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AQPlan 21 100

Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa


n el proceso de elaboración del Plan
Estratégico de Arequipa, han participado • Manuel Verdegal Salas, Universidad San Pablo
instituciones del sector público y privado, • Jorge Herrera Paredes, Oficina de Planificación de
colegios profesionales, universidades, ONG’s, AUTODEMA
organizaciones de la sociedad civil, profesionales
independientes y personas en general, lo que ha • Alberto Arredondo Polar, Instituto PROSUR
permitido recoger e integrar aportes e iniciativas que • Oswaldo Zeballos Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional
están contenidos dentro de la propuesta. A de San Agustín
continuación presentamos la relación de los
participantes en talleres y foros realizados en el proceso • Fredy Arias Llerena, AQPLAN 21
de elaboración del Plan.
• Catherina Martín Valdivia, Municipalidad Provincial
de Arequipa

1. LAS MESAS TEMATICAS • César Luque Arróspide, Municipalidad Provincial de

1.1. MESA TEMATICA: ECONOMICO • Jorge Cárdenas Cuba, Maestría en Planificación y
Gestión Urbana Ambiental FAU UNSA
• Econ. Jorge Lira Torres • Jesús Chacón, AQPLAN 21
• Ángel Paz Gutiérrez, Facultad de Economía UNSA • Luis Huaco Zúñiga, ProChili
• Edgardo Paredes Briceño, Facultad de Economía
• Alberto Muñoz Nájar Friederich, Secretaría Técnica
de la Macro Región Sur 1.2. MESA TEMATICA: SOCIAL

• Luis Maldonado Valz, Superintendencia del Centro

• Soc. Noel Abarca Begazo
• Alfredo López Luján, Unidad de Servicios
• Carmen Delia Vásquez, Dirección de Planificación y
Educativos Norte
Presupuesto de la Municipalidad Provincial de
Arequipa • Olivia Pickman León, Equipos Docentes
• Manuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Maestría de • Jorge Cerpa Lizárraga, Instituto Superior
Planificación y Gestión Urbano Ambiental FAU Pedagógico Arequipa
• Edgar Alarcón Aranda, C.E. 40315 José María
• Dora Guillén de Arce, Comisión de Gestión Arguedas
• Luz Pareja Vargas, CEI Pedro Diez Canseco
• Bernabé Pacheco Santos, Colegio de Economistas
de Arequipa

AQPlan 21 101
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Víctor Dibán Rojas, Dirección de Desarrollo e • Lucila Acosta La Vera, Jefa de Salud a las Personas
Infraestructura Urbana de la Municipalidad de José del Hospital Goyeneche
Luis Bustamante y Rivero
• Ludmila Murillo Núñez, Jefatura del Departamento
• Beatriz Vilca Pacheco, ONG “El Taller” de Estudios y Proyectos de SEDAPAR
• Vicente Rivera Pinto, Secretaría General del SUTEP • Ubaldo Portocarrero Luján, Asistente de
Colocaciones de BANMAT
• Lida Villanueva Paredes Secretaría de Asuntos
Pedagógicos del SUTE • Luis Tejeda, Asesoría Técnica de ESSALUD
• Jorge Pacheco Tejada, Colegio Anglo Americano
• José Lizárraga Barreda, Consorcio de Centros
Educativos Católicos de Arequipa
• José Espinoza Loayza, Instituto para la • Soc. Edwin Guzmán Espezúa
Investigación Pedagógica Yachay Wasi
• Carmen Delia Vásquez, Dirección de Planificación y
• Arturo Portilla Valdivia, CEDER Presupuesto de la Municipalidad Provincial de
• Héctor Rodríguez Alvarez, Oficina de Planificación Arequipa
de la DREA • Isolina Berroa Atencio, Planta de Certificación y
• Lucila Frisancho Aguirre, Sociedad de Control de Emisiones Vehiculares de la
Beneficiencia de Arequipa Sector PROMUDEH Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa

• René Regente Pacheco, Desarrollo Urbano de la • Eliana Vásquez Díaz, Salud y Ecología de la
Municipalidad de J.D. Hunter Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa

• Juan Tejada Calderón, Jefatura Zonal de Arequipa • Edgardo Ramírez Chirinos, AQPLAN 21
de FONCODES • Noe Abarca, Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Mary Vásquez de Poémape, Comisión de • César Luque, Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
Promoción Social y Participación Ciudadana de la
Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa • Anje Meuten, Estudiante

