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Saquearon tractomula involucrada en fatal

accidente en Sincelejo, Sucre

En el vehículo, que transportaba maíz de Barranquilla a Sincelejo, se encontraba el
conductor, quien murió, su esposa y su hija, que resultaron heridas.
Gran indignación causó en Sucre la forma en que actuaron los habitantes del sector El
Bongo ante un fatal accidente de tránsito que involucró a una tractomula, que
transportaba maíz. Pese a que dentro del vehículo volcado se encontraban tres personas
gravemente heridas, quienes presenciaron el hecho prefirieron aprovecharse para
saquear lo que había adentro.

Con carretillas, lonas y hasta baldes, los habitantes de la zona se llevaron la mayor
cantidad de maíz que pudieron. En videos difundidos en redes sociales se evidencia como
varios sujetos continúan llevándose la carga, pese al reproche de las autoridades y a que
las víctimas continuaban en la zona sin ser auxiliadas.

El camión se transportaba de Barranquilla a Sincelejo y, según informaron las

autoridades, adentro estaba el conductor, quien murió, en compañía de su esposa e hija
de un año, que fueron trasladadas al Hospital Nuestra Señora de Las Mercedes de
Corozal, debido a la gravedad de las heridas.

Aunque la causa del accidente sigue siendo materia de investigación, las autoridades
indicaron que el fatal accidente habría ocurrido por un microsueño que tuvo el conductor,
identificado como Luis Carlos Buitrago Ramírez, mientras que con respecto al saqueo
hicieron un llamado a la sensatez a la comunidad.

Este tipo de hechos, recuerdan accidentes como el de Tasajera, Magdalena, donde un

camión cisterna se volcó y explotó justo cuando personas llegaron a la zona para saquear
el combustible.

En un caso similar, en 2020, en Ovejas (Sucre) una tractomula con maíz, que presentó
fallas mecánicas, se volcó. Aunque el conductor pidió ayuda a la comunidad, alrededor de
200 personas se aglomeraron para robar la carga del vehículo.
In the vehicle, which was transporting corn from Barranquilla to Sincelejo, was the driver,
who died, his wife and daughter, who were injured.
Great indignation was caused in Sucre by the way in which the inhabitants of the El Bongo
sector acted in the face of a fatal traffic accident involving a tractor-trailer carrying corn.
Although three people were seriously injured inside the overturned vehicle, those who
witnessed the event preferred to take advantage of it to loot what was inside.
With wheelbarrows, tarps and even buckets, the inhabitants of the area took as much corn
as they could. In videos broadcast on social networks, it is evident how several subjects
continue to carry the load, despite the reproach of the authorities and the fact that the
victims continued in the area without being helped.
The truck was being transported from Barranquilla to Sincelejo and, according to the
authorities, the driver was inside, who died, accompanied by his wife and one-year-old
daughter, who were taken to the Hospital Nuestra Señora de Las Mercedes in Corozal,
due to the severity of injuries.
Although the cause of the accident is still under investigation, the authorities indicated that
the fatal accident would have occurred due to a micro-sleep that the driver, identified as
Luis Carlos Buitrago Ramírez, had, while regarding the looting they called for common
sense to the community.
These types of events are reminiscent of accidents such as the one in Tasajera,
Magdalena, where a tanker truck overturned and exploded just as people arrived in the
area to loot the fuel.
In a similar case, in 2020, in Ovejas (Sucre), a tractor trailer with corn, which had
mechanical failures, overturned. Although the driver asked the community for help, around
200 people gathered to steal the cargo from the vehicle.

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