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Datos geométricos

h = 2.800 [m] Altura entrepiso

b = 1.500 [m] Ancho de la gualdera escalera
d = 1.500 [m] Ancho del descanso
S = 0.000 [m] Separación entre gualderas
H = 0.250 [m] Huella peldaño

CH est = 0.180 [m] Altura Contrahuella máxima

N° P = 16.0 Número de alturas para peldaños
CH = 0.175 [m] Contrahuella peldaño real

Pend = 0.700 % Pendiente gualderas

Ang = 35.0 Grados Ángulo de inclinación escalera
hd = 7.00 [m] Altura del descanso
L1 = 1.750 [m] Longitud horizontal de la primera gualdera
L2 = 2.000 [m] Longitud horizontal de la segunda gualdera


CD = 120 [Kg/m²] Carga muerta distribuida peldaño

CL = 500 [Kg/m²] Carga viva distribuida
WP = 50 [Kg/m²] Carga muerta linealmente distribuida pasamanos


Elemento Material
Elementos principales gualderas Tubo estructural 100 x 200 x 4mm
Elementos uniones descanso Tubo estructural 100 x 200 x 4mm
Peldaños Ángulo 2 x 2 x 3/16"

El analisis estructural y el diseño se realizó por

medio del software de elementos finitos
SAP2000. Se realizó la asignación de las cargas
muertas y cargas vivas.

Las cargas de los pasamanos se asignan a

ambos lados de la gualdera en todo el contorno
del descanso


A = 6.5 [Tonf]
B = 1.7 [Tonf]
C = 3.7 [Tonf]
D = 6.5 [Tonf]
E = 2.2 [Tonf]
F = 2.2 [Tonf]

Asignación de elementos Viste deformación estructura bajo cargas

ΔL = 0.015 [m] Deflexión máxima por carga viva

ΔD = 0.009 [m] Deflexión máxima por carga muerta
Diseño conexión

b = 0.300 [m] Ancho platina

h = 0.300 [m] Alto platina
db = 0.040 [m] Distancia al borde
dh = 0.040 [m] Distancia al borde
t = 0.009 [m] Espesor platina

fy = 36 [Ksi] Resistencia acero


Reacciones en lo apoyos Diagramas de momento sobre la estructura

Diagramas de cortante sobre la estructura Diagramas de torsión sobre la estructura

Indices de sobre esfuerzo elementos metálicos Esfuerzos sobre los elementos de tipo shell

TABLE: Joint Reactions

Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
A Elvolvente Combination -7483 -204 6256 0 0 0
B Elvolvente Combination -161 -185 1642 0 0 0
C Elvolvente Combination 828 -1031 3668 0 0 0
D Elvolvente Combination 6162 1167 6353 0 0 0
E Elvolvente Combination 525 63 2033 0 0 0
F Elvolvente Combination 129 191 2144 0 0 0