• José Calienes Zamudio, Asesoría Técnica de la • Eileen Bellido, Bachiller

Municipalidad de Cayma
• Yohan Tellez, Estudiante
• Jorge Jara Valencia, Dirección Ejecutiva de
• Katia Romero, Estudiante
Desarrollo y Gestión
• Roberto Flóres, Pro-Chili, MPA
• José Cuentas Zavala, Dirección de Proyectos de
Desarrollo y Gestión • Pablo de la Vera, Museo UNSA
• Julio Saenz Chávez, Asesoría Técnica de ESSALUD • Carlos Zeballos, Pro-Chili, MPA
• Áurea Mendoza Enríquez, Centro de Salud San • Vítor Rendón, Independiente
Martín (MINSA)
• Bianca Karst, Estudiante
• Elvis Román Díaz, Dirección Regional de Salud
• Jorge Béjar, ProChili

AQPlan 21 102
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
1.4. MESA TEMATICA: FISICO TERROTORIAL • Julio Arce Muñoz, Colegio de Arquitectos del Perú
• Teresa Zavala y Concretas, Colegio de Ingenieros
• Arq. César Luque Arróspide del Perú
• Franco Mena, Dirección de Vivienda • Luis Málaga Gonzáles, Facultad de Arquitectura
• Pompeyo Velásquez, Dirección de Vivienda UNSA

• Fredy Arias Llerena, AQPLAN 21 • Juan Salvatierra Chirinos, Telefónica del Perú

• Jorge Herrera, Proyecto Majes

• César Márquez Mares, Universidad Nacional de 1.5. MESA TEMATICA: TRAFICO Y TRANSPORTE
San Agustín
• Fernando Málaga, Universidad Nacional de San • Ms. Arq. Mauricio Huaco Zúñiga
• Raúl Damiani Najarro, AQPLAN 21
• José Cuentas Zavala Rondón, Centro Internacional
de Desarrollo Humano • César Luque Arróspide, Dirección de Transporte de
la Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Groverly Núñez Monar, Universidad Nacional de
San Agustín • Víctor Salas Zea, Dirección de Transporte de la
Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Enrique Salas Zegarra, Universidad Nacional de
San Agustín • Hilario Caripo Zúñiga, Presidente ASCORA

• Noe Abarca Begazo, Municipalidad Provincial de • Roberto Miranda Quintanilla, Secretario de Defensa
Arequipa de ASCORA

• Juan Arenas Neira, AQPLAN 21 • Aldilio Valdivia Rodríguez, Catastro y Crecimiento

Urbano de la Municipalidad de Sachaca
• Gustavo Delgado Alvarado, AQPLAN 21
• María Ventura Mamani, Secretaría SUTMA
• Edgardo Ramírez Chirinos, AQPLAN 21
• Edgar Valcárcel Díaz, Presidente CETUAR
• Raúl Damiani Najarro, AQPLAN 21
• Evelia Medrano Guevara, Municipalidad de
• Juan Purisaca Serruto, SENCICO Arequipa Miraflores
• Jorge Jara Valencia, Centro Internacional de • Juan Tapia Rodríguez, Director Ejecutivo CIPAD
Desarrollo Humano
• Alejandro Paredes Vizcarra, Regidor de la Comisión
• Roberto Rodríguez Damián, Cuerpo de Bomberos de Transporte de la Municipalidad de José Luis
del Perú Bustamante y Rivero
• Melva Morón Fernández, AQPLAN 21 • Nazareth Meza Quispe, Obras Públicas de la
Municipalidad de J.D. Hunter
• Gracia Torreblanca Rosas, AQPLAN 21
• Fidel Huamani Corimanya, Obras Públicas de la
• Jorge Cárdenas Cuba, Maestría de Planificación y
Municipalidad de Cayma
Gestión Urbana Ambiental FAU UNSA
• Fresia Olivera Gonza, Estudios y Catastro de la
• Manuel Guerra Arce, SENCICO Arequipa
Municipalidad de J.D. Hunter

AQPlan 21 103
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Rony Villafuerte Hinojosa, Representaciones Viales • Jesús Chacón Villalba, AQPLAN 21
del Sur
• Juan Ortiz Villalta, Municipalidad de Yanahuara
• Percy Torres Segovia, Oficina Técnica de
Planificación y Presupuesto DRTCMC • Rosario Talavera, ADEGOPA

• Víctor Quispe Chinche, Secretaría de Transporte de • Maribel Solís Tejada, ADEGOPA

AUPA • Fernando Málaga Gonzáles, Universidad Nacional
• Néstor Rojas Cornejo, Investigación de Accidentes a San Agustín
de Tránsito Policía Nacional del Perú • Andrés Iturriaga Alemán, Asociación de
• María Teresa Miranda Fernández, Empresa Señor Propietarios del Cercado
de la Amargura S.A. • Luis Maldonado Valz, Superintendencia del centro
• Raúl Cahuana Acayú, Empresa Los Escorpiones Histórico
S.A. • Alvaro Zúñiga Alfaro, Instituto Nacional de Cultura
• Juan José Arenas Neira, AQPLAN 21 • Luis Fernando Málaga Gonzáles, Universidad
• Percy Madariaga Caoquira, Programa Aire Limpio Nacional de San Agustín
DESA/RSA • Fredy Arias, AQPLAN 21
• Jorge Cárdenas Cuba, Maestría de Planificación y
gestión Urbana Ambiental FAU UNSA


