- Was there a blue pen on the desk? 2.- Were there two apples in the basket?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 105

3.- Were there five girls in the classroom? 4.- Was there a man in the office?

5.- Were there many boys in the park?

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Were there five blue pens on the desk?

2.- There wasn’t two girls in the living room.

3.- Were not there ten cups in the china cabinet?

4.- There was a tall man at the door.

5.- Were there many people at the mall?

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- There was an old car in the garage. 3.- There were many children in the park.

2.- Wasn’t there a blue pen on the desk? 4.- There weren’t two salt shakers on the table.

106 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

5.- Was there a doctor in the office? 8.- Were there many students in the classroom? –
Yes, there were.

6.- There were eight men and five women.

9.- There was a new cell phone on the table.

7.- There was an armchair in the living room.

10.- There wasn’t an English book on the desk.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- There was an accident yesterday. 12.- Why were there many people
in the street? 13.- What was there in the box? 14.- There was a painting
exhibition last week. 15.- There was a pop concert last night.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Había cinco plumas y cuatro lápices. 6.- Hubo un concierto de rock la semana pasada.

2.- ¿Qué había en el cajón? 7.- Había un hombre alto en la puerta.

3.- Había mucha gente en el parque. 8.- No había tres toallas en el baño; había dos.

4.- No hubo muchos alumnos en la clase ayer. 9.- ¿Había un frutero sobre la mesa? –Sí.

5.- Había diez enfermeras y tres doctores en el

10.- ¿No había una pluma azul sobre el escritorio?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 107

Write four sentences using there was / there were.


Los verbos irregulares en inglés son aquellos que no siguen el patrón de inflexión normal
de agregar la terminación –ed al final de éstos; es decir, hay un cambio morfológico
irregular en ellos.

A continuación se presentan los casos más comunes de irregularidad de los verbos en



Forma de pasado igual a la forma del put – put; cut – cut; set – set

Trueque vocálico de “i” por “a” begin – began; drink – drank

Trueque volcálico de “i” por “o” write – wrote; ride – rode

Trueque vocálico de “i” por “u” dig – dug; swing – swung

Trueque vocálico de “e” por “o” get – got; forget – forgot

Trueque del diptongo “ea” por “o” wear –wore; break – broke

Trueque vocálico de “o” por “e” blow –blew; know – knew

Pérdida de una vocal doble bleed –bled; choose – chose

Pérdida de una vocal doble agregando la feel –felt; sleep –slept

terminación “t”

Trueque consonántico de “d” final por “t” send – sent; build – built

Trueque de la terminación “–ay” por “–aid” say – said; pay – paid

Terminación –ought y –aught buy –bought; teach – taught

Verbos que no siguen ningún patrón be –was /were; go – went


108 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Al igual que los verbos regulares, se utiliza el auxiliar “did” para preguntar y negar. Recuerda
que cuando se utiliza el auxiliar “did”, el verbo vuelve a su forma básica, por lo que la forma
del pasado del verbo tal cual solo se usa en la forma afirmativa; en las formas negativa,
interrogativa e interrogativo-negativa vuelve a su forma básica.

A continuación se presentan ejemplos de conjugación de verbos irregulares en tiempo




I went
You went
He went
She went
It went
We went
You went
They went


Forma completa Forma contraída

I did not go I didn’t go

You did not go You didn’t go
He did not go He didn’t go
She did not go She didn’t go
It did not go It didn’t go
We did not go We didn’t go
You did not go You didn’t go
They did not go They didn’t go


Did I go?
Did you go?
Did he go?
Did she go?
Did it go?
Did we go?
Did you go?
Did they go?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 109

Cuando se responde a una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga.
En la respuesta larga, se repite nuevamente el verbo y el complemento; en
la respuesta corta, se utiliza únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso, el
auxiliar did. La respuesta puede ser afirmativa o negativa.


-Did you go to the movies? -Did you go to the movies?

-Yes, I went to the movies. -Yes, I did.
-No, I didn’t go to the movies. -No, I didn’t.


Forma completa Forma contraída

Did I not go? Didn’t I go?

Did you not go? Didn’t you go?
Did he not go? Didn’t he go?
Did she not go? Didn’t she go?
Did it not go? Didn’t it go?
Did we not go? Didn’t we go?
Did you not go? Didn’t you go?
Did they not go? Didn’t they go?



I ate
You ate
He ate
She ate
It ate
We ate
You ate
They ate

110 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Forma completa Forma contraída

I did not eat I didn’t eat

You did not eat You didn’t eat
He did not eat He didn’t eat
She did not eat She didn’t eat
It did not eat It didn’t eat
We did not eat We didn’t eat
You did not eat You didn’t eat
They did not eat They didn’t eat


Did I eat?
Did you eat?
Did he eat?
Did she eat?
Did it eat?
Did we eat?
Did you eat?
Did they eat?


Forma completa Forma contraída

Did I not eat? Didn’t I eat?

Did you not eat? Didn’t you eat?
Did he not eat? Didn’t he eat?
Did she not eat? Didn’t she eat?
Did it not eat? Didn’t it eat?
Did we not eat? Didn’t we eat?
Did you not eat? Didn’t you eat?
Did they not eat? Didn’t they eat?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 111

El pasado del verbo modal “can” es “could”. Al ser un verbo modal, “can” NO utiliza el
auxiliar “did” para preguntar o negar. Es importante recordar también que después de “can”
el verbo que le sigue en infinitivo NO lleva la partícula “to”. Así por ejemplo, se dice: “She
could go”. NUNCA: “She could to go”.

Could puede traducirse al español como pretérito, copretérito o pospretérito; la traducción

correspondiente dependerá de la intención comunicativa con la que se expresa en inglés.

EJEMPLO Traducción como Traducción como Traducción como

pretérito copretérito pospretérito

She could go. Ella pudo ir. Ella podía ir. Ella podría ir.

A continuación se presenta la conjugación de éste en tiempo pasado en sus diferentes formas.



I could
You could
He could
She could
It could
We could
You could
They could


Forma completa Forma contraída

I could not I couldn’t

You could not You couldn’t
He could not He couldn’t
She could not She couldn’t
It could not It couldn’t
We could not We couldn’t
You could not You couldn’t
They could not They couldn’t

112 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Could I?
Could you?
Could he?
Could she?
Could it?
Could we?
Could you?
Could they?


Forma completa Forma contraída

Could I not? Couldn’t I?

Could you not? Couldn’t you?
Could he not? Couldn’t he?
Could she not? Couldn’t she?
Could it not? Couldn’t it?
Could we not? Couldn’t we?
Could you not? Couldn’t you?
Could they not? Couldn’t they?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 113

A continuación se presenta una lista de verbos irregulares comunes en inglés.


abide abode habitar / morar / cumplir

arise arose levantarse
awake awoke despertar(se)
be was / were ser / estar
bear bore soportar / mantener
beat beat pegar / golpear
become became llegar a ser / convertise
beget begot engendrar / producir
begin began empezar
behold beheld contemplar
bend bent doblar / encorvar
bereave bereft depojar / privar
beseech besought suplicar
bet bet apostar
bid bid ofrecer / pujar (subasta)
bind bound atar / encuadernar
bite bit morder
bleed bled sangrar
blow blew soplar
break broke romper / quebrar
breed bred criar / engendrar
bring brought traer
build built construir / edificar
burst burst reventar
buy bought comprar
can could poder
cast cast tirar / arrojar
catch caught atrapar / coger
chide chid regañar
choose chose escoger
cling clung agarrarse / adherirse
come came venir
cost cost costar
creep crept arrastrarse
cut cut cortar
deal dealt negociar / traficar / tratar

114 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

dig dug cavar
dive dove zambullirse/echarse un clavado
do did hacer
draw drew dibujar / extraer / sacar
drink drank beber / tomar
drive drove manejar / conducir
dwell dwelt habitar
eat ate comer
fall fell caer
feed fed alimentar / dar de comer
feel felt sentir
fight fought pelear / combatir
find found encontrar / hallar
flee fled huir / escaparse
fling flung lanzar / arrojar
fly flew volar
forbid forbade prohibir
foresee foresaw prever / prevenir
foretell foretold predecir
forget forgot olvidar
forgive forgave perdonar
forsake forsook abandonar
freeze froze congelar / helar
get got conseguir / obtener
give gave dar
go went ir
grind ground moler
grow grew crecer / cultivar
handwrite handwrote escribir a mano
hang hung colgar
have had tener / haber
hear heard oír
heave hove alzar / levantar
hide hid esconder / ocultar
hit hit pegar / atinar
hold held sostener / agarrar
hurt hurt lastimar / dañar
keep kept guardar / mantener
kneel knelt arrodillarse
knit knit tejer (con agujas)
know knew saber / conocer

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 115

lay laid poner / colocar
lead led conducir
leave left dejar / abandonar / salir
lend lent prestar
let let dejar / permitir
lie lay yacer / estar acostado
light lit encender / alumbrar
lose lost perder
make made hacer
mean meant significar / querer decir
meet met encontrar(se) / conocer
pay paid pagar
put put poner
read read leer
reave reft quitar / saquear
rend rent rasgar / romper
rid rid librar / eliminar
ride rode montar / cabalgar / ir en
ring rang sonar / tocar
rise rose levantarse
run ran correr
say said decir
see saw ver
seek sought buscar
sell sold vender
send sent enviar / mandar
set set poner / colocar / fijar
shake shook sacudir
shear shore esquilar / cortar
shed shed derramar
shine shone brillar
shoe shod herrar
shoot shot disparar / tirar
shrink shrank encogerse
shrive shrove confesar(se)
shut shut cerrar
sing sang cantar
sink sank hundir(se)
sit sat sentarse
slay slew matar / asesinar
sleep slept dormir

116 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

slide slid resbalar(se) / deslizar
sling slang lanzar / balancear
slink slunk esquivarse / escabullirse
slit slit rajar / hender / cortar
smite smote golpear / herir
speak spoke hablar
speed sped acelerar / apresurar(se)
spend spent gastar / pasar (tiempo)
spin spun girar / hilar
spit spit escupir
split split dividir / escindir
spread spread extender / esparcir
spring sprang saltar
stand stood estar de pie / pararse
steal stole robar
stick stuck pegar(se)
sting stung picar
stink stunk apestar / heder
stride strode dar zancadas
strike struck pegar / golpear
string strung ensartar/ enhebrar/ colgar
strive strove esforzarse
swear swore jurar / maldecir
sweep swept barrer
swim swam nadar
swing swung mecer(se)
take took tomar / llevar
teach taught enseñar
tear tore rasgar / romper
tell told decir
think thought pensar / creer
thrive throve prosperar
throw threw tirar / arrojar
thrust thrust empujar / impulsar
tread trod pisar / hollar
undergo underwent sufrir / experimentar
understand understood entender / comprender
undertake undertook emprender
undo undid deshacer
wake woke despertar
wear wore usar / llevar puesto

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 117

weave wove tejer
weep wept llorar
win won ganar
wind wound enrollar /dar cuerda (reloj)
withdraw withdrew retirar / retractarse
withstand withstood resistir / oponerse
wring wrung torcer / exprimir
write wrote escribir

Existe una serie de verbos que tienen tanto un pasado regular como irregular. El uso de
una u otra forma depende en ocasiones de lo actual o arcaico de dicha forma, o bien de
diferencias entre el inglés americano y el británico.

A continuación se presenta una lista de dichos verbos. Algunos de ellos se incluyeron ya

sea en la lista de verbos regulares o irregulares dependiendo de su uso más frecuente en
una u otra forma.

Asimismo, se señalan entre paréntesis los casos en los que es más común utilizar una
forma que otra en inglés americano o británico.


abide abided abode

alight alighted alit
awake awaked awoke
bereave bereaved bereft
burn burned (American) burnt (British)
cleave cleaved cleft
clothe clothed clad
dare dared durst
dive dived (British) dove (American)
dream dreamed (American) dreamt (British)
forecast forecasted forecast
hang * hanged hung
heave heaved hove
kneel kneeled knelt
knit knitted knit
lean leaned (American) leant (British)
leap leaped leapt
learn learned (American) learnt (British)
light lighted lit

118 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

rid ridded rid
shear sheared shore
shoe shoed shod
smell smelled (American) smelt (British)
sneak sneaked snuck
speed speeded sped
spell spelled (American) spelt (British)
spill spilled (American) spilt (British)
spoil spoiled (American) spoilt (British)
sweat sweated sweat
thrive thrived throve
wake waked woke
wed wedded wed
wend wended went
wet wetted wet

*En el caso del verbo “hang”, se utiliza el pasado regular cuando el verbo significa “ahorcar”
y el pasado irregular cuando significa “colgar”.

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Cuándo se considera irregular un verbo en inglés?

Menciona tres casos de irregularidades de verbos en inglés.

¿Por qué “could” no utiliza el auxiliar “did” para preguntar o negar?

A qué se debe que algunos verbos tengan una forma de pasado

regular y también otra forma de pasado irregular?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 119

a) Give the past tense of the following verbs.

1.- begin 31.- come

2.- meet 32.- send

3.- grow 33.- cut

4.- fight 34.- lose

5.- have 35.- drink

6.- buy 36.-hold

7.- make 37.- build

8.- drive 38.- give

9.- bring 39.- pay

10.- keep 40.- fall

11.- do 41.- tell

12.- be 42.- forget

13.- ring 43.- choose

14.- forgive 44.- read

15.- break 45.- hide

16.- become 46.- sing

17.- get 47.- feel

18.- draw 48.- think

19.- go 49.- write

20.- catch 50.- sell

21.- eat 51.- speak

22.- heat 52.- swim

23.- bite 53.- pay

24.- know 54.- win

25.- fly 55.- sink

26.- put 56.- wear

27.- cost 57.- steal

28.- ride 58.- understand

29.- leave 59.- spend

30.- see 60.- take

120 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

61.- let 70.- feed

62.- kneel 71.- lead

63.- seek 72.- shake

64.- bear 73.- set

65.- hurt 74.- hit

66.- shoot 75.-creep

67.- beat

68.- strike

69.- blow

b) Put the verbs in the correct box according to their past tense form as in the example.

Example: Example: sing – sang

1.- forgive 2.- begin 3.- wear 4.- blow 5.- cost 6.- feed 7.- bend 8.- feel 9.-
dig 10.- buy 11.- beget 12.- drink 13.- bear 14.- grow 15.- cut 16.- bleed 17.-
lend 18.- kneel 19.- stick 20.- bring 21.- get 22.- swim 23.- swear 24.- know
25.- hit 26.- choose 27.- keep 28.- swing 29.- fight 30.- spend

“i” to “a” in the past

sing - sang

“e” to “o” in the past

final “d” to “t” in the past

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 121

“ea” to “o” in the past

“o” to “e” in the past

same form for present and past

lose one of the double vowels

lose vowel and add “t”

Past ending in “ought” or “aught”

122 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

c) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and conjugate the following verbs in the past simple tense
in the affirmative, interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms as in the example:

to come, to drink, to read, to see, to have.



Affirmative Interrogative Negative Interrogative-negative

I gave Did I give? I didn’t give Didn’t I give?

You gave Did you give? You didn’t give Didn’t you give?
He gave Did he give? He didn’t give Didn’t he give?
She gave Did she give? She didn’t give Didn’t she give?
It gave Did it give? It didn’t give Didn’t it give?
We gave Did we give? We didn’t give Didn’t we give?
You gave Did you give? You didn’t give Didn’t you give?
They gave Did they give? They didn’t give Didn’t they give?

d) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative


Example: They bought a new car.

Did they buy a new car?
They didn’t buy a new car.
Didn’t they buy a new car?

1.- We went to the movies yesterday. 2.- He drank a cup of coffee. 3.-
She did her homework. 4.- You forgot my name. 5.- They ate in that
Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 123

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change
the following sentences to the interrogative, negative
and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- He had an old cell phone. 7.- She knew the answer. 8.- He read the
article. 9.- They sold their house. 10.- She spoke in French. 11.- You sent
many text messages. 12.- He lost his key. 13.- She put the book on the
desk. 14.- We took a taxi. 15.- They swam in the pool.

e) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form.

Example: You didn’t go to the movies.

You went to the movies.

1.- She didn’t have a new computer. 2.- Did you see the movie? 3.- I
didn’t know the answer. 4.- Did you eat a hamburger? 5.- They didn’t
sing at the party.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

change the following sentences to the affirmative

6.- Becky didn’t do her homework. 7.- We didn’t spend a lot of money. 8.-
Did you pay the rent? 9.- Paul didn’t drive carefully. 10.- Did they sit on the
couch? 11.- My sister didn’t teach English. 12.- Did you bring the books?
13.- I didn’t understand them. 14.- Did she swim in the sea? 15.- They didn’t
buy a big house. 16.- Did you sleep well? 17.- Mary didn’t come to school
yesterday. 18.- We didn’t send many text messages. 19.- Did you get the
money? 20.- They didn’t sell their car.

f) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative


1.- She could answer the questions. 2.- They could go to the party. 3.-
He could swim fast. 4.- You could solve the problem. 5.- He could fix
my car.

124 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

g) Answer the following questions in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when necessary.

Example: Did the boy ride his bike?

Yes, he did.
Yes, he rode his bike.

1.- Did she bring the books? 2.- Did Mike swim fast? 3.-Did you get the
money? 4.- Did they go to the theater? 5.- Did Cindy see the movie?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to answer

the following questions in the affirmative form, giving
a short and a long answer Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

6.- Did you do your homework? 7.- Did your mom make a chocolate
cake? 8.- Did you and Jack eat pizza? 9.- Did they drink wine? 10.- Did
her brother send you a WhatsApp? 11.- Did your sister teach English in
that school? 12.- Did Philip sing well? 13.- Did Mary forget your phone
number? 14.- Did you go to bed late? 15.- Did they get up early? 16.- Did
Paul drive carefully? 17.- Did you tell her the truth? 18.- Did she sleep
well? 19.- Did he find his cell phone? 20.- Did they fly to New York?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 125

21.- Did she wear a nice dress to the party? 22.- Did Lucy forgive Nick?
23.- Did he become an actor? 24.- Did the child draw a kitten? 25.- Did
you break the glass? 26.- Did Ron and Jane buy a new house? 27.- Did
Becky sell her car? 28. Did he give you the book? 29.- Did they read the
article? 30.- Did you pay the rent?

h) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and answer the questions of the previous exercise in
the negative form, giving a short and a long answer as in the example. Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

Example: Did the boy ride his bike?

No, he didn’t.
No, he didn’t ride his bike.

i) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the past simple tense.

1.- He (drive) very carefully.

2.- Her nephew (break) the glasses.

3.- Did they (bring) the books?

4.- Sandy didn’t (go) to the movies; she (go)

to the theater.

5.- They (fly) to London last week.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill

in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in
parentheses in the past simple tense.

6.- Ross (buy) _________ a new car. 18.- My girlfriend (lend) ___________ me this book.
7.- Mary (have) __________ a white cat and a black 19.- They (say) ___________ goodbye to us.
dog. 20.- I (meet) ______________ her at George’s house.
8.- What did you (eat) _____________ ? –I (eat) 21.- He (have) ____________ an old car.
_________ an apple. 22.- She (forget) ___________ my phone number.
9.- Who (ring) ____________ the bell? 23.- I (run) _________ into her this morning.
10.- Did you (put) ___________ the book on the 24.- Danny (get) ____________ very good grades.
desk? Yes, I (put) ______ it on the desk. 25.- We (hear) __________ a strange noise.
11.- I (send) ___________ her a WhatsApp. 26.- Mike (swim) ___________ for two hours
12.- My sister (make) _____________ a carrot cake. yesterday.
13.- Who (read) ________ the book? –Lucy (read) 27.- Melissa (sing) __________ beautifully last night.
________ it. 28.- I (wake) ________ up very late this morning.
14.- I (see) _________ a horror movie last night and I
(can) _______ not sleep.
15.- We (pay) ____________ the rent yesterday.
16.- I (think) ____________ of you.
17.- Dean didn’t (know) __________ the answer, but
Lilly (know) __________ it.

126 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

j) Translate the following sentences.

1.- He brings the books. 6.- He doesn’t like to bring the books.

2.- He doesn’t bring the books. 7.- Does he like to bring the books?

3.- Does he bring the books? 8.- Doesn’t he like to bring the books?

4.- Doesn’t he bring the books? 9.- Who brings the books?

5.- He likes to bring the books. 10.- What does he bring?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish

11.- When does he bring the books? 12.- Where does he bring the
books? 13.- How does he bring the books? 14.- Why does he bring the
books? 15.- He wants to bring the books. 16.- He doesn’t want to bring
the books. 17.- Does he want to bring the books? 18.- Doesn’t he want to
bring the books? 19.- He has to bring the books. 20.- He doesn’t have to
bring the books. 21.- Does he have to bring the books? 22.- Doesn’t he
have to bring the books? 23.- He can bring the books. 24.- He can’t bring
the books. 25.- Can he bring the books? 26.- Can’t he bring the books?
27.- He is bringing the books. 28.- He isn’t bringing the books. 29.- Is
he bringing the books? 30.- Isn’t he bringing the books? 31.- Who is
bringing the books? 32.- What is he bringing? 33.- Where is he bringing
the books? 34.- Why is he bringing the books? 35.- How is he bringing
the books? 36.- He brought the books. 37.- He didn’t bring the books.
38.- Did he bring the books? 39.- Didn’t he bring the books? 40.- Who
brought the books? 41.- What did he bring? 42.- Where did he bring
the books? 43.- When did he bring the books? 44.- Why did he bring
the books? 45.- How did he bring the books? 46.- He liked to bring the
books? 47.- He didn’t like to bring the books. 48.- Did he like to bring the
books? 49.- Didn’t he like to bring the books? 50.- He wanted to bring
the books. 51.- He didn’t want to bring the books. 52.- Did he want to
bring the books? 53.- Didn’t he want to bring the books? 54.- He had to
bring the books. 55.- He didn’t have to bring the books. 56.- Did he have
to bring the books? 57.- Didn’t he have to bring the books? 58.- He could
bring the books. 59.- He couldn’t bring the books. 60.- Could he bring
the books? 61.- Couldn’t he bring the books?

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 127

k) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and repeat the previous exercise using the following
pronouns, verbs and complements:

1) they / drink / beer; 2) we / eat / hamburgers; 3) she / speak /


l) Write the correct questions for each of the answers given. Use who and what as in the example.

Example: Nick bought a new car.

Who bought a new car?
What did Nick buy?

1.- Her sister broke the glass. 4.- They did their homework.

2.- Luke found the key. 5.- Aline sent a WhatsApp.

3.- Mary had an English dictionary.

m) Write the correct questions for each of the answers given. Use where and when as in the

Example: They went to the movies yesterday.

Where did they go yesterday?
When did they go to the movies?

1.- Your brother bought a new cell phone in the mall 4.- The boy rode his bike in the park yesterday
on the weekend. afternoon.

2.- They saw a good movie at home last night. 5.- They went to Europe last year.

3.- We ate fried rice at the Chinese restaurant last


128 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

n) Write the correct questions for each of the answers given. Use how and why as in the example.

Example: She ate slowly because she had a toothache.

How did she eat?
Why did she eat slowly?

1.- Tracey read the book carefully because she had to write an essay.

2.- He slept profoundly last night because he was really tired.

3.- She did her homework carefully because she wanted to get good grades.

o) Join the sentences using when as in the example.

Example: She did her homework. She arrived home.

She did her homework when she arrived home.

1.- I was there. They arrived. 2.- He paid us. He had the money. 3.-They
threw a big party. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
4.- He spoke with Lucy. He saw her. 5.- We called you. We got home.

p) Join the sentences using as soon as, as in the example.

Example: He finished his homework. He went to play with his friends.

As soon as he finished his homework, he went to play with his friends.
He went to play with his friends as soon as he finished his homework.

1.- I got home. I called you. 2.- She saw me. She gave me the book.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 129

3.- We got the information. We sent the message. 5.- I got the book. I read it.

4.- They got the money. They paid their debts.

q) Join the sentences using before, as in the example.

Example: She learned English. She went to the United States.

She learned English before she went to the United States.
She learned English before going to the United States.
Before going to the United States, she learned English.

1.- I drank a glass of milk. I ate my chicken sandwich. 4.- He took a shower. He went to work.

2.- He did his homework. He watched his favorite 5.- She bought the ingredients. She made a cake.

3.- She had breakfast. She went to school.

r) Join the sentences using after, as in the example.

Example: He felt sick. He ate the hamburger.

He felt sick after he ate the hamburger.
He felt sick after eating the hamburger.
After eating the hamburger, he felt sick.

130 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

1.- She went with her friends. She finished her 4.- You sent the letter. You wrote it.

5.- They had money. They sold their house.

2.- I went to bed. I had dinner.

3.- She was very happy. She heard from you.

s) Put the words in the correct order.

1.- the go ? did movies you to 4.- the couldn’t teacher understand we

2.- cousin in September my born was 5.- with went my movies I to friends

3.- first did your when ? buy you car

t) Change the following sentences to the past simple tense as in the example.

Example: I eat fish.

I ate fish.

1.- She sings beautifully. 2.- We are at school. 3.- I can answer the
questions. 4.- Sandy doesn’t have money. 5.- Mary does her homework.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 131

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change
the following sentences to the past simple tense.

6.- Do you drink wine? 7.- They don’t read the newspaper. 8.- We swim
in the sea. 9.- I go to school in the morning. 10.- She knows the answer.
11.- Paul understands everything.12.- You feel sick. 13.- Do you go to
the theater? 14.- The teacher speaks in English. 15.- I wake up late. 16.-
They get up early. 17.- He spends a lot of money. 18.- She sends a lot of
WhatsApps. 19.- Where do you go? 20.- My sister makes cookies. 21.- I
have an English book. 22.- Do you go to bed late? 23.- The class begins
at 7:00. 24.- They come to visit us. 25.- I think of you. 26.- I think it’s easy.
27.- Are you home? 28.- I can’t hear you. 29.- He drives carelessly. 30.-
She hangs her clothes in her closet. 31.- You buy good books. 32.- I
forgive you. 33.- We eat fried chicken. 34.- My sister teaches English in
that school. 35.- I bring my books to school. 36.- They take a taxi. 37.-
Do you sleep well? 38.- I sleep very well. 39.- I tell you the truth. 40.- He
runs very fast.

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- I didn’t went to the movies yesterday.

2.- She sang very nice songs.

3.- He braught the books.

4.- Did they swam in the pool?

5.- Betty didn’t read the article.

6.-Who did buy the newspaper?

7.- Where did you were yesterday?

8.- When was her birthday?

9.- What did you do on the weekend?

10.- We didn’t can go to the party.

132 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- My mom was born on May 12, 1939. 6.- I had a friend from Belgium.

2.- He drank two glasses of plain water. 7.- I couldn’t call you before because I was busy.

3.- They bought a nice new car. 8.- They flew to New York last week.

4.- Where were you? –I was at Jorge’s house. 9.- The class began at 7:00 o’clock.

5.- Did you bring the books? –Yes, I did. 10.- That nice necklace cost her a lot of money.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

. 11.- Did you find the keys? –No, I didn’t find them. 12.- She had breakfast
before she went to school. 13.- She had breakfast before going to school.
14.- What did you eat? –I ate fried chicken with mashed potatoes. 15.-
Did you see the movie? –Yes, I saw it yesterday. 16.- They came to visit us
last week. 17.- What time did you get off work? –I got off work very late.
18.- We went to the movies with our friends on the weekend. 19.- Did
you give the book to Lucy? –Yes, I gave it to her. 20.- He went home after
he had lunch. 21.- He went home after having lunch. 22.- She became
an actress. 23.- The students could answer all the questions. 24.- Becky
fell blindly in love with Pete. 25.- What time did you get up this morning?
–I got up early. 26.- How was your day at work? –Good! 27.- She
graduated from school and got her degree at the age of twenty-four.
28.- He got married when he was twenty-seven. 29.- Matt met Sandy
through Facebook. 30.- How did you meet your wife? 31.- Joe got a
very good job. 32.- Did you know the correct answer? –Yes, I did. 33.-
The doorbell rang. 34.- What did you say? 35.- My sister taught English
for fifteen years. 36.- We took a taxi this morning. 37.- They went on
vacation last month. 38.- Ron spent many hours on the computer. 39.-
She spoke with him this morning. 40.- He sold his old car. 41.- Maureen
sang beautifully.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 133

42.- We went to the beach and swam in the sea. 43.- What time did you
get out of school yesterday? 44.- I took a shower before I went to work.
45.- I took a shower before going to work. 46.- My mom made lunch
at noon. 47.- My father read the newspaper this morning. 48.- When
was your brother born? –He was born on April 29, 1966. 49.- We last
went to the movies on Sunday. 50.- I saw him a while ago. 51.- Who was
your first girlfriend? 52.- How long ago did you go to Europe? –I went
to Europe a year ago. 53.- I bought my first car when I was twenty years
old. 54.- How long did she sing? –She sang for two hours. 55.- What
were some famous bands of the 1980s? 56.- I was very excited on my
first day of school. 57.- She was very happy when her first child was born.
58.- Catherine met her husband when she was a college student. 59.-
He got his first job as a cook in a restaurant at the age of eighteen. 60.- I
thought of you. 61.- The exam was very difficult. 62.- Did you write the
letter? –Yes, I wrote it. 63.- We couldn’t understand the teacher. 64.- You
drank a glass of wine. 65.- I couldn’t send you a text message before
because I was busy. 66.- She gave him the books as soon as she saw
him. 67.- As soon as he finished his homework, he went to play with his
friends. 68.- I wasn’t home when you called me. 69.- We went shopping
after we had lunch. 70.- When did you have your English class? –I had it
yesterday afternoon. 71.- It was very hot yesterday. 72.- The wind blew
strongly. 73.- Who went to the store with you? –Sarah did. 74.- What
did you do on the weekend? –I went to the mall with my friends. 75.- I
couldn’t open the door. 76.- When she saw him, she blew him a kiss.77.-
The child drew an elephant in his notebook. 78.- What shirt did you
choose? –I chose the blue one. 79.- Did you forgive him? –Yes, I did. 80.-
The fortune teller foretold her future. 81.- He threw the ball and I caught
it. 82.- Did you like the spaghetti? –Yes, it was delicious. 83.- Who slept
on the couch? –He did. 84.- Did you like the movie? –No, it was very
boring. 85.- He didn’t feel well; he was sick. 86.- A thief stole my wallet.
87.- I didn’t like the cake; it was too sweet. 88.- Mary lit a candle when
the lights went out. 89.- She left her purse on the dining room table. 90.-
Did you eat an apple? –No, I ate a pear. 91.- I left work early. 92.- I got
off work early. 93.- I sent him a message through Facebook. 94.- John
kept the secret; he didn’t say anything. 95.- I blew my nose. 96.- She
felt a little dizzy. 97.- What did you have for breakfast? –I had scrambled
eggs with ham and a glass of milk. 98.- Why did you go to bed so early?
–Because I was very tired. 99.- I thought you were at school. 100.- I
ate a double cheese burger because I was very hungry. 101.- I was very
excited when I drove alone for the first time. 102.- It took me four years
to finish my career. 103.- How did you feel on your first day of school?
104.- He got his first job as a cook when he was eighteen. 105..- From
what I understood, they wanted to rent their house.106.- I took English
classes from an American teacher. 107.- She kept fit because she didn’t
eat junk food. 108.- The bride threw the bouquet and Lucy caught it.

134 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- ¿Dónde naciste? –Nací en México. 6.- Él conoció a su novia por Facebook.

2.- Compré un carro nuevo. 7.- Vi a Paul hace un rato.

3.- Ella tenía un diccionario nuevo. 8.- Me levanté tarde el domingo.

4.- ¿Dónde estabas? –Estaba en la casa de Linda. 9.- ¿Qué dijiste?

