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El sueo devora la existencia: es lo que tiene de bueno. Ren de Chateaubriand

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EJERCICIO FISICO - Parte 2/2. Amigos, tiempo de dejar un poco las redes sociales y, por lo menos, caminar ya que la vida sedentaria aumenta los factores de riesgo para el aparato cardiovascular. Ofrecemos aqu la segunda y ltima parte de un informe de salud que puede animarte a tomar la iniciativa. Para tu comodidad, intercalamos un vocabulario blinge a lo largo del audiotexto. Descarga el audio a tu reproductor porttil o computadora y podrs practicar ingls mientras viajas o cuando regresas a casa. Pulsa la palabra "AUDIO" para escuchar. Para descargar acerca la flecha del ratn a "AUDIO" y con botn derecho selecciona la opcin "Guardar Archivo (o Destino) Como" y guarda el archivo en tu computadora.



So, what are some of the most popular physical activities in the United States? Walking tops the list. A 2006 report from the C.D.C. found that more than seventy-nine million Americans walk to stay physically fit.
tops the list: encabeza la lista; C.D.C.: Center for Disease Control and Prevention; found that: detect que, descubri que; fit: en forma;

For many people it is considered the easiest way to get exercise. It does not require a health club membership. Walking is safe. And, it is said to be as valuable for ones health as more intense forms of exercise like jogging. Walking is also reported to be less damaging to the knees and feet. This makes it a better choice of exercise for older adults.
the easiest way to get: la forma ms sencilla de hacer; require: requiere; membership: membresa, asociacin; as valuable: tan valioso; as more intense forms: como formas ms intensas; less damaging: menos perjudicial; knees: rodillas; feet: pies; a better choice: una mejor eleccin;

Another popular form of exercise is jogging, or running at a slow to medium speed. USA Track and Field Hall of Famer, Bill Bowerman, is credited with bringing jogging to the United States in the nineteen seventies. He did so after witnessing the popularity of the activity himself during a trip to New Zealand in the nineteen sixties. He started the first running club in America and wrote a book about jogging for fitness. Bill Bowerman also helped establish Nike, the tennis shoe company.
slow: lenta; speed: velocidad; hall of famer: luminaria; is credited with bringing: se le atribuye haber trado; after witnessing: despus de ver; during: durante; fitness: aptitud fsica; establish: afincar, fundar; tennis shoe: zapatillas de tenis;

Jogging provides great physical conditioning for the heart and lungs. And, it increases the flow of blood and oxygen in the body. All of these things combined help to improve heart activity, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and reduce bone and muscle loss. Running is also a good way to lose weight. People burn an average of 160 calories a kilometer while running.
provides: provee, entrega; lungs: pulmones; increases: aumenta; flood of blood: torrente sanguneo; to improve: a mejorar; lower: ms baja, menor; pressure: presin; levels: niveles; bone: hueso; muscle loss: prdida muscular; to lose weight: para perder peso; burn: quema; average: promedio; while running: mientras corre, al correr;

The Census Bureau says swimming was the third most popular sports

activity in the United States in 2007. The top two were walking and exercising with equipment. Swimming is said to be one of the best ways to exercise. Nearly all of the major muscle groups are put to work.
swimming: la natacin; is said to be: se dice que es; nearly all: casi todos; major: principales, ms importantes; are put to work: se ponen en movimiento;

Swimming also presents less risk of muscle and joint injury because of the bodys weightlessness in water. This makes it a great choice of exercise for people with special needs, like pregnant women, older adults, and persons who are overweight.
less risk of: menor riesgo de; joint injury: lesin de ligamentos; weightlessness: ingravidez; a great choice: una gran opcin; pregnant women: mujeres embarazadas; who are overweight: que tienen sobrepeso;

Water aerobics is another popular form of exercise. This can be anything from walking or running against the resistance of water, to doing jumping jacks in the water. There is a debate about whether or not swimming burns as many calories as other forms of exercise. But one thing is sure: the effects on your health are just as great.
anything from: cualquier cosa desde; against: contra; jumping jacks: saltitos (saltar sin desplazarse abriendo y cerrando las piernas y juntando y separando los brazos); whether or not: si o no; as many calories as: tantas caloras como; great: estupendas;