• MSc.Arq. Catherina Martin Valdivia,

Superintendencia del Centro Histórico.
• Jorge Oviedo, Colegio de Periodistas del Perú
• Angel Guillén Cárdenas, Instituto Nacional de
DE AREQUIPA 12 y 13 julio 2001
• Edwin Guzmán Espezúa, Asociación Civil LABOR
• Noe Abarca Begazo, Municipalidad Provincial de
• Luis Ampuero B., Municipalidad Provincial de
• Judith Constantínides Grajeda, Asociación Civil
• Jorge Calle R., Municipalidad Provincial de
• Pompeyo Velásquez Lobatón, Dirección de
• Carmen Delia Vásquez, Municipalidad Provincial de
Vivienda de MITINCI
• Stanley Simons Camino, Universidad San Pablo
• José Lombardi Indacochea, Hábitat Arequipa
• Luis Sardón, Instituto Nacional de Cultura
• Arturo Portilla Valdivia, CEDER
• Edgar Flores Hinojosa, Dirección regional de
• Noel Abarca B., Municipalidad Provincial de
Industria y Turismo de MITINCI

AQPlan 21 104
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Judith Constantinides Grajeda, LABOR • Aníbal Salas Flores, Municipalidad Distrital de Selva
• Cesar Luque Arróspide, Municipalidad Provincial de
Arequipa • Rosa Dávila Fernández, Radio 1160
• Víctor Salas Zea, Municipalidad Provincial de • Jorge Ojeda R., AUTODEMA
• María Cutimbo Lozano
• Miriam del Carpio Almuelle, AQPlan 21
• Jorge Bejar Apacea, Municipalidad Provincial de
• Rafael Valencia Dongo, Congresista Arequipa
• Edwin Guzmán, LABOR • Fleckinger Stéphanie, Municipalidad Provincial de
• Julio Azpilicueta Barbachán, AQPlan 21
• Jaime Paredes Calla, Libertad de Expresión
• Luis Zarauz, CIED
• Carlos Escalante, INADUR
• Julio Díaz Palacios, FCPV REDAL 21
• Rosario Romero, INADUR
• Juana Loayza de Espinoza, Yachay Wasi
• Víctor Hugo Paucar, Radio Continental
• Mauricio Huaco Zúñiga, PROCHILI
• Filomeno Quispe Flores, CSN
• Jorge Cárdenas Cuba, AQPlan 21
• Juan Francisco Valderrama
• Juan Manuel Carpio Sánchez, Municipalidad
Provincial de Arequipa • Patricia López, Arequipa Visión
• Javier Gallegos, CECYCAP • Julio Steven, Radio Encuentro
• Walter Ruiz Bueno • Leonor Murguia, Radio Universidad
• Paúl Maquet, INADUR • Maruja Valencia, Diario Ojo
• José Valdivia Bernedo, Banco de Materiales
• Maribel Mendoza Luque, Instituto del Ciudadano
2.2. FORO 06 AGOSTO 2001
• Eliana Huaco Valenzuela, Canal A
• Walter Salcedo, Radio Arequipa
• Dora Guillen de Arce, Municipalidad Provincial de
Arequipa • Miguel Damiani , Dirección de Vivienda
• Cesar Luque Arrospide, Municipalidad Provincial de • Walter Porras, Radio Líder
• Julio Alberto Peralta Arana
• Porfirio Soto Ramos, Municipalidad Provincial de
Arequipa • Juan Salvatierra Chirinos

• José María Herrera Valdivia, Dirección de • Manuel Chacón V.

Educación • Gabriela Guillén
• Gregorio Venegas Madani, Dirección Agricultura • Hugo Rodríguez Arias
• Alejandro Vela Quico • Víctor Calizaza Llerena., Dirección de Vivienda