5.- No pude abrir la ventana. 10.- Ellos vendieron su casa el mes pasado.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11.- ¿A qué hora te acostaste? –Me acosté muy tarde. 12.- Ella habló en
inglés con sus amigos. 13.- Pensé en ti. 14.- Ella se casó cuando tenía
veinticuatro años. 15.- ¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana ? –Fui al cine. 16.- Él
manejó con cuidado. 17.- Tan pronto llegué a mi casa, te llamé. 18.- Los
vi (a ustedes) cuando llegaron. 19.- Me bañé antes de irme al trabajo.
20.- ¿Desayunaste antes de irte a la escuela? –Sí. 21.- Pete durmió en
el sofá. 22.- ¿Cómo te fue en la escuela? –Bien. 23.- Tomé el autobús
en la esquina. 24.- ¿Adónde fuiste esta mañana? –Fui a la escuela. 25.-
¿Por qué no me mandaste un WhatsApp? –Porque estaba ocupado. 26.-
¿Cuánto tiempo nadó Mike? –Nadó dos horas. 27.- Él consiguió un muy
buen trabajo. 28.- Salí del trabajo muy tarde. 29.- Me pasé muchas horas
en la computadora. 30.- ¿A qué hora saliste de la escuela? 31.- ¿Hace
cuánto tiempo fuiste a Londres? –Fui a Londres hace seis meses. 32.-
¿Pudiste hablar con Tim? –No, no pude. 33.- El viento sopló muy fuerte.
34.- Tenía un perro negro cuando era niño. 35.- ¿Dónde pusiste el libro?
–Lo puse sobre el escritorio. 36.- Mi padre compró su primer carro
cuando tenía veintidós años. 37.- Él se comió una manzana y yo me
comí una pera. 38.- Mandé una carta a mis padres ayer. 39.- ¿Cuántos
lápices tenías? –Tenía seis. 40.- Tenía mucha hambre y me comí un
sándwich de jamón. 41.- Le mandé un beso cuando la vi. 42.- ¿Leíste el
libro? –No, no tuve tiempo. 43.- Mi madre tenía veintiún años cuando se
casó con mi padre.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 135

44.- ¿Estuviste en la casa de Nick? –No, estuve en la casa de Matt. 45.-
Tuve mi clase de inglés ayer. 46.- ¿Tenías prisa? –No. 47.- Él llegó a ser
ingeniero. 48.- Me fui a acostar porque tenía mucho sueño. 49.- Mary
rompió dos vasos y tres tazas. 50.- ¿Estabas cansado? –Sí. 51.- Becky
perdonó a su novio. 52.- ¿Le diste el dinero a Cindy? –Sí, se lo di. 53.-
Esta camisa me costó quince dólares. 54.- Mi mamá prendió una vela
cuando se fue la luz. 55.- Te mandé un WhatsApp hace rato. 56.- ¿Trajiste
los libros? –Sí, los traje. 57.- Susan cantó muy bien ayer. 58.- Ann se
enamoró ciegamente de Jack. 59.- John perdió su cartera ayer. 60.- Mi
hermano me dijo la verdad. 61.- Él dijo que tenía un libro de inglés. 62.-
Pensé que estabas en la casa de Lucy. 63.- Él no te entendió porque
hablaste muy rápido. 64.- Oí un ruido extraño. 65.- Pagué la renta antier.
66.- Por lo que entendí, ella quería vender su celular. 67.- Ella llevó a los
niños a la escuela. 68.- ¿Quién supo la respuesta? –Ron. 69.- ¿Cuándo
leíste esa novela? –La leí hace un mes. 70.- ¿Quién hizo el pastel? –Mi
mamá. 71.- Él me prestó cincuenta dólares. 72.- Luke no hizo su tarea,
pero Nick sí. 73.- Sonó el timbre. 74.- Le llevó cuatro años a Rachel
terminar su carrera. 75.- Sandra conoció a su esposo en la universidad.
76.- Ella tomó clases de inglés porque quería ir a los Estados Unidos. 77.-
Me soné. 78.- Me sentí un poco mareado. 79.- Mi madre era maestra;
enseñaba inglés en una escuela. 80.- Ella consiguió su primer trabajo
como secretaria cuando tenía dieciocho años. 81.- ¿Qué desayunaste?
–Desayuné huevos estrellados con tocino y un vaso de jugo de naranja.
82.- Mark no vino a la escuela ayer porque estaba enfermo.

Translate the part in italics into English.

1.-I was very happy cuando conseguí mi primer trabajo.

2.- He was so tired that se fue a acostar temprano.

3.- She couldn’t understand them porque hablaron en francés.

4.- I went home tan pronto salí del trabajo.

5.- Pete was very sad porque no lo perdonó su novia.

136 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following dialog –the part in English into Spanish and the part in Spanish into English.


-Qué hiciste el fin de semana, Susan?

-I went to the mall with my friends. How

about you?

-I went to the movies with my boyfriend?

-¿Y qué película vieron?

-We saw “The Shine”.

-¿Y te gustó?

-Yes, I did, but I was scared.

-And did your boyfriend like it?


1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 137

Write ten sentences about you or other people using the past simple tense in the
affirmative or negative forms according to what you want to say.

138 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

1.4 El pretérito o pasado simple (past simple) 139


El tiempo pasado progresivo o pasado continuo corresponde en español a una conjugación

perifrástica con gerundio. Se traduce en español como: “estar (en tiempo pasado o
copretérito) haciendo algo”.

En inglés el pasado progresivo o continuo (past progressive or past continuous) se utiliza

generalmente para:

Describir actividades que se estaban She was doing her homework.

llevando a cabo en cierto momento en el Ella estaba / estuvo haciendo su tarea.
pasado, sin importar cuándo iniciaron o
cuándo acabaron. We were watching a movie.
Estábamos / Estuvimos viendo una

Describir un evento temporal que estaba She was cooking dinner when they arrived.
ocurriendo en el pasado cuando otro Ella estaba preparando la cena cuando
evento tuvo lugar. ellos llegaron.

I was watching TV when the telephone

Estaba viendo la tele cuando sonó el

Describir acciones simultáneas que estaban I was listening to music while she was
teniendo lugar en un momento determinado doing her homework.
en el pasado.
Yo estaba escuchando música mientras
ella estaba haciendo su tarea.

Describir cambios que estuvieron teniendo More and more people were giving up
lugar en el pasado. smoking.

Cada vez más personas estuvieron

dejando de fumar.

Describir actividades repetidas – She became an excellent concert pianist.

generalmente acompañadas de adverbios She was always practicing hours on end.
de frecuencia o de tiempo– para reconocer Ella se convirtió en una excelente concertista
un esfuerzo o bien para quejarse de una de piano. Siempre estaba practicando
mala costumbre o hábito en el pasado. horas y horas.

He was always complaining about her

Él siempre se estaba quejando de la forma
de cocinar de ella.

140 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Poner énfasis en la duración de una actividad I was reading all evening.
en al pasado. Estuve leyendo toda la tarde.


El pasado continuo o progresivo se forma conjugando el verbo “to be” en tiempo pasado
más el participio presente (present participle) de un verbo.



John was playing.

They were studying.

Las reglas para formar el participio presente de un verbo se revisaron en el apartado

correspondiente al “Presente Continuo”.

Para preguntar en tiempo pasado progresivo o continuo, se utiliza el verbo “to be” en tiempo
pasado como auxiliar antes del sustantivo o pronombre. Por ejemplo: Were you working?
Was she studying?

Para negar, se utiliza el verbo “to be” en la forma negativa, ya sea en su forma completa o
contraída. Por ejemplo: You were not working. You weren’t working.

Para la forma interrogativo-negativa, se coloca el verbo “to be” antes del sustantivo o
pronombre y la partícula “not” después de éstos, o bien, colocando la contracción del
negativo antes del sustantivo o pronombre. Por ejemplo: Were you not working? Weren’t
you working?

A continuación se presenta el ejemplo de la conjugación de un verbo en tiempo pasado

continuo en sus diferentes formas.



I was working
You were working
He was working
She was working
It was working
We were working
You were working
They were working

1.5 El pasado progresivo o pasado continuo (past progressive or past continuous) 141

Was I working?
Were you working?
Was he working?
Was she working?
Was it working?
Were we working?
Were you working?
Were they working?

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta larga,
se repite nuevamente el verbo y el complemento; en la respuesta corta, se utiliza únicamente
el verbo auxiliar, en este caso el verbo “to be” en tiempo pasado. La respuesta puede ser
afirmativa o negativa.


Were you studying English? Were you studying English?

-Yes, I was studying English. -Yes, I was.
-No, I wasn’t studying English. -No, I wasn’t.

Was he playing soccer? Was he playing soccer?

-Yes, he was playing soccer. -Yes, he was.
-No, he wasn’t playing soccer. -No, he wasn’t.


Forma completa Forma contraída

I was not working I wasn’t working

You were not working You weren’t working
He was not working He wasn’t working
She was not working She wasn’t working
It was not working It wasn’t working
We were not working We weren’t working
You were not working You weren’t working
They were not working They weren’t working

142 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Forma completa Forma contraída

Was I not working? Wasn’t I working?

Were you not working? Weren’t you working?
Was he not working? Wasn’t he working?
Was she not working? Wasn’t she working?
Was it not working? Wasn’t it working?
Were we not working? Weren’t we working?
Were you not working? Weren’t you working?
Were they not working? Weren’t they working?


Algunos adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados en pasado continuo son presentados

en la siguiente tabla:


• At that moment (en ese momento) I was watching a movie at that moment.

• At that time (en esa época, en ese He was working in the United States at
tiempo) that time.

• By then (para entonces, en ese She met her husband at the university. By
entonces) then, she was finishing her career.

• By that time (para ese entonces, en ese By that time, I was looking for a better job.

• During (durante) You were participating a lot during the


• In… (en…) In 1989, I was living in Houston.



A menudo se unen dos oraciones en pasado continuo o progresivo mediante la conjunción

“while”, que significa “mientras”, “mientras que”, para indicar que se estaban llevando a
cabo dos acciones de manera simultánea.

1.5 El pasado progresivo o pasado continuo (past progressive or past continuous) 143
Por ejemplo:

• John was washing the car while his brother was doing the gardening (John estaba
lavando el carro mientras su hermano estaba haciendo el jardín).
• Lucy was setting the table while her mother was cooking dinner (Lucy estaba poniendo
la mesa mientras su madre estaba preparando la cena).

Asimismo, sirve para unir dos oraciones, una en pretérito (past simple) y otra en pasado
continuo (past continuous) para indicar que una acción tuvo lugar mientras otra se estaba
llevando a cabo.

Por ejemplo:

• My mom burned her hand while she was cooking dinner. (Mi mamá se quemó la mano
mientras estaba preparando la cena).

Nótese que cuando la oración principal está en pasado continuo da la idea de dos acciones
simultáneas que estaban teniendo lugar en un momento dado en el pasado, y en inglés
ambas son expresadas en pasado continuo. En español, no obstante, se puede traducir la
subordinada tanto en copretérito (terminaciones –aba o –ía) como en pasado continuo. Por
ejemplo: I was watching TV while I was doing my homework. (Estaba viendo la tele mientras
hacía mi tarea. / Estaba viendo la tele mientras estaba haciendo mi tarea). En español son
posibles ambas traducciones.

Ahora bien, si la oración principal está en pretérito (past simple), la subordinada con “while”
se expresa por lo general en pasado continuo. En este caso, en español, la oración principal
se puede traducir algunas veces como copretérito (cuando se trata de acciones habituales
en el pasado) y la subordinada con “while” puede traducirse tanto en copretérito como en
pasado continuo. Por ejemplo: I often listened to music while I was doing my homework.
(A menudo escuchaba música mientras hacía mi tarea. / A menudo escuchaba música
mientras estaba haciendo mi tarea).

En otras ocasiones, no obstante, la oración principal en pasado simple (past simple) se puede
traducir como pretérito (cuando la acción fue llevada a cabo y concluida en el pasado) y la
subordinada con “while” tanto en copretérito como pasado continuo. Por ejemplo: I saw a
beautiful butterfly while I was working in the garden (Vi una hermosa mariposa mientras
estaba trabajando en el jardín. / Vi una hermosa mariposa mientras trabajaba en el jardín).



La conjunción “as”, que puede traducirse como “mientras”, sirve, al igual que “while”, para
unir dos oraciones que expresan acciones simultáneas en el pasado; del mismo modo que
con “while”, las dos oraciones pueden estar en pasado continuo o bien, una en pretérito y
otra en pasado continuo.

Por ejemplo:

• As they were playing chess, we were playing cards (Mientras ellos estaban jugando
ajedrez, nosotros estábamos jugando cartas).
• They were having lunch as they checked the documents (Estuvieron almorzando
mientras revisaban los documentos).

144 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


A menudo se unen dos oraciones, una en pasado continuo y otra en pretérito (past simple)
mediante la conjunción “when”, que significa “cuando”, para indicar que mientras una acción
estaba teniendo lugar ocurrió otra que la interrumpió de manera temporal, ya sea durante un
periodo corto o bien durante uno relativamente largo.

Por ejemplo:

• John was washing the car when the telephone rang (John estaba lavando el carro cuando
sonó el teléfono). En este caso, la acción de lavar el carro fue interrumpida por un tiempo
corto y seguramente continuó.
• I was reading a book when they came to visit me (Estaba leyendo un libro cuando vinieron
a visitarme ellos). En este caso, la acción es interrumpida y muy probablemente se tuvo
que dejar de hacer durante el tiempo que se atendió a las visitas y fue relativamente largo.

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Para qué se utiliza generalmente el pasado continuo o pasado


¿Cómo se estructura la forma afirmativa del pasado continuo?

¿Cómo se estructura la forma interrogativa del pasado continuo?

¿Cómo se estructura la forma negativa del pasado continuo?

¿Cómo se estructura la forma interrogativo-negativa del pasado


¿Cuáles son algunos adverbios o expresiones de tiempo utilizados

con el pasado continuo?

1.5 El pasado progresivo o pasado continuo (past progressive or past continuous) 145
¿Qué significa la conjunción “while” y para qué se utiliza?

¿Qué significa la conjunción “as” y para qué se utiliza?

¿Qué significa la conjunción “when” y para qué se utiliza?

a) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and conjugate the following verbs in the past continuous
tense in the affirmative, interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms as in the

to drive, to drink, to study, to run, to write.



Affirmative Interrogative Negative Interrogative-negative

I was reading Was I reading? I wasn’t reading Wasn’t I reading?

You were reading Were you reading? You weren’t reading Weren’t you reading?
He was reading Was he reading? He wasn’t reading Wasn’t he reading?
She was reading Was she reading? She wasn’t reading Wasn’t she reading?
It was reading Was it reading? It wasn’t reading Wasn’t it reading?
We were reading Were we reading? We weren’t reading Weren’t we reading?
You were reading Were you reading? You weren’t reading Weren’t you reading?
They were reading Were they reading? They weren’t reading Weren’t they reading?

b) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative


Example: You were washing the car.

Were you washing the car?
You weren’t washing the car.
Weren’t you washing the car?

1.- She was reading a book. 2.- They were playing soccer. 3.- We were
running in the park. 4.- He was doing his homework. 5.- You were eating

146 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

change the following sentences to the interrogative,
negative and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- They were swimming in the pool. 7.- She was listening to music.
8.- He was drinking a soda. 9.- You were studying English. 10.- She was
making a cake.

c) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form.

Example: Were you eating a hamburger?

You were eating a hamburger.

1.- Was your friend driving fast? 2.- My father wasn’t working in that
office. 3.- She wasn’t cooking dinner. 4.- Were you buying a new cell
phone? 5.- Was he drinking beer?

1.5 El pasado progresivo o pasado continuo (past progressive or past continuous) 147
Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the
following sentences to the affirmative form.

6.- They weren’t eating fried chicken. 7.- Was his sister reading a
magazine? 8.- Were those women playing cards? 9.- That boy wasn’t
doing his homework. 10.- Was your cousin studying French?

d) Answer the following sentences in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when necessary.

Example: Were the children playing in the park?

Yes, they were.
Yes, they were playing in the park.

1.- Were the students answering the questions? 2.- Was she cooking
dinner? 3.- Were you dancing cumbia? 4.- Was Mary eating a hamburger?
5.- Was Ricky driving fast?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to answer

the following questions in the affirmative form, giving
a short and a long answer Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

6.- Was Ann singing beautifully? 7.- Were they buying good books? 8.-
Was John running then? 9.- Were you working at that time? 10.- Were
they drinking beer? 11.- Were you going to school? 12.- Was Ann helping
her mom? 13.- Was Luke lying? 14.- Was the mechanic fixing your car?
15.- Were you making a cake? 16.- Were they playing volleyball? 17.- Was
she following the instructions? 18.- Were you studying English? 19.- Was
he living with his parents? 20.- Was she learning how to drive? 21.- Were
they putting the books on the desk? 22.- Was he teaching at that time?
23.- Was she telling the truth? 24.- Were you waiting for her? 25.- Was
Matt working then?

148 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

e) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and answer the sentences of the previous exercise in the
negative form, giving a short and a long answer as in the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun
when necessary.

Example: Were the children playing in the park?

No, they weren’t.
No, they weren’t playing in the park.

f) Translate the following sentences.

1.- She sings. 4.- Doesn’t she sing?

2.- She doesn’t sing. 5.- She likes to sing.

3.- Does she sing?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

6.- She doesn’t like to sing. 7.- Does she like to sing? 8.- Doesn’t she like
to sing? 9.- What does she like to sing? 10.- When does she like to sing?
11.- Where does she like to sing? 12.- How does she like to sing? 13.- Why
does she like to sing? 14.- She wants to sing. 15.- She doesn’t want to
sing. 16.- Does she want to sing? 17.- Doesn’t she want to sing? 18.- She
has to sing. 19.- She doesn’t have to sing. 20.- Does she have to sing? 21.-
Doesn’t she have to sing? 22.- She can sing. 23.- She can’t sing. 24.- Can
she sing? 25.- Can’t she sing? 26.- She is singing. 27.- She isn’t singing.
28.- Is she singing? 29.- Isn’t she singing? 30.- What is she singing? 31.-
Where is she singing? 32.- Why is she singing? 33.- How is she singing?
34.- She sang. 35.- She didn’t sing 36.- Did she sing? 37.- Didn’t she sing?
38.- Who sang? 39.- What did she sing? 40.- Where did she sing? 41.-
When did she sing? 42.- Why did she sing? 43.- How did she sing? 44.-
She liked to sing. 45.- She didn’t like to sing. 46.- Did she like to sing? 47.-
Didn’t she like to sing? 48.- She wanted to sing. 49.- She didn’t want to
sing. 50.- Did she want to sing? 51.- Didn’t she want to sing? 52.- She had
to sing. 53.- She didn’t have to sing. 54.- Did she have to sing? 55.- Didn’t
she have to sing? 56.- She could sing. 57.- She couldn’t sing. 58.- Could
she sing? 59.- Couldn’t she sing? 60.- She was singing. 61.- She wasn’t
singing. 62.- Was she singing? 63.- Wasn’t she singing?

1.5 El pasado progresivo o pasado continuo (past progressive or past continuous) 149
g) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and repeat the previous exercise using the following
pronouns and verbs:

1) you / dance; 2) they / eat; 3) he / drink

h) Join the two sentences as in the example using “while”.

Example: Luke was playing soccer. His sister was doing her homework.
Luke was playing soccer while his sister was doing her homework.

1.- She was reading a book. I was listening to music. 4.- We were playing cards. They were playing chess.

2.- Laura was doing the dishes. Her brother was 5.- He was working out at the gym. You were playing
cleaning the table. soccer.

3.- Tina was chatting with her friends on Facebook.

Pete was sending WhatsApp messages.

i) Substitute while with as, as in the example

Example: While I was walking down the street, I ran into James.
As I was walking down the street, I ran into James.

1.- While I was having breakfast, I read the newspaper. 4.- While her mom was cooking, she was setting the

2.- While he was playing volleyball, he skinned his

knees. 5.- While we were playing in the sand, they were
swimming in the sea.

3.- While she was driving, she heard the news.

j) Put the words in the correct order.

1.- were at dinner we moment that having 3.- a when taking telephone was rang I
shower the

2.- the your reading was ? newspaper

father 4.- your doing what ? brother was

150 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

5.- was arrived when we she cooking

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- We not were watching TV.

2.- Was you working yesterday evening?

3.- I was reading a good book.

4.- They were runing in the park.

5.- What was she saying?

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- I was eating an apple. 6.- The boy was riding his bike.

2.- What were you doing at that moment? 7.- We weren’t watching TV; we were listening to

3.- The children were playing in the park. 8.- I was talking to Mary when Pete arrived.

4.- Were they drinking wine? –No, they weren’t. 9.- What was she reading? –She was reading a

5.- Was he washing the car? –Yes, he was.

10.- She was singing while he was playing the piano.

1.5 El pasado progresivo o pasado continuo (past progressive or past continuous) 151
Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- Were you studying English? –Yes, I was. 12.- Mary was cooking
while her daughter was setting the table. 13.- They weren’t playing
cards; they were playing chess. 14.- Why were you wearing a sweater?
–Because I was cold. 15.- I was watching TV when you called me.
16.- Tracey wasn’t writing a letter; she was chatting with her friends on
Facebook. 17.- We were playing cards when you arrived. 18.- She was
living with her parents until she entered the university. 19.- I bumped
into Nick while I was walking down the street. 20.- He wasn’t studying
math; he was studying chemistry. 21.- Paul was wearing a nice black
leather jacket. 22.- I was taking a shower when the doorbell rang.
23.- My grandpa was reading the newspaper while my grandma was
reading a book. 24.- She was writing a letter when the lights went
out. 25.- Paul married Becky when he was twenty-four; by then, he
was working in a car factory. 26.- We talked about that matter as we
were having lunch. 27.- While we were having lunch, we talked about
that matter. 28.- I saw her as I was leaving. 29.- What was he doing?
–He was playing volleyball. 30.- She sprained her ankle while she was
jogging. 31.- She sprained her ankle as she was jogging. 32.- He hurt
his hand as he was mowing the lawn. 33.- He hurt his hand while he
was mowing the lawn. 34.- She was doing her homework when her
boyfriend called her. 35.- I was looking for a Chinese restaurant when
I ran into my friend George. 36.- She waved her hand as we were
leaving. 37.- While we were playing in the sand, they were swimming
in the sea. 38.- As we were playing in the sand, they were swimming
in the sea. 39.- Fred was working as a bouncer until he finished his
career. 39.- Our son Bob was born in 1998; by then, we were living
in Chicago. 40.- What were you doing yesterday evening? –I was
window shopping with my friends at the mall. 42.- I was dreaming
about you when the alarm clock went off and I woke up. 43.- The
children were playing hide and seek in the garden. 44.- Who were you
talking to? –I was talking to Ed.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Estuvimos jugando cartas con nuestros amigos. 4.- ¿Con quién estabas hablando? –Estaba hablando
con Dean.

2.- Luke estuvo estudiando duro para su examen de

5.- Ustedes estaban viendo la tele mientras nosotros
jugábamos fútbol.

3.- ¿Qué estabas haciendo? –Estaba haciendo mi

6.- Estaba hablando por teléfono cuando sonó el

152 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

7.- Iba caminando por la calle cuando me topé con 9.- Estuve leyendo un libro mientras mi sobrino
Vanessa. jugaba vólibol.

8.- Vi una película mientras ella dormía. 10.- Mi hermana se quemó la mano mientras

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11.- Me estaba bañando cuando sonó el teléfono. 12.- ¿Qué estabas

comiendo? –Me estaba comiendo un sándwich de jamón. 13.- Estuve
buscando mis llaves, pero no las encontré. 14.- Rachel llevaba puesto un
hermoso vestido azul de seda. 15.- Ella estuvo trabajando como secretaria
hasta que terminó la carrera. 16.- Mi hermano estaba haciendo el jardín
mientras yo lavaba el carro. 17.- ¿Estabas tocando el piano cuando llegó
Helen? –Sí. 18.- Estuve leyendo ese libro y me gustó. 19.- Él no estaba
diciendo la verdad; estaba mintiendo. 20.- Suzanne conoció a su esposo
en el trabajo; en ese entonces, ella estaba trabajando en un restaurante.
21.- Mientras ellos jugaban con la arena, nosotros estuvimos nadando
en el mar. 22.- Pete iba escuchando música mientras manejaba. 23.-
Estaba soñando contigo cuando sonó el despertador. 24.- ¿Qué estaba
leyendo ella? –Estaba leyendo una revista. 25.- Él no estuvo viviendo
en Chicago; estuvo viviendo en Nueva York. 26.- Mientras desayunaba,
revisé mis mensajes de WhatsApp. 27.- Paul estuvo viviendo con sus
padres mientras terminaba la carrera. 28.- ¿Estabas durmiendo cuando
te llamé? –No. 29.- Él se torció el tobillo mientras jugaba tenis. 30.- Te
estuve llamando, pero no contestaste.

Translate the part in italics into English.

1.- Mientras hacía el desayuno, her husband was washing the car.

2.- Ella estaba hacienda su tarea when her boyfriend called her.

3.- Él traía puesta a nice black leather jacket.

1.5 El pasado progresivo o pasado continuo (past progressive or past continuous) 153
4.- While I was walking down the street, me topé con Matt.

5.- While she was cooking dinner, su hijo ponía la mesa.

Translate the following dialog –the part in English into Spanish and the part in Spanish into English.


-What were you doing when I called you?

-Estaba estudiando para un examen.


-Sí, tuve un examen de matemáticas esta


-¿Y estuvo difícil?

-Not really, but many students got nervous

while they were answering it.

-¿Y tú te pusiste nervioso?

-No, I didn’t.


-Who went to the party yesterday?

-Lilly y su novio

-And what was she wearing?

-Llevaba puesto un hermoso vestido rojo

de seda y zapatillas.

154 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

-How about her boyfriend?

-Llevaba puesto un bonito traje negro y

una corbata roja.


Write five sentences using the past continuous tense.

1.5 El pasado progresivo o pasado continuo (past progressive or past continuous) 155
Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

156 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Se utiliza “used to” para:

Hablar sobre hábitos o actividades I used to go to the movies every week.

recurrentes en el pasado, pero que ya no Solía ir al cine cada semana.
existen en el presente. Antes iba al cine cada semana.

Referirse a estados o condiciones en el We used to live in Seattle when I was a kid.

pasado que ya no existen en el presente. Vivíamos en Seattle cuando era niño.

Las posibles traducciones de “used to” al español son las siguientes:

• Como copréterito del verbo “soler” o “acostumbrar”. Por ejemplo: I used to go to the
movies every week. (Solía ir al cine cada semana. / Acostumbraba ir al cine cada
• Como el copréterito del verbo en infinitivo que sigue a “used to”. Por ejemplo: I used
to go to the movies every week. (Iba al cine cada semana.) En este caso, “used to” no
se traduce y el verbo que aparece en infinitivo se expresa en copretérito: “Iba…”.
• Poniendo la palabra “Antes” seguida del copretérito del verbo en infinitivo que sigue a
“used to”. Por ejemplo: I used to go to the movies every week. (Antes iba al cine cada

Es importante señalar que no siempre son posibles las tres traducciones para un mismo
enunciado como en el ejemplo que se puso, sobre todo cuando se refieren a condiciones
o estados en el pasado.

Para conjugar “used to”, se utiliza el auxiliar “did” y “used” vuelve a su forma básica “use”.

A continuación se presenta la conjugación de “used to” en sus diferentes formas.


I used to…
You used to…
He used to…
She used to…
It used to…
We used to…
You used to…
They used to…

1.6 Pasado con used to 157


Did I use to…?

Did you use to…?
Did he use to…?
Did she use to…?
Did it use to…?
Did we use to…?
Did you use to…?
Did they use to…?

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente “used to” más el verbo en infinitivo; en la respuesta corta, se
utiliza únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso el auxiliar “did”. La respuesta puede ser
afirmativa o negativa.


Did he use to play soccer? Did he use to play soccer?

-Yes, he used to play soccer. -Yes, he did.

-No, he didn’t use to play soccer. -No, he didn’t.


Forma completa Forma contraída

I did not use to… I didn’t use to…

You did not use to… You didn’t use to…
He did not use to… He didn’t use to…
She did not use to… She didn’t use to…
It did not use to… It didn’t use to…
We did not use to… We didn’t use to…
You did not use to… You didn’t use to…
They did not use to… They didn’t use to…

158 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Forma completa Forma contraída

Did I not use to…? Didn’t I use to…?

Did you not use to…? Didn’t you use to…?
Did he not use to…? Didn’t he use to…?
Did she not use to…? Didn’t she use to…?
Did it not use to…? Didn’t it use to…?
Did we not use to…? Didn’t we use to…?
Did you not use to…? Didn’t you use to…?
Did they not use to…? Didn’t they use to…?



Se utilizan frecuentemente los adverbios “anymore” y “any longer” en enunciados con

“used to” para poner énfasis en que los estados o actividades “ya no” son más recurrentes
en el presente.

“Anymore” (que en inglés británico se escribe en dos palabras “any more”) y “any longer”
significan “ya no” y se utilizan, por lo general, de manera indistinta, en enunciados negativos.
Por ejemplo: She used to practice yoga, but she doesn’t anymore. (Ella practicaba yoga,
pero ya no.) O bien: She used to practice yoga, but she doesn’t any longer. We used to be
friends, but we aren’t anymore. (Antes éramos amigos, pero ya no.) O bien: We used to be
friends, but we aren’t any longer.

Nótese que “anymore” y “any longer” se colocan al final de la oración y se utiliza el auxiliar
correspondiente en tiempo presente en forma negativa.

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Para qué se utiliza “used to”?

¿Cómo se puede traducir “used to” al español?

¿Qué auxiliar se utiliza para preguntar y negar con “used to”?

1.6 Pasado con used to 159

¿Qué significan “anymore” y “any longer”?

¿Para qué se utilizan “anymore” y “any longer”?

¿Dónde se colocan “anymore” y “any longer” en un enunciado?

a) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms
as in the example.

Example: He used to read the newspaper.

Did he use to read the newspaper?
He didn’t use to read the newspaper.
Didn’t he use to read the newspaper?

1.- She used to send many text messages. 2.- They used to play soccer.
3.- We used to watch TV in the evening. 4.- He used to swim a lot. 5.-
You used to eat junk food.
Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

160 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
change the following sentences to the interrogative,
negative and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- They used to go to the beach in the summer. 7.- She used to listen to
pop music. 8.- We used to drink soda. 9.- You used to smoke a lot. 10.-
She used to make chocolate cakes.

b) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form as in the example.

Example: Did you use to get up early?

You used to get up early.

1.- Did Danny use to play volleyball when he was in middle school? 2.-
Her father didn’t use to smoke. 3.- Did she use to cook dinner? 4.- Did
they use to go to the movies on the weekend? 5.- Did he use to drink

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the

following sentences to the affirmative form.

6.- They didn’t use to eat meat. 7.- Did your cousin use to teach English?
8.- Did those men use to play cards? 9.- Did you use to travel a lot? 10.-
We didn’t use to listen to rock music.

c) Answer the following questions in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when necessary.

Example: Did the children use to play in the park?

Yes, they did.
Yes, they used to play in the park.

1.- Did Tracy use to do her homework in the afternoon? 2.- Did Luke use
to swim every day? 3.- Did your mom use to cook dinner? 4.- Did you
use to play soccer? 5.- Did you use to go to the beach in the summer?

1.6 Pasado con used to 161

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to answer
the following questions in the affirmative form, giving
a short and long answer Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

6.- Did Laura use to play the piano? 7.- Did Matt and Ron use to work
in an office? 8.- Did Paul use to spend many hours on the computer?
9.- Did they use to drink soda? 10.- Did you use to listen to rock music?

d) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and answer the questions of the previous exercise in the
negative form, giving a short and a long answer as in the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun
when necessary.

Example: Did the children use to play in the park?

No, they didn’t.
No, they didn’t use to play in the park.

e) Complete the following sentences. Use “anymore” or “any longer” as in the example.

Example: Susan used to listen to pop music, but she doesn’t anymore.

1.- Brian used to work out every day,

2.- We used to play cards,

3.- Sandy used to have lunch at home,

4.- I used to chat with my friends on Facebook,

5.- My parents used to travel a lot,

162 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- I used to go to the movies with my friends.

2.- Did you used to watch TV in the evening?

3.- We not used to play chess.

4.- They used to get up early.

5.- What you used to do in your free time?

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- Mike used to play basketball, but he doesn’t any 6.- I used to practice yoga, but I don’t anymore.

7.- She used to sing beautifully.

2.- We used to drink soda, but we don’t anymore.

3.- I used to go to the gym every day. 8.- That man used to buy the newspaper every day.

4.- Did you use to watch series? –Yes, I did. 9.- My brother used to listen to rock music when he
was young.

5.- You didn’t use to celebrate your birthday.

10.- She didn’t use to cook dinner.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- What did you use to do in your free time when you were a teenager?
12.- We used to go to bed late, but we don’t anymore. 13.- She used
to watch soap operas. 14.- Mark used to go swimming, but he doesn’t
anymore. 15.- What kind of music did you use to listen to when you were

1.6 Pasado con used to 163

16.- We used to read magazines. 17.- My father used to have lunch at
home. 18.- Did they use to go to the beach in the summer? 19.- I used
to get up early on the weekends. 20.- She used to do her homework in
the afternoon. 21.- Who used to play the piano? –He did. 22.- Where did
you use to go on vacation?

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Ella no solía escuchar música pop; solía escuchar 6.- Ella solía cantar muy bien.
música clásica.

7.- ¿Qué acostumbrabas hacer en tu tiempo libre?

2.- ¿Acostumbrabas acostarte tarde? –No.

8.- Mi padre solía fumar mucho.

3.- Él no solía leer el periódico.

9.- ¿Quién solía jugar ajedrez? –Mi sobrino.

4.- ¿A qué hora acostumbrabas acostarte cuando
estudiabas la universidad?

10.- Antes escuchaba la radio, pero ya no.

5.- Antes iba al gimnasio todos los días, pero ya no.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11.- ¿Adónde acostumbrabas ir de vacaciones? 12.- Antes comía comida

chatarra, pero ya no. 13.- Mi hermana solía ir a nadar todos los días. 14.-
Ella no acostumbraba celebrar su cumpleaños. 15.- Tú acostumbrabas
levantarte temprano. 16.- ¿Acostumbrabas ir al cine los miércoles? 17.-
Mi abuelo solía leer el periódico en la mañana. 18.- Ellos solían levan-
tarse temprano todos los días. 19.- Solíamos ir de vacaciones a la playa.
20.- Acostumbrábamos ver la tele por la tarde.

164 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the part in italics into English.

1.- Antes pasaba muchas horas en la computadora, but I don’t anymore.

2.- Ella solía acostarse tarde when she studied at the university.

3.- Él no acostumbraba leer buenos libros, but now he does.