Whatever kind of exercise you choose, experts agree that you should start small and work your way up. Start by exercising ten minutes a day two times a week. After a few weeks, increase your time to fifteen or twenty minutes, and increase the number of days.
whatever kind of: cualquiera sea el tipo de; agree that: concuerdan en que; should start: deberas comenzar; work your way up: ir aumentndolo progresivamente; start by exercising: comienza por ejercitarte; two times a week: dos veces por semana;

Next, try to increase the intensity of your workout. If you have been walking,

try walking faster, or take turns between walking and jogging. And try not to forget those muscle strengthening exercises. The more time you spend exercising, the more health benefits you get. Health experts advise people who have been physically inactive to have a complete physical exam before beginning a new exercise program.
next: a continuacin; workout: ejercicio fsico; take turns between: alterna entre; muscle strengthening: fortalecimiento muscular; the more time: cuanto ms tiempo; spend: pasas; the more health benefits: ms beneficios sanos; get: obtienes; advise: aconsejan;

If one of your goals is to lose weight, you will also need to change how and what you eat. To lose weight, you must use or burn off more calories than you take in. A pound of fat is equal to about 453 grams or 3,500 calories. To lose that fat in a week, you have to burn off at least that amount in calories or eat that much less. The best thing to do is to combine both ideas. Eat fewer calories and increase your activity so that you burn off more.
goals: objetivos; to change: cambiar; how and what: cmo y qu; must: debes; burn off: gastar, quemar; than you take in: que las que ingieres; pound of fat: libra de grasa; at least: por lo menos, como mnimo; amount: cantidad; eat that much less: eliminar esa cantidad de lo que comes; both ideas: ambas alternativas; fewer: menos; so that: a fin de;

The National Institute of Health suggests that women limit their calories to no less than 1,200 calories a day without medical supervision. For men, the number is no less than 2,500. The American government also says a healthy diet is one that is high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
suggests: sugiere; limit: limiten; without: sin; healthy diet: dieta sana; high in: elevada en; whole grains: granos enteros.

viaje cautivante a travs de los siglos y de las civilizaciones en busca del origen ms remoto de las palabras que empleamos en nuestra vida cotidiana. Constituyen una introduccin accesible a la historia de las palabras, escrita con rigor implacable, pero de lectura agradable incluso para los principiantes. Ver reseas de estos libros

El lucero del alba, junto a la luna lucero Proviene del verbo latino luceo, lucere, que significaba 'brillar', 'lucir', 'iluminar' y provena de lux (luz). Lucet in ore rubor (el rubor le brilla en el rostro) deca Ovidio. El espaol decimos tambin lucero para referirnos al planeta Venus, para nosotros, el ms brillante de los que orbitan en torno al sol. Segn de qu lado del sol se encuentre, Venus puede aparecer antes del amanecer el lucero del alba o despus de la puesta del sol el lucero vespertino, aunque tambin se aplica a los astros ms brillantes. Errata: En el ltimo envo comet un error cuando atribu la malaria a microorganismos del tipo clostrdium, que causan el ttanos y el botulismo entre otras enfermedades. El vector del paludismo o malaria es en realidad un protozoario del gnero de los plasmodios, como est asentado desde hace aos en nuestro diccionario etimolgico, en la entrada correspondiente a malaria. Agradezco a los centenares de lectores que advirtieron el error y gentilmente me lo hicieron notar; lamento no poder agradecerles personalmente a todos. Para recibir en su correo La palabra del dia, suscrbase gratis aqu

Nos duos turba sumus

Nosotros dos formamos una muchedumbre, Ovidio, Metamorfosis, 1, 355

cono se escribe con o sin tilde?

R: Se admiten las dos grafas; en Espaa se usa mayoritariamente en su forma llana, en Amrica se prefiere la palabra esdrjula. Basado en respuestas del Consultorio de la lengua espaola http:// www. consultas.php, entre otras fuentes.

Apellido procedente de las cercanas de Ponferrada, en la provincia de Len, desde donde se extendi a Galicia, pasando a Orense y de ah a la provincia de Pontevedra, sobre todo a Cangas de Morrazo y a Marn. Armas: en campo de plata, dos encinas de sinople, arrancadas, con un lobo, de sable, pasante a los troncos. NO atendemos consultas sobre apellidos. Por ampliacin de los datos sobre este apellido o consultas sobre otros, vea http://www. apellidosenlinea. com (se trata de un servicio por pago).

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