AQPlan 21 105
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Julio Pacara • Julio Alvarado T., ONG SIDEC
• Eduardo Covinos Sánchez • Freddy Morón Torres, CTAR
• Renso Bustamante, Arzobispado • Edwin Alvarado Ríos
• Arturo Portilla Valdivia, CEDER • Doris Perea Pacheco
• Jorge Abarca Fernández, Municipalidad de • Alejandro Paccha Cornejo
• Juana Velarde Chura
• Cristina Madani Choque, Vaso de Leche
• Isidro Ticona Mercado, Periodista
• Patricia Maraví Gálvez, Instituto del Ciudadano
• Miguel Prieto S.
• Oscar Toro
• Luis Sandro Huarhua, Actualidad del Sur
• Rodolfo Marquina
• Patricia Pozo Benavides, Instituto del Ciudadano
• René Apaza, Caproda
• Fernando Málaga Gonzáles, Decano FAU
• Silvia Moreno Roque, Caproda Universidad Nacional de San Agustín
• Eduardo Cabrera Gómez, ASPRODUCTO • María Elena Alegre Ch., WARMI WASI
• Mirtha Salinas Bernal, CIED • Carlos Meneses Cornejo, Arequipa Al Día
• José Portugal Pereira, Municipalidad Provincial de • José Luis Castañeda Seminario, Diario La
Arequipa República
• Juan José Talavera • Luis Zaraúz Suárez
• Elías Rojas Paredes, Frente Amplio • José Lombarda Indacochea, Hábitat Arequipa
• Edmundo Paredes del Carpio • Arturo Portilla, CEDER
• Aymé Soledad Torres Choque, Universidad • Lucio Candia Ramírez, Municipalidad Distrital Alto
Nacional de San Agustín Selva Alegre
• Jorge Herrera Paredes, AUTODEMA • Ángel Linares Portilla, Municipalidad de Characato
• Gerardo Sotelo Bueno, AUTODEMA • Benigno Cornejo Valencia, Municipalidad de Cerro
• Alfredo Díaz C., CADAE
• Simón Balbuena Marroquín, Municipalidad de
• César Zúñiga, Sindicato de Construcción Civil Hunter
• Fidel Urday Concha • Juan Portilla, Municipalidad Mariano Melgar
• Percy Santander Uribe • Fidel Puma T., Municipalidad Mariano Melgar
• Martín Rodríguez Salazar, SEDAPAR • Luis Rodríguez Álvarez, Municipalidad de Sachaca
• René Regente Pacheco, Municipalidad Distrital de • Luis Tejada Pinto, Municipalidad de Socabaya
• Fernando Paredes, Cámara de Comercio
• Mariela Dueñas Silva

AQPlan 21 106
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Dember Arce Muñoz, Colegio de Arquitectos del • Arturo Portilla Valdivia, ONG CEDER
• Manuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Universidad Nacional de
• Orlando Menéndez Vallejos, Colegio de Periodistas San Agustín
• Luis Yupra P., CTAR • Cesar Luque Arrospide, Municipalidad Provincial de
• José Valdivia Bernedo, Banco de Materiales
• Manuel Bedregal Salas, Universidad San Pablo
• Pedro Martín Gutiérrez Calderón, Dirección de
Educación • Manuel Chacón Villalba, AQPlan 21
• Luis Vilchez Ch., Sociedad Eléctrica de Arequipa • Jorge Lira Torres, Municipalidad Provincial de
• Virgilio Torres Tovar, SENATI
• José Luis López, ONG LABOR
• Luis Sardón, INC
• Raúl Damiani Najarro, AQPlan 21
• Cristian Mendive, Alianza Francesa
• Beatriz Vilca Pacheco, ONG El Taller
• Carmen Delia Vásquez, Municipalidad Provincial de
Arequipa • Jorge Cárdenas Cuba, AQPlan 21
• Dora Guillen Tamayo, Municipalidad Provincial de • Freddy Valdivia Montoya, Municipalidad J. L.
Arequipa Bustamante y Rivero
• Félix Montesinos Cabrera, Municipalidad Provincial • Ricardo Yáñez Delgado, Municipalidad J. L.
de Arequipa Bustamante y Rivero
• José Luis Ancco, Municipalidad Provincial de • Julio Díaz Palacios, Foro Ciudades para la Vida
• James Glos Olszfwski, Yachay Wasi
• Roberto Rodríguez P., Municipalidad J. L.
Bustamante y Rivero • Juana Loayza de Espinoza, Yachay Wasi

• José Lombardi Indacochea, Hábitat Arequipa • Janette Pacheco Santos, ONG El Taller

2.3. MESA DE TRABAJO 26 setiembre 2001 2.4. TALLER DE ANÁLISIS PEAM 12 marzo 2002

• Jorge Calle Rodríguez, Municipalidad Provincial de

Arequipa • Juan Manuel Guillen Benavides, Alcalde Provincial
de Arequipa
• Luis Ampuero Bejarano, Municipalidad Provincial
de Arequipa • Edgardo Ramírez Chirinos, AQPlan 21

• Adolfo Achata Paiva, CIED • Julio Díaz Palacios, REDAL21 (ICLEI-GTZ)

• Edwin Guzmán Espesúa, ONG LABOR • Delfor Sarmiento Pinto, Regidor MPA

• Noel Abarca Begazo, Municipalidad Provincial de • José Luis López Follegati, Asesor
Arequipa • Roberto Arroyo Hurtado, UNI