4.- What kind of music did you use to listen to cuando eras adolescente?

5.- Mary used to play cards, pero ya no.

Translate the following dialog –the part in English into Spanish and the part in Spanish into English.


-¿Qué solías hacer en tu tiempo libre cuan-

do eras adolescente?

-I used to play basketball and volleyball.

How about you?

-Solía escuchar música y tocar la guitarra.

-And don’t you play the guitar anymore?


-That’s a shame!

1.6 Pasado con used to 165


There used to be significa “solía haber”, “antes había”, “había”. Es decir, algo que solía haber
en el pasado, pero ya no.

Por ejemplo: There used to be a movie theater here (Antes había un cine aquí).

• La forma negativa es: There didn’t use to be….

Por ejemplo: There didn’t use to be a movie theater here (Antes no había un cine aquí).

• La forma interrogativa es: Did there use to be….?

Por ejemplo: Did there use to be a movie theater here? (¿Antes había un cine aquí?)
Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el auxiliar “did”. La respuesta puede ser afirmativa:
Yes, there did. O negativa: No, there didn’t.

• La forma interrogativo-negativa es: Didn’t there use to be…?

Por ejemplo: Didn’t there use to be a movie theater here? (¿No había antes un cine aquí?)



Algunos adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados con “there used to be…” son
presentados en la siguiente tabla:


• long ago (hace mucho) There used to be a nice park here long ago.

• a long time ago (hace mucho tiempo) There used to be a good bakery on this
street a long time ago.

• some years, months, etc. ago (hace There used to be less traffic in the city some
algunos años, meses, etc.) years ago.

• a few years, months, etc. ago (hace There used to be pay phones in the parks a
pocos años, meses, etc.) few years ago.

• in the past (en el pasado) There used to many foreigners here in the

a) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms
as in the example.

Example: There used to be an armchair in the living room.

Did there use to be an armchair in the living room?
There didn’t use to be an armchair in the living room.
Didn’t there use to be an armchair in the living room?

166 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

1.- There used to be a big tree in the yard. 2.- There used to be a park
here in the past. 3.- There used to be many fish in the river. 4.- There
used to be a dresser in the bedroom. 5.- There used to be a library here.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

b) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form as in the example.

Example: Did there use to be a grocery store here?

There used to be a grocery store here.

1.- Did there use to be many cars ten years ago? 2.- There didn’t use to
be many gamers in the past. 3.- Did there use to be e-books a few years
ago? 4.- There didn’t use to be many tourists in the past. 5.- Did there
use to be a bakery here?

c) Answer the following questions in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example.

Example: Did there use to be a big tree in the yard?

Yes, there did.
Yes, there used to be a big tree in the garden.

1.6 Pasado con used to 167

1.- Did there use to be a lot of traffic some years ago? 2.- Did there use
to be a bookstore on this street? 3.- Did there use to be many students
in that school? 4.- Did there use to be many fish in the river? 5.- Did there
use to be beautiful flowers in the garden?

d) Answer the sentences of the previous exercise in the negative form, giving a short and a long
answer as in the example.

Example: Did there use to be a big tree in the yard?

No, there didn’t.
No, there didn’t use to be a big tree in the yard.

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- There didn’t used to be many students in this school.

2.- Did there use to be many cars in the past?

3.- There use to be a library near my house long ago.

4.- There didn’t use to be a movie theater a few years ago.

5.- There used to be a big park here a long time ago.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- There used to be many people in the park in the 3.- There used to be good books in the library some
past years ago.

2.- Did there use to be smart phones in the 1990s? 4.- There didn’t use to be a lot of traffic ten years

168 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

5.- There used to be many foreigners here in the 8.- Did there use to be many students in that school?

9.- There used to be many swans on the lake, but

6.- There didn’t use to be bad students at that time. there aren’t anymore.

7.- There used to be beautiful flowers in the garden.

10.- There used to be few cars in the city in the past.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Solía haber teléfonos públicos en los parques 6.- Solía haber un teléfono fijo en la sala.
hace algunos años.

7.- ¿Solía haber buenos grupos musicales en los

2.- Antes no había libros electrónicos. ‘80s?

3.- Había un sofá en la sala. 8.- Antes había muchos restaurantes en esta calle.

4.- Solía haber mucha gente en el mercado. 9.- Solía haber hermosos peces en el río en el pasado.

5.- Antes había una vitrina en el comedor. 10.- Solía haber estudiantes extranjeros en esa

1.6 Pasado con used to 169

Write five sentences using “used to” and “there used to be”.

170 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

1.6 Pasado con used to 171

El pasado idiomático corresponde en español a una conjugación perifrástica con infinitivo.

Se utiliza el pasado idiomático para expresar algo que se tenía la intención de realizar en el
pasado, pero que finalmente no se llevó a cabo por alguna razón.

Se forma con el pasado del verbo “to be” más “going to” y un verbo en infinitivo y se
traduce como: (yo) iba a…, (tú) ibas a…, (él) iba a…, etc.

La forma interrogativa es por inversión verbo-pronombre y la forma negativa se forma con

el pasado del verbo “to be” en negativo.

A continuación se presenta la conjugación del pasado idiomático en sus diferentes formas.


I was going to…

You were going to…
He was going to…
She was going to…
It was going to…
We were going to…
You were going to…
They were going to…


Was I going to…?

Were you going to…?
Was he going to…?
Was she going to…?
Was it going to…?
Were we going to…?
Were you going to…?
Were they going to…?

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente “was /were going to” más el verbo en infinitivo; en la respuesta
corta, se utiliza únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso el pasado del verbo “to be” en su
forma correspondiente. La respuesta puede ser afirmativa o negativa.

172 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Was he going to play soccer? Was he going to play soccer?

-Yes, he was going to play soccer. -Yes, he was.
-No, he wasn’t going to play soccer. -No, he wasn’t.


Forma completa Forma contraída

I was not going to… I wasn’t going to…

You were not going to… You weren’t going to…
He was not going to… He wasn’t going to…
She was not going to… She wasn’t going to…
It was not going to… It wasn’t going to…
We were not going to… We weren’t going to…
You were not going to… You weren’t going to…
They were not going to… They weren’t going to…


Forma completa Forma contraída

Was I not going to…? Wasn’t I going to…?

Were you not going to…? Weren’t you going to…?
Was he not going to…? Wasn’t he going to…?
Was she not going to…? Wasn’t she going to…?
Was it not going to…? Wasn’t it going to…?
Were we not going to…? Weren’t we going to…?
Were you not going to…? Weren’t you going to…?
Were they not going to…? Weren’t they going to…?


¿Para qué se utiliza el pasado idiomático?

¿Cómo se traduce el pasado idiomático en español?

1.7 el pasado idiomático con was/were going to 173

¿Qué auxiliar se utiliza para preguntar y negar en pasado idiomático?

¿Cómo se estructura la forma interrogativa del pasado idiomático?

¿Cómo se estructura la forma negativa del pasado idiomático?

a) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative

Example: They were going to buy a car.

Were they going to buy a car?
They weren’t going to buy a car.
Weren’t they going to buy a car?

1.- She was going to send him a WhatsApp. 2.- They were going to
play tennis. 3.- We were going to watch TV. 4.- You were going to go
swimming. 5.- She was going to go shopping.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

174 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
change the following sentences to the interrogative,
negative and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- They were going to listen to music. 7.- She was going to eat a
hamburger. 8.- We were going to visit our parents. 9.- You were going to
make a cake. 10.- He was going to study music.

b) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form as in the example.

Example: We weren’t going to read that book.

We were going to read that book.

1.- Was he going to play volleyball? 2.- She wasn’t going to write a letter.
3.- Was she going to make breakfast? 4.- Were they going to travel abroad?
5.- Was she going to bring the books?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the

following sentences to the affirmative form.

6.- Was he going to ask a question? 7.- You weren’t going to talk to her.
8.- Was she going to do the dishes? 9.- I wasn’t going to take a shower.
10.- We weren’t going to watch TV.

c) Answer the following sentences in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when necessary.

Example: Were the children going to play in the park?

Yes, they were.
Yes, they were going to play in the park.

1.- Were you going to accept that job? 2.- Was Sandy going to do her ho-
mework? 3.- Was the mechanic going to fix the car? 4.- Were they going to
dance cumbia? 5.- Was John going to earn more money?

1.7 el pasado idiomático con was/were going to 175

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to answer
the following questions in the affirmative form, giving
a short and a long answer Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

6.- Was Linda going to make a sandwich? 7.- Were you going to wash the
car? 8.- Were the girls going to help their mom? 9.- Were they going to
rent a house? 10.- Were you going to put the car in the garage?

d) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and answer the questions of the previous exercise in
the negative form, giving a short and a long answer as in the example. Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

Example: Were the children going to play in the park?

No, they weren’t.
No, they weren’t going to play in the park.

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- You wasn’t going to play the guitar.

2.- She not was going to sing at the party.

3.- Were they going to buy a house?

4.- Was not he going to play soccer?

5. We weren’t going to go to the movies.

176 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- I was going to call you, but I couldn’t. 6.- Was she going to write a letter?

2.- We were going to visit our friends, but they 7.- The mechanic was going to fix the car.
were not home.

8.- I was going to read that book.

3.- .- Jenny was going to bring the books, but
she forgot them.

9.- That woman was going to sing a nice song.

4.- Paul was going to buy a new car.

5.- Were you going to make a cake? 10.- We were going to sell our car.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish

11.- He wasn’t going to swim in the pool; he was going to swim in the
river. 12.- Were you going to take piano lessons from Nadia? –Yes, I was.
13.- Sandy wasn’t going to forgive her boyfriend. 14.- I was going to wash
the car, but I didn’t have time. 15.- The boy was going to open the door.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Íbamos a ver una película, pero se fue la luz. 3.- Iba a llamarte, pero no tuve tiempo.

2.- Laura iba a comprar un celular nuevo. 4.- ¿Qué ibas a hacer ayer por la tarde?

1.7 el pasado idiomático con was/were going to 177

5.- Ellos no iban a ir al cine; iban a ir al teatro. 9.- ¿Iba él a enviarte un mensaje de texto? –No.

6.- John nos iba a ayudar, pero no pudo. 10.- Ellas iban a estudiar inglés.

7.- ¿Iba ella a mecanografiar la carta? –Sí. 11.- íbamos a jugar ajedrez.

8.- Ellos iban a viajar al extranjero. 12.- ¿Iba él a leer el periódico?

Write five sentences saying five things you were going to do, but you didn’t.

178 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

There was going to be… / There were going to be… significan “Iba a haber…”

Se utiliza “there was going to be” cuando el sustantivo que sigue está en singular y “there
were going to be” cuando el sustantivo que sigue está en plural.


Affirmative form Affirmative form

There was going to be a concert last week. There were going to be three concerts last

Negative form Negative form

There wasn’t going to be a concert last There weren’t going to be three concerts
week. last week.

Interrogative form Interrogative form

Was there going to be a concert last week? Were there going to be three concerts last

Interrogative-negative form Interrogative-negative form

Wasn’t there going to be a concert last Weren’t there going to be three concerts
week? last week?

a) Fill in the blanks with there was going to be or there were going to be.

1.- many cell phones on sale in that store.

2.- new English teachers.

3.- many people at the party.

4.- a lot of traffic yesterday.

5.- a new student in the class.

b) Change the sentences of the previous exercise to the negative, interrogative, and interrogative-
negative forms.

1.7 el pasado idiomático con was/were going to 179

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Was there going to be many people at the meeting?

2.- There weren’t going to be ten students in the classroom.

3.- There was going to be a lot of traffic in the morning.

4.- There wasn’t going to be much work yesterday.

5.- There were going to be an art exhibition on Sunday

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- There were going to be ten men and eight women. 4.- There was going to be enough food.

2.- Wasn’t there going to be a rock concert on the 5.- Was there going to be a soccer game on Saturday?
weekend? –Yes, there was. –No, there wasn’t.

3.- There weren’t going to be many children in the


Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- No iba a haber muchos estudiantes ayer. 4.- ¿No iba a haber un doctor en el hospital?

2.- Iba a haber un concierto de rock la semana 5.- Iba a haber diez estudiantes y cinco maestros.

3.- Iba a haber mucha gente en el parque.

180 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write four sentences using there was going to be / there were going to be.

1.7 el pasado idiomático con was/were going to 181

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

182 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


El tiempo futuro puede expresarse de diferentes maneras en inglés:

• Mediante el futuro simple (future simple) con el auxiliar “will”.

• Mediante el futuro idiomático (también llamado futuro próximo) con “going to”, que
corresponde en español a una conjugación perifrástica con infinitivo.
• Mediante el presente progresivo o continuo con idea de futuro (present continuous
to express future), que corresponde en español a una conjugación perifrástica con


Se utiliza el futuro simple con “will”: Ejemplo:

• Para hacer predicciones o hablar • I’m sure you will be a successful

sobre hechos o acciones futuras. businessman.
• I’ll see you on Monday.

• Cuando se hace una promesa. • I will love you for the rest of my life.

• Cuando se decide algo de manera • The telephone is ringing. –I’ll get it.
espontánea o inmediata.

• En expresiones como: • I think I’ll take an English course.

“I think….will…” • I don’t think they will arrive on
“I don’t think….will..” time.
“… will probably…” • Lucy will probably arrive later.

El futuro simple (future simple) equivale al futuro en español. Por ejemplo: I’m sure you will
be a successful businessman. Estoy seguro de que serás un hombre de negocios exitoso.

Sin embargo, en enunciados donde se expresa una decisión espontánea o inmediata, se

traduce frecuentemente como presente simple. Por ejemplo: The telephone is ringing.
–I’ll get it. Está sonando el teléfono. –Yo lo contesto. O bien en enunciados como: “I’ll
call you later”. “Te llamo más tarde”.

Con “I don’t think….”, la subordinada se traduce en español como subjuntivo presente.

Por ejemplo: I don’t think they will arrive on time. No creo que ellos lleguen a tiempo.

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 183
Para conjugar un verbo en futuro simple (future simple) en la forma afirmativa, se utiliza
el auxiliar “will” seguido del verbo en su forma básica. Por ejemplo: “I will work”. El auxiliar
“will” puede contraerse con el pronombre. Por ejemplo: “I’ll work”.

Para preguntar, se coloca el auxiliar “will” al inicio del enunciado interrogativo. Por ejemplo:
“Will I work?”

Para negar, se utiliza el auxiliar “will” seguido de la partícula “not”. Por ejemplo: “I will not
work”. Nótese que “will not” se puede contraer en “won’t”. Por ejemplo: “I won’t work”.

Para la forma interrogativo-negativa, se coloca el auxiliar “will” antes del sustantivo o

pronombre y la partícula “not” después de éstos, o bien, colocando la contracción del
negativo antes del sustantivo o pronombre. Por ejemplo: Will I not work? Won’t I work?

Nota: La estructura del primer condicional con “will” está incluida en la lección referente a
“Estructuras” en el apartado correspondiente a “Condicionales”.

A continuación se presenta el ejemplo de la conjugación de un verbo en tiempo futuro

simple en sus diferentes formas.



Forma completa Forma contraída pronombre-auxiliar

I will work I’ll work

You will work You’ll work
He will work He’ll work
She will work She’ll work
It will work It’ll work
We will work We’ll work
You will work You’ll work
They will work They’ll work


Will I work?
Will you work?
Will he work?
Will she work?
Will it work?
Will we work?
Will you work?
Will they work?

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente el auxiliar, el verbo y el complemento; en la respuesta corta,
se utiliza únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso el auxiliar “will”. La respuesta puede ser
afirmativa o negativa.

184 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Will you come tomorrow? Will you come tomorrow?

-Yes, I will come tomorrow. -Yes, I will.
-No, I won’t come tomorrow. -No, I won’t.


Forma completa Forma contraída

I will not work I won’t work

You will not work You won’t work
He will not work He won’t work
She will not work She won’t work
It will not work It won’t work
We will not work We won’t work
You will not work You won’t work
They will not work They won’t work


Forma completa Forma contraída

Will I not work? Won’t I work?

Will you not work? Won’t you work?
Will he not work? Won’t he work?
Will she not work? Won’t she work?
Will it not work? Won’t it work?
Will we not work? Won’t we work?
Will you not work? Won’t you work?
Will they not work? Won’t they work?


Se utiliza el futuro idiomático con Ejemplo:

“going to”:

• Para hacer predicciones o hablar sobre • He’s going to be a successful business-

hechos o acciones futuras. man.
• She’s going to do the dishes.

• Para hablar acerca de una intención o • I’m going to talk to her.

plan futuro. • He is going to rent a house.

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 185
• Cuando hay una evidencia clara de que • The clouds are black. It’s going to
algo va a ocurrir. rain..

• En situaciones familiares e informales • What are you going to do?

se prefiere utilizar “going to” en lugar de • (What are you gonna do?)
“will”. En lenguaje informal “going to” se
pronuncia “gonna”.

El futuro idiomático con “going to” equivale en español a “ir a”. Por ejemplo: He is going
to rent a house. Él va a rentar una casa.

Para conjugar un verbo en futuro idiomático en la forma afirmativa, se utiliza el verbo “to
be” en tiempo presente seguido de “going to” y un verbo en infinitivo. Por ejemplo: “I am
going to work”. El verbo “to be” puede contraerse con el pronombre. Por ejemplo: “I’m
going to work”.

Para preguntar y negar se utiliza el verbo “to be” en sus diferentes formas.

A continuación se presenta el ejemplo de la conjugación de un verbo en futuro idiomático

en sus diferentes formas.



Forma completa Forma contraída pronombre-auxiliar

I am going to work I’m going to work

You are going work You’re going to work
He is going to work He’s going to work
She is going to work She’s going to work
It is going to work It’s going to work
We are going to work We’re going to work
You are going to work You’re going to work
They are going to work They’re going to work


Am I going to work?
Are you going to work?
Is he going to work?
Is she going to work?
Is it going to work?
Are we going to work?
Are you going to work?
Are they going to work?

186 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente el auxiliar, el verbo y el complemento; en la respuesta corta, se
utiliza únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso el verbo “to be”. La respuesta puede ser
afirmativa o negativa.


Are you going to work? Are you going to work?

-Yes, I am going to work. -Yes, I am.
-No, I am not going to work. -No, I am not.


Forma completa Forma contraída

I am not going to work I’m not going to work

You are not going to work You aren’t going to work
He is not going to work He isn’t going to work
She is not going to work She isn’t going to work
It is not going to work It isn’t going to work
We are not going to work We aren’t going to work
You are not going to work You aren’t going to work
They are not going to work They aren’t going to work


Forma completa Forma contraída

Am I not going to work? Aren’t I going to work?

Are you not going to work? Aren’t you going to work?
Is he not going to work? Isn’t he going to work?
Is she not going to work? Isn’t she going to work?
Is it not going to work? Isn’t it going to work?
Are we not going to work? Aren’t we going to work?
Are you not going to work? Aren’t you going to work?
Are they not going to work? Aren’t they going to work?

Nótese que cuando se hacen predicciones o se habla sobre situaciones futuras, se puede
utilizar tanto el futuro simple con “will” como el futuro idiomático con “going to”. Por
ejemplo: “You will be a successful businessman”. O bien, “You are going to be a sucessful

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 187

Se utiliza el presente progresivo o Ejemplo:

continuo con idea de futuro:

• Para hablar sobre actividades que han • He is meeting his friends this evening.
sido planeadas, arregladas o acordadas • I’m leaving tomorrow. I have my bus
de manera anticipada. ticket.

• Frecuentemente se pueden utilizar de • I’m playing soccer on the weekend.

manera intercambiable tanto el futuro • I’m going to play soccer on the
idiomático como el presente progresivo weekend.
con idea de futuro.

El presente continuo con idea de futuro se traduce en español igual que el futuro idiomático.
Por ejemplo: I’m playing soccer on the weekend. Voy a jugar fútbol el fin de semana.

Algunos adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados con el tiempo futuro son presentados
en la siguiente tabla:


• tomorrow (mañana) I’ll see him tomorrow.

• the day after tomorrow (pasado I’m going to wash the car the day after
mañana) tomorrow.

• next Sunday, Monday, etc. (el próximo He’s arriving next Monday.
domingo, lunes, etc.)

• next week, month, year (la próxima I’m going to the beach next month.
semana, mes, año)

• in two, three… days, weeks, months, They’re going to visit us in three weeks.
etc. (en dos, tres… días, semanas, meses,

188 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿De qué maneras puede expresarse el tiempo futuro en inglés?

¿Cuándo se utiliza el futuro simple con “will”?

¿Cuándo se utiliza el futuro idiomático con “going to”?

¿Cuándo se utiliza el presente progresivo con idea de futuro?

¿Cuáles son algunos adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados en

el tiempo futuro?

a) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and conjugate the following verbs in the future simple
tense in the affirmative, interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms as in the

to study, to answer, to read.



Affirmative Interrogative Negative Interrogative-negative

I will go Will I go? I won’t go Won’t I go?

You will go Will you go? You won’t go Won’t you go?
He will go Will he go? He won’t go Won’t he go?
She will go Will she go? She won’t go Won’t she go?
It will go Will it go? It won’t go Won’t it go?
We will go Will we go? We won’t go Won’t we go?
You will go Will you go? You won’t go Won’t you go?
They will go Will they go? They won’t go Won’t they go?

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 189
b) Use your notebook or sheets or paper and conjugate the verbs of the previous exercise in idiomatic
future with “going to”.

c) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative


Example: She will take a taxi.

Will she take a taxi?
She won’t take a taxi.
Won’t she take a taxi?

1.- He will study in that school. 2.- We are going to read that book.
3.- They will go with us. 4.- He is working tomorrow. 5.- You will help
Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change

the following sentences to the interrogative, negative
and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- They are going to the movies later. 7.- She is going to like the present.
8.- We are going to learn a lot. 9.- You will be a good actor. 10.- He is
going to wash the car.

d) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form.

Example: Are you going to watch TV?

You are going to watch TV.

1.- Is she going to eat a cheese burger? 2.- My mom isn’t going to
make a cake. 3.- Is he going to buy a new cell phone? 4.- Are they
coming to the party? 5.- Will you marry her?

190 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the
following sentences to the affirmative form.

6.- I won’t go with you. 7.- Are you going to study English? 8.- Will he
study medicine? 9.- That girl is going to do her homework. 10.- Are you
going to play volleyball with your friends?

e) Answer the following sentences in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when necessary.

Example: Are the boys going to play soccer?

Yes, they are.
Yes, they are going to play soccer.

1.- Is the student going to answer the questions? 2.- Will your sister study
nursing? 3.- Are you going to play the guitar? 4.- Is Liz going to sing? 5.- Will
they arrive on time?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to answer

the following questions in the affirmative form, giving
a short and a long answer Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

6.- Are you going to watch that movie? 7.- Will you write me a letter
every day? 8.- Is Paul going to get up early? 9.- Are you going to the
movies with your friends? 10.- Is he working on Sunday?

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 191
f) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and answer the sentences of the previous exercise in the
negative form, giving a short and a long answer as in the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun
when necessary.

Example: Are the boys going to play soccer?

No, they aren’t.
No, they aren’t going to play soccer.

g) Translate the following sentences.

1.- They write letters. 6.- They don’t like to write letters.

2.- They don’t write letters. 7.- Do they like to write letters?

3.- Do they write letters? 8.- Don’t they like to write letters?

4.- Don’t they write letters? 9.- What do they like to write?

5.- They like to write letters. 10.- When do they like to write letters?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- Where do they like to write letters? 12.- How do they like to write let-
ters? 13.- Why do they like to write letters? 14.- They want to write letters.
15.- They don’t want to write letters. 16.- Do they want to write letters?
17.- Don’t they want to write letters? 18.- They have to write letters. 19.-
They don’t have to write letters. 20.- Do they have to write letters? 21.-
Don’t they have to write letters? 22.- They can write letters. 23.- They
can’t write letters. 24.- Can they write letters? 25.- Can’t they write letters?
26.- They are writing letters. 27.- They aren’t writing letters. 28.- Are they
writing letters? 29.- Aren’t they writing letters? 30.- What are they writing?
31.- Where are they writing letters? 32.- Why are they writing letters? 33.-
How are they writing letters? 34.- They wrote letters. 35.- They didn’t
write letters. 36.- Did they write letters? 37.- Didn’t they write letters?

192 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

38.- Who wrote letters? 39.- What did they write? 40.- Where did they
write letters? 41.- When did they write letters? 42.- Why did they write
letters? 43.- How did they write letters? 44.- They liked to write letters.
45.- They didn’t like to write letters. 46.- Did they like to write letters?
47.- Didn’t they like to write letters? 48.- They wanted to write letters.
49.- They didn’t want to write letters. 50.- Did they want to write letters?
51.- Didn’t they want to write letters? 52.- They had to write letters. 53.-
They didn’t have to write letters. 54.- Did they have to write letters? 55.-
Didn’t they have to write letters?56. They could write letters. 57.- They
couldn’t write letters. 58.- Could they write letters? 59.- Couldn’t they
write letters? 60.- They were writing letters. 61.- They weren’t writing let-
ters. 62.- Were they writing letters? 63.- Weren’t they writing letters? 64.-
They used to write letters. 65.- They didn’t use to write letters. 66.- Did
they use to write letters? 67.- Didn’t they use to write letters? 68.- They
were going to write letters. 69.- They weren’t going to write letters. 70.-
Were they going to write letters? 71.- Weren’t they going to write letters?
72.- They will write letters. 73.- They won’t write letters. 74.- Will they
write letters? 75.- Won’t they write letters? 76.- They are going to write
letters. 77.- They aren’t going to write letters. 78.- Are they going to write
letters? 79.- Aren’t they going to write letters?

h) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and repeat the previous exercise using the following
pronouns and verbs:

1) you / sing / nice songs; 2) he / read / good books; 3) we / work

i) Write a sentence using be going to with the words in parentheses as in the example.

Example: (We / watch TV) We are going to watch TV.

1.- (She / study English)

2.- (The student / copy the sentences)

3.- (My father / buy the newspaper)

4.- (Matt / play soccer)

5.- (Lucy / send a WhatsApp)

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to write

a sentence using be going to with the the following

6.- (I / talk to Jim) 7.- (They / listen to music) 8.- (My sister / do the dishes)
9.- (We / play chess) 10.- (You / travel abroad)

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 193
j) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of be going to or will. In some sentences, it is possible to
use both.

1.- The phone is ringing. –I get it.

2.- The clouds are black. It rain soon.

3.- Tomorrow is Mary’s birthday. I buy a cake for her.

4.- The house is very dirty. We clean it on the weekend.

5.- He’s madly in love with her. He marry her.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill in

the blanks with the correct form of be going to or
will. In some sentences, it is possible to use both.

6.- Did you get the newspaper for me? –Oh, I’m sorry. 9.- He studied very hard for the test. He
I completely forgot. I ________ do it now. _____________ pass it for sure.
7.- Why is the TV on? –Because I ___________ watch 10.- I __________ try to do my best.
a program.
8.- I don’t think many people ___________ come to
the party.

k) Write a sentence using the present continuous with a future meaning with the words in parentheses
as in the example.

Example: (Jim / play basketball / on Sunday)

Jim is playing basketball on Sunday.

1.- (We / go to the movies / this evening)

2.- (I / meet my friends / at 6:30)

3.- (Sally / go to the doctor / on Monday)

4.- (They / have a test / tomorrow)

5.- (We / go on vacation / next week)

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- You not are going to win the game.

2.- Is Andrew playing baseball this weekend?

3.- We are going buy a house.

4.- Alice is going to sing at the party.

5.- Will you marry her?

194 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte
A continuación se incluyen listas de diferentes lugares en una ciudad y medios de transporte.


bakery panadería
bank banco
barber shop peluquería
bookstore librería
bus station terminal de autobuses
church iglesia
department store tienda de departamentos
drugstore farmacia / botica
dry cleaner’s tintorería
fire station estación de bomberos
flea market tianguis / mercado de pulgas
hairdresser’s estilista
hospital hospital
hotel hotel
mall plaza comercial
laudromat lavandería
movie theater cine
museum museo
park parque
pharmacy farmacia
police station estación de policía
post office correo
public library biblioteca pública
school escuela
subway station estación del metro
supermarket supermercado
train station estación de ferrocarril
travel agency agencia de viajes

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 195

bicycle (bike) bicicleta (bici)

boat bote / barco
bus autobús
car carro
helicopter helicóptero
motorcycle (motorbike) motocicleta (moto)
plane avión
taxi taxi
train tren
tramway tranvía
ship barco
subway metro
van camioneta

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- Joe is going to buy a new cell phone. 6.- Are you meeting your friends this evening? –Yes,
I am.

2.- Is she going to bring the cake?

7.- I’m going to visit my parents next week.

3.- I’m sure I will miss you a lot.

8.- Are you coming tomorrow?

4.- I don’t think she will come to the party.

9.- What are you going to do on the weekend?.

5.- Who is going to get the tickets? –He is.

10.- What are you doing on the weekend?

196 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- I’m going to call her later. 12.- Look at those black clouds. It’s
going to rain. 13.- The phone is ringing. –I’ll get it. 14.- When are you
going to write your essay? 15.- Is he working tomorrow? –I don’t know.
16.- We’re going swimming on the weekend. 17.- We are going to go
swimming on the weekend. 18.- I promise it won’t happen again. 19.-
They will probably arrive late. 20.- Are you having your English class this
afternoon? 21.- Are you going to have your English class this afternoon?
22.- I will go to France next year. 23.- Will you study medicine? –Yes, I
will. 24.- Her son is going to be an actor. 25.- I’m going to bed; I’m really
tired. 26.- She’s nervous because she’s having a test tomorrow. 27.- Is
your daughter going to study a career when she finishes high school?
28.- What career are you going to study? 29.- Where are you going to
be later? –I’m going to be at the library. 30.- Where are you going? –I’m
going to the hairdresser’s. 32.- Betty’s going to the hospital; her father
is sick. 33.- We’re going to the bakery. We need to buy some cupcakes.
34.- Where are they going on vacation? –They’re going to the beach.
35.- He’s going to go to an amusement park next week. 36.- How are
you going to the bank? –I’m going by taxi. 37.- How are they going to the
beach? –They’re going by plane. 38.- I will go to the Greek Islands next
year. –Will you go by plane or by boat? 39.- It’s a difficult situation. I don’t
know what I will do. 40.- What will you study? –I don’t know yet. 42.- I’m
sure you will live a long and happy life. 43.- You will look beautiful in that
blue dresss. 44.- We’re going to the beach next week. I’m sure we will
have a wonderful time. 45.- She’s going to be twenty-five years old next
Saturday. She’s going to throw a big party. 46.- We will be in San Diego
next month. 47.- How old is Pete going to be? –He’s going to be thirty-
two. 48.- Are you working out at the gym tomorrow morning? –Sure.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- ¿Vas a trabajar mañana? –No. 5.- ¿Vas a ir a nadar mañana?

2.- ¿Qué vas a hacer en la tarde? –No lo sé. 6.- ¿Cómo te vas a ir al supermercado? –Me voy a ir
en autobús.

3.- Voy a ir al cine con mis amigos el fin de semana.

7.- Prometo que no volverá a suceder.

4.- ¿Aceptarás ese trabajo? –Sí.

8.- Ellos van a ir a un parque de diversiones el fin de

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 197
9.- ¿Qué vas a hacer? –Voy a escuchar música. 10.- Mi hermano no va a trabajar mañana.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11.- Voy a comprar un carro nuevo. 12.- ¿Vas a tener un examen mañana?
–Sí, voy a tener un examen de matemáticas. 13.- ¿Va Paul a jugar fútbol
el sábado? –No. 14.- ¿Vas a ir al cine con tus amigas esta tarde? –No,
iremos pasado mañana. 15.- Ella dice que no hará su tarea. 16.- ¿Vas a
venir mañana? –Sí. 17.- Está sonando el teléfono. –Yo lo contesto. 18.-
¿Irás a París el próximo año? –No. 19.- ¿Vas a ir a París el próximo año?
–No. 20.- Mi padre va a leer el periódico. 21.- ¿Te casarás con ella? –Sí,
la amo con toda el alma. 22.- Prometo que vendré a verte. 23.- Ustedes
van a ver la tele. 24.- ¿Cómo se van a ir a la playa? –Nos vamos a ir en
avión. 25.- ¿Irás a la fiesta? –Sí, iré. 26.- ¿Quién va a estudiar francés? –
Mary. 27.- ¿Cómo se van a ir ellos a las Bahamas? –Se van a ir en barco.
28.- ¿Dónde vas a estar en la tarde? –Voy a estar en la casa. 29.- ¿A qué
hora te levantarás mañana? 30.- ¿Quiénes van a ir a nadar? –Ellos. 31.-
Ella va a cantar una bonita canción. 32.- Voy a contestar un mensaje de
WhatsApp. 33.- ¿A qué hora te vas a acostar? –Me voy a acostar tarde.
34.- Él va a fumar un cigarro. 35.- Ella nos va a mandar un mensaje por
Facebook. 36.- Voy a abrir la ventana; hace mucho calor. 37.- ¿Cómo
te vas a ir a la escuela? –Me voy a ir en autobús. 38.- Te amaré toda
la vida. 39.- ¿Van a ir ellos mañana a la escuela? –No. 40.- Mi hijo no
será arquitecto; será ingeniero. 41.- ¿Vas a venir mañana a clases? 42.-
Suzanne va a celebrar su cumpleaños el próximo miércoles. 43.- Llévate
un paraguas porque va a llover. 44.- No creo que ellos lleguen a tiempo.
45.- ¿Cuántos años vas a cumplir? –Voy a cumplir veintinueve. 46.- ¿Irás
con nosotros al cine? –Lo siento; no creo que tenga tiempo. 47.- ¿Cómo
se va a ir ella al trabajo? –Se va a ir en taxi. 48.- Lilly se verá hermosa con
ese vestido negro de seda.

