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Institución Educativa San Francisco De

“Que siembre luz para que otro encuentre el camino”
F – A – 004
Guía # 13 Versión 02


DOCENTE Jairo Góngora Medrano GRADO


EJE TEMATICO Have to for obligation or necessity
Iniciaremos la clase recordando lo que habíamos estudiado en la clase anterior, y les explicare que la
familia modal esta integrada por varios verbos modales, y que en esta guía abordaremos HAVE TO. Los
estudiantes recordaran el significado de este verbo y lo utilizaran en diferentes momentos guiados por el
docente. Preguntare por el uso de este verbo en el presente simple, lo cual nos ayudara a comprender el
uso de este como un modal.



Obligación en inglés: HAVE TO
Los tiempos modales se dividen entre AUXILIARES modales (must, can, may/might, should) y VERBOS
modales, como need to o have to. La obligación en inglés: HAVE TO es, sin duda alguna, uno de los
verbos modales más conocidos, pero también uno de los más complicados a la hora de utilizar.
Por lo tanto, primero aprenderás a construir frases con obligación en inglés: HAVE TO para que veas la
diferencia entre un auxiliar modal y un verbo modal.

Estructura de la obligación en inglés: HAVE TO

La obligación en inglés: HAVE TO actúa igual que un VERBO, aunque al 50%. Así que, necesita otro a
su lado para tener significado completo. En otras palabras, el verbo adquiere forma de perífrasis verbal.
Debido a esto, la estructura normal de una frase en inglés (SUJETO + AUXILIAR + VERBO +
OBJETO) sufre una sencilla modificación que te deja lo siguiente:
En cuanto al auxiliar, recuerda que HAVE TO es otra forma de HAVE y HAVE GOT. O sea, que es un
verbo estático, por lo que sigue las reglas de los tiempos simples.

Cuándo lo utilizamos?
El diálogo anterior nos muestra alguno de los usos que tiene “to have”:

1. Como verbo principal

Probablemente, el significado más corriente de “to have” como verbo principal es ‘tener’:

Well, you still have time (Bueno, aún tienes tiempo).

Jane has an identical twin sister (Jane tiene una hermana gemela).
Do you have any idea where I left my keys? (¿Tienes idea de dónde dejé mis llaves?).

También se utiliza en expresiones que en español se traducen por ‘tomar’ o ‘echar’, y en

ocasiones por otros verbos más específicos, en función de la palabra que acompañe a
“to have”:

We’re going to have a drink tonight after work if you want to come? (Vamos a tomar algo
esta noche después del trabajo, por si quieres venir).
John’s having a shower, but he’ll be here soon (John se está duchando, pero vendrá
You look exhausted! Why don’t you have a nap? (¡Se te ve cansadísima! ¿Por qué no te
echas la siesta?).

2. Como verbo auxiliar

“To have” se emplea como verbo auxiliar (equivalente a “haber” en español) en

el present perfect (simple y continuo) y en el past perfect (simple y continuo):

I’ve been living here since 2003 (Llevo viviendo aquí desde 2003).
Has he finished his lunch yet? (¿Ha terminado ya de comer?).
Chloe had been working all morning and she decided it was time for a break (Chloe había
estado trabajando toda la mañana y decidió que era hora de hacer una pausa).
Before he moved to Madrid, Iker had lived in Valencia for seven years (Antes de mudarse
a Madrid, Iker había vivido siete años en Valencia).

3. “Have to”

Utilizamos “to have to” como verbo modal para hablar de obligaciones, generalmente
externas (normas, leyes, etc.):

If you want to learn to drive, you have to take lessons at a recognised school (Si quieres
aprender a conducir, debes dar clases en una autoescuela acreditada).


2 de
Moha can’t come to the party tomorrow, he has to work (Moha no puede venir a la fiesta
mañana, tiene que trabajar).

Do I have to clean the kitchen right now? (¿Tengo que limpiar la cocina ahora mismo?).

¿Qué reglas hay que tener en cuenta?

Las reglas son bastante sencillas. Vamos a verlas, empezando con el presente simple,
en el que no debes olvidar que en la tercera persona del singular la forma es “has” en vez
de “have”.

Present simple

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I have a new car. I don’t have a new Do you have a

Tengo un coche nuevo. car. No tengo un new car?
coche nuevo. ¿Tienes un
coche nuevo?

(He/She) It has It doesn’t have Does it have

a sunroof. a sunroof. a sunroof?
Tiene techo solar. No tiene techo solar. ¿Tiene techo solar?