AQPlan 21 107
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Edwin Guzmán Espesúa, ONG Labor • Econ. Carmen Delia Vásquez, Oficina de
Planificación y Presupuesto – MPA
• Jesús Chacón Villalba, AQPlan 21
• Ing. Jorge Bejar Apaza, Oficina PROCHILI – MPA
• Jessica Pineda Zumarán, AQPlan 21
• Soc. Noel Abarca Begazo, Participación Ciudadana
• Noel Abarca, Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa - MPA
• Raúl Damiani Najarro, AQPlan 21 • Arq. Víctor Calizaya Llerena, Dirección de VIVIENDA
• Gustavo Delgado Alvarado, AQPlan 21 y Construcción

• Melva Morón Fernández, AQPlan 21 • Arq. Marcos Miranda Castillo, Dirección Ejecutiva
de Vivienda
• Jorge Cárdenas Cuba, AQPlan 21
• Ec. Jorge Herrera Paredes, Oficina de Planificación
• Julio Azpilicueta Barbachán, AQPlan 21 y Presupuesto - AUTODEMA
• Abg. Agustín Valencia Dongo, CÁMARA DE
• Sr. Pablo Alcazar Z., CÁMARA DE COMERCIO E
• Ec. Bernabé Pacheco Santos, Oficina de
Planificación y Presupuesto - CTAR
3.1. PRIMER TALLER DE VALIDACION • Arq. Juan José Purisaca Serrato, SENCICO
Arequipa, 2002 mayo 09 • Ing. Juan Salvatierra Chirinos, TELEFÓNICA
• Blgo. Alberto Cáceres Huambo, COLEGIO DE
• Dr. Juan Manuel Guillén Benavides, Alcalde BIÓLOGOS
Provincial de Arequipa – MPA
• Arq. Manuel Rodriguez Álvarez, MAESTRIA FAU –
• Dr. Julio Diaz Palacios, REDAL 21 (ICLEI-GTZ) UNSA
• Econ. Manuel Bedregal, Universidad San Pablo • Ing. Eduardo Talavera, Consejo Nacional del Medio
Ambiente – CONAN
• Arq. Luis Maldonado Valz, Oficina de la
Superintendencia del Centro Histórico - MPA • Sr. José Espinoza Loayza, ONG YACHAYWASI
• Ing. Porfirio Soto Ramos, Oficina de Desarrollo • Prof. Nardy Rosado, ONG YACHAYWASI
urbano - MPA
• Soc. Jeannette Pacheco Santos, ONG EL TALLER
• Arq. César Luque Arróspide, Oficina de Transportes
• Soc. José Lombardi, ONG HABITAT
• Soc. Edwin Guzman Espezúa, ONG LABOR
• Ing. Víctor Salas Zea, Oficina de Transportes - MPA
• Abog. Rosario Flor Flores, RED PROMOCION DE
• Ing. Percy D.Valdivia López, Oficina de Transportes
• Soc. Patricia Salas, ONG ANDES
• Econ. Jorge Lira Torres, Instituto Vialidad Municipal

AQPlan 21 108
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Sr. Jafet Linares Aparicio, ONG Visión de • CPC. Pedro Pineda Herrera, Instituto Superior de
Desarrollo Rural Turismo Elmer Faucett
• Arq. Michael Alfaro Gómez, Asociación Civil AQP • Prof. Virgilio Rodríguez, Instituto Superior de
VErde Turismo Elmer Faucett
• Abog. Maria Elena Alegre, ONG WARMI WASI • Prof. Elizabet Escalante Quispe, Colegio Honorio
Delgado Espinoza
• Srta. Jenny Carmen Peña Aranibar, Diario CORREO
• Sr. Jaime Paredes Calla, Tercio Estudiantil
• Ing. Miguel Ocharán P., UNSA Derecho, UNSA.
• Arqta.Luz María Torres Tejada • Arq. Enrique Salas Manrique, UNSA.
• Arq. Aldilio Valdivia Rodríguez