Translate the part in italics into English.

1.- I don’t think que pase el examen.

2.- She says que no va a venir a clases mañana.

3.- I’m hungry. Me voy a comer un sandwich.

198 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

4.- Voy a comprar un celular nuevo because mine is too old.

5.- Voy a tomarme un vaso de agua because I’m very thirsty.

Translate the following dialog –the part in English into Spanish and the part in Spanish into English.


-¿Qué vas a hacer esta tarde Betty?

-I’m going to the mall with my friends. Do

you want to come with us?
-No creo. Tengo un examen mañana y
tengo que estudiar.

-And what are you going to do on the


-Nothing special.

-Mi amiga Samantha va a celebrar su

cumpleaños el sábado y va a hacer una gran
fiesta en su casa. ¿Te gustaría ir?

-Sure! I think we will have a wonderful time!

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 199
Write five sentences using the future simple, the future with going to and the present
progressive with a future meaning.


El futuro del verbo modal “can” se forma utilizando “be able to” (ser capaz de), pues
“can” no se puede conjugar en tiempo futuro. De este modo, si queremos expresar el
verbo “poder” en tiempo futuro en inglés, tenemos que utilizar “be able to” y el auxiliar
correspondiente dependiendo si es futuro simple o futuro idiomático.

El futuro simple se forma con el auxiliar “will” seguido de “be able to” y el futuro idiomático
con “going to” seguido de “be able to”. Por ejemplo: “I will be able to speak English
(Podré hablar inglés)”. O bien, “I’m going to be able to speak English (Voy a poder hablar

A continuación se presenta la conjugación del verbo modal “can” en tiempo futuro simple
y futuro idiomático en sus diferentes formas como aparece en las siguientes tablas.


Forma completa Forma contraída pronombre-auxiliar

I will be able to… I’ll be able to…

You will be able to… You’ll be able to…
He will be able to… He’ll be able to…
She will be able to… She’ll be able to…
It will be able to… It’ll be able to…
We will be able to… We’ll be able to…
You will be able to… You’ll be able to…
They will be able to… They’ll be able to…

200 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Will I be able to…?

Will you be able to…?
Will he be able to…?
Will she be able to…?
Will it be able to…?
Will we be able to…?
Will you be able to…?
Will they be able to…?


Forma completa Forma contraída

I will not be able to… I won’t be able to…

You will not be able to… You won’t be able to…
He will not be able to… He won’t be able to…
She will not be able to… She won’t be able to…
It will not be able to… It won’t be able to…
We will not be able to… We won’t be able to…
You will not be able to… You won’t be able to…
They will not be able to… They won’t be able to…


Forma completa Forma contraída

Will I not be able to…? Won’t I be able to…?

Will you not be able to…? Won’t you be able to…?
Will he not be able to...? Won’t he be able to…?
Will she not be able to...? Won’t she be able to…?
Will it not be able to…? Won’t it be able to…?
Will we not be able to...? Won’t we be able to…?
Will you not be able to…? Won’t you be able to…?
Will they not be able to…? Won’t they be able to…?

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 201


Forma completa Forma contraída

I am going to be able to… I’m going to be able to…

You are going to be able to… You’re going to be able to…
He is going to be able to… He’s going to be able to…
She is going to be able to… She’s going to be able to…
It is going to be able to… It’s going to be able to…
We are going to be able to… We’re going to be able to…
You are going to be able to… You’re going to be able to…
They are going to be able to… They’re going to be able to…


Am I going to be able to…?

Are you going to be able to…?
Is he going to be able to...?
Is she going to be able to…?
Is it going to be able to…?
Are we going to be able to…?
Are you going to be able to…?
Are they going to be able to…?


Forma completa Forma contraída

I am not going to be able to… I’m not going to be able to…

You are not going to be able to… You aren’t going to be able to…
He is not going to be able to… He isn’t going to be able to…
She is not going to be able to… She isn’t going to be able to…
It is not going to be able to… It isn’t going to be able to…
We are not going to be able to… We aren’t going to be able to…
You are not going to be able to… You aren’t going to be able to…
They are not going to be able to… They aren’t going to be able to…

202 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Forma completa Forma contraída

Am I not going to be able to…? Aren’t I going to be able to…?

Are you not going to be able to…? Aren’t you going to be able to…?
Is he not going to be able to…? Isn’t he going to be able to…?
Is she not going to be able to…? Isn’t she going to be able to…?
Is it not going to be able to…? Isn’t it going to be able to…?
Are we not going to be able to…? Aren’t we going to be able to…?
Are you not going to be able to…? Aren’t you going to be able to…?
Are they not going to be able to…? Aren’t they going to be able to…?

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Qué se utiliza para expresar el futuro de “can”?

¿Qué significa “be able to”?

¿Cómo se forma el futuro simple de “can”?

¿Cómo se forma el futuro idiomático de “can”?

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 203
a) Change the following sentences to the future simple tense as in the example.

Example: She can read.

She will be able to read.

1.- We can play tennis. 2.- Can you type fast? 3.- He can swim. 4.- She
can’t speak German. 5.- Can they pronounce that word correctly?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the

following sentences to the future simple tense.

6.- She can sing in tune. 7.- He can fix the car. 8.- Can you play chess?
9.- You can finish the book in one week. 10.- Can’t they ride a bike?

b) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and change the sentences of the previous exercise to the
future tense with going to as in the example.

Example: She can read.

She is going to be able to read.

c) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form as in the example.

Example: Will you be able to go with us?

You will be able to go with us.

1.- Will she be able to finish her homework? 2.- They aren’t going to be
able to come. 3.- I won’t be able to arrive on time. 4.- He won’t be able to
give us the money. 5.- Is she going to be able to understand you?

204 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the
following sentences to the affirmative form.

6.- They won’t be able to come this afternoon. 7.- Is the girl going to be
able to make the cake? 8.- I won’t be able to go with you. 9.- Will you be
able to take us to the airport? 10.- She won’t be able to go on vacation.

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Will they be able come to the party?

2.- I won’t be able to go with you.

3.- Is going to be able the student to aswer the questions?

4.- You not are going to be able to win the game.

5.- He’s going to be able to speak Chinese.

Copy and translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- I won’t be able to talk to you today. 5.- He’s going to be able to play that difficult piece on
the piano.

2.- Are they going to be able to come to the meeting?

6.- Will you be able to take me to the supermarket

3.- Pete won’t be able to come with us.

7.- The mechanic is going to be able to fix the car.

4.- She won’t be able to finish the essay for tomorrow.

8.- I won’t be able to give you the money.

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 205
9.- Will she be able to speak French soon? 10.- You will be able to sing in tune.

Copy and translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Él no podrá ir al cine con nosotros. 6.- ¿Va a poder él arreglar el carro?

2.- Ella podrá hacer un pastel para mi cumpleaños. 7.- Ella no va a poder llevar a los niños a la escuela

3.- ¿Vas a poder venir esta tarde?

8.- Voy a poder hablar inglés pronto.

4.- Él no podrá entendernos.

9.- No podremos ir a tu fiesta de cumpleaños.

5.- No podré hablar contigo hoy.

10.- No podré prestarte el libro.

206 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


There will be significa “habrá”. Por ejemplo: There will be a lot of traffic tomorrow (Habrá
mucho tráfico mañana).

• La forma negativa es: There will not be o su forma contraída there won’t be….
Por ejemplo: There won’t be a lot of traffic tomorrow.
• La forma interrogativa es: Will there be….?
Por ejemplo: Will there be a lot of traffic tomorrow?
Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el auxiliar “will”. La respuesta puede ser afirmativa:
Yes, there will. O negativa: No, there won’t.
• La forma interrogativo-negativa es: Won’t there be…?
Por ejemplo: Won’t there be a lot of traffic tomorrow? Para responder en forma corta, se
utiliza el auxiliar “will”. La respuesta puede ser afirmativa: Yes, there will. O negativa: No,
there won’t.

There is going to be (que se puede contraer en there’s going to be) significa “va a
haber” y se utiliza si se habla en singular o nos referimos a una sola cosa, por ejemplo:
There’s going to be a lot of traffic tomorrow (Va a haber mucho tráfico mañana).

There are going to be significa “va a haber” y se utiliza si se habla en plural o nos referimos
a más de una cosa, por ejemplo: There are going to be many children in the park (Va a
haber muchos niños en el parque).

A continuación se presenta una tabla donde se muestran las diferentes formas: afirmativa,
negativa, interrogativa e interrogativa-negativa.


Affirmative form Affirmative form

There is going to be a concert next week.. There are going to be three concerts next

Negative form Negative form

There isn’t going to be a concert next There aren’t going to be three concerts
week. next week.

Interrogative form Interrogative form

Is there going to be a concert next week? Are there going to be three concerts next

Interrogative-negative form Interrogative-negative form

Isn’t there going to be a concert next Aren’t there going to be three concerts
week? next week?

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 207
Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el verbo “to be”. La respuesta puede ser afirmativa
o negativa: Is there going to be a concert next week? –Yes, there is. Are there going to
be three concerts next week? –Yes, there are. Is there going to be a concert next week?
–No, there isn’t. Are there going to be three concerts next week? –No, there aren’t.

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Qué significa “there will be”?

¿Qué significa “there’s going to be”?

¿Cuándo se utiliza “there’s going to be”?

¿Qué significa “there are going to be”?

¿Cuándo se utiliza “there are going to be”?

a) Change the following sentences to the future simple tense as in the example.

Example: There is a new program on TV.

There will be a new program on TV.

1.- There is a new student in the class. 2.- There are many people at the
mall. 3.- There are new doctors in the hospital. 4.- There is a buffet in
the dining room. 5.- Is there a secretary in the office?

208 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
change the following sentences to the the future
simple tense.

6.- There aren’t many people at the movies. 7.- Are there good books in
the library? 8.- There is a man waiting for you. 9.- There are enough forks
on the table. 10.- There are many workers in that factory.

b) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and change the sentences of the previous exercise to
the future with going to as in the example.

Example: There is a new program on TV.

There is going to be a new program on TV.

c) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative


Example: There will be a lot of traffic tomorrow.

Will there be a lot of traffic tomorrow?
There won’t be a lot of traffic tomorrow.
Won’t there be a lot of traffic tomorrow?

1.- There will be new students in the class. 2.- There are going to be
many people at the party. 3.- There is going to be a taxi waiting for you.
4.- There will be a new season of that series. 5.- There is going to be a
new English teacher.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 209
Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- There is going to be many people at the movies.

2.- Not will there be classes tomorrow?

3.- There’s going to be a new member on the team.

4.- Are there going to be many students in the class?

5.- There’s going to be a lot of work.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- There will be a concert tomorrow evening. 6.- There are going to be new students in that class.

2.- Is there going to be a soccer game on Saturday? 7.- Are there going to be enough chairs for all the
–No, there isn’t. people?

3.- Will there be a new season of that series? –Yes, 8.- There isn’t going to be a new French teacher.
there will.

9.- There will be a festival next weekend.

4.- There will be a debate on gay rights on TV this

10.- There won’t be classes tomorrow.

5.- There’s going to be an art exhibition next week.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Va a haber un partido de básquetbol mañana. 2.- ¿Va a haber un recital de piano el fin de semana?

210 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

3.- Va a haber muchos estudiantes en esa escuela. 7.- Va a haber mucho tráfico el fin de semana.

4.- No habrá clases el miércoles. 8.- Va a haber nuevos estudiantes en mi clase.

5.- No creo que haya mucha gente en el cine mañana. 9.- Va a haber un debate sobre los derechos de los
migrantes esta tarde.

6.- ¿Habrá una nueva temporada de esa serie? –No.

10.- ¿Va a haber un nuevo maestro de inglés? –Sí.

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 211
Write five sentences using “there will be”, “there’s going to be” and “there are going
to be”.

212 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

1.8 El tiempo futuro con will, going to y presente continuo con idea de futuro 213

El tiempo futuro progresivo o futuro continuo corresponde en español a una conjugación

perifrástica con gerundio y en inglés se utiliza generalmente para:

Describir alguna acción que estará He will be graduating next year.

ocurriendo en un cierto momento Él se estará graduando el próximo año.

Indicar una proyección a futuro o hablar This time next week, we will be lying
de actividades planeadas o arregladas. on the beach.
A esta hora la próxima semana,
estaremos recostados en la playa.

Realizar predicciones o suposiciones I will be sleeping by the time you get

sobre eventos futuros. home.
Estaré durmiendo para cuando tú
llegues a casa.

Pedir de manera cortés o amable Will you be going to the supermarket

información sobre el futuro. later?
¿Irás al supermercado más tarde?)
En este caso, la pregunta formulada
en futuro progresivo da un matiz de
amabilidad y cortesía con respecto a
formular la pregunta en futuro simple:
Will you go to the supermarket
later? Aun cuando en español ambos
enunciados se traduzcan, en este caso
particular de la misma manera, en inglés
resulta más amable y cortés la fórmula
con el futuro progresivo.

Hacer referencia a eventos o acciones Next year, I will still be wearing the
que ya están ocurriendo al momento de same size.
hablar y que suponemos se prolongarán El próximo año, aún estaré usando la
en el futuro. En este caso, se acompañana misma talla.
el enunciado con adverbio “still” (todavía El próximo año, aún seguiré usando la
/ aún) y en ocasiones se puede traducir misma talla.
al español como “seguir haciendo algo”.

214 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

El tiempo futuro progresivo requiere, generalmente, ir acompañado de un marcador
temporal, ya sea una expresión de tiempo o un adverbio de tiempo que indique el
momento del futuro en que se estará realizando la acción. Por ejemplo: tomorrow, next
(week, month, year, etc.), by this time (tomorrow, next…), by (Christmas, New Year’s…) at
this time tomorrow, in the future, in the near future, etc.

Nótese también que ciertas ocasiones el futuro progresivo se traduce en español

simplemente como futuro idiomático (futuro próximo) o futuro simple, pues se escucharía
raro traducirlo de manera literal. Por ejemplo: Will you be staying at the hotel until next
Monday (¿Se van a quedar en el hotel hasta el próximo lunes? / ¿Se quedarán en el hotel
hasta el próximo lunes?). Will I be sleeping in this room? (¿Me voy a dormir en este
cuarto? / ¿Dormiré en este cuarto?)


Existen dos maneras de expresar el futuro continuo o progresivo en inglés: el futuro

progresivo con “will” y el futuro progresivo con “going to”.


El futuro progresivo con “will” se forma conjugando el verbo “to be” en tiempo futuro más
el participio presente (present participle) de un verbo.



John will be playing.

They will be studying.

“John will be playing” se traduce al español como: “John estará jugando”.


El futuro progresivo con “going to” se forma conjugando el verbo “to be” en presente más
“going to be” y el participio presente de un verbo.



John is going to be playing.

They are going to be studying.

“John is going to be playing” se traduce al español como: “John va a estar jugando”.

1.9 Futuro progresivo o futuro continuo (future progressive or future continuous) 215
A continuación se presenta el ejemplo de la conjugación de un verbo en tiempo futuro
continuo en sus diferentes formas, tanto con “will” como con “going to”.



Forma completa Forma contraída

I will be working I’ll be working

You will be working You’ll be working
He will be working He’ll be working
She will be working She’ll be working
It will be working It’ll be working
We will be working We’ll be working
You will be working You’ll be working
They will be working They’ll be working


Will I be working?
Will you be working?
Will he be working?
Will she be working?
Will it be working?
Will we be working?
Will you be working?
Will they be working?

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente el auxiliar, el verbo y el complemento; en la respuesta corta,
se utiliza únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso el auxiliar “will”. La respuesta puede ser
afirmativa o negativa.


Will you be working tomorrow? Will you be working tomorrow?

-Yes, I will be working tomorrow. -Yes, I will.
-No, I won’t be working tomorrow. -No, I won’t.

216 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Forma completa Forma contraída

I will not be working I won’t be working

You will not be working You won’t be working
He will not be working He won’t be working
She will not be working She won’t be working
It will not be working It won’t be working
We will not be working We won’t be working
You will not be working You won’t be working
They will not be working They won’t be working


Forma completa Forma contraída

Will I not be working? Won’t I be working?

Will you not be working? Won’t you be working?
Will he not be working? Won’t he be working?
Will she not be working? Won’t she be working?
Will it not be working? Won’t it be working?
Will we not be working? Won’t we be working?
Will you not be working? Won’t you be working?
Will they not be working? Won’t they be working?


Forma completa Forma contraída pronombre-auxiliar

I am going to be working I’m going to be working

You are going to be working You’re going to be working
He is going to be working He’s going to be working
She is going to be working She’s going to be working
It is going to be working It’s going to be working
We are going to be working We’re going to be working
You are going to be working You’re going to be working
They are going to be working They’re going to be working

1.9 Futuro progresivo o futuro continuo (future progressive or future continuous) 217

Am I going to be working?
Are you going to be working?
Is he going to be working?
Is she going to be working?
Is it going to be working?
Are we going to be working?
Are you going to be working?
Are they going to be working?

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente el auxiliar, el verbo y el complemento; en la respuesta corta, se
utiliza únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso el verbo “to be”. La respuesta puede ser
afirmativa o negativa.


Are you going to be working? Are you going to be working?

-Yes, I am going to be working. -Yes, I am.
-No, I am not going to be working. -No, I am not.


Forma completa Forma contraída

I am not going to be working I’m not going be working

You are not going to be working You aren’t going to be working
He is not going to be working He isn’t going to be working
She is not going to be working She isn’t going to be working
It is not going to be working It isn’t going to be working
We are not going to be working We aren’t going to be working
You are not going to be working You aren’t going to be working
They are not going to be working They aren’t going to be working

218 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Forma completa Forma contraída

Am I not going to be working? Aren’t I going to be working?

Are you not going to be working? Aren’t you going to be working?
Is he not going to be working? Isn’t he going to be working?
Is she not going to be working? Isn’t she going to be working?
Is it not going to be working? Isn’t it going to be working?
Are we not going to be working? Aren’t we going to be working?
Are you not going to be working? Aren’t you going to be working?
Are they not going to be working? Aren’t they going to be working?



En ocasiones, se unen dos oraciones en futuro continuo o progresivo mediante la

conjunción “while”, que significa “mientras”, “mientras que”, para indicar que se estarán
llevando a cabo dos acciones de manera simultánea en el futuro.

Por ejemplo:

• She will be doing her homework while her brother will be playing soccer (Ella estará
haciendo su tarea mientras su hermano estará jugando fútbol).

La oración subordinada puede a veces expresarse también en presente simple.

Por ejemplo:

• She will be doing her homework while her brother plays soccer (Ella estará haciendo
su tarea mientras su hermano juega fútbol).



A menudo se unen dos oraciones, una en futuro continuo o progresivo y otra en presente
simple mediante la conjunción “when”, que significa “cuando”, para indicar que mientras
una acción estará teniendo lugar ocurre otra que la interrumpe. La oración principal
se expresa en futuro progresivo y la subordinada en presente simple. Nótese que la
subordinada se traduce en español como subjuntivo presente.

Por ejemplo:

• He will be watching a movie when we arrive (Él estará viendo una película cuando

1.9 Futuro progresivo o futuro continuo (future progressive or future continuous) 219
Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Para qué se utiliza generalmente el futuro progresivo o futuro


¿Cómo se forma el futuro progresivo con “will”?

¿Cómo se forma el futuro progresivo con “going to”?

¿Para qué se utiliza la conjunción “while”?

¿Para qué se utiliza la conjunción “when”?

a) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative, and interrogative-negative forms
as in the example.

Example: They will be eating lunch at 12:30.

Will they be eating lunch at 12:30?
They won’t be eating lunch at 12:30.
Won’t they be eating lunch at 12:30?

1.- She will be doing her homework in the evening. 2.- We will be sit-
ting on the beach at this time tomorrow. 3.- He will be studying in high
school next year. 4.- They will be going to Europe in a week. 5.- He will
be sleeping at 10:00.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

220 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

b) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and change the sentences of the previous exercise to the
future progressive with “going to” as in the example.

Example: They will be eating lunch at 12:30.

They are going to be eating lunch at 12:30.

c) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and change the sentences of the previous exercise to the
negative, interrogative and interrogative-negative forms as in the example.

Example: They are going to be eating lunch at 12:30.

They aren’t going to be eating lunch at 12:30.
Are they going to be eating lunch at 12:30?
Aren’t they going to be eating lunch at 12:30?

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- We will are swimming at the beach tomorrow.

2.- I’m going to be playing soccer on the weekend

3.- Will be she doing her homework in the evening?

4.- They will be traveling around the world very soon.

5.- She’s going to be working next week.

1.9 Futuro progresivo o futuro continuo (future progressive or future continuous) 221
Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- He is going to be working in his new job next week. 6.- I expect that they’ll be coming to the meeting.

2.- I guess you’ll be feeling tired after working long 7.- In the near future, I’ll be teaching in that school.

8.- We will be having dinner at 6:00.

3.- Will you be coming with us?

9.- I will be sleeping by the time you get home.

4.- In an hour, I’ll still be doing my homework.

10.- In five years time, my nephew will be studying at

5.- Will you be bringing your girlfriend to the party? the university.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- Mom will be cooking dinner when I arrive. 12.- I will be listening to
music while my brother will be watching TV. 13.- I’m not going to be
wasting my time. 14.- It’s going to be raining when we leave. 15.- She’s
going to be having a job interview at this time tomorrow. 16.- He isn’t
going to be graduating next year. 17.- My little daughter will be jumping
with joy when she sees her present. 18.- Will you be staying at the hotel
until next Thursday? 19.- She will be throwing a big party next weekend.
20.- Will you be texting us in the next few days?

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Estaré desayunando a las 9:30. 2.- Dentro de cinco años estaré trabajando en un

222 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

3.- Ella no se va a graduar el próximo mes. 7.- Voy a estar durmiendo a las 11:00.

4.- Va a estar lloviendo cuando salgas. 8.- ¿Vas a venir con nosotros?

5.- Yo estaré lavando el carro mientras él estará 9.- En un futuro cercano, estaremos viviendo en
haciendo el jardín. España.

6.- Mañana a esta hora, estaremos tirados en la 10.- Estaré durmiendo cuando llegues a la casa.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11.- Ellos estarán celebrando sus bodas de oro el próximo año. 12.-
¿Vas a traer a tus amigos a la fiesta? 13.- ¿Va a venir Matt con nosotros?
14.- Estaré comiendo comida china con mis amigos esta tarde. 15.-
No estaremos yendo a Europa este año. 16.- Para Navidad, estaremos
esquiando en Colorado. 17.- No voy a estar perdiendo el tiempo. 18.-
¿Te vas a quedar en el hotel hasta la próxima semana? 19.- Estaremos
aprendiendo mucho en esa escuela. 20.- Mañana a esta hora, estaré
hablando con ella.

1.9 Futuro progresivo o futuro continuo (future progressive or future continuous) 223
Write five sentences using the future progressive.

224 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

1.9 Futuro progresivo o futuro continuo (future progressive or future continuous) 225
El tiempo pospretérito o condicional simple (que corresponde en español a las
terminaciones: –ría, –rías, –ríamos, –rían) se forma utilizando el verbo modal “would”
seguido de la forma básica del verbo que se conjuga. Por ejemplo: “I would go (Iría)”.

Este tiempo se utiliza generalmente en inglés para:

Hablar sobre suposiciones que habíamos I thought you would do the dishes.
formulado, pero todavía no han ocurrido Pensé que lavarías los trastes.
al momento en que estamos hablando
o bien ocurrieron de diferente manera. En este caso, “supuse que lavarías los
trastes, pero no lo has hecho hasta
ahora; o bien, alguien diferente a ti ya lo
hizo y no tú, como yo lo había supuesto”.

Mencionar lo que alguien dijo en el She said she would bring the
pasado; es decir, en estructuras de estilo sandwiches.
indirecto en el pasado. Ella dijo que traería los sandwiches.

Nota: El estudio de estructuras de estilo

directo e indirecto en diferentes tiempos
se encuentra en el siguiente libro de esta

Pedir, ofrecer o invitar de manera cortés. Would you do me a favor?

¿Me harías un favor?
Nota: El estudio de una mayor variedad
de estructuras corteses para pedir u Would you like some coffee?
ofrecer algo, se ve con más profundidad ¿Gustas café?
en el siguiente libro de esta obra.
Would you like to go to the movies
with us?
¿Te gustaría ir al cine con nosotros?

*Nótese que la expresión “Would you

like….?” se puede traducir al español
como: “¿Te gustaría…? / ¿Quisieras…? /
¿Gustas…?), dependiendo del contexto
en que se diga.

226 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Hablar sobre una acción o situación Would you do that?
hipotética o imaginaria. ¿Harías eso?

Cuando se habla de situaciones I would dance, but I can’t.

imaginarias o hipotéticas, se utiliza Bailaría, pero no puedo.
frecuentemente una estructura
condicional con “If”. If I had enough money, I would buy a
new car.
Nota: La estructura del segundo Si tuviera suficiente dinero, compraría
condicional se estudia en la segunda un carro nuevo.
parte de este libro en la lección referente
a “Estructuras” en su apartado sobre

Nótese que el pospretérito de “can” es “could”.

Como se vio con anterioridad, “could” puede traducirse al español como “pretérito” (pude),
“copretérito” (podía) o “pospretérito” (podría).

A continuación se presenta el ejemplo de la conjugación de un verbo en tiempo pospretérito

o condicional simple en sus diferentes formas.



Forma completa Forma contraída pronombre-auxiliar

I would go I’d go
You would go You’d go
He would go He’d go
She would go She’d go
It would go It’d go
We would go We’d go
You would go You’d go
They would go They’d go


Would I go?
Would you go?
Would he go?
Would she go?
Would it go?
Would we go?
Would you go?
Would they go?

1.10 El pospretérito (conditional simple) 227

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente el auxiliar, el verbo y el complemento; en la respuesta corta,
se utiliza únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso el modal “would”. La respuesta puede
ser afirmativa o negativa. En el caso de responder a un ofrecimiento o invitación, muchas
veces se responde “I’d love to”. (Me encantaría); si es que es la primera persona del singular
la que responde.


Would you do that? Would you do that?

-Yes, I would do that. -Yes, I would.
-No, I wouldn’t do that. -No, I wouldn’t.


Would you like to go to the party? (¿Te gustaría ir a la fiesta?

-I’d love to. (Me encantaría.)


Forma completa Forma contraída

I would not go I wouldn’t go

You would not go You wouldn’t go
He would not go He wouldn’t go
She would not go She wouldn’t go
It would not go It wouldn’t go
We would not go We wouldn’t go
You would not go You wouldn’t go
They would not go They wouldn’t go


Forma completa Forma contraída

Would I not go? Wouldn’t I go?
Would you not go? Wouldn’t you go?
Would he not go? Wouldn’t he go?
Would she not go? Wouldn’t she go?
Would it not go? Wouldn’t it go?
Would we not go? Wouldn’t we go?
Would you not go? Wouldn’t you go?
Would they not go? Wouldn’t they go?

228 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Cómo se forma el tiempo pospretérito en inglés?

¿Para qué se utiliza generalmente el tiempo pospretérito?

¿Cómo se puede traducir al español la expresión “Would you like….”?

¿Cuáles son los tiempos en los cuales se puede traducir “could”?

a) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and conjugate the following verbs in the conditional tense
in the affirmative, interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms as in the example:

to dance, to play, to eat.



Affirmative Interrogative Negative Interrogative-negative

I would study Would I study? I wouldn’t study Wouldn’t I study?

You would study Would you study? You wouldn’t study Wouldn’t you study?
He would study Would he study? He wouldn’t study Wouldn’t he study?
She would study Would she study? She wouldn’t study Wouldn’t she study?
It would study Would it study? It wouldn’t study Wouldn’t it study?
We would study Would we study? We wouldn’t study Wouldn’t we study?
You would study Would you study? You wouldn’t study Wouldn’t you study?
They would study Would they study? They wouldn’t study Wouldn’t they study?

b) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative

forms as in the example.

Example: He would work.

Would he work?
He wouldn’t work.
Wouldn’t he work?

1.10 El pospretérito (conditional simple) 229

1.- She would go with us. 2.- We would arrive late. 3.- They would study
English. 4.-You would accept the offer. 5.- He would complain about

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

c) Change the following sentences to the affirmative form.

Example: They wouldn’t go.

They would go.

1.- Would she bake the cake? 2.- We wouldn’t do that. 3.- He wouldn’t
smoke. 4.- Would he fix the car? 5.- Would you watch that program?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the

following sentences to the affirmative form.

6.- She wouldn’t type the letter. 7.- We wouldn’t buy that car. 8.- Would
they travel by plane? 9.- I wouldn’t play soccer. 10.- She wouldn’t give
you the book.

230 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

d) Translate the following sentences.

1.- She studies English. 6.- Doesn’t she study English?

2.- She doesn’t study English. 7.- She likes to study English.

3.- Does she study English? 8.- She doesn’t like to study English.

4.- Does she like to study English? 9.- What does she like to study?

5.- Doesn’t she like to study English? 10.- When does she like to study English?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- Where does she like to study English? 12.- How does she like to
study English? 13.- Why does she like to study English? 14.- She wants to
study English. 15.- She doesn’t want to study English. 16.- Does she want
to study English? 17.- Doesn’t she want to study English? 18.- She has to
study English. 19.- She doesn’t have to study English. 20.- Does she have
to study English? 21.- Doesn’t she have to study English? 22.- She can
study English. 23.- She can’t study English. 24.- Can she study English?
25.- Can’t she study English? 26.- She is studying English. 27.- She isn’t
studying English. 28.- Is she studying English? 29.- Isn’t she studying
English? 30.- What is she studying? 31.- Where is she studying English?
32.- Why is she studying English? 33.- How is she studying English? 34.-
She studied English. 35.- She didn’t study English. 36.- Did she study
English? 37.- Didn’t she study English? 38.- Who studied English? 39.-
What did she study? 40.- Where did she study English? 41.- When did
she study English? 42.- Why did she study English? 43.- How did she
study English? 44.- She liked to study English. 45.- She didn’t like to study
English. 46.- Did she like to study English? 47.- Didn’t she like to study
English? 48.- She wanted to study English. 49.- She didn’t want to study
English. 50.- Did she want to study English?

1.10 El pospretérito (conditional simple) 231

51.- Didn’t she want to study English? 52.- She had to study English. 53.-
She didn’t have to study English. 54.- Did she have to study English? 55.-
Didn’t she have to study English? 56.- She could study English. 57.- She
couldn’t study English. 58.- Could she study English? 59.- Couldn’t she
study English? 60.- She was studying English. 61.- She wasn’t studying
English. 62.- Was she studying English? 63.- Wasn’t she studying English?
64.- She used to study English. 65.- She didn’t use to study English. 66.-
Did she use to study English? 67.- Didn’t she use to study English? 68.-
She was going to study English. 69.- She wasn’t going to study English.
70.- Was she going to study English? 71.- Wasn’t she going to study
English? 72.- She will study English.73.- She won’t study English. 74.- Will
she study English? 75.- Won’t she study English? 76.- She is going to
study English. 77.- She isn’t going to study English. 78.- Is she going to
study English? 79.- Isn’t she going to study English? 80.- She will be able
to study English. 81.- She won’t be able to study English. 82.- Will she be
able to study English? 83.- Won’t she be able to study English? 84.- She is
going to be able to study English. 85.- She isn’t going to be able to study
English. 86.- Is she going to be able to study English? 87.- Isn’t she going
to be able to study English? 88.- She will be studying English. 89.- She
won’t be studying English. 90.- Will she be studying English? 91.- Won’t
she be studying English? 92.- She would study English. 93.- She wouldn’t
study English. 94.- Would she study English? 95.- Wouldn’t she study

e) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and repeat the previous exercise using the following
pronouns and verbs:

1) you / play / soccer; 2) he / do / his homework;

3) they / sell / books

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- She not would dance cumbia.

2.- Would like you some coffee?

3.- Would you work for them?

4.- They wouldn’t see that movie.

5.- He would fix not the radio.

232 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- I would like to go with you, but I can’t. 6.- I would travel around the world, but I don’t have

2.- Would you like a cup of tea?

7.- Would you do me a favor?

3.- I would like to drink a glass of wine.

8.- I would like to introduce you to Mrs. Johnson.

4.- What would you do in that case?

9.- I would like you to meet Mr. Smith.

5.- She said she would bring the sandwiches.

10.- I wouldn’t stay here.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- He promised it would work. 12.- I thought you would arrive earlier.
13.- How would you do that? 14.- He said he would call me later. 15.-
Would you travel by plane or by boat?

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Ellos no jugarían básquebol. 3.- Me gustaría ir con ustedes, pero no tengo tiempo.

2.- ¿Irías con nosotros? 4.- Ella no trabajaría en ese lugar.

1.10 El pospretérito (conditional simple) 233

5.- Me gustaría presentarte a la Sra. White. 8.- ¿Qué harías en ese caso?