TABLE: Modal Periods And Frequencies la Guia 11 - Vibrations of Steel-Framed

OutputCase StepNum Period Frequency CircFreq Eigenvalue Structural Systems Due to Human
Text Unitless Sec Cyc/sec rad/sec rad2/sec2 Activity - AISC - para evaluar los
MODAL 1 0.0902 11.1 69.6 4848 criterios de vibración por el transito
MODAL 2 0.0513 19.5 122.6 15020 humano que la frecuencia natural de
MODAL 3 0.0440 22.7 142.7 20358 vibración de la estructura sea mayor a
MODAL 4 0.0383 26.1 164.0 26889 9 Hz.
MODAL 5 0.0316 31.7 199.1 39625
MODAL 6 0.0310 32.2 202.4 40974 CUMPLE
MODAL 7 0.0298 33.6 211.1 44567
MODAL 8 0.0239 41.8 262.7 69017
MODAL 9 0.0236 42.3 265.7 70622
MODAL 10 0.0162 61.6 386.8 149577
MODAL 11 0.0158 63.3 397.7 158132
MODAL 12 0.0119 84.2 529.1 279988
TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3
Text m Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
2 0.000 Envolvente Combination 21.4 642.4 0.3 -153.4 24.9 343.5
2 0.500 Envolvente Combination 21.4 683.4 0.3 -153.4 24.7 12.1
2 1.000 Envolvente Combination 21.4 724.4 0.3 -153.4 24.6 -339.9
2 1.500 Envolvente Combination 21.4 765.4 0.3 -153.4 24.4 -712.3
3 0.000 Envolvente Combination 30.1 -336.8 0.0 51.3 -24.6 -65.2
3 0.500 Envolvente Combination 30.1 -295.8 0.0 51.3 -24.6 93.0
3 1.000 Envolvente Combination 30.1 -254.8 0.0 51.3 -24.6 230.6
3 1.500 Envolvente Combination 30.1 -213.8 0.0 51.3 -24.6 347.8
4 0.000 Envolvente Combination 88.8 421.5 1.6 -145.6 24.9 356.4
4 0.500 Envolvente Combination 88.8 462.5 1.6 -145.6 24.1 135.3
4 1.000 Envolvente Combination 88.8 503.5 1.6 -145.6 23.3 -106.2
4 1.500 Envolvente Combination 88.8 544.5 1.6 -145.6 22.5 -368.2
5 0.000 Envolvente Combination 85.7 -579.8 -2.0 160.5 -24.4 -297.4
5 0.500 Envolvente Combination 85.7 -538.8 -2.0 160.5 -23.4 -17.8
5 1.000 Envolvente Combination 85.7 -497.8 -2.0 160.5 -22.4 241.4
5 1.500 Envolvente Combination 85.7 -456.8 -2.0 160.5 -21.4 480.1
6 0.000 Envolvente Combination -126.1 -9.4 -7.6 -27.9 18.4 -219.0
6 0.500 Envolvente Combination -126.1 31.6 -7.6 -27.9 22.2 -224.6
6 1.000 Envolvente Combination -126.1 72.6 -7.6 -27.9 26.0 -250.6
6 1.500 Envolvente Combination -126.1 113.6 -7.6 -27.9 29.8 -297.2
7 0.000 Envolvente Combination -67.3 -549.2 -1.6 65.7 -26.2 -610.0
7 0.500 Envolvente Combination -67.3 -538.2 -1.6 65.7 -25.4 -338.2
7 1.000 Envolvente Combination -67.3 -527.2 -1.6 65.7 -24.5 -71.8
7 1.500 Envolvente Combination -67.3 -516.2 -1.6 65.7 -23.7 189.0
8 0.000 Envolvente Combination 11.6 907.1 -0.3 37.2 24.8 285.1
8 0.500 Envolvente Combination 11.6 948.1 -0.3 37.2 25.0 -178.6
8 1.000 Envolvente Combination 11.6 989.1 -0.3 37.2 25.1 -662.9
8 1.500 Envolvente Combination 11.6 1030.1 -0.3 37.2 25.3 -1167.7
10 0.000 Envolvente Combination -917.5 -845.8 34.2 -3.0 -1.4 -1.8
10 0.271 Envolvente Combination -904.7 -827.6 34.2 -3.0 -10.7 225.1
10 0.543 Envolvente Combination -607.6 -398.7 15.9 42.3 -42.6 380.3
10 0.814 Envolvente Combination -278.6 -77.1 45.6 54.0 -43.5 485.5
10 0.814 Envolvente Combination 4.5 164.5 76.5 56.4 -24.1 592.1
10 1.085 Envolvente Combination 265.6 368.3 105.9 53.7 -20.3 663.9
10 1.356 Envolvente Combination 278.3 386.5 105.9 53.7 -49.0 561.5
10 1.356 Envolvente Combination 496.0 516.3 139.5 48.1 -19.5 680.7
10 1.628 Envolvente Combination 508.8 534.5 139.5 48.1 -57.4 538.1
10 1.628 Envolvente Combination 700.8 606.8 187.4 42.3 -22.8 645.9