3.2. SEGUNDO TALLER DE VALIDACION Arequipa, 2002 mayo 24
Arequipa, 2002 mayo 17
• Planif. José Luis López Follegati, Moderador
• Antrop. Roberto Arroyo Hurtado, Moderador • Econ. Jafer Linares Aparicio, Asociación Visión de
• Dr. Rolando Linares L., Universidad Católica Santa Desarrollo Rural
María • Sr. Julio Cárdenas Manzaneda, Sindicato de
Obrero Minero Cerro Verde
• Arq. Fernando Málaga Medina, Facultad de
Arquitectura y Urbanismo UNSA • Sr. Leonardo Huamaní, Asociación de
Urbanizaciones Populares de Arequipa AUPA
• Arq. José Salas Ramos, Instituto Regional de
Ciencias Ambientales UNSA • Sra. Judith Morales Huacoto, Federación de
Mercados (Mercado San Camilo)
• Dr. Jorge Sumari Buendía, Facultad de Derecho
UNSA • Sra. Juana Treviños O., Federación de Mercados
(Mercado San Camilo)
• Ing. Arturo Arroyo Ambía, Facultad de Ingeniería
Civil UNSA • Sr. Miguel Gutierrez C., Asociación Coalición
Obrera de los Barrios y Socios Mutuos S.A.
• Arqta. Patricia Cárdenas N., Instituto de Educación
Superior SENCICO • Sra. Consuelo Sardón, Junta Vecinal Nicolás de
• Arq. Gonzalo Ríos Vizcarra, Instituto Nacional de
• Sr. Teófilo Vilca R. , Junta Vecinal IV Centenerio
• Sra. Amparo Manrique de Cabrera, Junta Vecinal
• Téc. Luz Luna Meléndez, Instituto Nacional de
IV Centenerio
Estadística e Informática
• Sr. Julio Alemán B., Junta Vecinal Jorge Chávez
• Sr. Alfonso Hurtado Quispe, Instituto Superior de
Arte Carlos Baca Flor • Sr. Víctor Oporto, ASOMA Miguel Graú
• Sr. Eleazar Abarca, Cámara de Asociaciones de

AQPlan 21 109
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
• Sr. José Clavijo Velarde, Sociedad Agrícola de
• Arq. Juan José Areans Neira, Comité Técnico
Metropolitano, Municipalidad de Cayma
• Srta. Isabel Hinojosa Reinoso, Comité Técnico
Metropolitano, Municipalidad de Mno. Melgar
• Sr. Luis Ticona Postigo, Comité Técnico
Metropolitano, Municipalidad de Mno. Melgar
• Arq. Öscar Delgado Romero, Comité Técnico
Metropolitano, Municipalidad de Yanahuara
• Bach. Arq. Patricia Morales Rivera, Comité Técnico
Metropolitano, Municipalidad de Uchumayo
• Arq. José Cuadros Zárate, Comité Técnico
Metropolitano, Municipalidades de Vitor, San Juan
de Siguas y Santa Isabel de Siguas
• Arq. Aldilio Valdivia Rodríguez, Comité Técnico
Metropolitano, Municipalidad de Sachaca
• Arq. Víctor Diban R., Comité Técnico Metropolitano,
Municipalidad de José Luis Bustamante y Rivero
• Sr. Roberto Rodríguez P., Comité Técnico
Metropolitano, Municipalidad de José Luis
Bustamante y Rivero
• Arq. Renee V. Regente P., Comité Técnico
Metropolitano, Municipalidad de Jacobo Hunter
• Dr. Edgar Borda Rivero, Universidad Católica Santa
• Sr. Germán A. Vargas Olivera, CICA – UCSM
• Sr. Jorge Barbosa, BRITISH OAK. SAC.
• Sr. Luis Orihuela S., ONG. Cima Verde
• Srta. Ana María Paredes Díaz, Red de Participación
• Sr. Luis Gutierrez Torres, Red de Participación
• Sr. Hugo Osorio, Red de Participación Ciudadana
• Sr. Víctor Medina R., Red de Participación

AQPlan 21 110
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
ANEXO 2 2015?
It constitutes in the “city picture we want”, built and
ABSTRACT shared up by institutional actors who participate in the
“City Project” formulating process for Metropolitan
Arequipa, being a bet to the future capable to organize
and mobilise different social, political and economic
WHAT IS AQPLAN ALL ABOUT? sectors to transform and modify the current situation
and set the future course of Arequipa with a strategic
It is a social, political and technical process promoted thinking, offering the leaders and community the
by the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa, with the opportunity to go forwards real possibilities of
purpose to enforce “A City Project” which will give development.
answers to social, economic, physical and
The citizens, therefore want a:
environmental factors lack in Arequipa, and tackle the
challenges that modernity poses in the new century,
such as: reduce big dissimilarities, to optimise the use
of economic and natural resources, to increase the level Arequipa, Humanity World Heritage, volcanic and
of urban productivity, among others, in order to revolutionary; solidary and co-manager of South Macro
propitiate a jump forward in the well-being of its Regional development.
inhabitants, their activities and institutions, mobilizing Arequipa, susteinable city which offers competitive
and articulating initiatives to undertake innovating services, human capabilities and quality of life, in
projects, which will improve livelihood conditions in harmony with its landscape.
Metropolitan Arequipa.
Arequipa, the melting pot of new peruanity in a
decentralized democracy.