6.- Él dijo que traería los libros. 9.- ¿Gustas una taza de café?

7.- Becky me prometió que vendría. 10.- Iría con ustedes, pero estoy cansado.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English

11.- Quisiera comerme un sándwich de pollo. 12.- Pensé que me llamarías

más temprano. 13.- Ellos irían con nosotros, pero están ocupados. 14.-
Quisiera ver esa película. 15.- No nos quedaríamos en ese hotel.

234 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write five sentences using the conditional simple tense.

1.10 El pospretérito (conditional simple) 235

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

236 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

En inglés el llamado “present perfect” equivale en español al antepresente (nomenclatura
de Bello) o al pretérito perfecto (nomenclatura de la Real Academia Española). Es importante
señalar que, frecuentemente, se ha mal traducido al español, al menos aquí en México por
parte de los docentes de inglés, como “presente perfecto”; sin embargo, esta traducción
es incorrecta porque en español este tiempo no existe; es decir, no hay ningún tiempo en
nuestro idioma denominado “presente perfecto”, por lo que la traducción de este tiempo
equivale en español, como se indicó líneas arriba, al antepresente o pretérito perfecto.

El antepresente (present perfect) se utiliza generalmente en inglés para:

Indicar acciones que iniciaron en el I have studied English for three years.
pasado y continúan en el presente (y He estudiado inglés durante tres años.
tal vez en el futuro); es decir, se trata de
acciones no terminadas o concluidas. She has played the piano since she was
a child.
Ella ha tocado el piano desde que era

Nótese que en estos casos se utilizan

las preposiciones “since” y “for” para
indicar que la acción continúa hasta el

Expresar acciones terminadas en el They have been to China.

pasado sin especificar o definir el tiempo Ellos han estado en China.
en que ocurrieron..
We have read that book.
Hemos leído ese libro.

Expresar cuánto o cuántas veces se ha I have seen that movie four times.
hecho algo. He visto esa película cuatro veces.

Expresar el lugar que ocupa, en una This is the first time she has made a
sucesión, la acción que se ha realizado. cake.
Generalmente en expresiones como Es la primera vez que ella hace / ha
“This is the (first, second, third…) hecho un pastel.
time…”, “It’s the (first, second,
third…) time…” Nótese que con este tipo de expresiones
se puede traducir en español como
“presente simple” o como “antepresente”;
podemos decir, por lo tanto: “Es la
primera vez que ella hace un pastel”
o bien “Es la primera vez que ella ha
hecho un pastel”.

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 237

Expresar acciones que acaban de They’ve just arrived”.
ocurrir. Frecuentemente se utiliza “just” Acaban de llegar.
entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal, y en
este caso se traduce en español como
“acabar de”.

El antepresente indica que una acción pasada tiene un significado especial en el presente.
Nótese que en este tiempo (present perfect) no se utilizan expresiones temporales que
indiquen un tiempo específico en el que ocurrieron como: ayer, el año pasado, etc.; sin
embargo, como se verá más adelante, utiliza adverbios y expresiones de tiempo que sirven
para establecer la relación entre una acción pasada y el momento actual.


El antepresente se forma en inglés utilizando el auxiliar “have” (haber) conjugado en tiempo

presente más el participio pasado del verbo principal como se muestra a continuación.


They have studied English.

Mary has sent a text message.

Recordemos que hay verbos cuyo participio pasado es regular (el cual coincide por lo
general con la forma de pasado simple; es decir, verbos con la terminación –ed) y verbos
cuyo participio pasado es irregular. En este último caso es importante memorizar dichos
participios pasados. Más adelante se presenta una lista de verbos cuyo participio pasado
es irregular.

Ahora bien, para preguntar en antepresente en inglés se coloca el auxiliar “have” en su

forma correspondiente antes del sustantivo o pronombre.

Para negar, se coloca la partícula “not” después del auxiliar “have” o sus formas contraídas
“haven’t” / “hasn’t”.

Para la forma interrogativo-negativa, se coloca el auxiliar “have” en su forma correspondiente

antes del sustantivo o pronombre y la partícula “not” después de éstos, o bien, colocando
la contracción del negativo “haven’t” / “hasn’t” antes del sustantivo o pronombre.

238 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

A continuación se presentan ejemplos de conjugaciones de un verbo regular y otro
irregular en antepresente.

Ejemplo con verbo regular:



Forma completa Forma contraída

I have worked I’ve worked

You have worked You’ve worked
He has worked He’s worked
She has worked She’s worked
It has worked It’s worked
We have worked We’ve worked
You have worked You’ve worked
They have worked They’ve worked

*Nótese que cuando se contrae “have”

con el pronombre, siempre significa
“haber” y nunca “tener”.


Forma completa Forma contraída

I have not worked I haven’t worked

You have not worked You haven’t worked
He has not worked He hasn’t worked
She has not worked She hasn’t worked
It has not worked It hasn’t worked
We have not worked We haven’t worked
You have not worked You haven’t worked
They have not worked They haven’t worked

*Nótese que también se puede contraer

el auxiliar con el pronombre seguido de
la partícula “not”: I’ve not worked, etc…

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 239


Have I worked?
Have you worked?
Has he worked?
Has she worked?
Has it worked?
Have we worked?
Have you worked?
Have they worked?

Cuando se responde a una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente el auxiliar, el verbo principal y el complemento; en la respuesta
corta, se utiliza únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso, el auxiliar have / has. La respuesta
puede ser afirmativa o negativa.


-Have you finished your homework? -Have you finished your homework?
-Yes, I have finished my homework. -Yes, I have.
-No, I haven’t finished my homework. -No, I haven’t.


Forma completa Forma contraída

Have I not worked? Haven’t I worked?

Have you not worked? Haven’t you worked?
Has he not worked? Hasn’t he worked?
Has she not worked? Hasn’t she worked?
Has it not worked? Hasn’t it worked?
Have we not worked? Haven’t we worked?
Have you not worked? Haven’t you worked?
Have they not worked? Haven’t they worked?

240 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Ejemplo con verbo irregular:



Forma completa Forma contraída pronombre-auxiliar

I have eaten I’ve eaten

You have eaten You’ve eaten
He has eaten He’s eaten
She has eaten She’s eaten
It has eaten It’s eaten
We have eaten We’ve eaten
You have eaten You’ve eaten
They have eaten They’ve eaten


Forma completa Forma contraída

I have not eaten I haven’t eaten

You have not eaten You haven’t eaten
He has not eaten He hasn’t eaten
She has not eaten She hasn’t eaten
It has not eaten It hasn’t eaten
We have not eaten We haven’t eaten
You have not eaten You haven’t eaten
They have not eaten They haven’t eaten


Have I eaten?
Have you eaten?
Has he eaten?
Has she eaten?
Has it eaten?
Have we eaten?
Have you eaten?
Have they eaten?

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 241


Forma completa Forma contraída

Have I not eaten? Haven’t I eaten?

Have you not eaten? Haven’t you eaten?
Has he not eaten? Hasn’t he eaten?
Has she not eaten? Hasn’t she eaten?
Has it not eaten? Hasn’t it eaten?
Have we not eaten? Haven’t we eaten?
Have you not eaten? Haven’t you eaten?
Have they not eaten? Haven’t they eaten?



Frecuentemente, se utilizan adverbios y expresiones de tiempo para indicar la relación

entre la acción realizada en el pasado y su conexión con el presente. Algunos de estos
adverbios y expresiones de tiempo son los siguientes:


• lately (últimamente) He hasn’t come lately.

Él no ha venido últimamente.

• recently (recientemente) I haven’t seen her recently.

No la he visto recientemente.

• in the last few days (en los últimos días) I haven’t worked out in the last few days.
No he entrenado en los últimos días.

• in the past few days, weeks, months, I have had a lot of work in the past few
years (en los últimos días, semanas, weeks.
meses, años) He tenido mucho trabajo en las últimas

• so far (hasta ahora, hasta el momento) I have read three books so far.
He leído tres libros hasta ahora.

• until now (hasta ahora) He hasn’t ridden a horse until now.

Él no ha montado un caballo hasta ahora.

242 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

• up to now (hasta ahora) He has learned two hundred words up to
Él ha aprendido doscientas palabras hasta

• before (antes) I have been there before.

He estado antes ahí.

Nótese que “before” se coloca, en este

caso, al final de la oración.

• always (siempre) I’ve always supported you.

Siempre te he apoyado.

Nótese que el adverbio “always” se coloca

después del auxiliar “have” y antes del
participio pasado.

• never (nunca) She’s never been there.

Ella nunca ha estado ahí.

Nótese que el adverbio “never” se coloca

después del auxiliar “have” y antes del
participio pasado.



Se utilizan frecuentemente los adverbios interrogativos de tiempo How long…? y How

long has it been since…? para hacer preguntas sobre cuánto tiempo hace o tiene que
ha ocurrido algo. How long…? significa ¿Cuánto tiempo…? ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que…? y
How long has it been since…? significa ¿Hace cuánto tiempo que…? ¿Desde hace cuánto
tiempo que…?

En la siguiente tabla, se dan algunos ejemplos de preguntas con sus respectivas respuestas.

How long...? -How long have you studied -¿Cuánto tiempo has
English? estudiado inglés?
-I’ve studied English for five -He estudiado inglés
years. durante cinco años.

-How long have you known -¿Cuánto tiempo hace que

each other? se conocen?
-We’ve known each other sin- -Nos conocemos desde la
ce junior high. secundaria.
-We’ve known each other for -Nos conocemos desde
eight years. hace ocho años.

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 243

How long has it been -How long has it been since -¿Hace cuánto tiempo que
since…? you last saw him? lo viste por última vez? /
-¿Cuándo fue la última vez
que lo viste?
-I last saw him a year ago. -Hace un año que lo vi por
última vez.



For se utiliza para indicar la duración o Since se utiliza para indicar cuándo inició
período de tiempo. Se traduce en español el período de tiempo que ha transcurrido
como “durante” o “por”, aunque algunas hasta ahora. Se traduce en español como
veces también puede traducirse como “desde”.
“desde”. Nótese que “for” va seguido de un
número que indica el número de minutos,
horas, días, semanas, meses, años, etc. O
bien con expresiones como: “for many
years”, “for a long time”, “for ages”, etc.

Ejemplos: He has worked there since 1998.

Él ha trabajado ahí desde 1998.
He has worked there for five years.
Él ha trabajado ahí durante cinco años.
They have been here since Monday.
They have been here for a week. Han estado aquí desde el lunes.
Han estado aquí por una semana.

We’ve known each other for eight years. We’ve known each other since we were in
Nos conocemos desde hace ocho años. high school.
Nos conocemos desde que íbamos en el



Ever se utiliza generalmente en oraciones Never significa “nunca” y se coloca entre

interrogativas y significa “alguna vez”. el auxiliar y el participio pasado del verbo

Ejemplos: Ejemplos:

Have you ever been to China? I have never been to China.

¿Has estado alguna vez en China? Nunca he estado en China.

She has never studied English.

Ella nunca ha estudiado inglés.

244 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

También se utiliza en oraciones afirmativas
o interrogativas con superlativo y se traduce
generalmente al español como “jamás”,
aunque puede haber casos en los que no
se traduzca.


This is the best movie I’ve ever seen.

Esta es la mejor película que jamás haya

What is the most interesting book you’ve

ever read?
¿Cuál es el libro más interesante que has

En oraciones negativas o interrogativo-

negativas significa “nunca” y equivale a


I haven’t ever eaten snails.

Nunca he comido caracoles.

Haven’t you ever been in love?

¿Nunca has estado enamorado?



Already significa “ya” e Yet puede utilizarse en Still significa “todavía” y

indica que una acción ha oraciones interrogativas y en tiempo antepresente
sido completada. Puede negativas. (present perfect) se utiliza
utilizarse en oraciones En oraciones interrogativas generalmente en oraciones
tanto afirmativas como significa “ya” y se coloca negativas y se coloca
interrogativas. En oraciones al final de la oración; antes del auxiliar “have”. En
afirmativas se puede colocar en oraciones negativas este caso, equivale a “yet”,
entre el auxiliar “have” y el significa “aún” o “todavía” y pero nótese que mientras
participio pasado o bien al también se coloca al final de “yet” se coloca al final del
final de la oración; en este la oración. enunciado, “still” se coloca
último caso para poner Nótese que cuando se usa antes del verbo auxiliar.
mayor énfasis. En oraciones “yet” en antepresente en
interrogativas se coloca, inglés (present perfect), en Ejemplos:
entre el pronombre y el oraciones interrogativas, en
participio pasado o bien al español se traduce como She still hasn’t done her
final de la oración; en este pasado. homework.
último caso para poner Ella aún no ha hecho su
mayor énfasis. tarea. Ella aún no hace su
1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 245
Nótese que cuando se usa En las oraciones negativas, se Este enunciado equivale a
“already” en antepresente traduce como antepresente decir también: “She hasn’t
en inglés (present perfect), o a veces también como done her homework yet”.
en español se traduce como presente simple.

Ejemplos: Ejemplos:

I’ve already finished my Have you eaten yet?

homework. ¿Ya comiste?
Ya terminé mi tarea.
Nota: En este tipo de
We’ve seen that movie oraciones, puede también
already. utilizarse el tiempo pasado
Ya vimos esa película. simple con el mismo
significado, por ejemplo, se
Have you already eaten? / puede decir: “Did you eat
Have you eaten already? yet?” (¿Ya comiste?)
¿Ya comiste?
I haven’t eaten yet.
Cuando se utiliza “already” Aún no he comido. No he
en oraciones interrogativas, comido todavía. Aún no
da la idea de que la persona como. Todavía no como.
que pregunta espera una
respuesta afirmativa, pues
hay algún tipo de evidencia
que hace suponer dicha

Como se ha visto en los ejemplos de las tablas anteriores, pese a que por lo general el
“present perfect” equivale al antepresente en español, hay ocasiones en que se puede
traducir también ya sea como presente simple o como pasado. Revisa los siguientes



COMO ANTEPRESENTE. She has studied English for five years.

Ella ha estudiado inglés durante cinco

We have learned many new words so far.

Hemos aprendido muchas palabras
nuevas hasta ahora.

COMO PRETÉRITO I’ve already finished my homework.

Ya terminé mi tarea.

Have you already seen that movie?

¿Ya viste esa película?

246 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Have you eaten yet?
¿Ya comiste?

Nótese que el “present perfect” con

“already” se traduce generalmente en
español en pasado. Asimismo, el “present
perfect” en oraciones interrogativas con
“yet”, se traduce también como pasado.

COMO PRESENTE SIMPLE How long have you known each other?
¿Hace cuánto tiempo que se conocen?

We’ve known each other since junior high.

Nos conocemos desde la secundaria.

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 247

A continuación se presenta una lista de verbos irregulares comunes en inglés con su participio pasado
correspondiente. Algunos de ellos tienen tanto un participio irregular como regular; en estos casos, se incluye
la forma regular al lado de la forma irregular. En el caso de “beat”, tiene dos formas irregulares.


abide abode / abided habitar / morar / cumplir

arise arisen levantarse
awake awoken / awaked despertar(se)
be been ser / estar
bear borne soportar / mantener
beat beat / beaten pegar / golpear
become become llegar a ser / convertirse
beget begotten engendrar / producir
begin begun empezar
behold beheld contemplar
bend bent doblar / encorvar
bereave bereft / bereaved despojar / privar
beseech besought suplicar
bet bet apostar
bid bid ofrecer / pujar (subasta)
bind bound atar / encuadernar
bite bitten morder
bleed bled sangrar
blow blown soplar
break broken romper / quebrar
breed bred criar / engendrar
bring brought traer
build built construir / edificar
burst burst reventar
buy bought comprar
cast cast tirar / arrojar
catch caught atrapar / coger
chide chidden / chided regañar
choose chosen escoger
cling clung agarrarse / adherirse
come come venir
cost cost costar
creep crept arrastrarse
cut cut cortar
deal dealt negociar / traficar / tratar

248 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

dig dug cavar
dive dived zambullirse/echarse un clavado
do done hacer
draw drawn dibujar / extraer / sacar
drink drunk beber / tomar
drive driven manejar / conducir
dwell dwelt habitar
eat eaten comer
fall fallen caer
feed fed alimentar / dar de comer
feel felt sentir
fight fought pelear / combatir
find found encontrar
flee fled huir / escaparse
fling flung lanzar / arrojar
fly flown volar
forbid forbidden prohibir
foresee foreseen prever / prevenir
foretell foretold predecir
forget forgotten olvidar
forgive forgiven perdonar
forsake forsaken abandonar
freeze frozen helar / congelar
get gotten conseguir / obtener
give given dar
go gone ir
grind ground moler
grow grown crecer / cultivar
handwrite handwritten escribir a mano
hang hung colgar
have had tener / haber
hear heard oír
heave hove / heaved alzar / levantar
hew hewn / hewed cortar / tallar / labrar
hide hidden esconder / ocultar
hit hit pegar / atinar
hold held sostener / agarrar
hurt hurt lastimar / dañar / herir
keep kept guardar / mantener
kneel knelt arrodillarse
knit knit / knitted tejer (con agujas)

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 249

know known saber / conocer
lade laden cargar
lay laid poner / colocar
lead led conducir / guiar
leave left dejar / abandonar / salir
lend lent prestar
let let dejar / permitir
lie lain yacer / estar acostado
light lit / lighted encender / alumbrar
lose lost perder
make made hacer
mean meant significar / querer decir
meet met encontrarse / conocer
mow mown / mowed cortar, podar (césped)
pay paid pagar
put put poner
read read leer
reave reft / reaved privar / saquear
rend rent rasgar / romper
rid rid librar / eliminar
ride ridden montar / cabalgar / ir en
ring rung sonar / tocar
rise risen levantarse
run run correr
say said decir
saw sawn / sawed aserrar / cortar con sierra
see seen ver
seek sought buscar
sell sold vender
send sent enviar / mandar
set set poner / colocar / fijar
shake shaken sacudir
shave shaven rasurar(se)
shear shorn esquilar / cortar
shed shed derramar
shine shone brillar
shoe shod / shoed herrar
shoot shot disparar / tirar
sow sown / sowed sembrar
shrink shrunk encogerse
shrive shriven / shrived confesar(se)

250 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

shut shut cerrar
sing sung cantar
sink sunk hundir(se)
sit sat sentarse
slay slain matar / asesinar
sleep slept dormir
slide slid resbalar(se) / deslizar
sling slung lanzar / balancear
slink slunk esquivarse / escabullirse
slit slit rajar / hender / cortar
smite smitten golpear / herir
speak spoken hablar
speed sped / speeded acelerar / apresurar(se)
spend spent gastar / pasar (el tiempo)
spin spun girar / hilar
spit spit / spat escupir
split split dividir / escindir
spread spread extender / esparcir
spring sprung saltar
stand stood estar de pie / pararse
steal stolen robar
stick stuck pegar(se)
sting stung picar
stink stunk apestar / heder
strew strewn / strewed esparcir / sembrar
stride stridden dar zancadas
strike struck pegar / golpear
string strung ensartar / enhebrar / colgar
strive striven esforzarse
swear sworn jurar / maldecir
sweep swept barrer
swell swollen / swelled hincharse
swim swum nadar
swing swung mecer(se)
take taken tomar / llevar
teach taught enseñar
tear torn rasgar / romper
tell told decir
think thought pensar / creer
thrive thriven / thrived prosperar
throw thrown tirar / arrojar

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 251

thrust thrust empujar / impulsar
tread trodden pisar / hollar
undergo undergone sufrir / experimentar
understand understood entender
undertake undertaken emprender
undo undone deshacer
wake woken / waked despertar
wear worn usar / llevar puesto
weave woven tejer
weep wept llorar
win won ganar
wind wound enrollar / dar cuerda (reloj)
withdraw withdrawn retirar / retractarse
withstand withstood resistir / oponerse
wring wrung torcer / exprimir
write written escribir

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿A qué tiempo equivale el “present perfect” en español?

¿Para qué se utiliza generalmente el antepresente (present perfect)

en inglés?

¿Cómo se forma el antepresente en inglés?

¿Qué se hace para preguntar en antepresente en inglés?

¿Qué se hace para negar en antepresente en inglés?

252 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

¿Cuáles son algunos adverbios y expresiones de tiempo utilizados
en antepresente en inglés?

¿Cómo se puede traducir “How long…?” en español?

¿Cómo se puede traducir “How long has it been since…?” en


¿Para qué se utiliza la preposición “for” en antepresente y qué


¿Para qué se utiliza “since” en antepresente y qué significa?

¿Qué significa “ever” y cuándo se utiliza?

¿Qué significa “already” y cuándo se utiliza?

¿Qué significa “yet” y cuándo se utiliza?

¿Qué signifia “still” y cuándo se utiliza?

¿A qué tiempos puede equivaler el “present perfect” en español,

además de antepresente?

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 253

a) Give the past participle of the following verbs.

1.- eat 31.- sell

2.- drink 32.- run

3.- take 33.- copy

4.- study 34.- dance

5.- answer 35.- say

6.- sing 36.- tell

7.- bring 37.- get

8.- drive 38.- lose

9.- break 39.- speak

10.- make 40.- talk

11.- jump 41.- feel

12.- read 42.- do

13.- write 43.- listen

14.- call 44.- watch

15.- win 45.- think

16.- work 46.- forget

17.- teach 47.- catch

18.- go 48.- wear

19- know 49.- give

20.- swim 50.- fly

21.- finish

22.- change

23.- hold

24.- hit

25.- grow

26.- have

27.- live

28.- see

29.- remember

30.- buy

254 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

b) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and conjugate the following verbs in the present perfect
tense in the affirmative, interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms as in the

to go, to sing, to study, to play, to swim.



Affirmative Interrogative Negative Interrogative-negative

I have drunk Have I drunk? I haven’t drunk Haven’t I drunk?

You have drunk Have you drunk? You haven’t drunk Haven’t you drunk?
He has drunk Has he drunk? He hasn’t drunk Hasn’t he drunk?
She has drunk Has she drunk? She hasn’t drunk Hasn’t she drunk?
It has drunk Has it drunk? It hasn’t drunk Hasn’t it drunk?
We have drunk Have we drunk? We haven’t drunk Haven’t we drunk?
You have drunk Have you drunk? You haven’t drunk Haven’t you drunk?
They have drunk Have they drunk? They haven’t drunk Haven’t they drunk?

c) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative


Example: You have written a letter.

Have you written a letter?
You haven’t written a letter.
Haven’t you written a letter?

1.- She has sung a nice song. 2.- They have played basketball. 3.- We
have read that book. 4.- You have gotten a good job. 5.- He has swum
in the sea.
Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 255

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change
the following sentences to the interrogative, negative
and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- They have opened the window. 7.- She has lived in the United States.
8.- You have brought the books. 9.- He has been very busy. 10.- We
have slept well. 11.- She has gone to France. 12.- They have had a lot of
work. 13.- She has spoken in English. 14.- He has driven that car before.
15.- You have bought many things. 16.- He has called you. 17.- She has
cleaned the table. 18.- They have paid the rent. 19.- You have sold your
house. 20.- He has seen you.

d) Answer the following questions in the affirmative form, giving a short and a long answer as in
the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when necessary.

Example: Have the students read that book?

Yes, they have.
Yes, they have read that book.

1.- Has Mark gone to London? 2.- Has Lucy sent the message? 3.- Have
you studied English? 4.- Have the boys swum in the sea? 5.- Has Mary
traveled abroad?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to answer

the following questions in the affirmative form, giving
a short and a long answer Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

6.- Has John called you? 7.- Have you worked in an office? 8.- Have
they run in the park? 9.- Have you played soccer? 10.- Has Ron washed
the car? 11.- Has Lucy brought the books? 12.- Have you done your
homework? 13.- Have they drunk wine? 14.- Have you seen that movie?
15.- Has he gone to bed late in the past few days? 16.- Have you slept
well? 17.- Has she cooked dinner? 18.- Have you forgotten my phone
number? 19.- Has the boy ridden his bike? 20.- Have they sold their car?
21.- Has she put the books on the desk? 22.- Have we met before? 23.-
Have they opened the door? 24.- Has she finished her homework? 25.-
Have you had a lot of work?

256 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

e) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and answer the questions of the previous exercise in
the negative form, giving a short and a long answer as in the example. Replace the noun with a
pronoun when necessary.

Example: : Have the students read that book?

No, they haven’t.
No, they haven’t read that book.

f) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1.- They have never (live) in the United Kingdom.

2.- We haven’t (eat) yet.

3.- I have (buy) a new cell phone.

4.- Luke has always (drive) carefully.

5.- I have (work) for that company for many years.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill

in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in

6.- Have you (listen) __________ to that song? 22.- He has never (swim) ___________ in the sea.
7.- We have (get) ____________ up very early in the 23.- The class has already (begin) _________________.
past few days. 24.- We haven’t (speak) _____________ English in a
8.- Have you (see) ____________ that movie already? long time.
9.- Has she (finish) _____________ her homework? 25.- She hasn’t (tell) _______________ me the truth.
10.- The boy has (ride) ___________ his bike to 26.- You have (run) _____________ ten kilometers
school. so far.
11.- I have (have) ______________ a lot of work 27.- They haven’t (come) ____________ to visit us
lately. recently.
12.- How many times have you (be) _____________ 28.- He has (sell) ___________ his old car.
to Japan? 29.- She hasn’t (forgive) ______________ her
13.- We have (learn) _____________ many new boyfriend yet.
words so far. 30.- She has (keep) ____________ fit because she
14.- They have (move) ____________ to a new doesn’t eat junk food.
house. 31.- My sister has (teach) _____________ English for
15.- Have you (call) ______________ her? many years.
16.- The waitress hasn’t (clean) _____________ the 32.- I haven’t (do) _____________ my homework
table. yet.
17.- They haven’t (answer) ________________
18.- She hasn’t (send) _______________ the
WhatsApp messages yet.
19.- Have you (put) ________________ the books
on the desk?
20.- I haven’t (get) _______________ the books yet.
21.- Has she (bring) ______________the books yet?

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 257

g) Fill in the blanks with for or since.

1.- She has taught English ten years.

2.- I haven’t worked out at the gym two weeks.

3.- Ed hasn’t smoked he got married.

4.- They have lived in New York 1998.

5.- We haven’t gone to the beach a year.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill

in the blanks with for or since.

6.- We’ve known each other ___________ we were 12.- I’ve noticed you’ve been sad ________ the past
in high school. several days.
7.- I haven’t gone swimming ___________ last 13.- He has collected stamps ____________ he was
month. a child.
8.- She hasn’t eaten meat ____________ many years. 14.- I’ve loved her ____________ I saw her for the
9.- Pete hasn’t felt well ____________ the past few first time.
days. 15.- They haven’t paid the rent ____________ six
10.- You haven’t visited your parents ___________ months.
11.- Have you worked here ____________ a long

h) Put already in the correct place in the following sentences as in the example.

Example: She has done her homework.

She has already done her homework.
She has done her homework already.

1.- He has finished the exam. 4.- They have arrived.

2.- I have had breakfast. 5.- You have sent the messages.

3.- She has studied the lesson.

258 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

i) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and change the sentences of the previous exercise to
the interrogative form using already as in the example.

Example: She has done her homework.

Has she already done her homework?
Has she done her homework already?

j) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and change the sentences of exercise h) to the interrogative
form using yet as in the example.

Example: She has done her homework.

Has she done her homework yet?

k) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and change the sentences of exercise h) to the negative
form using yet as in the example.

Example: She has done her homework.

She hasn’t done her homework yet.

l) Use still instead of yet in the sentences of the previous exercise as in the example.

Example: She hasn’t done her homework yet.

She still hasn’t done her homework.

m) Make questions using ever as in the example.

Example: you / be / to France

Have you ever been to France?

1.- she / study / English 4.- he / eat / snails

2.- you / win / the lottery 5.- you / attend / a rock concert

3.- they / travel / abroad

n) Answer the following questions in the negative form using never as in the example.

Example: Have you ever ridden a bike?

No, I’ve never ridden a bike.

1.- Have you ever fallen asleep in class? 2.- Have you ever drunk tequila?

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 259

3.- Have you ever danced cumbia? 5.- Have you ever been to India?

4.- Have you ever traveled by boat?

o) Make questions using “How long has it been since…?” as in the example.

Example: you / visit / your parents

How long has it been since you last visited your parents?

1.- she / eat / meat 4.- he / travel / abroad

2.- they / fly / in a plane 5.- you / speak / in English

3.- you / attend / a piano recital

p) Answer the following questions using just as in the example. Replace the noun with a pronoun when
Example: Have you talked to Jack.
Yes, I’ve just talked to him.

1. Has he called Kathy? 4.- Have you sent the messages?

2.- Have you seen Betty anywhere? 5.- Have they already arrived?

3.- Has she finished her homework?

q) Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- We speak English. 3.- Do we speak English?

2.- We don’t speak English. 4.- Don’t we speak English?

260 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

5.- We like to speak English 8.- Don’t we like to speak English?

6.- We don’t like to speak English. 9.- What do we like to speak?

7.- Do we like to speak English? 10.- When do we like to speak English?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish

11.- Where do we like to speak English? 12.- How do we like to speak

English? 13.- Why do we like to speak English? 14.- We want to speak
English. 15.- We don’t want to speak English. 16.- Do we want to speak
English? 17.- Don’t we want to speak English? 18.- We have to speak
English. 19.- We don’t have to speak English. 20.- Do we have to speak
English? 21.- Don’t we have to speak English? 22.- We can speak English.
23.- We can’t speak English. 24.- Can we speak English? 25.- Can’t we
speak English? 26.- We are speaking English. 27.- We aren’t speaking
English. 28.- Are we speaking English? 29.- Aren’t we speaking English?
30.- What are we speaking? 31.- Where are we speaking English? 32.-
Why are we speaking English? 33.- How are we speaking English?
34.- We spoke English. 35.- We didn’t speak English. 36.- Did we speak
English? 37.- Didn’t we speak English? 38.- Who spoke English? 39.- What
did we speak? 40.- Where did we speak English? 41.- When did we speak
English? 42.- Why did we speak English? 43.- How did we speak English?
44.- We liked to speak English. 45.- We didn’t like to speak English. 46.-
Did we like to speak English? 47.- Didn’t we like to speak English? 48.- We
wanted to speak English. 49.- We didn’t want to speak English. 50.- Did
we want to speak English? 51.- Didn’t we want to speak English? 52.- We
had to speak English. 53.- We didn’t have to speak English. 54.- Did we
have to speak English? 55.- Didn’t we have to speak English? 56.- We
could speak English. 57.- We couldn’t speak English. 58.- Could we speak
English? 59.- Couldn’t we speak English? 60.- We were speaking English.
61.- We weren’t speaking English. 62.- Were we speaking English? 63.-
Weren’t we speaking English? 64.- We used to speak English. 65.- We
didn’t use to speak English. 66.- Did we use to speak English? 67.- Didn’t
we use to speak English? 68.- We were going to speak English. 69.- We
weren’t going to speak English. 70.- Were we going to speak English?
71.- Weren’t we going to speak English? 72.- We will speak English. 73.-
We won’t speak English. 74.- Will we speak English? 75.- Won’t we speak
English? 76.- We are going to speak English. 77.- We aren’t going to
speak English. 78.- Are we going to speak English? 79.- Aren’t we going
to speak English? 80.- We will be able to speak English.

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 261

81.- We won’t be able to speak English. 82.- Will we be able to speak
English? 83.- Won’t we be able to speak English? 84.- We are going to be
able to speak English. 85.- We aren’t going to be able to speak English.
86.- Are we going to be able to speak English? 87.- Aren’t we going to be
able to speak English? 88.- We will be speaking English. 89.- We won’t
be speaking English. 90.- Will we be speaking English? 91.- Won’t we be
speaking English? 92.- We would speak English. 93.- We wouldn’t speak
English. 94.- Would we speak English? 95.- Wouldn’t we speak English?
96.- We have spoken English. 97.- We haven’t spoken English. 98.- Have
we spoken English? 99.- Haven’t we spoken English?

r) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and repeat the previous exercise using the following
pronouns, verbs and complements:

1) he / play / chess; 2) they / read / the newspaper; 3) they / sell / cakes

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Do you have worked hard?

2.- We’ve never went to Paris.

3.- Have you eaten yet?

4.- I’ve known her since ten years.

5.- Have you ever swimmed in the sea?

6.- This is the best movie I’ve ever saw.

7.- She hasn’t finished her homework still.

8.- It’s been a long time since I last saw her.

9.- How many times have you traveled abroad?

10.- She has studied English for six months.

262 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- They have played a lot. 6.- The class has already begun.

2.- Have you eaten yet? –Yes, I’ve already eaten. 7.- They have decided to get married.

3.- I haven’t seen that movie yet. 8.- She has lost weight.

4.- Have you talked to Lucy? –No, I haven’t talked to 9.- Have you seen Matt? –No, I haven’t seen him.