We have long hair. We don’t have Do we have long hair?

Tenemos / long hair. ¿Tenemos /
Llevamos el pelo largo. No tenemos / No Llevamos el
llevamos el pelo pelo largo?

They have a lot They don’t have a Do they have a lot

of books. lot of books. of books
Tienen muchos libros. No tienen ¿Tienen
muchos libros. muchos libros?

En el past simple solo existe una forma propia, que se emplea en afirmativo:

Past simple

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

He had a lot of money. He didn’t have a lot Did he have a lot of

Tenía mucho dinero. of money. money?¿Tenía
No tenía mucho dinero. mucho dinero?

En el present perfect simple y en el continuo utilizamos tanto “have” como “has” (para la
tercera persona de singular), que por lo general se contraen, convirtiéndose
respectivamente en “’ve” y “’s”


Lee detenidamente la información anterior, la explicación dada por el profeso y tus conocimientos para
desarrollar cada una de las siguientes actividadaes.

must and have to

had to – don’t have- doesn’t have- didn’t
ACTIVITY # 1 have

Fill the spaces in the following sentences using must or the present, future, or past form of have
1 She has to leave home at eight every morning at present.
2 Notice in a picture gallery: Cameras, sticks and umbrellas must be left at the desk.
3 He sees very badly; he has to wear glasses all the time.
4 I have to do all the typing at my office.
5 You must read this book. It's really excellent.
6 The children have to play in the streets till their mothers get home from work.
7 She felt ill and had to leave early.
8 Mr Pitt has to cook his own meals. His wife is away.
9 I hadn't enough money and I had to pay by cheque.
10 I never remember his address; I always have to look it up.
11 Employer: You must come to work in time.
12 If you go to a dentist with a private practice youWill have to pay him quite a lot
of wimoney.
13 Father to small son: You must do what Mummy says.
14 My neighbour's child has to practise the piano for three hours a day.
15 Doctor: I can't come now.
Caller: You must come; he's terribly ill.
16 English children have to stay at school till the age of 16.
17 In my district there is no gas laid on. People have to use electricity for everything.
18 Notice above petrol pump: All engines must be switched off.
19 Mother to daughter: You must come in earlier at night.
20 The shops here don't deliver. We have to carry everything home ourselves.
21 The buses were all full; I had to get a taxi.
22 Notice beside escalators: Dogs and push chairs must be carried.
23 'Au pair' girls usually have to do quite a lot of housework.
24 Tell her that she must be here by six. I insist on it.
25 When a tyre is punctured the driver has to change the wheel.
26 Park notice: All dogs must be kept on leads.
27 She will have to learn how to drive when her local railway station is closed.
28 Railway notice: Passengers must cross the line by the footbridge.
29 I got lost and had to ask a policeman the way.
30 Farmers have to get up early.
31 If you buy that television set you will have to buy a license for it.
32 When I changed my job I had to move to another flat.
33 Waiters have to pay tax on the tips that they receive.
34 Father to son: I can't support you any longer; you will have to earn your own living from
now on.
35 Railway notice: Passenger must be in posesión of a ticket.
36 Whenever the dog wants to go out 1 have to get up and open the door.

Activity # 2

My name is sair jair cervantes guzman

1. my mother must cook
2. she has to wash and organize the clothes

3. she help us with your homework

4. my mother has to comb my sister's hair

5. she must buy food

Activity #3
Selecciona 10 de las oraciones de la actividad #1, y escríbelas en las formas negativas e

1 She has to leave home at eight every morning at present.

Neg: She doesn't have to leave the house at eight every morning today.
Interr: Does she have to leave the house at eight in the morning?

2 . I have to do all the typing at my office.


4 You must read this book. It's really excellent.
5 The children have to play in the streets till their mothers get home from work.
6 She felt ill and had to leave early.
7 Mr Pitt has to cook his own meals. His wife is away.
8 I hadn't enough money and I had to pay by cheque.
9 I never remember his address; I always have to look it up.
Actividad # 4
Answer these questios about yourself

What do you have to do with guide # thirteen?

Where did you have to buy when you were a
child? Why do you have to stydy hard?
How does Maria have to practice if she wants to learn how to swim very fast?
Who does Jose have to help if he is at home?
Does your mother have to cook everyday at home?
Did your best friend have to help you with your homework?
Whose work did you have to do when you were at school last
year? Where does Ana have to go if she wants to watch an
excellent film? Where do you have to keep a soda if you want to
keep it cold?

m Islcollective.



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