If we want a city that copes the solutions of complex ƒ Metropolitan Arequipa Strategic Plan (PEAM)
urban problems with effectiveness, we must look into
innovated and creative development models calling It is a joined, participatory and agreed action plan
upon the participation of different agents involved in the which acts as a transformation instrument and
daily city activity. promotes a strategic integrated participation among
Building up the “City Project” under future approach all actors that build the city, propitiating the public-
thinking, oblige to use new concepts in planning and private cooperation in developing strategic projects,
urban development, being capable to generate achieving to raise the quality of life in Arequipa.
harmonic and complementarily relationships between
economic growth, equity and efficiency in the social
benefits distribution, and the preservation of cultural and ƒ The Urban Master Plan (PD)
natural resources, to improve habitability and to raise the
quality of life. This development option is the so called It is a technical and set of rules document, which
“Sustainable Development” directs the municipal control on urban growth of
Arequipa in terms of land use, urban expansion,
activities localization and well functioning of the city.

AQPlan 21 111
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
It is equally a guideline for urban investment from WHAT ARE THE PROPOSALS ?
authorities, investors, institutions and citizens in the
territory, in the perspective to build the physical In the Metropolitan Arequipa Strategic Plan (PEAM), the
support for the "City Project”. proposals are formulated according to the action areas
by means of strategies, which when being approached,
will allow to achieve the vision.
AREAS? Strategic Axis 1: City of the Microregional South
They are the dimensions or aspects that Arequipa
requires to approach in order to accomplish the Strengthening Arequipa as promoter of the Macro
"Shared Vision of Development 2015", based on the Regional South integration and centre of high quality
city´s strengths and opportunities which can be advanced services with national and international
transformed in positive levers for change, being scope.
constituted in key factors of success. These are five:
ƒ To encrease the quality of Education, promoting
ƒ The strategic location of the city in the Macro South the investigation, the science and the technology
Region, has positioned it as a pole of attraction in development, in order to prepare high
the development of services, strengthening its specialization boards of professional and
capacity for the access to knowledge and technicians.
investigation development, technology, science and
culture. ƒ To promote outside the Positive Image of the City
ƒ The institutional and social integration and starting from the cultural and natural tourist offer,
articulation, the family cohesion and the people's using marketing techniques and modern means of
persevering and strong and laborious character, communication.
places the city in an appropriate levels for optimum
development of humans capacities and the access ƒ To connect Arequipa appropriately with its
to information. regional and national context, optimising the
ƒ The beauty and attractive natural urban communications infrastructure, its location in the
environment, the pleasant climate, the consolidation Macro South Region and the attraction of
level and the great coverage of basic services and investments.
equipment of the city, constitute in attractive factors
for people that inhabits and visits it, thus being
important, the development of Sustainable Urban Strategic Axis 2: City of the Culture and Knowledge
ƒ The Historical Centre of Arequipa, recognized as
Developing human capabilities to generate the
Cultural Heritage of Humanity, as stated by the
necessary conditions oriented to positive
UNESCO, and the Countryside Rural Heritage, has
transformation of the reality, and to allow Arequipa to
conditions to be increased, promoted, diffused and
be positioned as the city of culture and knowledge.
"lunch it", to local, national and international
community service.
ƒ To strengthen the organization and social cohesion
ƒ The attributions conferred by law to the local
levels, involving the local inhabitants actively around
government, the planning and the process of
common problems and broaden the offer of urban
decentralization in a democratic and participatory
public spaces.
ambient, constitutes in positive aspects for
development and good governance of the city.

AQPlan 21 112
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
ƒ To motivate the development of local capabilities ƒ Integration of the Cultural Heritage built in a system
reorienting the educational formation (especially and articulate it into the city activities and dynamics,
children and young, with equity gender approach), increasing and broaden the tourist offer of Arequipa.
to the city’s competitive offer, achieving its insertion
in the labour market.

ƒ To promote the local identity and culture, based on Strategic Axis 5: Decentralized and Participatory city.
the recovery of positive qualities and traditions of
Arequipa citizens. To positionate local governments as leaders and
promoters of development, in cooperation with public-
private institutions and citizenship, facilitating the
Strategic Axis 3: Attractive and Warm city conditions for Individual and Collective Development.