10.- Has she called you yet? –Yes, she’s already called
5.- Have you ever been to Canada? –No, never. me.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- This is the first time he has driven a car. 12.- Have you ever visited
China? –Yes, I have. 13.- She has downloaded many songs from the
Internet. 14.- Have you ever dreamed about me? 15.- I have followed
the instructions. 16.- He hasn’t gotten married yet. 17.- Many things have
happened since you left. 18.- We have invited many friends to the party.
19.- Have you ever told a big lie? –No, never. 20.- It has rained a lot lately.
21.- He hasn’t called me so far. 22.- Have you signed the documents
yet? 23.- My brother hasn’t smoked for three months. 24.- Did you pay
the rent? –Yes, I’ve already paid it. 25.- I haven’t worked out at the gym
in the past few days. 26.- The class hasn’t begun yet. 27.- This is the first
time she has eaten snails. 28.- It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you.
29.- How long have you known each other? –We’ve known each other
forever. 30.- Hey, have you by any chance seen Peter? –No, I haven’t.
31.- It’s been a long time since I last ate beef. 32- I haven’t eaten beef in
a long time. 33.- It’s been three days since he last came. 34.- He hasn’t
come for the last three days. 35.- I’ve noticed that you’ve been upset
for the past several days. 36.- It’s been a long time since I’ve seen your
cousin. 37.- I haven’t seen your cousin in a long time. 38.- It’s been a long
time since I last saw you. 39.- I haven’t seen you in a long time. 40.- It’s
been a long time since I spoke English.

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 263

41.- I haven’t had time to call you; I’ve been very busy. 42.- They have
drunk a lot of beer. 43.- She hasn’t forgiven him. 44.- This is the best
book I’ve ever read. 45.- My father has taught English for twenty years.
46.- Have you ever taken piano lessons? –Yes, I have. 47.- He hasn’t slept
well in the last few days. 48.- They have won many games up to now.
49.- The boy has spent many hours on the computer. 50.- It’s been very
cold. 51.- He hasn’t gotten a job so far. 52.- The water hasn’t boiled yet.
53.- The students have opened their books. 54.- It’s been a long time
since I last talked to Mary. 56.- I haven’t talked to Mary in a long time. 57.-
He hasn’t smoked since January. 58.- We’ve been there before. 59.- They
haven’t decided what to do yet. 60.- They still haven’t decided what to
do. 61.- I still haven’t called her. 62.- I haven’t called her yet. 63.- I’ve told
you that a hundred times. 63.- The bride has thrown the bouquet. 64.-
How many times have you traveled abroad? 65.- How many times have
you flown in a plane? –Up to now, I’ve flown three times. 66.- How have
you been? –Fine, thank you. 67.- How many times have you attended
a rock concert? –Many times. 68.- Have you ever been in love? –Yes, I
have. 69.- He has fallen blindly in love with her. 70.- I’ve always wanted
to go to Italy, but I’ve never had enough money. 71.- Have you ever lost
anything important? –No, never. 72- I’ve always wanted to learn how
to cook, but I’ve never had time to take a course. 73.- This is the best
movie I’ve ever seen. 74.- They haven’t paid the rent for three months.
75.- I haven’t talked to my boss yet. 76.- I still haven’t talked to my boss.
77.- Would you like something to drink? –No, thank you. I’ve just drunk
a glass of water. 78.- Why don’t you read this book? –I’ve already read it.
79.- He’s lost his key. He can’t find it. 80.- Many things have happened
since I last saw you. 81.- He’s the most interesting person I’ve ever met.
82.- Is this the first time you’ve traveled by plane? 83.- I haven’t visited my
parents since January. 84.- We get along very well. We haven’t had any
problems so far. 85.- Up to now, I’ve attended three art exhibitions. 86.-
We haven’t seen our cousins for several years. 87.- Fred has been very
sick for the past few days. 88.- I haven’t seen my friends recently. 89.- I
haven’t heard from you in the past few weeks. 90.- It hasn’t been very
cold so far this week. 91.- I haven’t seen Mary so far today. 92.- He has
just gotten off work. 93.- Has she eaten lunch yet? 94.- Has she already
eaten lunch? 95.- Frank has never driven a new car. 96.- This is the first
time he’s driven a new car. 97.- How many times have you lost a new
cell phone? 98.- How long has it been since you last visited Germany?
99.- Have you gone to the movies lately? –No, I haven’t gone in a long
time. 100.- Don’t forget to bring the books. –I’ve already brought them.

264 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Aún no he visto esa película. 6.- Ya acabé mi tarea.

2.- Ellos han vivido en los Estados Unidos desde hace 7.- Nunca he estado en Italia, pero he estado en
veinte años. Francia.

3.- ¿Ya comiste? –Sí. 8.- ¿Has comido alguna vez pescado crudo? –No,

4.- No he leído ese libro todavía.

9.- Ya le envié un WhatsApp a Lucy.

5.- ¿Has ido alguna vez a Londres? –No.

10.- Acabo de ver a Mary.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11.- Ella no ha escrito la carta. 12.- Hace mucho que no veo a John. 13.-
¿Has alguna vez estudiado francés? –Sí. 14.- Ellos acaban de llegar del
trabajo. 15.- Becky ha estudiado piano durante cinco años. 16.- ¿Cuánto
tiempo has vivido en esta ciudad? –He vivido aquí durante diez años.
17.- No he tenido tiempo de llamar a Matt. 18.- Acabo de hablar con ella.
19.- Él no ha ido al gimnasio últimamente. 20.- Hace mucho tiempo que
no como pizza. 21.- No he tomado mucha agua y tengo sed. 22.- Tracy
ha cantado esa canción varias veces. 23.- La clase no ha empezado
todavía. 24.- Ella aún no hace la tarea. 25.- ¿Ya hablaste con Pete? –No,
aún no. 26.- No me he lavado los dientes todavía. 27.- Ella no ha cerrado
la ventana. 28.- John no ha terminado su tarea. 29.- ¿Has alguna vez
bailado cumbia? –Sí, he bailado cumbia muchas veces. 30.- La mesera
no ha limpiado la mesa. 31.- Hemos aprendido mucho. 32.- Ellos no
han abierto sus libros. 33.- No he hablado inglés últimamente. 34.- Ella
ha enseñado inglés desde que tenía veinte años. 35.- Ha hecho mucho
frío últimamente. 36.- Luke ha tenido mucho trabajo esta semana. 37.-
Nadia ha tocado el piano desde que era pequeña. 38.- ¿Has visto a
Cindy últimamente? –No, no la he visto. 39.- Ha hecho mucho calor
estos últimos días. 40.- Nunca he comido caviar. 41.- Él no ha venido a
verme desde hace tres días.

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 265

42.- ¿Has ido al cine últimamente? –No, hace mucho tiempo que no
voy. 43.- ¿Hace cuánto tiempo que se conocen? –Nos conocemos
desde siempre. 44.- ¿Ya acabaste tu tarea? –La acabo de terminar.
45.- Siempre te he amado. 46.- John nunca ha estado en Nueva York.
47.- ¿Has estado alguna vez en Seattle? –Sí, muchas veces. 48.- Hace
mucho tiempo que no hablo con Mary. 49.- No he hablado con Mary
desde hace mucho tiempo. 50.- Él no ha fumado durante tres meses.
51.- Hace mucho tiempo que no como carne. 52.- No he comido carne
desde hace mucho tiempo. 53.- ¿Has visto mi cartera? No la encuentro
por ningún lado. 54.- Ella no me ha escrito últimamente. 55.- No he visto
a Ron últimamente. 56.- ¿Has ido al cine en estos últimos días? –No. 57.-
Es la primera vez que envío un WhatsApp. 58.- Lucy no nos ha llamado
hasta ahora. 59.- ¿Es la primera vez que manejas un carro? –Sí. 60.- Ha
llovido mucho últimamente. 61.- Ha hecho mucho calor estos últimos
días. 62.- Es la tercera vez que le llamo a Becky. 63.- ¿Desde hace cuánto
que se conocen? –Nos conocemos desde la secundaria. 64.- Sandy ha
estudiado mucho últimamente. 65.- ¿Cuántos libros has leído este año?
66.- ¿Has estado alguna vez enamorado? –Sí. 67.- Hace mucho tiempo
que no juego vólibol. 68.- No he jugado vólibol en mucho tiempo. 69.-
Perdí mis llaves. ¿Me ayudas a buscarlas? 70.- Ella todavía no ha leído
el libro que le diste. 71.- ¿Ya desayunaste? –No, aún no he desayunado.
72.- ¿Tienes hambre? –No, acabo de comerme una hamburguesa. 73.-
Acaba de llamarte Bob. 74.- Él nunca ha viajado en avión. 75.- ¿Has
estado alguna vez en Japón? –Sí, he estado en Japón dos veces. 76.-
¿Es bueno el libro? –Sí, es el libro más interesante que jamás haya leído.
77.- ¿Es una buena película? –Sí, es la mejor película que jamás haya
visto. 78.- No hemos ido de vacaciones en tres años. 79.- No hemos ido
de vacaciones desde enero. 80.- El mecánico aún no arregla el carro.
81.- ¿Cuánto tiempo tiene desde que terminaste tu carrera? 82.- ¿Hace
cuánto tiempo que viste a Jane por última vez? –Hace un mes que la vi
por última vez. 83.- ¿Cómo has estado? –Muy bien, gracias. 84.- Él no
ha dormido bien últimamente. 85.- Luke ha pasado muchas horas en la
computadora. 86.- Ellos aún no han traído los libros. 87.- ¿Has alguna vez
nadado en el mar? –No, nunca he nadado en el mar. 88.- Él ha trabajado
en los Estados Unidos por más de veinte años. 89.- Tracy aún no ha
perdonado a su novio. 90.- ¿Ella no te ha dicho la verdad? –No. 91.- Ellos
se acaban de casar. 92.- Cindy no me ha dado el dinero todavía. 93.- Ella
no ha tenido tiempo de hacer su tarea. 94.- ¿Ya pagaste la renta? –Sí, ya
la pagué. 95.- Ellos nunca han tomado clases de inglés. 96.- Ella no ha
venido a visitarnos en los últimos meses. 97.- Él aún no sale del trabajo.
98.- ¿Ya salieron ellos de la escuela? –No, aún no salen. 99.- ¿Cuántas
veces has viajado al extranjero? –Muchas. 100.- ¿Has estado alguna vez
perdidamente enamorado? –Sí.

266 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the part in italics into English.

1.- Hace mucho tiempo que I last saw you.

2.- ¿Has alguna vez viajado abroad?

3.- Conozco a Samantha desde que I was a child.

4.- He hasn’t slept desde hace dos días.

5.- This is the first time que como caviar.

Translate the following dialog –the part in English into Spanish and the part in Spanish into English.


-¿Has ido al cine últimamente?

-No, I haven’t. How about you?

-Bueno, yo fui la semana pasada con mis

amigos. De hecho, he ido tres veces hasta
ahora en este mes.

-Really? And what kind of movies have you


-He visto películas de acción y de terror.

A mí me encantan las películas de acción,
pero a mis amigos les gustan las películas
de terror.

-¿Y has asistido a algún concierto de rock o

de pop recientemente?

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 267

-No, I haven’t. Have you?

-Sí, fui a un concierto de rock la semana

pasada. Estuvo realmente bueno.

-Wow! I hope to go to a concert soon.

Write three things you have already done and three things you have never done.

Things you have done:

Things you have never done:

268 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


El antepresente (present perfect) del verbo modal “can” se forma utilizando “be able
to” (ser capaz de), pues “can” no se puede conjugar en antepresente. De este modo, si
queremos expresar el verbo “poder” en antepresente en inglés, tenemos que utilizar “be
able to” y el auxiliar “have”.

El antepresente de “can” se forma con el auxiliar “have” seguido de “be able to”. Nótese
que al momento de conjugarse, se utiliza el participio pasado del verbo “to be” (been), por
ejemplo: “I have been able to study English” (He podido estudiar inglés.)

A continuación se presenta la conjugación del verbo modal “can” en tiempo antepresente

(present perfect) en sus diferentes formas como aparece en las siguientes tablas.


Forma completa Forma contraída

I have been able to… I’ve been able to…

You have been able to… You’ve been able to…
He has been able to… He’s been able to…
She has been able to… She’s been able to…
It has been able to… It’s been able to…
We have been able to… We’ve been able to…
You have been able to… You’ve been able to…
They have been able to… They’ve been able to…


Have I been able to…?

Have you been able to…?
Has he been able to…?
Has she been able to…?
Has it been able to…?
Have we been able to…?
Have you been able to…?
Have they been able to…?


Forma completa Forma contraída

I have not been able to… I haven’t been able to…

You have not been able to… You haven’t been able to…
He has not been able to… He hasn’t been able to…
She has not been able to… She hasn’t been able to…
It has not been able to… It hasn’t been able to…
We have not been able to… We haven’t been able to…
You have not been able to… You haven’t been able to…
They have not been able to… They haven’t been able to…

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 269


Forma completa Forma contraída

Have I not been able to…? Haven’t I been able to…?

Have you not been able to…? Haven’t you been able to…?
Has he not been able to...? Hasn’t he been able to…?
Has she not been able to...? Hasn’t she been able to…?
Has it not been able to…? Hasn’t it been able to…?
Have we not been able to...? Haven’t we been able to…?
Have you not been able to…? Haven’t you been able to…?
Have they not been able to…? Haven’t they been able to…?

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Cómo se forma el antepresente de “can”?

¿Qué significa “be able to”?

a) Change the following sentences to the present perfect tense as in the example.

Example: She can learn English.

She has been able to learn English.

1.- He can play volleyball. 2.- Can he drive fast? 3.- We can’t speak German.
4.- I can talk to him. 5.- Can they pronounce that word correctly?

270 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change the
following sentences to the present perfect tense.

6.- She can sing in tune. 7.- He can fix the car. 8.- Can they pay the rent?
9.- You can finish the book in one week. 10.- She can finish the report.

b) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative, and interrogative-negative

forms as in the example.

Example: He has been able to buy a new car.

Has he been able to buy a new car?
He hasn’t been able to buy a new car.
Hasn’t he been able to buy a new car?

1.- She has been able to finish her homework. 2.- They have been able
to come to the United States. 3.- He has been able to arrive on time.
4.- She has been able to give us the money. 5.- They have been able to
understand you.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to change

the following sentences to the interrogative, negative
and interrogative-negative forms.

6.- We have been able to visit our friends. 7.- The girl has been able to
make a cake. 8.- You have been able to go with them. 9.- He has been
able to take us to the airport. 10.- She has been able to buy a new house.

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 271

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Have been you able to study English?

2.- She have been able to make a cake.

3.- I haven’t been able to talk to them.

4.- You have been able to fix the car.

5.- We have been able learn French.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- I’ve been very busy; I haven’t been able to finish my 6.- I haven’t been able to contact her.

7.- Has he been able to pay all his debts?

2.- Have they been able to arrive on time?

8.- Haven’t you been able to finish reading that book?

3.- We have been able to buy a new car.

9.- I haven’t been able to talk to her.

4.- He has been able to learn English in a short time.

10.- We haven’t been able to go to the movies.

5.- She has been able to learn many poems by heart.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- No he podido llamarla; he estado muy ocupado. 2.- Él no ha podido terminar su tarea.

272 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

3.-¿Has podido hablar con Pete? –No. 7.- Él ha podido responder las preguntas

4.- No he podido ir al concierto de rock.

8.- ¿Han podido ellos leer los libros? –Sí.

5.- Ella no ha podido pagar sus tarjetas de crédito.

9.- No hemos podido ver las noticias.

6.- El mecánico no ha podido arreglar el carro.

10.- Ella no ha podido trabajar en los últimos días.

Write three things you have been able to do and three things you haven’t been able
to do recently.

Things you have been able to do recently:

Things you haven’t been able to do recently:

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 273


Las principales diferencias en el uso del antepresente y del pretérito se muestran en la

siguiente tabla.


Indica acciones que iniciaron en el pasado y Indica acciones terminadas o concluidas.

continúan en el presente.

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

I have worked in this office for ten years. I worked in this office for ten years.
He trabajado en esta oficina durante diez Trabajé en esta oficina durante diez años.
años. (todavía trabajo ahí) (ya no trabajo ahí)

Indica acciones ocurridas en el pasado, Indica acciones terminadas y utiliza

pero que pueden continuar o repetirse expresiones de tiempo que indican que el
durante un período de tiempo que aún período ha concluido; se utilizan, por tanto,
no ha concluido. Se utilizan generalmente expresiones de tiempo como: the day
expresiones como: up to now, so far, etc., o before yesterday, yesterday, last week,
bien expresiones como: today, this week, last month, last year, a while ago, a week
this month, this year, etc., siempre y ago, etc.
cuando estos períodos de tiempo no hayan
terminado aún al momento de hablar.

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

I’ve seen Mary three times this week. I saw Mary a week ago.
He visto a Mary tres veces esta semana. (aún Vi a Mary hace una semana.
no termina la semana y quizá la vea más
veces) Ahora bien, se pueden utilizar expresiones
de tiempo como algunas utilizadas en
antepresente, siempre y cuando el período
de tiempo al que se refieren haya terminado
o concluido.


I saw Mary three times this week.

Vi a Mary tres veces esta semana. (ya
concluyó la semana al momento en que se

Sirve para hablar de algo que ocurrió en Indica que algo pasó en un tiempo
el pasado, pero no se especifica cuándo específico en el pasado.
ocurrió porque no se sabe o bien porque
no se considera importante decirlo o

274 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

They’ve bought a new house. They bought a new house last week.
Ellos han comprado una casa nueva Ellos compraron una casa nueva la semana

Indica que acaba de ocurrir una acción Indica una acción pasada, pero que ya no
que tiene importancia o repercusión en el tiene importancia en el presente.

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

I’ve lost my keys! I can’t get in the house. I lost my keys, but I had spare keys.
Perdí mis llaves. No puedo entrar a la casa. Perdí mis llaves, pero tenía una copia.

Sirve para expresar una experiencia pasada Sirve para expresar una experiencia pasada
de una persona que aún está viva, pues que tuvo una persona que ya no está viva.
implica que mientras se esté con vida puede
repetirse dicha experiencia.

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

She has been to London many times. My grandfather went to London many
Ella ha estado en Londres muchas veces. times.
Mi abuelo fue a Londres muchas veces.

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

Menciona tres diferencias entre el uso del antepresente y el pretérito

en inglés.

¿Cuáles son algunas expresiones de tiempo utilizadas en antepresente?

¿Cuáles son algunas expresiones de tiempo utilizadas en pretérito?

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 275


a) Fill in the blanks with the present perfect tense or the past simple of the verbs in parentheses. In
some cases you can use both.

1.- I (send) fifty WhatsApp messages up to now.

2.- She (write) three letters yesterday.

3.- I (live) here since I was a child.

4.- They (travel) abroad two times this year.

5.- I (live) here when I was a child.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill in

the blanks with the present perfect tense or the past
simple of the verbs in parentheses. In some cases
you can use both.

6.- They (arrive) ____________ last month. 9.- We (go) _______________ to the movies three
7.- We (visit) _______________ our parents every times this week.
day this month. 10.- You (study) _______________ English five years
8.- My brother (be) _____________ to Spain many ago.

b) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative

1.- She has finished her homework. 2.- They went to France last year. 3.-
You have drunk a lot of water. 4.- He ate two hamburgers. 5.- We have
read three books.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

276 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- They came to visit us last week.

2.- Did you talk to her yesterday?

3.- When have you finished your homework?

4.- I haven’t seen you a week ago.

5.- He has arrived on Saturday.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- Judy ate a hamburger 6.- They haven’t studied for the test.

2.- Judy has eaten a hamburger. 7.- We talked to Pete.

3.- Did you go to the movies? 8.- We have talked to Pete.

4.- Have you gone to the movies? 9.- He was busy.

5.- They didn’t study for the test. 10.- He has been busy.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Viví en Chicago. 2.- He vivido en Chicago.

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 277

3.- ¿Jugaste golf? 7.- No me rasuré hoy.

4.- ¿Has jugado golf? 8.- No me he rasurado hoy.

5.- Leí cuatro libros este mes. 9.- Trabajé en esta compañía diez años.

6.- He leído cuatro libros este mes. 10.- He trabajado en esta compañía diez años.


Las expresiones there has been y there have been equivalen en español a “ha habido”.
Se utiliza there has been si lo que ha habido es una sola cosa o persona, y there have
been si ha habido dos o más.


Affirmative form Affirmative form

There has been a lot of noise recently. There have been many students.

Negative form Negative form

There hasn’t been a lot of noise recently. There haven’t been many students.

Interrogative form Interrogative form

Has there been a lot of noise recently? Have there been many students?

Interrogative-negative form Interrogative-negative form

Hasn’t there been a lot of noise recently? Haven’t there been many students?

278 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

a) Fill in the blanks with there has been or there have been.

1.- many children in the park.

2.- a lot of people in the street.

3.- a lot of traffic in the past few days.

4.- a lot of violence in the night clubs recently.

5.- three strikes this year.

b) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and change the sentences of the previous exercise to
the negative, interrogative, and interrogative-negative forms.

c) Answer the following sentences in the affirmative and negative forms, giving a short and a long
answer, as in the example

Example: Have there been many students in the school these days?
Yes, there have.
No, there haven’t.
Yes, there have been many students in the school these days.
No, there haven’t been many students in the school these days.

1.- Have there been many people at the mall? 4.- Has there been a lot of air pollution in the past few

2.- Has there been a lot of traffic?

5.- Have there been many boys in the park?

3.- Have there been many people on the beach?

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 279

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Has there been two wars in this century?

2.- There haven’t been a lot of traffic.

3.- There has been many people at the supermarket.

4.- There have been many problems so far.

5.- There have been few art exhibitions this year.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- There have been many rock concerts this year. 4.- There has been a lot of air pollution in the past
several days.

2.- Hasn’t there been a lot of traffic recently?

5.- Have there been many tourists on the beach?

3.- There haven’t been many job opportunities so far.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Ha habido mucho tráfico en estos últimos días. 4.- No ha habido muchos alumnos esta semana. .

2.- Ha habido muchos problemas últimamente. 5.- Ha habido muchas manifestaciones esta semana.

3.- ¿Ha habido mucha gente en el parque?

280 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write four sentences using there has been / there have been.

1.11 El antepresente (present perfect) 281

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

282 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

El antepresente progresivo o antepresente continuo (present perfect progressive o
present perfect continuous) corresponde en español a una conjugación perifrástica con
gerundio y se utiliza generalmente para hablar de acciones que iniciaron en el pasado
y continúan en progreso en el presente. Se traduce como “haber estado haciendo
algo”, por ejemplo: “I have been working”. “He estado trabajando”. También puede
traducirse como “llevar haciendo algo” durante cierto tiempo, por ejemplo: “I have
been studying English for two years”. “Llevo dos años estudiando inglés”. O bien, puede
traducirse con alguna otra estructura que dé esa idea en español.

El siguiente enunciado, por ejemplo, puede traducirse de las siguientes maneras.

How long have you been studying English?

¿Cuánto tiempo has estado estudiando inglés?

¿Cuánto tiempo tienes estudidando inglés?
¿Cuánto tiempo llevas estudiando inglés?
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que estudias inglés?

Formación del antepresente continuo o progresivo en inglés (Present Perfect


El antepresente continuo se forma utilizando el auxiliar “have” en tiempo presente más el

participio pasado del verbo “to be” seguido del participio presente de un verbo.



I have been working.

She has been studying.

En ocasiones, se puede utilizar casi de manera indistinta con el antepresente (present

perfect), sin embargo también hay casos en los que se utiliza uno u otro dependiendo de
lo que se quiera decir. A continuación se presenta una tabla con las similitudes y diferencias
en el uso entre uno y otro.


Se utiliza para hablar de acciones no Se utiliza para hablar de acciones no

acabadas que iniciaron en el pasado y acabadas que iniciaron en el pasado y
continúan hasta el presente. continúan hasta el presente.

En este caso se puede utilizar En este caso se puede utilizar

indistintamente con el antepresente indistintamente con el antepresente
simple, principalmente con verbos como: continuo principalmente con verbos como:
live, work y study. live, work y study.

1.12 Antepresente continuo o progresivo (present perfect continuous or present perfect progressive) 283
Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

We’ve been living in Houston since 1999. We’ve lived in Houston since 1999.

I have been working in this place for two

years. I have worked in this place for two years.

She has been studying English for a long She has studied English for a long time.

Se utiliza para poner mayor énfasis en la El antepresente simple es más neutral y no

acción que ha estado ocurriendo o bien indica cambios en una acción que haya
para indicar un cambio en algo que ocurría estado variando en el modo de realizarse.
de determinada manera, pero que ahora ha
estado ocurriendo de manera diferente.

Ejemplos: Ejemplos:

I’ve been waiting for hours. I’ve waited for hours.

He’s been working out a lot. He’s worked out a lot.

(probablemente antes no entrenaba tanto
como lo está haciendo ahora)

Expresa una acción que aún está en Expresa una acción ya terminada.

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

I’ve been reading an interesting book. I’ve read an interesting book.

(aún lo sigo leyendo) (ya lo terminé de leer)

No se pueden utilizar por lo tanto las Se pueden utilizar las palabras “already” y
palabras “already” y “yet”. “yet”.


We’ve already eaten lunch.

Have you read the book yet?

Generalmente no se puede utilizar cuando Se utiliza cuando se habla de cantidades.

se habla de cantidades.

She has eaten two hamburgers.

284 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Sirve para expresar una acción temporal No se utiliza para expresar acciones
que ha estado ocurriendo o teniendo lugar. temporales que hayan estado teniendo

I usually eat lunch at home, but I’ve been

eating lunch in a restaurant for the past
few days.

No se utiliza con los llamados “verbos Se pueden utilizar “verbos estáticos” (stative
estáticos” (stative verbs). verbs) en este tiempo.


I’ve known her for many years.

She hasn’t understood anything.

Para preguntar en tiempo antepresente progresivo o continuo, se utiliza el auxiliar “have” en

tiempo presente antes del sustantivo o pronombre. Por ejemplo: Have you been working?
Has she been studying?

Para negar, se utiliza el auxiliar “have” en la forma negativa, ya sea en su forma completa o
contraída. Por ejemplo: You have not been working. You haven’t been working.

Para la forma interrogativo-negativa, se coloca el auxiliar “have” antes del sustantivo o

pronombre y la partícula “not” después de éstos, o bien, colocando la contracción del
negativo antes del sustantivo o pronombre. Por ejemplo: Have you not been working?
Haven’t you been working?

A continuación se presenta el ejemplo de la conjugación de un verbo en tiempo

antepresente continuo en sus diferentes formas.


Forma completa Forma contraída pronombre-auxiliar

I have been working I’ve been working

You have been working You’ve been working
He has been working He’s been working
She has been working She’s been working
It has been working It’s been working
We have been working We’ve been working
You have been working You’ve been working
They have been working They’ve been working

1.12 Antepresente continuo o progresivo (present perfect continuous or present perfect progressive) 285

Have I been working?

Have you been working?
Has he been working?
Has she been working?
Has it been working?
Have we been working?
Have you been working?
Have they been working?

Cuando se responde una pregunta, la respuesta puede ser corta o larga. En la respuesta
larga, se repite nuevamente la conjugación perifrástica y el complemento; en la respuesta
corta, se utiliza únicamente el verbo auxiliar, en este caso el auxiliar “have” en tiempo
presente. La respuesta puede ser afirmativa o negativa.


Have you been studying English? Have you been studying English?
-Yes, I have been studying English. -Yes, I have.
-No, I haven’t been studying English. -No, I haven’t.

Has he been playing soccer? Has he been playing soccer?

-Yes, he has been playing soccer. -Yes, he has.
-No, he hasn’t been playing soccer. -No, he hasn’t.


Forma completa Forma contraída

I have not been working I haven’t been working

You have not been working You haven’t been working
He has not been working He hasn’t been working
She has not been working She hasn’t been working
It has not been working It hasn’t been working
We have not been working We haven’t been working
You have not been working You haven’t been working
They have not been working They haven’t been working

286 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Forma completa Forma contraída

Have I not been working? Haven’t I been working?

Have you not been working? Haven’t you been working?
Has he not been working? Hasn’t he been working?
Has she not been working? Hasn’t she been working?
Has it not been working? Hasn’t it been working?
Have we not been working? Haven’t we been working?
Have you not been working? Haven’t you been working?
Have they not been working? Haven’t they been working?

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Para qué se utiliza generalmente el antepresente progresivo en inglés?

¿Cómo se forma el antepresente progresivo en inglés?

¿Cuándo puede utilizarse el antepresente progresivo de manera

indistinta con el antepresente simple en inglés?

¿Cuáles son algunas diferencias en el uso del antepresente progresivo

y el antepresente simple en inglés?

1.12 Antepresente continuo o progresivo (present perfect continuous or present perfect progressive) 287
a) Use your notebook or sheets of paper and conjugate the following verbs in the present perfect
progressive tense in the affirmative, interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms as
in the example:

to study, to write, to live, to sing, to play.



Affirmative Interrogative Negative Interrogative-negative

I’ve been reading Have I been reading? I haven’t been reading Haven’t I been reading?
You’ve been reading Have you been reading? You haven’t been reading Haven’t you been reading?
He’s been reading Has he been reading¡ He hasn’t been reading Hasn’t he been reading?
She’s been reading Has she been reading? She hasn’t been reading Hasn’t she been reading?
It’s been reading Has it been reading? It hasn’t been reading Hasn’t it been reading?
We’ve been reading Have we been reading? We haven’t been reading Haven’t we been reading?
You’ve been reading Have you been reading? You haven’t been reading Haven’t you been reading?
They’ve been reading Have they been reading? They haven’t been reading Haven’t they been reading?

b) Fill in the blanks with the present perfect progressive or present perfect simple of the verbs in
parentheses. In some cases, both tenses are possible.

1.- Catherine (study) English very hard.

2.- How long you (live) in Olympia?

3.- Pete (drink) three glasses of beer.

4.- I usually work out in the morning, but I (work out)

in the evening for the past few days.

5.- My father (work) for that company for twenty


Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill

in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in

6.- _________ you (understand) ________________ 10.-How long _____________ it (rain)

everything? ___________________ ?
7.- She (send) _________________ many WhatsApp
messages to her friends.
8.- I (read) _________________ that book before.
9.- I (read) ____________________ an interesting

288 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- They have been lived Sweden for ten years.

2.- How long has he been playing volleyball?

3.- Paula has been eating three ham sandwiches.

4.- Have you been reading the book already?

5.- How long have you been studying music?

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- He has been playing basketball for two years. 6.- They’ve been going out together for eight years.

2.- How long have you been living on Main Street? 7.- How long have you been working out at the gym?

3.- They have been watching TV since four o’clock. 8.- How long has the strike been going on?

4.- My mom’s hands are covered in flour because she 9.- She’s been acting kind of odd lately.
has been baking cakes.

10.- It has been raining a lot for the past few days.
5.- I don’t know why she has been taking it out on me.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- The boy has been riding his bike to school. 12.- Has she been singing
well? –Yes, she has. 13.- I’ve been waiting here for over an hour. 14.-
Danny has been playing volleyball since he was twelve. 15.- What have
you been doing?

1.12 Antepresente continuo o progresivo (present perfect continuous or present perfect progressive) 289
Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Mi hermano ha estado viviendo en San Francisco 6.- Ella ha estado enviando muchos WhatsApps a sus
durante diez años. amigas.

2.- He estado corriendo mucho últimamente. 7.- He estado leyendo un libro muy interesante.

3.- ¿Cuánto tiempo ha estado lloviendo? 8.- Sus zapatos (de él) están sucios porque ha estado
trabajando en el jardín.

4.- ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas estudiando italiano? 9.- Él se ha estado desquitando contigo.

5.- Él no ha estado durmiendo bien últimamente.

10.- La huelga lleva tres meses.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11.- Ella ha estado escuchando música toda la tarde. 12.- ¿Cuánto tiempo
llevas viviendo en la calle Oak? 13.- Él ha estado entrenando mucho
en el gimnasio últimamente. 14.- Ellos nos han estado visitando mucho
últimamente. 15.- Él no ha estado trabajando duro.

290 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write four things that you have been doing lately.

1.12 Antepresente continuo o progresivo (present perfect continuous or present perfect progressive) 291
Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

292 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

En esta lección aprenderás:

-Qué son los verbos modales.

-Algunos verbos modales y su uso.


Escribe dos metas personales de aprendizaje sobre este tema.



Los verbos modales son verbos auxiliares que se utilizan para indicar modalidad; es
decir, los usamos para hablar o referirnos a alguna habilidad, capacidad, probabilidad,
necesidad u obligación; para hacer alguna solicitud; para dar o pedir permiso; o para
dar una sugerencia o consejo. Al momento de conjugarse, estos verbos no cambian (a
excepción de “have”) es decir, no agregan “s” en las terceras personas del singular y van
seguidos de un verbo en su forma básica.

A continuación se presentan algunos verbos modales y su uso. Los verbos modales que no
se revisan en este libro, se estudian en el siguiente nivel.

1.13.1 CAN / COULD / MAY


Se utiliza el verbo modal “can” para: Ejemplo:

Indicar que alguien tiene una habilidad • He can run very fast.
física o mental para hacer algo. En la Él puede correr muy rápido.
forma negativa, significa lo contrario. • Becky can speak English and French.
Becky puede hablar inglés y francés.
• She can’t swim fast.
Ella no puede nadar rápido.

Indicar que algo es posible. En la forma • I can come and see you in the
negativa, significa lo contrario. evening.
Puedo venir a verte en la tarde.
• We can see the trees from our
Podemos ver los árboles desde
nuestra ventana.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 293

• I’m sorry. I can’t see you today.
Lo siento. No puedo verte hoy.