10 1.899 Envolvente Combination 713.5 625.0 187.4 42.3 -73.6 478.8
10 1.899 Envolvente Combination 883.8 632.7 119.1 39.7 -34.8 564.0
10 2.170 Envolvente Combination 1059.7 564.3 -827.7 51.8 -23.2 438.8
10 2.441 Envolvente Combination 1072.5 582.6 -827.7 51.8 201.4 283.2
TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2 M3
Text m Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
21 0.000 Envolvente Combination -8827.5 -1110.9 1544.0 -258.1 459.1 -369.6
21 0.271 Envolvente Combination -8840.3 -1092.7 1544.0 -258.1 40.2 -70.7
21 0.543 Envolvente Combination -8773.4 -1018.7 425.8 -146.5 3.0 196.3
21 0.814 Envolvente Combination -8759.5 -905.3 244.5 -68.8 8.4 380.3
21 0.814 Envolvente Combination -8769.0 -772.4 205.6 -17.8 65.9 278.7
21 1.085 Envolvente Combination -8781.8 -754.1 205.6 -17.8 10.1 485.7
21 1.356 Envolvente Combination -8840.3 -565.2 166.1 14.1 12.5 517.6
21 1.356 Envolvente Combination -8920.9 -356.9 127.5 32.3 52.0 385.1
21 1.628 Envolvente Combination -8933.6 -338.7 127.5 32.3 17.5 479.4
21 1.628 Envolvente Combination -9047.2 -94.0 89.1 39.5 49.7 351.5
21 1.899 Envolvente Combination -9060.0 -75.7 89.1 39.5 25.5 374.5
21 2.170 Envolvente Combination -9220.6 218.7 50.2 34.8 34.2 206.5
21 2.170 Envolvente Combination -9432.8 496.0 52.4 -3.6 15.8 124.3
21 2.441 Envolvente Combination -9445.6 514.2 52.4 -3.6 1.6 -12.7
87 0.000 Envolvente Combination 68.7 -972.1 606.0 -98.8 164.8 -46.8
87 0.271 Envolvente Combination 56.0 -953.9 606.0 -98.8 0.5 214.5
87 0.543 Envolvente Combination 76.6 -898.9 123.3 -109.7 -23.2 431.8
87 0.814 Envolvente Combination -2.5 -744.3 100.5 -102.3 5.8 487.4
87 1.085 Envolvente Combination -15.3 -726.1 100.5 -102.3 -21.5 686.8
87 1.356 Envolvente Combination -112.6 -585.0 96.9 -96.7 -19.6 728.8
87 1.628 Envolvente Combination -243.8 -406.9 82.7 -92.6 -15.1 716.5
87 1.899 Envolvente Combination -157.3 187.6 -139.8 -107.2 6.9 515.4
87 2.170 Envolvente Combination -170.1 205.8 -139.8 -107.2 44.8 462.0
87 2.441 Envolvente Combination -182.8 224.0 -139.8 -107.2 82.8 403.7
96 0.000 Envolvente Combination -664.7 -713.1 1322.4 116.1 239.0 -268.0
96 0.271 Envolvente Combination -652.0 -694.9 1322.4 116.1 -119.7 -77.0
96 0.543 Envolvente Combination 167.6 -296.4 108.7 -29.5 16.1 222.9
96 0.814 Envolvente Combination 180.3 -278.2 108.7 -29.5 -13.4 300.8
96 1.085 Envolvente Combination 613.3 261.1 118.9 -73.2 23.1 480.4
96 1.356 Envolvente Combination 774.5 462.8 120.3 -86.3 24.3 503.6
96 1.628 Envolvente Combination 897.1 613.2 120.4 -95.0 23.1 458.9
96 1.899 Envolvente Combination 909.9 631.4 120.4 -95.0 -9.6 290.1
96 2.170 Envolvente Combination 995.8 730.1 66.0 -99.6 -1.2 152.7
96 2.170 Envolvente Combination 1066.1 748.0 -420.9 -92.5 11.5 172.6
96 2.441 Envolvente Combination 1078.8 766.2 -420.9 -92.5 125.6 -32.8
164 0.000 Envolvente Combination -2033.4 -524.6 -63.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
164 0.700 Envolvente Combination -2018.0 -524.6 -63.3 0.0 44.3 367.2
164 1.400 Envolvente Combination -2002.6 -524.6 -63.3 0.0 88.6 734.4
166 0.000 Envolvente Combination -2144.2 -128.8 -190.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
166 0.700 Envolvente Combination -2128.8 -128.8 -190.9 0.0 133.6 90.2
166 1.400 Envolvente Combination -2113.4 -128.8 -190.9 0.0 267.2 180.4
Datos de diseño

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