Protection and improvement of the urban-natural ƒ To strengthen the local government's leadership, by
qualities and environmental conditions, by revaluating its means of reengineering and institutional
natural context to make Arequipa an attractive and modernization.
beautiful city for local inhabitants and visitors.
ƒ Promotion of local government and public-private
ƒ To configure a city of high environmental quality, interinstitutional arrangements and cooperation to
preserving the countryside, recovering the river Chili exchange information, in the attainment of strategic
and making rational use of its natural resources, partners for the city development.
integrating them to the metropolitan ecosystem,
through the integral treatment of these areas. ƒ Promotion of Citizen Participattion processes in
formulating, execution and auditing of Development
ƒ To consolidate a safety city, defining and restricting Plans.
the land use in risk areas by locating protected
areas reducing the city urban vulnerability. Starting from these strategies, a series of programs are
elaborated, which are developed with the formulation of
ƒ To build an orderly city, consolidating and projects.
generating urban centralities as attractions for the
public-private investment, and the creation of Macro
Regional equipment scope.
In the Urban Master Plan (PD), the proposals are
ƒ To transform the city into an efficient urban system, expressed as driving forces and they constitute the key
articulating and integrating it through a multi modal, elements for the future organization and functioning of
safety, quick and non pollutant transport system. the city. It intends to make Arequipa a:

Strategic Axis 4: World Heritage City ƒ City with regional scope

ƒ City with productive efficiency and opportunities
To incorporate the Cultural Heritage of Arequipa to the ƒ Equity city
city urban dynamics for its use, enjoyment and benefit, ƒ Safety city with environmental quality
on the part of local, national and international ƒ Lineal and multifocal City, prepared for the growth
community, being appropriated in the collective memory ƒ City integrated by its transport and public spaces
and reaffirming its identity. ƒ City with cultural creativity.

AQPlan 21 113
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
ƒ The Participatory Budgets
The Plan execution identifies the Local Government as
the leader, promoter and facilitator, that propitiates a They generate spaces of civic participation in the
favourable environment among the Plan executioners municipal management, propitiating transparency,
actors, looking forward to assure the feasibility and consensus and collective commitments on the
sustainability of the City Project. For this it is required to investments, expenses and the works to be
create, to take and to apply mechanisms, spaces and executed.
instruments of Urban Management to facilitate the
implementation and synchronization of the Metropolitan ƒ The Open Projects Portfolio
Arequipa Strategic Plan (PEAM) and the Urban Master
Plan (PD). This will allow to improve the levels of It registers, prioritises and programs the execution
efficiency, effectiveness and coherence to the technical of projects, allowing the reception of new initiatives
and political decisions. These instruments are: and their incorporation in the successive annual

The Legal Instruments

The Functional Structure for the Implementation and
ƒ Framework Law of Decentralization Execution of the Plan
ƒ Organic Law of Municipalities
ƒ Ministerial Resolution for the Promulgation of ƒ The Metropolitan Assembly
Institutional Strategic Plans No. 084-2001-EF710
ƒ National Strategic Plan 2002-2006 Basic It constitutes the main impeller and executioner of
Guidelines the Plan, led by the Provincial Mayor and conformed
by the Provincial Municipality and District
Municipalities. It determines the general politics of
After the consultations and previous evaluations, the the Plan, setting down the bases of the future
Plan will be approved by Municipal Council agreement Metropolitan Government.
of the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa, aided by the
attributions that the law confers in territorial planning ƒ The Promoter Group
matters, guaranteeing its legal institutionalisation.
Conformed by the public-private sectors, institutions
and the civil society organisations of Arequipa, it
The Financial Instruments constitutes in the instance that supports, bucks and
impels the general politics of the Plan.
They look for to give the necessary economic support to
execute the programs and necessary projects for the ƒ The Advisory Group
development of Arequipa. They consider:
It is the consultation and technical supervision office
ƒ The Investments Plan of the Plan. It promotes innovations, offers
orientation and specialized technical assistance. It
It budgets and points out the different financing carries out a coordinated work with the Metropolitan
sources of identified projects, being the referent for City Council, the Promoter Group and the Tables of
the economic feasibility execution, involving the Civic Agreement and the AQPlan 21Technical
participation and commitment of the financial Office.

AQPlan 21 114
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
ƒ The Citizen Agreement Tables

They are socialization, discussion and debate

instances of the Plan organized by central themes,
with a great participation of institutional actors, in
order to achieve agreement and coordination
among citizen’s initiatives that contribute and
upgrade the process.

ƒ The AQPlan 21Technical Office

It is the operative instance and it constitutes in the

Technical Secretary of Metropolitan Assembly. It
formulates projects, looks for financial consensus,
contacts with the international technical cooperation
and carries out the monitoring, evaluation and
upgrading of the Plan. Strategically it counts with the
support of universities, ONG's and the International
Technical Cooperation.

The Promotion and the Communication of the Plan

As a permanent process that motivates knowledge,

participation and discussion of the contents, operation
and projects of the Plan, it is carried out by
government's offices, companies, universities, labour
unions, ONG's, communities base organizations and
general public.

This process is undertaking through: presentations to

interest groups, days of strategic planning in the
academic field with citizen projection and the publication
of the Plan’s documents.

AQPlan 21 115
Plan Estratégico de Arequipa Metropolitana Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
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