Indicar que estamos seguros de que • It can’t be Sandra who came to look
algo es imposible. En este caso, se utiliza for you. She’s in Baltimore now.
la forma negativa. No puede ser Sandra quien vino a
buscarte. Ella está en Baltimore ahora.

Dar permiso o prohibir (en este último • You can go and play with your
caso se utiliza la forma negativa). friends.
Puedes ir y jugar con tus amigos.
• You can’t go to the movies with your
No puedes ir al cine con tus amigos.

Pedir permiso. • Can I go to the park?

¿Puedo ir al parque?

Hacer peticiones. • Can you pass me the saltshaker,

¿Puedes pasarme el salero, por favor?

Ofrecer algo. • Can I help you?

¿Te puedo ayudar?
• Can I get you a cup of coffee?
¿Te traigo una taza de café?

Recuerda que “can” es invariable, es decir, no agrega “s” en las terceras personas del
singular. La forma interrogativa es por inversión verbo-pronombre y para negar se agrega
la partícula “not” o su forma contraída “can’t”.


Se utiliza el verbo modal “could” Ejemplo:


Indicar que alguien tuvo o tenía la • He could run very fast when he was
habilidad física o mental para hacer young.
algo. En la forma negativa, significa lo Él podia correr muy rápido cuando
contrario. era joven.
• They couldn’t speak English two
years ago.
Ellos no podían hablar inglés hace
dos años.

294 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Indicar que algo era posible en el • We could see the trees from our
pasado. En la forma negativa, significa lo window.
contrario Podíamos ver los árboles desde
nuestra ventana.
• We couldn’t send WhatsApp
messages twenty years ago.
No podíamos enviar mensajes de
WhatsApp hace veinte años.

Indicar que algo pudiera ser posible ya • They could be at Betty’s house.
sea en el presente o en un futuro. Ellos podrían estar en la casa de Betty.
• Who could be the next president?
¿Quién podría ser el próximo
• Could she be sick?
¿Podría estar enferma?
–She could (may / might) be.
–Podría ser.

Nótese que cuando se responden

preguntas con “could” que indican
probabilidad, se responde con “could”
(o “may” o “might”) seguido de la forma
básica del verbo.

Hacer peticiones corteses. En este caso • Could you open the window, please?
se puede responder con expresiones • ¿Podrías abrir la ventana, por favor?
como: sure, of course, by all means, etc. -Sure.
• Could I borrow your car for
Cuando es una pregunta en primera tomorrow?
persona, se responde con “can” y “may”. ¿Podrías prestarme tu carro mañana?
–Yes, you can.
–No, you can’t.
–Yes, you may.
–No, you may not.

Hacer alguna sugerencia. • When you go to Austin, you could

stay at Vicky’s house.
Cuando vayas a Austin, podrías
quedarte en casa de Vicky.

Indicar que algo era imposible que • It couldn’t be Sandra who came to
ocurriera en el pasado. En este caso, se look for you last week. She was in
utiliza la forma negativa. Baltimore.
No pudo ser Sandra quien vino a
buscarte la semana pasada. Ella
estaba en Baltimore.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 295

La forma interrogativa es por inversión verbo-pronombre y para negar se agrega la partícula
“not” o su forma contraída “couldn’t”.


Se utiliza el verbo modal “may” para: Ejemplo:

Pedir permiso. • May I come in?

¿Puedo entrar?

Indicar posibilidad. En este caso, se • She may be nervous because she

traduce como “tal vez”, “quizá”, “a lo has a test.
mejor”. En la forma negativa, significa lo Quizá esté nerviosa porque tiene un
contrario. En ocasiones, también puede examen.
utilizarse “might” en lugar de “may”. • They may not come.
Tal vez no vengan.

Frecuentemente se utiliza en enunciados • Do you think he may (might) go with

con “I think…” “Do you think...?” us?
¿Crees que vaya con nosotros?

Hacer peticiones corteses. En este caso, • May I please speak to Mr. Johnson?
se utiliza muy frecuentemente la palabra ¿Puedo (podría) por favor hablar con
“please”. el Sr. Johnson?

La forma interrogativa es por inversión verbo-pronombre: May I...? May you…? May he..?
etc. Para negar se agrega la partícula “not”: I may not, you may not, he may not, etc.


Se utiliza “can” para: Se utiliza “may” para:

Pedir permiso. Aun cuando muchos Pedir permiso. El uso de “may” en este
libros indican que únicamente “may” se caso es el reconocido canónicamente
usa para pedir permiso, “can” también se como la manera gramaticalmente
utiliza para ello sobre todo en lenguaje correcta para esta función.
familiar o informal.

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

Can I go with you? May I go with you?

¿Puedo ir contigo? ¿Puedo ir contigo?

296 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Para responder en forma corta se puede
utilizar tanto “may” como “can”.

-Yes, you may.

-Yes, you can.
-No, you may not.
-No, you can’t.

Indicar que se tiene permiso o Indicar que se tiene permiso o

autorización para hacer algo. La forma autorización para hacer algo. La forma
negativa significa lo contrario. negativa significa lo contrario.

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

You can use the telephone. You may use the telephone.
You can’t walk on the grass. You may not walk on the grass.

Pedir algo. Puede ir acompañado de la Pedir algo. El uso de “may”,

palabra “please” para mostrar cortesía. frecuentemente acompañado de
La traducción al español depende en “please” resulta una fórmula con un
este caso del contexto y la situación en matiz más cortés que el uso de “can”. En
la que se utiliza. este caso, las traducciones al español
varían según la fórmula de cortesía que
se utiliza para cada caso.

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

Can I have another sandwich (please)? May I please have another sandwich?
¿Puedo comerme otro sándwich? ¿Me puede (podría) dar otro sándwich,
¿Me puede dar otro sándwich (por por favor?
favor)? ¿Me puede (podría) traer otro sándwich,
¿Me da otro sándwich (por favor)? por favor?


Se utiliza “could” para: Se utiliza “may” para:

Expresar una posibilidad basada en una Expresar una posibilidad basada en una
deducción lógica; sin embargo, cuando deducción lógica; cuando se utiliza
se utiliza “could”, la persona muestra un “may” en lugar de “could”, la persona
grado de certitud menor que cuando se muestra un grado de certitud mayor que
utiliza “may”. cuando se utiliza “could”.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 297

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

He’s wearing a suit and tie. He could be He’s wearing a suit and tie. He may be a
a businessman. businessman.
LLeva puesto traje y corbata. Podría ser Lleva puesto traje y corbata. Tal vez es un
un hombre de negocios. hombre de negocios.

Hacer peticiones corteses. Hacer peticiones corteses.

Could puede utilizarse tanto con la May solo puede utilizarse con la primera
primera persona del singular como con persona del singular.
la segunda.

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

Could you tell me the time, please? May I have another glass of water?
¿Me podrías decir la hora, por favor? ¿Me puede traer otro vaso de agua?
Could I have another glass of water?
¿Podría darme otro vaso de agua?

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Qué son los verbos modales y para qué sirven?

Menciona tres usos del verbo modal “can” acompañados de un


Menciona tres usos del verbo modal “could” acompañados de un


Menciona tres usos del verbo modal “may” acompañados de un


Menciona una similitud y una diferencia entre el uso de “can” y “may”.

298 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Menciona una similitud y una diferencia entre el uso de “could” y “may”.

a) Fill in the blanks with can or can’t.

1.- My sister Alice sing in tune, but I .

2.- How many words a minute you read?

3.- I’ve lost my keys. I find them.

4.- you play a musical instrument? –Yes, I .

5.- She come today, but she come tomorrow.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill

in the blanks with can or can’t.

6.- I’m in a hurry. I ________ wait for you. 9.- _______ you please help me with my homework?
7.- You _______ find almost everything in that store. 10.- What _______ I do for you, sir?
8.- I’m sorry. You _______ use the phone. It’s for
employees only.

b) Fill in the blanks with could or couldn’t.

1.- you close the door?

2.- I talk to her yesterday. I was very busy.

3.- Luke come to the meeting yesterday because he was sick.

4.- Who bring a cake?

5.- I’m very tired because I sleep last night.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill

in the blanks with could or couldn’t.

6.- _________ you finish your homework? 9.- When you go to New Jersey, you _______ stay
7.- She was speaking very fast. I ________ understand with Vicky.
what she was saying. 10.- It was a wonderful landscape. We ________ see
8.- They said that they ________ drive me home. the mountains from far away.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 299

c) Fill in the blanks with can, can’t, could or couldn’t.

1.- When I was young, I run five miles a day.

2.- I help you?

3.- He sing, but he dance.

4.- Nobody solve the math problem. It was very difficult.

5.- I tried hard, but I remember her name.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill

in the blanks with can, can’t, could or couldn’t.

6.- She looked everywhere, but she ________ find 9.- A hare _______ run fast, but a turtle ________.
her purse. 10.- Very few people _______ play the violin well.
7.- She ________ be a doctor. She’s wearing a white
8.- How many languages _______ you speak?

d) Fill in the blanks with can or may. In some cases both are possible.

1.- I help you?

2.- I go to the bathroom? –Yes, you .

3.- You not smoke here.

4.- I borrow your pencil? –Certainly, you use it.

5.- She says that she go if she has time.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to fill

in the blanks with can or may.

6.- ______ you type fast? –Yes, I _______. 9.- ________ I please speak to Mrs. Johnson?
7.- He lived in the United States for ten years. He 10.- I’m very busy. I ______ not go to the party with
______ speak English very well. you.
8.- ______ you help me do my homework? –Sure.

e) Fill in the blanks with could or may. In some cases both are possible.

1.- you close the door?

2.- I have another sandwich?

3.- She’s wearing a white coat. She be a doctor.

300 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

4.- I not go with them. I was very busy.

5.- I not go with them. I’m very busy.

f) Answer the following questions in the affirmative and negative forms as in the example.

Example: May I leave early?

Yes, you may.
Yes, you can.
No, you may not.
No, you can’t.

1.- May I go out? 4.- May I play cards with my friends?

2.- May I take this book? 5.- May I speak with the principal?

3.- May I eat this sandwich?

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 301

g) Answer the following questions in the affirmative and negative forms as in the example.

Example: Could he be in New York?

Yes, he could be.
Yes, he may be.
No, he couldn’t be.
No, he may not be.

1.- Could she be a businesswoman? 4.- Could she be at Mary’s house?

2.- Could they be guilty? 5.- Could they have relatives in the United States?

3.- Could he have another car?

302 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Can you speak English?

2.- I not could find the book.

3.- He can’t find his keys.

4.- May you please pass me the envelopes?

5.- She may not to come to the party.

6.- Could you open the door, please?

7.- May I have another cookie?

8.- May you speak up, please?

9.- May I please speak to Mr. Brown?

10.- I couldn’t talk to him yesterday.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- Can you swim well? 6.- Who can translate this sentence into English?

2.-I thought you could go. 7.- He can travel by plane or by boat.

3.- May I borrow your book? –Yes, you may. 8.- Brenda couldn’t come to school yesterday.

4.- I may see you tomorrow. 9.- .- Pete couldn’t send the message.

5.- Could you finish the book? –Yes, I could. 10.- He says that he can go with us.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 303

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- He said that he could go with us. 12.- My mom can cook very
well, but I can’t. 13.- Can you play soccer? –Yes, I can. 14.- How many
languages can she speak? 15.- I can be at your house in an hour. 16.-
I can’t understand what he is saying. 17.- Can I have another piece of
bread? 18.- May I please have another piece of bread? 19.- Could you
please tell me the time? 20.- Could she be at her friend’s house? –Yes,
she could be. 21.- You cannot smoke in this room. 22.- You may not walk
on the grass. 23.- We couldn’t go out because it was raining very hard.
24.- John can go with us. 25.- John may go with us. 26.- John can’t go
with us. 27. John may not go with us. 28.- We can see the lake from our
window. 29.- We could see the lake from our window. 30.- Can you
speak up a bit, please? I can’t hear you. 31.- I couldn’t sleep last night.
32.- Can I use your phone? 33.- May I use your phone? 34.- May I leave
early? –Yes, you can. 35.- Could I leave early? –Yes, you can. 36.- Can
you please lend me your book? –Sure. 37.- May I borrow your book? –
Yes, you can. 38.- You may use your dictionary during the test. 39.- Can
I have another glass of wine? 40.- May I please have another glass of
wine? 41.- What can I do for you, ma’am? 42.- May I help you, sir?

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Lo siento. No puedo ir con ustedes. 6.- Ella dijo que podía venir esta tarde.

2.- ¿Puedes correr rápido? –Sí. 7.- Pensé que podía ir con ustedes al cine.

3.- Quizá vaya con ustedes. 8.- ¿Dónde podrían estar ellos?

4.- ¿Puedo salir temprano? –No. 9.- ¿Me da otro sándwich, por favor?

5.- Ella dice que puede venir esta tarde. 10.- No puedes caminar en el césped.

304 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
translate the following sentences into English.

11.- Podrías viajar en avión. 12.- Tal vez Lucy vaya con nosotros. 13.-
¿Puedo usar tu teléfono? –Sí. 14.- ¿Puedes hablar más fuerte, por favor?
15.- ¿Sabes hablar ruso? –No. 16.- ¿Podría Jenny estar en la casa de
Sandy? –No. 17.- ¿Podrías cerrar la puerta, por favor? 18.- ¿Puedo hablar
con el director? –Sí. 19.- ¿Me puedes prestar tu diccionario? –Claro. 20.-
No pude terminar mi tarea. 21.- ¿Puedes ayudarme a hacer mi tarea?
–Claro. 22.- ¿Podrían ellos tener parientes en los Estados Unidos’ 23.- Él
trae puesta una bata blanca. Tal vez sea doctor. 24.- Busqué por todos
lados, pero no pude encontrar mis llaves. 25.- ¿Qué se le ofrece, señor?
26.- No pude dormir anoche porque había mucho ruido. 27.- Ellos
pueden ir con ustedes. 28.- Ellos quizá vayan con ustedes. 29.- ¿Puedo
ayudarla en algo, señora? 30.- ¿Me puede dar otra copa de vino, por
favor? 31.- ¿Quién puede contestar esta pregunta? –Yo. 32.- No pude ir a
la escuela ayer. 33.- ¿Podrías decirme la hora, por favor? 34.- No puede
ser Tim quien vino a verte. Él está en la Ciudad de México. 35.- No pudo
ser Tim quien vino a verte la semana pasada. Él estaba en la Ciudad
de México. 36.- Ella no pudo abrir la puerta. 37.- ¿Quién pudo resolver
el problema? –Pete. 38- Ella puede cantar afinada, pero él no. 39.- No
pueden usar su diccionario durante el examen. 40.- Hace treinta años
no podíamos enviar mensajes de WhatsApp. 41.- No podemos salir
porque está lloviendo muy fuerte. 42.- Pudimos traducir correctamente
todos los enunciados.

Translate the part in italics into English.

1.- No puedes walk on the grass.

2.- Tal vez ella no vaya to the movies with us.

3.- No podemos salir because it’s raining hard.

4.- She says que puede hacer un pastel.

5.- She said que podia hacer un pastel.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 305


La expresión there can be equivale en español a “puede haber”.

La expresión there could be equivale en español a “pudo haber”, “podía haber” o “podría


Affirmative form There can be a foreign student in the class.

Puede haber un estudiante extranjero en la clase.
There can be two foreign students in the class.
Puede haber dos estudiantes extranjeros en la clase.

Negative form There can’t be a foreign student in the class.

No puede haber un estudiante extranjero en la clase.
There can’t be two foreign students in the class.
No puede haber dos estudiantes extranjeros en la

Interrogative form Can there be a foreign student in the class?

¿Puede haber un estudiante extranjero en la clase?
Can there be two foreign students in the class?
¿Puede haber dos estudiantes extranjeros en la
Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el modal
La respuesta puede ser afirmativa o negativa.
-Yes, there can.
-No, there can’t.

Interrogative-negative Can’t there be a foreign student in the class?

form ¿No puede haber un estudiante extranjero en la clase?
Can’t there be two foreign students in the class?
¿No puede haber dos estudiantes extranjeros en la
-Yes, there can.
-No, there can’t.

306 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Affirmative form There could be a foreign student in the class.

Pudo / podía / podría haber un estudiante extranjero
en la clase.
There could be two foreign students in the class.
Pudo / podía / podría haber dos estudiantes
extranjeros en la clase.

Negative form There couldn’t be a foreign student in the class.

No pudo / podía / podría haber un estudiante
extranjero en la clase.
There couldn’t be two foreign students in the class.
No pudo / podía / podría haber dos estudiantes
extranjeros en la clase.

Interrogative form Could there be a foreign student in the class?

¿Pudo / podía / podría haber un estudiante extranjero
en la clase?
Could there be two foreign students in the class?
¿Pudo / podía / podría haber dos estudiantes
extranjeros en la clase?

Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza “could” ya

sea en forma afirmativa o negativa.
-Yes, there could.
-No, there couldn’t.

Interrogative-negative Couldn’t there be a foreign student in the class?

form ¿No pudo / podía / podría haber un estudiante
extranjero en la clase?
Couldn’t there be two foreign students in the class?
¿No pudo / podía / podría haber dos estudiantes
extranjeros en la clase?

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 307

a) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative
forms as in the example.

Example: There can be a telephone in that office.

Can there be a telephone in that office?
There can’t be a telephone in that office.
Can’t there be a telephone in that office?

1.- There can be a man in that room. 2.- There can be a dog in the house.
3.- There can be two bottles of water in the refrigerator. 4.- There can be
many problems because of that.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

b) Change the sentences of the previous exercise to the past simple tense in the affirmative,
negative, interrogative, and interrogative-negative forms as in the example.

Example: There could be a telephone in that office.

There couldn’t be a telephone in that office.
Could there be a telephone in that office?
Couldn’t there be a telephone in that office?

1.- 2.-

308 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

3.- 4.-

c) Answer the following questions in the affirmative and negative forms, giving a short and a long
answer, as in the example.

Example: Can there be a car in the garage?

Yes, there can.
No, there can’t.
Yes, there can be a car in the garage.
No, there can’t be a car in the garage.

1.- Can there be a lot of traffic in the afternoon? 3.- Can there be many children in the garden?

2.- Can there be a pair of shoes in the closet? 4.- Can there be two nurses in the office?

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 309

d) Change the questions of the previous exercise to the past simple tense and answer them in
the affirmative and negative forms, giving a short and a long answer, as in the example.

Example: Could there be a car in the garage?

Yes, there could.
No, there couldn’t.
Yes, there could be a car in the garage.
No, there couldn’t be a car in the garage.

1.- 3.-

2.- 4.-

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Not there can be a boy in the class?

2.- There can be a computer in the office.

3.- There couldn’t be a telephone in the room.

4.- Could not there be an error in the document?

5.- There can be a nurse in the doctor’s office.

310 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- There can’t be many cars in the garage. 4.- Could there be an English dictionary at the library?
–Yes, there could.

2.- There could be a problem because of that.

5.- There can be a blue pen in that drawer.

3.- There can be a lot of traffic at that hour.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Puede haber algunos lápices sobre el escritorio. 4.- No puede haber dos doctores en el mismo

2.- ¿Podría haber algún problema por eso?

5.- Podría haber un cuchillo en ese cajón.

3.- ¿Puede haber un teléfono en la oficina?

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 311

Write four sentences using there can be / there could be.

312 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

1.13.2 HAVE TO / HAD TO / MUST

El verbo modal “have to” significa “tener que” y sus principales usos se muestran en la
siguiente tabla.


El verbo modal “have to”: Ejemplos:

Se utiliza para expresar que algo es • I have to study for a test.

necesario en el presente. Tengo que estudiar para un examen.
• We have to go home.
Tenemos que ir a casa.

Sirve para referirse a acciones necesarias • She has to pick up her children at
a menudo relacionadas con actividades 1:00 every day.
cotidianas. Ella tiene que recoger a sus hijos a la
1:00 todos los días.
• They have to take the subway to go
to work.
Ellos tienen que tomar el metro para
ir a trabajar.

Utiliza los auxiliares “do” y “does” para • Do you have to work today?
preguntar y negar, así como para ¿Tienes que trabajar hou?
responder en forma corta. -Yes, I do.
-No, I don’t.
• He doesn’t have to work every day.
Él no tiene que trabajar todos los

La forma negativa indica que no resulta • You don’t have to take your books.
necesario llevar a cabo determinada No tienes que llevar tus libros. (Es
acción. decir, no es necesario que los lleves;
no hace falta.)

Equivale también a la expresión • I’ve got to go.

perifrástica “have got to”. En este caso, Me tengo que ir.
frecuentemente se contrae el verbo • They’ve got to finish the paper for
“have” con el pronombre. tomorrow.
La forma negativa se forma agregando Ellos tienen que terminar el ensayo
la partícula “not” después de “have” y para mañana.
la forma interrogativa es por inversión • Have you got to go?
verbo-pronombre. ¿Te tienes que ir?
Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza -Yes, I have.
el verbo “have” / “has”, según sea el caso. • You haven’t got to take the subway.
No tienes que tomar el metro.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 313


El verbo modal “had to”: Ejemplos:

Es el pasado de “have to” y se utiliza • I had to study for a test.

para expresar que algo era necesario en Tuve / tenía que estudiar para un
el pasado. Se puede traducir al español examen.
como pretérito o como copretérito • We had to go home.
dependiendo de lo que se quiera decir. Tuvimos / teníamos que irnos a

Utiliza el auxiliar “did” para preguntar • Did you have to work last week?
y negar, así como para responder en ¿Tuviste que trabajar la semana
forma corta. pasada?
-Yes, I did.
-No, I didn’t.
• She didn’t have to sign the papers.
Ella no tuvo que firmar los papeles.

El verbo modal “must” significa “deber” y sus principales usos se muestran en la siguiente


Se utiliza el verbo modal “must” Ejemplos:


Expresar una necesidad, obligación o • She looks really sick; she must go to
deber. Va seguido de la forma básica del the doctor.
verbo sin la partícula “to”. Ella se ve realmente enferma; debe ir
al doctor.
• He must pass the test or he will have
to repeat the course.
Él debe pasar el examen o tendrá
que repetir el curso.

La forma interrogativa se forma por • Must they do their homework?

inversión auxiliar-pronombre y la ¿Deben hacer su tarea?
negativa agregando la partícula “not”. –Yes, they must.
Se puede utilizar la forma contraída –No, they mustn’t.
“mustn’t”. • You mustn’t take that medicine
every day.
No debes tomarte esa medicina
todos los días.

314 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Expresar una prohibición. En este caso, • You must not use that door.
se utiliza la forma negativa. No debes usar esa puerta.
• You mustn’t use foul language in
No debes usar lenguaje soez en

Hacer una fuerte recomendación. • That musical is excellent. You must

see it.
Ese musical es excelente. Debes

Expresar una suposición o probabilidad • They have a very expensive car. They
muy alta de algo. must have a lot of money.
Ellos tienen un carro muy caro.
Deben de tener mucho dinero.
• He didn’t show up for work today.
He must be sick.
Él no se presentó a trabajar hoy.
Debe de estar enfermo.


Se utiliza “have to” para: Se utiliza “must” para:

Expresar una necesidad u obligación. En Expresar una necesidad u obligación. En

este caso equivale a “must” cuando está este caso equivale a “have to” cuando
en forma afirmativa o interrogativa. Para está en forma afirmativa o interrogativa.
responder en forma corta se utiliza el Para responder en forma corta se utiliza
auxiliar “do” o “does”. “must”, ya sea en forma afirmativa o

Ejemplos: Ejemplos:

• You have to do your homework. • You must do your homework.

Tienes que hacer tu tarea. Debes hacer tu tarea.
• Do I have to take this medicine • Must I take this medicine after
after meals? meals?
¿Me tengo que tomar esta medicina ¿Debo tomarme esta medicina
después de los alimentos? después de los alimentos?
-Yes, you do. -Yes, you must.
-No, you don’t. -No, you mustn’t.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 315

Expresar una obligación de carácter Expresar obligaciones de carácter más
general porque así lo dicta una norma específico. La persona que habla lo
o una instrucción generalizada; es decir, juzga necesario; es decir, se trata más
una obligación impuesta de fuera. bien de una obligación interna; indica la
necesidad de hacer algo de acuerdo a
las circunstancias.

Ejemplos: Ejemplo:

• I have to brush my teeth after meals. • I must brush my teeth because I

(es lo recomendable de manera have bad breath.
generalizada) (debo hacerlo porque no me gusta
• I have to study harder. tener mal aliento)
(si no lo hago, probablemente repruebe) • I must study harder.
(considero que necesito estudiar más;
viene de una motivación personal)

Indicar que algo no es necesario cuando Prohibir algo porque puede resultar
el enunciado está en forma negativa. nocivo o no está autorizado hacerlo.

Ejemplo: Ejemplo:

You don’t have to take this medicine. You mustn’t take this medicine.
No tienes que tomarte esta medicina. No debes tomarte esta medicina.
(no necesitas tomarla porque estás (no debes tomarla porque si la tomas te
sano y no lo necesitas) hará daño)

316 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Qué significa “have to” y cuándo se utiliza?

¿Qué indica la forma negativa del verbo modal “have to”?

¿Cuál es el tiempo pasado de “have to”?

¿Qué significa “must”?

¿Para qué se utiliza el verbo modal “must”?

¿Cómo se pregunta y se niega con “must”?

¿En qué caso se utiliza la forma negativa del verbo modal “must”?

¿Cuál es una diferencia en el uso entre “have to” y “must”?

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 317

a) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of have to.

1.- I don’t to work on Saturday.

2.- What does he to do?

3.- She to be here by 1:00.

4.- They to study harder.

5.- He to sign these documents.

b) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms
as in the example.

Example: They have to work on Sunday.

Do they have to work on Sunday?
They don’t have to work on Sunday.
Don’t they have to work on Sunday?

1.- We have to study English. 2.- He has to wash the car. 3.- You have
to finish your homework. 4.- They have to go now. 5.- She has to type
these letters.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

c) Use “have got to” instead of “have to” as in the example.

Example: You have to call her.

You’ve got to call her.

318 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

1.- We have to go. 2.- I have to change my clothes. 3.- Do you have to
go to the dentist? 4.- I have to get up early. 5.-Does she have to get a

d) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms
as in the example.

Example: They had to work on Sunday.

Did they have to work on Sunday?
They didn’t have to work on Sunday.
Didn’t they have to work on Sunday?

1.- We had to buy a new car. 2.- You had to go to the supermarket. 3.-
They had to read that book. 4.- She had to see the doctor. 5.- He had
to work on the weekend.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

e) Change the following sentences to the past tense as in the example.

Example: I have to work hard.

I had to work hard.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 319

1.- We have to talk to our boss. 2.- Do you have to get up early? 3.- I don’t
have to take a test. 4.- They have to answer the questions. 5.- Pete has
to mow the lawn.

f) Use “must” instead of “have to” as in the example.

Example: I have to go now.

I must go now.

1.- Do you have to leave early? 2.- He has to work harder. 3.- I have to tell
you something. 4.- They have to pay the rent. 5.- Does she have to go
the hospital?

g) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative forms.

1.- You must take this medicine. 2.- She must go now. 3.- They must use
a computer.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

320 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

h) Answer the following questions in a short form in the affirmative and negative forms as in the

Example: Did you have to work on Saturday?

Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.

1.- Does he have to study English? 2.- Must you go now? 3.- Have
you got to go now? 4.- Did you have to read that book? 5.- Must she
sign these documents?

i) Fill in the blanks with “don’t have to”, “doesn’t have to” or “mustn’t”.

1.- You go to that place. It’s dangerous.

2.- She work on Saturday. It’s her day off.

3.- I wash my car. It’s clean.

4.- We use our cell phones at a gas station because we may

provoke an explosion.

5.- You go on a diet. You are in shape.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 321

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- Does she have to be here by 2:00?

2.- Do they must leave now?

3.- I not had to work on the weekends.

4.- Did you have to go to school on Friday?

5.- We must to study harder.

6.- You mustn’t talk to me like that.

7.- She not has to support her family.

8.- What do you have to do later?

9.- Must he go to see the doctor?

10. - I don’t have to get a passport.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- We don’t have to copy the sentences. 6.- He didn’t have to see the doctor.

2.- You have to learn the new words. 7.- I have to send a WhatsApp message.

3.- We must go now. 8.- Must they go to Washington next week?

4.- We have to go now. 9.- I must tell you something.

5.- I had to wait for her. 10.- I have to tell you something.

322 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- I must go on a diet. 12.- I have to go on a diet. 13.- You don’t have to
take those pills. 14.- You mustn’t take those pills. 15.- They have a nice
car; they must be rich. 16.- You must be tired after your long trip. 17.- I
had to go to the bank this morning. 18.- I have to go to the bank to cash
a check. 19.- You mustn’t forget to call Kathy. 20.- She’s a very likable
person; you must meet her. 21.- The desk is dirty; I must clean it. 22.- I
have to go to bed early. 23.- You must hurry. You mustn’t be late. 24.- Did
you have to work on Saturday? –No, I didn’t. 25.- What do you have to
do on the weekend? 26.- I have to get up early tomorrow because I have
a class at 7:00. 27.- This book is really good. You must read it. 28.- Does
he have to mow the lawn? 29.- They had to study for the test. 30.- Paul
gave us a ride, so we didn’t have to walk to school.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Tengo que terminar mi tarea. 6.- Ya me tengo que ir.

2.- Tuve que estudiar para un examen. 7.- Él está muy enfermo; debe ir a ver al doctor.

3.- No tuve que trabajar ayer. 8.- ¿Tienes que trabajar mañana? –Sí.

4.- ¿Por qué tienes que irte tan temprano? 9.- ¿Tuviste que leer ese libro? –No.

5.- ¿Por qué tuviste que irte tan temprano? 10.- Ella tiene que tomar el autobús al trabajo a las
7:00 todos los días.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 323

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
translate the following sentences into English.

11.- Mary no se presentó a trabajar hoy; debe estar enferma. 12.- Esta
película es muy buena; debes verla. 13.- Pete debe de estar trabajando
ahora porque no contesta su teléfono. 14.- Tengo que pasar el examen
o tendré que repetir el curso. 15.- Tienes que apurarte; no debes llegar
tarde. 16.- Ese pastel de chocolate debe de estar delicioso. 17.- ¿Qué
tienes que hacer en la tarde? 18.- Tenemos que lavarnos las manos antes
de comer. 19.- ¿Debo tomarme esta medicina después de los alimentos?
20.- Él tiene que comprar un celular nuevo. 21.-Debo llamarla. 22.- ¿A
qué hora tienes que levantarte mañana? 23.- ¿Tengo que firmar estos
documentos? 24.- Tienes que hablar con ella. 25.- Tengo que hablar
con mi jefe. 26.- Saqué buenas calificaciones y no tengo que hacer
examen. 27.- Ella debe estar muy cansada después del viaje. 28.- Tengo
que contarte algo. 29.- Tuvimos que pagar la renta. 30.- La mesa está
muy sucia; debo limpiarla.

Translate the part in italics into English.

Tengo que ponerme a dieta because I’m overweight.

Tienes que conocerlo; he’s a very intelligent man.

Tuve que ir a la tienda to buy a carton of milk.

It’s very late! Tienes que apurarte.

He isn’t sick, so no tuvo que ir a ver al doctor.

324 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


La expresión there have / has to be equivale en español a “tiene que haber”. Se utiliza
“there has to be” cuando hablamos de una sola cosa y “there have to be” cuando nos
referimos a dos o más cosas.

La expresión there had to be equivale en español a “tuvo que haber“, “tenía que haber”,
“debió haber” o “debía haber”. Siempre se utiliza there had to be sin importar si estamos
hablando de una o varias cosas.

La expresión there must be equivale en español a “debe (de) haber” o “tiene que haber”.
Siempre se utiliza there must be sin importar si estamos hablando de una o varias cosas.


Affirmative form There has to be a foreign student in the class.

Tiene que haber un estudiante extranjero en la clase.
There have to be two foreign students in the class.
Tiene que haber dos estudiantes extranjeros en la

Negative form There doesn’t have to be a foreign student in the

No tiene que haber un estudiante extranjero en la
There don’t have to be two foreign students in the
No tiene que haber dos estudiantes extranjeros en
la clase.

Interrogative form Does there have to be a foreign student in the class?

¿Tiene que haber un estudiante extranjero en la clase?
Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el auxiliar
“does”, ya sea en forma afirmativa o negativa.
-Yes, there does.
-No, there doesn’t.

Do there have to be two foreign students in the class?

¿Tiene que haber dos estudiantes extranjeros en la
Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el auxiliar
“do”, ya sea en forma afirmativa o negativa.
-Yes, there do.
-No, there don’t.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 325

Interrogative-negative Doesn’t there have to be a foreign student in the
form class?
¿No tiene que haber un estudiante extranjero en la
Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el auxiliar
“does”, ya sea en forma afirmativa o negativa.
-Yes, there does.
-No, there doesn’t.

Don’t there have to be two foreign students in the

¿No tiene que haber dos estudiantes extranjeros en
la clase?
Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el auxiliar
“do”, ya sea en forma afirmativa o negativa.
-Yes, there do.
-No, there don’t.


Affirmative form There had to be a foreign student in the class.

Tuvo / tenía que haber un estudiante extranjero en
la clase. Debió / debía haber un estudiante extranjero
en la clase.

Negative form There didn’t have to be a foreign student in the class.

No tuvo / tenía que haber un estudiante extranjero
en la clase. No debió / debía haber un estudiante
extranjero en la clase.

Interrogative form Did there have to be a foreign student in the class?

¿Tuvo / tenía que haber un estudiante extranjero
en la clase? ¿Debió / debía haber un estudiante
extranjero en la clase?
Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el auxiliar
“did”, ya sea en forma afirmativa o negativa.
-Yes, there did.
-No, there didn’t.

Interrogative-negative Didn’t there have to be a foreign student in the class?

form ¿No tuvo / tenía que haber un estudiante extranjero
en la clase? ¿No debía / debió haber un estudiante
extranjero en la clase?

Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el auxiliar

“did”, ya sea en forma afirmativa o negativa.
-Yes, there did.
-No, there didn’t.

326 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte


Affirmative form There must be a foreign student in the class.

Debe (de) haber un estudiante extranjero en la clase.

Nota: recuerda que en español “debe haber” indica

una necesidad u obligación, mientras que “debe de
haber” indica una suposición. En inglés, “there must
be” puede utilizarse para ambos casos y su traducción
e interpretación dependerá del contexto y la intención
comunicativa de quien lo dice.

Negative form There mustn’t be a foreign student in the class.

No debe (de) haber un estudiante extranjero en la

Interrogative form Must there be a foreign student in the class?

¿Debe (de) haber un estudiante extranjero en la clase?

Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el modal

“must”, ya sea en forma afirmativa o negativa.
-Yes, there must.
-No, there mustn’t.

Interrogative-negative Mustn’t there be a foreign student in the class?

form ¿No debe (de) haber un estudiante extranjero en la

Para responder en forma corta, se utiliza el modal

“must”, ya sea en forma afirmativa o negativa.
-Yes, there must.
-No, there mustn’t.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 327

a) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative for-
ms as in the example.

Example: There has to be a telephone in that office.

Does there have to be a telephone in that office?
There doesn’t have to be a telephone in that office.
Doesn’t there have to be a telephone in that office?

1.- There has to be a man in that room. 2.- There has to be a dog in the
house. 3.- There have to be two bottles of water in the refrigerator. 4.-
There have to be many students in the class.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

b) Change the sentences of the previous exercise to the past simple tense in the affirmative,
negative, interrogative, and interrogative-negative forms as in the example.

Example: There had to be a telephone in that office.

There didn’t have to be a telephone in that office.
Did there have to be a telephone in that office?
Didn’t there have to be a telephone in that office?

1.- 2.-

328 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

3.- 4.-

c) Change the sentences of the previous exercise using “must” in the affirmative, negative,
interrogative and interrogative-negative forms as in the example.

Example: There must be a telephone in that office.

There mustn’t be a telephone in that office.
Must there be a telephone in that office?
Mustn’t there be a telephone in that office?

1.- 3.-

2.- 4.-

d) Answer the following questions in the affirmative and negative forms, giving a short and a
long answer, using the proper modal auxiliary, as in the example.

Example: Does there have to be a car in the garage?

Yes, there does.
No, there doesn’t.
Yes, there has to be a car in the garage.
No, there doesn’t have to be a car in the garage.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 329

1.- Must there be a security guard at the entrance? 3.- Does there have to be a vase on the table?

2.- Do there have to be many students in the class? 4.- Must there be a doctor in that office?

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- There mustn’t be a lot of traffic now.

2.- Had there to be a book on the desk?

3.- Do there have to be a teacher in that classroom?

4.- There had to be an error.

5.- Do there must to be two police officers at the

police station?

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- There must be a lot of traffic now. 3.- There has to be a better way to solve that problem.

2.- Do there have to be four candidates for the 4.- Did there have to be a doctor in that office? –Yes,
election? there did.

330 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

5.- There don’t have to be children in that area.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Tiene que haber alguien cuidando a los niños. 4.- Es la hora pico; debe de haber mucho tráfico.

2.- Hay un desfile; debe de haber mucha gente en la 5.- Debe de haber alguien que pueda resolver ese
calle. problema.

3.- ¿Cuántos candidatos tiene que haber? –Tiene

que haber tres.

Write four sentences using there has to be / there have to be / there had to be / there
must be.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 331

1.13.3 SHOULD

El verbo modal “should” significa “debería” y sus principales usos se muestran en la

siguiente tabla.


Se utiliza el verbo modal “should” Ejemplos:


Expresar una obligación moral; sirve • You should visit your parents.
para expresar lo que sería correcto Deberías visitar a tus padres.
hacer. Va seguido de la forma básica del
verbo sin la partícula “to”. • You should be grateful.
Deberías ser agradecido.

La forma interrogativa se forma por • Should we visit them?

inversión auxiliar-pronombre y la ¿Debiéramos visitarlos?
negativa agregando la partícula “not”.
Se puede utilizar la forma contraída • You shouldn’t behave that way.
“shouldn’t”. No deberías comportarte de esa

Dar un consejo o sugerencia, ya sea • You should study a foreign

sobre algo que se debiera hacer o sobre language.
algo que no se debiera hacer. Deberías estudiar una lengua
Frecuentemente se utiliza con: “I think…”
o “I don’t think….” cuando se da una • You shouldn’t eat junk food.
opinión o punto de vista sobre algo. Y No deberías comer comida chatarra.
“Do you think…?” para pedir una opinión
o punto de vista. • I think you should buy that nice
jacket. It suits you very well.
Al igual que “must”, se utiliza también Creo que deberías comprar esa
para hacer una recomendación; sin bonita chaqueta. Te queda muy bien.
embargo, “should” es mucho menos
fuerte que “must”. • I don’t think you should go to bed
so late every day.
Creo que no deberías acostarte tan
tarde todos los días.

• Do you think I should talk to my

¿Crees que debería hablar con mi
-I think you should.

332 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

• You should see that movie.
Deberías ver esa película.
(en este caso, significa que sería
bueno que la vieras; mientras
que con “must” significaría
“debes verla” con el sentido de
“no te la puedes perder”.)

Expresar una opinión. • We should get together more

Deberíamos reunirnos más seguido.

“Should”, a diferencia de “have to” y “must”, indica un deber moral más que una necesidad
u obligación.

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿Qué significa “should”?

Menciona dos usos de “should”.

¿Cómo se pregunta con “should”?

¿Cómo se niega con “should”?

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 333

a) Fill in the blanks with should or shouldn’t.

1.- He visit his parents more often.

2.- You eat too much junk food.

3.- I call her and find out how she is doing.

4.- They be more patient and tolerant.

5.- She be so impolite.

b) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative


1.- You should study Russian. 2.- She should change her ways. 3.- They
should be grateful. 4.- We should visit them. 5.- He should be more

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

c) Rewrite the following sentences using “I think…” as in the example.

Example: You should go now.

I think you should go now.

1.- She should lose weight. 4.- He should take a rest.

2.- You should go to the doctor. 5.- You should get some sleep.

3.- They should buy that car.

334 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

d) Rewrite the following sentences using “I don’t think…” as in the example.

Example: You shouldn’t eat meat.

I don’t think you should eat meat.

1.- She shouldn’t send him a WhatsApp. 5.- You shouldn’t call her.

2.- You shouldn’t hang out with them.

3.- They shouldn’t buy that car.

4.- He shouldn’t work so many hours a day.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 335

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- She should to go on vacation.

2.- You not should smoke so much.

3.- He shouldn’t go to bed so late.

4.- I think you should get a new cell phone.

5.- I think you shouldn’t behave like that.

A continuación se incluyen tablas con vocabulario referente al cuerpo humano, así como a enfermedades y
malestares para facilitar tanto el aprendizaje de este vocabulario como para los ejercicios de traducción.


abdomen abdomen
ankle tobillo
arm brazo
back espalda
beard barba
belly button / navel ombligo
bladder vejiga
blood sangre
bones huesos
bowels / intestin intestinos
brain cerebro
breasts senos
buttocks nalgas
calf / calves pantorrilla / pantorrillas
cheek mejilla
cheekbone pómulo
chest pecho
chin barbilla
ear oído / oreja
elbow codo
eyebrows cejas
eyelashes pestañas
eyelids párpados

336 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

eyes ojos
face cara
finger dedo
fist puño
foot / feet pie / pies
forearm antebrazo
forehead frente
gums encías
hair pelo
hand mano
head cabeza
heart corazón
heel talón
hips caderas
jaws mandíbulas
joints articulaciones
kidney riñón
knee rodilla
leg pierna
lips labios
liver hígado
lungs pulmones
moustache bigote
mouth boca
nails uñas
nape nuca
neck cuello
nipples pezones
nose nariz
ribs costillas
shoulder hombro
skeleton esqueleto
skin piel
skull cráneo
sole planta del pie
spleen bazo
stomach estómago
thigh muslo
throat garganta
thumb dedo pulgar

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 337

toes dedos del pie
tongue lengua
tooth / teeth diente / dientes
umbilical cord cordón umbilical
veins venas
vertebra / vertebrae vértebra / vértebras
wrist muñeca


(bad) cold resfriado / catarro

allergies alergias
anaemia anemia
appendicitis apendicitis
arthritis artritis
asthma asma
bronchitis bronquitis
chest pain dolor de pecho
chickenpox varicela
chills escalofríos
chronic fatigue fatiga crónica
cirrhosis cirrosis
colitis colitis
conjunctivitis conjuntivitis
constipation estreñimiento
cough tos
depression depresión
diabetes diabetes
diarrhea diarrea
dizziness mareo
earache dolor de oído
epilepsy epilepsia
fever fiebre
flu gripe
gastritis gastritis
German measles rubéola
gingivitis gengivitis
headache dolor de cabeza
heart attack infarto / ataque al corazón
herpes herpes

338 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

high blood pressure presión arterial alta
insomnia insomnio
laryngitis laringitis
leukaemia leucemia
measles sarampión
migraine migraña
mumps paperas
pain in the neck / in the back dolor de cuello / de espalda
pneumonia neumonía / pulmonía
red eyes ojos irritados
runny nose escurrimiento nasal
smallpox viruela
sore throat dolor de garganta
stomach infection infección estomacal
stomachache dolor de estómago
stroke embolia / accidente cerebrovascular
toothache dolor de muela
whooping cough tos ferina

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- You should accept that job. 6.- He has high blood pressure. He shouldn’t eat fatty

2.- He should be more responsible.

7.- Do you think I should apply for that job?

3.- We shouldn’t eat junk food. 8.- He had to go to the dentist because he had a

4.- I think she should wear a blue dress to the party.

9.- I think you should jog a mile every day to keep fit.

5.- I have a fever and a runny nose. –You should go

to see the doctor. 10.- He shouldn’t work that hard. He had a heart
attack last month.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 339

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- She should dye her hair black. 13.- You should take some collagen
to strengthen your bones. 14.- She has colitis and gastritis because she
is under a lot of stress. 15.- It’s a good movie. You should see it. 16.- Pete
shouldn’t carry heavy boxes; he broke his arm a couple of months ago.
17.- She has an earache and a sore throat; she should go to the doctor.
18.- Maggie shouldn’t walk much; she sprained her ankle while she was
jogging. 19.- You should stop smoking; you may develop lung cancer.
20.- He has a stomachache and diarrhea; he must have a stomach
infection. 21.- He’s sneezing a lot and has the chills; he must have the
flu. 22.- You shouldn’t drink cold water if you have a bad cold. 23.- His
eyes are red; he may have conjunctivitis. 24.- He has strong arms and
legs; he must work out a lot at the gym. 25.- Her gums are red and they
are bleeding; she must have gingivitis. 26.- I think you should talk to
your boss. 27.- She is musically inclined; she should take piano lessons.
28.- I don’t think you should buy that jacket; it’s too expensive. 29.- He
shouldn’t eat sugar; he has diabetes. 30.- We see with our eyes, we
smell with our nose, we hear with our ears, we talk with our mouth and
tongue, we touch with our hands, and we think with our brain. 31.- Luke
has the mumps; he should stay home and rest. 32.- She should eat more
fiber; she suffers from constipation. 33.- You shouldn’t behave like that.
34.- I have a terrible headache; I think I should take some aspirin. 35.- Do
you have a cough? –No, I don’t.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Deberías ir al gimnasio con nosotros. 5.- Deberías dejar de fumar.

2.- No deberías comportarte así. 6.- Deberías correr diario; es bueno para el corazón.

3.- Creo que deberías estudiar más. 7.- Estás estornudando mucho y tienes escalofrío;
debes tener gripe.

4.- Me duele la garganta, ¿crees que debería ir al

doctor? 8.- Ella tiene los ojos rojos; tal vez tenga conjuntivitis.

340 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

9.- No deberías comer comida chatarra. 10.- Creo que deberías hablar con ella.

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into English.

11.- Pete tiene dolor de estómago y diarrea; debe tener una infección
estomacal. 12.- ¿Crees que debería solicitar ese trabajo? 13.- Creo que
deberías tomar un curso de inglés. 14.- Johnny no pudo ir a la escuela
porque tiene paperas. 15.- Lucy se torció el tobillo mientras corría. 16.-
Deberías comprar esa camisa negra. 17.- Vemos con los ojos y olemos
con la nariz. 18.- El hijo de Lucy tiene sarampión. 19.- No tengo tos,
pero tengo fiebre. 20.- La película está muy buena; deberías verla. 21.-
Deberías hablar con ella. 22.- Él tuvo un infarto el mes pasado. 23.-
¿Tienes dolor de garganta? –No. 24.- Es una buena mujer; deberías
casarte con ella. 25.- Me duele mucho la cabeza; creo que me debería
tomar una aspirina. 26.- Deberías usar gorra y lentes obscuros. 27.- No
deberías comer tanta azúcar; te puede dar diabetes. 28.- No deberías
tomar refresco; deberías tomar agua simple. 29.- Deberías descansar
porque tienes la presión arterial alta. 30.- Luke no debería pasar tanto
tiempo frente a la computadora. 31.- Deberías enviarle un WhatsApp
a Sandy. 32.- Tengo que ir al dentista porque me duele una muela.
33.- Deberías ayudar a tu mamá con el quehacer de la casa. 34.- Creo
que Ron debería ser más responsable. 35.- ¿Crees que debería estudiar

Translate the following dialog –the part in English into Spanish and the part in Spanish into English.



-Hi Ben! Would you like to go to the movies

with us?

-Lo siento. No puedo. Tengo que terminar

mi tarea. Pienso que debo estudiar más

-Really? Why do you think so?

-Quiero entrar a la Universidad, así que

tengo que sacar buenas calificaciones. Mi
hermano no pudo entrar el año pasado
porque no pasó el examen de admisión.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 341

-Estoy de acuerdo contigo, pero también
deberías salir con tus amigos y divertirte.

-Well, I think you’re right. I shouldn’t feel so

overwhelmed and worried, so I’m going to
hurry up with my homework and I may go
with you.




-What’s the matter with you, ma’am?

-Tengo escalofríos y escurrimiento nasal.

Creo que tengo fiebre.

-¿Tiene también dolor de garganta?

-Yes, I do.

-¿Y tiene tos?

-Yes, I sometimes cough.

-Tiene la temperatura alta, señora. Le daré

una receta para unas pastillas y un tónico.

-What else do I have to do?

-Le aconsejo ir a casa y descansar.

342 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write a short paragraph using the modal verbs: can, could, may, have to, had to, must
and should. You can use them in their different forms.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 343


La expresión “there should be” equivale en español a “debería haber”.


Affirmative form There should be more students in the class.

Debería haber más estudiantes en la clase.

Negative form There shouldn’t be more students in the class.

No debería haber más estudiantes en la clase.

Interrogative form Should there be more students in the class?

¿Debería haber más estudiantes en la clase?

Interrogative-negative Shouldn’t there be more students in the class?

form ¿No debería haber más estudiantes en la clase?

a) Change the following sentences to the interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative
forms as in the example.

Example: There should be more people at the party.

Should there be more people at the party?
There shouldn’t be more people at the party.
Shouldn’t there be more people at the party?

1.- There should be an English teacher. 2.- There should be a dog in

the house. 3.- There should be a desk in that room. 4.- There should be
more students in the class.

Interrogative form Negative form Interrogative-negative form

344 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

b) Answer the following questions in the affirmative and negative forms, giving a short and a
long answer, using the proper modal auxiliary, as in the example.

Example: Should there be more people at the party?

Yes, there should.
No, there shouldn’t.
Yes, there should be more people at the party.
No, there shouldn’t be more people at the party.

1.- Should there be a security guard at the entrance? 3.- Should there be two napkin holders on the table?

2.- Should there be many students in the class? 4.- Should there be a doctor in that office?

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- There should be a traffic cop at the corner.

2.- There should be not a phone in the office.

3.- Should be there many students in the classroom?

4.- There should be a doctor in the office.

5.- Not should be there an English teacher at school?

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 345

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- There should be more honest people. 4.- There should be more children in the park.

2.- Should there be new laws to protect animals? 5.- Shouldn’t there be more students at school?

3.- There shouldn’t be so many homeless people.

Translate the following sentences into Engish.

1.- No debería haber tanto ruido. 4.- No debería haber tanta violencia en el mundo.

2.- Debería haber más alumnos en la escuela. 5.- .- Debería haber más cursos de inglés.

3.- ¿Debería haber más libros en la biblioteca?

346 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

1.13 Verbos modales (modal verbs) 347

En esta lección aprenderás:

- La definición de lo que es un verbo frasal.

- Algunos verbos frasales comunes, así como su significado y uso.


Escribe dos metas personales de aprendizaje sobre este tema.



Los verbos frasales, también llamados preposicionales o compuestos son verbos formados
por la combinación de un verbo simple con una partícula, ya sea un adverbio o una
preposición. Estos verbos son muy comunes en inglés y su uso no indica menor o mayor
grado de formalidad; la mayoría de éstos son aceptables en cualquier nivel, ya sea oral o

El verbo simple puede ir seguido de una o más partículas. Por ejemplo, put off (el verbo
put va seguido de una sola partícula, en este caso, la partícula off) o put up with (el verbo
put va seguido de dos partículas, en este caso, por las partículas up y with).

El sustantivo que sufre la acción del verbo compuesto frecuentemente (no siempre)
puede estar colocado ya sea después del verbo compuesto o entre las dos palabras que
lo forman. Por ejemplo: “He took the books away”. En este caso el sustantivo “books” está
colocado entre el verbo “take” y la partícula “away”. “He took away the books”. En este
caso el sustantivo “books” está colocado después del verbo compuesto.

Cuando el sustantivo que sufre la acción del verbo puede colocarse entre el verbo simple
y la partícula, se dice que el verbo frasal es “separable”; cuando esto no es posible, se dice
que el verbo frasal es “inseparable”. En este caso particular, podemos decir, por lo tanto,
que el verbo frasal “take away” es separable. En el siguiente libro de esta colección se
abunda sobre este tipo de casos.

Es importante aclarar también que cuando el sustantivo que recibe la acción del verbo
es sustituido por un pronombre objetivo, éste se coloca siempre entre el verbo simple y
la partícula. Por ejemplo: “He took away the books”. (Él se llevó los libros.) “He took them
away”. (Él se los llevó.) Nótese que el pronombre objetivo “them” está colocado entre el
verbo (took) y la partícula (away). No podría decirse: “He took away them”.

348 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

A continuación se presenta una lista de verbos frasales comunes en inglés.


ask for pedir

be about estar a punto de
be out estar afuera / estar ausente / no tener
be over terminar(se)
blow up explotar / enojarse
break down descomponerse / llorar
break in allanar / entrar a la fuerza
break up (with) terminar una relación / romper
bring about ocasionar / causar / producir
bring up educar / criar
bump into toparse con alguien
call back regresar una llamada
call up llamar por teléfono
calm down calmarse / relajarse
care for importarle (una persona a otra)
carry on continuar (haciendo algo)
catch up alcanzar / emparejarse
cheat on engañar / ser infiel / hacer trampa
check in registrarse
check out pagar la cuenta y marcharse
come across encontrar algo o a alguien por casualidad
come back regresar (de allá para acá)
come in entrar / llegar
come over venir / visitar / reunirse
cool down calmarse / enfriar(se) / refrescarse
cool off enfriarse / controlar un enojo
cross out tachar un nombre (de una lista)
drop off dejar a alguien o algo en algún lugar
drop out desertar / salirse de una institución
eat out comer fuera de casa
end up terminar estando (con alguien o en un lugar)
fall down caerse
fall for enamorarse / dejarse engañar
fill in llenar (espacios de un formato)
fill out llenar (formato o cuestionario)
find out averiguar / descubrir
fuel up llenar el tanque de gasolina

1.14 verbos frasales (phrasal verbs) 349

gas up llenar el tanque de gasolina
get along with llevarse bien con
get away with salirse con la suya
get on subirse
get out salir (de algún lugar)
get up levantarse
give away (a secret) revelar (un secreto)
give back devolver
give up darse por vencido / dejar de hacer algo
go ahead dar permiso para iniciar algo
go back regresar (de aquí para allá)
go down bajar / descender
go down with enfermarse
go out salir (de un lugar)
grow up crecer / madurar
hand out repartir / distribuir (papeles, etc.)
hang out pasar un rato (con alguien o en un lugar)
hang up colgar (la bocina del teléfono o algo)
hold on esperar un tiempo
hurry up apurarse
keep on continuar haciendo algo
kneel down arrodillarse
let down decepcionar / fallarle a alguien
let in dejar entrar / permitir el paso
let up disminuir / parar por completo
line up formar una cola (personas)
look after cuidar
look down ver hacia abajo / ver despectivamente
look for buscar
look forward to añorar / tener deseos (muchas ganas) de
look like parecerse
look up buscar (en un diccionario, directorio)
loosen up aflojar / relajarse
mess up desordenar / revolver / descomponer
miss out perderse de algo / no participar en algo
mix up mezclar / confundir a alguien
move on seguir adelante / continuar
pass away fallecer / morir
pass out desmayarse
pick on molestar / fastidiar

350 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

pick out escoger
pick up recoger / levantar
pour down llover con fuerza
put away guardar / regresar algo a su lugar
put in meter / introducir
put off posponer
put on ponerse una prenda o accesorio
put up with tolerar / soportar
run away huir / escapar(se)
run into toparse con alguien
run out (of) acabársele a uno algo
screw up echar a perder / arruinar / cometer error
show off presumir
show up llegar / presentarse (a un lugar)
sign up inscribirse en / registrarse para algo
sit down sentarse
sleep in quedarse dormido
sleep over quedarse a dormir en casa de alguien
speak out hablar claro / hablar francamente
speak up hablar más fuerte
stand up pararse
stay up desvelarse / quedarse despierto
take after parecerse a
take away llevarse algo
take off quitarse (ropa o accesorios)
take out sacar / extraer
take out on desquitarse con
talk back contestar o responder (a un superior)
tell off regañar
tell on acusar / delatar
think over reflexionar / pensar para decidir algo
throw away tirar algo a la basura
throw up vomitar
tidy up arreglar / limpiar / ordenar
try on probarse una prenda
try out probar algo / experimentar
turn around dar(se) media vuelta
turn down bajar el volumen / rechazar algo
turn off apagar
turn on prender

1.14 verbos frasales (phrasal verbs) 351

turn out resultar
turn over voltear / dar vuelta (a una página)
turn up subir el volumen
wait for esperar a alguien o algo
watch out tener cuidado / estar alerta
work out entrenar / hacer ejercicio
write down anotar / registrar por escrito

Responde las siguientes preguntas.

¿De qué otra manera se les puede llamar a los verbos frasales?

¿Cómo se forman los verbos frasales?

¿Dónde puede colocarse el sustantivo que sufre la acción del verbo

cuando el verbo frasal es separable?

¿Dónde se coloca el pronombre objetivo con verbos frasales


352 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

a) Use the phrasal verbs in the box to complete the sentences. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in
the correct tense and form.

keep on ask for watch out go down with show off

show up give back turn off turn down try on

sign up break up with bump into put in take off

1.- the lights because I want to sleep.

2.- Linda is very sad. She her boyfriend yesterday.

3.- The man his hat when he entered the church.

4.- She’s very vain. She likes to .

5.- ! A car is coming.

6.- I lent my English book to Pete, but he hasn’t it

to me.

7.- John wasn’t feeling well. He the flu.

8.- Luke hasn’t found a job, but he trying.

9.- Cindy invited many of her friends to her birthday party, but just a few of

them .

10.- I want to keep fit; that’s why I in a health club.

11.- Can you the radio, please? It’s too loud.

12.- My father always the car the garage.

13.- I was walking down the street when I suddenly an old


14.- May I you a favor? –Sure.

15.- I don’t think these jeans will fit me. –Why don’t you them

1.14 verbos frasales (phrasal verbs) 353

b) Use the particles in the box to complete the following sentences. You can use the same particle
more than once.

for down away out up after in on off

1.- Speak . I can’t hear you.

2.- Turn the TV. I want to see the news.

3.- The cake is ready. We can take it of the oven.

4.- May I ask you a favor?

5.- You can trust me. I’ll never let you .

6.- Our plane leaves at 6:00 PM, but we have to check three hours in advance.

7.- Many students dropped last semester.

8.- I have to get early tomorrow because I have a class at 7:00 AM.

9.- He hasn’t found where she lives.

10.- I’m looking my keys. I can’t find them.

11.- If you don’t know the meaning of that word, why don’t you look it in a dictionary?

12..- The mother looks her children.

13.- If your car is broken, I can pick you at the corner of your road at eight o’clock.

14.- They had to put the meeting until next week.

15.- Can you help me to hand these brochures?

16.-Lucy’s father passed last week.

17.- Don’t act as a child. Grow !

18.- I took my sweater because I was hot.

19.- The meat went bad. I’m going to throw it .

20.- I have to tidy my room. It’s very dirty.

21.- He slept and got to work late.

22.- We like to hang at the mall on the weekend.

23.- When the police arrived, the thief had already run .

24.- We can go . The rain has let .

25.- Keep . Don’t give .

354 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

c) Rewrite the following sentences replacing the verb in italics with a phrasal verb with the same
meaning as in the example.

Example: Despite the noise, I continued reading.

Despite the noise, I carried on reading.

1.- I can give you her number if you want to telephone 4.- Could you help me to distribute these photocopies?

5.- I waited for her for two hours, but she never
2.- After the war, they never returned to their arrived.

3.- She revealed an important secret.

d) Change the following sentences as in the example.

Example: He figured out the answer.

He figured the answer out.
He figured it out.

1.- He put on his hat. 4.- Jenny turned on the TV.

2.- She turned off the lights. 5.- John put away the books.

3.- We’re looking up the word in a dictionary. 6.- Pete is taking off his shoes.

1.14 verbos frasales (phrasal verbs) 355

Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Identify them
and write the correct sentence on the line.

1.- She liked that nice blue dress and she tried on it.

2.- He gave out smoking.

3.- I work out at the gym every day.

4.- I lent her a book and she never gave it back to me.

5.- Speak out. I can’t hear you.

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1.- I’d like to go back to Paris some day. 6.- The game is over.

2.- He gave up smoking a long time ago. 7.- He filled out the application form.

3.- I still care for you. 8.- Calm down and take it easy.

4.- I called her up several times, but she never called 9.- I was walking down the street when I suddenly
me back. bumped into her.

5.- We’re watching movies at home. Why don’t you 10.- Did you find out her telephone number?
come over?

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to

translate the following sentences into Spanish.

11.- When did Susan break up with her boyfriend? 12.- I’m looking
forward to seeing you. 13.- I need to talk to you. I’ll call you up later. 14.-
What time do you usually get up? 15.- Don’t give up. Carry on. 16.- His
decision will bring about serious consequences.

356 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

17.- I was about to leave home when she called me. 18.- The child has
grown up a lot. 19.- He hung up on me; he was really angry. 20.- My
cell phone didn’t work anymore, so I ended up buying a new one. 21.-
I’m going to put these books away. 22.- Samantha broke up with her
boyfriend because he cheated on her. 23.- I trust you. Don’t let me
down. 24.- She signed up in a health club because she wants to keep
fit. 25.- The rain is letting up. 26.- May I please speak to Mr. Brown? –
Hold on, please. 27.- The students look after their books. 28.- He went
down with the flu. 29.- Hurry up or we will be late for school. 30.- We
like to hang out at the mall on the weekend. 31.- I don’t know which
shirt to pick out. 32.- Can you turn down the radio, please? 33.- I had
a lot of homework and stayed up till very late. 34.- Turn off the lights; I
want to sleep. 35.- Abdiel looks after his father. 36.- They had to put off
the game because of the rain. 37.- Don’t take it out on me; it wasn’t my
fault. 38.- She is very vain; I can’t put up with her. 39.- It’s a good offer,
but I have to think it over anyway. 40.- I slept in and got to work late.
41.- How did you fall down? 42.- I missed some classes. I need to catch
up. 43.- They lied to me and I won’t let them get away with it. 44.- How
many students dropped out last semester? –Not many. 45.- When are
you coming back? –I don’t know yet. 46.- She’s lying to you. Don’t fall
for it. 47.- I was running out of gas, so I stopped at the station and gassed
up early in the morning. 48.- He didn’t like me; he was always picking on
me. 49.- Can you pick me up at four o’clock? 50.- The mother was telling
off the naughty child.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1.- Prende la tele porque quiero ver las noticias. 6.- Muchos alumnos desertaron el semestre pasado.

2.- Estaba a punto de llamar a Ron, cuando llegó. 7.- ¿Puedo pedirte un favor? –Claro.

3.- ¿Te llevas bien con Ed? –Sí, me llevo muy bien 8.- Confío en ti. No me decepciones.
con él.

9.- Gaby cuida a su hermanito.

4.- ¿A quién buscas? –Estoy buscando al Sr. Smith.

10.- El hijo de Cindy ha crecido mucho.

5.- La madre de Jessica murió la semana pasada.

1.14 verbos frasales (phrasal verbs) 357

Now, use your notebook or sheets of paper to
translate the following sentences into English.

11.- ¿Cuándo regresas? –Aún no lo sé. 12.- Tengo muchas ganas de

verte. 13.- ¿Puedo hablar con el Sr. White? –Espere un momento, por
favor. 14.- Sandra terminó con su novio la semana pasada. 15.- Aún me
importas. 16.- Me topé con Judy en el supermercado ayer. 17.- Ella no
se sentía bien y terminó en el hospital. 18.- ¿Se parece Tracy a su mamá?
–Sí. 19.- Aunque Henry se sentía mal, siguió trabajando. 20.- Apúrate
o llegaremos tarde al trabajo. 21.- Entra. Te estamos esperando. 22.-
Mark me engañó, pero no se saldrá con la suya. 23.- No te desquites
conmigo; no fue mi culpa. 24.- Se está calmando la lluvia. 25.- Ellos
son muy presumidos; no los soporto. 26.- No estés triste. Tienes que
continuar con tu vida. 27.- Me gusta esta falda. –¿Por qué no te la
pruebas? 28.- ¿Me puedes recoger a las 6:00? 29.- Tengo que poner
estos libros en su lugar. 30.- Mi hermano dejó de fumar hace un año.
31.- Ella reveló un secreto importante. 32.- Estas palabras son muy
parecidas y es muy fácil confundirlas. 33.- Estuve haciendo cola todo el
día para conseguir los boletos. 34.- El padre de Fred murió hace un mes.
35.- ¿Qué blusa escogiste? 36.- Me desvelé hasta tarde anoche porque
tenía mucha tarea. 37.- No le caigo bien a ese compañero y siempre
me está molestando. 38.- Me inscribí en un gimnasio porque quiero
mantenerme en forma. 39.- Arreglé mi cuarto y tiré muchas cosas. 40.-
Habla fuerte porque no te escucho. 41.- ¡Cuidado! Viene un carro. 42.-
El quería ser arquitecto, pero terminó siendo abogado. 43.- Me quedé
dormido y no llegué a la escuela a tiempo. 44.- Se me estaba acabando
la gasolina, así que me paré en la gasolinera y llené el tanque. 45.- No
me sentía bien; tenía ganas de vomitar. 46.- Cuando llegó la policía, el
ladrón ya se había huido. 47.- ¿Anotaste su número de teléfono (de él)?
–Sí. 48.- Siempre confundo estas dos palabras. 49.- Vino Luke, pero no
lo dejé entrar. 50.- No me cuelgues; necesito decirte algo.

Translate the part in italics into English.

1.- Llene los espacios with the correct word.

2.- Ando buscando a Sandy. Have you by any chance seen her?

3.- Ponte esa camisa negra; it fits you very well.

4.- Debbie is a very likable person. Me llevo muy bien con ella.

5.- I was walking down the street, cuando de repente me topé con Pete.

358 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Translate the following dialog –the part in English into Spanish and the part in Spanish into English.


-Hey Dan! Why didn’t you come to the first


-Me quedé dormido y se me hizo tarde.


-Sí, me desvelé hasta muy tarde porque

tenía que terminar un ensayo para la clase
de literatura. ¿Se presentaron muchos

-No, no muchos, así que el maestro pospu-

so las exposiciones para la siguiente clase.

-Oh, I’m glad to hear that!

1.14 verbos frasales (phrasal verbs) 359

Write five sentences using phrasal verbs.

360 Gramática Inglesa GES 2 Niveles (A1-A2) Primera parte

Write two strengths that you have about
what you have learned.

Write two weaknesses you have about

what you have learned.


Write two new learning goals that you have about
what you have learned.

1.14 verbos frasales (phrasal verbs) 361

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